Biegenwald to Die Jury Sentences Mass Murderer for Second Time 72-Year-Old Victim Had Been by SEAMUS Mcgraw Burned
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Register's Top 10 wrestling leaders stand pat, 1B ThMONMOUTH eCOUNTY'S HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER SINCE 1878 TUESDAY, JAN. 24, 1989 VOL. 111 NO. 95 25 CENTS Middletown teachers protest cuts in state education funds By VIRGINIA KENT DORRIS I til. REGISTER We're supposed to have full funding. If you mandate a thorough and efficient education you should pay for it. MIDDLETOWN — Raising then fists in ,i show of strength and anger, more than 60 Roberta Gauvreau I hompson Middle School teachers \estei- Thompson Middle School teacher ilitj protested Gov. Thomas Kcan's an- nounced cuts in state aid to education. teacher. "Without the funding, we may programs from the 1984-1440 budget. Kinging a large billboard on the school have only one period a day." Even with these cuts, he said, it will cost grounds that read "Governor Kean: We Under Kean's 1484 budget. Middletown residents an extra 27 cents per $100 of as- Ciinnol h\e with jour cuts." teachers said tan expect to receive $12.320.841 in stale sessed valuation to pay for education at its lhe\ feared that school programs, transpor- aid lor the 1989-1990 school year, only 74 current level. The added 27 cents would tation lor students and even their jobs are percent of its full funding entitlement, that bring the school tax rate of from $1.85 to threatened h\ the reduced stale aid. amount represents a cut of $610,582 from $2.12 per $100 of assessed valuation, and "We in Middletown Township are find- the $12,431,423 provided to the school dis- would add $243 to the tax bill of the owner ing our hi ml me being cut back — we maj trict h\ the state for the current year, when of a home assessed at $90,000. the town- lose programs like the gil'ted and talented the district received 89 percent of its lull ship average. program." said Howard Godfrey, who funding entitlement. Other revised Board of Education budget leaches science in that program. proposals, which include smaller tax in- "Kean enjoys a national reputation, and creases, would require larger cuts in pro- "We're supposed to have lull funding. II jet in his own stale what he is suggesting is grams and services. hypocracy," said Principal Patrick Hous- you mandate a thorough and efficient edu- One budget proposal, which includes a ton. "The nation should take a look at what cation Mm should pa\ for it." said Roberta 12-cenl increase per $100 of assessed valu- he is doing as the "education governor." " (iuuvrcau. an art teacher. ation, would require the district to elimi- "Now we have a double period of lan- Earlier this month. Houston said, the nate 37 staff positions, after-school bus ser- THE REGISTER/CHET GORDON guage arts evers day — one reading and township's Hoard of Education moved to vice and middle school interscholastic BIG MESSAGE — Patrick Houston, principal of Thompson Middle School in literature and the other grammar and writ- cut funding for some planned maintenance, athletic programs, among other items. Middletown, and assista'nt principal Maureen Mulholland look over the ing." said Rosemarie Knawa. an English furniture replacement, and several school See TEACHERS Page 2A schools message board yesterday during a faculty protest of school aid cuts. Hazlet woman slain in fire at apartment Biegenwald to die Jury sentences mass murderer for second time 72-year-old victim had been By SEAMUS McGRAW burned. Brodcrick said, or whether state's capital punishment law iwo years ago. THE REGISTER she had fallen victim lo smoke and By NED KILKELLY "You have a human life here thai has had no value heal. THE. REGISTER until loday. but God gave it and only God can lake ii A detective on the scene had away," defense attorney Louis Diamond lold the jury HAZLET — Investigators are (old Broderick that it did not ap- in his closing argument. still living to determine what pear that she had been burned. FREEHOLD — For the second time, a slate Supe- " Ml this man had on his mind was killing, killing, .'iiused an early-morning blaze >cs- Broderick said, but a final deter- rior Court jury yeslerdav unanimously sentenced killing." said Assistani Prosecutor James Fagen in the leidav al the Bethany Towers se- mination will not be made until convicted mass killer Richard Biegenwald lo die hv state's summation. nior cili/en complex lhat claimed ihi- Monmoiith County Medical lethal injection, rejecting a defense attorney's request Biegenwald showed no emotion when his sentence the life of a 72-year-old woman Examiner examines the body. lhat his life be spared so his psychopathic tendencies was read yesterday by Judge Patrick j. McGann Jr.. and sent six other people to the Investigators do not know yet could be studied by doctors. before a courtroom audience that included members hospital. how long ihe fire may have burned of ihe Monmouth County Prosecutor's Office, armed The Asbury Park man's sentence makes him the guards from Trenlon Slale Prison, one Superior According to police reports. Vir- before the alarm was received, but RICHARD BIEQENWALD first person to face the death penaltv since the Male Court ludge. and television and print reponers. ginia Taylor was alone in her sev- Broderick noted lhat no private Condemned by jury Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the See JURY Page 2A enth floor apartment at the com- reports had been received before plex shortl) alter 5:15 a.m.. when the alarm — an indication, he the lire broke out near her bed. said, "lhat it had not been going on long al all." Police showed up al ihe'scene Broderick said thai the blaze, Proposed almost immediately, l.t. James which was confined lo one room Hroderick said, as did about 60 of the three-room apartment had firefighters from all three township been smoky, and added thai gener- pay raises lire companies, lla/let. West ally, smoke and heat causes more Keansburg and North ( enterv ille. fatalities than flame. Hui h> the time rescuers arrived. Al least six other people, two of draw ire I iiyloraheadv had succumbed. them policemen, were treated at It remains unclear whether the See FIRE. Page 2A By MIKE BURKE School to aid family THE REGISTER TINTQN FALLS — Although the municipal-purposes tax rale of cancer-stricken girl may plunge, one leader last night voiced strong opposition to pro- treat ihe cancer and to correct posed salary raises for some bo- rough officials and employees! By DONALD W. MEYERS complications at New York Hos- IHE REGISTER pital. She also has received radia- Borough Councilwoman Ernes- tion treatments at New York's line Taylor', blasted ihe planned Sloan Keilering Hospital. pa) hikes, which she said would LONG BRANCH — City civic Emmons' mother. Edna, said average 5 percent, as the council organizations are joining.students thai her daughter is progressing began its review of Ihe I'JXy bud- al ihe Middle School in rallying to well and lhat a one-year examina- gel proposed bv Mayor Joseph Ihe aid of a 13-year-old girl strick- tion revealed no sign of the cancer. Poremski. en with cancer. She will have to undngo four The mayor defended the hikes, Ihe Middle School Student more examinations hcforp>he can calling them comparable to those ( ouncil has declared February to be considered cured. r contemplated by other municipali- he Taniara Emmons Month. "1'm reallv fortunate thai Ihe ties. THE REGISTER/WILLIAM PERLMAN Ucording lo school Principal Jo- cancer didn't spread." Edna Em- Taylor's action, however, seph Ferraina. the bulk of several mons said, adding that her daugh- prompted the council lo continue scheduled fund-raising activ uies ter is expected to regain the func- Well-rounded student ils discussion behind closed doors w ill lake place then. tions she lost, such as walking, in due lo continuing negotiations \ form of brain cancer, mcdul- the future. Student of the Week Rob Bennett of Henry Hudson Regional School is on the Student Council, with several employee groups, said lohlasloma. was diagnosed in Em- However, as the cancer ravaged the school newspaper and three varsity teams. Bennett says he has found it's- possible to have Borough Administrator Nicholas mons last February. She has un- Emmons' body, the expense of too much of a good thing and now prides himself on being well-rounded. STORY, PAGE 5A. R."Smolncy. dergone surgery twice since to See FAMILY. Page 2A See TINTON FALLS. Page 2A Cleanup gang American tragedy Beach fee bonus THE BOTTOM LINE A proposed $2 limit on Qov. Thomas H. Kean and President Bush yesterday beach fees would leave shore Ann Landers 8A totteries 2A New York City Mayor Edward called abortion "our American Bloom County 6A Movies 6B I. Koch yesterday announced a tragedy" as nearly 70,000 towns $1.9 million in the red, Assemblyman John Villapiano Classified 8B Nation/World 7A program that will use protesters marked the said yesterday. Comics ,.. 7B Obituaries 4A minimum-security inmates to anniversary of the Supreme clean up garbage that has To cover the shortfall, Crossword 8A Sports IB Court's landmark decision washed onto area beaches. legalizing abortion. The march Villapiano yesterday Editorial :..,.: . 6A State 8B, organizer said the new introduced legislation to Entertainment 6B Television 5B The program is intended to clean 45 miles of New Jersey administration should "provide, provide $2 million for Horoscope 8A vVeather 4A shoreline and three Staten actions to carry out their communities that would be YOurTown 9A Living : - 10A Island beaches by June 1.