Bibliomania in the Middle Ages, by 1 CHAPTER I. CHAPTER II. CHAPTER III. CHAPTER IV. CHAPTER V. CHAPTER VI. CHAPTER VII. CHAPTER VIII. CHAPTER IX. CHAPTER X. CHAPTER XI. CHAPTER XII. CHAPTER XIII. Bibliomania in the Middle Ages, by Frederick Somner Merryweather This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg Bibliomania in the Middle Ages, by 2 License included with this eBook or online at Title: Bibliomania in the Middle Ages Author: Frederick Somner Merryweather Release Date: May 28, 2007 [EBook #21630] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK BIBLIOMANIA IN THE MIDDLE AGES *** Produced by Suzanne Lybarger, Brian Janes and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at BIBLIOMANIA IN THE MIDDLE AGES BY F. SOMNER MERRYWEATHER With an Introduction by CHARLES ORR Librarian of Case Library NEW YORK MEYER BROTHERS & COMPANY 1900 Copyright, 1900 By Meyer Bros. & Co. Louis Weiss & Co. Printers.... 118 Fulton Street ... New York Bibliomania in the Middle Ages, by 3 Bibliomania in the Middle Ages OR SKETCHES OF BOOKWORMS, COLLECTORS, BIBLE STUDENTS, SCRIBES AND ILLUMINATORS From the Anglo-Saxon and Norman Periods to the Introduction of Printing into England, with Anecdotes Illustrating the History of the Monastic Libraries of Great Britain in the Olden Time by F. Somner Merryweather, with an Introduction by Charles Orr, Librarian of Case Library. INTRODUCTION. In every century for more than two thousand years, many men have owed their chief enjoyment of life to books. The bibliomaniac of today had his prototype in ancient Rome, where book collecting was fashionable as early as the first century of the Christian era. Four centuries earlier there was an active trade in books at Athens, then the center of the book production of the world. This center of literary activity shifted to Alexandria during the third century B. C. through the patronage of Ptolemy Soter, the founder of the Alexandrian Museum, and of his son, Ptolemy Philadelphus; and later to Rome, where it remained for many centuries, and where bibliophiles and bibliomaniacs were gradually evolved, and from whence in time other countries were invaded. For the purposes of the present work the middle ages cover the period beginning with the seventh century and ending with the time of the invention of printing, or about seven hundred years, though they are more accurately bounded by the years 500 and 1500 A. D. It matters little, however, since there is no attempt at chronological arrangement. About the middle of the present century there began to be a disposition to grant to mediæval times their proper place in the history of the preservation and dissemination of books, and Merryweather's Bibliomania in the Middle Bibliomania in the Middle Ages, by 4 Ages was one of the earliest works in English devoted to the subject. Previous to that time, those ten centuries lying between the fall of the Roman Empire and the revival of learning were generally referred to as the Dark Ages, and historians and other writers were wont to treat them as having been without learning or scholarship of any kind. Even Mr. Hallam,[1] with all that judicial temperament and patient research to which we owe so much, could find no good to say of the Church or its institutions, characterizing the early university as the abode of "indigent vagabonds withdrawn from usual labor," and all monks as positive enemies of learning. The gloomy survey of Mr. Hallam, clouded no doubt by his antipathy to all things ecclesiastical, served, however, to arouse the interest of the period, which led to other studies with different results, and later writers were able to discern below the surface of religious fanaticism and superstition so characteristic of those centuries, much of interest in the history of literature; to show that every age produced learned and inquisitive men by whom books were highly prized and industriously collected for their own sakes; in short, to rescue the period from the stigma of absolute illiteracy. If the reader cares to pursue the subject further, after going through the fervid defense of the love of books in the middle ages, of which this is the introduction, he will find outside of its chapters abundant evidence that the production and care of books was a matter of great concern. In the pages of Mores Catholici; or Ages of Faith, by Mr. Kenelm Digby,[2] or of The Dark Ages, by Dr. S. R. Maitland,[3] or of that great work of recent years, Books and their Makers during the Middle Ages, by Mr. George Haven Putnam,[4] he will see vivid and interesting portraits of a great multitude of mediæval worthies who were almost lifelong lovers of learning and books, and zealous laborers in preserving, increasing and transmitting them. And though little of the mass that has come down to us was worthy of preservation on its own account as literature, it is exceedingly interesting as a record of centuries of industry in the face of such difficulties that to workers of a later period might have seemed insurmountable. Bibliomania in the Middle Ages, by 5 A further fact worthy of mention is that book production was from the art point of view fully abreast of the other arts during the period, as must be apparent to any one who examines the collections in some of the libraries of Europe. Much of this beauty was wrought for the love of the art itself. In the earlier centuries religious institutions absorbed nearly all the social intellectual movements as well as the possession of material riches and land. Kings and princes were occupied with distant wars which impoverished them and deprived literature and art of that patronage accorded to it in later times. There is occasional mention, however, of wealthy laymen, whose religious zeal induced them to give large sums of money for the copying and ornamentation of books; and there were in the abbeys and convents lay brothers whose fervent spirits, burning with poetical imagination, sought in these monastic retreats and the labor of writing, redemption from their past sins. These men of faith were happy to consecrate their whole existence to the ornamentation of a single sacred book, dedicated to the community, which gave them in exchange the necessaries of life. The labor of transcribing was held, in the monasteries, to be a full equivalent of manual labor in the field. The rule of St. Ferreol, written in the sixth century, says that, "He who does not turn up the earth with the plough ought to write the parchment with his fingers." Mention has been made of the difficulties under which books were produced; and this is a matter which we who enjoy the conveniences of modern writing and printing can little understand. The hardships of the scriptorium were greatest, of course, in winter. There were no fires in the often damp and ill-lighted cells, and the cold in some of the parts of Europe where books were produced must have been very severe. Parchment, the material generally used for writing upon after the seventh century, was at some periods so scarce that copyists were compelled to resort to the expedient of effacing the writing on old and less esteemed manuscripts.[5] The form of writing was stiff and regular and therefore exceedingly slow and irksome. Bibliomania in the Middle Ages, by 6 In some of the monasteries the scriptorium was at least at a later period, conducted more as a matter of commerce, and making of books became in time very profitable. The Church continued to hold the keys of knowledge and to control the means of productions; but the cloistered cell, where the monk or the layman, who had a penance to work off for a grave sin, had worked in solitude, gave way to the apartment specially set aside, where many persons could work together, usually under the direction of a librarius or chief scribe. In the more carefully constructed monasteries this apartment was so placed as to adjoin the calefactory, which allowed the introduction of hot air, when needed. The seriousness with which the business of copying was considered is well illustrated by the consecration of the scriptorium which was often done in words which may be thus translated: "Vouchsafe, O Lord, to bless this work-room of thy servants, that all which they write therein may be comprehended by their intelligence and realized in their work." While the work of the scribes was largely that of copying the scriptures, gospels, and books of devotion required for the service of the church, there was a considerable trade in books of a more secular kind. Particularly was this so in England. The large measure of attention given to the production of books of legends and romances was a distinguishing feature of the literature of England at least three centuries previous to the invention of printing. At about the twelfth century and after, there was a very large production and sale of books under such headings as chronicles, satires, sermons, works of science and medicine, treatises on style, prose romances and epics in verse. Of course a large proportion of these were written in or translated from the Latin, the former indicating a pretty general knowledge of that language among those who could buy or read books at all. That this familiarity with the Latin tongue was not confined to any particular country is abundantly shown by various authorities.
{FREE} Cover Art : 20 Hangable Prints for Book Nerds Pdf Free Download
COVER ART : 20 HANGABLE PRINTS FOR BOOK NERDS PDF, EPUB, EBOOK Liz Emirzian | 40 pages | 29 Sep 2015 | Ulysses Press | 9781612434520 | English | Berkeley, CA, United States Cover Art : 20 Hangable Prints for Book Nerds PDF Book How important is family in their life? Unfortunately there has been a problem with your order. Visit our corporate site. Sprinkle in different mediums like tapestries or mixed media work for texture, interest, and dimension. What s the Difference Between a Geek and a Nerd? Paperback Books. Nerds and the City. Check out our ideas below and start building your own. Your most cherished memories on the finest of fine art papers in gallery-quality frames. Free Return Exchange or money back guarantee for all orders. Looking ahead to the 14th of February? All very large prints come equipped with a wire for hanging, making the picture frame hanger perfect for these pieces. Tags: book lovers, book lovers day book and coffee lovers, readaing books matter, for readers, idea, book and yoga lovers, book and cat lovers, book and travels, funny book lovers, unique book lovers, book store. Trade Paperback Nonfiction Books. Add furry animal heads for a quirky take on a gallery wall, or turn toys into art by nestling them in wall-hung baskets or on shelves. Tags: magic, school, wizard, book, library, cat, pet, animal, nerd, taylorross1, book lovers, kitten, cats, pets, kittens, read, reading. By Amy Wright Dec 30, Tags: literature, literary, books, book, book lover, book lovers, reading, quote, quotes, writer, novel, read, nerd, cover book, minimalist, for her, for him, mid century modern, retro, vintage, oscar wild, gothic, dorian gray, victorian, pattern, modern, modern minimalist, for librarians, bookish, bookworm, bibliophile.
Discover and rediscover the joy of reading. Children’s Activities Stories, songs, rhymes and craft Tuesdays 11-12 noon Barmera Don’t forget Baby Rhyme Time sessions on Tuesday at 10.30 a.m. Bookworm during term time. June 2012 All Welcome! Barmera Library & Council Customer Service Centre Newsletter School Holiday Activities Hello again! Time for the winter edition of the Barmera Bookworm. A picture is worth a thousand words, as the old saying goes and so we thought we’d July 3rd and 10th tell you what we’ve been up to lately in a series of pictures. Here they are! 2 - 3 p.m. Fun for all ages! Contact us for more details! NEW! Barmera Library has three new Kindle Touch Screen E-Book readers. Over 100 books on each, with something to appeal to all readers. Very easy to use and great fun! Come and check them out soon. DATES TO WRITE IN YOUR DIARIES Kristin Weidenbach, author of Mailman of the Outback was our 1st July - Monster Book Sale at Berri Town Hall 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. guest at Barmera Library in May .She spoke to around 50 26th July -2.30 p.m. Author Wendy Altschwager visiting Barmera Year 7 students about how she Library at 2.30 p.m. Free afternoon tea provided. made an adult book into a children’s picture book. Children then workshopped Country Music Week saw the staff all some ideas around this theme join in the spirit of the festival. In case of distilling the longer script to National Year of Reading joined with the Monday 9.30 - 1.00 you don’t recognise us—left to right keep the essential story while Sue, Virginia, Jodie and Peg.
The Mathematics of Bookselling : a Monograph Pdf, Epub, Ebook
THE MATHEMATICS OF BOOKSELLING : A MONOGRAPH PDF, EPUB, EBOOK Leonard Shatzkin | 112 pages | 01 Dec 1997 | Idealogical Press | 9780878380251 | English | United Kingdom The Mathematics of Bookselling : A Monograph PDF Book We specialize in building quality collections and welcome offers of individual books or collections for purchase or sale on consignment. Any store routinely dealing directly with more than 20 publishers and distributors will almost certainly improve their financial performance by cutting that back and consolidating. I carefully grade all my books, and have concern for the needs of both the collector of rare books and those wishing to purchase less common books at good prices. Forgot password? What would have happened? Search within book. This chapter discusses the history of bookselling in Ireland before the 17th century. Currently we have over 15, books listed and have approximately another , yet to inventory and list. Fireside Bookshop is now based in Littlehampton in West Sussex. In fact, if you think about that for even a couple of minutes, it seems nuts. Our online address is www. Only after repeated pleadings from his comrades, particularly the late Shloime Mendelsohn, did he agree to attempt it. Solutions that were immediate, practical, and necessary. We specialize in quality, scholarly books in the sciences, humanities and religion. Books and, ultimately, other content too will be merchandised in unique ways across countless web sites curating and presenting content choices for their own communities and audiences. We have very good customer service. Authors of talent, vision, and intellect would find it more difficult to be published than ever before.
g g OAK KNOLL BOOKS 310 Delaware Street, New Castle, DE 19720 Oak Knoll Books was founded in 1976 by Bob Fleck, a chemical engineer by training, who let his hobby get the best of him. Somehow, making oil refineries more efficient using mathematics and computers paled in comparison to the joy of handling books. Oak Knoll Press, the second part of the business, was established in 1978 as a logical extension of Oak Knoll Books. Today, Oak Knoll Books is a thriving company that maintains an inventory of about 25,000 titles. Our main specialties continue to be books about bibliography, book collecting, book design, book illustration, book selling, bookbinding, bookplates, children’s books, Delaware books, fine press books, forgery, graphic arts, libraries, literary criticism, marbling, papermaking, printing history, publishing, typography & type specimens, and writing & calligraphy — plus books about the history of all of these fields. Oak Knoll Books is a member of the International League of Antiquarian Booksellers (ILAB — about 2,000 dealers in 22 countries) and the Antiquarian Booksellers Association of America (ABAA — over 450 dealers in the US). Their logos appear on all of our antiquarian catalogues and web pages. These logos mean that we guarantee accurate descriptions and customer satisfaction. Our founder, Bob Fleck, has long been a proponent of the ethical principles embodied by ILAB & the ABAA. He has taken a leadership role in both organizations and is a past president of both the ABAA and ILAB. We are located in the historic colonial town of New Castle (founded 1651), next to the Delaware River and have an open shop for visitors.
News Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact: Caron Sjoberg, IDEAWORKS [email protected] (850) 434-9095 (O) | (850) 982-2410 (C) Alice Crann Good’s New Book Inspires Young Readers to Take a Break from Electronic Devices and Join a Reading Revolution “Betsy the Bookworm” tells the story of a loveable wiggler on a wild mission to save libraries and bookstores from extinction PENSACOLA, Fla. (December 1, 2020) — Written by Pensacola author Alice Crann Good, “Betsy the Bookworm’s Book Revolution” is the first book of an inspiring series, focusing on the value and importance of printed books, bookstores and libraries. Great for children aged 3-8, this colorful children's picture book is brimming with fun and action and shares Betsy the Bookworm's passion for reading. The book introduces us to Betsy the Bookworm, a smart, fun and adventurous character who loves to read. Betsy comes from a long line of proud book lovers and traces her ancestors back hundreds of years to a time when worms ate books because they could not read. But, once they learned to read, the worms fell in love with books and became bookworms – little worms that like to read more than anything else in the whole wide world. Over time, bookworms became too busy watching TV, playing video games, sending messages on smartphones and wrapping their little heads in earphones. Betsy’s bookworm friends wanted computers, iPads and Wi-Fi. Now they wished for mobile devices, not books. This is when Betsy decided to have a book revolution! “Betsy the Bookworm’s Book Revolution” takes children for quite a ride with Betsy as she saves print books, libraries and bookstores, multiplying the number of bookworms around the globe.
‘The Cause of Bibliomania’ Fine Editions from the Library of Stephen Keynes OBE FLS Type & Forme Twenties No. 2 type & forme twenties no. 2 Introduction This second catalogue in the series ‘Type & Forme Twenties’ is dedicated to fine, bibliophile publications from the library of Stephen Keynes OBE, FLS (1927-2017), the youngest son of the distinguished surgeon, bibliographer, and bibliophile Sir Geoffrey Keynes (1887-1982). Stephen Keynes became a member of the Roxburghe Club in 1978, following his father (elected in 1943), and preceding his brother Quentin Keynes (1987) and nephew Simon Keynes (2004), whose obituary of Stephen is reprinted from The Book Collector in an abridged and revised form at the end of this catalogue. The Roxburghe Club takes its name from John Ker, 3rd ‘one of the greatest book-collectors, not only in English Duke of Roxburghe (1740-1804), whose magnificent library history, but even in the history of the world’ 1 (Spencer was sold by R.H. Evans at an auction of 9,353 lots which would eventually acquire the Boccaccio seven years later, at began on 18 May 1812 and continued for ‘the forty-one the sale of Marlborough’s White Knights library). following days, Sundays Since then, the Club’s excepted’ at the late members have met every owner’s house on St year on or about the 17th James’s Square, London. of June, to toast ‘[t]he The sale realised immortal memory of £23,341, and the John Duke of Roxburghe, highlight was one of of Christopher Valdarfer, Roxburghe’s great printer of the Boccaccio treasures – the Valdarfer of 1471, of Gutenberg, Boccaccio of 1471, which Fust and Schoeffer, the sold on 17 June 1812 for inventors of the art of £2,260 after a dramatic printing, of William bidding war won by George Spencer, Marquess Caxton, Father of the British press, of Dame Juliana Barnes of Blandford (later the 5th Duke of Marlborough), thus and the St Albans Press, of Wynkyn de Worde and Richard establishing a record price for any printed book.
M O R A V I A N A R C H I V E S Inventory of the records of the Moravian Publication Office 1823 – 1964 MPO Pauline Fox 2012 History The history of bookselling in Bethlehem began in 1745 when the Moravian Church appointed Samuel Powell, landlord of the Crown Inn on the south bank of the Lehigh River, to also manage the new "Bethlehem Buchladen." Eventually the book store, and other branches dealing with printed materi- al, centered near Main Street on the north side of the river. The first established printing press in Bethlehem began operation in 1830, providing local newspapers and advertising. The first official Moravian publication to be issued was the quarterly "Missionary Intelligencer", from 1822 to 1849, edited by the Rev. Henry Van Vleck and printed in New York City. It was then continued as the monthly "Moravian Church Miscellany" from 1850 to 1855. In 1856 a new and expanded weekly "The Moravian" was introduced, with a joint editorial board of Edmund de Schweinitz, L.F. Kampmann, and F. F. Hagen. At first the printing was done in Philadelphia, then transferred to Bethlehem at the end of 1858. The priority of publication of materials for worship, education and commu- nication was stated in the Resolutions of the 1864 Provincial Synod (Northern District) of the Moravian Church: that "a strenuous effort" should be made to create a printing/publication establishment whenever the Provincial Elders deemed "such a step practicable." The cause of publica- tions was strongly supported by Rev. Sylvester Wolle, who was Treasurer of the Provincial Elders Conference and worked in the Publication Office dur- ing the 1860s.
A Book Lover's Journey: Literary Archaeology and Bibliophilia in Tim
Verbeia Número 1 ISSN 2444-1333 Leonor María Martínez Serrano A Book Lover’s Journey: Literary Archaeology and Bibliophilia in Tim Bowling’s In the Suicide’s Library Leonor María Martínez Serrano Universidad de Córdoba [email protected] Resumen Nativo de la costa occidental de Canadá, Tim Bowling es uno de los autores canadienses más aclamados. Su obra In the Suicide’s Library. A Book Lover’s Journey (2010) explora cómo un solo objeto —un ejemplar gastado ya por el tiempo de Ideas of Order de Wallace Stevens que se encuentra en una biblioteca universitaria— es capaz de hacer el pasado visible y tangible en su pura materialidad. En la solapa delantera del libro de Stevens, Bowling descubre la elegante firma de su anterior dueño, Weldon Kees, un oscuro poeta norteamericano que puso fin a su vida saltando al vacío desde el Golden Gate Bridge. El hallazgo de este ejemplar autografiado de la obra maestra de Stevens marca el comienzo de una meditación lírica por parte de Bowling sobre los libros como objetos de arte, sobre el suicidio, la relación entre padres e hijas, la historia de la imprenta y la bibliofilia, a la par que lleva a cabo una suerte de arqueología del pasado literario de los Estados Unidos con una gran pericia literaria y poética vehemencia. Palabras clave: Tim Bowling, bibliofilia, narrativa, arqueología del saber, vestigio. Abstract A native of the Canadian West Coast, Tim Bowling is widely acclaimed as one of the best living Canadian authors. His creative work entitled In the Suicide’s Library. A Book Lover’s Journey (2010) explores how a single object —a tattered copy of Wallace Stevens’s Ideas of Order that he finds in a university library— can render the past visible and tangible in its pure materiality.
Special Collections Department The Press of A. Colish Archives 1913 - 1990 (bulk dates 1930s - 1950s) Manuscript Collection Number: 358 Accessioned: Purchase, September 1991. Extent: 5 linear ft. plus oversize material Content: Correspondence, galley and page proofs, drafts, notes, photographs, negatives, illustrations, advertisements, clippings, broadsides, books, chapbooks, pamphlets, journals, typography specimens, financial documents, and ephemera. Access: The collection is open for research. Processed: March 1998, by Shanon Lawson for reference assistance email Special Collections or contact: Special Collections, University of Delaware Library Newark, Delaware 19717-5267 (302) 831-2229 Table of Contents Biographical and Historical Note Scope and Contents Note Series Outline Contents List Biographical and Historical Note American fine printer and publisher Abraham Colish (1882-1963) immigrated with his family to the United States from Eastern Europe in the late nineteenth century. In 1894, at the age of twelve, he took an after-school job with a small printing shop in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Over the next few years, his duties progressed from sweeping the shop and selling papers to feeding the press and composing type. When he was sixteen, Colish and his mother moved to New York City, where he quickly found a position as a typesetter for Kane Brothers, a Broadway printing company. In 1907, Colish left his position as a composing room foreman at Rogers and Company and opened his own composing office. His business specialized in advertising typography and is credited as the first shop to exclusively cater to the advertising market. By the next year, Colish moved into larger quarters and began printing small orders. After several moves to successively larger offices in New York City, the Press of A.
Aldus Society Notes Autumn, 2012 Volume 12, No. 3 September 13 Program Features Creator of Booktryst Stephen Gertz, the virtuoso webmaster and grand poobah of the rollicking website called Booktryst, will launch our 2012-13 programming season with his talk, “From Athanasius Kircher To Ashton Kutcher: 350 Years of Strange, Unusual, Eccentric, and Just Plain Weird Books. Or, Heteromorphic Literature 101.” His website, occasionally outrageous but always entertaining and educa- tional, is dedicated to news, information, and Legendary Bookseller to features about the world of Speak to Aldus on October 11 rare books and all aspects Justin G. Schiller, who runs the nation’s foremost of the antiquarian book antiquarian bookselling firm specializing in historical business. children’s literature, will be our speaker on October 11. In (continued on page 3) his talk titled “A Bookseller’s Odyssey,” he will share many adventures in his bookselling career. NOTE: This program will be held at the Thompson Library at OSU - at our regular time - due to a scheduling conflict with Thurber Center, our normal venue. Our meeting room and parking suggestions will Examples of the treats on follow on the listserv. the Booktryst site include “The Writing Parrot” which Schiller’s New York City store focuses on collectible features beautifully illus- children’s books, original related art, and manuscripts. trated books on parrots and “Planet of the Monkey-men Fellow bookseller David Mason wrote in 2010 for an 1827,” about satiric anthro- ILAB newsletter: “Justin
Codices: a Redefinition of Readers, Writers, Books and Poetry Joanna Hamer
Vassar College Digital Window @ Vassar Senior Capstone Projects 2012 Codices: A Redefinition Of Readers, Writers, Books and Poetry Joanna Hamer Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Hamer, Joanna, "Codices: A Redefinition Of Readers, Writers, Books and Poetry" (2012). Senior Capstone Projects. 111. This Open Access is brought to you for free and open access by Digital Window @ Vassar. It has been accepted for inclusion in Senior Capstone Projects by an authorized administrator of Digital Window @ Vassar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Codices: A Redefinition Of Readers, Writers, Books and Poetry Joanna Hamer Advisor: Prof Wallace Engl 300 B-term 2012 1 “Language is fossil poetry.” – Emerson, The Poet In the introduction to Johanna Drucker's Century of Artist's Books , Holland Cotter mourns the contemporary condition of the book and its “debased status in the modern world” i. He says that we have lost our enchantment with the “conventional design of stacked and bound pages,” and no longer see its physical form as part of our interaction with the text (Cotter xi). The mass-production of machine-made paper and typed-up text have made them into “perfect things, the way eggs are a perfect food,” complete and immobile. We don't approach the physicality of a book as a contributor to its meaning, but rather a transparent and shapeless portal of access to a static text. In a challenge to this mindset, Cotter writes about the artist's book and its ability to “transform the condition of bookness and complicate it”: to ask the 2 reader to examine and revise her conceptions of what a book might be and require of its reader (Cotter xi).