Volume 31 No. 3
[email protected]/www.pcs.org.ph July to September 2011 CCOOMMEE AANNDD VVIISSIITT OOUURR PPHHIILLIIPPPPIINNEESS CONTENTS EDITORIAL PCS Newsletter Liife’’s Surges by Dante V. Lerma Go Wander MA. CONCEPCION C. VESAGAS, MD, FPCS and Wonder Editor-in-Chief GABRIEL L. MARTINEZ, MD, FPCS Ma. Concepcion C. Vesagas, MD, FPCS Regent-in-Charge GLENN ANGELO S. GENUINO, MD, FPCS JOEL U. MACALINO, MD, FPCS he world is shrinking. What used to be a journey of days, even months JOSE BRITTANIO S. PUJALTE, JR., MD, FPCS JEANETTE NORA I. SILAO, MD, FPCS (think ocean liners in the likes of the Titanic) has been reduced to mere DURES FE E. TAGAYUNA, MD, FPCS MA. CELINE ISOBEL A. VILLEGAS, MD, FPCS hours. And because of the influence of the internet, more and more are Editorial Staff T aware of a world outside their comfort world. The 5 other continents (Antarctica EDEN GRACE A. PAULE CARMELA S. CELERIDAD remains to be inaccessible) suddenly are just hours away, or at a maximum, 2 or 3 FREDERICK E. DABU Production Staff days away. The economic downturn and government regulations of the airline DANTE V. LERMA, MD industry should not hinder our wandering, specially in our own backyard. Artist The Philippines has geographically 7,107 Take Taal Lake. It is the the third largest lake islands and nearly 300,000 square kilometers of in the Philippines and located in the caldera of an land to visit. Politically, there are currently 17 extinct and ancient volcano. It is, however, about regions with 80 provinces ready to be explored.