Phone Will Be Used for Public Comment and Attendance
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GRAND TRAVERSE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES BOARD 9:00 AM West Bay Beach, a Delamar Resort – Dayclub Room 615 East Front Street, Traverse City, MI 49686 On October 9, 2020 Robert Gordon, MDHHS Director, signed into effect an Emergency Order MCL 333.2253 to reduce the spread of COVID-19 by limiting the number of people at public indoor gatherings. A conference phone will be used for public comment and attendance. The Board Chair will announce when it is time for public comment and will give all call-in numbers the opportunity to speak during this time. This meeting will be recorded and saved on and will also be shown on Charter cable channel 189. Conference number for the public Phone: 1-510-338-9438 Meeting number (access code): 126 751 3894 Meeting Password: 27349682 October 30, 2020 AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER – 9:00 a.m. Grand Traverse Pavilions – John Rizzo, Chair, Grand Traverse County Department of Health and Human Services Board 2. FIRST PUBLIC COMMENT/INPUT Any person shall be permitted to address a meeting of the Grand Traverse County Department of Health and Human Services Board which is required to be open to the public under the provisions of the Michigan Open Meetings Act, as amended. (MCLA 15.261, et.seq.) Public comment shall be carried out in accordance with the following Board Rules and Procedures: 1. Any person wishing to address the Board shall state his or her name and address. 2. Persons may address the Board on matters which are relevant to Grand Traverse Pavilions issues. 3. No person shall be allowed to speak more than once on the same matter, excluding time needed to answer Board Members questions. The Chairperson shall control the amount of time each person shall be allowed to speak, which shall not exceed three (3) minutes. (1) Chairperson may, at his or her discretion, extend the amount of time any person is allowed to speak. (2) Whenever a group wishes to address the Board, the Chairperson may require that the group designate a spokesperson; the Chairperson shall control the amount of time the spokesperson shall be allowed to speak, which shall not exceed fifteen (15) minutes. 3. COUNTY LIAISON REPORT 4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 5. CONSENT CALENDAR The purpose of the consent calendar is to expedite business by grouping items to be dealt with by one Board motion without discussion. Any member of the Board, or staff may ask that any item on the consent calendar be removed and placed elsewhere on the agenda for discussion. Such requests will be automatically respected. If any item is not removed from the consent calendar, the item on the agenda is approved by a single Board action adopting the consent calendar. A. Review and File HANDOUT# (1) Minutes of the 9/25/20 Board Meeting 1 (2) Roberts Thank You 2 (3) Watson Thank You 3 (4) Minicucci Thank You 4 (5) Bowling Thank You 5 (6) P.E.P. Talk Employee Newsletter – October 6 (7) Media Report – September 7 (8) AAANM Adult Day Caregiver Respite Grant 8 6. ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR (1) 7. GRAND TRAVERSE MEDICAL CARE -- Korvyn R. Hansen A. General Information (1) Pension Bond Presentation 9 (2) COVID-19 Update 10 (3) Third Quarter Overtime Report 11 (4) Third Quarter Annual Plan Update 12 (5) FY21 Medicaid reimbursement Rate 13 (6) FY21 Quality Assurance Supplement Payment 14 B. Chief Executive Officer Board Report 15 C. Business (1) Financial Report 16 D. Medical Staff (1) Donald Willman, DO 17 (2) Jane Smallwood, NP 18 (3) Mark Byland, MD 19 G.T.P. Announcements (1) September Service Excellence Award 20 (2) Legacy 21 8. SECOND PUBLIC COMMENT/INPUT Refer to Rules under First Public Comment/Input above. 9. CLOSED SESSION (1) QAPI Quarterly Update (2) Resident Quarterly Incidents (3) Administrator/CEO Employment Contract Renewal and Evaluation 10. ADJOURNMENT GRAND TRAVERSE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES BOARD 1000 Pavilions Circle, Traverse City, MI 49684 MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 25, 2020 MEETING PRESENT: Cecil McNally, Ralph Soffredine Board Kory Hansen, Rose Coleman, Robert Barnes, Lindsey Dood, Darcey Gratton Staff ABSENT: John Rizzo Board Gordie LaPointe Commission GUESTS: Steve Burke, Warren Creamer, Roger Swets, Jon Lanczak The regular meeting of the Grand Traverse County Department of Health and Human Services Board was called to order at 9:06 am by Board Chair Cecil McNally in the Dayclub Room at the West Bay Beach, a Delamar Resort. On September 11, 2020 Governor Whitmer signed into effect Executive Order 2020-181. In an effort to reduce the spread of COVID-19 by limiting the number of people at public gatherings, this order suspends the rules and procedures for governmental entities requiring physical presence at meetings and hearings and it temporarily alters the rights of the public to be present at meetings. Due to the Board meeting in a space of 10 or under, Grand Traverse Pavilions provided a link on its website for public participation. This meeting was recorded and will be saved on and also shown on Charter cable channel 189. Public Comment Andi Gerring Claudia Bruce County Liaison Report – None Approval of Agenda – Vice Chair McNally asked if there were additions, changes or corrections to the agenda. Hansen requested to add under 7. C. Business (3) COVID-19 Temporary Wage Adjustment Extension, Resolution 2020-4. Motion was made by Soffredine to approve the Agenda with additions/changes as presented, seconded by McNally and carried unanimously. The purpose of the Consent Calendar is to expedite business by grouping items to be dealt with by one Board motion without discussion. Any member of the Board or staff may ask that any item on the Consent Calendar be removed and placed elsewhere on the agenda for discussion. Such requests will be automatically respected. REVIEW AND FILE (1) Minutes of the 8/28/20 Board Meeting Page 3 of 120 1 (2) Weber Thank You (3) Bagroski Thank You (4) P.E.P. Talk Employee Newsletter – September (5) Media Report – August McNally requested the minutes to reflect the difficulty of public to hear the meeting over the phone. Motion was made by Soffredine to approve the Consent Calendar with additions/changes as presented. Motion seconded by McNally and carried unanimously. Items Removed From Consent Calendar – none COVID-19 Update – Coleman provided an update on the on-going status of COVID-related topics that affect the operation of the Pavilions. Coleman shared that she was alerted on September 23 that two staff members tested positive from the September 21 testing. Regarding recent communication that allow for the potential of outdoor visitation of residents with families, Coleman stated this can only be initiated once the facility has had no new COVID positive tests from staff or residents within the previous 14 days. Once the Pavilions meets the mandated guidelines that are required to allow for outdoor resident visitation, new visitation procedures will be shared with the families. Hansen covered COVID-related relief payments and reimbursement that have been received since the last board meeting. Resident/Family Satisfaction Survey Report – Hansen reported that in June and July a satisfaction survey was conducted by My InnerView, a national survey company who conducts similar surveys for many nursing homes. Hansen reported that we had sent out 209 surveys and 94 were returned for a 45% response rate. Hansen reviewed the breakdowns of the data and stated this was a good survey with similar results to last year if not slightly better. Pension Bond Resolution – Dood reviewed the pension bond resolution to authorize actions with respect to the pension bonds. The Professional Service Team of Steven Burke, President of MFCI, Warren Creamer III, Managing Director of Public Finance at Baird, Roger Swets, municipal bond attorney for Dickinson Wright and Jon Lanczak, Senior Manager of Senior Care & Living Strategy and Operations at Plante Moran participated via conference phone. After extensive discussion and evaluation it was determined to be in the best in interest of the Grand Traverse Pavilions for the County of Grand Traverse to issue its limited tax general obligation bonds to finance part of the cost of the Pavilions’ unfunded pension liability of its defined benefit retirement program as authorized by Section 518 of Act 34, Public Acts of Michigan, 2001, as amended. Motion was made by Soffredine, seconded by McNally to approve the resolution recommending approval by the Grand Traverse County Board of Commissioner to authorize pension bonds as presented and carried unanimously. Financial Report – Dood reviewed the financial operations report for August, 2020. Dood outlined revenue and expenses compared to budget for each of the Pavilions’ programs that include the Medical Care Facility (skilled nursing), The Cottages (Assisted and Independent Living) and Adult Day Services. Additional information was provided on respective census and accounts receivable along with the total cash ending balance. Dood summarized the review of vouchers for the month that were in order without exception. The Social Accountability Summary was reviewed indicating the amount of uncompensated care provided and volunteer hours for the month. Motion made by Soffredine to accept the financial operations report as presented. Motion seconded by McNally and carried unanimously. Page 4 of 120 2 COVID-19 Temporary Wage Adjustment Extension - Resolution 2020 - 4 - Hansen reviewed the proposed COVID-19 Wage Adjustment Extension. The State of Michigan has approved the fiscal year 2021 budget which included an appropriation to extend the temporary two dollar per hour wage increase for direct care workers in skilled nursing facilities between October 1, 2020 and December 31, 2020. Hansen proposed including all other workers, as originally excluded from the SB 690/PA123, a similar temporary wage increase.