WISDOM and CHILDISH BEHAVIOUR in EVANGELISM A Study in the Life and Ministry of Jedediah Burchard. “How can I describe the people of this generation? What are they like? They are like children sitting in the market-place and shouting at each other. For John the Baptist came neither eating nor drinking wine, and you say, ‘He is possessed.’ The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and you say, ‘Look at him! A glutton and a drinker, a friend of tax-gatherers and sinners!’ And yet God’s wisdom is proved right by all who are her children.” (Luke 7: 32-35.) by Robert Evans 2016 1 This book is published by the Author. The documents quoted in this book are all in the public domain. It is a project of Research in Evangelical Revivals. Printed copies may be obtained from the Author, and from co- operating bookstores. It can also be downloaded from www.revivals.arkangles.com Rev. Robert Evans. OAM. MA. P.O. Box 131. Hazelbrook. N.S.W. 2779. Australia.
[email protected] Copyright 2016. I.S.B.N. 978-0-9945203-0-2 2 TABLE of CONTENTS PART ONE Introduction. 7 1. Introducing Jedediah Burchard. 11 2. George Gale’s Autobiography. 23 Finney’s Letter. 34 PART TWO Published Reports about Burchard in New York State. 3. The 1831 Revival. Jefferson and Oneida Ctys. 37 4. Later in 1832. Lewis and Broome Counties. 49 5. Monroe County. Rochester and Brockport. 57 6. Cortland County – Homer. 72 7. Monroe County again. Review. 106 PART THREE (1834 – 1835) Vermont’s “Burned – Over District.” 8.