College Receives Gifts Maroons North Central That Morningside Has Defeated Both North Mr

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College Receives Gifts Maroons North Central That Morningside Has Defeated Both North Mr VOLUME XV • NOVEMBER 1956 • NUMBER TWO Back row - Head Coach Halford, Coach Jennett, Mounts, Tooey, Johnson, Puff, Sievers, Lorenzen Red Getting Hapke Bohkle, O'Doherty, Athletic Director Buckingham, Coach Protextor. Second row - Wulf, Suter, Clarke, Hindman, Murray, Gu illaume, Larson, Emmerson, Bogue, Grosbeck, Jim Getting, Davis. First Row - Warren, Morris, Mohler, Pauley, Arioso, Fladmark, Bryan, Phillips, Reynders, Mahan, Koch . time in the football history of the school College Receives Gifts Maroons North Central that Morningside has defeated both North Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Jones of Cherokee, Champions Dakota University and North Dakota State have deeded their 366 acre farm to the for two successive years. Morningside College endowment fund, the The Morningside Maroons have won the Highest praise is due head coach Dewey Methodist pension fund, and the Collegiate title in the North Central Conference. This Halford and line coach J ack Jennett and to Methodist Church at Ames. The college will is the first outright title for the Morning­ all the men on the squad. receive an undivided one t hird interest of side squad since 1923. the farm. The decisive game was played on October Not to be outdone by the Varsity coach A scholarship fund which will provide 27 before a crowd of spectators that over­ Don Protextor's freshman team was unde­ $300 each for a senior student has been flowed the bleachers, when they defeated feated in their games with freshman teams made possible by a grant from Schield Augustana by a score of 21 to 13. from South Dakota University, Augustana Bantam Company of Waverly, Iowa. The The sesaon's tally stands at six wins, one and W estmar. scholarships, will be awarded on the basis tie and one loss. 1956 1957 BASKETBALL SCHEDULE of scholastic standing and financial need. The Maroons won their two pre-confer­ ence games with Nebraska Weslyan and HOME GAMES National Sorority On Campus Omaha University by scores of 21 to 7 and Nov. 23-Westmar (Clinic) __ ________ Here Dec. 7-St. Cloud Teachers __________Here The first national social sorority to be 7 to 0. Dec. 15-Yankton College_ ___________ Here established at Morningide will be organized On September 29 on the home field they won their first conference game with North Dec. 21-N. D. State ________________ Here November 9, 10, and 11, when the Kappa Dakota University 7 to 3. That night 68 Jan. 2-Buena Vista _________ ______ __ Here Zeta Chi members, will be initiated into the high school bands, performed at half time. Jan. 5-N. D. University____ ________Here Delta Zeta sorority. North Dakota State was defeated 10 to Jan. 8-S. D. State __________________ Here National officers will be here for the 3 on October 6 by Halford's men. Jan. 12-lowa State Teachers ________ Here Feb. 9-S. D. University__ ___ ____ ___ _Here event, and sorority members from neigh­ The thrilling Homecoming game on Octo­ ber 13 with the University of South Dakota Feb. 16-Creighton Univ. __________ __Here boring colleges. The members, of the local brought victory over the Coyotes 13 to 6. Feb. 20-Augustana _________________ Here Delta Zeta Alumni are sponsoring the At Cedar Falls the Maroons were held to AWAY GAMES Dec. 1- Ya nkton College __________________ There organization. 20 to 20 score by the Iowa State Teachers. Dec. 3- Omaha University ________________ There The final game and only defeat was the Dec. 11- Nebraska Wesleyan ______________ Ther e Roadmans in Reinbeck Dec. 14- Westmar College ________________ Ther e game at Brookings where South Dakota Dr. and Mrs. Earl A. Roadman are Jan. 15- S. D. Sta te College ______________ There State received the big end of the score 28 Jan. 24- Augustana College _______________ There Feb. 2- N. D. University _________________ There making their home in Reinbeck, Iowa where to 13. F eb. 4- N. D. University __________________ Ther e Dr. Roadman is the minister at the Metho­ F eb. 11- Cr eighton Unive rsity _____________ There In addition to winning the first outright F eb. 25-Iowa Sta te T eachers _____________ There dist Church. championship in 33 years, this is the first Mar. 1- S. D. University _____ ____________ There ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER JULY I, 1944, AT TH E POST OFFICE AT SIOUX CITY, IOWA UNDER THE ACT OF AU GUST 24, 1912 PUBLISHED Bl-MONTHLY, SEPTEMBER, NOVEMBER, JANUARY, MARCH AND MAY BY MORNINGSIDE COLLEGE Page Two NOVEMBER 1956 Degrees and Scholarships Ma de General Manager Roy E. Johnson '51 was graduated J esse C. Ducommun '27 was made general from the Law School of the University of manager of manufacturing of Standard Oil Iowa on June 8. (Indiana). He was also elected to the board M. A. degrees were granted to five Morn­ of directors of the company. ingside College graduates by the University Mr. Ducommun started with Standard Oil of Iowa on August 8. Those receiving them in 1929 as a design engineer, and rose were William Bottolfson '51, Patrick Hand through sucessive postions to that of as­ '50, Burton Merriman '51, LeRoy Nagel sistant manager of manufacturing in 1952. '51 and Doris Mae Smith '39. Robert E. Baxter '54, a member of the Alumni Represent Morni ngside senior class at McCormick Seminary in Alumni of the college have represented Chicago, was one of six seniors to receive their school at several recent inaugural the Preserved Smith Scholarship. This is ceremonies. Mrs. Woodrow Mich (Maurine awarded to students achieving the highest Harker '34) of Moberly, Missour i, attended the inauguration of the new president of academic records. Culver-Sockton College in Canton, Missouri. Robert Bachert of Sioux City, who was Mrs. George Vasey (Mildred Eubank '38, graduated from Morningside in June with of Jacksonville, Illinois, represented Morn­ Zeta Sigma and Cum Laude honors, is now ingside in the academic procession of 200 an instructor at Princeton University. He delegates from colleges and universities at is teaching in the field of Graphics, and is the installation of Dr. L. Vernon Caine as also working toward his master's, degree. the president of Illinois College. Robert This portrait of Professor Paul MacCollin Two member of the June, 1956 gradu­ Phelps '53 was the Morningside r epresenta­ hangs in the Recital room at the Conserva­ ating class, William Eberle and Charles tive at the inauguration of the president of tory. The painting, which was commissioned Rexroat, were awarded teaching assistant­ Waldorf Junior College, Forest City, Iowa. by the college chapters, of Phi Mu Alpha - ships at the University of Nebraska in the Sinfonia, national professional music fra­ Business Adminitration department. They Miss Morningside of 1956 ternity, and Mu Phi Epsilon, national will t each accounting laboratories and work Miss Marge Bauer received the coveted music sorority, was presented at an un­ on their master degrees. Mr. Rexroat re­ crown and title of Miss Morningside at the veiling ceremony on Homecoming Day. The ceived Zeta Sigma and Cum Laude honors coronation ceremonies at the Homecoming excellent likeness was created by William at graduation. Dance. Marge is the daughter of Dr. E. T. Zimmerman, head of the Art department of Charles '56 and Mary Rasmussen Kru­ Bauer, professor of sociology at the college, the College. senstjerna '53 are studying for their Richard Anshutz, college senior and pre­ and Mrs. Bauer. She is a member of Kappa Master of Music degrees at Eastman School sident of Sinfonia, was master of cere­ Zeta Chi sorority, and one of the college monies. Jack Lamb, chairman of the portrait of Music, Charles is studying clarinet with cheer leaders. She was sponsored by the M committee, presented the portrait, and Miss Stanley Hasty and Mary is studying flute Club. Attendants to the queen were Beth Shirley Cox, president of Mu Phi Epsilon, with Joseph Mariano. Charles has a fellow­ Billiard and Beverly Giehm of Sioux City introduced Janice MacCollin Taylor, who ship for the year. and Kaye Quackenbush of Onawa, Iowa. unveiled the picture. Acceptance was made Leo Juffer '56 is working toward his by Dean Thomas Tweito for the college Master of Music degrees at Boston Univer­ and Dr. Robert Larson for the Conserva­ sity. He is studying piano with Alexander tory. Borobsky. From the President's Pen Many inquiries come to my office from The Honors SchoJarships are worth $400. our best recruiting group, the alumni. In ( $100 per year) are awarded as follows: answer to several queries, I shall give you 1. The recipient must be in the upper ten some of the facts concerning our scholar­ percent of his graduating class academical­ ship program. ly. There are four National Methodist Scho­ 2. The recipient must demonstrate skill larships worth $400. per year. The recipient in some "extra-curricular" field, such as must be in the upper fifteen percent of his music, drama, speech or athletics. class academically, and must be an active 3. The recipient must submit a record of member of the Methodist Church with an proven leadership in his church with a let­ outstanding record of leadership. ter of recommendation from his· pastor. The WNAX Scholarships (12 in number) are available under the following terms: to The SchieldBantam Company Scholarship be used for the aid of one young man and is worth $300. Is to be awarded to a stu­ one young woman after the Freshman year, dent in the senior year. Financial need who have specified their intentions of ma­ and general scholarship are the basis for joring in chemurgy, rural education, general awarding this scholarhip. science (agriculture) or rural leadership. All scholarship given for more than one The Competitive Scholarships (12 in num­ year are subject to review at the close of ber are worth $800.
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