EDRS PUCE BF-80.83 Plus Postage
DOCUMENT ISSUES 1 ED 130 783 PS 008 917 TITLE Parenting in 1976s A Listing from PHIC. INSTITUTION Southwest Educational Development Tab.-, Austin, Tex., SPONS AGENCY National Inst. of Education (HEW), Washington, D.C. PUB DATE Bay 76 NOTE 169p.; For 1975 edition, see ED 110 156. AVAILABLE FROMParenting Baterials Inforaation Center, Southwest Educational Development Laboratory, 211 East 7th 'Street, Austin, Texas 78701 ($5.00) EDRS PUCE BF-80.83 Plus Postage. BC Not Available froa EDRS. DESCIIPTORS *Bibliographies; Child Abuse; Child Development; Cultural Pluralisa; Discipline4 *Early Childhood Education; Exceptional Children; F4mily (Sociological Unit); Group Relations; Health; Learning Activities; *Parent Education; Parent Participation; *Parents; Parent Teacher Cooperation; Peer Relationship; Prograa Descriptions; *Resource Materials IDENTIFIERS *Parenting Materials Information Center TX ABSTRACT This bibliography lists iaterials, programs and resources which appear to be relevant to the lauds of parents and." those-working with parents.,The bibliography is a project of the Parenting Baterials Information Center (PEIC) being deyeloped by the Southvest Educational Developaent Laboratory.,PEIC colledts, analyzes and disseminates information pertaining to parenting..The list is divided into major content areas according to iaitial classification efforts by the center staff.,These major areas have been designated (1) academic contents and skills; (2) child abuse; (3) discipline;. (4) early childhood activities; (S) education; (6) exceptional children; (7) family; (8) general resources for parenting/family/education; (9) group relationships and training; (10) health and safety; (11) large scale programs; (12) multi-ethnic aulti-cultural heritage and contents; (13) language and intellectual developaent; (14) parent, school and community involveaent; (15) parenting; (16) physical and sensory deprivation;(17).
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