2014 Bulga Coal Complex Rehabilitation Monitoring Report 22001144 RReehhaabbiilliittaattiioonn MMoonniittoorriinngg RReeppoorrtt for Bulga Coal Complex August 2014 Bulga Coal Management Pty Ltd Bulga Underground Operations Pty Ltd Prepared by DnA Environmental August 2014 i 2014 Bulga Coal Complex Rehabilitation Monitoring Report Disclaimer This is a report of work carried out by DnA Environmental on behalf of the Bulga Coal Management Pty Ltd and Bulga Underground Operations Pty Ltd, collectively referred to as the Bulga Coal Complex and has been prepared according to the brief provided by the client. The information contained herein is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge. The representations, statements, opinions and advice, expressed or implied in this report are produced in good faith but on the basis that DnA Environmental are not liable (whether by reason of negligence, lack of care or otherwise) to any person for any damage or loss whatsoever which has occurred or may occur in relation to that person taking or not taking (as the case may be) action in respect of any or all of the content. Signed: Dr Donna Johnston Restoration Ecologist PhD, B.App.Sc (Hons) MEIANZ Draft submitted: 1st August 2014 Reviewed by: Tom Scott (Bulga Open Cut) and Trecinda French (Bulga Underground) Final submitted: 1st September 2014 DnA Environmental 417 Mandurama Rd Mandurama NSW 2792 Ph/Fax: (02) 63 675 251 Mobile: 0408 221 922
[email protected] ABN 19 607 392 634 Acknowledgements The field surveys and resultant report were undertaken by and prepared by Dr Donna Johnston and Andrew Johnston from DnA Environmental.