Save game hay day android

Continue Gadget company Cisco announces its own business tablet built on Android, Android 2.2 is launching on owners, and Verizon is rumored to once again start offering iPhones. In the second part of our Android History series, we'll look at the impact of the T-Mobile G1 launch, the nuts and bolts of the open source Android model and early designs, as well as the partnership with Verizon that gave us Droid. And we'll talk to the leading executive who oversaw the arrival of the G1. Read on to find out all about the first days of Android. The T-Mobile G1 (or HTC Dream outside the United States) has changed everything when it comes to mobile devices. Like the Palm Treo, or the original iPhone, without the G1, as we do everything we do on our will be different - and probably not as good - without it. Not because the G1 had great hardware, or amazing specs or things like an advanced camera or an amazing screen. The equipment was chunky, mostly due to the slip and rotated sidekick-esque keyboard, and the shape included a chin at the bottom that you either loved or hated. The physical buttons for navigating Android - menus, home and back - as well as answering calls and interactive trackball were hard to get used to for many, but worked well and were a necessary part of navigating through Android Cupcake. The keyboard - in 2008 most good devices were still one - was great for typing and lovely chicken keys, as well as a dedicated number and function keys. Whether you were sending text or replying to email, or hacking away on Android (G1 was purposefully easy to download and root) the keyboard was excellent. The way it was built, and what it was built from, were good enough in its time, but that's not what was special about the G1. That would be software. The G1, being the first consumer device to ever launch Android, unleashed the beast that is on the face of mobile technology. The G1 was released with little fanfare, and only in select few 3G markets from T-Mobile in the US. Worldwide there was also the odd release, with the phone on the market and marketed as HTC Dream, with HTC having a little more control over things than with Google branded G1s. It was the ancestor of things to come with Android phones, where an open source was given away with a few rules in place for vendors who wanted to access Google's services and app store. This was also the beginning of fragmentation, as not all models were upgraded to Android 1.6. Ask your friends in Canada about that one. While the delivery software - Android 1.0 (without a tasty code name attached) - the G1 had a bit of an incomplete feeling, you could tell Google were great For Android. As it was, there were a few places where the software was already beaming compared to the competition. Things we take for and everything now includes - widgets, notification areas that are upstart when you need them and more - have been present and worked well. And a robust and centralized system upgrade over the air promised a way to make it all better as new versions of the operating system are rolled out. Back in 2008, Google realized that the future of mobile devices and the future of the Internet would intersect in a big way. Perhaps most importantly, both for Google and for the consumer, was that Android promised to be a delivery method for services and applications that can be freely used and distributed. Although Palm and Apple knew about it, only Google was willing to both create an operating system as well as provide services, and getting Android in as many hands as possible was a wise business decision. As for HTC, the G1 manufacturer has had extensive experience partnering with major brands, which has led to its participation in Android. As HTC America President Jason McKenzie explains, Making big bets around direction wasn't a foreign concept for us. And that's still what we're comfortable with. We built a reputation as a company with a wealth of knowledge and experience around design that also played on why Google wanted to work with HTC. HTC Europe's Product and Services Director Graham Wheeler has a similar approach: HTC was known as people who do things differently, innovate and move things forward. An engineering company that can do the unattainable and unimaginable. So when Google was looking for a partner for the G1, I hope that one of the considerations was the innovation in the future. THE President of HTC in America talks to Andrew Martonic about the company's design and the legacy of the devices in our 45-minute extended interview. Referring to some of HTC's most memorable devices, as well as the partnerships and thinking behind them, Mackenzie tracks HTC's path from the humble ODM to the present day. Watch our full interview with HTC's Jason McKenzie.cta Today the green Android robot, officially Bugdroid, is the public face of the Android brand. But it wasn't always like that. The first designs of the Android robot were significantly wacky, coming from Dan Morrill, then a member of the Android team involved in the relationship with the developers. As Morrill explained on Google in 2013: I took a much-needed break in a couple of hours and spent some time with Inkscape to create these... Things. See, we were prepping for an internal developer launch (meaning we were going to ask Googlers to start cheating with the API and give us early feedback) and I didn't have eye candy for the slides we were putting together. That's where these guys are. They had a short flurry of minor popularity among the team - enough to pick up the nickname Dandroids, anyway. But then Irina Block (as far as I remember) presented her bagidid, which we all know and love. [...] These guys have be the first proposed mascot for Android (which I know at least.) A small OS update, Android 1.1, was released for the T-Mobile G1 in February 2009. But the first major updates for Android after the initial release were versions 1.5 (Cupcake) and 1.6 (Donut). They have established the trend of naming Android versions after sweet treats, as well as introducing some of the main features of modern Android as we know it today. Released in April 2009, Cupcake paved the way for Android touchscreen phones with a built-in on-screen keyboard and third-party keyboard support. The Android launcher also got a little more useful with the first home screen widgets, while the main video features came to the camera app. Later that year, Donut laid the groundwork for an increasing diversity in Android hardware, with support for various display permissions and density, as well as native CDMA network support - important for Verizon and Sprint in the United States. A quick search of the Android 1.6 window also brought Google's mission statement about organizing information in the world to smartphones, with the ability to search not only the Internet, but contacts, music, apps and app data from one central location. Meanwhile, the new battery usage screen has allowed users to see a rough breakdown of where their power is going. Cupcake and Donut have also led to improvements to many of Google's built-in apps, such as Android Market and . It is worth remembering that in the early days of Android, they were very much part of the operating system. Even minor changes to the browser, email client, or calendar app will require firmware updates that will have to go through Google, the manufacturer, and (potentially) the carrier before being pushed out. It will take a few more years before Google can start thinking about breaking out of its own apps and processing updates through the Play Store. By the end of 2009, Android was also making advances in speech recognition and text to speech. Cupcake introduced the Speech Recognition API, while Donut included a Pico engine from text to speech. These two features will eventually grow into the rich voice interactions that we know in modern Android. The era of Android 1.5-1.6 was also the beginning of the fact that manufacturers began to customize Android, to bring their appearance to the basic OS. And in many ways Android is like Windows Mobile before it, the kind of need it needs. HTC introduced its Sense user interface - perhaps the best at the time - to make Android more user-friendly. Other OEM manufacturers have followed suit - Sony Ericsson topped Android 1.6 with its own Timescape user interface, and Samsung has developed its TouchWiz experience, which continues to evolve today. how many Android purists make fun of the skin manufacturer today, the need to customize the manufacturer (and increase) on top of The Google code was very real in the OS soon Unlike iOS (and eventually Windows Phone), Android didn't adopt a strong design language of its own until relatively late in its life. Early Android was a basic, utilitarian look at it - a visual style born out of the experiments of numerous milestone builds in 2007 and 2008. Android went from having a BlackBerry-style dock app and a dark status bar to a lighter, airier theme with a recognizable app drawer. Even so, early Android still looked and felt like an OS developed by engineers, and many of the icons and graphics used back then seemed like they had been ripped apart since the early 2000s desktop OS. The graphics were inevitably low eds (due to the phone displays of the time), but they seemed to be rooted in the past rather than the future. For example, check out the 90s-style office phone icon and shaded isometric icons used elsewhere. And the liberal use of Windows-style framings has given buttons and interactions a clumsy, old-fashioned look. iOS, by contrast, wore a skeuomorphic look in places (emulating the look of the physical control sensor experience replaced), but there seemed to be a firmer hand on the steering design, with a user interface that took strong cues from Apple's well-installed desktop Mac OS. What's also striking is how little mainstream Android stock appearance has changed from the first 1.0 release to the right version of 2.2, Froyo - released within a year and a half later. Only later releases of Gingerbread, Honeycomb and eventually Ice Cream Sandwich, and the hiring of former Palm designer Mathias Duarte, will gradually lead to Android with a design at its heart. But it's a story another time. Android is well known as an open source operating system, meaning everyone can download Android source code and build their own version of the OS. And Android Open Source Project (AOSP) is how it's done. Once Google does the development of Android internally, it is publicly released through AOSP, allowing any of the major manufacturers of amateur developers to tinker with the code. But of course you need some checks and balances to maintain compatibility between devices, and that's where the Android compatibility program comes in. This is Google's way of ensuring that everyone with access to its application market is compatible with the apps out there. AOSP also allows you to also use Android without any things Google - services, apps or compatibility checks - and that's what Amazon does with its line of Fire products. While the main Android OS is open source, much of it that you might think like Android isn't. Google apps bundled on most Android Android phones are closed sources in the West. And as Google moved Android's core apps to the Play Store, and integrated its own services with them, open source apps gradually disappeared from the stock of Android devices. (For example, music became Play Music, and the Stock Gallery app became .) When it comes to Google Android however, the big OEM manufacturers get a head start on everyone else. Nexus manufacturers work with Google until each version of Android is released, and thus receive the code ahead of schedule. And increasingly the same goes for the big players in the Android world without any current Nexus phones or tablets like Samsung. As Google opened up to developers with preview builds upcoming Android releases (as was the case with Lollipop and Marshmallow), it was also able to share more with device manufacturers behind the scenes. And this is an important part of the solution to the problem of keeping existing devices up to date with new releases. While we wax lyrical about Android Cupcake and Donut, we still have to remember that today is a deprecated and totally unsupported version of Android. Installed apps - both from Google and from other parties - can still work, but do not have features from new versions built for phones running the current version of Android. Similarly, the OS itself lags far behind the curve when it comes to features, fluidity and security. Technically, you can still use the phone running Android Cupcake or Donut for your daily driver. The basics are messaging, email and phone calls. They work, just not as we are used to things working on a modern . Once you go on, everything turns south quickly. You have access to the original Android Market, and there are about a dozen or so apps that will install and run. Facebook and Pandora have as well as some other apps that you've never heard of, but will install and use if you're stuck using Android Phone 1.5 or 1.6. Contacts and calendars are completely disrupted. Versions of apps on your Android 1.x phone are no longer in sync with your , and you can only add local contacts or calendar entries. This makes for a less-than-smart smartphone experience. The browser is painful to use. It's slow (read: unbearable so), and incompatible with most modern web pages. Most of the sites I tried won't download at all, and those that are usually filled with bugs. Things on the internet have changed quite a bit over the last five years, it seems. The YouTube app is more like the Windows Phone YouTube experience than the Google Android experience. The app is ugly and slow and it takes an eternity for videos to download. Most of the things are just a mistake. Surprisingly, the Amazon MP3 store (included on many Cupcake and Donut phones, including the T-Mobile G1 that we use here) is working fine. Appendix as liquid liquid you can expect on hardware, store listings and audio previews to work great, and it all makes you feel like you're back in 2010 to buy a few songs. We're not knocking the G1 or the older Android version here. At one time, these phones running this software were the pinnacle of mobile technology. But they are left behind and show their age - both on the hardware front as well as on the software side. While you might use something like the G1 running a doughnut like your smartphone, chances are you wouldn't be very happy or productive. Using one for a few days was fun, but what I came out of it all was a better appreciation for the big phones we have today. DROOOOOOOIIIIID! Android has found some success in the U.S. and internationally through releases from HTC, Motorola and Samsung, but actually make a splash in the US Android phone should be released on Verizon Wireless. Getting an Android phone on Verizon in 2010 was difficult. The Big Red has just been burned badly, taking a chance on a Microsoft-powered Kin phone, and ATT's relationship with Apple pulls more people off their network every day. The big, splashy competitor iPhone was a must, and nothing from the current generation of Android phones offered compelling marketing opportunities. Knowing how big this partnership will be for both parties, Google has worked hard to create a compelling offering for Verizon. Verizon, Motorola and Google came to an agreement in October 2009, and a month later - complete with a licensing agreement with Lucasfilm - Motorola Droid was launched in the U.S. as the first Android 2.0 Eclair smartphone. Verizon's marketing efforts for droids were almost entirely focused on attacking Apple. The Droid Do campaign included multi-injections and demonstrations of voice search capabilities, and was an impressive success. For many users, the hardware was the best of both worlds. You can slip out of the physical keyboard if you want it, or use Google's new virtual keyboard to do all your input. With a 550 MHz processor and 256MB of RAM it doesn't work much better than other Android phones on the market at the time, but its industrial design and updated user interface offered a compelling overall experience. Verizon's embrace of the droid was also a fatal blow to Palm. The founder of a company in the smartphone space, Palm launched its own modern smartphone - Palm Pre running webOS - in June 2009, but the first release was exclusive to Sprint. Verizon has signed an exclusive deal to improve Palm Pre Plus, promising a big marketing campaign and sales. Behind the scenes, Verizon used Palm as leverage with Motorola and Verizon, and barely promoted the Pre Plus. With warehouses of unsold phones Palm suffered was sold to HP in April 2010. The HP webOS division was effectively closed the following year, according to the Leo Apofeker's disastrous tenure as CEO. The droid quickly became the most popular Android phone in the US. 'Droid' has become synonymous with 'Android' for many, despite being a Verizon-exclusive brand. Even with consumer-level brand confusion - in Verizon's favor - the droids marked a burst in awareness for Android. The first year of Android in public places was a period of huge growth and change in the mobile industry. Google has gone from an outsider to a realistic iPhone competitor, as well as current players such as BlackBerry, Palm and Microsoft. But it won't be until 2010 that we're really seeing Android take off, with a few high-profile launches and accumulating a serious market share. In the next part of our Android history series, we will track the progress of Android as it makes it great in the mobile world, with devices like HTC EVO, HTC Desire and Samsung Galaxy S. And we'll go back to the top of Google's Nexus program, which brought a clean Google phone to consumers, right from their Mountain View headquarters, for the first time. READ MORE: Android makes it big word credits: Alex Doby, Russell Holly and Jerry Hildenbrand Jason McKenzie Interview: Andrew Martonic and Derek Kessler Design: Derek Kessler and Jose Negron Series Editor: Alex Dobie Android beta screenshot credit: LR Guanzon via Wikimedia Commons hay day save game android

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