Distribution of viridans (Araneae: Oxyopidae) on Croton ciliatoglandulifer Author(s) :Pablo Corcuera, Pedro Luis Valverde, Everardo Jiméénez-Salinas, Fernando Vite, Gerardo Lóópez-Ortega and Marco Aurelio Péérez-Hernáández Source: Environmental Entomology, 39(2):320-327. 2010. Published By: Entomological Society of America DOI: 10.1603/EN09205 URL: http://www.bioone.org/doi/full/10.1603/EN09205

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BioOne sees sustainable scholarly publishing as an inherently collaborative enterprise connecting authors, nonprofit publishers, academic institutions, research libraries, and research funders in the common goal of maximizing access to critical research. POPULATION ECOLOGY Distribution of (Araneae: Oxyopidae) on Croton ciliatoglandulifer


Universidad Auto´noma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, Departamento de Biologõ´a, Av. San Rafael Atlixco 186, Col. Vicentina, Iztapalapa, C.P. 09340 Mexico D.F., Mexico

Environ. Entomol. 39(2): 320Ð327 (2010); DOI: 10.1603/EN09205 ABSTRACT Peucetia viridans (Hentz) lives almost exclusively on Croton ciliatoglandulifer (Ortega) in the dry forests of western Mexico. This is usually found on pubescent shrubs. Within their host plants, P. viridans has been associated with plant height and cover, as well as with number of ßowers or inßorescences in anthesis. Flowers can be used as cues of good habitat conditions or because they attract prey detected by the spider. In this study, we assessed the importance of ßowers, plant cover, and plant exposure (sun/shade) on the spider distribution in Þve 50-plant transects. In a Þeld experiment, we also compared the number of between controls, plants from which inßores- cences were removed, and plants with artiÞcial inßorescences. The results from the transects indicate that, when the number of ßowers per spider is high, spiders were more abundant in exposed locations, which presumably offer better microclimatic conditions; when ßowers become scarce, food may be more difÞcult to Þnd and the spider distribution become strongly associated with the number of ßowers, where they are more likely to Þnd prey. Spider abundances on the experimental plot decreased on plants from which ßowers were removed in comparison to control plants. Spider abundance increased on those in which artiÞcial inßorescences were added. The similarity between plants with natural and artiÞcial inßorescences suggests that spiders use ßowers as cues of good microhabitats instead of prey visitors, which are signiÞcantly less abundant on artiÞcial inßorescences.

KEY WORDS microhabitat use, inßorescences, sun exposure, Oxyopidae, tropical dry forest

Foliage-dwelling spiders have been associated with were densely occupied by ants, which may displace plant cover (Halaj et al. 1998), foliage density (Gun- both the spiders and their potential prey (Faria and narsson 1996, de Souza and Martins 2005), leaf surface Lima 2008). In another study, de Souza and Mo´dena area (Evans 1997), and number of leaves per branch (2004) found that hunting spiders (Oxyopidae and (Halaj et al. 1998, de Souza and Martins 2005, Corcu- Salticidae) were equally common on three different era et al. 2008). Several studies have shown that these types of inßorescences; however, larger individuals characteristics are related to habitat heterogeneity, were more common on those that offered better ref- refuge from predators, prey abundance, and suitable uge against predators. thermal conditions (Riechert and Tracy 1975; Gun- Many lynx spiders (Oxyopidae) are found on plants narsson 1990, 1996; Sundberg and Gunnarsson 1994; with trichomes (Vasconcellos-Neto et al. 2007). Peu- Halaj et al. 1998; Raizer and Amaral 2001). In addition, cetia viridans (Hentz), in particular, has been found spiders of various guilds have been associated with the on Cnidoscolus aconitifolius (Mill.) I. M. Johnstone number and type of inßorescences of several plants and Croton capitatus (Hogwort) (Euphorbiaceae), as (de Souza and Mo´dena 2004, de Souza and Martins well as Eriogonum fasciculatum (G. Bentham) (Po- 2005, Morse 2007). Some crab spiders, for instance, use lygonaceae), Gossypium spp. (Malvaceae), and Hap- ßowers that match their color and therefore can en- lopappus venetus Blake (Asteraceae) (Brady 1964, snare their prey without being detected (Heiling et al. Louda 1982, Randall 1982, Simpson 1995, Arango et al. 2003, Morse 2007). Other spiders are less selective, and 2000). Vasconcellos-Neto et al. (2007) suggested that their distribution is determined by trade-offs between Peucetia select these types of plants because prey availability and predators. The presence of in- are trapped by the trichomes and repre- ßorescences in the shrub Psychotria carthagenensis Ja- sent available prey for the spider. Furthermore, recent quin (Rubiaceae), for example, had no signiÞcant ef- evidence supports that a facultative mutualism be- fect on spider abundance because the inßorescences tween Peucetia, and its host plants is mediated by glandular trichomes (Romero et al. 2008), but not by 1 Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected]. reproductive structures (i.e., ßowers, Morais-Filho

0046-225X/10/0320Ð0327$04.00/0 ᭧ 2010 Entomological Society of America April 2010 CORCUERA ET AL.: DISTRIBUTION OF P. viridans ON ITS HOST PLANT 321 and Romero 2008). Although the accumulated evi- before. This study will also elucidate whether the dence indicate that this association is speciÞc and relative importance of some key factors used by the predictable (Morais-Filho and Romero 2008), other green to select individual plants vary in factors also seem to be important in understanding time and with respect to resource availability. which plant traits are involved in the speciÞc associ- ation between Peucetia and its host plants. In this Materials and Methods sense, presence of inßorescence and plant size could generate variation on the distribution of Peucetia in- Study Site and Species. The study was conducted in dividuals within their host plants. In particular, some the state of Jalisco in western Mexico (between studies suggest that P. viridans selects taller plants with 20Њ20Ј42Љ and 20Њ22Ј16.4Љ N and 103Њ40Ј31Љ and a higher cover and panicles in anthesis (Louda 1982, 103Њ45Ј26Љ W; altitude 1,380 m). Mean annual temper- Arango et al. 2000). Additionally, the green lynx spi- ature was 20.3ЊC, and mean annual precipitation was der, as well as other spiders, chooses plants under 826 mm. The rainy season starts in June and ends in cover to avoid desiccation during extreme weather September. C. ciliatoglandulifer is a shrub with glan- (i.e., the hot months in Southern Mexico and the dry dular stipules and monoecious inßorescences that cold season in Southern Brazil) (Arango et al. 2000, ßower from January to November (Martõ´nez-Gordillo Romero and Vasconcellos-Neto 2004). As Riechert 1996). C. ciliatoglandulifer is a dominant shrub in the and Tracy (1975) pointed out, spiders might favor study area. The green lynx spider, P. viridans, is a certain individual plants because of their ability to cursorial hunting species that preys on a variety of modify the thermal environment. insects and spiders, including individuals of its own Previous studies in a tropical dry forest in Jalisco, species, up to 2.5 times larger than itself (Turner 1979; Mexico, showed that P. viridans lives almost exclu- Nyffeler et al. 1987, 1992). It is common on wild ßow- sively on Croton ciliatoglandulifer Ortega (Euphorbi- ers, grasses, and low shrubs (Whitcomb and Easton aceae) (Corcuera et al. 2008) and that the occurrence 1967, Nyffeler et al. 1992). It is an annual univoltine of spiders is positively associated with plant cover and that breeds and lays its eggs in summer and autumn. number of inßorescences but not with plant height Dispersal by ballooning occurs during the winter (Co- (Jime´nez-Salinas and Corcuera 2008). In the P. viri- rey and Taylor 1989). The study was conducted from dans–C. ciliatoglandulifer system, we also found no September to December 2007, which includes the evidence of spiders preying on insects ensnared on the peak of the breeding season of P. viridans, and follows plant hairs (P.C., unpublished data). The main prey of a preliminary surveillance carried out in autumn 2004 P. viridans were wasps, bees, leafhoppers, and ßies (Jime´nez-Salinas et al. 2006). (80% of the insects trapped, n ϭ 29 spider-prey en- Field Survey. In September, 50 plants were chosen counters; P.C., unpublished data) that were found in Þve 50-m transects located throughout the study near the inßorescences but never entwined in the area (hereafter T1, T2, T3, T4, and T5). The number trichomes. To further understand the spiderÐplant re- of spiders and ßowers in anthesis were counted on lationship, we studied the importance of number of each plant. In addition, we estimated foliage cover for ßowers in anthesis, foliage cover, and inßorescences of each individual plant as an ellipse (0.25␲ ϫ major C. ciliatoglandulifer in the distribution of P. viridans. branch spread ϫ minor branch spread). To explore Because plant exposure has been linked to the distri- the inßuence of plant exposure on the distribution of bution of Peucetia spiders (Arango et al. 2000, Romero spiders, we also recorded the number of plants that and Vasconcellos-Neto 2004), we also evaluated if were either exposed or growing under the canopy of plant exposure (i.e., exposed/unexposed plants) in- a tree in each transect. The counts were repeated 1 mo ßuenced the spider distribution. These predictions later (October). Pearson correlations (r) were used to were explored in Þve transects in a Þeld survey. Fi- assess the relationship of total number of spiders with nally, to assess the importance of inßorescences on the total number of ßowers in anthesis, foliage cover spider abundance, we conducted a Þeld experiment to average, and total number of exposed plants across test the following hypotheses: (1) plants with inßo- transects in September and October. rescences represent high-quality patches in compar- In addition, we used logistic regression analyses to ison to plants without inßorescences and (2) if ßowers test whether the number of ßowers in anthesis and are used as cues of prey availability, spiders would be foliage cover explained the presence/absence of spi- equally common on plants with natural inßorescences ders among plants within each of the Þve transects. and plants from which natural ßowers were replaced This approach was used because most plants within by artiÞcial ßower heads. We monitored changes in transects had either none or only one or two spiders, spider abundance on plants from which ßowers were making the use of ordinary regression analysis unfea- removed and compared them with those plants with sible. Logistic regression is similar to ordinary regres- natural and artiÞcial inßorescences. If spiders use sion except that the response variable (y) is binary inßorescences as indicators of better microhabitat (i.e., has only two possible qualitative outcomes) in- conditions or resource availability (i.e., pollinator stead of continuous (Neter et al. 1996, Mendenhall and insects), they would desert plants from which inßo- Sincich 2003). For each transect, the presence or ab- rescences were removed, whereas control plants sence of spiders on each plant (response variable) was would show high spider abundance. This aspect has coded as 1 or 0, respectively. The number of ßowers not been assessed for the Peucetia–host plant system in anthesis and foliage cover were included as pre- 322 ENVIRONMENTAL ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 39, no. 2 dictor variables in each logistic regression model. The imply a difference in patch quality. Second, if inßo- logistic regression parameters were obtained by max- rescences per se are used as cues of prey availability imum likelihood estimation (Mendenhall and Sincich (CO versus AI), we would expect no difference be- 2003). The whole-model and regression parameters tween CO and AI. This would suggest that spiders use signiÞcance were tested using the likelihood ratio ␹2 ßowers as cues to select plants and not the potential test (Mendenhall and Sincich 2003). prey that are more common on natural inßorescences Field Experiment. On 30 September, we conducted (CO). This analysis did not include the Þrst date be- a Þeld experiment to inspect the inßuence of inßo- cause plants with artiÞcial inßorescences (AI) had no rescences of C. ciliatoglandulifer on the spider distri- spiders (30 September). Because the control plants bution. Thirty individual plants with lynx spiders were (CO) had no inßorescences in the last two dates (1 randomly divided into two 15-plant groups. The Þrst December and 15) because of natural senescence and group was left untouched (controls, CO), whereas the the differences between CO and RI ceased to be second one was kept with no inßorescences during the meaningful, we also removed the last date (15 De- course of the experiment (RI). Additionally, 15 indi- cember) from the analysis. The previous date (1 De- vidual plants without lynx spiders were randomly se- cember) was included to be conservative and because lected. In this plant group, natural inßorescences were there could still be ßowers on previous days before the removed during the course of the experiment and count. Before the analysis, the number of spiders was substituted with artiÞcial inßorescences that were log(n ϩ 1) transformed to normalize its error distri- similar to the natural ones (AI). If ßowers are used as bution (Sokal and Rohlf 1995) and to meet the as- cues of prey availability, lynx spiders would colonize sumptions of sphericity and equality of covariance plants from which natural inßorescences were re- matrices (von Ende 2001). All analyses were per- placed by artiÞcial ßower heads and be as abundant as formed using the JMP (SAS Institute 1999) or NCSS as on plants with natural inßorescences. A pilot trial (Hintze 2001) statistical packages. showed that the total number of insects visiting con- trol plants with natural inßorescences was signiÞ- Results cantly higher than plants with artiÞcial inßorescences (t ϭ 4.7, P Ͻ 0.001, df ϭ 14). Moreover, the number Field Survey. In September, the total number of of insects that were used as prey by P. viridans was also spiders showed a positive relationship with average signiÞcantly higher in plants with natural inßores- foliage cover and the number of exposed plants among cences (t ϭ 2.8, P Ͻ 0.005, df ϭ 14). Both natural and transects; however, these correlations were not sig- artiÞcial inßorescences had white actinomorphic 1.5- niÞcant (r ϭ 0.86, P ϭ 0.06 and r ϭ 0.87, P ϭ 0.0543, to 2.0-cm ßowers. ArtiÞcial racemes were 15 cm and respectively; n ϭ 5; Fig. 1A and B). The number of had 12.6 Ϯ 1.2 ßowers (mean Ϯ SE). Racemes of spiders was not correlated with the number of ßowers natural plants reached 15 cm and had 9.1 Ϯ 2.2 ßowers. in anthesis in the same month (r ϭ 0.02, P ϭ 0.9786, n ϭ Three artiÞcial racemes were placed on each of the 15 5; Fig. 1C). However, in October, the number of spi- plants in the AI treatment. Inßorescence removal from ders had a high positive correlation with the number RI and AI treatments was done with minimum distur- of ßowers in anthesis (r ϭ 0.99, P ϭ 0.0001, n ϭ 5; Fig. bance. To reduce the effect of other factors, not ma- 1C) but not with the number of exposed plants (r ϭ nipulated by the experimental treatments, all experi- Ϫ0.63, P ϭ 0.2505, n ϭ 5; Fig. 1B). We also found a mental plants had similar height and foliage cover and negative but not statistically signiÞcant relationship were under similar sun exposure conditions. To avoid between the number of spiders and foliage cover dur- contact between plants, experimental individuals ing this month (r ϭ 0.87, P ϭ 0.0545, n ϭ 5; Fig. 1A). were at least Ͼ1 m distant apart. Because foliage cover was never signiÞcant within At the beginning of the experiment, the number of transects (P Ͼ 0.09 in all cases), this plant attribute was spiders on plants from which inßorescences were re- dropped from the Þnal logistic regression models. moved was higher than control plants (mean Ϯ SE: Within each transect, the simple logistic regression 2.4 Ϯ 0.25 and 1.73 Ϯ 0.21 spiders/plant, respectively); analyses showed that the probability of the presence however, this difference was not signiÞcant (t ϭ 2.035, of spiders increased with the number of ßowers only P ϭ 0.0514, df ϭ 28). The number of spiders was in transect T3 in September (Table 1; Fig. 2A). In counted on 30 September, 5 October, 14, 21, and 29, contrast, in October, the number of ßowers explained and 4 November, and 1 and 15 December. Flowers in the presence of spiders in four of the Þve transects anthesis were also counted on the same dates for the (Table 1; Fig. 2B). In T4, the results were only mar- control plants. The effect of inßorescences on spider ginally signiÞcant (Table 1). In all cases, the proba- abundance was evaluated using a repeated-measures bility of spider presence increased with the number of analysis of variance (ANOVA) with ßower experi- ßowers (Table 1; Fig. 2B). These results were consis- mental treatment as the Þxed effect and time as the tent with the correlations analyses among transects. repeated factor (von Ende 2001). To test our two Spiders were more common on plants with ßowers in hypotheses, we carried out two planned comparisons October but not in September. (Sokal and Rohlf 1995). First, if plants with natural Field Experiment. Results from the experiments inßorescences represent higher-quality patches than show that the number of spiders was signiÞcantly plants without inßorescences (CO versus RI), differ- different between inßorescence treatments (F ϭ ences in spider abundance between CO and RI would 23.56, df ϭ 2,42; P ϭ 0.0373). In particular, plants with April 2010 CORCUERA ET AL.: DISTRIBUTION OF P. viridans ON ITS HOST PLANT 323

120 cantly over time (F ϭ 6.34, df ϭ 5,210; P Ͻ 0.0001), September these differences were not signiÞcant between treat- A) October 100 ments (inßorescences treatment ϫ time interaction: F ϭ 1.79, df ϭ 10,210; P ϭ 0.0633; Fig. 3A). However, 80 separate within-subject repeated-measured analysis detected a signiÞcant increase in spider abundance 60 over time in plants with artiÞcial inßorescences (time effect: F ϭ 5.60, df ϭ 5,70; P ϭ 0.0002). Plants with 40 artiÞcial inßorescences, originally with no spiders,

Number of spiders were colonized from the Þrst week after the treat- 20 ments started (Fig. 3A). Spider abundance on plants with natural inßorescences removed (RI) decreased 0 during the Þrst 3 wk but increased during the fourth 9000 10000 11000 12000 13000 week, when there were almost no ßowers left in the Foliage cover (cm2) study area (Fig. 3A and B). There was a second bloom- ing episode on 29 October (Fig. 3B). During this time, 120 spider abundance once more diminished on plants September without natural inßorescences (RI) and reached their B) October 100 highest abundance in both controls (CO) and plants with artiÞcial inßorescences (AI; Fig. 3A). After this 80 event, the ßowering period declined and ceased in 1 December (Fig. 3B). Although plants from the three 60 treatments had similar spider densities after 4 Novem- ber, plants with artiÞcial inßorescences had more spi- 40 ders than the other two treatments in 15 December

Number of spiders (Fig. 3A; date not included in the analysis). This dif- 20 ference, however, was not signiÞcant (F ϭ 0.55, df ϭ 2,42; P ϭ 0.5821). 0 15 20 25 30 Discussion Number of exposed plants The distribution of the green lynx spider P. viridans 120 September showed a close relationship with the number of ßow- C) October ers on C. ciliatoglandulifer. In addition, our experi- 100 mental results suggested that the presence of inßo- rescences had a positive effect on spider abundance 80 on the host plant. However, this relationship was not constant in time, and a trade-off between sun exposure 60 and number of ßowers may explain this inconsistency. Host plant choice is a dynamic process that might 40 depend on available resources (i.e., ßowers) and phys- Number of spiders ical factors such as temperature, humidity, and light 20 incidence (Cherrett 1964; Riechert and Tracy 1975; Romero and Vasconcellos-Neto 2004, 2005). In this 0 study, the number of ßowers had an important role in 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 October, which followed the main blooming peak. In Number of flowers in anthesis contrast, in September, when most inßorescences Fig. 1. Relationship between the number of spiders and were in anthesis, plant exposure better explained the (A) average foliage cover, (B) number of exposed plants, and spider distribution. (C) number of ßowers in anthesis, in Þve transects (n ϭ 50 Lynx spiders are strongly associated with plants plants per transect) in a dry forest in western Mexico in bearing glandular trichomes (Vasconcellos-Neto et al. September and October. 2007), and P. viridans is almost only found on C. cili- atoglandulifer in our study area (Corcuera et al. 2008). Insects caught in resinous hairs might provide food for natural inßorescences (CO) had signiÞcantly more the spiders as suggested by Vansconcellos-Neto et al. spiders than plants without natural inßorescences (2007). However, we did not see insects trapped in C. (CO versus RI planned comparison: F ϭ 6.49, df ϭ 1,42; ciliatoglandulifer, as we formerly pointed out. More- P ϭ 0.0146; Fig. 3A). However, there were no differ- over, a red-eyed seed chalcid wasp (Eurytomidae), ences in spider abundance between plants with nat- frequently seen on the inßorescences, seemed to be ural and artiÞcial inßorescences (CO versus RA intoxicated by the plant metabolites and, together planned comparison: F ϭ 3.82, df ϭ 1,42; P ϭ 0.0570; with the (Apis mellifera), was one of the Fig. 3A). Although spider abundance varied signiÞ- main prey of P. viridans (E. Jime´nez-Salinas, unpub- 324 ENVIRONMENTAL ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 39, no. 2

Table 1. Summary of the simple logistic regression analyses used to evaluate the effect of the no. of flowers on the spiders presence probability for each transect in Sept. and Oct.

Whole-model test Parameter estimate testa Month/transect ␹2 2 ␤ b ␹2 1 PRßowers (SE) 1 P Sept. T1 1.81 0.1791 0.03 0.075 (0.058) 1.64 0.2003 T2 0.53 0.4667 0.01 0.050 (0.068) 0.55 0.4600 T3 27.06 0.0001 0.39 0.413 (0.118) 12.11 0.0005 T4 1.52 0.2175 0.03 0.034 (0.028) 1.48 0.2245 T5 0.36 0.5470 0.01 0.018 (0.030) 0.35 0.5539 Oct. T1 7.05 0.0079 0.10 0.193 (0.083) 5.38 0.0203 T2 12.95 0.0003 0.24 0.308 (0.117) 6.88 0.0087 T3 8.77 0.0030 0.17 0.241 (0.019) 4.89 0.0270 T4 5.58 0.0181 0.08 0.210 (0.104) 3.72 0.0537 T5 5.26 0.0218 0.08 0.120 (0.058) 4.16 0.0414

a ␤ Results of 0 estimates are not shown. b Logistic regression coefÞcient to the effect of no. of ßowers (SE). R2, proportion of the total uncertainty attributed to the model Þt (SAS 1999). lished data). Turner (1979) also found that A. mellif- Many foliage-dwelling spiders, such as Peucetia spp., era, together with other Hymenoptera, was the main prefer inßorescences to vegetative branches (de prey of P. viridans on a sagebrush in California. Souza and Martins 2004, de Souza and Mo´dena 2004,

1 A) September


0.5 T1 NS T2 NS 0.25 T3 § T4 NS T5 NS 0

1 B) October

0.75 Probability of spider occurrence 0.5 T1 † T2 ‡ 0.25 T3 † T4 * T5 † 0 0102030 Number of flowers in anthesis Fig. 2. Probability of spider occurrence in relation to number of ßowers, Þtted with a simple logistic regression model, in Þve transects (n ϭ 50 plants per transect) in a dry forest in western Mexico in (A) September and (B) October 2007. T1ÐT5 refer to transect number. SigniÞcance of the logistic regression coefÞcients: *P ϭ 0.0537; P Ͻ 0.05; àP Ͻ 0.01; ¤P Ͻ 0.0001; NS, non signiÞcant. April 2010 CORCUERA ET AL.: DISTRIBUTION OF P. viridans ON ITS HOST PLANT 325

4 A) Non inflorescenses 3.5 Artificial inflorescenses Control 3





Number of spiders/plant 0.5


50 B)




10 Number of flowers/plant

0 Sep 30 Oct 5 Oct 14 Oct 21 Oct 29 Nov 4 Dec 1 Dec 15 Sampling date Fig. 3. (A) Number of individuals of P. viridans on plants of C. ciliatoglandulifer with natural (Œ) and artiÞcial (Ⅺ) inßorescences and without inßorescences (ࡗ) in eight consecutive sampling dates. (B) Number of ßowers of the control plants (natural inßorescences) during the same sampling dates. Error bars represent Ϯ SE. Dates 30 September and 15 December were not included in the analysis (see the Field Experiment section in Material and Methods for details). but see Morais-Filho and Romero 2008). Species of number of leaves, and number of arthropods explained runners (Clubionidae and Anyphaenidae), ambushers the distribution of this species. (, Philodromidae, and Pisauridae), and De Souza and Mo´dena (2004) suggested that, be- stalkers (Salticidae and Oxyopidae) were more com- sides attracting potential prey, inßorescences add an mon on natural inßorescences than on nonreproduc- architectural dimension to plants by modifying micro- tive branches of four plant species in the Brazilian climatic conditions and providing refuges from pred- pantanal (de Souza and Martins 2004). De Souza and ators. These authors found that Oxyopidae species Martins (2004) also found that stalkers were more were equally abundant among the three plants they abundant on artiÞcial inßorescences than on vegeta- studied, but individuals were signiÞcantly larger on tive branches. The positive relationship between P. one of the species with small ßowers. Plants with viridans and ßower number, as well as the diminishing larger ßowers tend to be visited more frequently by abundances from plants from which the inßores- insects but, in this case, spiders on these plants were cences were removed and a rise in spider numbers on also more vulnerable to bird predation. The prefer- plants with artiÞcial ßowers, highlight the importance ence for C. ciliatoglandulifer in our study area does not of inßorescences on the distribution of P. viridian on seem to be related to predation by birds because its host plants. Nonetheless, the preference for ßow- insectivorous species avoid C. ciliatoglandulifer and ering plant individuals does not seem to be the case for forage on other plants (Corcuera 2001). all lynx spiders. Morais-Filho and Romero (2008) Some ßower dwelling spiders such as Misumena found no differences in numbers of Peucetia flava vatia (Clerck) (Thomisidae) actively respond to the Keyserling between hydrophitic shrubs of Rhyncan- insects attracted by plants (Morse 1988, 1999, 2000). thera dichotoma (Nees) C.B. Clarke (Melastomata- Trichobothria and lyriform organs may detect prey ceae), with and without ßowers. Instead, plant height, from relatively large distances (Barth and Ho¨ller 326 ENVIRONMENTAL ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 39, no. 2

1999). In this sense, spiders could use ßying insects Acknowledgments near ßowers directly to stay on good quality patches. We thank C. G. Serrano for help in the Þeld. This study was However, spiders with relatively good eyesight (i.e., supported by the Universidad Auto´noma Metropolitana- Pisauridae and Oxyopidae, Weems and Whitcomb Iztapalapa (143.0510). 1977; and Salticidae, Wise 1993) could instead use ßowers as indirect cues of prey availability. According to Arango et al. (2000), P. viridans is References Cited guided by color recognition and/or the amount of ßoral nectar in choosing individual plants. Even Arango, A. M., V. Rico-Gray, and V. Parra-Tabla. 2000. Pop- though insects can be attracted to artiÞcial ßowers ulation structure, seasonality, and habitat use by the (Bernays and Chapman 1994), we found that the total green lynx spider Peucetia viridans (Oxyopidae) inhab- number of insects, as well as the preferred prey of the iting Cnidoscolus aconitifolius (Euphorbiaceae). J. Arach- nol. 28: 185Ð194. spider, was signiÞcantly higher on plants with natural Barth, F. G., and A. Ho¨ller. 1999. Dynamics of ßower heads. Because the spider was equally common Þliform hairs. V. The response of spider trichobothria to on plants with artiÞcial (once colonized) than natural natural stimuli. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. B 354: 183Ð192. inßorescences, our results agree with those of Arango Bernays, E. A., and R. F. Chapman. 1994. Host-plant selec- et al. (2000) in the sense that P. viridans may be guided tion by phytophagous insects. Chapman & Hall, New by color recognition. 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