Requirements for Double Black Stripe

Part I: Kicking Techniques

Front Side Kick

• Impact target with the balls of the feet. • Impact target with the blade of the foot.

• Toes slightly pointed down

• Foot pivoted 15-35 degrees. • Foot pivoted 120-180 degrees.

Ax Kick Round-House Kick

• Impact target with the heel of the foot. • Impact target with the top of the foot.

• Kick through the target.

• Foot pivoted 15-35 degrees • Foot pivoted 120 degrees.

Back Kick—Chamber Back Kick– Chamber

• Chamber knee high. Keep foot • Look over the top of the above the knee. shoulder. If you are not looking over the top of • Brush your foot against your your shoulder you are planted leg to ensure you kick straight back. • Knee and toes should point down toward the floor.

• Foot is turned 120-180 degrees Hook Kick—Extension Hook Kick

• Extend Leg and aim for the out- • Maintaining your kicking side shoulder of the target. height, pull your heel across the target.

• Back foot pivoted 120-180 degrees.

Spin Side Kick—Chamber Spin Side Kick

• Turn and chamber your leg • Turn to look at your up. Keep knee lifted target. throughout the kick.

Spin Hook Kick—Chamber Spin Hook Kick—Extension Spin Hook Kick

Key Points

• Show execution of 70% internal and 30% external energy.

• Clean snap in each technique. Part II: Hand Techniques

Testing includes all previous hand strikes from yellow belt through black stripe requirements.

Part III: Kicking Combinations

1. Round-house kick to jump back kick.


Key Points:

A. Chamber knee on the back kick up to the chest.

B. Fully extend the kicking leg.

2. Double rear leg round-house kick to spin hook kick.


Key Points:

A. Land forward after the double kick. B B. Spin hook kick should start on the right shoulder of opponent and finish at the left shoulder. 3. Round-house kick to tornado kick to spin hook kick.





Key Points:

A. Place foot back under shoulder after each kick.

B. Keep knee chambered high on each kick.

Part IV: Poomsae:

Taeguek Pal Jang

Part V: One Step

Attacker: Face .

Defender: Left foot step forward 45 degrees into house riding , right hand knifehand block. Right hand grab attacker’s wrist, right foot round-house kick to attacker’s body, step forward into walking stance. Left leg step forward into horse riding stance, Right hand twist attacker’s arm behind their back. Left hand reach up and wrap left forearm around attacker’s neck Kihap.



Key Points

A. Maintain control of the wrist after the knifehand .

B. Round-house kick to solar plexus.

Attacker: Face punch.

Defender: Left foot step into horse riding stance, right hand knifehand block. Right leg round-house kick to body, then side kick to attacker’s knee. Slide back with right foot. Right foot spin hook kick over the top of attacker’s head, Kihap.



Key Points:

A. Chamber knee into your chest on the side kick.

B. Maintain appropriate distance for the spin hook kick.

Attacker: Face punch.

Defender: Left foot inside crescent kick attacker’s punch. Right foot step back into kicking stance. Left food jump spin- ning crescent kick. Right foot spin hook face to the face, Kihap.



Key Points: A. Continuous motion between each kick.

B. Maintain appropriate distance.

Part VI: Self Defense

Attacker: Grab top of partner’s hair with your right hand.

Defender: Both hands grab attacker’s back. Right knee strike to attacker’s groin. Left hand grab attacker’s uniform from behind, right hand grab attacker’s , right leg attacker to the ground. Right hand face punch, Kihap.


Key Points:

A. Push the attacker back to create space for the knee. Attacker: Grab partner in bear hug from behind.

Defender: Thrust head backward while stepping to the left into horse riding stance. Lift both arms shoulder height while step- ping to break free of the hold. Right strike to attacker’s solar plexus, reach down and grab attacker’s left ankle with both hands. Pull attacker’s ankle up, throwing them back. Right foot sidekick to the face, Kihap.



Key Points:

A. Drop down into horse riding stance and lift arms.

B. Target solar plexus to knock the wind out of the attacker.

C. Pull up hard on the attacker’s leg to cause them to fall back.

Attacker: Grab both of partner’s wrists from behind.

Defender: Right foot step sideways into horse riding stance, lift both hands overhead. Left foot step behind attacker while twisting right arm behind attacker’s back. Wrap right forearm around attacker’s neck, Kihap.


Key Points:

A. Capture the attacker’s right hand once hands are overhead.

B. Lift up on arm while applying pressure on the neck.

Part VII: Sparring

One minute and non-contact Sparring.

Part VIII: Board Breaking

Tornado Kick

Hand Technique