Automatic Collection of Leaked Resources
IEICE TRANS. INF. & SYST., VOL.E96–D, NO.1 JANUARY 2013 28 PAPER Resco: Automatic Collection of Leaked Resources Ziying DAI†a), Student Member, Xiaoguang MAO†b), Nonmember, Yan LEI†, Student Member, Xiaomin WAN†, and Kerong BEN††, Nonmembers SUMMARY A garbage collector relieves programmers from manual rent approaches either strive to detect and fix these leaks memory management and improves productivity and program reliability. or provide new language features to simplify resource man- However, there are many other finite system resources that programmers agement [2], [3], [5]–[8]. Although these approaches can must manage by themselves, such as sockets and database connections. Growing resource leaks can lead to performance degradation and even achieve success to some extent, there are some escaped re- program crashes. This paper presents the automatic resource collection source leaks that manifest themselves after programs have approach called Resco (RESource COllector) to tolerate non-memory re- been deployed. We also note that similar to memory leaks, source leaks. Resco prevents performance degradation and crashes due to leaks of other resources are not necessarily a problem. A resource leaks by two steps. First, it utilizes monitors to count resource ff consumption and request resource collections independently of memory few or a small amount of leaked resources will neither a ect usage when resource limits are about to be violated. Second, it responds program behavior nor performance. Only when accumu- to a resource collection request by safely releasing leaked resources. We lated leaks exhaust all available resources or lead to large ex- implement Resco based on a Java Virtual Machine for Java programs.
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