Debug Your Threading and Memory Errors
Kevin O’Leary Intel SPDK, PMDK, Intel® Performance Analyzers Virtual Forum 01 Intel Inspector overview 02 Intel Inspector features 03 Summary SPDK, PMDK, Intel® Performance Analyzers Virtual Forum 2 Intel® Trace Analyzer Cluster N Scalable Tune MPI & Collector (ITAC) ? Intel APS Intel MPI Tuner Y Memory Effective Y Bandwidth N threading Vectorize Sensitive ? Intel® Inspector ? N Find any Y correctness errors Optimize Thread in your threads and bandwidth memory! Intel® Intel® Intel® VTune™ Profiler Advisor VTune™ Profiler SPDK, PMDK, Intel® Performance Analyzers Virtual Forum 3 Size and complexity of Correctness tools find defects applications is growing during development prior to shipment Reworking defects is 40%-50% Reduce time, effort, and of total project effort cost to repair Find errors earlier when they are less expensive to fix SPDK, PMDK, Intel® Performance Analyzers Virtual Forum 4 Debugger Breakpoints Correctness Tools Increase ROI By 12%-21%1 ▪ Errors found earlier are less expensive to fix ▪ Several studies, ROI% varies, but earlier is cheaper Diagnosing Some Errors Can Take Months ▪ Races & deadlocks not easily reproduced ▪ Memory errors can be hard to find without a tool Intel® Inspector dramatically sped up Debugger Integration Speeds Diagnosis our ability to track down difficult to isolate threading errors before our ▪ Breakpoint set just before the problem packages are released to the field. ▪ Examine variables & threads with the debugger Peter von Kaenel, Director, Diagnose in hours instead of months Software Development,
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