TILLINGHAM VILLAGE COUNCIL Minutes of a meeting of Tillingham Village Council held on Tuesday 20 February 2018 at 7.30pm at Tillingham Village Hall

PRESENT: Cllr R Harvey, Cllr J Jarman, Cllr L Pocklington and Cllr A Pluckrose. Members of the public: Two

CHAIRMAN: Cllr R Harvey

18/25 WELCOME to the Tillingham Village Council Meeting of 20 February 2018. The Chairman reminded the meeting of the following: • Notice is hereby given that Tillingham Village Council will be audio recording this meeting. • A reminder to everyone in attendance and who will be participating in the meeting that they may be filmed, recorded, photographed, or otherwise reported about. • Persons who object to being filmed, recorded, photographed or otherwise reported, and children and vulnerable adults now have an opportunity to declare their presence.

18/26 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Cllr Foulkes (holiday), Cllr Connolly (work commitments).

18/27 MEMBERS DECLARATION OF INTERESTS Cllr Pocklington declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 18/33, planning application TCA/MAL/18/00185 as the applicant was known to her.


18/29 MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING RESOLVED: To approve as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 16 January 2018.


18/31 CASUAL VACANCY The notice of Casual Vacancy caused by the resignation of Cllr. Kevin Knight was dated 15 January 2018. The MDC Electoral Officer had confirmed that an election had not been requested and therefore the Village Council can co-opt to fill this vacancy. Applications should be made by letter and sent to the Clerk.

18/32 PUBLIC FORUM Clint Tuckey Chairman of Tillingham Flower Show Ltd advised that the Flower Show had held their first meeting. They request permission to have a ‘Pimm’s tent’ on the West Field on Flower Show day. This will be an agenda item for the March meeting.

18/33 PLANNING Applications received from District Council. To respond as a consultee. FUL/MAL/17/01482 Soft landscaped earth bund within the curtilage of The Redding’s Redding’s Tillingham Road Tillingham Mr B Levy RESOLVED: Tillingham Village Council objected to this planning application. Majority decision Reasons: Insufficient information in the planning application. What is the volume of soil that will be used? How many lorry movements will be involved? How high is the bund? How will the water runoff be dealt with? There is no mention of land drainage. The water run off could affect the neighbouring property. Policy D1 NPPF 3N4

Minutes February 2018 4

HOUSE/MAL/18/00020 Single Storey rear extension 78 South Street Tillingham Essex CM0 7TH RESOLVED: Tillingham Village Council supported this application. Majority decision.

TCA/MAL/18/00185 Conifer – Fell The Cobblers 33 North Street Tillingham Essex RESOLVED: Tillingham Village Council objected to this application. Unanimous decision. Reason: Insufficient information concerning the shadowing.

Decisions advised by Council: HOUSE/MAL/17/01350 & LBC/MAL/17/01351 Proposed rebuilding of existing conservatory Latch Key Cottage 15-21 North Street Tillingham Essex Mr & Mrs Michael Hamblion. Approved & Grant Listed Building Consent

WTPO/MAL/17/01410 T1 Walnut – reduce crown by 2m 2 South Street Tillingham Essex The Dean & Chapter of St Pauls Cathedral Approved.

REMOVAL OF THE PARISH TRIGGER MDC Paul Dodson, Director of Planning and Regulatory Services had issued a letter concerning the above. He referred to a letter from Fiona Marshall dated 20 December 2017, which this Council had not received. The Clerk had obtained a copy. Miss Marshalls letter offered an apology for the way the subject was communicated to Village/Parish Councils and gives details of the ‘call in’ process. Mr Dodson’s letter confirms the removal of the parish trigger. The withdrawal of paper copies of planning applications comes into effect 1 April 2018. RESOLVED: To write to MDC expressing concern that the withdrawal of paper copies is unsatisfactory. This system is making it mandatory that every councillor has the technology to do their work.

Maldon District Council Conservation Officer had advised that the owners of the Peculiar Peoples Chapel and 12 South Street were due to be contacted by MDC.

18/34 FINANCE RESOLVED: To approve the following payments and transactions: £ £ £ Method Payee Purpose Gross PAYE Paid STO Salaries 102685,102686,102688 Month of February 906.08 70.40 835.68 Method Payee Purpose Net VAT Total DD A & J Lighting Solutions Street light maintenance 34.90 6.98 41.88 DD SSE Street light electricity supply 83.24 4.17 87.41 102680 Rekk Youth shelter repairs 79.00 15.80 94.80 102681 Broxap Shop litter bin 241.95 48.39 290.34 102682 Upsons mowers Ltd Gang mower service 995.00 199.00 1194.00 102683 KJ Hansen public toilet cleaning 67.50 67.50 102684 MDC CPO January 61.20 12.24 73.44 102689 MSJ Garwood Leaf clearance in car park 50.00 10.00 60.00 102690 Blackwater Maintenance Litter bin installation 70.00 16.00 86.00 102691 SLCC Training Day 25.00 25.00 102687&102691 cancelled cheques Receipts Allotment rents Annual Rent 10.00 Tillingham Bowls Club Annual Rent 297.18

Balances £ Community Account 2938.32 Business Premium Account 10000.00 Business Premium Account Asset Reserve 6658.68 Business Premium Account Project Account 4.76 19601.76

National Savings Designated New Hall Reserve 28677.31 VAT accumulation 1241.31

Cllr Foulkes confirmed that she had undertaken internal control to verify bank reconciliations produced by the RFO in accordance with Financial Regulation 2.2.

Minutes February 2018 5 In accordance with Financial Regulation 4.8 the Clerk had produced a quarterly finance report showing actual spend against budget for the period 1.4.17 to 31.12.17. This had been issued to members. RESOLVED: The report was satisfactory.

18/35 NOTICES, MEETINGS AND TRAINING COURSES. Members receive emails advising them of current EALC training courses. If members wish to attend training courses they should contact the Clerk who will arrange the booking of the course. Parish Clerks Forum 6 March 2018 at Blackwater Sailing Club Heybridge. Clerk to attend. Free. SLCC Training Day 15 March 2018 at Little Channels Little Waltham. Clerk to attend. Fee £25 Hundred Group of Parish Councils Meeting 21 March 2018 at Dengie Village Hall 7.30pm. All members are welcome to attend.

18/36 REPORTS FROM MEETINGS ATTENDED Dengie Hundred Group of Parish Councils Meeting 17 January 2018. Cllrs Harvey & Pluckrose gave a report.

18/37 THE CHILDRENS PLAY AREA The area was temporarily closed for approximately one week for ongoing maintenance.

18/38 THE WEST FIELD Two fixings on the youth shelter had been removed. These had now been repaired. The junior goal mouth ‘dip’ will be filled with soil and grass seeded as soon as the weather improves. This will mean the area will be fenced off for a period whilst the grass can grow. RESOLVED: That the Clerk investigate the cost of heras fencing for this maintenance work. RESOLVED: That the Clerk investigate the cost of a new socketed goal post with back support and net. RESOLVED: To enter the Best Kept Playing Fields Competition 2018. Cllr Jarman was investigating gate/barrier options at the Bowls Club track entrance and bollards.

18/39 THE WEST FIELD BYELAWS The existing West Field Byelaws are dated 1 September 1953. The Parish Council attempted to update the byelaws approximately 10 years ago, but this was postponed due to an ongoing government review of the byelaw procedures. Byelaws are considered to be a measure of last resort. A byelaw cannot be made where alternative legislative measures already exist e.g. dogs are legislated under the Maldon District Council Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO). (This is currently being amended and it superseded the previous Maldon District Council Dog Control Order) A model set of byelaws will be adapted for Tillingham Village Council and the new process followed. This will take time and incur expense.

18/40 VILLAGE COUNCIL PROPERTY Members and the Clerk confirmed regular inspections have been carried out and reported if any maintenance work is required. The West Field Car Park. The Litter bin in the car park is being used to dispose of household waste e.g. fire ashes and car rubbish e.g. bags of food rubbish/nappy boxes etc. This would be reported to the Community Protection Officers. Post Meeting Note: MDC CPO’s are already aware of this problem. The second blue clothes bank has not yet been removed, instead the pink breast cancer bra bank was removed. Post Meeting Note: MDC are arranging for this to be removed. The Public Toilet Block. The unisex toilet requires decorating. RESOLVED: To instruct T Lewis to decorate the unisex toilet. The lighting would be monitored. The Square. The pump was blown over in the recent gales. The pump has been stored safely and a quote is being obtained for repair. Birch Garden Green. Satisfactory. Marsh Road Allotments. All allotment plots are rented. The Defibrillator. Satisfactory. The Village Council Noticeboard. Satisfactory.

18/41 LITTERBIN OUTSIDE THE VILLAGE SHOP The litterbin has been installed.

18/42 HIGHWAYS Reporting matters to Essex County Council (ECC) Highways. Members of the public and Tillingham Village Council members are encouraged to report highway defects online at www.essex.gov.uk. RESOLVED: To report the entrance to Chapel Lane to ECC Highways.

Minutes February 2018 6 For up to date local road closures see www.roadworks.org Request for yellow junction lining at Marsh Road/South Street, Vicarage Lane/South Street, Casey Lane. Chapel Lane and Marlborough Avenue. Update required.

18/43 PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY (PROW) Members of the public and Tillingham Village Council members are encouraged to report public rights of way (public footpath) defects online at www.essex.gov.uk. An email had been received from Sue Spiers advising of defects on Tillingham footpaths. She advised that a P3 footpath group has been set up in /Dengie. RESOLVED; To reply to Sue Spiers advising her of Tillingham Village Council’s procedures concerning PROW. Bradwell Parish Council are gathering forms of evidence to apply to ECC to make the footpath beside the Power Station from the car park to the beach a designated Public Right of Way. They request support from residents. The Clerk will publicise this on Facebook.


18/45 THE ANNUAL PARISH MEETING MONDAY 26TH MARCH 2018 The agenda and notice had been published. Guest speakers are Revd Steven Poss and Headteacher Robert Pike. The Clerk would seek confirmation of the buffet arrangements.

18/46 DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday 20 March 2018. Agenda items must be notified to the Clerk by Monday 12 March 2018. Meeting dates can also be found on www.essexinfo.net/tillingham under Events and www.facebook.com/pg/Tillingham-Village-Council-594190124117517 under Events

18/47 ANY OTHER BUSINESS Cllr Pluckrose asked what are the conditions for occupation of Chancel Close bungalows. The Clerk advised the contact is John Swords at MDC Housing Department.

18/48 PUBLIC FORUM The public expressed concern that there had not been a reminder of the monthly meeting on Facebook. The Clerk will endeavour to issue reminders and the public are welcome to share the information. Clint Tuckey was concerned that the junior goal mouth would be out of use whilst the groundwork was made good. Cllr Harvey advised the MUGA was available but that there was not an alternative location on the West field for the junior goal mouth.

18/49 EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND THE PUBLIC RESOLVED: That under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1(2), the public and press be excluded from the meeting for agenda item 18/50 & 18/51 as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

18/50 QUOTES RESOLVED: To accept the quote from Blackwater Maintenance for repairs to the pump on the Square. The quotes for boundary fencing, gates and bollard on the West Field were awaited.

18/51 LITTER PICKER The litter picker had retired. Thanks were expressed to Ken for his commitment. RESOLVED: That the Clerk continue the litter picking duties, voluntarily and at litter picker wage rate for the period April- September.

18/52 CLOSURE There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.35pm.

Sheila Welham Clerk to the Council

Minutes February 2018 7