Capable -~- Honest --- Experienced Ensure Good Government
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~~~Ch~t~ _____________________________________________T~H~E:-:J:E~W::I:S:H~P~' :O~S~T~ ________________________________~T=h=u~n=da=y~,~N~o~v~~~~_r __ l0~,_1_~_ Tliursday, Novem~r 10, 1949 THE JEWISH POST practices. They are sensitive and the papers would stop writing abou~ united in marriage by Rabbi Meyer Schwartzman. The bride is the elder was attended by representativ'es of , The .. -;yi Bl~sso~s ar~ -taking o~er an evening of fun and laughter at hurt because outsiders have con it. The colored people here are daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Nitikman, and the groom is the only son -Jewish women from 12 countries. the Canteen on Sadie Hawkin's Day, some WInnipeg nightclub. demned them . They seem to given the same rights and privileges . of Mr. and Mrs. J. Yarmar. Delegates attending elected Mrs. Nov. 12. Corsages will be given to feel that the· real evil is not the as anyone else. But this is a demo .. Given in marriage by her father, -------------- Lorie as one of the international all boys; dates will be arranged, and There ar.e five HIAS offices in practice of discrimination but the eratic country . You canl t force the bride chose traditional white, in vice-presidents. some lucky couple will be guests at Italy, at Naples, Genoa, Rome, Milan open discussion of it." A wedding dinner for the family a two-piece floor-length gown of On ovember 10 VOTE Says Dresden's mayor: "If only anyone to serve Negroes." and friends was held in the syna ---- white brocaded taffeta. The long gogue hall follOWing the ceremony. Ruth Nitikman Wed to Aubrey Yarmar sleeved fitted jacket was buttoned A reception and dance concluded high ~p to the neck, anq. ,featured the evening. For· Winnipeg Centre HE-ELECT a .. peplum at the waist. Her, waist Miss Faig,el Fireman delighted the for COOD COVER E T length veil was held in place by a dinner guests with several songs, coron~t -of seed-pea.rls. She carried and Mrs. Golden and her young a bouquet of white 'tea roses. HON. ,C. RHODES SMITH daughter also sang several selections Miss Evelyn Yarmar of Calgary l later in the evening. l\DNISTER OF EDUCATION sister of the groom, was maid of honor. She wore a warm blue crepe The young couple are spending WHEN AS gown, featuring a plunging neckline their honeymoon in Toronto and and collar, and large pockets em Niagara Falls. They will also visit MINISTER OF MINISTER OF broidered with silver sequins. An New York and then go to Heights off-pink flowered hat completed her town, N.J., Hachshara Camp. Both LABOR EDUCATION ensemble. bride and groom are memb~rs of Hashomer Hatzair. Bridesmaid was Miss Joy Nitik • Vacations' with • The Manitoba man, sister of the bride. Her off Out-af-town guests at the wed Pay Act Technical Institute the-shoulder pink taffeta gown fea ding included: Mr. and Mrs. tured a fitted bodice and very full Schwartz and son, Yorkton, Sask.; • Labour Relations • A Quarter Million skirt. She wore pink elbow-length Mr. and, Mrs. Gooilinan, Fargo, N.D.; Act Dollar contribution mittens and carried a muff of tiny Mr. and Mrs. Tenenhaus, Selkirk; to the Winnipeg· blue carnations. Mr. and Mrs. David Nitikman, Sas • Hours of Work Little Paula Harris, cousin of the katoon; Miss Evelyn Yarmar, Cal Act Technical School garYi Miss Sonia Nitikman, Toronto. bride was flower girl. • Increase in • An All-time High Mrs. Nitikman, mother of the Grant of $800,000' bride, _accompanied by her brother Council's National Minimum in'-law, Dave Nitikman, wore a royal President to Visit Here Wage Rates HON. C. RHODES SMITH to the University blue afternoon gown with three quarter length sleeves, and a deep Mrs. Harold Lor1e, national presi WINNIPEG' NEEDS HIS ABILITIES IN THE neckline. Her hat was black velvet dent of the National Council of GOVERNMENT OF MANITOBA with a large plume. Jewish Women of Canada, will be guest speaker at a meeting of the Mother of the groom, Mrs. Yarmer, Winnipeg section .to be held at the accompanied by Mr. Yarmar, chose Mark Your Ballot Confidence Marlborough hotel on Monday, Nov. a crepe afternoon dress in a mink 14. A dessert luncheon will be shade with a deep neckline and a served at 1.15 p.m. draped skirt. She wore a winter The Ashkenazi.e synagogue was the scene, Sunday evening, of a lovely Mrs. Lorie has recently returned SMITH white hat with large brown feather. (0. RHODES SMITH. el'rY OF WINNIPEG, BARRISTER) I candlelight ceremony, when Ruth Nitikman and Aubrey Yarmar were Joe Broitman was best man. from Europe where she represented Mrs. S. Feldman, the bride's her organiiation in Paris, France, at and vote 2 and 3, in order of your preference; for Paul Bardal and James H. Walker, Liberal Candidates Inserted by authority of C. Rhodes Smith Election Committee. ' grandmother, participated in re a canrerence of the International Council of Jewish Women, which Only Your ceiving the gue~. FIRST Choice " ~()V~I3I:V l()th Will Re-elect otea. ectA M.A. GRAY WHO SPEAKS OUT IN LEGISLATURE? M. A: Gray is being' attacked as "only" an opposition candidate ... as a. "second rate" voice in the legisla ture. be~ause he IS always on his feet defending J~wI!,h mterests and not sitting back quietly with hIS hps sealed .. GOVERNMENT MEMBERS CAN'T SPEAK OUT! . ALDERMAN FRANK L. CHESTER Look at Ha!,sard and. the official minutes of sittings ~f the Mamtoba Legislature ... see how often men hke M. A. Gray speak out boldly and freely ... and s~ ~o~ government members, restrained by party dl~clphne, fear ~o speak out. It's the opposition that Capable -~- Honest --- Experienced A. L. SIMKIN DONALD A. CALLIS brIngs challengmg new ideas to the fore. JOHN M, KOZORIZ ALD. FRANK L. CHESTER THE RECORD TALKS ..• In• Order of Your Preference On disc~imination agah~st Jewish medical students. Vote 1.2-3-4 CHESTER,FrankL. 1 on penSIOns; on resolutIons condemning Nazism. ' - freer im~igration ... it takes a fighting challe~g~~ ELMWOOD COMMITTEE ROOMS: 329 NAmN AVENUE TELEPHONE 501481 to. ge~ th~ngs don~. M. A. Gray's record as North COMMITTEE ROOMS: 1045 MAIN STREET .. TELEPHONES 55331 - 56037 Wmmpeg S champIOn cannot be challenged H' . Ensure Good Government - VOTE LIBERAL Also 2, 3, 4 in Order of Preference - J. M. I{o7.oriz, A. Simkin, D. A. Callis FIRST RATE VOICE in the ,Legislature. IS IS a COMMITTEE ROOMS 1045 MAIN ST. PHONES 55331 - 56 037 Jewish, Women's Election Committee for M. A. Gra MLA Authority North WInnipeg Liberal Association. y, '" , I T'W'"$ ~ ':1 tMi" • • .,.. , I \ . , I .'. ,~ . 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