ISSN : 0406-3597 E-ISSN : 1308-8122 PLANT PROTECTION BULLETIN A Quartely Publication of the Directorate of Plant Protection Central Research Institute in the name of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies. This Bulletin Covers the Aspects of Plant Protection of Turkiye. Yazışma Adresi / Correspondence Adress Zirai Mücadele Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü Gayret Mahallesi Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bulvarı No.66 PK49 06172 Yenimahalle, Ankara / TÜRKİYE +90 (312) 344 59 93 (4 lines) +90 (312) 315 15 31 Volume 60 | Number 3
[email protected] July - September, 2020 PLANT PROTECTION BULLETIN / BİTKİ KORUMA BÜLTENİ Volume 60 No 3 July - September 2020 Owner Sait ERTÜRK Editor in Chief Ayşe ÖZDEM Section Editors AKSU, Pelin - Turkey FARSHBAF, Reza - Iran ALKAN, Mustafa - Turkey FURSOV, Victor - Ukraine ASAV, Ünal - Turkey GÜLER, Yasemin - Turkey ATHANASSIOU, Christos - Greece GÜNAÇTI, Hale - Turkey ATLIHAN, Remzi - Turkey HASSAN, Errol - Australia AYDAR, Arzu - Turkey IŞIK, Doğan - Turkey BARIŞ, Aydemir - Turkey İMREN, Mustafa - Turkey BAŞTAŞ, Kubilay - Turkey KARAHAN, Aynur - Turkey BATUMAN, Özgür - USA KAYDAN, Mehmet Bora - Turkey BOZKURT, Vildan - Turkey KODAN, Münevver - Turkey CANPOLAT, Sirel - Turkey KOVANCI, Orkun Barış - Turkey CORONA, OCHOA - Francisco - USA SERİM, Ahmet Tansel - Turkey COŞKAN, Sevgi - Turkey SÖKMEN, Miray - Turkey ÇAKIR, Emel - Turkey TOPRAK, Umut - Turkey DUMAN, Kamil - Turkey TÖR, Mahmut - UK DURMUŞOĞLU, Enver - Turkey ULUBAŞ SERÇE, Çiğdem - Turkey EVLİCE, Emre - Turkey ÜSTÜN, Nursen - Turkey Plant Protection Bulletin has been published by Plant Protection Central Research Institute since 1952. The journal is published four times a year with original research articles in English or Turkish languages on plant protection and health.