European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2021; 25: 3116-3121 Pain distraction during awake low anterior resection and Cuddle Delivery initiative for inpatient: frugal procedural options to support surgery in the COVID-19 era


1Department of General Surgery, Valduce Hospital, Como, Italy 2Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, Valduce Hospital, Como, Italy 3Department of Clinical and Biomedical Sciences “Luigi Sacco”, University of Milan, Milano, Italy

Abstract. – OBJECTIVE: Since minimally in- Introduction vasive surgery and general anesthesia are both aerosol-generating procedures, their use be- During coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) came controversial during the outbreak of coro- pandemic the demand for critical care beds navirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Moreover, so- cial distancing resulted in serious psychological among the medical services has rapidly exceed- consequences for inpatients. This case report ed its supply and this put almost all healthcare investigates pain distraction during awake lapa- systems to the test. Elective surgery has been rotomy, as well as new possibilities for emotion- drastically limited. After lockdown, innovative al postoperative support to inpatients. COVID-19 preoperative triage protocols allowed PATIENTS AND METHODS: A 72-year-old to gradually reopen and ramp-up elective surger- man affected by middle rectal adenocarcinoma underwent lower anterior resection plus total ies. Nevertheless, ICUs remained far from being mesorectal excision under combined spinal-epi- COVID-free for a long time and this restricted dural anesthesia. A 3D mobile theatre (3DMT) the surgical strategies. was intraoperatively used for pain distraction. Major abdominal surgeries are generally car- A postoperative “Cuddle delivery” service was ried out with minimally invasive surgery (MIS) instituted: video-messages from relatives and under general anesthesia (GA). Since MIS and close friends were delivered daily to the patient through the 3DMT. Emotional correlations were GA are both aerosol-generating medical proce- investigated through a clinical interview by the dures (AGMP), their use became controversial psychologist of our Hospital. during pandemic1,2. RESULTS: Intraoperative, as well as postop- Besides the risk of contamination inside the erative pain, resulted well-controlled: visual operating theatres, frail patients may be affected analogue scale (VAS) ≤3. Conversion to gener- by GA which can be associated with delayed al anesthesia and postoperative intensive sup- recovery after anesthesia and can lead to the port/monitoring were unnecessary. The “Cud- 3 dle delivery” initiative positively fed our pa- admission of the patient to the ICU . At a time of tient’s mood and attitude, strengthening his scarce resources, this was prohibitive. bond to life. In such a peculiar context, performing open CONCLUSIONS: During pandemic, awake lap- abdominal surgery under loco-regional anesthe- arotomy under loco-regional anesthesia may be sia (LA) helped us to deliver acute care surgery a crucial option in delivering acute care surgery to selected patients when intensive care beds to selected patients in the COVID-19 era. During are unavailable. Our procedure introduces po- LA (spinal, epidural or combined spinal-epidur- tential ways to optimize this approach. al), anesthetic agents are administered by lumbar injection in the spinal and/or epidural space. This Key Words: approach reduces exposure to patients’ respirato- Awake surgery, Pain distraction, Loco-regional an- ry secretions, the risk of perioperative viral trans- aesthesia, Neuraxial anestesia, Surgical oncology, COVID -19. mission and preserves patients’ cardiorespiratory function. On the other hand, analgesia represents

3116 Corresponding Author: Andrea Romanzi, MD; e-mail: [email protected] Pain distraction during awake a relevant issue during awake surgery. Of course, The use of a catheter-through-needle set allowed patients are continuously monitored, but anxiety, to insert a polyamide catheter in the epidural fear, discomfort and pain sometimes become space. The catheter was then connected to an intolerable and require sedation or conversion to elastomeric pump filled with a solution of sterile GA. water (192 ml), Ropivacaine (200 mg) and Mor- In the recent past, the use of different electron- phine sulphate (6 mg), on the basis of patient’s ic devices for pain distraction during ambulatory age, height and constitution. Infusion speed was surgery or minimally invasive procedures has set on 4 ml/hour. been described4-7. We then wondered if pain dis- Low anterior resection (LAR) plus total me- traction through the use of a 3D mobile theatre sorectal excision (TME), followed by colorectal (3DMT) may have the same role also during ma- transanal end-to-end anastomosis, without tem- jor abdominal surgeries. porary diverting , were performed. Op- Lastly, since containment measures and social erating time was of 140 minutes. distancing have been imposed, these resulted Vital signs, intraoperative pain intensity, er- in serious consequences for our inpatients: the gonomic comfort/discomfort level, sense of pres- impossibility to be visited by their loved ones ence and distress were continuously monitored. (sometimes for more than one week), visibly Only light sedation was performed (Midazolam increased the sense of solitude, discouragement, 5 mg). No other drugs were administered to the depression of almost all our inpatients, especially patient during surgery. Intraoperative pain, as- the elderly. This negatively influenced postoper- sessed through visual analogue scale (VAS), re- ative course. We hypothesized that instituting a sulted well-controlled (VAS ≤ 3) and conversion “Cuddle Delivery” service through which rela- to GA was unnecessary. tives and friends could send video-messages to Postoperative pain was daily assessed through the inpatients would have contributed to fill the VAS resulting always well-controlled (VAS ≤ 3). emotional gap related to the strict containment Postoperative intensive monitoring/support was measures inside the Hospital. unnecessary. A distinct COVID-free ward had The aim of this study is to investigate pain dis- been set up for postoperative recovery to keep traction as a potential option to enrich the awake COVID-negative patients separated from all oth- approach for major abdominal surgeries, and to er patients. Epidural elastomeric pump was re- report a functional countermeasure to social dis- moved on postoperative day (POD) 3. The patient tancing in support of inpatients. was discharged free of complications on POD 4. Histological staging was ypT3N1c (Tumor Re- Case Report gression Score after radiotherapy: 3)8. A 72-year-old man affected by middle rectal adenocarcinoma, waiting for post-neoadjuvant 3D Mobile Theatre abdominal surgery, was admitted to our Depart- During surgery patients wore Royole’s Moon ment in October 2020. (RM) (Royole®, Shenzhen, China). RM is an Both surgical procedure and anaesthesiologic all-in-one 3DMT headset. It uses two AMOLED approach were explained to the patient one week displays that deliver 3D or 2D content in Full in advance, on the day of pre-admission tests. On HD 1080p resolution. The displays deliver 3000 that occasion, the patient underwent nasopharyn- pixels per inch (PPI) and a blistering fast image geal swab for COVID-19 diagnosis (resulted neg- response rate of 0.01 ms. The display angle is 10° ative) and the 3DMT was illustrated to the patient below horizontal. Optics are independent so that who became familiar with the device, wore it and they can be adjusted from -7.0 D to +2.0 D. An expressed his approval for its use during surgery immersion mask is mounted on the device for under full informed consent. enclosed eye fitting. Active noise cancellation is incorporated. The right ear pad incorporates Awake Laparotomy flexible sensor technology to navigate the menu Surgery was performed under combined spi- and to adjust volume by swiping or tapping a nal-epidural (CSE) anaesthesia. The site of lum- finger on it. bar puncture was the L2-L3 interspace. A bolus The internal flash storage allowed storing sev- of Hyperbaric Bupivacaine 5 mg/ml (12 mg) and eral 4K ultra-HD videos. Some videos offered Morphine Sulfate 10 mg/ml (150 mcg) solution an aerial ambient nature experience (Fiji Islands, has been injected into the subarachnoid space. Hawaii, Havasupai Falls trail, Redwood National

3117 A. Romanzi, M. Gabaglio, M. Milanesi, A. Putortì, F. Rossi, et al.

Park), other videos simulated a walk through good evaluation, or presence of the sensation in a specific scenario (Manhattan, Rome, Vatican question). Marks were interpreted oppositely on Museums). The length of each video was one the basis of the nature of the aspect in question: hour. marks from 1 to 4 were considered indicators of After positioning on the operating table, the a negative impression if related to positive as- patient’s right arm was left free so that the patient pects (on the opposite, they represented a positive was able to self-adjust the device in case of dis- impression in case of negative aspects). Marks placement. The patient wore the 3DMT two times from 5 to 6 were considered indicators of neutral during surgery. The first time started before sur- impression. Marks from 7 to 10 were considered gical incision, for 57 minutes. After a pause of 50 indicators of positive impression if related to pos- minutes, he wore the 3DMT again, this time for itive aspects (of negative impression in case of 35 minutes (Figure 1). negative aspects). A questionnaire related to the intraoperative The questionnaire was filled out by the patient use of the 3DMT was designed to investigate before discharge. Its analysis revealed that, de- possible critical aspects which may have had any spite initially discouraged by the weight of the effects on our patient, before, during or after the device and hesitant during the first focusing, after use of the device. The evaluation sheet was divid- proper training, the patient did not encounter any ed into 3 sections: difficulties in its use, nor discomfort while wear- – “First impression” (weight of the device, ease to ing it or after removal. wear the device, comfort, ease to focus, video and audio quality, overall ease of use) Cuddle Delivery Initiative – “While watching” (sense of constriction, dis- Before admission, we contacted the wife of comfort, pain, steadiness of the device on the our patient and gave her the opportunity to send face) us some home-made cheering videos addressed – “At removal” (weight of the device, discomfort, to her loved one. The same opportunity was pain, eye strain, eye dryness, headache, dizzi- opened to his relatives and close friends. The ness, nausea, tinnitus). video-messages were daily delivered to the pa- tient through RM during his postoperative stay For every single aspect (positive or negative), (Figure 2). The day before being discharged, the patient was asked to express his personal the patient underwent clinical interview by the evaluation from 1 (totally bad evaluation, or ab- psychologist of our Department. The interview sence of the sensation in question) to 10 (totally revealed that the patient did appreciate the ini- tiative, reporting it helped to reduce the sense of loneliness and fed the desire to come back home soon. The patient also reported that the Cuddle Delivery initiative (Figure 3) distracted him from physical pain.


Major operations in General Surgery are often carried out through MIS under GA. LA is basi- cally reserved to minor surgical procedures be- longing to day-surgery protocols. However, since COVID-19 outbreak began, MIS and GA had been under great debate as they are both AGMPs and could contribute to spread contamination in- side operating theatres. Pneumoperitoneum cre- ation/exsufflation and electrical/ultrasonic devic- es’ smokes put healthcare operators at potential risk and initial reports advised against their use9. Since multiple authors already described Figure 1. Intraoperative use of the device. awake laparotomy as feasible and safe for major

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Figure 2. Patient’s point of view while receiving personal “postcards” from relatives and friends through the 3DMT. surgical procedures, this solution has been con- as uncertainty of surgical smoke or aerosol vir- sidered a valid option to reopen surgery after its ulence of SARS Cov-2 exists. The identification recent halt10-14. A recent narrative review15 aims of SARS-CoV-2 in peritoneal fluid of COVID-19 that does not, in itself and with the patients was recently reported and probably bol- proper precautions, increase the risk of airborne ster the mentioned “precautionary principle” transmission. Nevertheless, the Authors them- which should still be adopted16. selves, concluded that evidence-based research Awake laparotomy may allow performing in this field are urgently needed and that “pre- abdominal undelayable surgeries, despite the cautionary principle” should be adopted as long unavailability of ICU beds, resulting feasible, safe and painless17. In our recent experience, the “awake approach” allowed delivering undeferra- ble acute care surgery limiting the risk of conta- gion inside theatres18. Nevertheless, although this approach did not entail a relevant elongation of the operative time and intraoperative pain was always well-controlled, it may cause discomfort to the patient who becomes intolerant to long procedures. The awake patient constantly hears and sees what happens inside the operating room around him. During long procedures this can make the patient upset, especially if intraopera- tive complication occurs. The use of head-mounted displays or portable virtual reality (VR) devices in medicine, surgery and behavioral healthcare is not new. Multiple au- thors previously described the successful use of VR and interactive simulation for pain distraction during burn wound debridement, upper gastro- intestinal , operative gynaecological Figure 3. Cuddle Delivery initiative logo. endoscopies, dental procedures, ambulatory sur-

3119 A. Romanzi, M. Gabaglio, M. Milanesi, A. Putortì, F. Rossi, et al. gery (lipoma resection) or minimally invasive testinal bleeding at our Department. Seniors, cardiac surgery4-7. In all cases head-mounted dis- who often come from long-term care homes plays without earphones were used. Some of or retirement homes, are unlikely to adapt to these authors only hypothesized the use of highly new equilibriums, and it is well known that immersive devices during prolonged and more old patients affected with mental dementia can invasive surgeries7. develop postoperative confusion, disorientation, To the best of our knowledge, this is the first depression and fear. Briefly, the stress related to report of pain distraction through the use of an Hospital stay can turn into mental and physical immersive audio-visual device during a major decline. After social distancing limitations we abdominal awake surgery. noticed that this postoperative psychological is- Several 3DMT are available in commerce. We sue occurred also in the elderly without mental selected this specific device because of some decay and in younger patients. Undergoing a peculiarities. First, RM is an all-in-one headset. major surgery is always a stressing circum- Looking for a combined audio-visual experience, stance but, in the time of coronavirus, extreme we believed this aspect would have revealed to psychological stress already puts strain on our be critical if immediate anaesthesiologic support identity and relationships21. With this in back- during surgery required the quick removal of ground, the actual impossibility to be visited by the device. Second, other popular head-mounted your loved ones entails accentuated solitude and devices come with an elastic band to be fastened discouragement. on the back of the head. This could have been Although almost every patient owns a mobile a source of discomfort during a prolonged sur- phone (often a smartphone), receiving personal gery requiring continuous supine position. Third, “postcards” through a 3DMT, made the vid- independent optics allow avoiding prescription eo-messages more realistic helping our patient to glasses while watching so that it can be used even perceive the love his relatives and friends wanted by a patient affected with different mild optical to deliver. This showed remarkable effects on our defects. patient’s postoperative course, positively feeding During the pre-admission visit the intuitive in- his mood and attitude, and strengthening his terface of the operating system and ear pad touch bond to life. control system required only a brief illustration to We have to disclose the limitations of this the patient who quickly learned how to self-adjust report. This is a single-centre experience, based the device. on a single case. Nevertheless, we believe our Intraoperatively, RM’s giant full HD curved preliminary data may allow raising valuable ob- screen helped in delivering the compelling ste- servations and questions. Further studies may reoscopic depth perception capable of creating deepen potentialities and functional peculiarities the immersive experience we needed. Noise-can- of pain distraction during awake abdominal sur- celling headphones eliminated all operating geries. room distracting sounds while the immersion mask blocked out the ambient light making the patient believe he was truly somewhere else. Conclusions Optimized viewing angle and the combination of ultra-high-resolution pictures with fast image During pandemic, open surgery under LA response rate contributed to provide a relaxed may be a crucial option in delivering acute care prolonged watching, reducing eye strain. The surgery when ICU beds are unavailable and ergonomic design ensured a comfortable fit. The postponing surgery is unacceptable. Beyond the device was well-tolerated by the patient who COVID-19 era, pain distraction may turn awake never complained about sense of constriction or surgery into a more pleasant procedure for the breathing limitations. patient. Moreover, the use of a 3DMT can help Additionally, we believe our approach rep- in delivering postoperative psychological care resents an example of positive technology19,20. during social distancing. On the basis of our experience, 3DMT use as a countermeasure to social distancing inside the Hospital looks promising. During the pandemic, several elderly patients underwent acute care Conflict of Interest surgery for intestinal obstruction or gastroin- The Authors declare that they have no conflict of interests.

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Acknowledgements der combined spinal and peridural operative an- During pandemic, we contacted Royole Corporation to esthesia and analgesia (CSE): A new anesthetic present our project. Royole Corporation donated three 3D approach in abdominal surgery. Arch Ital Urol An- mobile theatres to Valduce Hospital for the use described drol 2020; 91: 267-268. in the manuscript. 11) Spannella F, Giulietti F, Damiani E, Faloia L, Stro- nati M, Venezia A, Vincenzi P, Castellani D, Boc- coli G, Dellabella M, Giampieri M, Sarzani R, Starnari R. Thoracic continuous spinal anesthe- Funding sia for high-risk comorbid older patients under- This research received no specific grant from any funding going major abdominal surgery: one-year expe- agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. rience of an Italian geriatric hospital. Minerva Anestesiol 2020; 86: 261-269. 12) Somri M, Matter I, Parisinos CA, Shaoul R, Mogil- References ner JG, Bader D, Asphandiarov E, Gaitini LA. 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