137 EGG PREDATION IN REEDBED NESTING GREYLAG GEESE ANSER ANSER IN VEJLERNE, DENMARK JENS NYELAND KRISTIANSENl,2 Kristiansen J.N. 1998. Egg predation in reedbed nesting Greylag Geese An ser anser in Vejlerne, Denmark. Ardea 86: 137-145. Egg predation in Greylag Geese Anser anser nesting in reedbeds was stud ied at three sites in Vejlerne (NW Denmark). Overall, 34% of all clutches hatched successfully (range 26-53%), while at least 34% of all nests were abandoned. Avian predation of clutches was particularly high on one site (20%) compared to other sites (0-2%), probably as a result of better breed ing opportunities for crows in that area. Mammalian egg predation was low in the two sites with natural barriers in the form of water channels or with higher vegetation densities. Nests neighbouring depredated nests were more likely to be depredated. An important factor affecting egg predation by mammals was the distance of the nest to reed cutting tracks. Second, there was a tendency for successful nests to occur in areas with higher veg etation densities. Mammalian predators were Red Fox Vulpes vulpes and American Mink Mustela vison and/or Western Polecat M. putorius. Key words: Anser anser - egg predation - reedbed - mammalian predators lThe National Environmental Research Institute, Department of Coastal Zone Ecology, Kal¢, Grenavej 12, DK-8410 R¢nde, Denmark; 2University of Copenhagen, Zoological Institute, Department of Population Biology, Universitetsparken 15, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark, e-mail: JNKris
[email protected] INTRODUCTION mammalian predators, or hide their nests in dense vegetation to avoid detection by avian predators. The reproductive output of geese varies greatly This study examined the importance of factors af within and between species (Johnson et al.