London 2014

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{SHAMBHALA} Training the Wisdom Body Buddhist Yogic Exercise Rose Taylor Goldfield, Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso

Summary Training the Wisdom Body presents the practice of lujong• exercise for our entire system, from the coarse aspects to the subtler and more profound. (Lujong is a Tibetan compound word: lu meaning "body" and jong meaning "training" or "practice.") It provides a thorough foundation for those new to the practice, supports continued practice for those already familiar with the exercises, and helps people engaged in any form of yogic exercise to deepen the potent fusion of meditation and physical movement.

The book includes an overview of the unique tradition of Buddhist yoga; presentations on the three foundational principles of renunciation, compassionate bodhichitta, and the profound view of reality; and an explanation of the three aspects• body, mind, and subtle body• that comprise our whole being. There are instructions on how to work with the body and mind in seated meditation and discussion that explores ways we can further our practice Shambhala by working with adversities such as fear, procrastination, and anxiety and by looking at how to bring practice 9781611800180 Pub Date: 9/17/13 mind into daily life. Finally, the book includes exercise instructions that give a complete explanation of the On Sale Date: 9/17/13 movement practices, with photos to illustrate. $16.95/$18.95 Can. Paperback / softback / Author Bio Trade paperback (US) ROSE TAYLOR GOLDFIELD is a second• generation Buddhist teacher of meditation, philosophy, and yogic exercise

176 pages and dance. She holds an MA in Indo• Tibetan from University. Having studied and Carton Qty: 48 practiced extensively in the Shambhala , she began training in 2002 under the close guidance of the Religion / Tibetan master Khenpo Tsültrim Gyamtso, who appointed her teacher to his nuns in Bhutan and Nepal in 2005. REL007050 Since childhood, she has trained extensively in a variety of physical disciplines, including classical ballet, Territory: World competitive kickboxing, Nepalese dance, and Indian and Tibetan yoga. Rose lives in San Francisco and teaches under the auspices of the Wisdom Sun practice and study community.

Writing from the Senses 59 Exercises to Ignite Creativity and Revitalize Your Writing Laura Deutsch

Summary Break through writer's block using your five senses! The sensory details that infuse our everyday experience• the smell of a favorite dish cooking, the texture of a well• worn coat, hearing a song that reminds you of a person or a time in your life• can be used to add richness and spark to what we write. Whether you are a professional writer (or want to be one) or someone who enjoys just writing for your own personal fulfillment, Writing from the Senses will show you how to tap into an endless source of engaging material, using your senses as prompts. The exercises will stimulate you to develop stories, imagery, and details that will allow readers to see, taste, hear, smell, and feel that they're in the scene.

Writing from the Senses •Provides 60 prompts and creative writing exercises organized by sense; •Presents engaging narratives, personal essays, and instruction to entertain and inform readers and illustrate the Shambhala effectiveness of each exercise; 9781611800449 •Helps writers recognize the sensory prompts that surround them daily and use them to trigger their individual Pub Date: 5/13/14 stories; and On Sale Date: 5/13/14 •Shows how freewrites from the prompts in this book can result in publishable pieces. $14.95/$16.95 Can. Paperback / softback / Trade paperback (US) Author Bio LAURA DEUTSCH is a writer, editor, and teacher based in Mill Valley, California. She began teaching writing in 256 pages 1974 at the University of California at Berkeley and has subsequently taught her popular classes and workshops Carton Qty: 0 Language Arts & Disciplines at San Francisco State University, Book Passage bookstore, Tassajara Mountain Center, Green Gulch Farm / Composition & Creative Zen Center, and in Arezzo, Italy. For the past fifteen years, her classes have focused on personal essay and Writing memoir, writing from the senses, writing as a spiritual practice, and how to get into print. Laura's personal LAN005000 essays, feature stories, and travel pieces have appeared in the Los Angeles Times, the San Francisco Chronicle, Territory: World San Francisco magazine, More magazine, Time Out, Mademoiselle, and the Dallas Morning News. Her personal essays have been anthologized in several collections, including I Should Have Stayed Home; Best Women's Travel Writing 2011; and Leave the Lipstick, Take the Iguana. Her commentary has aired on public radio.

Author Residence: Marin County, California

Shambhala London 2014 • March 2014 Page 1

{SHAMBHALA} Everything Is Workable A Zen Approach to Conflict Resolution Diane Musho Hamilton

Summary Using to work with and resolve the inevitable interpersonal conflicts that arise in all areas of life.

"Wonderfully engaging, perceptive, and wise."•William L. Ury, co•author of Getting to Yes

Conflict is going to be part of your life• as long as you have relationships, hold down a job, or have dry cleaning to be picked up. Bracing yourself against it won't make it go away, but if you approach it consciously, you can navigate it in a way that not only honors everyone involved but makes it a source of deep insight as well. Seasoned mediator Diane Hamilton provides the skill set you need to engage conflict with wisdom and compassion, and even• sometimes• to be grateful for it. She teaches how to:

Shambhala • Cultivate the mirror• like quality of attention as your base 9781611800678 • Identify the three personal conflict styles and determine which one you fall into Pub Date: 12/3/13 • Recognize the three fundamental perspectives in any conflict situation and learn to inhabit each of them On Sale Date: 12/3/13 $16.95/$18.95 Can. • Turn conflicts in families, at work, and in every kind of interpersonal relationship into win• win situations

Paperback / softback / Trade paperback (US) Author Bio DIANE MUSHO HAMILTON is a Zen teacher and priest and was the first Director of the Office of Alternative 256 pages Carton Qty: 0 Dispute Resolution of the Utah Judiciary. The recipient of numerous awards for her work in mediation, she is also Self•Help / Personal cofounder of Two Arrows Zen, a practice organization with centers in Salt Lake City and in the red rock country Growth of Southern Utah. SEL027000 Territory: World

Three Steps to Awakening A Practice for Bringing Mindfulness to Life Larry Rosenberg, Laura Zimmerman

Summary A unique three•phase model for meditation practice that ties together elements of the various Buddhist traditions and that is remarkably adaptable to modern life and changing situations.

This book represents the distillation of Larry Rosenberg's more than forty years of teaching. Drawing on the various Buddhist traditions in which he has practiced, he describes three subtly different but complementary forms of meditation practice: (1) breath awareness, (2) breath as anchor, and (3) choiceless awareness. Having the three methods in one's repertoire gives one meditation resources for any life situation. In a time of stress, for example, one might use breath awareness exclusively. Or on an extended retreat, one might find choiceless awareness more appropriate. The three• step method has been taught to Larry's students at the Cambridge Meditation Center in Cambridge, Massachusetts, for many years. After teaching the three• step method, Larry goes on to show how to bring the awareness gained in meditation Shambhala to the world off the cushion, into relationships and into all areas of daily life. 9781590305164 Pub Date: 12/3/13 Author Bio On Sale Date: 12/3/13 LARRY ROSENBERG is founder and resident teacher of the Cambridge Insight Meditation Center in Cambridge, $15.95/$17.95 Can. Paperback / softback / Massachusetts, and a guiding teacher at the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Massachusetts. Trade paperback (US)

144 pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Buddhism REL007040 Territory: World

Shambhala London 2014 • March 2014 Page 2

{SHAMBHALA} The Power of Divine Eros The Illuminating Force of Love in Everyday Life A. H. Almaas, Karen Johnson

Summary An innovative spiritual teacher shows how to use desire and passion as a gateway to realizing our full potential.

What do desire and passion have to do with the spiritual life? They are an essential component of it, according to A. H. Almaas and Karen Johnson. Most spiritual teachings take the position that desire, wanting, and passion are opposed to the spiritual path. The concern is that engaging in desire will take you more into the world, into the mundane, into the physical, and into egoic life. And for most people, that is exactly what happens. We naturally tend to experience wanting in a self• centered way. The Power of Divine Eros explores how to be passionate and to feel a strong wanting without that desire being in conflict with selfless love. It also shows how relationships with others are an important part of the human journey• an opportunity to express oneself authentically and be present with someone else. Through understanding the energy of eros, each of us can learn to be fully real and alive in all our interactions.

Shambhala In the words of the authors, "Any spiritual work involves the element of love, whether explicitly or implicitly. What we 9781611800838 Pub Date: 9/17/13 want to explore is how the energy and quality of love explicitly open the door to reality and to our deeper nature. The On Sale Date: 9/17/13 portal is there for every human being to open; each of us can be fully real and alive in all our interactions. And the $18.95/$21.95 Can. erotic, as it is felt and experienced in the body, is a part of that openness, whether it becomes sexual or not. For many Paperback / softback / reasons, eros has become separated from the pure and the holy, and as a result, it is usually relegated to the domain of Trade paperback (US) the gross and unrefined. But eros is the energy of the divine. As such, it is always divine and pure."

240 pages Carton Qty: 0 Through guided exercises, the authors invite the reader to connect to the pure energy behind their desire. When we Psychology / Personality allow ourselves to fully experience our wanting, the authors suggest, and we trust that the wanting itself has the PSY023000 intelligence to reveal the pure energy of desire that underlies it, we get a taste of what it's like to feel love and desire as Territory: World a unified force. Being in the world in a way that does not separate us from spirit, while also feeling the pleasure of our energy, our erotic nature, our aliveness and love, makes life complete. Rights Sold: Czech Author Bios A. H. ALMAAS is the pen name of A. Hameed Ali, the Kuwaiti-born originator of the Diamond Approach to the realization of our true nature-a spiritual path that integrates modern psychology with the insights of Sufism, Buddhism, Gurdjieff, and other wisdom traditions. Since 1976 he has guided individuals and groups through his school of inner work, the Ridhwan School, which has branches in California, Colorado, and Europe.

KAREN JOHNSON is a longtime colleague of A. H. Almaas, with whom he cofounded the Diamond Approach. They have been teaching together for many years. Karen Johnson was educated as an artist and then received an MA in psychology.

The Tibetan Yoga of Breath Breathing Practices for Healing the Body and Cultivating Wisdom Allison Choying Zangmo

Summary Heal the body, quiet the mind, and find emotional balance with simple practices from Tibetan Yantra Yoga.

Vibrance, good health, and longevity have one thing in common• they all begin with the breath. Modern science and classic spiritual traditions agree: regulating the breath leads to radiance and wellness in the body, mind, and spirit. The Tibetan Yoga of Breath pairs the teachings of Tibetan Yantra Yoga (breathing yoga) with select contemplative ideas and practices and examines how well they complement each other through the lens of Western medical science. The benefits of proper breathing are offered from the point of view of classical Indian/Tibetan practice, and contemporary medical research supports how breath cultivates physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Basic Yantra Yoga techniques• also called wind energy training• are the key practices for Shambhala achieving this vitality, down to the cellular level. 9781611800883 Pub Date: 11/12/13 Author Bio On Sale Date: 11/12/13 ANYEN is a from Tibet of the Nyingma (Longchen Nyingthig) tradition. He lives primarily in $19.95/$22.95 Can. Paperback / softback / Denver, Colorado, where he founded Orgyen Khamdroling Center with a shedra (college) for Westerners. He is Trade paperback (US) the author of The Union of and Bodhichitta, Dying with Confidence, Journey to Certainty, and Momentary . 160 pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Buddhism ALLISON CHOYING ZANGMO is Anyen Rinpoche's personal translator and a longtime student of both Rinpoche and REL007050 his root , Kyabje Tsara Dharmakirti. She has either translated or collaborated with Rinpoche on all of his Territory: World books. She lives in Denver, Colorado.

Author Residence: Denver, Colorado

Shambhala London 2014 • March 2014 Page 3

{SHAMBHALA} Turning Confusion into Clarity A Guide to the Foundation Practices of Yongey Mingyur, Helen Tworkov, Matthieu Ricard

Summary Advice and encouragement from a leading spiritual teacher and popular author on how to approach the foundational practices of Tibetan Buddhism.

For anyone interested in Buddhist practice and philosophy, this book gives detailed instruction and friendly and inspiring advice for those embarking on the Tibetan Buddhist path in earnest. By guidance on how to approach the process and giving instruction for specific meditation and contemplation techniques, Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche provides gentle yet thorough commentary, companionship, and inspiration for committing to the Buddhist path.

Author Bio YONGEY MINGYUR RINPOCHE, born in Nepal in 1975, is the author of the acclaimed books The Joy of Living and Snow Lion Joyful Wisdom. His teachings integrate the practical and philosophical disciplines of Tibetan training with the 9781611801217 scientific and psychological orientations of the West. His enthusiasm for explaining and Pub Date: 7/8/14 On Sale Date: 7/8/14 practices in an accessible style that addresses the needs of the modern world has made him a favorite among a $24.95/$28.95 Can. new generation of Tibetan teachers. Mingyur Rinpoche is the youngest son of celebrated Tibetan meditation Paperback / softback / master and author Tulku Urgyen. He began his formal monastic studies at the age of eleven and two years later Trade paperback (US) entered his first three• year retreat. HELEN TWORKOV is the founder of Tricycle: The Buddhist Review and author

416 pages of Zen in America: Five Teachersand the Search for an American Buddhism. Having first encountered Buddhism in Carton Qty: 24 Japan and Nepal during the 1960s, she has studied in both the Zen and Tibetan traditions. She began studying Religion / Buddhism with Mingyur Rinpoche in 2006. REL007050 Territory: World

The Authentic Life Zen Wisdom for Living Free from Complacency and Fear Ezra Bayda

Summary How to live your life genuinely, honestly, and happily in the face of the inevitable difficulties that arise• more wonderfully accessible Zen teachings for living from the author of Being Zen.

Ever feel like your efforts to live a life of wisdom, honesty, and compassion are hijacked by, well, life? Take heart. Ezra Bayda has good news: life's challenges aren't obstacles to our path• they are the path. Understanding that liberates us to use every aspect of what life presents us with as a way to live with integrity and authenticity• and joy. In this, as in all his books, Ezra's teaching is Zen made wonderfully practical, in a way that can apply to anyone's life. Meditation is the foundation, but it doesn't stop there. It's about learning to take the practice of presence we cultivate in meditation to all the rest of our complicated lives. Doing that empowers us to navigate our journey with the integrity and authenticity that are what a satisfying life is all about.

Shambhala Author Bio 9781611800920 Pub Date: 4/8/14 EZRA BAYDA was born in 1944 in Atlantic City, New Jersey. After graduating from Rutgers University with a On Sale Date: 4/8/14 degree in philosophy, he became a carpenter and a builder, an occupation he worked at for thirty years. He $16.95/$19.95 Can. Paperback / softback / teaches with his wife, Elizabeth Hamilton (author of Untrain Your Parrot), at Zen Center San Diego. He is also Trade paperback (US) founder of the Santa Rosa Zen Group in Santa Rosa, California, where he teaches monthly. He is the author five previous books, including Being Zen, Zen Heart, and Beyond Happiness. For more information, visit 176 pages Carton Qty: 52 Religion / Buddhism REL092000 Author Residence: San Diego, California Territory: World

Rights Sold: German

Shambhala London 2014 • March 2014 Page 4

{SHAMBHALA} Awakening A Paradigm Shift of the Heart Rodney Smith

Summary An amazingly succinct and accessible answer to the question "What is enlightenment?"•from one of America's most prominent teachers of Insight Meditation.

One of today's most highly regarded Insight Meditation teachers describes the process of enlightenment in a way anyone can understand• demonstrating in clear language why we operate with the illusion of separation, how we can move out of it to the realization of emptiness and no• self, and how we can live from that state of awakening. He provides brief, powerful exercises that enable us to challenge the reality of our thoughts in order free ourselves from the illusion they keep us bound to, all the while steering us away from the temptation to regard spiritual practice as a process of self• improvement or a goal to be obtained.

Author Bio

Shambhala RODNEY SMITH is the founding and guiding teacher of the Seattle Insight Meditation Society and a guiding 9781611801262 teacher of the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Massachusetts. He leads classes and retreats regularly Pub Date: 3/11/14 throughout the United States. He is also the author of Lessons from the Dying and Stepping Out of Self• On Sale Date: 3/11/14 Deception $19.95/$23.95 Can. Paperback / softback / Trade paperback (US) Author Residence: Seattle, Washington

256 pages Carton Qty: 24 Religion / Buddhism REL007040 Territory: World

Most Intimate A Zen Approach to Life’s Challenges Roshi Pat Enkyo O’Hara, Roshi Joan Halifax

Summary The joy of intimacy•with yourself, with others, and with the whole universe. The long•awaited first book from a prominent modern American Zen teacher.

For Roshi Pat Enkyo O'Hara, intimacy is what Zen practice is all about: the realization of the essential lack of distinction between self and other that inevitably leads to wisdom and compassionate action. She approaches the practice of intimacy beginning at its most basic level• the intimacy with ourselves that is the essential first step. She then shows how to bring intimacy into our relationships with others, starting with those dearest to us and moving on to those who don't seem dear at all. She then shows how to grow in intimacy so that we include everyone around us, all of society, the whole world and all the beings it contains. Each chapter is accompanied by practices she uses with her students at the Village for manifesting intimacy in our lives.

Shambhala Author Bio 9781590309742 ROSHI PAT ENKYO O'HARA is a Soto priest and teacher in the Harada• Yasutani lineage of Zen Buddhism. She is Pub Date: 3/11/14 abbot and founder of the Village Zendo in . She serves as co• spiritual director of the Zen On Sale Date: 3/11/14 Peacemaker Order along with Tetsugen Bernard Glassman. She is also a former professor of interactive media at $16.00/$19.00 Can. Paperback / softback / New York University's Tisch School of the Arts. She holds a doctorate in media ecology. A socially engaged Trade paperback (US) Buddhist, she is a member of the White Plum and manages the Buddhist AIDS Network. This is her first book. 144 pages Carton Qty: 48 Religion / Buddhism Author Residence: New York, New York REL092000 Territory: World

Shambhala London 2014 • March 2014 Page 5

{SHAMBHALA} The Swordsman’s Handbook Samurai Teachings on the Path of the Sword William Scott Wilson

Summary An anthology of the most influential writings on swordsmanship from the samurai era.

The Swordsman's Handbook is the definitive collection of writings that reveals the study of swordsmanship not only as essential to life and death, but as transcendent of life and death as well. All of the authors in this book taught that dealing with conflict is an art that requires grace and courage. In this way, their words speak to us today with surprising immediacy and relevance. Included in this collection are writings by Kotada Yahei Toshitada, Takuan Soho, Yagyu Munenori, Miyamoto Musashi, Matsura Seizan, Issai Chozanshi, and Yamaoka Tesshu.

Author Bio

Shambhala WILLIAM SCOTT WILSON is the foremost translator into English of traditional Japanese texts on samurai culture. 9781611800623 He received BA degrees from Dartmouth College and the Monterey Institute of Foreign Studies, and an MA in Pub Date: 4/29/14 Japanese literary studies from the University of Washington. His best• selling translations include Hagakure, The On Sale Date: 4/29/14 $19.95/$23.95 Can. Book of Five Rings, The Unfettered Mind, and The Life• Giving Sword. He is also the author of The Lone Samurai, Paperback / softback / a biography of the legendary samurai Miyamoto Musashi. Trade paperback (US) Author Residence: Miami, Florida 320 pages Carton Qty: 44 Sports & Recreation / Martial Arts & Self•Defense SPO027000 Territory: World

Yoga of the Subtle Body A Guide to the Physical and Energetic Anatomy of Yoga Tias Little

Summary With his expert teachings, philosophical insights, and pragmatic imagery, world• class yoga instructor Tias Little turns the anatomy of the physical body into a tool for navigating the subtle body.

Yoga of the Subtle Body unites practical somatic concepts and wisdom teachings in this guide to the anatomy of the physical, mental, emotional, and subtle bodies. Tias Little is a master teacher, and he brings his precise instruction to the wisdom teachings and philosophy of hatha yoga. He offers us a guided tour of the body's structure and physical anatomy, then uses this new structural awareness as grounds for exploring the subtle body. In a meaningful and pragmatic way, the book maps the connection between the body and the rich symbolism that pervades the yogic imagination, including the chakras, nadis, and koshas. We come to see how the (yoga) body cannot be seen apart from the psycho• spiritual forces that animate it. Further, Tias offers readers clear, illuminated instruction for yoga, pranayama, and meditation techniques that apply these body• Shambhala mind principles. This book is essential reading for all serious students and teachers of yoga. 9781611801026 Pub Date: 5/12/15 On Sale Date: 5/12/15 Each chapter focuses on one of the eight key energetic/anatomy centers of the body: feet/base, pelvis, $19.95/$23.95 Can. sacrum, belly, diaphragm, heart/lungs, throat, and crown. The book is organized literally from the ground up, and Paperback / softback / figuratively from physically basic to conceptual/subtle. Each chapter has a list of poses for activating and Trade paperback (US) applying the lessons, guided meditations, and excerpts from yogic texts. These practical exercises allow readers 240 pages to immediately integrate the chapter's lessons into their practice. Carton Qty: 40 Health & Fitness / Yoga Author Bio HEA025000 TIAS LITTLE began practicing yoga in 1985 and has been teaching workshops and trainings around the world Territory: World since 1997. One of the foremost instructors in North America, he offers intensives at all major yoga conferences and institutes, including the Yoga Journal conferences, Kripalu, Esalen, and Omega Institute. He is the founder of Prajna Yoga School in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where he hosts retreats, workshops, and teacher• training programs year round. He has published articles in Yoga Journal, Yoga International, LA Yoga, Yoga Chicago, and Ascent magazine and is a regular contributor to online yoga sites such as Elephant Journal in Boulder and Yoga Modern in Dallas.

Shambhala London 2014 • March 2014 Page 6

{SHAMBHALA} With Heart in Mind Mussar Teachings to Transform Your Life Alan Morinis

Summary A weekly spiritual practice for developing a strong and open heart•drawn from Judaism's Mussar tradition.

Mussar is a practice that draws from the vast storehouse of Jewish wisdom, law, revelation, and text and brings it right home in a way that is completely tangible. Judaism teaches that Torah (the collective wisdom of the tradition) provides the blueprint for human experience• and so the more of it we acquire, the more we gain a clearer, truer perspective on life and learn how to navigate its pathways. The phrase "acquiring Torah" is code for the process of internalizing this wisdom to bring about a genuine transformation of the inner self. In short, accessible chapters, this book describes 48 methods through which one can acquire Torah• and turns them into a straightforward weekly practice. They include cultivating humility, joy, awe, forbearance, goodheartedness, closeness with friends, not taking credit for oneself, love of charity, and so on. Working through each quality or Trumpeter method, the reader goes through the process of refining their soul and developing a strong and open heart. 9781611801521 Pub Date: 8/26/14 Author Bio On Sale Date: 8/26/14 ALAN MORINIS is the founder and director of the Mussar Institute (, an organization $17.95/$21.50 Can. Paperback / softback / that promotes the study of Mussar through study groups, courses, and public talks. He has been a student of Trade paperback (US) the Mussar tradition since 1997, training under Rabbi Yechiel Yitzchok Perr. He is also the author of Everyday Holiness, Climbing Jacob's Ladder, and Every Day, Holy Day. 192 pages Carton Qty: 24 Religion / Judaism Author Residence: Vancouver, British Columbia REL040010 Territory: World

The Buddha Walks into the Office A Guide to Livelihood for a New Generation Lodro Rinzler

Summary From the author of the best•selling Buddha Walks into a Bar… , wisdom for "Generation Next" on how to make your work meaningful, satisfying, and of benefit to others.

The question "What do I want to do with my life?" is more difficult to answer for today's twenty• somethings than it was for their parents• not only do today's jobs look different, but career paths are altogether less of a sure thing. It's in this modern context that Lodro Rinzler provides Generation Y with wisdom for approaching the whole issue of livelihood• not only how to find work, but how to bring compassion and meaning into the job once you've got it. It's wisdom from the Buddhist tradition that works for anyone, presented with the clever humor that made Lodro's first book so popular. The book is divided into three parts: Part One focuses on deciding what you want to do with your life, job• wise and otherwise; Part Two explores how to be beneficial to others, beginning with those at your office and moving Shambhala out to the world at large; and Part Three shows how to turn even the most difficult work situations into 9781611800616 opportunities for awakening. Pub Date: 9/9/14 Lodro has a gift for presenting the Buddhist teachings in a way that's practical, funny, and entertaining, but the On Sale Date: 9/9/14 $14.95/$16.95 Can. book is ultimately quite serious: it's about using your livelihood to wake up. Paperback / softback / Trade paperback (US) "This is a magnificent book that just happens to be truly fun to read. Accessible, urgent and life-changing." Seth Godin, Author Linchpin 192 pages Carton Qty: 56 AuthorBio Religion / Buddhism LODRO RINZLER is a teacher in the Shambhala tradition of Buddhism. He has taught numerous REL007000 workshops and retreats. His column, "What Would Sid Do?" (Sid = Siddhartha, the Buddha), appears regularly in Territory: World the Huffington Post and is the basis for his second book, Walk Like a Buddha: Even if Your Boss Sucks, Your Ex Is Torturing You, and You're Hungover Again.

Author Residence: New York, New York

Shambhala London 2014 • March 2014 Page 7

{SHAMBHALA} Sit Like a Buddha A Pocket Guide to Meditation Lodro Rinzler

Summary How to meditate•a concise, pocket•size guide that tells you everything you need to know, from the best•selling author of The Buddha Walks into a Bar…

This is the ultimate go• to guide for learning how to meditate. It contains all the instructions you'll need to get started in a remarkably short space, but it also shows you how to make meditation practice a permanent part of your life, infusing it with wisdom and compassion as you go about your day. And it's instruction in the voice of the meditation teacher the young spiritual• but• not• religious crowd have come to trust: Lodro Rinzler, a young Buddhist teacher who speaks to the twenty• and thirty• something crowd in a way that has made his first book, The Buddha Walks into a Bar..., a best seller. Lodro begins by challening you to understand why you want to meditate in the first place, then, after the basic instructions, he shows how to prioritize your practice among your other daily activities and make it the center of all of them. He then shows you how to bring the wisdom and insight gained from meditation into all aspects of life. Shambhala 9781611801651 Author Bio Pub Date: 12/2/14 On Sale Date: 12/2/14 LODRO RINZLER is a teacher in the Shambhala tradition of Vajrayana Buddhism. He has taught numerous $11.95/$13.95 Can. workshops and retreats. His column "What Would Sid Do?" (Sid = Siddhartha, the Buddha) appears regularly in Paperback / softback / the Huffington Post. Trade paperback (US)

128 pages Author Residence: New York, New York Carton Qty: 72 Religion / Buddhism REL007000 Territory: World

Deeper Dating How to Drop the Games of Seduction and Discover the Power of Intimacy Ken Page

Summary A program that not only leads to healthy relationships but that also steers us toward our own potential greatness•from well•known blogger and dating expert Ken Page.

Lose weight. Be confident. Keep your partner guessing. At the end of the day, this soulless approach to dating

doesn't lead to love, it leads to insecurity and desperation. In Deeper Dating, Ken Page presents a new path to love. Out of his decades of work as a psychotherapist• and out of his own personal struggle to find love• Page teaches that the greatest magnet for real love lies in our "Core Gifts"• the places of our deepest sensitivity, longing, and passion. Deeper Dating guides us to discover our own Core Gifts and then teaches us to extricate these gifts from the wounds that keep them buried, empowering us to express them with courage, generosity, and discrimination in our dating life. When we do this, something miraculous happens: we begin to attract people Shambhala who love us for who we really are, we become more self• assured and emotionally available, and we lose our 9781611801224 taste for relationships that chip away at our self• esteem. Without losing a pound, changing our hairstyle, or Pub Date: 12/30/14 buying a single new accessory, we find healthy love moving closer. Deeper Dating integrates the best of human On Sale Date: 12/30/14 intimacy theory with timeless spiritual truths and translates them into a practical, step• by• step process. $14.95/$16.95 Can. Paperback / softback / Trade paperback (US) Author Bio KEN PAGE, LCSW, is a psychotherapist and author of the popular Psychology Today blog Finding Love. Ken has 288 pages led hundreds of workshops on intimacy and spirituality for thousands of participants. He has taught at Columbia Carton Qty: 36 Self•Help / Personal University, the Omega Institute, Iona College, Rowe Conference Center, and the Garrison Institute. Ken founded Growth Deeper Dating in 2004 as an event platform in which trained facilitators speak on sexuality, intimacy, and SEL031000 spirituality in the world of dating and then lead participants in a series of fun and enriching exercises. The live Territory: World events he has led provide an alternative to the bar scene and superficial dating events. They have drawn thousands of men and women of all ages and sexual orientations and have received much media attention.

Author Residence: Long Beach, New York

Shambhala London 2014 • March 2014 Page 8

{SHAMBHALA} Feeling Wisdom Working with Emotions Using Buddhist Teachings and Western Psychology Rob Preece

Summary A psychologist and longtime practitioner of Tibetan Buddhism shows how emotions relate to spiritual practice•that our feeling life is truly at the heart of our awakening.

The realm of emotion is one of those areas where Buddhism and Western psychology are often thought to be at odds: Are emotions to be valued, examined, worked with as signs leading us to deeper self• knowledge? Or are they something to be ignored and avoided as soon as we recognize them? Rob Preece feels that neither of those extremes is correct. He charts a path through the emotions as they relate to Buddhist practice, showing that though emotions are indeed "" (elements that make up the illusory self) according to the Buddhist teaching, there is a good deal to be learned from these skandhas, and paying attention to their content contributes not only to psychological health but to deep insight into the nature of reality. He draws on his own experiences with emotions and meditation, through both his training in Tibetan Buddhism and psychotherapy, to Shambhala show how working with emotions can be a complement to meditation practice. 9781611801682 Pub Date: 1/13/15 Author Bio On Sale Date: 1/13/15 ROB PREECE is a contemplative psychotherapist who's been practicing analysis for twenty years and Buddhism $17.95/$21.50 Can. Paperback / softback / for around thirty. His work focuses on the interface between Buddhism and transpersonal psychology. A former Trade paperback (US) faculty member of Sharpham College, he spent 1980 through 1985 on retreat in the Himalayas, and he's also an accomplished painter. He leads meditation retreats and workshops that compare Jungian and Buddhist 128 pages Carton Qty: 60 views of psychology. He has published four previous books with Snow Lion. Religion / Buddhism REL007000 Author Residence: Devon, England Territory: World

Home Grown Adventures in Parenting off the Beaten Path, Unschooling, and Reconnecting with the Natural World Ben Hewitt


When Ben Hewitt and his wife bought a sprawling acreage of field and forest in northern Vermont, the landscape easily allowed them to envision the self• sustaining family farm they were eager to start. But over the years, the land became so much more than a building site; it became the birthplace of their two sons, the main source of family income and food, and ultimately, both classroom and home for their children. Having opted out of formal education, Hewitt's sons learn through self• directed play, exploration, and experimentation on their farm, in the woods, and (reluctantly) indoors. This approach has allowed the boys to develop confidence, resourcefulness, and creativity. They learn, they play, they read, they test boundaries, they challenge themselves, they fail, they recover. And these freedoms allow their innate personalities to flourish, further fueling growth and exploration. Living in tune with the natural world teaches us to reclaim our passion, curiosity, and connectivity. Hewitt shows us how small, mindful decisions about day• to• day life can lead to greater awareness of the world in your Roost Books backyard and beyond. We are inspired to ask: What is the true meaning of "home" when the place a family lives 9781611801699 is school, school system, and curriculum? When the parent is also the teacher, how do parenting decisions affect Pub Date: 9/9/14 a child's learning? (And exactly how much trouble can a couple of curious boys gallivanting in the wild woods all On Sale Date: 9/9/14 $14.95/$17.95 Can. day get into?) Home Grown reminds us that learning at any age is a lifelong process, and the best "education" is Paperback / softback / never confined to a classroom. These essays on nature, parenting, and education show us that big change can Trade paperback (US) come from making small changes in how you live on the land, while building a life you love.

224 pages Author Bio Carton Qty: 44 Family & Relationships / BEN HEWITT is the author of Saved, The Town That Food Saved, Making Supper Safe, and articles for magazines Education such as Bicycling, Discover, Gourmet, Men's Journal, National Geographic Adventure, Outside, the New York FAM016000 Times Magazine, Yankee, Taproot, and many others. He and his family live in a self• built, solar• powered house in Territory: World Cabot, Vermont, and operate a forty• acre livestock, vegetable, and berry farm.

Author Residence: Cabot, Vermont

Shambhala London 2014 • March 2014 Page 9

{SHAMBHALA} Hunger, Hope, and Healing A Yogic Approach to Overcoming Disordered Eating Sarajoy Marsh

Summary A yoga approach to dealing with disorded eating patterns•like overeating, food addiction, and stress eating•and the resulting emotional distress they can cause.

Yoga philosophy and practice is increasingly being used in therapeutic settings with great efficacy to help treat eating disorders. In this book, Sarahjoy Marsh, a yoga teacher, counselor, and meditation teacher, offers a program using the tools and philosophy of yoga for addressing addiction• specifically, food addiction, disordered eating patterns, body image issues, and emotional eating. She educates the reader about both the nature of addiction and the philosophy of yoga and offers a methodical approach to recovery that is neither dogmatic nor rigid; rather, it is empathic, hopeful, and deliberate. Full of clear, empathic advice and photographs of the step• by• step practices, this book will help alleviate the isolation that people with eating disorders feel; offer strategies for changing the behaviors; and give clear Shambhala guidelines about the processes of recovery and the development of new life skills, which are taught in the book. 9781611801934 Pub Date: 12/30/14 On Sale Date: 12/30/14 Author Bio $17.95/$21.50 Can. SARAHJOY MARSH is a certified yoga teacher with nineteen years of teaching experience. She has an MA in Paperback / softback / counseling and has been a student of yoga and vipassana meditation (mindfulness and insight meditation) since Trade paperback (US) 1989. Marsh has been teaching since 1994 and has specialized in addiction and eating disorders since 2001. She

224 pages founded Amrita, a sanctuary for yoga based in Portland, Oregon, and known for its integrated approach to yoga, Carton Qty: 44 mindfulness, and recovery. She regularly teaches retreats, national workshops, and international service and Health & Fitness / Yoga yoga adventures. She is also the founder of Living Yoga, a nonprofit yoga outreach organization that brings yoga HEA025000 Territory: World to prisons, alcohol and drug rehabilitation centers, and transitional facilities. In 2012, Marsh founded the DAYA Foundation, a nonprofit yoga therapy center serving Northwest communities, to teach yoga and mindfulness tools to those with addiction, anxiety, or depression; to those with medical issues; and to those who otherwise would not be able to attend a regular yoga class because of social, financial, or physical constraints.

Author Residence: Portland, Oregon

Take My Spouse, Please Using the Rules of Comedy to Keep Your Marriage Happy, Healthy, and Thriving Dani Klein Modisett

Summary This humorous take on marriage shows you how the true keys to marital bliss and success are• surprisingly•the same as the cardinal rules of comedy.

Rule #5: Timing is everything. Rule #8: One bad set doesn't mean it's time to quit. Rule #15: Have faith. The cardinal rules of comedy have an uncanny resemblance to the rules of building a strong marriage. In Take My Spouse, Please, writer and comedian Dani Klein Modisett artfully lays out 15 axioms of marriage, and not coincidentally, axioms of life. With her trademark humorous, sharp, yet reverent tone, Dani offers a map for navigating your marriage through rough patches, bad jokes, and a bum audience. Take My Spouse, Please shows how these 15 rules of comedy, when applied to marriage, keep you and your spouse connected, enjoying each other and getting through those inevitable tough times. Seeing your primary Trumpeter relationship through the lens of a comic will shake it awake in a way that no other book on marriage will. It helps 9781611801477 you see that there is (almost) always room to laugh at a trying situation, and more importantly, with each other. Pub Date: 1/13/15 In addition to the author's lively anecdotes, Dani has interviewed dozens of comedians, comic writers, and On Sale Date: 1/13/15 marriage counselors to deliver more marriage "material." The wisdom gleaned from these devotees of both $16.95/$18.95 Can. Paperback / softback / comedy and marriage supports the core premise: humor matters. The celebration of humor that follows• from gut• Trade paperback (US) busting anecdotes to earnest advice• is the heart and soul of the book.

192 pages Author Bio Carton Qty: 56 Self•Help / Personal DANI KLEIN MODISETT is the author/editor of Afterbirth: True Stories You Won't Read in a Parenting Magazine Growth and the producer of the stage show of the same name. She is also the creator of Not What I Signed Up For, a SEL031000 show about marriage that inspired this book, and several web series, including "How to Stay Happily Married." Territory: World She is a writer and blogger for Parents, the Huffington Post, and more. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband

and two sons.

Author Residence: Los Angeles, California

Shambhala London 2014 • March 2014 Page 10

{SHAMBHALA} Your Body Knows the Answer Using Your Felt Sense to Solve Problems, Effect Change, and Liberate Creativity David I. Rome

Summary Combines mindfulness with the Focusing technique made popular by Eugene Gendlin to tap into your body's subtle wisdom for dealing with all life's challenges.

Your body has an answer to just about any question or challenge that arises. It's simply a matter of learning to recognize and listen to the subtle physical signal that comes from someplace inside you other than your mind. This "felt sense" was first made widely known by the psychologist Eugene Gendlin, whose book on learning to use your felt sense, Focusing, has sold millions of copies since it was first published in 1978. Certified Focusing teacher David Rome here enhances the traditional Focusing techniques with mindfulness and other Buddhist principles learned from his teacher Chögyam Trungpa to provide remarkably effective techniques for learning to access your felt sense• and not only for applying it to problem solving and dealing with challenges, but for kick• starting the creative process in oneself. With its short, accessible chapters and its abundant practical exercises, Shambhala this may be the most compact and accessible guide to Focusing yet published. 9781611800906 Pub Date: 10/7/14 Author Bio On Sale Date: 10/7/14 $16.95/$19.95 Can. DAVID I. ROME is a certified Focusing Trainer who has brought Focusing together with Buddhist mindfulness• Paperback / softback / awareness practices in workshops in the United States, Canada, and Europe. He began practicing Buddhism in Trade paperback (US) 1971 and served for nine years as private secretary to the Tibetan teacher Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. David

128 pages played a leadership role in the early development of Shambhala International and Naropa University and was one Carton Qty: 60 of the first teachers in the Shambhala Training program. He has served as President of Schocken Books and Religion / Buddhism Senior VP for Planning of the Greyston Foundation and is a senior fellow with the Garrison Institute, a Hudson REL007000 Valley research and retreat center applying contemplative methods to solve social and environmental challenges. Territory: World Your Body Knows the Answer is his first book.

Rights Sold: Spanish, German, Bulgarian Author Residence: Cambridge, Massachusetts

A Simple Feast A Year of Stories and Recipes to Savor and Share Diana Yen

Summary A real•life fairy tale of a cookbook with stories and recipes that celebrate the seasons, sharing food with friends, and bringing a sense of style to it all.

A beautiful cookbook destined to become an heirloom, A Simple Feast presents a year of life in food. Each chapter presents a story• apple picking, snow day, tea party, date night, rooftop barbeque, etc.• and recipes

inspired by the whimsy that lies therein. The food here is simple and elegant, taking cues from the bounty of local markets and farms, embodying modern American cooking. This is a playful journey guided by the ever stylish Jewels of New York, who lead the reader through the seasons and the culinary adventures each has to offer.

Roost Books 9781611800326 Author Bio Pub Date: 5/20/14 Founded in 2009 and led by DIANA YEN, The Jewels of New York is a multidisciplinary creative studio that On Sale Date: 5/20/14 combines the love of cooking with the beauty of everyday things. The studio aims to uncover the hidden $29.95/$32.95 Can. treasures New York has to offer and share them with others through seasonally based cooking. Diana strives to Hardback bring the same sense of warmth found in good home cooking to her clients through catering and food 256 pages consultation services. Diana's projects with leading lifestyle magazines (Food and Wine, Better Homes and Carton Qty: 10 Gardens, and Kinfolk, to name a few) and design• savvy clients (Martha Stewart, West Elm, and Design*Sponge Cooking / Seasonal among them) focus on the simplicity and elegance of everyday meals. With a background in home and lifestyle CKB077000 Territory: World design, Diana brings a sense of beauty and community to the table. Sales Restrictions: World Author Residence: New York, New York

Shambhala London 2014 • March 2014 Page 11

{SHAMBHALA} Handmade Gatherings Recipes and Crafts for Seasonal Celebrations and Potluck Parties Ashley English, Jen Altman

Summary Celebrate the seasons and connect with your community through parties to throw in collaboration with your friends. Handmade Gatherings offers: · 16 seasonal party ideas · 52 recipes · 32 crafts and activities

From the décor, to the entertainment, on down to the recipes themselves, Handmade Gatherings presents inspired suggestions for thoughtful, flavorful, festive communal dining. Here you'll find sixteen parties built around the rhythm of the seasons. Frosty winter fetes, lush springtime soirees, sultry summer get• togethers, and crisp autumn affairs• it's all here. Food, décor, crafts, and more are part of each event, all collectively assembled and Roost Books executed. Throw memorable gatherings with your loved ones, enjoy the food, connect with your community, and 9781611800562 get caught up in the splendor of it all. Pub Date: 4/8/14 On Sale Date: 4/8/14 Author Bio $34.95/$34.95 Can. Hardback ASHLEY ENGLISH has degrees in holistic nutrition and sociology. She has worked over the years with a number of nonprofit organizations committed to social and agricultural issues, is a member of Slow Food USA, and writes a 288 pages regular column for the popular blog Design*Sponge, as well as a column for the quarterly publication Taproot. Carton Qty: 16 Cooking / Entertaining She is the author of four books in the Homemade Living series (Canning and Preserving, Keeping Chickens, CKB029000 Keeping Bees, Home Dairy), as well as A Year of Pies, all from Lark Crafts. Ashley and her family live in Candler, Territory: World North Carolina, where they are converting their land into a thriving homestead. Follow their adventures at Sales Restrictions: World

Author Residence: Asheville, North Carolina

JEN ALTMAN is a photographer and writer. Her work has been exhibited throughout North America and is held in private collections across the globe. Her clients include Chronicle Books, Martha Stewart Living, Food and Wine, and Kinfolk magazine. Jen lives in Asheville, North Carolina, with her three daughters and husband. You can follow her adventures in food and travel at her acclaimed blog, Nectar.

Quench Handcrafted Beverages to Satisfy Every Taste and Occasion Ashley English, Jen Altman

Summary Over 100 recipes for soft and hard drinks•including juices, sodas, teas, liqueurs, bitters, and wines•from the author of Handmade Gatherings.

From homemade root beer to hard cider, fresh• squeezed ginger lemonade to handcrafted Irish cream, do• it• yourself beverages are gaining interest and intrigue across the culinary spectrum. Professional mixologists and amateur home cooks alike are looking for beverages to inspire and satisfy, sourced from a variety of natural and seasonal ingredients. Quench offers the solution, covering the entire beverage range with hot, cold, fermented, infused, and cured offerings. There's something here for every palate, occasion, and need. Quench promises to Roost Books help you pour a glass of whatever it is you're thirsting for. 9781611801286 Pub Date: 10/21/14 Author Bio On Sale Date: 10/21/14 $24.95/$24.95 Can. ASHLEY ENGLISH has degrees in holistic nutrition and sociology. She has worked over the years with a number of Hardback nonprofit organizations committed to social and agricultural issues, is a member of Slow Food USA, and writes a regular column for the popular blog Design*Sponge, as well as a column for the quarterly publication Taproot. 224 pages Carton Qty: 18 She is the author of four books in The Homemade Living series (Canning & Preserving, Keeping Chickens, Keeping Cooking / Beverages Bees, and Home Dairy), A Year of Pies, and Handmade Gatherings. Ashley and her family live in Candler, North CKB100000 Carolina, where they are converting their land into a thriving homestead. Territory: World Author Residence: Asheville, North Carolina

JEN ALTMAN is a photographer and writer whose clients include Chronicle Books, Martha Stewart Living, Food & Wine, and Kinfolk. Jen is the author of Instant Love (with Susannah Conway and Amanda Gilligan), Gem and Stone, and Photographing Your Children.

Illustrator Residence: Asheville, North Carolina

Shambhala London 2014 • March 2014 Page 12

{SHAMBHALA} The Vibrant Table Recipes from My Always Vegetarian, Mostly Vegan, and Sometimes Raw Kitchen Anya Kassoff, Masha Davydova

Summary The Vibrant Table is a feast for the senses. From small sides to savory meals and sweet indulgences, each nourishing recipe tells a story of a balanced and well• fed lifestyle, centered around the family table. Amaranth Pumpkin Porridge, Fingerling Potato Pizza, Squash Blossom Quiche, Roasted Plum Ice Cream, Swirled Acai Cheesecake• you will never run out of inspiration for enjoying whole foods at any meal.

Anya Kassoff's bustling kitchen is always vegetarian, mostly vegan, gluten• free, and sometimes raw• a place where desserts can serve as an energizing breakfast too! The 100+ recipes here include fresh interpretations of familiar classics and plenty of ideas for the curious cook. With guidance on sprouting, grinding your own flours, making nut milks, and even preparing raw chocolate, building a well• stocked pantry has never been easier. A Roost Books chapter dedicated to cooking with kids is full of tips and recipes for raising adventurous eaters. Anya's devotion 9781611800975 to preparing fresh and seasonal ingredients with love is clear. The Vibrant Table is a delicious homage to Pub Date: 6/10/14 lightness and elegance at home. On Sale Date: 6/10/14 $35.00/$35.00 Can. Hardback Author Bio Born and raised in Russia, ANYA KASSOFF is a passionate cook and successful food blogger who uses her 320 pages multicultural background for inspiration in the kitchen and when entertaining. In her adopted home of Florida, she Carton Qty: 10 finds endless ways to experiment with abundant local produce to recreate raw/vegan versions of familiar dishes Cooking / Vegetarian & Vegan from her childhood, inventing new family "classics" along the way. CKB086000 Territory: World Author Residence: St. Petersburg, Florida Sales Restrictions: World

Rights Sold: French Author Hometown: Stavropol, Russia

Photographer MASHA DAVYDOVA is a graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design with a BFA in fashion design. She is the photographer and art director for her mother's blog, Golubka.

Illustrator Residence: New York, New York

Tinkerlab A Hands•On Guide for Little Inventors Rachelle Doorley

Summary Creative experiments for curious kids from the creator of•50 hands•on activities that explore art, science, and more. For children up to six years old.

Kids are natural tinkerers. They experiment, explore, test, and play, and they learn a great deal about problem• solving through questions and hands• on experiments. They don't see lines between disciplines; rather, they notice interesting materials and ideas that are worth exploring. This book is about creative experiments, in all fields, that help kids explore the world.

Children gravitate toward sensory experiences (playing with slime), figuring out how things work (taking toys Roost Books apart), and testing the limits of materials (mixing a tray of paint together until it makes a solid mass of brown). 9781611800654 They're not limited by their imaginations, and a wooden spoon can become a magic wand as quickly as a bag of Pub Date: 6/10/14 pom•poms can become a hot bowl of soup. This book is about helping parents and teachers of babies, toddlers, On Sale Date: 6/10/14 and preschoolers understand and tap into this natural energy with engaging, kid• tested, easy• to• implement $21.95/$25.95 Can. Paperback / softback / projects that value process over product. The creative experiments shared in this book foster curiosity, promote Trade paperback (US) creative and critical thinking, and encourage tinkering• mindsets that are important to children growing up in a world that values independent thinking. 304 pages Carton Qty: 24 Family & Relationships / In addition to offering a host of activities that parents and teachers can put to use right away, this book also Activities includes a buffet of recipes (magic potions, different kinds of play dough, silly putty, and homemade butter) and FAM002000 a detailed list of materials to include in the art pantry. Territory: World Author Bio RACHELLE DOORLEY is an arts educator, community builder, and founder of the popular creativity blog Tinkerlab. She studied costume design at the University of California, Los Angeles, and worked on Hollywood films before finding her true calling as an arts educator. After teaching art in Los Angeles schools, Rachelle earned a master's in arts education from Harvard, and then oversaw docent and education programs at the San Jose Museum of Art. Rachelle lives with her husband and her two curious daughters in the beautiful San Francisco Bay Area, where she leads workshops on visual thinking and hands• on creativity. Rachelle believes in finding fun and meaningful ways to make every day creative.

Shambhala London 2014 • March 2014 Page 13

{SHAMBHALA} Cold Antler Farm A Memoir of Growing Food and Celebrating Life on a Scrappy Six•Acre Homestead Jenna Woginrich

Summary Farm City meets The Omnivore's Dilemma in Cold Antler Farm, a collection of essays on raising food on a small homestead , while honoring the natural cycle of the "lost" holidays of the agricultural calendar.

Author Jenna Woginrich is mistress of her one• woman farm and is well known for her essays on the mud and mess, the beautiful and tragic, the grime and passion that accompany homesteading. In Cold Antler Farm, her fifth book, she draws our attention to the flow and cycle not of the calendar year, but of the ancient agricultural year: holidays, celebrations, seasonal touchstones, and astronomical events that mark sacred turning points in the seasons. Amidst the "lost" holidays of the equinoxes, May Day, Hallowmas, and Yule, we learn the life stories of her beloved animals and crops• chicken, pig, lamb, apples, basil, tomatoes. May apple blossoms are sweet fruit for Roost Books rambunctious sheep in June. And come September, the harvest draws together neighbors for cider making under 9781611801033 the waning summer sun. The living beings she is tending fuel one another• and the community• day to day, Pub Date: 6/10/14 season by season. On Sale Date: 6/10/14 By examining what eating seasonally really means, the "ancient" reclaimed calendar becomes a source of wisdom. $16.95/$19.95 Can. Paperback / softback / How do we set down roots and break new ground in spring? How to best nourish body and soul in the heat of Trade paperback (US) deep summer? And what can we learn by simply paying more attention to weather patterns than to our social network feeds? Cold Antler Farm encourages us to eat and live well with respect to for the natural rhythm of the 192 pages Carton Qty: 48 seasons. In turn we learn what it means to be truly connected, not super• networked.

House & Home / Sustainable Living Author Bio HOM022000 JENNA WOGINRICH is a thirty• something homesteader and the author of Barnheart, Chick Days, Made from Territory: World Scratch, and the forthcoming Days of Grace. A Pennsylvania native, she has made her home in the mountains of

Tennessee, in northern Idaho, in rural Vermont, and most recently in upstate New York, where she lives with a flock of Scottish Blackface sheep, a border collie in training, chickens and geese, a hive of bees, and several amiable rabbits.

Author Residence: Cambridge, New York

The Artful Year Celebrating the Seasons and Holidays with Crafts and Recipes—Over 175 Family• Friendly Activities Jean Van’t Hul

Summary From the author of The Artful Parent•a year's worth of art projects, seasonal activities, and recipes for simple, family•friendly crafting through the seasons and holidays.

Celebrating the seasons and holidays is a wonderful opportunity to embrace creativity together as a family. It's also a fun way to decorate, prepare for, and learn about the holidays we celebrate. In The Artful Year, you'll find art activites, crafts, recipes, and more to help make each season special. By doing so, your family will create memories and mementos, you'll develop creative growth in your children and yourself, and you'll have lots of fun! The book includes: Roost Books 9781611801491 Pub Date: 2/3/15 • Arts and crafts, using the materials, colors, and themes of the season On Sale Date: 2/3/15 • Decorations to make as a family $21.95/$24.95 Can. • Favorite seasonal recipes that are fun for children to help make (and eat) Paperback / softback / • Ideas for celebrating the holidays together Trade paperback (US) • Suggested reading lists of children's picture books about the seasons and holidays 288 pages Carton Qty: 24 The Artful Year is a fun and active resource for crafting and celebrating around the year! Family & Relationships / Activities Author Bio FAM002000 Territory: World JEAN VAN'T HUL, mother of two, lives with her family in the mountains of western North Carolina. She has been writing about children's art and creativity on her blog, The Artful Parent, since 2008. A graduate of Wellesley College with a major in art history and studio art, Jean worked in various art and nonprofit fields before devoting her time to writing and raising kids. She loves sharing process• oriented art, seasonal crafts, and joyful learning opportunities, whether with her own daughters or through her children's art groups, her magazine articles, or her blog.

Author Residence: Asheville, North Carolina

Shambhala London 2014 • March 2014 Page 14