“I am the true vine, and my Father is the vine grower. He takes away every branch in me that does not bear fruit, and everyone that does he prunes so that it bears more fruit.” - Jn 15:1-2 358 GLENBROOK ROAD • STAMFORD, CT • 06906-2198 • (203) 324-3434 • WWW.SMCGLENBROOK.ORG TH PAGE 2 5 SUNDAY OF EASTER SAINT MAURICE CHURCH Saint Maurice Church REMAINING VIGILANT Parish Office Hours: My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Monday-Thursday, 10:00 AM-2:00 PM As we begin this new month of May, still rejoicing in the Resurrection of our Lord and (203) 324-3434 •
[email protected] Savior, and directing our gaze in love and adoration to Mary, or Blessed Mother, we rejoice! We have so much to be grateful for! After a long winter, the Liturgical Schedule days have grown both longer and warmer and the world around us has started to become refulgent with blossoming Weekend Masses ...............................................Saturday, 4:00 PM flowers and the fresh green of the trees as they unfurl their Sunday, 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM new leaves. Our mornings are filled with the wonderful sounds of birds who, with so many other creatures, tend Weekday Masses ............................ Monday-Thursday, 8:00 AM their nests and make ready for the coming forth of new life. It’s starting to feel like everything is coming back to life. Reconciliation ........................................... Saturday, 2:00-3:00 PM (or by appointment) And we have so much more to be grateful for! In the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic we are making progress.