Federal Register/Vol. 70, No. 175/Monday, September 12, 2005
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 175 / Monday, September 12, 2005 / Notices 53787 the Draft EIS: the Consolidated Company, Chandeuleur Pipe Line Company, protests must be filed on or before the Corridors Route, and the MEPCO South Colorado Interstate Gas Company, Eastern date as indicated below. Anyone filing Route. DOE also analyzed a rescission Shore Natural Gas Company, El Paso Natural an intervention or protest must serve a alternative under which the existing Gas Company, Enbridge Pipelines (AlaTenn) copy of that document on the Applicant. L.L.C., Enbridge Pipelines (KPC), Enbridge permit would be rescinded and no Pipelines (Midla) L.L.C., Garden Banks Gas Anyone filing an intervention or protest international transmission line could be Pipeline, L.L.C., Guardian Pipeline, L.L.C., on or before the intervention or protest constructed. As indicated in the Draft Gulf South Pipeline Company, LP, Kern date need not serve motions to intervene EIS, DOE has designated the Modified River Gas Transmission Company, Kinder or protests on persons other than the Consolidated Corridors Route as its Morgan Interstate Gas Transmission LLC, KO Applicant. preferred alternative. Transmission Company, Midwestern Gas The Commission encourages Transmission Company, Mississippi Canyon electronic submission of protests and Availability of the Draft EIS Gas Pipeline, LLC, Mojave Pipeline interventions in lieu of paper using the Company, Nautilus Pipeline Company, DOE has distributed copies of the ‘‘eFiling’’ link at http://www.ferc.gov. Draft EIS to appropriate
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