ITEM 7(a) Application Number: 17/00838/OUT Description Outline application for the development of 200 dwelling houses, with all matters reserved AT Land to the East of, Eastfield Drive, Hanslope, FOR SiteplanUK LLP Target: 30th June 2018 Extension of Time: No Ward: Newport Pagnell North And Hanslope Parish: Hanslope Parish Council Report Author/Case Officer: Paul Keen Deputy Development Management Manager Contact Details:
[email protected], 01908253239 Team Manager: Tracy Darke - 01908 252394,
[email protected] 1.0 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that planning permission is refused for the reasons set out in section 7.0 of this report. 2.0 INTRODUCTION 2.1 The site 2.1.1 The application site is located adjacent to the eastern settlement boundary of Hanslope and 11km from central Milton Keynes. The site itself is generally flat, low- lying, grassland used for pastoral grazing, denoted by well-maintained mature hedgerow, with trees along its southern, western and eastern boundaries. It is currently within agricultural use (Grade 3 classification). 2.1.2 The site lies outside the development boundary of Hanslope and therefore within the open countryside. The site is however immediately adjacent to existing residential properties along Eastfield Drive and Newport Road. 2.1.3 Hanslope is defined as a ‘Selected Village’ within the Milton Keynes Core Strategy 2013. 2.1.4 There are a number of routes within the locality, the main routes being Newport Road adjacent to the south-east and Gold Street/Park Road/Long Street Road to the west at approximately 200 metres.