Milford Solar Phase II Cultural Resources Survey, Beaver County, Utah (Site Location Information Is Protected and Has Been Removed)
APPENDIX F Cultural Resources Survey Report Milford Solar Phase II Cultural Resources Survey, Beaver County, Utah (Site location information is protected and has been removed) APRIL 2020 PREPARED FOR Beaver County Planning and Zoning Commission PREPARED BY SWCA Environmental Consultants MILFORD SOLAR PHASE II CULTURAL RESOURCES SURVEY, BEAVER COUNTY, UTAH Prepared for Beaver County Planning and Zoning Commission 105 East Center Street Beaver, Utah 84713 Prepared by Tiffany Tuttle Collins, M.A. and Reilly Jensen, M.A. Principal Investigator Kelly Beck, Ph.D. SWCA Environmental Consultants 257 East 200 South, Suite 200 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 (801) 322-4307 SWCA Project No. 42529.02 SWCA Cultural Resources Report No.19-757 Utah State Antiquities Project No. U20ST0252 Public Lands Policy Coordination Office Permit No. 18 April 2020 Milford Solar Phase II Cultural Resources Survey, Beaver County, Utah ABSTRACT Report Title. Milford Solar Phase II Cultural Resources Survey, Beaver County, Utah Report Date. Draft, April 2020 Lead Agency Name. Beaver County Permit and Project Numbers. Utah State Antiquities Project No. U20ST0252; Public Lands Policy Coordination Office Permit No. 18; SWCA Environmental Consultants (SWCA) Project No. 42529.02; SWCA Cultural Resources Report No. 19-757 Land Ownership Status. Private, Bureau of Land Management Project Description. In February 2020, Longroad Energy requested that SWCA conduct a Class III cultural resources survey (survey) for the Milford Solar Phase II Project (Project). The Project is for a proposed utility scale solar energy facility located on private lands north and east of Milford in Beaver County. The Project involves the construction of a 250-megawatt photovoltaic solar energy generation facility and associated ancillary facilities, including a substation, battery energy storage system, electrical collection lines, a gen lead transmission line, a switching station, an operations and maintenance building, and new-build access roads.
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