Opening the dOOr On Charles sturt Stories of local life by local people Copyright ©2013 City of Charles Sturt and individual authors. The stories contained in this publication are the works of the individual authors. Views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the City of Charles Sturt. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system or transmitted, in any form of by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior permission of the copyright owners. Request for permission should be addressed to: City of Charles Sturt 72 Woodville Road Woodville SA 5011 Australia T: 08 8408 1111 E:
[email protected] Foreword Charles Sturt is a vibrant and story filled City with so many amazing stories to share and celebrate. Each story reveals a little more about the people who call this City home and how our community has lived over time. The challenge to tap into these stories provided an exciting opportunity for our community to learn the skills of story-telling to share ideas and inspire each other toward building an ongoing and sustainable story resource for both now and into the future. The ‘National Year of Reading’ encouraged Australia to focus on and to facilitate a love of reading and stories throughout the community prompting the local concept of the ‘Writers Workshop’ program. Here members of the Charles Sturt community fostered their writing skills with the assistance of local author Tom Mann to ‘Open the Door on Charles Sturt’ where stories of their lives and experiences in and around our community were uncovered and collected together forming this collection of short stories.