Dr. Robert J.T. Joy Papers A Finding Aid to the Collection in the James A. Zimble Learning Resource Center Prepared by Megan Guglielmi Sunday University Archives Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Bethesda, Maryland 2012 Contact Information: http://www.lrc.usuhs.mil/archives/ Collection Summary Title: Dr. Robert J.T. Joy Papers Span Dates: 1950-2007 Bulk Dates: 1950-1990 Collection Number: MSS012 Creator: Dr. Robert J.T. Joy Extent: 22 linear feet Inclusive Dates: 1950-2007 Repository: University Archives, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, 4301 Jones Bridge Road, Bethesda, MD 20814. Tel: 301-295-9559, Fax: 301-295-3795, Email:
[email protected] Introduction The Dr. Robert J.T. Joy Papers, 1950-2007, are 22 linear feet and are housed in 37 letter-sized document boxes, 6 half-sized document boxes, and 3 paper boxes. Dr. Robert J.T. Joy donated the papers to the USU Archives between 2003 and 2012. The papers are in good condition and were processed by Megan Guglielmi Sunday in 2011-2012. Biographical Sketch Dr. Robert J.T. Joy (JL, MD, COL, MC, ret), is a Professor Emeritus in the USU Department of Medical History. He became the first professor and Chair of the Department of Military Medicine at USU in 1976, positions he held until 1981. In 1981 Dr. Joy retired from the Army and founded the USU Department of Medical History, where he served as Chair until 1996. Dr. Joy also served as first USU Commandant from 1976-1981. Prior to his arrival at USU, Dr. Joy received a B.S.