WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 1971 PAGE FORTY Most Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 O *Clock lEn^nins 1l|rraUi

The Twins Mothers Club of J. Lawrence Knight, son of First Church of Christ, Community Baptist Church A bout Town Greater Hartford will meet to­ Mr. .and Mrs. James A. Knight Scientist, will have its midweek will have Its quarterly business PoDuter Bill Average Daily Net Press Run The Weather morrow at 8:16 p.m. at Christ of Groton, formerly of Manches­ testimony meeting tonight at 8 meeting tonight at 7:30 in Fel­ F oe The Week Ended Timothy R. O’Nell, son of Mr. the King Lutheran Church, 466 ter, has been named to the at the church, 447 N. Main St. lowship Hall of ^ e church. March IS, 1971 Fair tonight with lows rang­ and Mia. Paul O'Neil of 36 S. Park Ave., Windsor. dean’s list at the University of The meeting is open to the pub­ Passes House ing from 25 to 35; near zero AUon St., has been named to i l a n r t e t r r chance of precipitation. Tomor­ Rhode Island. A 1970 honor grad­ lic. Our Lady of Unity Mothers A bill hailed as landmark the dean’s list for the fall se­ Emanuel Lutheran Church uate of Manchester High School, Circle wlU meet tonight at 8 at 15,901 ^ row cloudy; high about 40. mester at the College of lib ­ will rehearse tonight at 8:30 In he was a Manchester Scholar­ the home of Mrs. Thomas Park­ legislation In ’s fight eral Arts and Sciences of the Denise J. Dunphy of 263 Lake Manchester—A City of Village Charm Luther Hall of the church. All ship Foundation recipient and St., a Junior at Marietta (Ohio) er, 18 Gerard St. against air and water pollution University of Connecticut where former choir singers are invited was awarded a four-year schol­ passed by a 160 to 11 roll call he is a B(^omore. College, has been named to the (ClasaUled AdvertUing on Page 20) to this rehearsal so that they arship by the Frank Roswell first semester dean’s list. Stephen Lloyd of 218 Lydall vote in the House yesterday and VOL. LXXXX, NO. 142 TWENTY-TWO PAGES MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1971 PRICE FIFTEEN CEN'TS can sing with the choir on Fuller Scholarship Foundation. St., a 1967 graduate of Man' The Junior Choir of North March 21 when "History Sun­ was sent to the State Senate for United Methodist Church will re­ Sid Sink, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester High School and current­ consideration. Easy on the pocket book... easy on the digestion.. .low in day’’ will be observed. ly a senior at Cornell Univer­ hearse tomorrow at 3:1S p.m. The North Manchester A1 - George David Sink of 377 E. The measure, backed by calories.. .and simply wonderful to eat are these Ptinehurst at the church Anon family group will meet Center St. and a senior major­ sity, will leave Monday for Penobscot, freshly dressed, shipped in ice by overnight express There will be a business meet­ tonight at 8 at the Second Con­ spring semester study at the legislative leaders of both par­ ing at 7:30 tomorrow night ing in mathematics at Bowling to insure absolute perfection In freshness . . . gregational, Church Parish Green (Ohio) University, has Federsil institute of Zurich, ties and endorsed by Gov. Nixon Would Give when Friendship Lodge of Ma­ House. The Thdiaday group will Switzerland. After classes end Thomas MesklU would give pri- Seale Trial Opens; sons meets in the Masonic Tem­ been named to “Who’s Who Pinehurst-Penobscot Fresh Poultry continues to be a beat meet tomorrow at 8:30 p.m. at Amon^ Students In American in July,ju.jr, he will w travel i.. In Europe r . individuals, j, , and j groups ...the UMB to fix your shoes for ple. Later, John Mather Chapter and return for a fifth year of . . . . __ value . . . the Pathfinders Club, 102 Nor­ Universities and Colleges.” He right to sue or to obtain Injunc­ good weather! Rubber of DeMolay will present the study at Cornell toward a States $2.5 Billion Heels and “Whlle-You- Carnation degree, and guests man St. Both groups meet is a five-time All-American In tions against “unreasonable” Wait-Jobs” are our spe­ weekly and are open to friends track and cross country, cur­ bachelor’s deg^ree In architec­ poUuters. The word “tinreascn- wilt be members of Manches­ ture. cialty! We use only Prime ter Assembly, Order of Rain­ and relatives living with a rently NCAA steeplechase able” would have to be defined Fresh Chickens Prosecution Calls Oak Leather! Shoes made bow for Girls. drinking problem. champion, and U.S. Track and by the courts. 3-lb. Average — Whole Transportation Aid longer or wider! 0 Field Federation three-mile The commission <»i education All 11 votes against the bill of South United Methodist By TOM SEPPY Robert Vater, assistant pro­ The Senior Choir of Oammuhl- champion. were by Republicans. Leading SAM YULYES ty Baptist Church will rehearse Church , will meet tonight at the opposition was State Rep. Aaaoolated Press Writer ^ fessor of music at Manchester 7:30 at the church. 8S OAK STOEET Community CJollege, spoke on tonight at . 7 at the church. Gamma Oiapter of Alidia Robert D. King, R, of Tolland, ROASTING WASHINGTON (AP) — President Nixon proposed (A Few Steps from Main) “Directions—1971” in the In­ Delta Kappa sorority will meet who called it "a destructive Surprise Witness today that $2,565 billion be given to the states to help «10B REPAIRING of tensive Scholars Program at A midweek service of worship tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the home Edgar Circle of South United potentially dangerous bill,” THE BEITTER KIND! and prayer will be held tonight of Mrs. EMna Hartwell, 88 Methodist CSiurch will have two predicted "harrassment” CHICKENS solve their transportation problems. 'Twenty per cent Greater Hartford Community of the funds would go toward strengthening mass By PETER COWEN being an Informer by members celved and carried out by College Monday. at 7:30 at Calvary Church. Green Manor Rd. fair workshops tomorrow at the qj buslnesMs and damage to the S'/] to 4-lb. 42c Ib. of the Panthers’ local chapter, George Sams Jr., a former home of Mrs. Val Patarinl, 57 state’s economy. transit systems in the nation’s cities. Associated Press Writer in a message to Congress on ------tortured with boiling panther and .bodyguard to Stoke- Constance Dr. The first seMion *.Thig j,m .. g w warned, Chicken Livers lb. 60« NEW HAVEN, Conn, water before being shot In the jgy Carmichael who has plead- will begin at 9:30 a.m., “ jd the ^ „pg„ invitation Cut or Split 35c lb. tats special revenue sharing ctonnecUcut $20,230,000 $4,333,000 Chicken Wings lb. 39^ plan, Nixon pn^xwed that $2,041 $io,074,000 $370,000 (AP) — The prosecution head and chest. ed guilty of second-degree mur- second at 12:45 p.m. 'rhOTe every ecology group In the called a surprise witness to H*® Panthers and their allies ^er in the case and is expected planning to attend are reminded to zero In on lU pet proj- bUllon during the first year be Massachusette $36,226,000 $17,- —many of them “ white—main­ ' ' to bring scissors, P*** 9^ ect, regardless of the effect on CELERY HEARTS ...... large bunch 35c spent for the planning^, construe- start the case against tain that the killing was con- (See Page Eight) T h e N e w sheers, white glue, and scraps state." tion, wqulsltion, Improveiment. ^ew Hampshire $9,184,000 $346,- Black Panther National operation cuid maintenance of ggg King pointed out that “Con- Chairman Bobby G. Seale Rhode Island $9,184,000 $1,388,- and Ericka Huggins today. nectlcut is now the pride of CHICKEN tnim of transportation systems ™ Cub Scout Pack 367 will have America In the fight against State’s Attorney Arnold Mar- its pack meeting tonight at 7 :30 and s ^ c e s , h^ludlng high- $9,184,000 $260,000 kle called Margaret Hudgins, a pollution. We are Number 1 In way, aviation and mass transit. Congress onetime defendant In the Pan­ at the Martin School. the nation. We were the first LEGS He said the remaining $626 on transportation is the fifth of ther slaying case, who testified to create a Clean Water Task mUlion during the first lull year six he is submitting on special for the defense In an earUer Force and a Clean Air Task In 10-lb. lots would be used to provide what revenue-sharing. Previously he trial. Donors Force, and now we’re saying Under 10 lbs. purchases a he described as fast reUef for ^ n t to Capitol HUl special mes- Catherine Roraback, attorney that any individual can push good buy at 66c lb. many of the nation’s mass sages on urban development, lor Mrs. Huggins, called the ac­ NOW MORE THAN *3 OFF Tomorrow For them aside, in enforcement of transit systems "vdilch now suf- mral devel<^nnent, manpowers tion "a grandstand play by Mr. our ecology laws." Bloodmobile CALIFO RN IA O R A N G E S ...... 10 for 79e ter from inadequate equipment, ^nd law enforcement. Still to Markle to start this trial off REGULAR PRICE OF 10,99 The bill was defended by allowing them to undertake the come is his ^>ecial revenue- with a lot of headlines.” She Tomorrow is the next visit of State Rep. Francis W. Clampl, essential work of modernization sharing program lor education, said Mrs. Hudgins came to the D, cf Waterbury, cbadrman of without further delay.” Under the general transporta- courthouse as a spectator and the Red Cross Bloodmobile to the legislature’s committee on CHICKEN All the funds that would be in- tion element In today’s mes- was subpoenaed a half hour be­ Manchester. The drawing will the environment. cluded in the new program sage, numey woiild be distrtbut- fore the start of the trial. be held at South United Method­ dam p! said that the bill has would coine from 23 existing ed in the foUowlng manner: Seale and Mrs. Huggins face ist Church between 1:46 and checks on liuUscriminate suits BREASTS federal grant-in-aid programs —Ten per cent would be allo- capital charges In connection which are now grouped under cated among the states and lo- with the May 1969 slaying of sale! 6:30 p.m. and ttiat It provides for the Your favorite large selected' posting of IXMids by those suing, white mealed chicken breasts flve major headings: urban calttles at the discretion of the Alex Rackley, another Panther. With the fine showing made to protect those being sued. .. .special value... mass transit grants, $626 mil- secretary of transfportation. Mrs. Hudgins faced slmUar by donors during recent mraiths |in 10-lb. lots lb. Uon; airport grants, $220 mil- Tills money would be used to en- charges In the Rackley slaying, “The people of Connecticut Uon; highway safety grants, courage planning, to fund re- but Mie later was allowed to It Is hoped by local Red Cross only want their rights,” Ctampi under lO Ib. lots special lb. $130 mtlUon; federal aid for search development and demon­ plead guilty to the lesser charge Blood Program officials that gald. “They’re not going to highways, except for the inter- stration projects and to finance of aggravated assault. Her sen­ Here It is—the new. New look . . . Airy krinkles in this trend will CMitinue to this manufacturers. Oer- step-ins and strops for everything you're wearing, state system, $1,626 million; and other activities related to the tence was limited to time al­ month when donors already tainly our Judges are not going Fish Is much In demand and again we otter highway beautification grants, develi^ment and implementa- ready served. for everywhere you're going. And on top of that, a scheduled are very few. The to Issue Injunctions In dlscrlm- $06 million. Uon of national transportation Hammock slung under his copter is a temporary resting place for a chopper number of appointments made inately ” She was a defense witness In saving of 3.09 on every pair. Unbeatable combina­ TINY FRESH SCALLOPS Following is the New Eng- objectives, crewman in South Vietnam as he rests between missions in Laos. (AP Photo) the only other 'trial wtileh has thus far^or this drawing are less ‘ however, was not con- tion. land state by state breakdown —1216 remaining 90 per cent been held In the Rackley slay­ than half the quota, and there- declslwi for suits FRESH HADDOCK FILLETS of the $2,666 bilUon revenue general element would be ing, that of Lonnie McLuces. fore anyone taterested In donat- FRESH FLOUNDER FILLETS sharing plan President Nixon “located to the 60 states, Puer- When Mrs. Hudgins took the Ing this month is urged to c m i- agency,” he inslated. “We pK^)osed today to help them to Rm and the District of Co­ witness stand. Judge Harold M. Black and Navy tact the Manchester office and strengthen the powers of FRESH FILLET OF SOLE solve their transportation prob- according to the follow- Losses Soar for South Viets; Mulvey asked her if she would sign up. those state agencies, instead of FRESH OYSTERS lems; formula: answer questions. She replied Mimthly Bloodmobile < ^ra- dUuslng their powers and trans- ^ _ . . . Twenty five per cent for the that she would plead the Fifth Krinkle Sorry we sold out so early last week tm Swordfish . . . we’ll State, general Transportation, Uons have been increasingly faring them to private Individ- urban mass transit: (Bee Page Biglit) Amendment. Maxkle then of­ successful beginning last Dec- organizations.” have plenty now... Sixth Base in Laos Abandoned fered her Immunity from fur- ember with the specif '^7®/ The bill, sponsored by House By MICHAEL PUTZEL we meant when we said tactical are 12.4 miles southeast of Se- ther prosecution, but the ju(^e A-Llfe Sunday” t^ratioii which gj^aker wilUam Ratchford, then Associated Press Writer movements are being conduct- Pone. Immediately on e drew 417 pints. January s total m the roll call vote, was 126 pints and in February ^ Hamburger seems Meafier SAIGON (AP) — Heavy at- ed.” F lr^ fe iM ^ ^ ir* ^ ^ b ^ O T e d ( 1 I the monthly quota was exceeded------—------tacks drove Scuth Vietnamese 'The South Vietnamese troops i^^ijidlng Zone courtroom whUe Miss Roraback Testimony begins in trial of Bobby Seale, charged by one—161 pints. when it comes from Pinehurst Close House Vote troops In Laos back toward have accomplished almost all of ^ batt^lon had “ ked for time to act as Mrs. with a kidnaping resulting in death. (AP Photo) SI Manchester residents are be­ their own border today with their objectives In the opera- , ' ^ , th vlclnltv of Lolo Hudgins’ attorney, advise her of soaring losses. At. least 110 Sal- tion,” he added. toTIverthe ^ ^ w l i w ti«>ps, her constitutional rights and go ing encouraged to help the AulInnllcHy I U.S. Choice Blood Progi-am continue cn this Leqn Expected on SST gon troops were reported killed He said the westernmost units jjgu reports said it was ov- over her testimony in the Mc- Seale Codefendant upward trend by donating a Now Or CHUCK GROUND ROUND GROUND Thursday and 206 wounded. of South Vietnamese troops now em m early today. Lucas trial. pint of blood tomorrow. By JIM ADAMS a commercial success or a The South Vietnamese aban- Laos are 16% miles from the After further arguments, Mul­ 945 MAIN ST. MANCHESTER Be a life-saver; give a pint of Ma il Strwt ib. 89c Ib. 99c Asoclated Press Writer thrrat to the environment. End- ,doned another „ base ...in Laos, _i border and the southernmost (See Page Four) vey allowed the attorney and blood. WASHINGTON (AP) — The Ing the federal subsidy now, the witness 10 minutes to con­ Ericka Huggins Says She 5-lb lots... .Ib. 85c 5-ib. lots... .Ib. 95c MU continuing federal support they said, would cost 13,000 Jobs g sult and review testimony. ter a supersonic-transport plane and a loss of the $l-MlUon gov- Feb. 8. Saigon also pulled ■m'r -m w/• . J . When she returned. Miss Rora- Knows Agony of the Poor reached the House today for a emment Investment. Including O r ttl V W L COFlff U e l e g a t e S bax:k said they h ^ ^ n able to w. eif.ee a m fcommand post back to South ^ O O cover only 12 122 pages of her With Morrell, First Prize and Dubuque salesmen booking By JUDY FREUND ing was engineered by a former Vetnam. North Vietnamese Tf ef.ee 'T n lh c A rrrisn testimonyandltwouldbe“un- Associated Press Writer Panther. Anniversary Special orders for Elaster Hams to arrive about 2 weeks from now... •> 1.1 Ihree scientists told a news gujmers continued to pound the mfO'VCOtt OOCe J. OtKS . r M - Q a i n fair under the circumstances” It is time for us to remind you that If you want Just the best tt e gMng to ^ ■^gh, ^ conference the posslMUty SSTs fmops still In Laos with mortars ® to have her testify. Mrs. Hugg;ins, now 23, grew Hams (and fresh Golden Harvest Turkeys) for Easter. C!ome NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) ^ yp m Washington, D.C. In an- to Pinehurst or order now for Easter. thA ^ "***'*'‘ CMCer sho^d artillery. PARIS (AP) — The chief year-old talks, reiterating In 61 Mulvey then granted a recess Ericka Huggins says she Joined fe r in e aucstTons nut to her bv SAVE ^28 TO ^44 ON A SET OF a ^ investigated before the -w e are stiUJn Laos but con- North Vietnamese and Viet words the American readiness until afternoon. the Black Panther party to “ Pre^ sL w^^^^ ALL S ^ X d W centrated near the Vietnamese Cong delegates boycotted the to negotiate. Seale and Mrs. Huggins are "Free Huey.” Now the Panthers ’ MORREa E-Z CUT, FULLY COOKED ^ December have been tosf border now,” said Lt. Col. Do weekly session of the Vietnam "Ladies and gentlemen.” he charged with kidnaping result- are demanding “Free Ericka M y^ldhood was hap- Thelast vote December then was have 205 to 165. Vlet, a.mUltary spokesman In peace talks today for the third ggia. “you continue to Indulge in Ing In death and aiding ^ d and Bobby.” i fee“ b ^ c a u ^ y mother Today’s vote was on A Saigon. "We are moving out to week in succession to protest gterlle propaganda and useless abetting murder—offenses that The tall, young woman, on father—but esneclally my SILVER REFLATING FIRST PRIZE COOKED HAM by Itop Sidney R Yates U S- ‘><>-‘>ers attack against what they called U.S. n^aneuv^'^contlnue to look can-y the death penalty-plus trial for her l«e. was aettog J 4-PLY NYLON CORD TIRES to niminn and halt fed’ e«ising an IncrMse in ^ l Vietnamese troops mass- plans to extend the war into for a more responsible approach conspiracy to kidnap and to deputy chairman of the Pan- brother and I) to Judge people DUBUQUE FLEUR DE LIS HAMS m S ^ n ^ ^ w S f n m the area.” North Vietnam. to serious neg^ations you murder. Mrs. Huggins also Is thers In Connecticut at toe time ability to bf s E e REDUCED 20% n r e s ^ ^ E ^ S ^ t y ex “‘^ I ^ H ^ L ^ r ^ ^ r e t a r v Another spokesman. U. Col. U.S. negotiator David K.E. have displayed so far. When you c h a r ^ irtth binding with crim- of her arrest May 22, 1969. other people, pfres. itonnld L Zlevler calledT^^ An, Insisted that all Bruce called the boycott by gre ready to discuss the Issues ^ t remember how frus- No charge for straighterdngHc Our own and delicatessen style Corned Beef.. Senate mav act on the ^ •UnAvniR. was going according to Saigon’s North Vietnam’s XUAN 'Thuy g. reasonable manner, you Th® charges arise from the tend^t, Bobby G. Se^e, nation- trating it was for her working in cancer statements an in e ^ u ^ ^ ^ and the Viet Cong’s Mrs. Nuy- fl^d us ready to do so.” slaying of Alex Rackley, whose ai chairman and cofounder of |ovemment jobs usually DURING MARCH ONLY Tender Lamb Legs.. .Eye Round Oven Roasts... q>ending cut next week. gble aitd a abocklng attempt to ^ ^ ^ en -nu Binh a "useless maneu- b ^ s laconic statement was body was found in a swamp 20 the Panthers Huey P- New- g^g,,fbie only to the white Sirloin Tip Oven Roasts are all out of U.S. Choice SST backers stressed during create fear about something operation ,” he said. “We are-ver.” in sharp contrast to long speech- miles north of New Haven ton, face capital charges in toe virorklng-class. They always felt debate Wednesday that toe two fbat Is shnirfy not the fact, operating In another area and Bruce delivered toe shortest most two years ago. Police said slajdng of Alex Rackley, anoto- ^be should be toe one to do all meat. prototypes bang developed will another direction. That’s what prepared speech of toe two- (See 'Page Four) toe victim was suspected of er Panther. toe office chores—get toe WHITEWAllS Pork prices are right...and we offer our own prove whether the plane can be (See Page Twelve) The "Free Huey” slogan re­ coffee, run errands, etc. I sub­ Sausage Meat at 59c Ib. fers to Newton, toe Panther de­ consciously grew up knowing, it fense minister charged with vol­ was agony to be poor, black and untary manslaughter in toe female In this country ...” < death of an Oakland, Calif., po­ Mrs. Huggins left Washington Galley Juror Becomes 111; liceman. Hls conviction was ov- in 1965 to attend college in 25% OFF New at Pinehurst... errorned by a federal appeals Pennsylvania. She enrolled at court and Newton is free on Cheyney State but transferred SUGAR AND SPICE 6HICKEN GLAZE.. . .41e Recovers for Deliberations bond pending retrial. to Lincoln University, Pennsyl- Pin Fi4. In toe Seale-Mrs. Huggins WhittWBlI Reg. Sale ElL To SUGAR AND SPICE HAM GLAZE...... 41c training officer at toe U.S. case, toe defense says toe slay- (See Page Twelve) * All-Weather 18'Hrcs Tubeless Reelects Price Price PtrTIra By HABBY F. ROSENTHAL Size Size Each Each N* Trad* tor lovers of real Maple Syrup this la good new s...a fresh Associated Prera Writer Army Infantry School on this • Tufsyn rubber WhiUwail Whitewall Nttdtd shipment of huge poet. rompnund for tread B E F O R E I - $20.70 $1.60 AFTER FT. BBNNING, Ga. (AlP) — Court sources said Brown vv«*jir 6.00-13 $27.70 7.00-12 - $30.55 $22.91 $1.95 JONES PURE MAPLE SYRUP The My Lai murder Jury of Lt. be returned briefly to toe • Angle Crip tread E7B-14 7.35-14 $31.75 $23.01 $2.21 Every Item Replated at Sale Prices William Galley asked today to hoepital later in toe day for a return to the courtroom to have further checkup amd that toe de- (iow d Offers Mixed Views • l.ow profile for F78-14 7.75-14 $33.35' $2S.01 $2.38 G78-14 8.25-14 $36.10 $27.07 $2.55 Abo new.. .Pepperidge Farm wiU nrall you 25c a minor question resolved by liberations could be interrupted sliibility nnd since silver metal prices are up 50% FOR INSTANCE the trial Judge. for a brief time. ’ , handling H78-14 8.55-14 $39.20 $29.40 $2.74 and still rising. . . this is an excellent for buying one or 50c for buying two new On State Income Tax I«.jar 29c Jury when it began Its discus- exhibits collected through four “Oonnecticut does not need an responsibilities and its moral slons at 8:06 a,m. (BIST). He nionths of testimony, ^Starred Locations Do Not Honor Bank Credit Cards. New Gieen Cat Litter (See TV ads) income tax,” said Senate Ml- and leg;al obligations,” Kleban- GOOD-YEAR OUR NEW REPAIR POLICY was to take a short time out lat- Meanwhile In hls bachelor nority Leader Alden Ives in a off said. A&H Laundry Detergent 70 oz. 8 9 ^ er to be looked at again by a gpgrtment, on toe poet and dec- statement submitted to the legfls- Mrs. Beck said toe state can GOODYEAR-THE ONLY MAKER OF POLYGLAS*TIRES OFREE DENT REMOVAL in d itnl|M tnin| on all Hams wa lilvarplatt. doctor. orated with peace signs. Galley lature’s Finance Committee, and should take over toe entire Miracle White Laundry Detergent Ig. box 89 d MaJ. Harvey G. Brown, 88, welcomed a steady stream of eONLY S7.es FOR ANY AND ALL ADDITIONAL REPAIRS, no matttr how “The people of Connecticut do cost of public education during axtanihra, on any pitet wt aihftrplata. Includtt tsldatini brokan handlat, had retired for toe night when Army friends and newsmen he not want an income tax.” toe next decade. 4 la|t, knobs, ate. (Only aaeaptions art tor lum isbint ntw parts) he became 111. A ballifi, 8. Sgft. invited to help pass the time Ives defended Gov. Thomas Although* several Democrats Goodyear Service Stores I ANCHESTBI Tllffi. Inc. J'Offerson Huggins, took him to waiting for toe Jury’s decision. MesklU’s proposal to broaden spoke for an Income tax, toe ' Martin Army Hspltal for ex- The 27-year-old lieutenant pro- toe sales tax and raise it from party Itself took no position., k e l l y r o a d a n d VERNON (3RCLB 295 BROAD STREET aminadion. vlded beer, soft drinks and con- OPP. THE POST OFFICE SALE ENDS BCABCH 31 SHOP PINEHURST THURS. and FRI. till 9 five to seven per cent. a recent poll indicated a plu- » PHONE 875*4292 OR 648-0101 BRING IN SILVER TODAY! After 90 minutes, the major versation that rarely touched on Backers of toe incopie tax, i-giity of Connecticut citizens ' PHONE 643-1161 —MANCffl9Sira was returned to toe quarters he jjy Lal_ a secretary, hired to including Reps. Audrey Beck, .prefer MeskiU’s tax package to VERNON, CONN. shares with the rest of toe six- handle toe hundreds of letters ATLAimC CSKDir GABD—UP TO • MONTHS TO PAY USB YOUR ORnDCT Pinehurst Grocery Inc. D-Mansfleld, George Ritter, D- gjj income tax, but a spokes- ^lOOOnTiKlK BOCaB man panel while they are decld- he receives, acted as a hostess. Hartford, and Mary Griswold, jggn for toe Connecticut League MON.-WED S • eae — THUB8.-PHL e • e — BA®. S • 1 Ing whether Galley should be Kennedy, on call for any ques- 302 MAIN, comer MIDDLE TURNPIKE D-New Haven, stressed toe need q( Women Voters said, “Citizens k amerirani mAAvOiM* i convicted of murder In the uons from toe Jury, played to stabilize local property taxes, rgget well to proposals for death of 102 civilians In My Lai. bridge In hls chambers. Even This, they said, could be done Brown, a 17-year Army voter- ___ only with substantial increases (See Page Seventeen) PRICED AS SHOWN. AT GOODYEAR SERVICE STORES an from AmarUlo, Tex., Is a (See Page Twelve) Galley passes the time with a book as he awaits verdict of the court-martial panel. (AP Photo) ; COMPETTnVELY PRICED AT GOODYEAR DEALER. • THE GEM O F MAIN ST. • MAIN 8TBEBT. BIANCHli8TEB TEL. MS-618S Read Herald Advertisements MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN- THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1971 PAGE THREE

PAGE TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCIffiSTER. CONN.. THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1971 Tolland CouHtv Court of a motor vehicle after her case was tried last month. Janitor Finds Linda Ringenberg, also of Hart­ full games Friw y at the Vernon Trio Ordered. ford, is scheduled for sentenc­ Bomb Failure Vernon Elementary Sohool. MOMERffnNQB Shein^old on Bridge ^Trovatore’ ing lEareh ao. SAN FRANCESCO (AP) — A The first game will be play­ FOR m REN IB AND To Hospital A fifth person, charged in the ed by the boys In the 8-year-old HOW time bomb which failed to ex­ YOUNQPHIPIE OVEBBIDI»B IJBARNS NORTH same case, Richard O. True, category. Itiis game will start Done W ell, For Drug Care plode was found in a drainpipe D rugline lO FIAT CARDS ♦ 53 also known os Gerald P. Alfle, at 6 p.m. The boys In the " ?e» ekbiew «# sw msw» b In the ladies rest room of the AQ87 M, of Hartford had his case MITES »-year-old group will play at B y AIjFBE D SHE1NW Two men and a young wom­ Hall of Justice, location of the Not Sparkling 0 A109542 transferred to Hartford County O pens O n 6:48 p .n ij Several thousand ejqierts will ♦ 5 an, aU residenU of Hartford police department. Boys ftom the RockvlUe High iriay in the national tournament . Superior Court for consolidation A Janitor checking on a By JOHN GRUBER louM a MMimo WEST EAST who were originaUy charged in with other charges. School basketball team will be S n m lM lw c M now in progress in Atlanta, and stopped-up drain discovered the F ull Basis ♦ 1084 4 KJ97 cotmection with theft of a motor ------■ referees. Coaches will be from It was about an average "n practically all of them are over- 0? 653 ^ 42 explosive device Tuesday, po­ The Drug InformaUon Assis- American League staff. The Trovatore” with which the Oon- bidders. Some overWdders vehicle and a break into an lic e said. Ml. MM M on o O K3 ' O QJ86 games will be open to the pub- necticut Opera Associatimi learn how to play the cards A KQ1043 A A98 Ellington restaurant, have been Ronald McCann It Included a pocket watch, tance Line went into 24-hour well, call themselves (^tlmlsts committed to Norwich Itospital lie. continued its winter season last SOUTH three pieces of rubber hose service the first of this memth. Bloodmoblle evening at the Bushnell. Tbe and play in tournaments to for drug treatment. Chaplain Aide packed with explosives and a , show how good they really are. A AQ62 ’The need for the full-time assis­ The Women’s Guild of St. trouble is that Frank Pandolfl C? KJ 10 9 Superior Court judge William blasting ciQ>. The bom b w as dis­ ■anina Tlie rest never learn to play the P. Barber ordered the three tance was there according to Bernard’s Church will sponsor often gives us above average Sv 17 riwkM •ctai 0 7 Ronald Howard McCann, 24, mantled without incident. Daniel Woolwich, chairman of the Red Cross Bloodmoblle opera that when a routine one PinMirMaRtHi cards well, keep going down at committed to the custody of the of 85 Waddell Rd., a 1970 grad- Police said the device proba­ their optimistic contracts and « 1762 msumifORo the Mayor’s Committee to Com­ visit at the church, ’Tuesday comes along, it sounds poor by East commissioner of MOntal Health uate of Central Connecticut State bly was rendered harmless by from 1 to 6:30 p.m. Mrs. Helen comparison. When judged call themselvea unlucky. To­ Waat Nortb ★ when they were found to be College, and now a private In water going down the drainpipe. bat Drug Abuse. Pass 1 O ’ Pass Previously the service was Lukas is president of the guild. aQutrmt absolute standards, this t MMi ir tamt day’s hand would separate the drug dependents. the Army, recently graduated The timer had been set for 10 s ______1 A —._ a _ • Pass Appointments may be ^ d e wasn’t bad; it Just wasn’t (IpIMtMywfy <^>timlats fro m ttie unlucky Pass 2 V) She f f nhn* 1 itolinu' o ’ clock . available <^y during the eve- .. ______Pass 4 W AUPaM Tljey were scheduled for trial with 26 other men from the nlng hours. A tally of the calls by calling the Red Cross omce outstanding, tsa H M sisn ) p la yers. Imo Ono I list \ illoJ Miminor In ToUand County Superior Chaplain Enlisted Asstetant South dealer. that came in during the day, on Park St., Rockville. Walk-in begin with, I thought it Erica “Vixen" Court but withdrew their pleas Technicians Course at the U.8. East-West vulnerable. BE SURE . . . BLISS has been serving the Home disclosed that many calls went donors will also be welcome. would be a fine Job. Louis Sgar- mends broke 8-8 or if either op­ of indoeent and pleaded guilty Army • Chaplain School at Ft. Dignity Lost Opening lead — lOng of Owner for 89 YEARS. For a complete FREE IN- unattended. Anyone aged 18 thrw^ «* “ ro sang the opening "AbbletU ponent had two unguarded to breach of peace on aubisUt- HamUton in Brooklyn, N.Y. C lubs. OOLinOBIA, S.C. (AP) — The SPECTTON of yqur home by a Termite Control Ex­ ’The line serves Ellington, eligible to donate blood. Cwisent _ood voice and with honors in diamonds. "^rika 's Mot biutiinoo uto Information. The men, who have already West opens the king of clubs South Carolina Senate, answer­ pert, supervised by the finest tecbnical staff, phone Tolland and Vernon. It is con- forms are needed for donors pjod style. The chorus of ^ ^ ^ ** ba rd to p ls y , but Patricia GalviB, 22, Charles completed basic and advanced our nearest local office: and s^ t^ s to a tnrap at the j^id yourself drawing ing a federal court suit, says fldentlal ahd the caUer remains who are under ,S1 unless toey well and the Peredina, 28 and John O’Brien, combat training, are taught the Proposed Minnechaug Swim Club House best effort aU season, although secoiM trick. (If West bad ti.ujj,ps with such hands you hiring female pages would tend anonymous while being refer- are married or on acUve duty upchestra. under newcomer Ot- 82, each received suspended skiUs necessary to assist the they sang very well in “La somehow found a trump open- probably discover that to reduce the dignity of ttie Sen- red to the proper agency where in the service, six month sentences. They were chaplain in the field. The course tavlo Ziino sounded extremely Boheme" at an earlier date. ing lo^ need yoyipe unlucky bridge play- This is s mock-up of the projected club house and pool of the MinnechauK nte and leave senators open to he can receive help or Informa- Besoliitlons well. But after this first scene more than optimism to make ^ -w, r ^ committed to Norwich State includes subjects ranging from tlon concerning his problem. ’The General Assembly has Tbe real surprise was in the Swim^Gtub, newly incorporated, and scheduled to open up Memorial Day, Bccuaatlons of moral improprle- 649-9240 things were of lesser caliber. Hoapltnl for a period of from the fundamentals of leadership ’The number to call is 872-8844. adopted two resolutions pre- orchestra. Verdi wrote a score his contract) Question ty- Jeannine Cader, singing bere that has always annoyed 90 days to 24 months. to mlittsry funerals and wed- 1971. Architect for the recreation project, plans for which include a wading ’The program is manned by sented Jointly by State Sen. If South were a bad bridge partner opene wliti one dia^ The suit was filed by Vicki L eonora, sang consistently j^e with its monotonous oomp- player, he would ^ w t ^ ^ ^ AnoUier young woman who dings, pool and picnic area, is Donald A. Watson of the Yale School of Architecture. BLISS TERMITE CONTROL CORK volunteers and funds, which are Robert Houley and Rep. Thom- Eslinger, a University of South sharp throughout the evening. flap-flap accompaniment. Ot­ rounds of trumps and then look ^ partner bids two dia- was arrested at the same time MCCann, a native pf the Mbn- Carolina law student who primarily used to pay the tele- as Dooley. ihrther” The 14-acre site is lo ca ^ on the east side of Manchester Rd., in Glastonbury, DIV. OF BUSS EXTERMINATOR CO., INC. • EST. 1882 on strong, high tavio Ziino, maide it interesting! around for new ^ d s to o m - ^ -J - SummsudAssL os the other three was found cheater schools, is married and charged she was denied employ­ phone bill come from contrita- -n,e rewluUons co^ en d the guilty of breaking and entering his wife lives In town. His par- three miles south of Manchester town line. To date. 100 families from South ment as a Senate page solely tions made by various local or, vemon m ice l^partment and g ^ ^ which qjmr He would wind up vritt Hearts, 4-8; Diamonds, Q-J- Tho Oldest & Largest in Conn. Performances on wlth criminal Intent and theft onto are deceased. because of her sex. ganlsatlons. theUie^R^krilir Rockville FireF ^ r^ol^Department rat “ <» *« addlUon to which ^£Sbi***i^^- «»a5»t tricks and would hav^o a v i b ^ a H Manchester and'East Glastonbury have applied to join the 160-family club. : ...n„no fire tt*"bre became harsh and contrated on the orchestra and ®* f^*****? ***“ do you say nextT Jeannine Tylee la ci^rman; „n their acUons during a fire gue gave every THURSDAY & FRIDAY. Joan Lander, assistant chair- peb. 20 which destroyed a bust- ^ wiu pleaBantly surprised. It blddu^Uiree times on 10 Answer: Bid three diamonds, man: Bl^e Plment^ ness bl^k in R^kvllle and left hLTnlce was reaUy thoroughly first rate. P®™** in car^. If partner has a minipuun hand M ARCH 18 & 19. 1971 tary; Gall Mayle, educaUon, many families homeless. , . . . . '. ■ The Met’s John Outtman ___ Oounla Tricks ahd ch ooses to pass, you w ill staged the production and I expert cojmta his trKto ^ downcast since there will at 8:00 p.m. Mke Turk, publicity: Doug The police officers who have ^ tg ^ the demLls of thta and seu that he c m make p^bably be no outstanding play ’Thompson, scheduling: and Len been particular! singled out can’t say that he provided any- TrotUer, ways and means. are Edward Moynihan, Jr. and thing new or startling compared “JS** ^ tor game, Bailey Audiforium Circle the box that most closely describes School Bolls sgt. Francis Barbero. TTiese “ ®*’ attendant, ^ v^*s^rh,rK# ^ Copyright 1971 sung by Theresa Mlnoccl, got pa^t. Like most of the opera, *?J? General Features Oorp, The final full week of kinder- two officers knocked on the the first round of trumps in the MANOHQBSTKa HIGH SCHOOL you and enter the corresponding number in blamed by many in the lobby the staging was well done but AIX. IK »E !1» 81.90 y r : “ “ ‘ r ^ r s;'Xn"L=j; dummy and leads a spade to try not outstanding. eC finesse with the queen. the CODE BOX Column. Then, include the Monday and will continue them all out ade finesse lost. West to or mail to your nearest S.B.M. office . . . tary schools. A parent should Those commended have been would.return a second round of bring the child’s birth certlfi- invited to a luncheon to be held Burnside—"Love Story” 7:16- trumps, and South would then TURKEY 1111 I IMI'.'I il'.l I Y ( )1 (;i I'JYJt i: I K.l M M /.' !'•/ I or phone 646-1700. You may be ready for a cate when registering and at Tuesday when they wlU be pre- need good luck in diamonds. He course was made up as a gypsy 6:00 that time information concern- sented with the Joint resolu- Cinema I—“Fools’’ 7:80-9:80. would win the second trump in COLOR:, READY LOAN. witch. Like the L«onora, her ing the pre-school screening non. “Frasier-AU” 7:00«:00 his own hand, lead a diamond to voice was not quite up to the c r : ; llnitml Artists procedure will be griven. T h e ______Cinema n—“Owl and 'The the ace, ruff a diamond, and screening program will be epn- demands of the part It Just then lead a trump to dummy’s ■ a - w - n t f Pussy Cat" 7:30-9:80 RiHin AQE Coda Box ducted sometime in May and | wasn’t nasty enough. And like State—“Lovers and Other a ce. IMEAST all children who will be enter­ the Leonora, she sang quite Strangers” 7:30-9:28 With the tnunps drawn, de­ concerts 21-25 26-35 36-45 46-64 65 or over School Menus consistently rilArp- This is a clarer would lead the ten of dia­ MU.SIC • DANCl • ItU A IIU ing kindergarten next fall must | UA—“Cold Turkey” 7:00-9:16 _1 2 3 1 be screened. fault that comes all too readily Manchester Drive-In — Re- monds from dummy in the hope 3 Boy’s Basketball The cafeteria menu for Man- when a voice is forced beyond opens Friday • ■ of losing Just one diamond trick. MARITAL STATUS Tunday ALVIN Racandy raturnad Announcing This plan would work if the dia- TTie fundam ental cla sses of Chester public schools March normal aise. gaat Hartford Drive-In—Re­ SIngla Saparatad Divorced Widowed Married the American League midget 22-26: Carlo Mellclanl, vdio has sung opens Friday March AILEY from a highly basketball group will play two M

ASK ABOUT OUR FUND RAISING PROGRAM List all open loans and paid cradit references E hnlcjdle Ta.rnp//<« (Banks, Finance Co.’s, ate.) OPEN PAID Savings Bank^ of Manchester

M am bor FRIED CHICKEN Eat,drink dndiae merry! Ei|M I MANCHESTER • SOUTH WINDSOR EAST HARTFORD • BOLTON 311 GREEN ROAD. MANCHESTER DMRY QUEEN Nt. 1 DAIRY QUEEN Nt. 2 Tha bank raaarvas tha right affinal cradit approval, of couraa. « 4 BARIFOBD ROAD 9 tt BROAD STBEKt T 1 OPEN 7 DAYS A WKK — 11 A.M. • 9 P.M. Owned and Operated by O rn m u i and Operated iy BVod AnaidM Ihe nU a Funny FRIDAY & SATURDAY — 11 A.M. - 10 PJB.

; \

I PAGE FIVE PAGE POUR MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1971 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1971 Size of Bid Suggests Manchester Assumption JaH, Stays Open^ STAR. GAXEK* Hospital Phone ------By CLAY R. TOLLAN------Hospital Notes ’Hie telephone number for LET BLOCK Sxjm sLoLihsL Curtailed Trash Pickup LllltA Maqchester Memorial Hospi­ Tuition Increase Planned Y o u r Daily Adivily G u id t v n n x n v G u u L/b s tal was changed a few The bids recently received by, lection of both waste and -According to lha Start. ifttBrinodlate Oare Sotnl- Assumption Junior High ing the findings of the Assump- PUT A To develop message for Friday, months ago, but too late to Lion and steering committees. 1418-24-29(^ pHvato, noon-s pan., «ad 4 pan.- be listed correctly In the new School will remain open the town for refuse coUecUon read words corresporiding to numbers 5 4 -5 4 6 6 Regarding the Assumption de­ of your Zodiac birth sign. 8 p.m.; private rooaie, 10 aan.- phone books. The hospital year. The Rev. Robert J. Bur­ QapibaL appear Uf be within the UmlU j, ^ offering a $80,- y f TAURUS cision, Bailey said, “Thia may AW. » 1 Ottwr. 31 B. 61 Tolents 2 pan., and 4 p.m.-8 pan. number la 646-1222. bank, school director, made the change our (steering conunlt- ^ G E j R (L the town can afford. Although oqq reduction in price If the 2 “&rtwboH" 32 Pcrsonol 62 Loved FMUntrioa: Ynnnte allowed MAY 20 63 EvIderKe announcement at a Home and tee) plans to some extent. I By .Sol R . Cohen the type of sendee the town town dects to distribute bags 3 You 33 Light any time except noon-S p.m.; - A12-15-17-40I 4 SurpriM 34 Could 64 Dent 31-4S-59-6S;g' terick, RFD 4, Rockville; a don’t know where we go from will decide dn and the low bid- require residents to use 5 Could 35 Lttttr 65 Accepting School Association meeting ;g)52-75-79-87 76-77-8^®. o tiie n , 2 pan.-8 pan. here, but we will have to have Even as the House o( Repre- (National Organization for Wom- der are still In question. It Is them for discarding leaves, 6 Dovtlopment 36 Those 66 Deporttrient Self Service: lo aan.-2 pan., daughter to Mr. suid Mrs. Don­ Tuesday night. 7 Aren't 37 AdvorK. 67 Or SAGITTARIUS ald Qautreau, East Hartford. another meeting.’’ sentaUves was celebrating St. en) appeared yesterday before almost certain that the town These containers make leaf c^- a Hurt 38 Put 68 Ones NOr. 22 / 4 pan.-8 pan. He said that continued oper­ will have lees collection service l«ctiai simple as compared to 9Typ. 39 Thing* 69 Moke Bntenatve Oare and Ooronary DIBCHAROBID MONDAY: Assumption Junior High, Patrick's Day yesterday after-.‘I’® legislature's committee on val permit thls year. Prices for the serir- “ ordinary garbage 12 Lucky 72 Into DISHAiRGED YESTBIRDAY: has six classrooms and a li­ IIKOlItT ,0)27-62-68 42 To >7-70 anytime, limited to five mlnatee. ing the tuition from the present 13 In 43 To 73 More Paul J. O’Bright, 26 Ash Rd„ brary. The teEUihlng staff for C 6M PLETE served flying under the Ameri- ^Q^tien to stand at bars. An act Ice the town has now were boxes, CAPRICORN MatemUy: Falbere, U. aan.- $40 to $100 for the first child You'll purr with pleasure 14 Hondfom. 44 Your 74 Feelirtgs South Windsor; Mrs. Gertrude the present 148-pupU enrollment ■ E T I H $ can flag, on the east side roof passed in 1968 permits them to very high. Sanitary Refuse is the town’s IS D o y 45 Of 75 Influence U:65 p.m., amd 4ri8 pan.-8 o t a parish family, and from at the satisfaction you'll 46 H M rt't 76 Friendship A. JoUvet, 688A Loomis Rd., consists of four Sisters of Char­ of the State Capitol. sit at bars. 'Thin Is the second time the current contractor, 16 Advonc. jam. I* p.m.; othera, 8 p.m.-4 p.m., and $80 to $60 for the second child. receive at H & R BLOCK. $ contract was bid.' The flrst 2) Once per week curb cd- 17fo r 47 Moy 77 Of 6:80p.m.-8 pan. Bolton; Mrs. Joyce A. BUlera, ity from Baltic and two lay Noibody seemed to know how A committee member asked H^39-42-49 18 Dmioprrwnt 48 DiserMt 78 Take 4- 6-34-37/t- Brooklyn, N. Y.; Mrs. Ann B. Currently, there Is no tuition Point your paws toward tlme the bids were so high that lection of waste and rvfbbish 19 Expenm 49 A 79 On 44-46-57 ^ Age Umlte: 16 In maternity, teachers. it got up there. At least they the NOW representative, “Can 1 .^ 6 0 -7 8 8 ' Garrison, 14 Spruce St., Rock­ charge for other children from H & R BLOCK and receive Town Manager Robert Weiss from Oct 1 to May 1 and twice 20 Bring 5 0 A SOThon 12 in other areas, no limit in a parish family. prompt and guaranteed weren't saying. you give me any real reason began to consider vdiether or per week curb collection of 21 Could 51 Pets 81 The aeU-aervlce. ville; Clement A. Vldette, 447 ------why they should sit at bars?” 22 Th. 52 Your 82 Usual Summit St. For several months, a par­ accurate service. It's a WMtXWTZ' not the town should set up Its waste and rubbUb In the 23 F nlings 53 Arouse 83 Or • ents’ Save Assumption School Ticket Fury good place to place your ( Reports are that the new pri- To which she replied, “Can own collection service. Pre- summer months, Sardtas Ber- 24 Likely 54 In 84 New Due to oonatmetion, paridng Also, Robert F. Klppax, 46 mary bill agreed to by leaders you give me any real reason 25T o 55 Money 85 Your KeUy Rd., South VlTndsor; Mrs. Committee', headed by Harry KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (AP) confidence. llminary Investigation has re- vice Ooip. of Hartford ($887,- 26 Your 56 Creotive 86 Initiative for emergenotea la aeverely re- Yorgenaon, has been working A couple left their 10 children in of both parties will include a why they can't?” 27 Of 57 Desires 87 Other* riscu Joseiriiine Schlavettl, 887 HU- = = = = = GUARANTlEjEl— vealed that the operating costa 600). Sanltaa offered a $2,000 VIRGO atrioted. Tbe pabUo la utgentiy on a solution to the school’B fin­ a truck parked outside the main W e fuarontt* .accurate praparatien of every tax return, clause which could have been “No comment,” was his re- for such an operation would be reduction In price If leaves are 28 Well-being 58 Sensitive 88 Bonkroll reqneated not to paric near the Uaiti St.; TKTUlam V. PUsout- very beneficial last year to for- ply, 29 Espcciolly 59 In 89 Acquointan»' ski, East Hartford; Mrs. Maiy- ancial predicament. Pierre Ca­ poet office building and went in­ If ' make any error* that cost you any penalty somewhat lower than the low bagged. 30 Bring 60Heod 90M o ve * ^ emergency. entrance except to ron has served as chairman of side to get clothing and bedding Intergst, we will pay that ^ n a h y or intarest. mer State Sen. David Barry of ------ms:i: 3/19, 1- 7-10-43i Gail Ledbetter, 179 Tracey Dr., bids, but other related coats, 8) Once per week back yard Cf^25-33-36 ) Adverse ^ ^ N e u tril diaobarge emergency or wheel­ the finance committee, and from a Salvatioh Army office. Manchester. The Laurel Club’s biennial such as the cost of buUdlng a collection of waste and once per .^><11-5461 169-71-83-901 chair ailinlmliwa To picknp dia- Vernon; Adolf Wesskoj^, 70% E. Center St.; Andrea O. Don- Handd Ccdllns- as chairman of While they were gone a meter The clause would permit an Gridiron Show is scheduled for garage to house equipment, week curb ooUecUon of ruhbhb, ' charged pnticnla, plcaae paA In the enrollment cominlttee. office-holder to primary for May 6, at Restland Farms in Ion, 32 Haiti Dr., TalcottviUe; maid strolled by and placed would raise the cost to about Sam Lombardo of East Hart- th e g e m ^ M b flrat and tiie At the same time, Assump­ parking ticket on the truck. higher office without losing the Northford. the same price private com- ford ($868,600). No reduction anrae will Inatniot you where to John W. Gadaltls, WlndsorvUle. AMERICA'S UR6EST TAX SERVKE WITH OVER 5000 OFFKES Also, Mrs. Biva B. Gilbert, tion parishioners have been rep­ Federal employes in the poet chance to retain his existing of- The Laurel Club, comprised panles have offered. *or bagged leaves were offered drive to piok np the patteot. resented on the 22-member office wrote a letter to Pidlce MANCHUTiat SHOPFINO PABKADE flee. of full-time legislative newsmen, The town now has twice per In this Wd. « Suds Ban Battle Won 53 Deerfield Dr.; Mrs. Eleanor (Rear Leeror l^evel) F. Gustafson, 17 Division St.; clergy and lay steering com­ Chief Joe Fowler which said: Barry, when he sought, un- puts on a show every two years, week curb collection of rub- All of the prices are for one ADMl’lTUL) YESTERDAY: mittee, headed by Atty. Thomas "We are furious at the meter Moaday tiura FrM iiy 8:68 a.m . to 8:M successfully, the Democratic In which it kids and needles blsh (solid. Inorganic mate- year of service, Mona Hillman, 289 Lake Rd., Saturday and Soaday 8:66 a-m. to 6:68 p.ih. Car Stalls in Road, Accident Results But Soapy War Goes On Joseph Amalo HE, 48 HoU St.; Andover; Tonya D. Elvans, High Bailey. The group has been msdd for her lack of sensitivity nomination for Plrat District the state's political figures. rials) and once per week back The bidders ore obligated to Mrs. Effle E. Barrett, East studying the feasibility of con­ when all our hearts were opened PliMM MB 8440 congressman, had to forego his ------yard collection of waste (food the terms of their bids for a Manor Park, Rockville; Susan A Coventry man was charged with making an un­ Mrs. Leonard Bjorkman of Willimantic Rd., Bol­ PATCHOGUE, N.Y. (AP) — Some comirialned the law did Hartford; Francis H. Barry, L. Kendall, East Hartford; Ale- solidating the facilities and by the childrens’ charm. chances for nomination and re- State Treasurer Robert Ber- refuse). The cost for this serv- period of 80 days. ThMe U no not go far enough. Hamden; Mrs. Solveig O. Bick­ staffs of the town’s three par­ “If you feel this ticket must' election as state senator. Be- don of New Haven will be the safe U-turn following a two-car accident, last ton, struck the right side of the stalled car. Both Ice this year is $308,000. Bids Indication when the c o n t^ t Two weeks after a law banning thla Botchls, 80 PeEirl Dr., Ver­ were eastbound. Mr. and Mrs. Bjorkman were “It’s a good law. I think if ford, RFD 4, Coventry; Mrs. ochial elementary and junior be paid, return It to P.O. Box cause of the time element in- speaker Tuesday at the weekly night, on Rt. 6 in Bolton just over the Manchester for equivalent service in the will be awarded, but accordii^ the sale of detergents In Suffolk they went all the way and non. high Bchoots. Tuesday’s deci­ 2318 and we will do so Immedi­ volved In the nominating con- Republican Dutch-treat lunch- treated at Manchester Memorial Hospital and dis­ County went into effect, many Ruth R. Brothers, Bald ItiU Rd., Also, Stratos Efstratiou, 206 Read Herald Advertisements line. Philip Madore of Cedar Swamp Rd., accord­ comln0”'roui;5s le^^^ oT tol ’’;C^;ss“ ^ on her dishes. Another woman ley Hill Rd., Coventry; Mrs. at k t W s FLEA MARKET Shore community on Long Is­ James Palmleri, D. of Water- namese troops were klUed in the I22mm rockets smashed Into remarkable results” achieved He of Vietnam and t h e ^ e r i ^ Oinette Ouellette, 80 M ^ St., Winston A. Oornltii, West WU- land. ’"Iliey’ve said they’ll go to seated at a washer nearby said: bury; and State Rep. Albert f__ti~ n tf r'n>«nlnnd and the **8*'t, most of them by U.S. Fire Bq^s A Luol, Delta and by the South Vietnamese opera- “I think I’ll use bubble bath South Windsor; Dawn P. Petru- lingfam. Crockett, R. of Greenwich, N ^w f^dland helicopter gunships. Phu L ^ ^ tw e e n 2 and 6 a.m., Uon against the Ho Chi Mlnh Vietnam. WEST HARTFORD ARMORY Nassau County, even to New zlelo, 10 Ann Rd., South Wind­ Also, Mrs. Dennis Kranz and — Grana uanzs newiounoiana ^ — ,,— irim.,-. an ~ - — Vy also accused Nixon of en- York City to get It.' I’m waiting on mine.” son, Ridgewood Trail, Coven­ Dinelll and Palmleri are co- About 700 soldiers from the killing 60 troops and wounding trail In Laos. 888 Farmington Ave., West Hartford, Conn. sor. FREE FRENCH FRIES chairmen of the committee. 460 Infantry Dlvlslcm’s battered 25. A Luol la north of Highway ^Is prepared speech to deceptive prop^anda t o r them to get up a picket line. Also, Kathleen E, PontIcelU, try; Mrs. Terry Schilling and ^ ^ w n n ABBY>S BOAST BEEF SANDWICH PURCHASED Under the Management of William P. Spear Marianne Taylor, a mother of Choosy Chewer 88 Primer Rd.; Gene P. Rouge, daughter, 240 McKee St.; Mrs. ------thel^Lf^ntiS^ foito ^ regiment were flown out of 9^ 10 miles l^ide Laos, while conference ^ l o n ^ d In ‘>y ^ Pf.f® ^ four ■who was 'ediopplng In the John CoghiU and son, Windsor; COME —BBINO THE WHOLE FAMILY! Gov. Thomas Meskill has sent <^e-man dories to pull Lan<«*« ^one Brown, 14 miles 0®“® ^ ^ remarks to newsmen. ’ Vy ^ the war while maWng as- Simsbury; delsomlna C. Rossi, supermaiket, spoke of the di­ WIOAN, Englaad (AP) — 114 Lakewood- Circle; Clarence Mrs. Robert Dayton and son, SAVE j e i e e WUH t h e pu r c h a s e o f State Sen. Odegard a letter, ^ ^le-handedly as much as west of the border. The massive the highway Phu Loc Is the stressed a long-standing Com- sertlons of victory, lemma some Suffolk housewives thanking Odegard lor “the con- ^ airlift by 60 U.S. helicopters ranger headquarters on the ^unlst cease-fire offer that Viet Cong Foreign Minls- SATURDAY. MARCH 20lh-10 A.M. to 10 P.M. Butch, a rnongrel dog, leads a Sherman RBT) 4, BOlton; JiU 83 W. Middle Tpke. UP 4 SANDWICHES structive suggestions” he made ' i-d ®* ***® Vietnamese side of the border. would allow American troops to t®r> **rs. Nguyen Thl Binh, also SUNDAY, MARCH 21st-1 P.M. to 6 P.M. feel. puietty rtormal life apart from A. White, 48 Buckland St.; 1 FRIES PER COUPON — COUPON EXPIRES MARCH 28 concerning the “Uttle Hoover ^ Associated Press correspond- Also on the Vietnamese side withdraw from Tn^np-hinn sent her deputy, Nuyen Van ‘"niis .Is ridiculous. What on coe thing—he’s a vegetarian. Judith Zaur, Blast Hartford; King William'’s War Commission” appointed y®8ter: ent Holger Jensen reported of the border. North Vietnamese North Vietnamese delegate T*®"- ecurth do I get (to do her wash­ Hhi Lancashire owner, Diane Mrs. Phyllis Zawlstowskl, 68 King Wlllam’B War was one 108 responsible dealers from New England, New York md ing),” she aske^ Argent, says Butdi turns fala and Pham New Jersey wUl be cm hand to greet you with some fascinating Constance Dr. of the colonial wars fought be­ chief American “I was tempted to buy (a de­ nose up at meaty bones and eats tween BYance and her Indian displays of furniture, china, glass, copper, brass, guns, ^v er, tergent) but said ‘no,’ ” on a only salads. BIRTHS YBISTBROAY: A Vietnamese dele- stamps, coins, dolls, bocAs, mirrors, knlcknacks, coU^Ublm son to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas allies and Great Britain and ditures. wu. uc a, .v. landed. support base for the Laotian rious reply to the (Viet Omg) gates, entered the conference and a wide selecUcm of additional Items too numerous to list. visit to her parents in Farming- ‘Tve never heard of a dog her colctSes In the 17th cen­ dale in Nassau County last eating vegetables end no meat,” Hattan, ISO Spring St.; a son A B B Y ^ — 267 BBOAD MANCHBSTER9 The. governor assured Ode- “ a ’’^® Regiment, which had drive. The shelling caused little proposal'to permit an A m erica building without talking Food Bar Open Throughout The Show to Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Pas- tury over American territory. gard that the constructive sug- withdrawn to Brown after aban- damage and no casualties. The withdrawal in security and hon- newsmen. There was no indica- week, she said. a hxal veterinary surgeon said. gestions he presented have been ^ donlng Fire Base Lolo five y.S. Command said it was the or.” Uon that they would scale down General Admission $1.00 (All Singles) but with this ad $ ad­ The law was enacted to avoid Incorporated in the executive will not De accepted. miles to the west on ’Tuesday, fourth straight day Khe Sanh Conference sources said the their own delegations to the dep­ missions for $1.60, plus 10% Conn. Admissions T ta contamination of the drinking order which created the 48- was the second major South had been heavily shelled. remark appeared to be a re- uty level at future sessions. water by seepage of the deter­ member commission. g _^ rri^ T»______* Vietnamese unit reported to -pjje U.S. Command also re- gent chemicals into Suffolk’s Lutz To Present have pulled out of Laos since ported that North Vietnamese ground water, Its only source ot The fifth grade classes at Cthe campaign began Feb. 8. The antiaircraft sites just above the water supply. Bentley School visited the State M: O IK . o l l l g c t i U I l g 1st Ranger Group’s two batta- demilitarized zone fired three The law was not Intended to Capitol yesterday. They were lions were withdrawn after suf- s^Ms at U.S B62 bombers at- strike down phosphates, as accompanled by teachers John Folk singer Edmund Godreau ferlng heavy losses in fighting tacking enemy positions just some believed, but “surface ac­ Gessay and Mrs. Margery Alt- of 240 Lydall St. wlU be fea- north of Highway 9 last month, ^ g border in Laos. None of tive agents,” the organic chemi­ man; Md by room m otors tured In the special Sunday af- Nguyen Xuan Loc, the 1st the bombers was hit, the com- CONGRATULATIONS! cals which suspend dirt in wash- Mrs. Donald Genovesi, Mrs. . acUvltv at Lutz Junior Int^lgence officer, mand said, and other sources water but do not broak down In John Hickey. Mrs. Raymond acUvity at Lutz Juni battallona were left be- their escorts did not attack local cesspools and septic tanks. Blanco and Mrs. John Frank. Museum. hjnd near Brown but the base it- the missile sites because the TO The county is largely unsew­ After a tour of the Capitol, He will conduct singalongs self was no longer occupied. North Vietnamese turned off ered. they were treated to a mock for children at 2:30 and 3:30. Other sources at Ham Nghi, the j^elr radar as socn as the SAMs County officials say compli­ Senate session by Lt. Gov. T. An employe of Pratt and Whit- division headquarters, told Jen- vvere launched. ance by tile stores with the ban Clark Hull. ney Division of United Aircraft sen the two battalions would be Major fighting also was re­ is very effective, but a spokes­ state Rep. Genovesi, who ar- Corp., Godreau moved to Man- withdrawn soon. ported by South Vietnamese man for the Suffi^k County Wa­ ranged the visit. Introduced the Chester recenUy from Oallfor- loc said Brown was aban- troops in Eastern Cambodia, ter Authority said It will be group to the House members, nla. In that state, he had two joned because it was imder in- more than 300 miles South of the "years and years before you who gave the students a round compositions recorded by Way- tense mortar and artillery fire Laotian front. Government RAYMOND TANGUAY will see any documented of applause. They were wel- side Trio: “The Song of the around the clock. headquarters claimed 409 North change” that Is expected. corned in the Senate Chamber Whalers” and "Working Tool,” Brown was the third base south Vietnamese were killed, many Ernie Mottice, Hill’s service by State Sen. Odergad. ® mining song. Highway 9 to be abandoned of them by U.S. air strikes, near Beecbler-Tanguay, Inc. manager, said that before the ------Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sweet- since last Friday and the evacu- the Chup rubber plantation 113 EAST CENTER STREET, MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT ban, detergent sales amounted A Norwich member of the nam of 198 Hollister St. will be ation left Fire Base Delta 1 the about 110 miles northwest of to $1,600 a week. Tlie soap Women’s Lib movement NOW host and hostess. westernmost base still occupied Saigon. shelves are still partially bare after removai of 23 powdered Whmer of Underwriters Service Agency's 1970 ^ and 16 liquid detergent prod­ ucts. Mattlce said many of the OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT AWARD women were not aware liquid detergents were Included In the I ban. ”I don’t think half of them had read the paper,” he said. “Am I going blind?” said Dor­ othy Auriln, as she wheeled her rii0 [q>lng cart down the soap Conversion of aisle at the AAP market on Main Street, ’"niere Isn’t any dishwashing detergent cm the shelves. All I see Is softeners.” “There Isn’t any what?” said Servicemen’s S -:ir V- a young mother, puriiing a tot In another cart. TKTien Informed the ban on de­ tergents I Included liquids for dishes, the young housewife de­ clared: “You can’t wash diriies Group Life Insurance with bar socqi.” y ^ ,'o. t i•• “What are we supposed to use : . • 4i.:. In the meantime?” asked Mrs. Austin. ”\W»at’B everyone us- Coim- ill, i"ill or w rite lo our l.il'e Insur- Ing?” ■Hie young wife, who declined ;uK't' I )ti|)arlmen1 for (.'oiniilete information to give her name, said “Don’t ami rales to convert your Kroup |iolicy to get me wrong, I’m not against the law. I thiidc It’s wonderful. They should crack down while we still have good water. I LOW COST stopped using laundry deter­ gents before my neighbors did. But I wish they’d find us some­ thing to use for our dishes.” SAVINGS BANK LIFE INSURANCE Mrs. Austin, who remembered buying bar soap for her moth­ er’s dishes years ago, said, “I have some soap flakes. I’ll use that for a while until I see what 646-1700 they come out with." Bleaches, washing sodas, wa­ ter and fabric softeners and oth­ er washing aids are not affected by the ban and used with ordi­ nary soap flakes effect about as Bernard B. Kaplan, diU , President of Underwriters Service Agency, (right) Is shown presenting Underwriters clean a wash as detergents do, Service Agency's 1970 Outstanding Achievement Award to Raymond Tanguay (left) President o l Beechler-Tanguay, Inc. several housewives said. Mr. Tanguay received, this award for placing in excess of one million dollars of life insurance with Underwriter® Irene Marx, who works at the S a v in g s Ba n k ^ o f M a n c h e s t e r during the year. He speciaUses In employe benefit programs, including pensions and profit-sharing. laundry, said the main problem was getting women to use half as much soap, as they did deter­ gent so the machines wouldn’t UNDERWRITERS SERVICE AGENCY. INC. oversuds. MANCHESTER • EAST HARTFORD • SOUTH WINDSOR • BOLTON NOTCH ‘ ‘These modern mothers are 901 FARMINGTON AVENUE, WEST HARTFORD, CONN. 06119 screaming ‘no enzymes’, but you can use bleach. I like water too. I drink It. I don’t want soap in It," she said. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1971 PAGE SEVEN Business Mirror side Munich. Its budget is not / German Intelligence Unit voted by parliament and is offi­ cia lly said to be m ore than 100 million marks or $27 million. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1971 Rare WaR Street Secrecy BITUMINOUS PAGE S IX Center of Public Debate In the current debate no one By PETER BBHAK The former defense and ..fi- has raised the point why West Feature of Amex Upheaval BONN, Germany (AP) — nance mlnUter, Franz Josef Ctermany, v M c h i a not a wor d But there were thoee who, at the Ume, Connecticut West Germany’s intelligence Strauss, said the demand for Po^er, needs a CIA-llke IntelU- DRIVEWAYS attributed Dewey’s 1M8 loss to the fact By JOHN OUNNIFF "Every so often a person as- service is again in the center of agents’ names neutralized the *^®ace service, Parking Areas • Gas Stations e Basketbal Courts NEW YORK (AP) — In a sesses what he has accom- Now Booking for Seasonal Work that, in preparation for the run, the New a public debate. operation in Blast Europe. Yankee communlty where tips and ru- pUshed and would hope to do,” The controversy was set off Strauss heads the Christian So- PUBUSHBD BY THE - _ York Oovemor had gone tb the trouble mors seem to rise spontaneous- t^^' associate said, adding that Invinble Moon Early Bird Special HERAU> PIUMTIMO CO., DfC. when Der Siegel charged that cial Union, which forms the op- IS Blucll Street of taking some Instruction in elocution, ly from the ether and travel like critical time for Saul to :do this country’s equivalent of the poeitlon with the Christian Dem- >phe term "new moon” Is Mancbeete^Conn. the light, Ralph Saul’s resigna-' began many weeks ago 't^en THOMAS F . TOiRQUSON in the hope of becoming a better cam­ By A .H .O . Central Intelligence Agency has oqrats. often loosely employed. Actual- 10% DISCOUNT NOW THRU APRIL 15 WALTER R . FSIRQXISON tion this week as American there was a “gentle touching of become an inefficient bureau- The government countered ]y the new moon is invisible All Work Personally Supervised. We are 100% Insured IPubltihers paigner, and had therefore cusqulred, Connecticut’s poUtickl past Stock Exchange president was a toes” with First Boston, cracy that ChanceUor WUly with a denial that Brandt’s of- and it U not until the secMid ______Founded Octo>>er 1, 1881______rare secret. leading up to practical dlscus- SINCE ironically, that too precise and pearly and Connecticut’s potiUcal Brandt doesn’t trust. flee ever asked for the agents’ qj. third day after the new PuUWied Every Evenlnc ExoeiA OmdAyi ■tte only revealing disquiet, it three or lour weeks ago. DeMAIO BROTHERS 1920 pecfectlon of language which left many present are puUlng far apart Hie news magasine’s claims names. phase that the crescent moon and Holldaya. Entered at The Post Office at seemed, was that some impor- lunch a few days ago, Saul CALL 643-7601 Manchester, ..Ooim., eu Second CUas Mall from one another, and veteran brought on a series of denials Government spokesman Con- can be seen after sundown. M atter Americans still deep inside their own tant brokers had become ”111” appeared happy In his Job, but commentators, such as your and counter claims. rad Ahlers also denied a Spiegel ______^______and Inaccessible. Ill or not, they others say they have observed SUBSCRIPTION R A T^ impression that he was not really a live present correspondent, find it Since it came Into being the claim that the West German I^rahle In Advance were attending a hasty 3 o’clock some discontent. "During the blood and sense human being. intelligence service’s nMe has service has lost the cmifldence ___ __ One Y ear ...... $89.00 present are pulling far apart meeting of Amex governors to recent panic over record-keep: Six Months ...... 19.B0 been to cMlect informsdion cf allied services like the dA Three Months ...... 9.76 As for the ability and Judgment Dewey increasingly difficult to keep consider Saul’s letter. hig,”Ing,” one source said, "the’’the Big '•'JC’I J qn | about foreign countries. During and the British Secret Service, One Month ...... S.S5 cne foot in both ages. ; The rumors hadn’t even ; Board dealt with members and 1 O t j O e O K might have brought to the Presidency, the cold war it concentrated on "H ie exact (qiposite is true,” he M E ID B R OF This correspondent was near­ shape when the announcement>ment off on the side.” / * • BETTERTER THE ASSOCIATED PRESS that might well have proved outstand­ ly sundered ajiart, for inftance, Ekist Europe and enjoyed a high said. BUmER i The Assooated Press Is exclusively en­ waa made that he would become ^ Informed source com- Elder Sterling W. Sill, an as- ______it ™ , r nn.. r>. titled to the use of repuhlloatlon of all ing. The knack, or gift, of being popu-^ when, at last week’s heaHng on vice chairman of the First Bos- mented that the Amex has had slstant to the OouncU of Twelve among o ^ r Western in- Bundemiachrichtendlenst, news dispatches credited to It or not other­ the great bank battle, be ad­ ton Oorp., an investment bank- ® *deas on how to combine of The Church of Jesus Christ agencies. or f®^^^ Intelligence service. wise credited In this paper and also the lar, of seeming one of or with the local news publiahed here. dressed a casually curious Ing firm with asseU of more ®®rtaln facilities with the Big of Latter-day Saints, wUl speak Is no stranger to conl^erey. WE'RE MOVING All rMUs of republlcaUon of special dis­ pie, was something he did not hayS. But a question to one of the poUttcal patches herein are also reserved. than $600 million, at a date in Board, “but when you talk with at the Hartford Stake (diocese) ***** « ***i^*».i*‘* Organl- APRIL 1st TO he had a superb order of mind, an im­ figures who had been brought the near future. them they respond with take- Conference Saturday at 7 p.m. V®®” Sptegel said: j^on <^Men in the sendee of The Herald Printing Conyiany Inc., as­ into the battle to represent, de­ But speculation immediately °ver talk. They’re hardnosed and Sunday at 10 a.m. at the , t^® «endce reUes for the while Ger- CALDOR SHOPPING sumes no financial respoosiDllIty for typo- mense capacity for program and detail, graptiloel errors appeulnc In advertbe- fend and advance the cause of began and spread: A likely can- P«ople. They have ingrained Ward Chapel, Hilltown Rd. and analysis more many was still under occupa- PLAZA ments and other readina matter In The and, once he had madeJUs choices, an the commercial banks. didate aa his successor, it was P**®*‘ ^Uves.** Woodside St ^ Swiss newspaper Neue tion. Manchester Evening Herald. > 00 Impressive tenacity ^bf commitment. “How come,” your, corre­ said, is Paul Kolton, executive Saul, who built a reputation gider SUl Is a nooluar radio ^iuercher Zeltung than on its U. Gen. Reinhard Gehlen, 1139 Tolland Tpke. Subecrlber to Los Anceles Ttanes-Waablas- spondent asked, "there is no ton Poet News Service. He ' was a distin|{ulshed Oqvemor of vice president, a man personal- responslbUlty and foresight, nersonalltv He also has author. t**® German general * Full service client of N. E. A. Service, Inc. appearance this year by MCade ly close to Saul and responsible didn’t have a tall enough ^ numernn assigning agents regularly con- the eastern frrait during World ' 4 Shannon and Cullen me.. Special Agency Alcorn, vdio eras the great Mg 0 — New York, Chicago, Detroit and Boston. tional ambltlpbs had been blunted, he anchor man for the.;commer­ But there was still too much m®nt community. It is widely ** " 7o™ erTe^r n surrendered to the Unlt- ot the old with which to deal. *®** **® knew what must be —That Brandt’s office has de- ed States In the war’s final m e m b e ir a u d i t b u r e a u o f c ir c d l a - played an/enlightened elder statesman cial banks in this same hearing MORE FISH “ Why did Saul resign from a done but didn’t have the power „ ™ ^genis oi me manded and received the names months and started to work for TIONS. two years ago?" - - University of Utah. role in his party, enjoying an influence and code names of ail agents in his captors. Dlmlay advertising closing houss The young gentleman to prestigious Job that paid him at MORE ANIMALS lor Monday — 1 p.m. Iw ay. he deserved because he favored and whom we had addressed our least $100,000, a Job that assocl- "®"’ position he could puoiic is mvuea lo ai- Europe, thus seriously en- CSianceUor Konrad Aden For Tuesday — 1 p.m. Saturday. dangering their security. auer’s fledgling West German For Wednesday — l p.m. Monday. hel^^ select good principles and good question lookcll at us, and ates said he liked, one that had '''®*^ '*'®’* **®''® more kick, for MORE BIRDS For Thursday — 1 p.m. Tuesday paused long enough to let a Involved him In Important decl- **® be simply a hired Der Spiegel said the service government took over the ser- P E T S H O P _Foc Friday — i p,m. Wedneadav. /^mdldates. sions. hand but a man with money and failed to predict last Decern- vice when the occupation ended, Classified deadline 4:80 p.m. day __ playful glint come into Ms fore puhlloatlon 4:80 p.m. lYiday dor eyes, signifying humor, before Sources close to Amex activi- PO'wer behind him, and that is Birth of Baby tier’s troubles in Poland, so Gehlen retired in 1908. His Saturday and Moiiday pUbilcation. Age Of The Amazons? he grave us his quip of an an­ ties discount the chance of any Wall Street understands Brandt had no warning that a successor, Lt. Gen. Kurt Wes- PLENTY OF PARKING Thui-sday, M arch 18 sw er. major conflict hiding behind the respects, Fools Doctors leadershlp change there was im- sc!, is an assocleat from World Prime Minister Indira Gandhi has Just "Rfiio,” he asked, “is Meade scenes. Saul did have his frus­ minent when he left for Warsaw War H, scored on astounding ptqpular election A lco rn ?” trations, they say, but they be­ GRAND FORKS, N.D. (AP) to sign the PoUsh-German trea- TTie service operates from a r^===ir=rT.---' "X^ More Than A Nostalgia lieve him when he says "person­ — Told three months ago she ty on Dec. 6. heavily guarded compound out- 8 vlptory in India, and It occurs to some of AU we knew, of course, was Berrigans (iet al reasons” prompted the was not pregnant, Mrs. Lee ------Many of us keep talking and writing, us that perhaps the liberation of wom­ who Meade Alcorn was — a longr-Ume legislative power, a change, and they suggest that Holiday Note rather sentimentally, about how pleasant money was one of them. Baker thought she was having a en is proceeding Sb far so fast the poor, strong bulwark in the tsMlge Hie First Boston Job will be it might be If this nation could manage, downtrodden male is about due for some administration, national chair­ DANBURY (AP) - Two im- “ ‘*"®y ^® " ®*'® '*^®"‘ somehow, to keep soma respectaUe kind man of his party in the happy an yth ^ but a leap into obecuri- prisoned Roman CathoUc priests “ *® ®m®«Yency room of a Grand qrmpatby, not that be really deserves it, ty.. It in one (rf the most respect- _ » ^ ai s « Forks hospitcU Sunday. Two of railroad passenger service operating Blaenhower years, muscular ed financial houses, and is ex- *^®®‘''®^ ® greeting in green In but Just because he Is a male and used factor in Oonnecticut pOi^ ri­ pected also to apply for mem- tbeir cells Wednesday. first child, a 4% pound boy. on a basis of guaranteed comfort, con­ to tile fiction of his own automatic valries in more recent iyeors, bership on the New York Stock ”Haiq>y St. Pat’s Day to the ”I probably sound like the venience and quality. and, even two years ^ago, as dom inance. Excha^e and later on the Berrigan boys, Dan and Phil,” dumbest person on earth,” she To Lewis Mumford, the perennial important a back stage emi­ Amex.' said the half-page advertisement said. What the ladty Prime lOnlster of In­ nence as the party could claim. critic of what are, to him, the uncivilis­ As vice chairman, Saul will be in The Danbury News-Times, The 33-year-old woman said dia has done is renew her mandate Our young quosUonor, of ed and self-destructive ways of our cur­ one of the top executive team, which is distributed in the Fed- she had continual stomach trou- from hundreds of mUIicns cf peoiMe In course, knew who Meade Al­ clearly In a position to replace eral Oorrectional Institution at ble throughout the winter and rent civlllxatlon, the jrassenger trains corn bad been. her country, and get It in such strong the current chairman, Emil J. Danbury. was treated by a doctor in De- are iu>t Just a lurstalglc sound in the But who is Meade Alcom to­ Pattberg Jr., who In a few years Adorning the advertisement, cember. She said she thought terms tiiat she is freed of any necessity day, poUtically? night. will reach the mandatory retire- which was printed in green in she might have an ulcer, but to deal with fringe parties of either side We find the answer taUng ment age of 66. recognition of St. Patrick’s Day, joked that she might be preg- To him, the first emergency task he the form of a resounding clout in order to gain the parilamentary Meanwhlle, Saul will receive was a little green leprechaun nant. would prescribe for us, we from the clapper cf that old considerably more money than and the notation, “Sponsored by Married for five yeiirs, Lee strength fOr her own moderately so­ toller of the hours, Father want to gret ou rselv es b a ck in to a sen si­ presently, not only in salary but l^ew Britain Free the Berrigans and Kay Bdcer had been told cialistic programs. T im e. I in all probability in stock op- Committee.” their chances to have a baby ble system for handling our own aftslrs, Mrs. Oandhl has somehow seemed Two years ago we experi­ lions as weU. And he will be Nancy Flghtiin, chairman of were sUm, and they had consld- would be to build and rebuild ourselves enced a similar shock vdien a abta to participate as an Inves- the New Britain group, said the ered adopting a chUd. Baker is stranger, tq her countrymen, than any new and inexperienced clerk of a complete national networit of pas­ tor rather than merely regulate, advertising space was purchased ^ carpet layer, and Mrs. Baker male politician or statesman available. Fhotosieiplied by Sylvian OfSea one of the legislative conunit- And, of course, he will remain to dramatize the barriers to jg ^ social worker at the Medl- senger service, much bigger than Rail- Hie weakness it was feared might be­ BETWEEN SQUALLS tees inadvertently betrayed the positiotied to move into the pres- communications erected by fed- j.ai RehaWUtatirai Hospital at pax plans to operate, with at least as fact that she had never heard Idency of the Big Board, should eral prison authorities. University of North Dakota. ' r . W come her lot, because she was merely Robert Haack chooee to sever Hie Berrigan brothers are many passenger trains back on our the name Spellacy. a woman, has turned, in the proof, into But for one brief moment, his connections there. It is no serving prison terms for de------timetables as were on them and in serv­ confident, suceesMul lesderaUp. one day last week, post and secret Shat Saul had aspired to stroying draft records, ice back in I960, when we were Just be­ Yesterdays preeent stood close together, in that Job. Father Philip Berrigan also IT PAYS TO LOOK As the males of the world look at the ginning the dismantling process. Herald the same slight figure on the In summary, Saul has many was indicted recently by a fed- WELL GROOMED! The gist of his argument seems to be growing stature of the Prime Minister Inside same two feet personal reasons for taking the eral grand Jury on a charge of of India, they also tender their admira­ TUs happened when a gen­ First Boston offer. Hie reasons plotting to kidnap presidential RUSSELL'S that the passenger train represents a The Rise Of The Doves 25 Years Ago tleman named John Hamilton were “positive, absolutely posl- assistant Henry A. Kissinger, tion to her counterpart, Oolda Melr of live,” a close associate de- Berrigan’s brother, Daniel, was BARBER SHOP basic service we ought to maintain, Daughters of liberty ce le - King appeared before the Judi­ Corner Oak ft Bpnioe Sto. Israel, also a great matriarchal symlxd clared. Frustration wasn’t the named a oocemspirator in the In- and one which we have curtailed only brates 4Srd anniversary. ciary Committee, speaking, in Ms gently rambling faMilon, for reasoB, be insisted. dlctment but not a defendant. by the impractical device of calling upoh of stability, deteitnlnation and calm courage for the people of her country. Report 10 Years Ago a law library project dear to the automobile and the plane to take a his heart. Here, at least, was larger and more domineering role in Has the world ever before had, at the By Rowland Evans Jr. and Robert D. Novak WINF Radio Station Joins one piece cf continuity, for CBS network. our existence than we really need them same time, two lady rulers of such your correspondent could re­ WASHINGTON — Despite the as numerous as the hawks, who ned after Mr. Nixon’s press Red Cross Chapter announces member, as he heard the for­ to. prestige and power? clear success of his Vienamiza- back a wln-the-war policy). conference March 4 when a it is not making a fund drive mer Chief Justice of the State Are the people of other countries like­ The princiirie we think we have been tion policy, President Ntxon now Quayle’s nationwide inter­ visiting delegation of Mid­ this month because of merger Supreme Court address the Ju- views during the year ending western farmers, all orthodox following with regard to the railroads— ly, as they watch Meadames Oandhl and confronts a dramatic increase discussions and because its dlciaiy Committee, that it was in dove sentiment which casts March 1, 1970, show doves com­ Republicans, lashed out at the in connection with this same LAST 2 DA YS! Melr distinguish themselves, to begin members voted in favor of that if they don't experience a mass de­ political clouds on his systema­ prising a mere 31 per cent, far President for not ending the legislative committee that, a lookliig on the distaff side for new Joining a United Fund now be­ mand and duw a {worit they deserve to tic program for disengaging below the 40 per cent favoring war sconer. The President’s ing organized. few decades ago, he first saw be scrapped — is, Mumford thinks, an leadership for themselves? from Vietnam. Mr. Nixon’s Vletnamization pol­ masterful explanation of Laos j(dm Hamilton King, a young What can you buy that will keep on This rise of the dove is re­ icy and only 8 points above the had no effect on them what­ lawyer serving as clerk to the insidious silliness. We speak cf profit In that case — quick now — who might ported confidentially to the 23 per cent of hawks. soev er. committee, and easily distin­ be considered America's posslblUty? giving forever.... a priceless as if we were still living In a wwld of White House by Congressional For the year ending March Not surprisingly. Democratic overt in the first outright attack guished, then, as the possessor private enterprise when the truth is Republicans getting an earful 1, 1971, however, there Is a pressure is rising. A House on him by the Young Ameri­ of the most discreet quiet dramatic change. His Inter­ Democratic caucus is expected cans for Freedom (YAF) last whisper in Connecticut politics, there is no longer much real difference Pacing State Lottery Realistically of anti-war sentiment from con­ stituents after the Laos oper­ v iew s w ith 8,630 v oters in 19 to register a new high on a res­ weekend. Randal Teague, exec­ aS he helped guide his oonunit- between private and public capital. On A sounding out cf area police cUefs by ation. It is supported by unpub­ states across the country show olution setting a Dec. 31 dead­ utive director of the conserva­ tee through those turbulent that same basis, we could soon riuit this newspaper reveals a mixed rsecticn lished polls taken before the doves at 40 per cent, those fa- line for total withdrawal of tive youth group, blasted Vlet­ days when the Roraback ma­ to Gov. MeddU’s embtace of a State U.S. forces with some mem­ namization as “a fraud upon down a good many other things, Includ­ Laos push by poUister Oliver voiiM present Nixon policy at chine was beginning to pass lotteiy and pari-mutuel bone-race bet­ Quayle. War-weariness is so 39 per cent, hawks at 21 per bers of the Democratic hierar­ those who think it will result In over the hill. ing the coBnpetltlon for the railroads ting aa a poeeihle leg iq> for the State out high that the Laos (^[>eration cent. chy supporting it for the first the defeat of Ciommunlst ag­ We wouldn’t dare sttqi any which we subsidize. We need, instead, of tta fiecal hda (not involving U.S. ground The expansion of anti-war tim e. gression.’’ of these young powers striding Moet of the chiefs expressed a wUHng- That states Mr. Nixon’s grow­ to revise our attitude toward “unprofit­ troops) has triggered more sentiment has been remark­ Compounding the President’s through the State Capitol cor­ nees to accept a Stato-nm lottery, but widespread public criticism ably consistent over the year. problem is that the increase in ing dilsmma: To convince the rid ors th^Ms d a ys and a sk them able” human needs. were varied in their opinion as to the de- Frank E, Merrima than the Cambodian operation Quayle shows a steady rise dove sentiment has been almost swelling army of doves that he what was the Roraback ma­ portrait of your child And we need to do this, in Mumford’s slrahlUty of horserace betting, particu­ (with heavy U.S. involvement). from la st M arch ’ s 31 p er cent entirely at the expense of those is moving out of Vietnam at the chine. larly from the standpoint of keeping the Thus, at the very least, Mr. level to 34 per cent for the who used to su{q>ort his present fastest possible safe pace while book, because what we have been doing latter free of criminal influeoco. Nixon must adhere to his pre­ year ending last July, to 37 per policy. The third category — convincing the hawks that sur­ to ourselves in the field of transporta­ From the commente of eome of the po­ On This Date sent timetable of withdrawals cent for the year ending last wln-the-war hawks — has slip­ render to Hanoi does not tie at tion is merely a parallel to other de- lice chiefs, it is evident that the prospeot October and, finally, to 40 per­ ped only 2 points in Quayle’s the end of the rood. Pressures Appreciation to neutralize the war Issue for of new and hlghw Slate taxes waa a fac­ In 1837, Grover Cleveland, velc^ments in which, either by mis­ the 1972 campaign, if not step cent in his latest over-the-year year-to-year compilations. In from both sides are rising to tor in their tiihiMng, as miudi as any who served as the 22nd and 24th it up. Worse yet, public t- 6 PM . to 9 P(M. One member of the House Re­ bed-rock political' support. Senate but from the public gen­ propriate forelgn-owned oil that the first thing we should do to start the unhappy proq;wct of bigger and (doves) increasing to a point Bring all the children vdiera, for the first time since publican hierarchy was stun­ This danger has become era lly . properties. to bring the railroads back la to halt all more punlsUiig tax loada, and especial­ ly againat the greatly undealrahle pros­ he began asking these ques­ • No appointment our superhighway construction and take pect of a State income tax. tions, they outnumber those necessary the money and work hours It would in­ Taken in this tight, the introduction of who favor President Nixon’s present policy (and are twice PROCI itlO N volve and devote It to building new rail­ a State lottery, wfahdi this General Aa- sembly and Gov. MesWlI are certain to f a Limit: One per child road equipment and putting the road­ Fischetti 'bring about, is Hkely to encounter leas Two per family beds in condition to carry it. oppoattlan from the community at large A Thought for Today Whereas, FRANK E. M ERRiM AN has given his unstinting efforts for Watkins Does any one dare say that if we did than ever before. The lottery may find Sponsored by the Manchester e Groups taken at 99c per ttaelf Juatlfied If It succeeds fax staving Brothers for a period of 33 years and because of the high esteem in which he is held this, the resultant easement of our na­ Council of Churches m c w s u m e child off a state income tax. tional road trafQc problem misfit not be by both his customers and fellow employes; I hereby declare Friday Night, March 8 Still, neither officialdom nor the pub­ Unless Men Remember a Ages: Four weeks greater than what we would get from lic Aould Ud itself that a lottery wUl be BuacnM anything more than a drop in the bucket S 0 f W > through fourteen years 19th, 1971, FRANK E. MERRIMAN NIGHT and invest in him all power over prices carrying through on our superfalf^way "This is my body which is in satisfying State needs. It would be given for you. Do this in re- program ? for this night. I further invite all his friends and customers to stop in and wish him well to keep in mind the disappoinUiig m em bran^of me.” Luke 22:19 a Additional prints available . experience in New Hampttiire—the first Jesus knew that unless men at reasonable prices wall on his retirement from an outstanding career. atate in the union to legaliM lottcriea— remembered liim, his way He, Too, Had An Image Problem where the benefits to education have would perish from the earth. fallen far, far short cf expectations. Re­ And as he sat in that upper a Choose from finished, The death of Thomas B. Dewey, com­ cent figures show thst from a high of room with his friends, he did textured portraits.. . President ing at a time when is t>.7 mlltion for education when the lot­ not ask that they build a tower­ tery first went into (deration in 1964, tiie not proofs obviously so concerned about the projec­ ing tomb as a monument to his “take’’ had been going steadily down­ m em ory. tion of the successful kind of public ward to last year's {Ml,BOS tor educa­ He avoided all ordinary mem- Image, is a reminder that the New York tion . e Professional photo­ KAROSOL^WRTRAITS . orials, but simply and meaning­ Just for tonight all other employes of Watkins Brothers will be Too, it would be footith to argue the graphers, equipment and prosecutor and Governor also had his fully took bread and wine and case tor the lottMy on the ground It said: Eat, . . .Drink, . . .do this materials working for Frank. t troubles. would “cut into’’ illegal gamUing oper­ in remembrance of me.” In Both men had two chances at the ations. TMs docs not appear to be the case. Nor can a monthly lottery' ever doing this, he ministered to one 9 Come in and see Frank for your special Merriman prices prominence prosecutorial roles. of man’s deepest needs—the Daily: 10 A.M. to 1 P.M. - 2 P.M. to 5 P.M. - 6 P.M. to 8 P.M. compete with the clandestine bookie who Both, ever after, had difficulty outliving stands ready to accept everyday bets on need of remembering. Without Saturday: 10 A.M. to 1 P.M. - 2 P.M. to 4:30 P.M. • COFFEE AND DONUTS SERVED that first impression oC the relentless, numhors or any and all qxteting eventh. memory, we forget our heritage, merciless pursuer. The State lottery, when it comes to we forget all that we learn, we pass — as it most assuredly will with the lose sight of the past, and there­ Both m en gained their first present feeting at the State Capitol — is fore cannot anticipate the Presidency. Dewey, in his second run, likely to he Connecttcut’s greqt experi­ future. Our memory of Jesus is had the misfortune to encounter a ment with the legatixed gamblliig fever. capable of transforming life. \ \ Submitted by: doughty Harry Truman, wMle Nixon had Succees or failure, It ttiould help the State get this bug out of its system. — Tlev. Carl W. Saunders * / HfiTe 70 B K m M Ta ¥9UM mMtULCAF VUC to contend only with Hubert Humphrey. NEW HAVEN REGISTER. South United Methodist Cliurch 4f^AT^£Rl£$ OH 4ACK, BUTHllfVe8££HLAIO OPF*^

: h ,J PAGE m O H T M a n c h e s t e r e v e n i n g H E R A ib . Ma n c h e s t e r , c o n n .. Th u r s d a y , m a r c h i s , m i ernon Nixon Plan C ost P rotest Prosecution C a m p u s B a n Obituary LONDON (AP) — Harga- r ICHMIOND, Va. (AP) — ret Thatcher, the Conserva­ Gov. IJnwood Holton has Gives States MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY. MARCH 18, 1971 PAGE NINE O pen s Case vetoed a bUl recenUy approv­ Mre. MerJoij H. Nortoa Called Accidental tive government’s secretary Waite Dea of educatlort, was driven to ed by the state legislature A memorial service for ](D«. \^ch would have banned po­ $2.5 Billion to Circuit Court for arraignment were two wine bottles with wicks He further explained that the state, could have gone across cover while opening a new Against Seale A Coventry Young Fir^nen Firearms Act Kai^ory Hawley Norton, former Aceordliiff , to « report tential trouble-makers — stu­ D rugClenter tod^r. and fiUed w lft gasoline. fractured bone was In the back the street from his f^>artm.enl building at Enfield CoU^re (OontisBnd from Fsgp Osw) KUlam Is a former member of head Of the cataloKulnf depart- tl^ momtog ^ ^ of Technology. (Oonttnued from Page One) dents or nonstudents — fnxn The maximum penalty under of the head and “upon falling and taken all of his clothes. . A r r e s t e d I n the Derby CivU Defense Fire Brings First the federal chauge Is 10 years NOTICE ment of Kary Cheney Ubrary Oo^*^ and striking the road surface or . his actions all the evening had Forty students protesting state ccrilege campuses. ratio of the state popidatlDn to The Drug Advlsoty Center, who died Dec. 21, 1970 In Fitch- “ “ P* * to be an important prosecution . Announcing Wednesday Crafts Show 81 RusseU S t, is Obeervlng Department a group of young to prison, a $10,000 fine or both. was shoulder, he could have struck been bisarre and unpredlct- the building's coat forced the total U.S. population; 86 per , D erby Blazes people wtio help firemen to fte Prison Term burg. Haas., wUl be held Sat- yM* man whose nude t - Hre. Thatcher to take refuge witness., that he approved the general fte foUowlng schedule: McNair also faces state charges DUE TO ALLERCHiS HYOND MVlns * *t«a« object in or by able.” purpose of the measure. Hoi- cent for the ratio of tte state’s area. Hook la a member of fte of robbery with violence. urday at 1:80 p.m. at South which would cause Wife Lett Him in a locked room until police "The members of the New Doors Open Monday throu|^ Friday, DERBY (AP) — Two young HARTFORD (AP) — A 88- ton said he vetoed it on the group, but recenUy was sus­ dispersed them Wednesday. Haven chapter were young and urban x>upulBtion In places of 8:80 a.m. to 6 p jn . men who have been membere year-old Hartford man was Asst. U.S. Atty. B. Blair Craw­ MY CONTROL, I'M CLOSINO MY SHOP Rev. Dr. J. Hanley Shaw, Hannabury said Waite had advice of the state attorney more than 2,600 peoppe, to the pended for two weeks. ford said the sentence was the According to the Books On Ground been living 'alone In an apart-, There were no arrests. they were Immature, so they A teleiftone backup aer- of aa auxiliary fire department given a two-year prison term pastor, will officiate. general that it was unconstl- On Saturday were arrested Wedneiktoy in Two separate fires to fte old first ever under the 1968 act death of Waite, 36, of Hannabury further explained mept at 78 Grove St., almost cannot and must not be blamed total UB. urban pc^lation; 20 viee la available Monday opera house, buUt nearly a cen­ The family suggests that any tuUcmal. through Saturday from 6 connection wlft fte Monday for possession ot firebombs and was part of a government LEMON & UME le to a frac- that there were rocks by the diyMtly across the street from for wdiat George Sams did or Atty. Gen. Andrew P. H il­ per cent for the ratio of the Plans for this weekend’s arts tury ago, did only minor damage Ttiesday, to whto fte U.S. to- drive to crack down rai fire- memorial contrllmtlona may be ™> state’s geographic area to total p.m. to 8 a.m. night firebombing of the contro- made to South united Hethodist “ **“ ntly suffered side ot the road on South Water where his body was found. The One Injured made them do under the threat ler said the bill would have and crafts show, sponseged by Monday nlBht. The buUdtog, tomey caUed fte first sentence bombers. area o f the U.8.; and 20 per cent For dnB advlaoiy Infor­ verelal and Uatorlc Sterling Church. when Jumped out of a St. In the area where Waite report said that Waite’s wife given “ unscrupulous officials the RepubUcan Women’s Club, Opera Houae. which also served as Derby’s ,ever Imposed under fte U.S. G od Mm s A i My Porry PriEBdi moving cat' being driven by Jumped out of the car. He said mn, of death at his hands,” says a for the ratio of the state’s star are complete, with doors sched­ mation, eaU: 647-9228. free rein to trample on First POKce aald Kenneth KUlam, town haU, has been vacant since Firearms Act of 1968. Irene Beliwelr of East Windsor his physical condition “the ««U Is a type not seen in a cohol or any other Intoodcatlng which concerned the relation- aengers in the car Roy was driv-. has denied seeing either Sams the United States. Mr. and Mta, Joseph Shanahan, Fri( Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Martucci, ACCIDENTS neral>ral hZe tonight from 7 to 9 " ^“l**!"* •«“». accor^ sW^ Eighty per centy *" restaurants will give them ^ J® ,®®**‘ * Jeffrty Perkins and PtoUip ere arrested in the Rackley aon,euUng to do besides "hang- of the nation’s pc^Hilatton Statlender. TtnrTCVHJF m iu Instrument rather volatUe person vdio, in his se- emotional and aggressive. At Police, still investigating the case. Six pleaded guilty to re’ ing around hot dog stands and Uvoe In SiMBAs ot over one A three-car collision last night KUUKVUA.E — MIBS uuian a faU to a flat surface. rioualy injured and confused one point ------while - Irene------gchwelr accident, said only that It was duced charges, the «ases of two * . . ^ _ million persona The craft room, in the high Patchett, 78, formerly of Frank­ school gym, Is completely on E. Middle Tpke. near Man­ lin Park, died this morning at was driving along South Water a head-on collision ened the dow of the dropped. Another, Lonnie Me- population that Uvea In _____ Crafts to be dlspUy^ ^ Mlaa Patchett was bom Lucas, was ciirt Cases Two cars parked last night on / formerly was employed at prestdential lutminatlon In N ew Bntam Besldes Seale and Mm. Hug- minimum allocation of brass sculpture, beim wood cut­ Rockville Gerieral Hospital. rins onlv two Panthers ftehtliur P^>^eld County youngsters buy »260,000. , outs, Connecticut woods, wood W. Middle Tpke, next to the 1972. Sport Land sports store had She 1s survived by several “ There has been some talk KKw BRITAIN dBCU IT COURT 12 eSradlUon from Oolor^ r^ “2“®*’ *^®'^ ^®'*’ “ approved by Congress, the carving, fly tytag and pcqder mu cousins. Manchester Session main to be tried drinking age is 18. proposal would take affect next their spark {dugs and coU wlree that I m i^ t run as a favor­ masked gunmen held up the grass by the side of the road. mache. The funeral will be Saturday The defense at the trial of Me- , ®nly one half of the Another first wlU be a buffet atolen. ite son, and I want to say West Main Street branch of the she tried to he^ him to get Judge J. Robert Lacey sent­ at 10 a.m. from the Burke Fu­ this: Lucas last summer tried to have ^ ^ ®P*^ **‘® dinner for craftsmen on Satur­ neral Home, 76 Prospect St., New Britain Bank and TTust I®*® **‘® ***■ *** enced Theodore Priel Jr., 86, Sams barred as a witness after *" remaining six months of fiscal day: Sometimes this last week, That under no olroum- someone stole two carburettxe with a Mass of requiem at St. stances, no droum stances, Q>. Thursday morning and fled “®‘' of Manchester, to 30 days in It was revealed at a pretrial „ y®" which ends June 80. As usual, there wUl be a vriilto Catherine’s Church, B r o a d Spain, preferred to let the 18, Secretary of IVansportatioa sitting on a work bench to an would I run as a favorite ^t^ undetermined amount ^ ^ to ^hSStour to ^w" elejftant sale and a baked goods Brook, at 10:80. Burial wlU be son,” he said In a radio in­ sale as weU. overlook p r . garage. In St. Catherine’s Cemetery, . . Schweir went to a neighbor for ^o counU of obtaining money hTwi ctoLmed m a than beer. After some uoa wUl be sent to Congress terview Wednesday. Although the amount of cash assistance and the neighbor by false pretenses, Broad Brook. “mental defective” and a u “*® "®** “ ^®- T ^ unidentified vehicle bock- If he decided to enter the token was not known Immediate- helped her in putting him in the The sentences were suspend- "moron.** should be better able to handle Volpe said Nixon's proposal Lane, Ooveto^, wUl loan a j^to and snapped off a fence There are iu> calling hours. race, he said, ‘ T would run ly, one investigator- said a large - car and foUowed her back to ed owing to an 18 a month to 9four ■ The resulU of a ^chiatric »tiiff at 21, Spain said, would eliminate the matching special exhibition of photogr^hs post outside a MeekvUle Rd. everywhere.” of chUdren for the photography home yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Jolin PMfcat cash delivery had Juat been RockvUle. year prison sentence Priel to examination of Sams ^ered by ^ fund grant program now used ms4» to the bank when the rob- report further notes that currently serving at the Brook- Harold M. Mulvey showed ^5? 18-year-old children, the federal govetnfnent in display to be set-up in the music _____ ROOKVILJaE — Mrs. bery occurred. Schweir and the person as- lyn Ooirectlonal Institution for game could no longer be class!- , oppoeltion to^the dispensing funds to the cities for room, across from the gym. a car sU^en from Wethers- PMkat, 78, of PiUabury HIU, mominr at Manchester Hemor- A bank slstlng her had a great deal of similar offenses. , ^ ^ ^ fled as mentally defective, and drinking their transportatlGn needs. Judges for the art show will field yesterday was found iss*' ‘*lb!r^1ttLidlf<«l was bon difficulty"vrith White and he The charges presented today tatelu^nt%i!^h“to’JTw “*® *® be Paul Zimmerman and Clyde night on W. Middle T^ke. m otto^ at Mt. Sinai HoMdtel, ®* *. ®*»F yaTcl,” the report states. This ntoht at Mato and B. Center The final panel—Including a taKia.. rv— n> 7 ® . «,® revenues to the same proportion He has had 26 one-man exhibi­ ntodiod’s moftenftlp, Luna 17, was the Ust time Waite was ^ and charged with totoxtea- white and a black as alternates “*® e’*'**'* ^ tions throughout fte united at the moment It landed on the Anna OiriMiisen of Haitfoid; U Maachuter. Mrs. Aoiislo Fog- enU ^ e s of esA to the |„en aUve. guilty to that -was completed one week ago. . h »«“ • But the states could spend States. grandchUdren, and 4 groat- Uani of Balmont, Calif., and bank before they fled through ______" a ___1______^ I® !>««• cent drcq> to the coet of ,, mocn. Jones Is an associate prefes- grandchUdren.L-._AAt.UA__ LarryT___ _King_____ of_ Redwood, =.A____. CalU.ja4.u a . a______rearA ______door of_ AU.the _ bonk__ _ and„A chaigecharge oud was sentenced to auto llaWHtv liahiUty noUniBHpolicies. State Sen. « a» wcy ni. A 12-kopek stamp shows an five days to jail. Joseph I. Lieberman predicted V(Ui>e said if the states want sor of child develi^ment to engineer to a contrto panel and The funeral wlU be Saturday imd elx great-greadclilldren. eacaped to a late-model car. John D. Burdick, IS, of 76 M anchetter \4rea to put all of their money into at 8:15 a.m. from the Burke Fu- The Holmea Funeral Home, The robbera took cash from Form er Student Wednesday. UOtoin, and has exhibited Ms an antenna for a radio tele­ neral Home, 76 ProM>ect St., 400 ir » i« st, la in charge of at least two teUers. Union St. pleaded not guUty to Speaklii before the local Ki- ^ey ®«ild do so even own work widely throughout scope. An Inscription on the left Sues UConn In reckless driving and wUl have P olice Probe with a Mass of requiem at St. amngomente, which in- There were two customers to watos^b, the New Haven>®^,®®""® New York state. He holds boft sajm: “ Lunokhod 1 is contrtoled a Jury trial to Bast Hartford. Bachelor and Master of Fine Bernard’s Church at 8:46. complete. the bank at the time of the Democmt called no-fault Insure 7"i® J 'T from the earth.” Law School B id Fined $20 for speeding, and South W indsor ance “an idea whose time ha. *^® **®“‘^ Arts degrees from Syracuse On a 16-kopek stamp is a pic­ Burial will be to St Bernard’s boMiip. One of them, Edward come ” governor would act to that Cemetery. Cook of New Britain, .said he $1 for faUure to carry a Ucense University, and a doctorate to ture of Lunokhod. Inset to fte Friends may call at the funer­ was______depositing______money when______hisWATERBURT (AP) — Trus- vvas William H. Reed, 36, of A uto A ccident "Secretary of Transportation _. •, education from Penn State. upper left corner is a has reUef al home tomorrow from 2 to 4 Young Men teUer wmt to .the rear of the too* end administrators of the Hartford. He pleaded guUty to John Vdpe wUl give the advo- ,.,^Ji****’J**^ (first year), the of Lento, carried to the moon by and 7 to 9 p.m. bank. University of Connecticut were both charges. A car being driven by an En- cates of no-fault insurance to revenue Manohestor Evening Herald Luna 17. The thred bandlte ran into the |,erved with subpoenas during a ^®“ ®* entered to the field man on Rt. 6 to South Connecticut a Wg boost tomor- * 7 * 5 ^ * ^ ' Coventry cMre^iondent Holly The stamps were designed by Hans P. Iverson Arraigned In bank yelling "This 1s a hold- ^ * '7 '******** ^ cases of Charles C2iapto Jr., 27, Windsor, veered into the center •’“w when he endorses the idea w o^ eoual the nor Oantner, tol. 742-8796. artist Rlma Stretolkova. BfKjTON — Hana Peter Iver- up,” CoTLd. WhUe the oth- ®* ““ ®®P'®^®’ »>®®®“® ^^rbome and ®« ^ 7® »«»®“ ^ era nUhered the mcnev. Cook **®*i with a suit by a former breach of peace, and Bdward J. stration,” Lieberman said. « uw jiiusahaii uum. was eon,80, of Hartford, died yester­ School Thefts day at hla home. said, one stood bditod him with honors student who alleges he Kehoe, 31, of 276 Oakland St.. *“PP«<1 ®v®r ^t® B»« “® ^- The Idea of no-fault insurance uon r e l L ^ ^ i ^ s *ta*^1he with intoxication, bound lane striking a car driv- is that most injury claims would “ ®*» ’Tf^S?®® 7a “ He was bom May 26, 1890 to WHIDSOR (A P )_Two men * “I>on’t you turn y^aa illegally bcured from the charged en by a Manchester man. autornaticimy wlto- iTtte t^st Bolton and Uved to Hartford wen tmlgned to Ctocult Court me- because he was po- ’lb®*® ®“ «® were unrelated, Alexander S. Sylvester. 33, out the filing of law suits or the J™ Expert Appliance Service for 60 years. He was employed Wedneeday on chargee of break- Utlcally active and had irfeaded was driver of tte car that determination of blame. at the Royal Typewriter Co. tog sad entering and larceny at *® * charge, P arty of ‘W igs’ flipped. Driver of the other car “The current system to not 7® hefon his retirement 12 years a mhool hen. Mmnwhlle, war^ ^ k^toU h^thT*often to was Leon R. Christiana, 30 of working,” Uebepian said. a«o. rants awaited tlwm in connec- f:. .. ^ T si ™ meeting: room In a 35% Walker St., Manchester. “ Premium rates iieem to rise He leaves a slater, Mrs. Kaft-i- tlon___ wKh___ __ the theft _of buatoeaa------, "®*' ‘ ****^ '**‘ ®*^ ***® H its A ssem bly • Waihert erine P. Hemsley of Hartford, machine, from high nhooU to ^ trustees wen meeting Wednes­ J.^KerS^lutid"^'^ “mite.” ' nS S ! ^ fte ^ ^ m U e day. HARTFORD (AP)-Rep. Ger- national system of toterstato The funeral will be tomorrow four nearby towns, were no Injuries, police said. at 9:16 a.m. from the Flaette niy t,yo Thaddeu. Grab- Excun me, Mr. Batobidge.” aid Stevens c a ;^ the tettie of c„: T«51 defense highways from the • Drytrs special revenue sharing pro. gram. The highway system to !Srequlera :;?'arS at the e"cai“ Church of o2our ‘*^"2i;,2L“'nS^w The *a7ai~'''ss machines ere wen ______Homer D ^ j^ Jr. ”I have made him look more Uke a 7;,^^« n v ftmith ^M of ^« North O------il PrCSent SltC P**" cent ftolfted and to • R«f rtgeratori some subpoenas I’d like to Beatie than a lawmaker. NEW HAVEN (AP) — Gov. scheduled for completion to Lady of Sorrows at 10. Burial atolen from classrooms In Wtod- <* O'll serve." The occasion was not only St. St ’ B°®bvUle, was ^ e r t - ^ ^ : wlU be to Mt. St. Benedict South Windsor, East Hart- serve.’ Cemetery, Bloomfield. (or^ Bloomfield and Granby « B ills IJ.C&IT * The papers, which were Patrick's (Day, but Stevens* SSrd y yj*? hw«oii three-year-old cGntroversy here "The system ha^ advanced • Diiliwaih«n r p i a 1 1 served by a man identifying birthday, and he was presented o_ith Wednesday with the announce- because of hlghwaV safety while BYlends may call at the fu- over a six month period, rber. k v e with a green-frosted cake at the ®*.. P®“ ®- *’®“®®„ ment that the new s “* f r neral hcxne tonight from 7 to q^e men were errerted Tuee- 1 n e i^ ss e m o iy Mnuitif as Albert Garber, gave ^ ^ fall^to aimear to court when ™®"‘ ‘**® “®'^ ®‘®*® bi at the same time jtermltUng un- 9. day night and were booked the board members, university speaker’s rostrum. “ ® ^®“ New Haven wMl be built on the paralleled individual mobility.” • flaagas w«in.«iav momin* ' HARTFORD (AP) - BUls president, provort and law After being serenaded by his «« site of the present faclUty. Nixon sald."It to riy Judgment. Delrdre N. Braswell ofter ^ ^ dean 20 days to reply. colleagues wlft 15. c ^ of MesklU said the new structure it would not be to .the national failure to claim Impounded dogs The suit was filed by Ray- “Hiq»py Birthday To You,” the capable of housing 288 prisoners, toterert to alter the basic fund- Friendly Factory- ROCKVILLE — Dlerdre N. four towns were ssstoM by snd would sUow men to work mond Tlernsn, 28, who was Milford RepubUcan said he was ^ J^*® “ buUt on the Whalley Ave- tog medianism for the conrtruc- Trained Technicians Braswell, two-year-old daugh- state poUco to the investigation. as dentel asdstanU were given ranked fourth to his class at the “ example ci the old P”®’ nue site to two phases. An old tlon of this system at this time.” Radio Dispatched ter of James W. Braswell Jr. They say the two were ______^ final legislative approval Wed- uw school and was a member adage. "Hair today, gone to- Industrial buUdhqTMd three ------Trucks 5 and Margaret Brown Braswell volved In 10 thefts from schoolslOla n'^adsy'tonoorfav In thethn Sen^'Hanata of-a awthe- ,Law--_____ Review. TnorrOW.” Smith WaS tSkOl tO the HSTtfOrd „ of 102 W. Main St.,, died Tues- to the five towns, and tiiat In proposed fines Tleman was forested to Au- day at Hartford HomiIW. these 10 Indde^ about W>000 signed to prevmt dog owners jgag Bridxebort and later *“® “ “ “ c nave cuverw uimr -.“Sn n-— —~domolldied to make wav »«“«*• Murder She was b « n In Rockville. worth ct maehlM was taken. jrom sUowtag their pets to be pleaded guilty to a reduced cranlums wlft phony locks this Albert Dufault, 78 of Hudson, construction APPLIANCE Survivors, besides her In South Windsor, sevra ^ ftelJ^ foTa period ‘ -^on,SSr.SSy'ISX'ir notaWy^ority Lead- Mass., was charged wlft ‘«U « r ® „„ Suspect Held ents, are three sisters, Cas- typewriters were sUden on Fsb. _• aa— - a — ------— “ *arge or evading tne man __ ^ «« to drive a reasonable diatsnce Meekui, who said the site was o f time at no expense except « e was sen- **■ Cbrl AJello and Deputy Ma- «> ®nve a reasonable distance w ota.t* munpu -MrmnrATir / at>a REPAIR, INC. sandra T. Brasw^, Michelle T. 24, and four typewriters Braswell and Lateranda A. throe aiiding machines - L — < " ™ TEL 646-1111 Braswell, all at home; her ma- March 8. “ Charges A per day ®“ ^ ’y®®' ^^ea^y"'a^rd^Sref tom ternal grandmother, Mrs. Annie m the Windsor case, Grabtoty after the to a t^ S m a pliM tury,” and f^ens’ rug was PoUce said Dufault struck the ****r!I7^ ^ m“«*er of a part-time 'f ^ L. (Brown) Webb of Valdosta, i, accused of stealtog A.9M Se ^of^erU staJto and aald he ^ rear of a car driven by Donald S^® ^™ctions Oommh^er «>rvlce rtation attendant who Ga.; and her paternal grand- worth of goods from Windsor the owner 1 Also cwei^ for the occasion BUltoga, 26, of Regan St., Rock- ®**®* tiim^ out to parents, Mr. and Mrs. James logh School on Jsn. 10 snd TU “ 5he second Ml chsnges a cur- was the toitalng brow of Rep. vUle. He U scheduled to appear holdup. 'I Need more room Braswell 8r. of Valdosta. j* accused of stoal^ $1,160 In nnt law UvU UmlU ascistant ^ Albert Cdrockett, R-Oreenwlch, *« RockvUle Circuit Court 12, demoUtion—wUl begin in early Two ofterother mmen were being The funeral and burial wUl be goods from the same school jobs tor Ucensed dentists In Con- tivities wUle a student fuid two who eschewed a toupee and AprU 6. sougto to the case. other cixtvlctions were, being THE MANCHESTER JAYCEES in Valdosta. nov. 4. necticut to women. Sen. Stan- ' ~**'*.. *7!**^ wore a coonskto cap to honor of At one ptont, the state was The suspect is Jamas Wtmts The 'Wtote-Glbeon Funeral PoUce Chief Julian P. Dar- ley j. pac D-New Britain said ®“ ”*^r®d with tos another Crockett—Davy. reported near a decision to re- jr., 20, of A Catherine^, Nor- PRESENT THE 3rd ANNUAL H ^ . 66 Elm St., Is to charge the robbers dlMWsed with a smile that the WU was ____ _ ------locate fte JaU to Etost Haven, walk. PoUce said het niiai-rti About To>vn but ftto proposal brougto cries Norwalk Community QOUege. to rattle around in? 8 of outrage from fte residents -nxe victim, Eari CoUtos, 60, seuing win ui »u>in««naa in pient. tion at the Pentagon to March ScholarsllSp MancheMer Chess Club wlU of Eart "Haven. Harry W. linnehan' the area “who are looking for a of Stratford, was shM Friday BLLINGTDN -H a rry W. Lto- baiwdn.” w 1967 and ftHT Uttering by A $1,000 scholarftlp to «>e MesWU noted that fte target night. hV to e d ’ihesdSr^ to Hartford National Home Improvement Loans can answer a lot of problems. ntoian, 86, of Springfield, Mass., ______oroppingdropptiig anonapaimanttoapahn leaueuleaflets iim.1971 American instituteInstitute of For- "T• 7------* ’ . “ ——Z — ^®*®------lor ‘Mte grounaoreaxing for groundbreaking oi a walk of a Hosbltalwalk Ho^tol. Miss Manchester father of Mrs. Mary Bolton of Infant Mortauty ^ airplane to Oallfomla to eign Study summer program to ® *^® “*w »tate JaU In Bridgeport Is W re^^^ chanted With mur- BIltogt«. toed yeste^y at CuddlcAMne W lih NEW YORK (AP) - The low- January 1966. Europe to avallaWe ^“"® 'n>® wUl be Tom- Like adding on a room for baby. Or putting in another bath. RockvUle General Hospital. est Infant death rate to the Tteman, who said he U pres- necticut student 16 to 19 years ^ on state land adjacent to niit’ murder and robbery ^irift -lA-.f. S.1—A____ ---- «__A mviflw fha OttfarAisa TTt%4. aaM TT O 0^«a T n AASclUlf wUa MlUfl Ob* ttl6 Old StTllCtUlV* ' Other survivors are tos wife, DAIaLAS, Tex. (AP) — A Van- city’s history was reached last ently enrolled to the Rutgers Uni- of age, U.S. LioweU P. violNice. IScholarship Pageani Fixing up a basement play roontL Or maybe expanding the family garage. 2 sons, 2 ofter daughters, U dertUt University psyetostrlat ymax, acconltog to the City varsity Law School, claims he Welcker Jr. Conn, an- Bond was set ft %oafi00. grandchUdren and 7 great- says "Women have a wlab, or a Hesltii Bervlcea Administration, was staUed by UOonn officials nounces. St. Bridget’s Rosary Society wUl sponsor a mUitary whist Senate ConGmig Ptolce say OoUtos ipfused to So if youVe got that fix-up, add-on, re-do kind of feeling, grandchUdren. need, to be held.” tpUcatlon was The purpose oof fte «;AaaaA-sdMlar- ^ .. v r» t . give the holdup man money Saturday, March 27th •5 ' The funeral wUl be Saturday Dr. Marc HoUrader told the ji,8 batoes under one year of shuffled around the university stop and ixcgram is to provide "®*to* 8t?Br^^*^cL)to Two as Judges from fte cash register, the at 8:16 a.m. to FarreU Funeral Dallas Southern CUnicsl Socle- age died, a 66 per cent decline hierarchy, denying tom admls- young people with an i^iportu- * » _■ it% » i HARTFORD (AP)—CommcHi holdup man ahot tom. then, 8:00 P.M. quick! See your nearby office of Hartford National. YouTl like Home, Franklin Square, New ty, "Some women wlU barter from the previous low figure to slon to a "decisfain by nity foe study and the travel pubUc, 7f®— and tickets _*j *TJ!5:- may bea- 7 P**®* Judge Edward C. HamUl poUce say, a customer (Wanting Britain, with a Mass of requiem sex Interest for the purpose of im 9 of tt.l destlw per 1,000 Uve indecision.” abroad and further totemation- purchased to the door. ®^ Norwich and Ctreuit Court cigarettes came into fte station what they have to say about Home Improvement Loans. to St. Joseph’s Church to 0. Bur- being held.” U rfts. Tlernan’s suH demands that al understanding. Sen. Welcker ______Judge Alvin G. Rottman of MU- with a dollar bUl to toa hand, HI8H SCHOOL AUDITORIUM lto wUl be to St. Maty Ceme- Men, he said, don’t feel the However, this was above fte he be readmitted to the school, said. ford took fte first step toward and the holdup man aimed the tery. New Britain. cuddling urge quite as strongly nstionsl rate of 19.8 per 1,000. asks $47,000, plus interest since Students wishing to .for Driver reappUntment Wednesday with gun to Mm and pUUed fte raends may caU to the fu- and usuaUy tottopret such ad- City health officials credited last September, to damages. the scbolarstop should contut: confirmation by the State Senate trigger. | TICKETS 12.00 neral homq tomorrow from vances os a deslte for sex. expanded famUy plamitog pro- Tlernan said a federal court UK. Senator LiOweU P. Welck- WEST HAVEN (AP) — Ml- of their renomtoations. But, ptolce say, the gun didn’t 2 to 4 and 7 to 0 psn. hOstoteiprettog a woman’s grams, a decrease to premature Judge allowed tom to use Gar- er, Jr., Room UlS New Senate chele Daley of West Haven died '1%® ;vote for Rottmsm was 18-7 go off — so the holdup man Purchase tickets at: desire to he held—and held only U rfts, Improved prenatal and her, an "independent party,” to Office BuUdtog, Washtogten, early Thursday morning when wUle HamUI's was 24-1. grabbed the dollar MU from fte Mrs. Velma ShuidllMrd —often creates friction to a re- postnatal care, and an Improve- serve the papers instead of a D.C. 20610. the car she was driving tot a The renomtoation resolutions customer’s hsuul and lied with Mrs. Velma Standlfocd, 74, of lationftip, he said, which can ment to the general health of federal maisbal. TWs saved Mm Deadline for applying for the utiUty pole on Route 34 here, now goes to the House for fitiai a who was waiting WATKINS — NASSIFF ARMS — 7-11 - 87' Fairfield St. died early this cause serious martial discord. the populstion for the declines, money, Tteinan said. i sebotorsUp Is Ap^ 28. poUce said. actiem. outside. " * GREEN RD. —EUROPEAN HEALTH SPA A. HARTFORD NATIONAL PRISCILLA GIBSON SCHOOL OF DANCE I THR CHOICE BANK 3 PJkL-8 PJtf. ■ M M k ■IM UIUW II c u u m s iM COrTIIAL V U lA S t • PUTNAM • HCHH SROSVtUOtDALE • STAMFORD • C:

. r

A 13d v s 0 £ D m MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER', CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1971 PAG E T E N MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1971 PAGE ELEVEN Tolland call Robert Ballard before* the Comment Session Cummings Says Town Lax drive as route canvassing will Auto Insurance Reforms State Urged to Speed Bill not be done on this date. Rome PoKce T V Tonight The Board of Directors •Papers may also be left at for Complete Listings. will conduct a publid ses­ Easy Prey ior Develoj^rs Junk Car the Leonard Comer firehouse on Raid Offices On Bonds for Water Firm toe day of toe drive. Begin Travels in Senate See Saturday’s TV Week sion tonight from 6:30 to 85^ East Center St. State Rep. N. Charles Bogglnl Weiss and Director of Public 8:30 In the Board of Direc­ Democratic Town Chairman everyone’s Interest in the com­ Prog Square Dance munity, yet, the way things are ram The Tolland Square Dance At Summit St, WASHINGTON (AP) — The many persons sustaininf^ only Works William O’Neill are rec­ tors' Office in the Munici­ Ted Cummings, in a strongly- Of Extremists S:SS (I) Tern MasM and Town Managrer Robert Weiss going, you may as well forget Club will hold a club level dance Nixon administration sends t6- minor loss" while "by contrast, (It) wad WUd West (O) ommending consolidation of the pal Building to hear com­ yesterday lurged the legislature’s worded statement today, charg­ day its proposal for state-by- many persons with severe and (M) AMams nualy Town of Manchester and lEighth ments and suggestions from them.” ' To Beg tomorrow night from 8 unUl ROME (AP) — Italian police WEEKEND CASH and CARRY SPECIAL state reform of the nation’s permanently crlppllnj: injures (M> OUU|taa‘s laUiii (0> committee on banks and regulat­ Utilities District sewage sys­ the public.. ed that "thU is the Ume of go Then he charged, “ Given an 11 at toe Hicks Memorial have raided sources ot offices of S:tS (M> Weaiker Wsteh (0> ambitious developer and hesi­ ibled auto insurance system recover OOUna’i blaad (C) ed activities to take quick ac­ tems, to coincide with possible Future sessions will be and grab, as far ats sp>ecial in­ First Selectman Charles Thl- Sym. Harry Tucclarone rightist extremist groups In td^a senate committee whose losses ...” WhsFs Kr User (0> town purchase of the water held the first Tuesday of terest groups in our town are tant town leaders, and the in­ fault has announced the re- f'"’ will serve as caUer. Serv- Rome and other cities and Is­ S;55 (t) 8U BcpeH <0> tion on a bill pertaining to town Dembtmtic members include The administration's proposed S:M (S-84S-M) WeaUMr — Sparta company. each month from 9 a.m. to ccncemed.” terests and protectiem of the 4 I Ing as hosts are Mr. and Mrs. sued arrest warrants for 16 per­ DAISIES bunch $1.29 two spdnwrs of a tough federal no-fault system includes these sad New* (O) purchase of the privately-owned A referendum on the pur­ 11 a.m. and the third Thurs­ Referring speciflcaUy to plans largest numbers of our pei^le sumption of the town’s junk car Scolvllte. Mr. and Mrs. sons on , armed insurrection (U> CaadU Caoieis appear to go out the window." program as the start of the John EUiott and Mr. and Mrs. app^oach^\ ' provisions: (M> T* Ten tha Tntb (C) Manchester Water Company. chase of the water company day of each month from for land development, he said charges, police reported CtMicedlng that the proposal OPEN TO 9 P.M. THURSDAY and FRIDAY "We thlnklhe present system —Every car owner would be S;t8 (M> Sabit (O) H.B. 7M2, co-sponsored by would be tor all town taxpay­ 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the that "some town officials fired town’s annual clean up cam- Fdward Jesanis. Wednes^y night. S:M (S) News wHk Walter Ciea- for the CUD project off Keeney The warrants also cited 16 needs change l»dly and needs It required to carry insurance cov- klt* (O) Manchester State Reps. Bog­ ers—even those who are not Board of Directors’ Office. from the hip, when they said polgn. ------St. "was a grand idea con­ members 'of the “ extraparl­ now." said Secretary of Trans- himself and his family as (t) News with H.K. BmiU and glnl, Francis Mahoney and serviced by the town water sys­ that the CUD (Community Ur­ tjiii., ' . . n ...... Manchester Evening Herald, portaUon John AVvblpe. in a “ anyone who might be In- Hany Baaaaaer tem. The reason for the town- ban Development) proposal to ceived (rf good intentions,’’ he W.U W e i s correspondent, Bett^ iamentary” rightwing for plot­ (U> W k Taa Dyke Donald Genovesi, would amend said that "the details from the will aixept toe junked c®rs at Quatrai* xel. 876-2846. ting against the state, police statement preparfed fo r ^ e Sen- J“red in an accident involving (XMd) NBC New* <0) wide referendum is that the Verplanck Lads build another village of 6,000- no cost to the owners provld- j______T:M (S> Ta Bame WHk Lara <0> two provisions o t a 1959 public developer and town authorities said. The raids were reported to ate Commerce OommittceNwd his 'Vehicle. town would have to. goiarantee 6,000 off Keeney St. was a fine Ing they are delivered to his Tntk ar Oeasa«Bewee* (C) act which already authorizes the noticeably were lacking.’’ have uncovered large amounts made available by congressii —Insurance must cover all (U) Wkaf a My Ua^ Myrta made for vehicles which De­ t o a lh death or injulw would be cov­ (n-M> IreMlde (*» spesdcing also on behalf of be permitted to vote, since the spxxisored by the Verplanck buUder of the planived Spencer commission "in the future," to Bacco vvill have to pick up. Paintings of three members neither the rightist elements Mlch., a rtmklng member, are ered up to a sug^e^fed celling of «- M«honey ^ d Genoveri, asked decision to give up power au­ TTiifauit praised DeBacco for of the South Windsor Art $1,000 a month. thorized by the General As­ the winning basket was scored taxpayer, in effect, pick up the closure of the facts to the pub­ tary system—such as Italy’s ing a mandatory, nationwide ■ ■ ■ (0 ) the committee to report the bill his cooperation In providing League have been selected for —Payment of up to'$TO a week •:M (t-M) Daa ,« 4o_.4 fcr replacement of services of a (CMS) Ais) District. referee, Philip Daly. ties for his outlets." development plans will be com­ member of the armed forces The administration reccm- M:M <»4*> Aria Jakaaas (0 ) on the "Consent Calendar” of to rid themselves and toe town f '^^nd annual ex- _ . j non-working member Of. a (U) Us-abrMced (0 ) the House and Senate, for early Playing for the fathers were (Cedar Investors Inc. of Law­ plied with. “ This is not so now,’’ of jiuiic CBTS.** filbltion of the OoniiGctlciit So* were involved in the reported m e n d ^ ^ and the Magnu^n- household would be provided lt:S6 (B) Tha Bavraiia* . (O) Don Perham, Lloyd Smith, John rence, N.T. has approached the he remarked. insurrection plans. fondue forks <0 ) consideration and passage. More than 60 cars were clety of Women Painters, Inc. Hsrifard TSlk-Ia Foley, Richard Steeves, John Board of Dlriectora- and asked Concluding his statement, he ^ -A n injured person would be" (M> PalksI ( 0 > picked up last year under the The members are Jeanne i K ^ l t liability under which in- harred from suing to recover iHM . (S-B-IB-IB-Saa) Naws Bills placed on the "Consent Ofiara Picture Louzon, Fred Laramie, Robert that it be allowed to Install sew­ said, "The directlcxi and leader­ (C> arrangement with DeBacco, Pel)oviak of Ridge Rd. In Rock- Richard Fisher as the Boy converses with John Abbott as the Young Man Drugged Party Jured persons are compen^ted ^ 3 ^ 3 greater than the limits a . ^ Wasthar aad 8paris Calendar" carry the backing of Duff, John Ricci, Josepih Mar- er lines to the site of a future ship for the towh’s ‘future must ~ IMavia and another 126 junked cars vllle, Helen Veitch of Hebron regardless of who caused the both parties and are voted with, Third in Test quard, Nathan AgostinelU, Rob­ shopping center at Hlllstown Rd. come from the Board of Di­ during a flashback sequence in “ Summertree.” (Photo by Denise Chabot) TORRANCE, Clallf. (AP) - set lor damages covered by the U:BB (BMB) Taoicht Shew were eUmjnated through the Rd. ta Bolton, and Mary Jean Dohald John Henry, 31, said he accident. out debate. ert Hewitt, John LaBel, Peter and Spencer St. ^ e y say they rectors. The directors are the policy. (B-4B) ^ ak CMvett Shaw iC> town’s involvement with the Vogt of 113 Edgewood Dr. in spiked potato chips with the hal­ set of 6 Volpe brought Congress the Weiss, in urging approval of Sylvian (Slnch) Oflara, chief Scuthwick, Leonard Larson, win pay for the instaUatlon if boss. That’s what the people eral directors, the most recent —No Injured person could sue (18) Mdi OritflB <3iamber of Oommerce's pro- South Windsor. lucinogenic drug LSD at a party long-awaited final report of a 1:8B (SAMS) Saw* — Frayer the bill by the committee, said of i^ togra{^ y at The Herald, Albert Martin and Merle Wit­ the town repays them over seven elected them to be. They must being Lee E. Hay, of toe Eng­ for intangible losses "unless he M n on Sock and Buskin Play last April because he thought it ($2.98 value) $1.6 million, three-year depart- he is recommending that a ref­ ter. years from added taxes due to see to it that our town com­ The juried show is being held lish Department. Mr. Hay is established that he suffered per- S:BT (I) INawa — won third place in the Febru­ would make for a "great” par- ment study of ^ t o insurance impairment or loss of Off erendum be held in the spring, The youngsters, coached by increased valuation of the land.) missions and officials begin to , Baton Winners 31 o,e GaUery on the Green, now working on his sixth play. ary contest of the New England having directed in college and ‘ J; ^he guests weren’t aware of He also submitted a proposed function or permanent disfigure­ BdaeaWasal TV to consider town purchase of Frank Rlzza, had Scott Per­ “ The way I feel now,” Cum­ practice rejection and restraint, Winners op>en spiaces of the water com­ ed Feb. 11 on the editorial p>age Zesut, Michael Dul, Craig that date back 10 to 18 years. Several meml^re won a v ^ s Approximately 12 bicycles situation of a Vietnam war Manchester. Others who have CcMigress cannot, and will not, "Needing — Wanting" Kearney and Ren city’s most crowded sectians. A the auction along with are attorneys John Shea and proaches to insurance and acci­ "Ken Maynard" spaces. The state would pay an precariously on the side of 3 who p>erformed were Frannie with its objectives and goals.’’ medal to toe novice solo for o^er items. 60th anniversary celebration. The basic plot of "Summer- 18:88 Ceoaeetieat Newereem to Gay Ricci, Denise Reavey, He Insisted, "AU of those research committee has sub­ Richard Woodhouse, Gilbert dent compensation." additional 25 per (lept and the tree, stretched full-length nine*and ten-year*olds, and a The Sock and Buskin Drama Huat, chairman of the MHS tree,” tells the story of the life Hart, whose antimonopoly The New England Newsacqier Dena Perslco, Amy DobronsM plans were designed to provide mitted a plan for a loop line 22 third place award In the begin* Sesalon of a young man killed in Viet- town would pay the remaining hoW a feeder so he can eat miles long with 86 stations. Society, started In 1920, found EngUsh Department, and Mrs subcommittee has held "exten- Exe^tives Xss<> 26 per cent. from it. A haughty chickadee and Jane Tedford. orderly growth and to protect ners fancy stmt, T formation. Thaddeus Gutkowski of member.of “ shows the conflict of its first great director In toe Vivian F e rg ^ n , a values between the Father and sive hearings on. the insurance c*®**™* Mcond Tourists Perch The combined $748,268 is part perched above him, com- Laura Morganson won a fifth Ellington Rd., will be the Industry, believes that a state- Nelson A. Demers of the $2.28 million estimated pletely Ignoring his cleverness place medal for the novice solo 8^®®^ speaker at the St. Mar­ person of toe late Mrs. Helen ° V the Young Man toat can be by-state approach is unworit- Scholarship this spring to a In Capistrano Geese losing Job in the 11-and 12-yeai>old class. Mary Ladles Guild meet- Page Skinner. Mrs. Skinner be- “ ” ‘"6 end c es w m found in almost any Americar ccdlegie junior, senior or grad- cost for the entire holdings. A®d courage. Weiss said yesterday that a Oflara, who takes nature plc- PORTTiAND, Ore. — A new Carla Selby won a third place Monday at 8 p.m. in the came the director In 1934, after ^eiully today. It is a very queS' SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, Connecticut high school to win import- Vo^>e said everyone agrees on uste student. It honors Demers slx-month extension on the fed- tures on weekends, snapped herbicide Is putting working ■ award for the beginner fancy church hall. His topic will be one year with Paint and Pow- one ple' h L , Wednesday that Army Spec. 4 “ We believe that toe states toe publisher, general manager, GET THE BEST THING GOING such well-known movie stars as also held during her long ten- both nights in Bailey Auditor­ should begin promptly to shift to or advertising director of any around who want to know if Marc J. Meeker, husband of ium at the high school. Tick- afternoon at 4:30 in toe Pauish Beverly I. Meeker of Durham, Bette Davis and her husband, ure as director. a first-party, ncoi-fault compen- New Bhigland daily newspcqwr. that’s a swallow and if tois is a Center. Gary Merrill, and Betty Kim- From 1967 to the present, ets may be purchased at the swallow, and they’re pointing to has been killed in action in the sation system for automobile They will nominate toe candi- At LYNCH MOTORS... A BEAUTIFUL NEW Houley, who is chairman of ” ta” i^theM t')^'la. GRAND OPENING everything but,” said Bill ball, local radio personalUy. Sock and Buskin, has had sev- anlsh mis­ sion known as toe “ Jewel of School Building Oommittee, re­ and carefully circumscribed." „ui 1,3 given to a student who invest In Your Home and Increase its value. . . The Bed Men favorite swallow placing Umberto Palumbo wrho The administration recom- has worked in the advertising hangout—or ambling through has resigned. mended Otwigress take another department of a member paper, Do II Again. . . shops and lingering in restaur­ DAY 79th Anniversary look at auto aceddent compensa- However, any college student ants. The Tolland Library Associa­ tion in two years “ when we has an Interest in a news- When toe swallows arrive COME IN! tion will observe its 70th anni­ have bad time to analyae the ex- paper advertisiiig career is eUg- from South America, they go versary April 6. perience of the several states jhie t<, apply, right to work plastering up their YOU MAY WIN A PRIZE! The observance will be mark­ under new systems.” nests with mud at the mission NEW 1971 TOYOTA COROLLA ^DR. SEDAN ed by a special program sltUed In its draft resolution, toe ad- and other roosting places. We're setting aside a special day to show you for 'April 6' at 2 :80 at the li­ ministration called a federal First of Kind And each year toe swift, 4-Speed Sychro Transmlsshsi, Front Disc Brakes, how easy it is to put up a beautiful, new Arm­ brary. Mrs. Helen Needham takeover of state insurance reg- The first coin issued bearing Rubber Bumper Guards, Windshled Washers, Mile­ square-tailed cliff birds depart strong Ceiling in your home. These are the will speak on toe history of toe ulatlon "fraught with great and toe likeness of a living U.S. again on Oct. 29. age Trip Meter, Full Nylon Carpeting, Rally Type library front Its taceptiwi to the grave consequences givhig rise president was toe 1996 Sesqui- Gauges, Cigarette Lighter, Passenger Courtesy amazing, new ceilings that soak up noise and For a week in March, this Bar, Flow thru Ventilation, Reclining Front Seats, present time. to issues of great m a^tude, centennial half-d(dlar, toe ob- town of 3,6(X> swings. The tiny give your home today's smart, new look. Hostesses wdll be dressed in and is highly imdeslrable." verse side of which bore toe 8-position Courtesy Light, 'tinted Glass AU Around, birds will be greeted with the Wrap Around Bumpers, White SldewaU Tires, FuU period costumes and old books The resoluti<»i said toe exist- heads of President George Fiesta of toe Swallows, whi(to Chrome Wheel Covers, Front Sway Bar, BuUt-in Armstrong representative Jim Richards will be Included ih the original library ing system "results in toe Washington and Chlvln Oool includes peurades, dancing and Utter Containers, Package Tray, Glove Box, Side here to answer all your questions about Arm­ collection will be on display. excessive compensatiem of idge. rodeos. . View Mirror, Pull Vinyl Interior, Theft-proof Door (Delivered) strong Ceilings. The association was original­ Loclu, Complete Tbol Kit, Reversible Keys, Un- ly founded as a "cultural tea dercoatoig, Thuch-up Paint, etc. FREE PRIZE! type” at which time ladies of ey to Watch our demonstration, then try your luck toe community met four times a year to discuss Ixxiks and ... OR THE NEXT BEST THING ... on winning a valuable door prize. Absolutely book reviews. The men con­ CONNECTICUT RESIDENTS no obligation to buy a thing. cerned themselves wrlto the fi­ A USED CAR WWi A RELIABLE WARRANTY nancial end of running the li­ 1965 MERCURY COM ET brary. 1«70 TOYOTA COROLLA BAT, MARGH 20Hi -10:30 • 4 P JL In 1960 the present Ubrary 2 Door Sedan. Radio, heater and 4 Door Sedan, V8, power steering, automatic, radio, whitewalls. was donated to toe Ass(x:iation, Yeors all toe standard S l A O R AT THE milCHESTER YARB after it wis no longer used as equipment. ^ I w T r t A w(Oiderful second car R Y O K for any famUy! the ’Tfdland County courthouse. of Age Bidding ]Procednrea Stadled 1968 FORD MUSTANG 1966 FORD BEFORE YOU PAIOHI At toe ' suggestion of First 6ETTHIS Fastback, V8, radio, heater, vhite- Custom 6(X) 4 Door Sedan. Selectmai^ Thlfault, toe Board walls, vinyl Interior ^1495 6 cyl., radio, standard of Selectmen will investigate 5 Home Improvement S teps t w i n HOLLYWOOD toe establishment of bidding • PQiMANENT LIFE INSURANCE ★ 1965 PLYMOUTH procedures and specifications 1968 VOLKSW AGEN Belvedere V8, 2 Door Sadan. Hard for toe care and maintenance • EVERYONE ACCEPTED! 2 Door Sedan. Radio, M1AQC top. Good car to g o fish- |ROAC of toe town’s sanitary land fill • Decide Well in Advance on Your Project VALUE automatic, one owner tag ta! (As Is) dump and for oil for toe Town • NO PHYSICAL EXAMINATION REQUIRED! Hall and Administration Build­ Everything Takes Time ing. • YOUR PAST MEDICAL HISTORY IS NOT The bids w(xild be effective Now. He has other jobs, too. ALL CONSIDERED! LOOK AT TODAY'S EXTRA SPECIAL! for costs generated during toe Hire Your C coming fiscal year 1971-72. 10 • WE GUARANTEE YOUR LIFE INSURANCE 1966 CHEVROLET IM PA LA V-8 CONVERTIBLE All threq selectmen will par­ Get yours ticipate in toe Boys League PIECES POLICY WILL BE ISSUED! Radio, heater, automatic transmission, power steering, whitewalls. This car has been parade scheduled for May 16 fully recandlUoned, plus 4 new whitewalls, new brakes, front and rear, C | flD K at 1 :30 p.m. Thlfault will speak FOX. OCT AND MAIL COUPON BELOW. and It has a fuU gas tank, ready to go at . • wT5B ARRANi EDERAL FOR Before you patch cracked plaster Stop in to see the full line and threw out toe first ball LIFE OF AMERICA DON’T WAIT ON THIS ONE AT THIS PBIOE! ceilings, be sure to visit our show­ of Armstrong Ceilings soon. during the ceremonies marking ONLY INSURANCE CORPORATION OF BOSTON room to see the wide variety of the start ^ toe new season. It Pays to styles, colors, and designs in the Prices start r a i E N D _ 40 BROAD STREET as low as Heaving Scheduled full line of new Armstrong Ceilings. The Pl$utaing and Zoning BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02109 Here’s What You Get: A permanent solution to cracked Commlnlon has scheduled a AT S plaster ceilings, Armstrong Ceilings FIRST Get Your First Federal Gift Seoly Extra Firm Twin Mattress and Bax Spring won't crack, chip, or peel. Yet they 1 0 * public hearing April 6 on a S St. Mary's No-Iron Top Percale Sheet f 'I need no more cere then an ordinary zone cl^ange request submitted When You Arrange for a Home Improvement Loan S St. Mary's No-Iron Bottom Fitted Percale Sheet Connecticut Residents by Chester Lemek of Goose ceiling. O St. Mary's No-Iron Set of Pillow Coses TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA Lane. “Guaranteed Issue" Life Insurance for ages 55 through 87 TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA O Extra Sturdy Steel Frame CORONA COROLU MARK II CROWN Hl-Ll-LUX LAND CRUISER Lemek is seeking permission Please send me Information on your "Guaranteed Issue" Ufe Insurance. I under­ under toe town’s camping reg­ O 1 Polyester • Pillow , » stand no salesman wlU visit me and I am not obligated in any way. ulation, for permission to create O 1 St. Mory's No-Iron Bedsjttfod (Choice of Colors) Please print or type: a camping area on Goose Lane. O 1 Headboard (Choice of |g Decorator Stylos) Lemek’s request had pre­ 1. Name viously been approved by toe A S a v in g s O f $41.00 First Middle Last TlOFYllm iAl PZC foUowtag a hearing, but FREE legal technicalities arising from 2. Home Address toe threat of a law suit prompt­ with a WE HONOR CAP & MASTER CHARGE Street and No. ed toe PZC to rescind its action. HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN _ _ A second ai^Ucation was filed by Lemek -during Monday STANLEY “SURFORM” PLANE TOOL 3 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU! City State Zip Code night’s PZC meeting. 804 FARMINGTON AVE. BERLIN TURNPIKE 284 BROAD ST. LYNCH MOTORS Piqier Drive Versatile for cutting and forming. Fast by tost on wood, ply­ b> 3. Date of Birth , 4. The Tolland Twiriers and wood. copper, aluminum and plastics. A two position handle NEWINGTON MANCHESTER □ □ HARTFORD AREA’S LARGEST TOYOTA DEALER! 336 NORTH MAIN ST , MANCHESTER (or use as a file or a plane. BRISTOL Month Day Year Mala Female Drum Corps’ will hold a paper Tel. 666-5854 Tel. 646-6262 drive March 27 from 9 a.m. • HMN omcfc UJ7 MMN n , BUT HASTFOW • HOIIE ***“ ” ” !!^r*** Tcl. 582-1120 MH-C-3 345 CENTER STREET, MANCHESTER — 646-4321 TEL. 649<5258 HMTF080 • 2512 MMN illKEr, SU1T0NBU87 • 2 P«8* fUCE, «0CZ»H1E • W4mN6 THOTflNS until 2 p.m. to raise fimds for CEHTEN, SMItH WIND5M Open Mon. thru Fri., 10 to 9 Sot. 'til 5:30 Acres Of Free Parking toe organization. ■ Residents having papers may MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN , * THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1971 PAGE THIRTEEN

t ■ personal From Your MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1971 9 Income PAGE TWELVE UpinUsS. ‘■•'I H* namea of more of the 12 a4ult Hehron Neighbor’s Kitchen I Iftllh iftratlOllS panthers originally charged In WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. the case. .ji- personal Income increased One acquaintance, vrho de­ slightly in February after a big Desecrations NOTICE By VIVIAN FERGUSON Continue In clined to be identified, described Jump in the previous month, the Mrs. Huggins as "a very beauti­ Yestettiay, I saw a lepre­ Commerce Department said ful person . . . charismatic.'* At Cemetery EAST, WEST AND BUCKLAND chaun. My mo4her and my son yesterday. Galley Trial But she added: “^Being loyal to At the same time, houslnif her means keeping your mouth saw the leprechaun, too. And (Oonttsoed tram Page One) Investigated CEMETERIES starts registered a slight ght» In shut, or die gets flaming mad on St. Patrick’s Day at that, February, reaching an annual the prosecutor Capt. Aubrey . . . She does not want to be a begorra! rate of 1,718,(X)0 unite on a sea­ Movement heavy.” Sometime during last week­ Daniel, his work finished after end, the cemetery behind St. It is requested that Cemetery lot owners remove W6 were traveling down Main sonally adjusted basis. spending a year preparing the Peter's Episcopal Church on any winter grave decorations that they wish to St., Portland, Conn., when the Persmial incom e clim bed $2.2 Rt. 8S was robbed of bronze keep. wee creature waved and smiled billion last month, with the slow case, was relaxed and Jovial for expansion centered in wage and the first time since the trial Close Vote stakes used by the American Starting Monday, March 29, 1971, weather pw- upon us in a most fetching man­ Legion to install medallions and salary payments. In January, started Nov. 12. mitting, the necess&ry Spring clean-up of tne ner. Dressed all in gn^'een, it personal income levied by $9 In their first hour of talks, the American flags on the graves was, from head to toe, with a Expected of veterans. grounds will begin in preparation for mowing. billion. Jurors sent out a call for a mischievous, lovable look in its The February rise was about blackboard. In the afternoon, The robbery was dlbcovered eye. We almost missed the traf­ late Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. GEORGE W. ELLIOTT, Superintendent one-fourth of the January gain they asked for another. OnSSTBill fic llg^t although it had turned and about half of the average Annie Hewitt who immediately The discussions ai^rently green on the right day. monthly increase last year. were heated. (Conttnued from Page One) reported it to the sexton, Ed­ A lepfechaun is an Irish fairy Wage and salary disburse­ As the Jurors left for dinner, mund Leach, who in turn noti- said to be about two feet tall He repeated an administra­ ments advanced $1A billion fol­ they put on their tunics without field John Soderberg, resident looking like an old man. Sup­ lowing a rise of $8 billion in Jan­ tion pledge that the 83T will not exchanging a word. state trooper. posedly, they own great treas­ uary. go into production if studies The faces of Ool. Clifford Ford The medallions, which bear ures. A1 ^celviclus. Herald Manufacturing payrolls ac­ show it harms health or the en- and M ajors CSiarler. McIntosh, either OAR or American Legion photographer, knows all about tually declined in Febrtiary aft­ Walter Kinard and Brown ap- vlronment. inscriptions and the wars the CONNECTICUT SALVAGE CO, INC; leprechauns although he is not er a sm all $1.25 billion gain In peared flushed. MaJ. Cari Bier- Tates called the SST a “super men fought in, were tom from one .wit Irish. He says if you January. baum and Capt. Ronald Salem soak-the-taxpayer” program, the foot stakes and, accord­ 440 HILLIARD ST. (ear. Adsmi) catob a leprechaun he will give The figures again reflected h t f i n a H o v o r . . . e o w f r a v * t m n r k m went out with Jaws set. contending it will be a luxury ing to Leach, probably will not MANCHESTER. CONN. you all bis gold, the leprechaun the continued softness in the Phan* 647-7782 The officers are being kept Plane taxpayers won’t fly. be able to be repaired. The that Is-^'not Al. economy, as President Nixon away from their families and He said taxpayers may be American flags were also dam­ HI. NEIGHBOR! The leprechaun I saw is Ger­ seeks to expand it. from all contact with the wwld called on in two years to pay aged. man. At one time, she and, her Housing starts gained by only outside their six-room suite in part of the $3-billlon SST pro- Soderberg could release no husband owned The Brownstone, 6,(X)0 unite on a seasonahy ad­ transient officers’ barracks ahd ductlon coot, on top of the $1.3- details. He stated that the a resteurant in Portland noted justed annual rate. The Janusiry OUR OWN CURE MEflSPEUAi; thelr deliberation room. billion development cost, be- "matter is under inveistlgation.” for ite home cooking. German- rate for housing starts was Three bailiffs censor their cause of the airline industry’s fi- Leach, however, last night I Just realized that style, of course. Now retired 1,709,000 unite. LO IN 'E N P newspapers and television view-, nancial problems, estimated that "approodmately I’ve been writing to you from the restaurant, the lady is The Nixon administration has tORNED ing of news about the Galley ^ut Rep. Brock Aams, D- 90 p er cen t" o f the graves In now/ for almost two a school crossing guard. It is set a goal of 2 million housing Wash., said the industry l>as un- the newer section of the ceme­ years. TtiBt’ a a long said the children love her and starts in 1971 in hopes that the fORK LB tlmef to write without t3J< They will return verdlcte on ^ _^hen U.S. SSTs would most . especially her seasonal tery had the stakes stolen. He getting an answer, and homebulldlng industry will lead four specifications: The mass ^eady to fly-to get full fl- had not yet had the (^portun- although I’ve trudged outfits. I am going back at the way to economic recovery. “ “le industry were ity to check the lower and old­ to the poet office reg­ Christmas time when she dress­ The C>mmerce Department HEAD CUT the deaths each of one- man and ^ flnanclal trouble, he said. er section which dates back to ularly thru rain and es as Santa Claus. She has no said building permits Issued in one child. much of the country would be as the 1800’s and in which veterans sleet and snow, I’ve yet difficulty stopping traffic with February were down from Jan­ C U n X L C U T On each specification they well. of the %>onlsh-American War to find a reply. I really or without, the light. uary, reaching a seasonally ad­ must choose from four possible “Tou’ve got to have a little are buried. would like to know what The day before L saw the lep- justed annual rate of 1,622,(XW verdicts — premeditated mur­ you think erf the Glor- optimism,” Adams said. Originally, the stakes were rechaui), I met a true Irish unite com pared with 1,688,000 der, unpremeditated murder, ious Emporium—I mean your criticisms, what youd Ui» colleen, Shamrocks decorated unite in February.. voluntary manslaughter or ac­ By March 30 the government purchased with town money and changed, (I’m sorry about my face—that has to remain the the Legion donated the medal­ the front door o f 188 Green Rd. The number of housing starts quittal. will have spent $866 million of (Herald iibDto by Pinto) same) where you think we can Improve. ’Hiis Operation KOKT*.** its $1.3-bUUon share of„SST de- lions and flags. started rather haphazardly In the middle of 1969 without Yes, Green Rd., what else? actually rec-. the difference between an electric motor and a gas not only reidaclng the stakes port from so many of you. We still are rather weak in land, where die met and from the January totals, with no CH0f% verdicts on each q>eciflcation, ♦I®® million of President Nix- seasonal adjustment calculated. motor to his son, Michael, at the Eleinentary and medallions but correct re­ the rules department—we Just want to please you in every married Chrish^er Culleton, must renew their private discus- o"’® $2«0-mimon request for this way we can. So, if you can spare a minute, drop me a Science Fair ^hool science fair yesterday. Looking on is Jona^ placement on the proper site. the lady is the mother hs erf (Herald photo by Bucelviclas) early this afternoon as the re­ Entries filled the room and about haf what the record stores get. Also, we should have ’Ihe General Assembly Joint mnrtel of the heart and third Ju«cUon with his p roject, com - section. Cat Litter, chaise lounge cushions, Hotpoint and Westing- attractive young ladies sur­ MRS. CHRISTOPHER CULLETON cent selling wave began to overflowed onto the stage and Committee on Finance will hold nrize was awarded to Brian P»a*nlng about a run-down, aban- Also, it is doubthU at this late house appliances, kitchen knlcknacks, more $1.88 ladles’ rounded with St. Patrick’s Day a public hearing on all tax pro- Says She wane. outside into the corridors. doned Molde who offered a diagram , mall orfer-retall, rub- Robert Caye, a second grad­ this division with a display on Bridget School. er, won second prize for his aviation featuring an instrument Remember our exhausting —. 1. J Women’s Lib movement. "I garine to soften crust, providing atinrtm of fitate Ren Au- LB who "rebeUed against that issues, and steels were hlgh- NEW YORK (AP) — Ship- Wmt But Logt hours: iFrtdays 10 to 9 and which oppressed human beings Motors, metals, and cheml- exhibit on electricity, and Jeff­ panel. mente of residential steel doors Saturdays 10 to 5. We Beat WMk cm^t ^ ^ ^ ^ breakfast treat. Recipe may ^ e e Committee, tor her coop- In any way. Ho had an Immense were generally mixed, rey Warner was third prize Three special awards for the r e a ^ d 780,000 unite in 1970, re- T w o presidential candidates A L ot! It capacity to love and he always whUo aircrafts and oils were winner fo r his sheU collection. best ecological exhibits were p «& Armoo Steel Corp., com- failed to bo elected to the of- bra^ tea^tentX '“*5 ^ elating «id intervention on be- greeted his friends—anybody he igwer. Grand prize vrlnner in Divi­ given by the Bolton Junlpr pared to the 2,800 unite shipped fled although they received the h^'^’Ttovrvw e ^ h e^ of flour. Raisins may also be-used. h a j^ f having the hearing held loved—^wlth a warm embrace. I iao,700-share block of Sun- sion 2 was Ann CHscon, whose Women’s Club through its Con­ In 1664. largest popular vote in the elec- bannock bread?” I asked. Only Irish Raisin Bread locally. Look for our exotic signs near the comer of Adams A up a batch of craytms from the "This la a unique opportunity reaUy think all Uvlng things i^^m changed hands at 28%, project was a study of mush- servation Committee. Patricia The nq>id growth te attributed tiett—Samuel J. Tllden in 1876 HUUard. this week, Carol Katz asked me 3 cups flour A rooms. Brian Winkler was Vine, a first grader, was the to elimination of need for a and Grover Cleveland in 1888. floor. “There’ll be corned beef % cup sugar for the pe<^e of this district liked him: People, animals, down % on the New Yoi* Stock tor a re^ and cabbage for St. Patrick’s growing plants—everything.” awarded second prize for an in- winner of this prize in the first storm door, no warpage, shrink-______loathe which contend ^ ^ 1 teaspocHi salt to present their views on pend­ Exchange. ing tax measures before the GROCERV SPECIALS The two married and Joined Other B ig Board prices In­ verted retina exhibit, and Da- division with her drawing de- age or swelling. allibran, molasses ^ ^ ^ 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 tablMpocm baking powder General AtsernWy," Houley the Panther movement on the cluded Saxon Indpstries, up 1% u e s T L S f s West OMist. to 26%; Occidental Petroleum, I '- ” r i f f 1% cups raisins (or currants) said. He said he hopes all of the VIELCHS 0% "... We decided after Jon off 1 to 18%; Coastal States Gas, - . 0 . lucb. m tt. S I 2 eggs interested pele from the r love Italian foods.’' had been at Lincoln almost 1% off 1 to 84%; J. P. Morgan, up 2 1 to 2 cups buttermilk county towns will atten^ meantime, I tested Mary’s two - Tl»e area legislators of both OuiK 2 ^ 7 5 semesters (and I a year and a to 68%; Fannie Mae, off % to "I used to bake more—scixies tablespoons melted short­ fOMAlb JlNCE*^^ 4 fine brea^ so easy to make. political parties, according to semester) that we diould leave 64%; and Signal, up % to 19%. ing or margarine because the struggle fmr llbera- On the American Stock Ex- tion could benefit more if people change, Phoenix Steel was up % were out there organizing, edu­ to 8%; Systems Engineering, off 97WVE&ETAB1ES « cating the people. Being in 2% to 18; Computing A Soft­ "There’ll be soda bread in my eat dandeUon greens or com combine eggs, buttermilk and v l^ of the school, being an arm-chair revo­ ware, up 1% to ACJif Loew’s column this week,” I told them, on the cob until I came here. Bhortenlng; add Uquld mixture Comments wlU M SlJocrAILfeW .^ lutionary, wouldn’t help us Warrants up % to 27%; and ’’WIU you have bannock bread?” I thought com was something dry ingredients and mix the Governors frK C fc* achieve freedom'. Tenna, up % to 10%. Dout^eDDays said Russ, "My mother always only animals ate. until flour is well moistened, the TMk "We had heard about the made It to serve with break- “I do wish we could all tra- xum batter into greased loaf mendatlona, Black Panther party and I re­ fast. When It was a day old, vel more. We would appreciate pan and bake a good hour at prtqjosau, m w u jw V R D Z tM ’ODDS member reading an article in Journal Returned It would be quartered, split and understand each other 350. Remove from pan Immedl- pending ^ October 1967 about the arrest of WORCESTER, Mass.(AP) — down the center and fried in more.” It is apparent that Mary ately but allow to. cool before tax acts, Houley sai . K rr c H E K i Huey Newton. I decided then Dodge Dodge A Journal borrowed from the x5-x-:««’5W*w;-rv; sausage or other fat.” My eyes loves both countries, Ireland slicing. ------that the party was sincere even Massachusetts state archives brightened. Tlie seernnd time and the U.S. She probably will a s they say In G aelic, "N a B^AP £ L uMHES though it was smaB . . . Uemon L/arf m ors than 110 years ago has in a week I had heard that remain here forever because of mol an t-aran go mbrulthtear _ KBEltR ”We had already decided to word. "Well, it Is a North Irish her children. "It does seem, e.” “Don’t praise the bread FOR 2 * ^ 9 9 ^ DOU&H ' O go to California so that when we been returned. a l m o n d The document is the Capitol word,” Russ told me, so I though," she mentioned,” that until It Is baked.” one might got there (Los Angeles) we lotrfced it up. people have more time to en- also say, ’’Practice makes per- ITked U there was a chapter gress of Massachusetts Bay for Bannock comes from the joy the little things in life in fed.” Cosmetics ‘P E L ! there. We got there in Novem- mld-1778. Scholars say it is the Middle English bannock. Initial- the old country. I can’t think ber 1967 and in February 1968 rrs O U R O W M J we Joined the party to help only known copy covering the ly from Scottish Gaelic ban- just why now because we have O U R o w n FREE HUEY . . .” period. Ch(X)se a [>xlge c c x T p a c t . Aixl get a choice. nach or bonnach. It is usually changed, too.’’ Can Today—Frae Hslimstes Marcus A. McOorlson, direc­ On the role of women in the applied to an unleavened bread (Miristopher Is a carpenter with Driveways — Parking teds o r m lp e e f tor of the American Antiquarian Paving ft MaeWno Sealing Liggetts ^“ 6 9 ^ 1 C 'B C7 0 ' Panthers, Mrs. Huggins says: of oat or barley flour baked in a Hartford construction com- / Society, said the Journal was Pick a sporty littlo Dodgo ”I personally feel womeri” are flattiah round loaves common in pany. Ck>lncldentally, both he G&H PAVING INC. borrowed in the early 1880s by Domon. Or on# of America's At Th« Parkade the backbone of any movement SEE THE the British Isles. To my sur- and Mary are one of 10 chll- WEST ST. BftiaOlf William Lincoln of Worcester. fovorito compact hardtops, MANCHESTER because women are a life-glv- prise. It is combread in New dren. In his profession, he fol- Phone 649-5288 Lincoln’s neirfiew, William 8. Dodgo Dart. It's Double D ing, creative force when work- , .— r r. _ Engluid baked on a griddle. lows in his father’s footsteps as 25 yrs. exp,—48 jrr. guar. OAIRV FOODS in| together . . . Without the in- f'CXDUBLE D" Days with Dodge Dart and Buttermilk and soda are al- did three brothers, herent wisdom and often quiet antiquarian wmth' Dodge Demon. Only at your ways used-for bannocks and In in Ireland, St. Patrick’s Day Lawrence Klnvin Wroth, a re­ perseverance of women, most Dodge Boys'. Where you can making griddle scones. The I3 a rellgicxis apd state holiday, .P lU S B U P S / search fellow at Harvard Uni­ rev(rfutionary movements fall. AT YOUR LOCAL pick from two great compacts. combination produces a bulkier a U business stops. After attend- versity, making a study recent­ “ We are so aware that a revo- And still afford to be choosey. yet softer and molster product jng church wearing the tradl- luticm, our future, must be built ly noted that the Journal be­ DODGE DEALER than that made with sweet tionad shamrock, Irish games 0 ' on LOVE—the communicative, longed in the state archives in mllk.pA ripening or maturing of hurling or football might be folStUITS 1 Boston and had it returned. creative kind . . .” action of the lactic acid in the played in the afternoon. (Miris- At the University of California buttermllk takes place on the topher was an active hurler. at Los Angeles, John Huggins gluten of the flour, something Hurling la similar to field hoc- became Involved in the choice similar to that of fermentatlMj. jjgy_ xeams of 15 players use a of a director for a Uack studies TRI-CITY PLAZA MERCHANTS' My Scotch cookbook, the one broad-bladed stick to catch, program. A meeting in January Billy Forbes gave to me, states, balance, run with and hurl a GOT THOSE 1969 to discuss selection of the ASSOCIATION WELCOMES “The names scone and bannock 9. i 0>i ball. The idea Is to score director had Just ended when he are applied rather loosely. In by hurling the badl under or AIRLINE and fellow Panthers, Alpren- modem usage the bannock la over a crossbar between goal­ tice “Bunchy” Carter, were fa­ the large round scone, about posts. 8 • BIGG ER & tally shot by black nationalists the circumference of a' meat Mary Is a member of St. RESERVATIONS? supporting another man for di­ BETTER THAN plate, which is baked on the Bridget Rosary Society, the rector. EVER! New 6-lesson beginner Sewing Course griddle. When the bannock is Parents CTlub of ESst Catholic Mrs. Huggins and their cut into sections before b^ing, school and the Irish-Amer- daughter, Mai, who was only a or when the dough Is cut Into Glastonbury. Call Us For few weeks old at the time came at Singer. Only ®29.50. small rounds, you have scones Eileen, Noreen luid Angela are to New Haven for the funeral. • COMPLETELY “The name bann^k is deriv- Irish step d Learn the art of sewing step by step in 6 dancers Your Tickefsl Mrs. Huggins stayed to work REMODELED! To register, phone or visit ycxir local Singer ed from the Latin ^cum ^ medals to their with the local Panthers. She easy three-hour lessons, at less than $2 Sewing Center. Or send this coupon with (ponls) bread. It may have re- ^ lived with Huggins’ parents, COME ONE . . . COME ALL an hour. your name and address plus a $5 deposit ferred originally to (Communion ’ JUST THINK OF ALL who now care for Mai. E Brown Soda Bread bread since the word was first to your Singer Sewing COTter, 1% cups whole wheat THAT VACATION Mrs. Huggins has spent both TO THE EXemNG 1 ^ • GREATLY • Learn how to choose the styles and used in the church.” her daughter’s birthdays in the ENLARGED! fabrics bestfor you. I wish to register for sewing classes in the Mary CuUetoi’s brown soda % cup white flour CALL TIME YOU'LL SAVE Connecticut State Prison for SUPER RRAND DIVISION OF • How to alter ^ lay out a dress pattern. □ morning □ afternoon □ evening. bread Is traditionally served In 1 teaspoon salt Women at Nlantic. • How to cut and mark the fabric. Ireland with breakfast—a good 1 teaspoon bsdeing soda TODAY REOPENHIfi! % cup butter or margarine Mrs. Huggins and Seale both • How to insert a zipper perfectly. SINGER hearty one of eggs, bacon and are charged with kidnaping re­ EVERYTHING'S NEW BUT THE LOCATION! • Detailed demonstrations, wall charts, full always Irish marmalade. Should 1 cup buttermilk SUPER FINAST AND 1 teaspoon sugar S33-4866 sulting in death, aiding and col(X films. NAMf. you prefer, you may alter the - . - ,, „„ j abetting a murder, conspiracy PRICE-MINDING L lp T to lise only white flour. Sift together the fUmr, salt and to kidnap -and conspiracy to WHAT'S PRICE-MINDING? • Your own illustrated textbook. Hove Come To ADDRESS. and m ay add raisins. Her soda. TTien, thoroughly In iGlastonbury Travel Acency murder. Mrs. Huggins alro is Believe me . . . It’s almost too good to be true! Here is a brief definition . . . > Small classes-maximum of 8 students. Irish raisin bread Is good the whole wheat and s^ar. Mix charged with binding with crim­ VERNON Price-Minding is the combining of high volume, which lowers costs of buying > Make a dress that fits just the way you 270 N«w London Tnrnplke and operating and results in savings in all departments. All the time Price- CITY. -STATE- -ZIR- enough to have for dessert or to a stiff dough using t*>® ‘ inal Intent. She and Seale have at want it to. to^S^ at teatime. milk; adding Glostonbnry. Conn.______denied all charges. Minding minds quality and prices, too, making sure you are getting the best ZL TRI-CITY PLAZA value fpr your ^ping dollar. And while we’re minding, we’re minding the ______J In Ireland, the main nieal of all at once working from Mrs. Huggins has stayed out way we serve you, you’ll find Super Flnast service makes your shopping a the day is served at midday, side of the l^wl Mix ""quickly of the spotlight. When a “Free happier, more rewarding experience. So, come on in to Super Flnast . . . the Ericka” movement was started, STORE HOURS shc^ping’s fine! 857 MAIN STREET she protested. If other defend­ NO GAMES — NO STAMPS ants were not included, die Open Mon. thru Sot. MANCHESTER said, then she would denounce 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. SHOP THE PRICE-MINDING WAY! 547-1425 SINGER it. The title of the movement was changed to include the PAGE FOURTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1971 I-’ of Rt. 85, has been named to Top-Level the dean’s list at University of Nixon Asks Connecticut where she is a sen­ MANCHEgim EVENING HERALD. MANCHEgm. CONN.. THURSDAY, MARCH 18. 1971 PAGE FIFTEEN ior. Study Set Diane is enrolled In the Benefits Hike The Baby Has School of Education where she majors in home economics. She Payoff Now B y Meskill is a 1967 graduate of Bolton Hieh School, for which she WASHING’fON (AP) — Presi­ NEW HAVEN (AP) — Gov. Been Named ^ wrote the Alma Mater. dent Nixon’s call for an imme­ 'niomas J. Meskill said Wednes­ School Menu diate payroll-tax hike to fi­ day he,has enlisted the financial Monday, hot dog on roll, cole nance higher Social Security and technical support of about slaw, gingerbread with top- .J- 150 corporations in the state to ptug; Tuesday, beef stew, bis- benefits has been received on Beard, Jeremy Alexander, son of Alexander Jr. id Ju- Capitol Hill with puzzlement City. create a coJhmlsslon to study ‘=h°lce of fruit; dith Anne Cook Beard, 2 Tudor City Place, New Y o* and limits of resistance. He was bom Feb. 27 at the Women’s Hospital, New Y o r k t^ . ▲ the executive branch of state Wednesday, chow mein over government. '^ce, green beans, choice of Nixon approved Wednesday a His matemaal grandmother is Mrs. Vernon S. Cook, hastily enacted -percent in­ At a. press conference in New o^^p; Thursday, grilled ham- 10 bridge St., Manchester. His paternal grandmother is Mrs. Alex­ crease in Sceial Scurity bene­ ander Beard Sr., New York, N, Y. Haven after meeting with the burger. French fries com, fits for the 26 million' beneficiar­ *1 • * • . business leaders, the governor topping; Friday, as- ies. But he urged Congress to nemed Edwin D. “Ted" Ether- sorted sandwiches, potato Harrington, Brennan Thomas, son of Paul Sr. andXJnda immediately increase the wage Mendes Harrington, 101 South St., Apt. 48, Rockville. He vras ington as chairman of the new chips, pineapple upside-down base on which the Socitil Securi­ Commission on Services and cake with topping. bom Feb. 27 at Rockville General Hospital. His maternm ty payroll tax is levied from g(randparents are Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Mepdes Jr.^S t. Expenditures. Correction $7,800 to $9,000. Etherlngton, a former presi- ' the_ oumcse of clarifica- Petersburg, Fla. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. dent of Wesleyan University and tlon, Robert Dixon, Republican The bill he signed contains FranDls A. Harrington, Stoughton, Mass. He has a brother, a one-time president of the Town Committee chairman, such an increase, but not start­ Paul Jr., 1%. American Stock Exchange, was wishes to note that the last ing until next Jan. 1. ’The raise * * . .» • an unsuccessful candidate for phrase of his party’s platform in benefits is retroactive, how­ Phllbrlck, Heidi Lynn, daughter of Milo Jr. and Jane the GOP senatorial nomination plank regarc^ing the library ever, to last Jan. 1. Charette Phllbrlck, 38 Elm St., RockvlUe. She was bom Feb. last year. He was recently should have read "a separate ’The increase, whenever effec­ 28 at Rockville General Hospital. Her paternal grandparents named by President Nixon to item," not "a separate build- tive, means a maximum annual are Mr. and Mrs. Milo PhUbrick Sr., Box 348, Plnney St., tax raise of $62.40 each on an Rockville. head the National Center for Ing." • #1 * Voluntary Action. Bulletin Board employe and his employer. V Ho said the purpose of the Final registration for Little Rep.- Wilbur D. hRlls, D-Ark., Schulze, Jeffrey David, son of David and April Rochette study is to show the governor League baseball will be held chairman of the House Ways Schulze, West Rd„ Ellington. He was bom Feb. 28 at Rockville how he can operate the execu- tonight at Community Hall and Means Committee, declined General Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. tive branch more effectively and from 7 to 8 p.m. Boys must be comment on cluinces of hasten­ Chester B. Rochette, Rt. 66, Hebron. HU paternal grandpar- ing the effective date of the tsix ente are Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Schulze, West Rd., Ellington. with less cost within the frame- accompanied by a parent and •4, * work of existing state policy. He must bring a birth certificate, . hike. emphasized that the commission The library study committee But he said a tax increase this Jones, Melissa Jean, daugditer of Gary and Elvira Car- is not a lobbyist for any particu- will meet tonight at 8 at Com- year would more than cancel vallno Jones, 103 Rachel Rd., Manchester. She was bom March lar policy. munity Hall. stimulation the Social Security 6 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her onatemal grandpar­ Based on a feasibility study The Zoning Board will meet benefit boost was calculated to ents are Mr. and Mrs. Peter Martins, 2 Rogers PI., Manches­ done in Connecticut, Etherlngton tonlp-ht at 8 in the fireplace provide for a still sluggish econ­ ter. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jones, said savings of more than $30 room of Community Hall, omy. 124 Washington St., Manchester. She has two brothers, Paul, Ihe benefit raise is expected million a year in the execuUve Cub Scout Pack 157 will meet Citizen of the Year Miss Gertrude Fuller accepts plaque from Rotary Club 4%, and Darren, 2. branch operations are possible, tonight at 7:30 at St. Maurice to pump an extra $3.6 billion to The cost of the study is estl- church. member Nat Schwedel last night at ceremonies at Ellington Ridge. recipients, most of whom would Lerch, Kathryn Marie, daughter of Erwin and Pamela mated at $164,000, and the gov- _____ be expected to spend the new Mayne Lerch, 8 Newman St., Manchester. She was bom March emor emphasized that taxpayers money quickly. 6 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandpar- Manchester Evening Herald > ^ e r n o n N ow you can earn a high, guaranteed 5 % interest rate with will not foot any of the expense. Bolton correspondent Judith Sources on the committee that ente are Mr. and Mrs. Edward Biske, 83 Bridge St., Manches­ He said the study will be fi­ Donohue, tel. 649-8409. shaped the legislation said all ter. Her paternal grandfather U John Lerch, 94 Benton St., nanced by contributions from advance indications were that Manchester. She has two brothers, Michael, 7, and ’Thomas, 5. the corporations taking part. Rotary Club Names Citizen of the Year the administration, to feed the ’This figure includes $49,000 to economy, would happily accept Cote, Joell Carrington, daughter of David and Marcia our Investment Passbook Savings Plan until that date—a full five cover two-year’s salary for a For the third time in 15 Miss Fuller’s long years as a John Moffat, Carleton Milanese, a benefit Increase this year and Brown (Sole, 30 Overlook Rd., South Windsor. She was bom Public Records ‘ \ specialist vdio will be hired to Warranty Deeds years, a woman was singled resident of Rockville have the late Elsie Newmarker, a tax Increase next—even March 4 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal help implement the recommen­ Unden C. and Eunice J Sim- receive the Rockville Ro- equipped her with a wealth of Francis Pitkat, Margaret Pear- though iU original recommen­ grandfather is Lincoln Brown Jr., Grotcsi Long Point Her pa­ dations._ . J,. mons to James A and Alene H. tary (Club’s catizen of the Year information concerning the son, Lester Baum, Richard Rose dation was for both in a single ternal gfrandfather U Sylvlo Cote, Grotmi. She has a brother, , m Virginia. property at 246 W. Award. The presentation was area. ’This knowledge has been and Guy Miller. yeeir. David, 2. n mid-April and plans c^ l lor 3^ made at a dinner last night at used In writing backgrouAd ma------However, Rep. John W. years from now... and then some. All you need do is open Ellington Ridge (Country Club, terial for the Vernon Historical Byrnes of l^sconsin, senior Re- Charter, Scott Wesley, son of Gerald and Shannon Sull- R- and Valerie F. the governor in the fall. ♦ w n r* p Miss Gertrude Fuller who is Society, her church and many (J h a r g C S O I R s D C PubHcan on the committee, said van Charter, 34 Winding L.ane, bnfield. He was bom March 4 ’The commission will consist of ™ ° o>fvp™ n Vernon reporter for the Hart- other groups. ^ 1 f Nixon’s recommenda- at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents 48 management specialists ^ ^^ylOT. property on Vernon ford . ------Oourant------was named, the ..she .has .been an acUve mem- JJrOPPed I OF SlX will get full consideration. are Mr. and Mrs, Carl Wheeler, 6 Crescent Qrcle, RockvlUe. loaned by businesses In the ’ *27.60. 15th Citizen of the Year. She ber of the Rockville Housing But even Byrnes indicated he His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Cibarter, a new Investment Passbook Savings Account with a minimum of state. They will study six broad Administrator’s Deed was select^ from among 14 Authority lor more than 10 NEW YORK (AP) — Charges sure w ^ t the President is Lake Bonair Rd., Ellingtmi. He has a sister, Amy, 1%. areas of governmental opera- men anaand eigiii.eight womenwumeii whosewnooc years. »neShe was in uiethe loreiromforefront rape against six Hells An- ...... tions. Including transportation, tor of the Mtate of Catherine M. presented to Uie of the 13 years of battling for excited about this one way or educaUon_ j _____A.I _____ and1 general______« ______govern-____ TLucas, ii/->oa to TTVIkirowlEldward 'PT. ■Lucas, Jt/saa rur/\two ggjggy^^ committee,^ the consolidation of the town’s —- motorcyclists. three of the other,” he said. "We know ment. Other areas to be studied parcels, one at N. School and In presenting the award, Nat governments, and was on the them from Salem, Mass., were we will have to look at the tax include regulation, protecti^ Union Sts,, one at N. School St. only fifty dollars (subsequent deposits can be less). Or, if you Schwedel' noted that Miss Ful- commission to revise the town dismissed Wednesday in Criml- stmcture this year, anyway.’’ and natural resources; state- and Union Court, conveyance ler’s background has been charter. nal Court, but a seventh man Byrnes said further changes wide functions and health, wel- tax $15.95. steeped in history. She was ReHrement Talk ^ Social Security provUlons are fare and institutions. Trade Name bom in Rockville and has lived in accepting the placque. Miss considered in the over-all Etherlngton said the governor John Mascar of Colchester, there ever since. She is now 76 Fuller commented that she did The charges were dropped welfare-Social Security-medl- will be able to implement most conducting business as John’s noT’ know’ whetoer ”o^’ not she against Robert Marshall, 30, care measure still before Ways already have an Investment Passbook Account, now is the time to years old. of the recommendations with ex- Esso at 323 CJenter St. would reUre next year. Shesaid Ca^ Parettam, 32 Md Robert and Means. ecutive orders but that some of Building Permits She graduated from Rock­ ville High School In 1916 __ hnd nsVod hpr vet Bn Gardner. 28, all of Salem, and Mills agreed that these the re c o ^ e n ^ U o M will prob- aesz^ji^l for Wiliam c m tliJ ^ ^ maybe she will just keep^work- U>«-ee other men from other changes, including higher pay- Smith, finish two reoms at 275 ^ f m ^ ^ l U g e S ^ t i ^ iV« parts of the country. menu for widows and a relaxa- e J ^ l ^ U e d ^ t “Sfe cn m ® .S n ^ m ^ d e ^ U l l a m Kellner headed the Held was James Orfield, 31, of Uon U the limit on earning re- make additional deposits. A ll funds on deposit as of April 1,1971 n o n ^ ^ commission Andrews for David w a ^ c k then in 1920, after selection committee. Larry New York, charged with rape of tirees could receive without ’I^he new c h i l l i said most Caron, cut o ^ n g b e tw e ^ lW^ th^ passage of the Women’s Klaczak, pre^dent ^ seven were ^ d L S ^ t ’ r e S ^ t o a S of me - commission------members will ine room room and den at 64 Bolton suffrage Act, Miss Fuller was was master of ceremonies and The a^ s t s of me seven were ana migni require imancmg be drawn from business because St., $260. am o i^th e first women to en- the Rev. Paul Bowman pro- made ^ ^ r the fU^ral of Je^ c h ^ e s . me aim of me study Is to deter- Cedar Investors Inc. of roll as a voter. She served nounced th/e invocation. ^^ey Groover CToffey, 22, of So far, however, the commit- (as long as they remain in your account) will be guaranteed mine how to apply modern man- Lawrence, N.Y., Gas Station at many years as a member of The 44 previous winners, some West Hartford, Conn., who was tee has been working in terms agement technique to govern- 196 Spencer St., $20,000. her party’s town committee, re- of them present at last night’s stabbed to death in a brawl wim of increasing tee tax base and , Joseph Carter, demoUsh two signing only when other acUv- affair, dating back to 1956 in a rival motorcycle gang in rate ^ y ‘n future yeara to teke ’The commission has retained garages at 195 Union St.. $60. uies prevented her full partic- the order they were named are: Cleveland last Saturday. care of such contingencies. Warren King and Associates of SalAvarista of Vernon for ipatlon. Ralph Gibson, Seymour Laritt, Chicago as consultanU for the Robert Oomollo, finish two More than 30 years ago she the late Judge Harry Lugg, Her- that 5 % rate until March 31,1976. study. This firm has worked on rooms at 131 Edgerton St., began her career as a news- m w (Mson, Don^d ^ rg e r the similar proJecU in 12 other $2,400. paperwoman, first with the lor- late Rev. David Jaxhelmer, Where states. George Dart of Coventry tor mer Rockyille Leader, then t h e ______Emerlngton said omer goals of Dart’s Dairy Inc., alterations Rockville Journal and me Jour- Legal Notice Growing Things the study are to “renew citizen and additions to 315 E. Center nal Inquirer and men to her AG A confidence in me efficiency of st., $12,000. present position wim me Hart- DECREE ON UMITATION is our ^siness OF CLAIMS executive branch operations’’ l and M Homes Inc., of Hart- ford Oourant. AT A COURT OF PROBATE. and to improve morale among ford, two houses, one at 74 S u n -______Koldcn at Bolton within and for the District of Andover, on the 15th day Deposits made after April 1,1971, will continue to earn the high state employes by strengmenlng „y Brook Dr., $21,000 one at 66 of M arch A.D. 1971. melr confidence in melr own gunny Brook Dr., $20,000. NEW! — EXCITING Present, Hon, Normapi J. Preuss. Judge. operations. On motion of The Connecticut ISPRING C ARNIVA NATURAL HEALTH Bank & Trust Co.. 1 (institution Plaza, Hartford. Ocmn.. on the Tes­ FOOD SHOPPE tate estate of David M. Caldwell HURRY IN FOR SAVINGS.. Bolton late of Bolton within said district, 5 % interest rate—though they will not be covered by the Fire Calls AT THE deceased. SALE ENDS MARCH 27TH! This Court doth decree that three SALE months be allowed and limited for Farris Wins p a r k X d e the creditors of said estate to exhibit Town firemen put' out a lire their claims against the same to the s p i l l spreads up to 8't Executor, above named and directs Bronze Medal in a mattress and' box spring at LIGGETT PHMlMAiCT that public notice be given of this MODEL B SPREADER 801 Main St. at 2:13 a.m. this order by advertising in a newspaper 5 year guarantee. having a cdrculatkm in said district. In Wrestling morning. NORMAN J. PREUSS, Judge Ronald Farris, son of Mr. - 518“ and Mrs. Ronald Farris of Ver­ Spread seeds, fertilizers, lime, etc. with no skips, streaks or burns! Model B spreads' k - non Rd., has earned a bronze curately (82-3454) medal in me 27m Annual Ma- covers 50(X) sq. ft.! son-Dixon Conference wrestling get rid of crabgrasi championships. Farris, a stu­ TURFOOD dent at Gallaudet College in AGWAY CRABGRASS Washington, D. C., won me SPECIAL 10-6-4 KILLER GRANULES So act now. Open an Investment Passbook Savings Account, medal in the 177-pound weight class. According to me Gallaudet $295so lbs. $3497>/4 lbs. newspaper, Buff and Blue, Far­ Use Terfood Special on lawns, trees and shrubs. Agway Crabgrass Killer contains Dscthal— t ris’ victory was me best show­ pre-emergent killer Which lasts ell season. A or make adeposit in an existing account, and earn 5 % interest, (Set low-cost, dependable coverage— 2 5 % nitrogen. ing me school has had since Granular. Dust-free. (86-4052) m lb. bag treats 2,000 sq. f t (85-0136) 1964, when mey were conference champs. Voters Invited ^ Democratic Town Committee lAWN compounded daily and paid quarterly. Remember, Chairman Ronald Farris Invites all 'potential federal electors, mat Is mose between me age of VALUE 18 and 21, to attend tomorrow’s PERENNIAL meeting of me town committee LIM^ “ SPOT at 8 p.m. in Community Hall. “VELVET GREEN” GREEN” RYEGRASS do it before April 1,1971, and that high 5% will be guaranteed “In view of me fact that peo­ GRASS SEED LAWN SEED ple in this age bracket will soon 99t ^ M.99 ’8.99 be involved in the choice of can­ per 80 lbs. S Ibt. 25 Ibu. didates.” Parris said, “we feel 56.79»h. Low cost grass provides rapid Counteract soil acidity with it Is appropriate to expose mem Top results for a variety of lawns-, Excellent for spot seeding. Good in cover and erosion control until Agway's quality limestone... untilMarchSl, 1976. sunny and lightly shaded areas. medium to heavy shade, moist the more desirable grasses are to the two-party system of gov­ and save! ernment at me town level.” Use 1 lb. per 750 sq. f t areas. 1 lb. covers 600 sq. ft. established. Buy now end save! Farris noted that me proposed amendment to me United States SAVE ON Constitution lowering me voting p—n age to 18 for all elections, in­ cluding local ernes, was passed SCALE-RID GREEMl^ by me Senate recently and is due to come before me House INSECTICIDE this week. § GREENLAWN LAWN (That’s what we call The Saver’s Edge at the bank that listens.) n ’"The matter could be pre­ 69 FERTIUZER sented for ratification by three only 51 fourths of me states in me very Use now for effective protection against scale $4.29 for so lb. bag near future,” he observed. '0^ as well as over-wintering eggs of mites and ”On me state level,” he add­ aphids. Apply on fruit trees, ornamental and evenly: contains 7 5 % nitrogen from urea- ed, “House Joint Resolution 42, evergreen trees and shrubs. Contains Ethion form. 10-5-5 granular formula covers 1250 and Senate Joint Resolutl(»is 3, and oil for good spread and penetration: long sq. ft. 27 and 8 have recently been in­ residual effect. . troduced, all of which seek to lower me voting age to 18. “In any event, it appears mat BUCKLAND STORE 18-year-olds will have a vote on THE COIUIMECTICUT BANK AND TRUST COMPANY local issues before Icmg,” he r«---- -T 1310 TOLLANifTNPK MANCHESTER 643-5123 concluded. I Agway] NORTH HAVEN 239-1687 ELLINGTON 875-3355 Dean’s List Student OTHER STORES CALL Diane Tedford, daughter, of The bank that listens. Mr, and Mrs, Donald Tedford MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1971 PAGE SEVENTEEN PAGE SIXTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY; MARCH 18, 1971 found the most heavily polluted BUGGS BUNNY OUR BOARDING HOUSE with- MAJOR HOOPLE Andover 'Txirtirai of the river between Columbia _____ Student TeDs the Holyoke (Mass.) dam and the northern border of Ckm- SyUVESTER, VEK NOTHIN' TM O S E A R E I P R S n R T H E TE R M burelV Annrtr to ProtioM Ponlo Ct UM-TUM' • SALVAGER"! nectlcut. Press Releases at Issue b u t a SCROUNGIN' BUM! HAK%H FOOD Veu-BB Area Artists Exhibit in School Festival Of Canoe Trip Gumham earlier presented WORC7S,SlRE! HOW AEOUT TCSTINC, PATHBB.' INCIPENTALUV, Blank Look ATURM ABOUM O T H B AAMK3B PIP X -TBLU The Andover Elementary his program for the area teach­ n WTTHTHB t h b y c o M c ip e a aa e a YtXl THAT For Ecology ers participating in Project Out- In Teacher Negotiations , WEIS«4tS. VIBTUAI- FANATIC. ON MV vwar ACROSS DOWN School begins its first Arts F ee-. \MPUNP HA o u I BTILL BUN LH^ A fuabeb u p hand the-----Tolls” c > cpurr PROM MALFBACVC^BUT IVE ABAINT SBuay asa----- 2 Genua of p.m. Connecticut Stale College stu- first and second period assem- the teachers’ negotiating com- HAB TO AVE UP Bloodmoblle ■THIS 'MOW' SHe-----the willows Under the guidance of the dent, gave two color sUde pre- bUes Mamh 26 at ming Junior „,ittee have yet to resolve a tc C N e t THE WEkSHTTP/ itreightand 3Downfall , _ Hifirh School In school visits ^ AtotaiAtotal 01 of 8688 pints was col- narrow 4 Circular plate school art teacher, Mrs. Sue sentatlons of Project Tlieta this classes after hU dispute over press releases on lected Tuesday at the Red 12 Toiletry case 5 ------Franklin Gradual, the festival has been morning for Bast CathoUc High presentaUona for further dla- the progress of the negoUaUons. Cross BloodmobUe visit at St. 13 Bitter vetch 6 Biblical name gathering momentum for a num­ School students. cussim. Board members, after discus. Columba’s Church. TUs is 13 14 Interpret 7 — Park, ber of months. 'Mrs. GraduaT, (diaL) Colorado The project, so named because ------r— slon, voted three to two in favor p!"!® over the quota. fishermen Principal Mrs. Doris Chamber- 15 Hawaiian 8 Surgical saws 27 Feminine the Greek letter was a symbol of closed sessions, after Chair- Carl Goellne, Columbia, was garlands 9 Italian painter appellation 47 Dropsy lain, and members of the school man Donald TutUe broke a Ue given a four-gallon donor pin. 49 Facts In the early culture of that 16 ------10 Awit foul----- 28 Sea eagle staff planned the arts festival Mixed Views vote. However, TutOe said he First time donors were Carol 17 Son of Seth 11 From himself 30 Solar disk 50 Enthusiastic as a cultural enrichment project country for life and death, con­ (Bib.) (lew) 31 Chest rattle ardor felt that printed information MacKay, Cynthia Demarkey, 51 Emporium for the children of the school. sisted of a 27-day ecological sur­ should be released to the press both of Andover, and Mary 18 Free----- 19 Grsited (her.) 32 Goddess of As preparations were made writer 21 Middling discoid 53 Spread for vey that Gumham and three Offered 'On after each meeting. Ma^ OdeU and Sarah MICKEY FINN BY LANK LEONARD 20 Dominion (comb, form) 35 Scourge bread and enthusiasm for the event other state college students 54 Row He said the board did feel that «>* Hebr^. I'D LIKE FOR MM M OT TO OKAY/ 22 One (Fr.) 23 Guido’s high 38 Wanderers grew, it wps decided to expand made of the Connecticut River I'M CALLIN' FRC3M A PHONE 24 Body of water notes 40 Greek letter 55 ------and the festival to include students In co m e T a x negoUatlons could be carried “idw were BOOTH, SO I AIN'T BEIN' APPEAR BEFORE THE SENATE WHAT'S HIS hearty In May and June last year. By COMMITTEE TOMORROW ADDRESS?, 25 Grapple 25 Armed ( p l .) from the Rham high school as canoe, they paddled the length out more easily If the «sri^ ^ ^ BUGGED! >OLI KNOW MY _ 29 Trap conflicts 43 Ages and ages SSMalechUd (Continued from Page One) were closed but added that the BAGMAN, SILKE LAWRENCE?^ AAORNING! M AKE IT A 33 Be sick 26 Uproar 45 Lamprey 59 Foreign agent well. The idea mushroomed so of------the river,------from Its source------near .. , .u vii I ***“ 'Vera Staniey, An- PEMMAMEMT JOB! 34 Nobleman rapidly that now the fesUval will the Canadian border to Long Is- a revenue system that is hem- b®®™ feels the puDUc is ennuea Registered nurses were 36 Heavenly include the entire community, 2 ,Ttf- ALWAYS BAP T~ r~ r~ T r “ 3“ n r ii land Sound. g^t, adequate for our needs, fair fte a fteb a party'- body I with the participation of many 3 ‘ t $ o HU h IRA, IM. TM, !■» »A 0 * 37 Flower During the four-week, 410-mUe ^ ^11 and not a nroduct of jjjey Hbblts, Mrs. Thomas O’Brien, 39 Fillip 12 13“ 14 adults from Andover and from trip each student was assianed ’ product oi buis.” all of Columbia and Mrs. Allen 41 Samuel’s IB IB 17 other towns. tte tl^ S c^rdlT torS expediency." Mm. Hazel Smith, chairman ^ Yale. Andover, teacher (Bib.) The arts festival is scheduled tlon observer, photographer, and , "'i* people believe that the negotiating committee, said Donor aides were Mrs. John 42FUedlook II li journal keeper. Now ta the’sec- fairness to all is implicit in the the Columbia Teachers’ Assoc- Cragln, Mrs. John Pringle, OUT OUR WAY BY NEG COCHRAN 44 Hebrew to nm Friday and Saturday from a^etics 1 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the school, ond irfiase of their study, the decisions made, they vriU re- strongly th^ Mrs. WllUam Bazley, Mrs. Paul 48 Caviar, for L u admission will be charged adults students are pubUclzlng what .„ect the decisions and the de- n®K®ti®t*°"® ®*‘®«}^'»® P'V'®*® Merrick, Mrs. Edward Peter- 1 PONT WANT TW MONEY V YOU TARE THIS MOJEVI I H A V E A instance s H SI and all children will be admitted they saw whenever and where- cision makers ’’ said state LWV ®**® "®*®^ m®st towns have son, all of Columbia and Mrs. FROMYOU-SISOWESME \ S N E A R IN S SL)£>PICIOM 'itXJSET/VIE 48 Hasten a~ free. ever they can. One approach is p^WeTS”th Sims “I®®®** Hopkins, Mrs. J. T. THE *N.IO FOR OPP JOBS ) UP FOR THIS, BUT I ’LL PAY YOU 49 Claim ai due the preparatiim of a 60-page ^ch **'® commissioner faimrs Hohmann and Mrs. Andrew rvE PONE, ANP I'M eau' \ , RATHER THAN CHANCE YOUR 3 0 - and lust S7 tl One of the featured guests will OVER AN' SET IT FROM HER INS OVER THERE AND MARINO 52 Indolence be Richard Welling from Hart­ pamiHUet with color photos. m h h -r n v ^ n, ci®®«d sessions as does the <3on- Gasper, all of Andover. ...OR ELSE.' 1 PON'TMINP A SCENE.'AND I'P BETTER NOT 56 Masculine 12 43 Gumham alternated his slides ' l a m nectlcut Association of Boards Canteen workers were Mrs. LETTIM' HER CHARfiE, BUT FIND OUT YOU'VE PADDED 1 ford, who will do felt pen draw­ appellation ings. Welling, a freelance art­ between scenes aint- X Armstrong’s finest! They offer an attractive Hartford Art *^*”**1"® rectlon of Dorothea Bucholz. Miss Cindy Hardin from New teweliw and sculnture S c h o o l of Art in an Saturday’s activities wUl also Britain will offer selections of the work done or I t and economical method of lowering high Sllvermine Guild of Artists begin at 1 p.m. at Mdiich time from Broadway. At 8:30 the hv ■the luluit exhlbi- ceilings and of finishing off old unsightly ceil­ STm^a*" Podium Players wlU put on an offered for sale; dr ings. And they're easy to install yourself. W E R E ON AN IMPOSSIBLE MISSONJ MrT^rison has worked with Portrait sketching whUe Mary Instant Theater show, and at ^ arranged fdr. ARE JaM ^k^ D ^ i^ for Cheney trom Rham will dem- 9 o’clock there vrill be a sing- ^ 3^^001 resembles a I V O U BrouiJ^ m ^C hester and on®tratc the process of silk along vrith Mrs. Cindy Robsmi ualeldoaoope with a different SOlNG?y many of her sketches have ag; screening on fabric, ^ s o at from Hebron. panorama uirfoldlng whichever AS LOW AS nAsr^ In Yankee magazine ^ o’clock will be a participation Refreshments will be avail- the head turns. The hall­ s ' also teaches art at the period which will feature paper able both days and many other ^^ys are filled with artwork, MR. ABERNATHY BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY A ^t Education program at bag puppets, string on board activities are planned. the classrooms are pallcttes of I Manchester High School and pictures, puzzle murals, and Adult exhibitors expected In- 3^^ from the lltUest Wn- AAR.ADS?NArHY LIKE I A LW A l« SAY—T H fflE fe MORE THAN e tfn tg NIA teaches privately in her studio, others. elude Carolyn Graham ^ dergartener to the principal VWNNTem ONEV^(l*Y^DA^AKEVOUR A40NEY W C«K FORVOU.' ARE Mrs. Carlson is a member of Starting at 2 o’clock Miss Lois dover, painting; Anne Nichol- herself, there 3s the scurrying SQ.FT. ■youGoiNe '*$1.90 a pound! You sure they don’t contain gold many art groups and her paint- Coda from Rham will do a pot- ^ Manchester, painting; about making last minute prep- f - C£LT/C—noncombu«t/b/« WITH A U . • Wl If »«V IM. T ii aa» UT a «■. in addition to mereury?" inea are found in many private tery demonstration, while the B®* Miller of Andover, paint- arations. acoM8t. 49c R^. Special RIGHT HERE,CX)P.' WAITING ANY LONBSt GET ON. GO GATHER 'ROUND/ I NON PRONOUNCE YOU. his child is requested to con­ • ; TOROWN 7M EITHER' \ WITH TT/ LT/5.H,V4J))l>t tact the school and make an ★ Brtiket —End ib $ 1 j0 9 (By the Ouink) CONESTOGA 27c 24 Vic 'ArSHced Bacon u>. 990 (^ m stron g BALTIC 24c 21V2C STEVE CANYON BY MILTON CANIFF ^ R I D M A T E * r — LARKWOOD 20c 18c 'A' Bdttom Round lb $ 1 .1 9 GEORGIAN 26c 23 Vic HEY,POTEET.'eiV^ 'A'Rologna n*. 99e LIGHTING FIXTURE US A 6REAK ON THE EQUAL FOOTAOE OF - itiy e off tho Round lb $ 1 .2 9 Sliced or Chunk OrMnalt ittsehai dimelly to HALLOWE'EN RtRTY ALL FOUR CANDIDATES'' IlCYCLEi Mapendad ealllne grid for ARMSTRONG CUSHIONTONE STORY... AFTER ALL, FOR STUDENT PRESI- •conomleal racaaaad lighting. WE'RE OWNED BY DENT...ANP I WILL Uaaa taro huoraaeant tubaa. 26c 23 Vic ' W ' ‘ '■ 7 / CLASSIC THE SAME PAAAILV CHECK TH E FOOTAGE MADRAS 28c 25c AS YOUR NEWSPAPER AND u n s e a l t h e CANS. Please Note Our Store Hours: - HAMBURG $ 1 9 0 0 • .* . ' .-.yy. r . ,/ PINEHURST 28c 25c MON., TDE8 . and WED...... 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. FRESHLY GROUND THURS. and FBI...... 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. 18-lb. SATURDAYS ...... 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. linU t SUNDAYS ...... 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. TOTE and SAVE SPECIAL LANCELOl BY COKER and PENN Armstrong Plain White 12x12 •V2" 10® ...('A6H!>..WHVCANTI e v e r 6ET A BREAK, Line T H A T ? '— Cloaed Than, till SHOP et^lVAK.' 1:30 p.m. M A N C W S r e n |(AK|TV/ 1 BY ROUSON Open Fri. Ere tai 9 _ ...ftAHl LITTLE SPORTS Slay IR and trim thii MifiMr wMi a FRIDAYS _ J jK lIV / . COLUMSIA eXERCMCn MANCHESTER |W.G.6LENHEY 649-5253 TO 8:30 P.M. PLEAGE ICE SKATES ETANF B V - SHARPENED WB HAVE ri nuc M \RKi:i CO. SAT. TO L£?ST0UR ALSO KNIVES. SCISSORS, ECT. EOUNP’i 805 MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER 3 3 6 4 P J I ^ (We BeMnre The Right To lim it QaenUUee) NOtm MAM s iu n sisss^m^ Read Herald Ads

x\' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1971 PAGE NINETEEN PAGE EIGHTEEN MANCHESTEP EVENING HERALD, MANGHfeSTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1971 Notre Dame Has Work Cut Out RSox’ Kasko Finds Infield Holes W hite Sox Old Airport In NCAA Midwest Region Play Hand Yanks Actual S^ne Kentucky Wesleyan snapped NEW YORK (AP) — have their work before them as 21-5, in the West Regional in sixth - ranked Southwestern, O f Sebring they first play 20-7 Drake Salt Lake City. Louisiana scored 44 points in Cheyney, (Pa.) State’s 13-game Ninth Loss Notre Dame has a distinc­ No. 2-ranked Marquette 27-0, tonight in Wichita, Kan. ’The leading his team to a 110-99 vic­ victory string 89-83. John Dun­ SEBRING, Fla. (AP) — It’s goes lor its 40th straight victo­ tion no other team can can hit 23 points for the Pan- NEW YORK (AP) — Missouri Valley Conference co­ ry in the Mideast Regional tory over Assumption of Wor­ a friendly town . . . em braced boast of during the 1970- -thers, winners in the tourna­ Manager Eddie Kasko has champion made the tourney by against Ohio State, 19-5, in cester, Mass., the No. 6-ranked located some holes in his by citrus groves and splotched 71 basketball season — it winning a playoff series with Athens, Ga. In the second con­ team. Lamar, a sophomore, ment three times. Churck Kirk­ with blue lakes natives swear was the nation’s top college land and LeRoy Eldrldge each defeated No. 1 UCLA. Louisville and Wichita State. test Western Kentucky, 21-5, PhUs Improvetl Despite Record Number of Injuries S£t^dJrSrng^htir!J?£ are alive with bass. The 12th - ranked Irish If the Irish, led by All-Amer­ faces Kentucky, 22-4. scorer. Mike Boylan led As­ scored 24 points for the losers. Telling fish tales is Sebring’s coached by Johnny Dee hung ica Austin Carr, make it past And in the Raleigh, N.C. East sumption with 32 points. In the finals, the hometown CLEARW ATER, Fla. — °rs were also hurt and bullpen guessers, is a piy Uke myself Jay. - r A Evansville Aces cleaned the Philadelphia’s Phillies, de- ^7>oc Edwards had to be who worked with these Wds In Bokon’s fifth straight exhlbl- r /'• • r ■' No. 1 sport ... 51 weeks a an 89-82 loss on the Bruins. It Drake, the next opponent is Regional, Pennsylvania, 27-0 ’Two other sophs, Randy 4 was a loss that pulled Coach likely to be Big Eight champion plays South Carolina, 23-4; and Coulling and Rick Nau, each bench in a 105-68 swamp of spite a rash of injuries ®®7*''®7ed. the minors. You know these tion baseball loss—this one an "4 year. John Wooden’s charges away Kansas; 28-1, riding-a 19-game Fordham, 25-2, meets Villa- scored four points in overtime Hartwick of Oneonta, N.Y. ’Ihe imnroved their standing * • • kids real well and what they g.2 one-sided affair to Hous- But, come March and Sebring team has won the tournament ton-drained tee mlld-man- from their top position just win streak, and led by its own nova, 24-6. to give Old Dominion of Nor­ Used Six Catchers is suddenly the tntematicHial briefly in The Associated Press All-America, Dave Robisch. The survivors of the games folk, Va., an 81-80 decision over four times and led by an easy m the Natioral League m e I did last year with Denny „ered Kasko of his last bit of i V " motorsports capital with daz­ poll. Ih ey completed the re­ ’The Jayhawks’ first opponent meet Saturday for regional’ Puget Sound of Tacoma, Wash. 49-34 at the half. Four Aces last year by 10 games un- J®" “ ®®rie ®nd Larry Bowa. Don paUence Wednesday, zling machines arriving to com­ maining 11 games with vic­ in the s ^ ifin a l is independent champicmshlps, writh the win­ Skip Noble hit a layup at the scored in double figfures with der fre^mM manager. Prank major league tea^^ev^team ever use^used “ ®"®y P™'’®'* ‘’“ ® "I «dn’t 8®® a ^ le encour Lucchesi (pronounced Lou was his best ixMitlon. pete under such magic names tories just Eis they had played Houston, which finished the ners moving on to the Houstcm buzzer to give the Monarchs a John Wellemeyer hl-man with six catchers in the same season. aging note all day,” he said Casey). The most overworked "There was a lot of satlsfac- disgustedly afterwimls. "They as Ferrari, Porsche and Alfa their first 14 contests. season 21-6. One of the losses Astrodome for the national regulation 73-73 tie. ’Then, 20 points. In addition to Qie aforemen­ man on the squad was the Uon managing last year, with look Uke a bunch of d e^ beato. Rom eo. It was undoubtedly Notre was to Kansas, 89-73. semifinals and final March 25 Coulling and Nau went to work. Kentucky Wesleyan plays Old tioned, utilityman Jim Hutto trainer. tee biggest pleasure the play of i think It’s time to diake teem Actual scene of tee 12 hours Dame’s high-point in the season In the other regional semi­ and 27. Steve Cox was Old Dominion’s Dominion in the opening game was also pressed into service, "I wonder if any team in of Sebring is a half-deserted old as they finished 20-7. Entering finals tonight, UCLA plays In the NCAA college division leading scorer with 23 points of the semifinals tonight follow­ AttracUve cover of the Phlte^ J®*' ®‘«^‘ ^*®'“ “ t® up a lltUe.” major league history had as airport six miles to the east. the Midwest Regional of the Brigham Young, 19-9; and Long tourney Wednesday in Evans­ while Chuck Lowery led Puget ed by the Southwestern Loui- Press Book features a shot of '^®” '1 ° '^ planned a squad meet- Auto factory teams and am­ NCAA Tournament, the Irish Beach State, 23-4, faces Pacific, ville. Ind., Dwight Lamar of Sound with 35. siana^Evansvllle contest. many guys out with Injuries as Lic^esl sku^'aThomTptote ^ him and mg for the Sox today, we did last year,” the swarthy, i^gj during opening game **® ''^®**®‘‘ ®**t his problems So far, What the Sox have bitious independents pulled in heavy-browed manager said as ceremonies at Connie Mack Sta- wound up a great season, been doing mosUy has been ex- Wednesday to set up cars for UCLA’s Wicks Second we talked on the home team dlum. made one suggestion asperating their boss. Wednes- today’s qualifying. bench at Jack Russell Stadium ■The young kids on telaclub ^him,” Luchessi said, "today, It was lUtcher Gary Be­ Far from tee pnglnes’ bluste­ ABA Delights Fans ta this home of fast-pitch soft- know UtUe Caesar ” Luccheai shorten up his grip on thebat. ters’ turn. He wasrapped for ry roar, Sebring—tee city— baU. a s^e. ”-Ih^y ^ "®«®®d ^® « ®*Kht hits and n,ns In five ta- manages to retain most of its "John Quinn (HUllle general me now, and those teat I didn’t ‘t® "t**’ ^ **t® Astros, who ran charming; low-key nature. ND’s Carr Named manager) has been In baseballhave in tee minors, I know now. ‘Ake all the credit, but he teelr spring record to 8-4. ’Ihe main downtown sign that In Rare Garden Tilt over 40 years and he can’t re- it didn’t take us long to get to startedhitting and never stop-Denis Menke cracked three "Race Week” had arrived call when one club lost so many know one another. P®**' ’ bits and Cesar Cedeno drove in again was a huge vacant lot NEW YORK (AP)—Rick Barry has been there be­ players due to Injuries as we “I never predict, but I try to * ^ “ e R^er Freed, a mu^ three runs for Houston while where tee low-flung race cars fore, knows what it takes to sell a relatively new ‘Player of Year’ did last year. Improve. Pitching is tee blggeet ®“>Ar outfielder purchMed Wade Blastagame allowed just get their inspecticxis before league like the American Basketball Association. "W e even set a record for los- question mark with our club, t*’®™ Baltimore for tewe play- one run and three hits In five being carted out to tee track "You can have a good game ilur the most catchers in one Hie key is Chris Short. We have ca^, is the spot innings. for qualifying. Visiting racing Pittsburgh kept one-half leng^i TEETOTALERS — Esther NEW YORK (AP) — Austin Carr of Notre Dame, in the Garden and it’s better Inning, two. Regular 'nmmy no stopper and we have one or the P h ^ comp.‘He sag- While p r o b l ^ s fans and curious—if oft dump- it) front of the Floridians in the Madore 176, Ann M arie whose shooting handed national champion UCLA its than having a great game in a McCarver and No 2 receiver two guys who can win consis- gresslve with tee bat and be 11 mounted, Los Angeles and Cta- founded—locads hang around East in their battle for fourth Gamache 180-475, Marge Kahn only defeat of the regular season, was named today as place like North Carolina,’’ he Mlke Ryan each suffered broken tenUy for you. Short should be start ta ri^tfleld o p ^ c ^ U c^ttaue to get encour- and watch. place, the last playoff spot. 169-190—543, Rose Lumbruno said. the College Basketball Player of the Year for 1971 by hLds ^thln five minutes of «ie ®ne of those guys. Our relief day,” the sklK>®r said. Freed aging performances from two By Saturday, a crowd of Melchionhi’s shot from the 210-468, Kathleen McCarthy 205- more than 60,000 Is expected to (AP photo) Well, the ABA had its cake The Associated Press m ^ S u w of pitching is tee best ta tee was tee most valuable player unheralded rookies, and ate it, too, Wednesday comer was the last of his 32 463, Dot Hills 472, Betty Lou Carr, a 6-foot-3 senior from Carr, who sUll has a chance another, me most enppung oi ^le IntemattMial League Bob Darwin’s eighth tantag jam tee race area amid the SUSPENDED— New York Mets’ Ollie Tavlor goes high for layup against the season-long injuries,” night in its second appearance points and capped a great day Jackson 477, Fran Lauria 480, Washington, D.C. won by a of beating out Johnny Neuifiann “We’ve got to improve be- iaat year with 24 homers, a.334 double—the fourth hit ta tee ta- dust, fried chicken tents and Kentucky Colonels last night at Madison Square Garden. Pursuing Taylor are and night for the ABA, vidilch Judy Sartor 450, Jan Bjorkman added, M cC arver m issed 110 this season in Madison Square landslide over Sidney Wicks of of Mississippi as the season’s cause we have a sounderclub, average and 130 RBI’s. ntag by LA-—drove ta tee Dod- parked cars. earlier introduced to the New 45®, loU Lowe 457. g a m e s ., Colonels’ Lou Dampier, Mike Pratt, Dan isseu, 44. Between is Nets’ Bill Paultz. Garden, bastion of the rival top-ranked UCLA Bruins in the That new ball park, too. Is What relationship does Laic- K®™’ winning run ta a 6-4 deci- Viewing at Sebring is usually York press top draft pick Artis ______top collegiate scorer, polled 296 Lucchesl Is a newsman’s best (A P photo) New York Knicks and the Na­ voting by 453 sports writers and votes to 83 for Wicks for Player bound to help.” chesi have with his players? slon over Washlrgton. Darwin, relegated to a stretch of a few Gilmore of Jacksonville, who friend on this annual spring KEEP ALERT FOY—^Dodgers’ Bill Sudakis slides hard into third base, as tional Basketball Association. BEC — Chet Nowlckl 352. broadcasters. ’The new Veteran Stadium will “'ilie best,” he answered. ® former pitcher who has hundred yards with fans per­ signed ’Tuesday with Kentucky. of the Year. Senators’ Joy Foy looks down and barely misses being hit by whizzing ball. ’They came away with the hop­ ’The voting was done in a sep­ baseballoaseuo.. beat. He’s honest and ®eat 66,371 for baseball, which "There’s no generaUon gap. I switched to tee outfield this king up every so m any seccMids Melchionni scored the Nets’ Far behlng in third place was ed-for results — two exciting SPICE Vivian Sheldon 126. arate category along with the sincere. Interesting and doesn t biggest ta the have an open door and the guys season, increased his spring to see the leaders bolt past. _ , last eight points in the final Neumann with 21 followed by games, a little more reCognl- . , . j balloting for the 1971 All-Ameri- Dean Meminger of Marquette pull any pimehes. A spade s a League. For football, know it. I want my players to batting average to .638 with the Promoter Alec Ullmann is Jacksonville Open “ ___, ____ “ four minutes as the lead winding up his contract with tion and a few more fans. HIGH-LOW — Barbara Mg- can announced Wednesday, with 18 and Jim McDaniels of spade Md Its ^ways a pleas- seating capacity Increases have peace of mind. game-winning hit. changed five times and the tet Sebring firemen, who hold Barry, the glamor boy of ley 196-466, Carol Craft 162-496, Some of the 479 wdio voted for Western Kentucky with eight, ure to be around the little guy gs^ooo. “Opening day, we ore all Osbum, who had never Aspin Proposes to Congress score was tied twice. Before ^^lene' Schumacher tee lease,on the airport proper­ the league, certainly did his 178-478, who worked 19 years as a min- pausing to wipe the sweat even. You’ve got to think op- Pitched an inning o f profes- that Barry was Uie man, pull- , 4«fi the All-American skipped nam- j^^ls Gilmore of Jacksonville ty. He says he may not be able part, scoring 45 points and then ins^ jng- the Nets Nets back back from from a a 52-39 52-39 Bassett 456. Ing a player of the year. Roche of South Caro- or league manager for a shot from his brow, Lucchesl said, timlstlcally. We’U be going slonal baseball before this ta the majors. He never reached "Last year was a sure interest- north knowing that we have ®P’’tng, blanked Detroit for five to reach a new agreement espe­ feeding off to Bill Melchionni deficit to within 66-62 at the ------^______Una tied at five. Fred Brown of Tuneup for Masters the big time as a player. ing one. holes to flU. I hope that we can lnnin«» OncinnaU downed cially since tee track may have for a 20-foot jump shot with then putting them ahead Iowa had four and Ken Durrett "Would you believe that last "Things got so bad at one fiu mem and give Philadelphia tbe Tigers 6-1. Osbum now has To Ban Closed Cirenit TV to be mostly rebuilt for safety JACKSONVILLE, Fla. He is quietly honing his game played havoc vrith the shots in *®“ *?® “ “ rd quarter. Darel of LaSalle three. ’Ked for lOth, Sept. 2 we were just 6% games stage last year teat I had only a winner,” he added. allowed just one earned run In WASHINGTON (AP)— major sports events from prepared remarks. sake. in competition. the pro-am. Only a handful of ^®'^ ^ Carrier led Kentucky with 24 Green Manor Racks Cues, Aspin said he plans to (AP)—It’s tuneup time with two each. Were Dave Rob­ out of first place ta the Nation- three bodies, other than Lucchesl well knows that a t* Innings. „ . .. . , __J elneoH circiiil lA>1ovinir)n Aspln said he plans to ta- Rumor says tee Sebring race None of this big three has pros bettered the par 72. But ry over the’ Kentucky Colonels, points, PointinS( to what he called "gimpiy put this bill wwld troduce a bill next week to pre- might soon become the 12 hours for the Masters, which isch of Kansas, Cliff Meely of al League’s Eastern Division pitchers, all ailing, sitting on winning season will mean a Catcher Bill Plummer drove won at Jacksonville although the forecast was for calmer ™® “Pener of Uie doi^hea- Calvin, the smallest man on Colorado and Charlie Davis of exorbitant profits from ^eep profcMlonal sports m v®"! future showing of Cham - of Atlanta. brought one of the strong­ they’ve played here frequently, weather the rest of the week. ! “®r almost as good--al- the court at six feet, was the Schiebel’s Blast Marines despite all the guys we lost?,” the bench. One guy couldn’t new contract A losing year three runs with a double and Wake Forest. he asked. hit, one couldn’t run and one and he could be back ta the ml- ^ single *®r the Reds. the Ali-Frazier title fight, America open to ^ sports P“>*^P ^ “Shte, superbowls, ------est fields of the winter One of the past winners, right Curtis Rowe of UCLA Jim Only Deron J(tanson, the couldn’t throw. As I went down „ors eating__ hamburgs_ and _ hot Minnesota absorbed a 10-1 de­ Rep. Les Aspin proposed fans, not just a select few,” tee ®®*^®® K®™®® °t*»w at home on the 6.943-yard Hid- cept George Archer are among Floridians came Re brought the Floridians center B U U ^ '^ w fs in to te ^ remaining. A quick golf tour to the Greater Chones of Marquette, Dennis club’s top home run producer the dugout line I said to my den Hills course he represents the 147 starters including *r°m ^ "d to upset the Utah back from a 13-2 deficit to a 61- , w.^’t ^*‘® *^ard®" at the “»y- d ^ Lid toveitaL'ta run-doi

Ai3dvs ouDiw irnd THURSDAY, M AR6H 18, 1971 PAGE TWENTY-TWO litituriifBtrr Ewttittg IfmUii Average Daily Net Press Run For The Week Boded The Weather Connecticut,” a publication of Ninety per celit chance of Little Theatre of Manchester March IS, 1971 Odegard Adds the Governor’s Committee on rain-snow tonight; low near 30. will have open casting for its A bout Tow n Environmental Policy, which Tomorrow mostly cloudy, windy production of “ A 'Thousand State Tracts recommends environmental leg­ iKanrIfPHtTr lEuTmng BrraUi with precipitation ending; high Tile board of CSirlsUan educa­ Clowns" tonight at 8 at its 1 5 ,9 0 1 islation to be acted upon by near 40. tion a t the Community Baptist Mudio, 22 Oak St. The try-outs To Libraries the current General Assembly. Manchester— A City o f Vittage Charm Church will meet tonight at 7:30 are open to all area residents. "The State of Connecticut in Fellowship Hall. A second casting will be held state Sen. David Odegard of Budget Report, 1971-72,” the Monday at 8 p.m. for those un­ Manchester said yesterday that proposed taxation and spend­ V O L : L X X X X , n o . 143 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1971 (OlaMlfled Advertizing on Page 21) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS The board of deacons of the able to attend tonight. he has arranged to have six ing policy developed by Gov. Community Bt^>tist Church will special state publications avail­ Thomas Mesklll. able at libraries in the four meet tonight at 7:30 in Fellow­ Mrs. Inez Mahoney, Ameri­ . "The Legislative Index by (W T A m r B / B 9f_ T t m towns of the 4th Senatorial Dis­ ship Hall. canism chairman and patriotic Subject Matter,” a document instructor for the VFW Auxil­ trict - Manchester, Glastonbury, which lists by subject matter More and more people About 3,000 iary, last night presented an k^arlborough and East Hamp­ S S T W in s The chapel choir of Ehnanuel all of the bills introduced in the American flag to Cub Scout ton. current General Assembly. are reading the Lutheran Church will rehearse Pack 367 in ceremonies at Mar­ In Manchester, they will be American, Israeli “The Directory of Higher Edu­ tonight at 7:30 in Luther Hall. Viet Troops tin School. She also distributed available at Mary Cheney Li­ cation,” an up-to-date com­ P an el V ote flag etiquette booklets to the 38 brary on Main St. pilation of all agencies and HERALD CLASSIFIED ADS The Hartford Engineers Club cubs attending the meeting. The six publicans are: boards concerned with higher , . . . so if you want to get Leave Laos In Senate will meet tonight at 6:30 at “ Vocational Information in education in Connecticut. your piece of the action Home's Motor Lodge Restaur­ Chapman Court, Order of Connecticut,” a publication of “Financial Aids for Con­ SAIGON (AP) — The South WASHINGTON (AP) — The Understanding Seen ant, 1324 Silas Deane Highway, Amaranth, will meet tomorrow the State Department of Edu­ necticut Students,” a book that Vietnamese Command an­ Senate Appropriations Commit­ Wethersfield. Peter Stem, vice at 7:4S p.m. at the Masonic cation, which outlines many of contains information on many nounced today that It haa with­ tee voted 17 to 5 today to restore president. Regional and E5n- Temple. Refreshments will be the vocational opportunities possible sources of financial as­ Coll 643-2711 drawn between 2,000 and 3,000 full fimding for a federally sub­ vlronment Planning at North­ served. Officers will wear color available to young people in sistance, which are available to of Ite troops from Laos in the sidized sfipersonic transport east Utilities Service Co., will gowns. Connecticut. Connecticut youtli planning to past two days, leaving about plane. speak on: “The Corporations “ An Environmental Policy for attend college. 18,000 over the border. The committee vote which At Talks in Capital Expanding Public Responsibility T h e Senior Citizens notxi Evidence mounted that the was counter to Thursday’s vote in the Environmental Field.” luncheon tomorrow has been Saigon government is beginning In the House eliminating SST canceled as repairs are being to close out its campaign in spending was denounced by Sen. WASHINGTON (AP)— >7iel in private talks and public glc territorial positions captured The trustees of Second Con­ made to the Senior Citizens Laos after nearly six weeks. William Proxmlre, D-Wls., who Israeli Foreign Ministe l statements to g;lve up its plan to from Egypt and other Arab gregational Church will meet Center. "Some South Vietnamese said he will campaign to make Abba Eban said followintr «*»’ateglc points of territory states in 1967 units which were heavily en­ tonight at 7:30 at the church. sure the full Senate goes along ADOa ^Dan saia lOllOWVlg captured from Egypt in 19OT and Rogers,------rejecting this Israeli gaged by the enemy were pulled Past Chiefs Club of Memorial with the House view. a^ mating with Secretary base its security instead on in- policy, has been calling publicly bock to South Vietnam. There Temple, Pythian Sisters, will But two committee members. 01 state Rogers Fnday tematlonal guarantees' and a and privately for Israel to base Jehovah’s Witnesses will have have been no replacements,” meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the Sen. Hiram Fong, R-Hawali, that the American and Is- u.N. peacekeeping force, Its security on Intematicmal group discussions ot a Bible aid Lt. Col. Tran Van An told news­ home of Mrs. Samuel Schora, and Gale McGee, D-Wyo., raeli governments now Premier Golda Melr has re- guarantees and a United Na­ tonight at 7:30 at 18 Chambers men at the i^ g o n command’s 51 Green Rd. changed positions from last have “a better understand- u.s. position. Eban tions peace-keeping force, in­ St., 720 N. Main St., 281 Wood- dally briefing. year voting for the SST appro­ declined to be drawn into a dis­ cluding Americein troops. bridge St., 144 Griffin Rd in Some c t Saigon’s troops at the int^’ of their differing po­ King David Lodge of Odd priation. cussion of the sharp differences Sen. Hugh Scott, R-Pa., said South Windsor, and French Rd., Ham Nghi forward headquar­ sitions on Middle East which have existed and evident­ Fellows will meet tomorrow at Sen. Margaret Case Smith, Eban appealed for arrange­ Bolton. ters were reported packing to R-Malne, also changed position peace terms. ly continue to exist between 7:30 p.m. at Odd Fellows Hall. Leaving the State Depart­ ments under which Israel can return to rear headquarters. to vote for SST spending but Washington and Jerusalem. More than 100 empty trucks ment, Eban stopped short how­ negotiate freely and without out­ center CongregatlMial CSmrch Miss Gall Pfenning, daughter told newsmen this does not nec­ Eban went into Rogers’ office Couple Wed 25 Years were assembled at Ham Nghi, ever, of saying that any of the side pressure for a settlement council will meet tonight at 7:30 of Mr. smd Mrs. Theodore Pfen­ essarily indicate what position at the State Department at 11 that would insure her secure . in the Federation Room of the and the troops were loading she will take when the appropri­ differences had been resolved a.m. EST after meeting with a ning of 19 Academy St., has tional Church. Mr. Thomas is borders. Mr. and Mrs. Rodolphe H. them with desks, beds and other and he bluntly objected to Is­ group of Senators, evidently to church. been named to the dean’s list employed as a weaver at ation comes to a vote on the ‘I would characterize it as a Thomas of 18 Lilac St. hold supplies and furnishings. Senate floor. rael’s making any concesslans argue for Israel’s announced de­ at Chamberlayne Junior Col­ Cheney Brothers and Mrs. their wedding picture on their Some bunkers were emptied. In order to get into detailed ne­ termination to hold on to strate- (See Page Eight) lege, Boston , where she is a 25th wedding anniversary. The Ihom as is employed at the Con- Earlier today Senate Demo­ gotiations with iEgypt on a Tents also were dismantled. cratic Leader Mike Mansfield 9 senior. couple had a surprise party re­ necUcut Bank and Trust Co., Brig. Gon. Fham Van Phu, peace settlement. said that if the Senate agrees cently at the home' of their Main St. Office. They have commander of the South Viet­ At the same time he called for Mountain Laurel Chapter of with the House and refuses "Jewish daughter, Dianna, and son-in- another daughter, Pamala, at n a m ^ 1st Infantry Division, such negotiations. Sweet Adelines will rehearse to­ law, Mr. and Mrs. John A. home. more money for Uje SST “ that ” We now suggest detailed and Egyptian Antiaircraft Guns Ddicitesseii & ftestwrMl and his entire 1st Regiment— ought to be the end of It.” night at 8 at the Russlan- Luntta of 170 Oak St. (Herald photo by Bucelviclus) concrete discussions on all the AtT about 1,500 men—had been pull­ Amerlcan National Center, 213 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ruff of And Republican Leader Hugh questions raised in the two pa­ ed out of Laos after being cut Scott said the White House Fire on Two Israeli Jets Wethersfield Ave., Hartford. Cooper St., who were the honor up and demoralized by weeks pers which have been presented attendents at the wedding, and would have to “take a brand to Ambassador Jarring by PASSPORT PHOTOS of heavy North Vietnamese at­ new look” at the whole Issue. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS through March 24, to give U.S. . • fnH tiM af Full Gospel Christian Fellow­ Clifford L. Sullivan of 73 Horttm Egypt and Israel,” Eban said. Ovw WaftaJ SaaSwialias IDENTIFICATION tacks. Ronald L. Ziegler, White Egyptian antiaircraft guns diplomatic efforts another Pkklat - D alklaai Saladf ship, Interdenomlnatlmial, will Rd., who was in the wedding “ We do not agree,” Eban add. opened fire on Israeli planes to­ chance to bring about “ tangible w m Phu acknowledged to news­ House press secretary, ex­ Nr* Y*fk Styl* DanarH • CI * C a k tt have a Bible study and open dis­ party, were among the 20 SALEM NASSIFF , ed flatly “ that in order to pur- M «I Start t« l HOT Canitd Mat men at Hem Nghi that nearly pressed again Oie Nixon admin­ day for the first time since the progress toward a peaceful solu­ cussion tonight at 7 :30 at Orange guests. Canwra Shop '& Sh n Ro sue this discussion we should Middle East cease-fire began tion.” HOf Partraail Hdf Kaisim 300 men of the regiment had istration’s hope the Senate ~^INDIKS a CatatiagTrirtUay Caktt The couple were married in 629 M ain St., M an ch ester accept the UAR (Upited Arab iget August, the official Middle In Jenisalem, Deputy Pre­ Hall. been killed or wounded in five would restore funds to continue Opaa Saa. - Tkart. TU11 A.M. 1946 by the Rev. dlfford O. CARPET AND Republic) viewpoint . . . nor gast News Agency reported in mier Ylgal Alton indicated no Fri. a Sat. TUI 2 A.M. 643-7369 dajrs of fighting this week the construction of two SST pro­ Simpson at Center Congrega­ "Cajay at H airs'' ar taka aa« anytklaa aa The junior and senior con- around Fire Base Lolo and totypes. does the UAR have to accept Cairo in Tel Aviv, Uie IsraU softening in Israel’s position. a a r aaa p ‘”Ihere is no subsUtute for a firmatlim classes of Emanuel Landing Zone Brown, on a Ziegler said the administra­ Soldiers sruard the building where the Galley jury deliberates. (AP Photo) MlUtary command refused to STOHRS 429-6429 . Lutheran Church will meet to­ FLOOR COVERING Rogers has been pressing Is- comment. peace treaty and secure borders MaaaiHaM IfcapalaR Caatar^ VIlRO ridgeline south of Highway 9 in tion hopes the Senate, in its de­ which we will be able to defend (lUa. 44A - Htat Hta. ITS H o t Ta A A F)| night at 6:30 in the Parish EMPirs Laos. Vietnamese sources in bate, will recognize that there The two Israeli planes—identl- by ourselves,” he told a meeting Building. Saigon said another 200 troops are many thous^lnds of jobs in­ tied as Phantom jets—apparent­ ly were not hit. The agency said Labor party, 308 MAIN STREBT^ MANCHESTER 643-6662 are unaccounted for. volved in the development cf the PLAZA DEPT. STORE The .general said his troops prototypes. Repetition of Testimony Deeried N early 6 0 0 toe two aircraft intruded over Such borders, he said, were had completed three {biases of He also said no decision will Egyptian positions at Port Fuad vital to ward off " a lightning, 482348482323535323484823232323(We Have A Notion To Please) the cwnpalgn, including a be made on the production of at toe northern end of the Suez decisive war against us.” E. MIDDLE TPKE. (Next to Pt^iiilar Mkt.) 2,000-man sweep of Highway the SST until all the research K illed In Canal. The Beirut newspaper’s corre- = WEEKEND CASH & CARRY SPECIAL I ' 914, one of the key arteries of data is gathered on how the By, Attorney Defending Calliey The cease-fire expired on spondent in Cairo said toe only OPEN WED., THUltS., FBI. till 9 TO WALL the Ho Chi Mlnh trail. It runs transport would affect the envi­ March 7. acceptable interpretation in toe southeast of Sepone back to­ ronment. FT. BENNING, Ga. (AP) — A screen and projector re­ the Idllings occurred . . . in tot A valanche The Egyptian announcement is Egyptian capital of Sadat’s ward the South .Vietnamese bor­ ” Our hope is that the Senate Lt. William Galley’s lawyer placed the map of My Lai that vicinity of the north-south trail coincident with a report in a message to Nixon was this; I anemones doz.$1.69 1 LADIES’ PANTIES der. will recognize these facts and says there Is far too much re­ was almost a permanent fixture intersection, but instead con­ LIMA, Peru (AP) — An ava­ Beirut newspaper that Egypt “Unless Egypt feels there has Vietnamese field officers said restore the funds,” Ziegler said. hashing of testimony for the My in the trial, already the longest clude that they occurred else­ lanche of mud and rocks has indicated to toe United been a real thaw in the crisis by States toat it will start shooting March 24, toe Egyptian army Elastic Leg— Band Leg — and Bikini last week that the major portion Should the Senate refuse to re- Lai murder trial jury, which be­ court-martial in history. where in the village, Lt. Galley touched ott by an earthquake _ , ___ — ______PAUL BUEHNER gan its third day of delibera­ It was apparent from the mul­ cannot be found guilty of speclf- thundered down on an isolated again aly suspendhi Accounting Office (GAO) study half hours 'Thursday looking at along .the south edge of the vil­ jurors were trying to orient crews toat reached toe camp to- ders but Matter r e t r ie d toat ^ dellverieB to Israel or produced. These were initial­ discloses that cost overruns on slides and listening to a reading lage. themselves better. Satat 8 letter declared a 17-day ly advertised to cost $83.6 bil­ Choice of patterns and color in seidp- 01 weapons systems have of testimony delivered four Galley contends he was never “ It looks like a Kansas farm (See Page Eight) “period of grace’* March 8 (See Page E lg lit) lion by June 30, 1970. The ser­ months ago. near that crossing, and the few scene,” Latimer said of one tured, tweeds, plush. reached $33.4 billion, an aver­ vices estimated the systems The jury was back at the witnesses who testified to the in­ slide. age of $300 million apiece. would cost $117 billion. No more courthouse at 8:25 this morning cident disagreed where it oc­ The pictures showed a lush, The report blames this state current estimate of cost in­ after winding up Thursday’s 13- curred In the hamlet, no longer weed-gprown cluster of trees that of affairs on, among other creases is provided nor is there hour day at 8:55 p.m. than four football fields. once shaded toe bamboo huts of Gorillas, Bare Toes things, “deliberate underesti­ any meeisure of the yearly in­ There was more repeating of In his instructions to the jury. My Lai. There was little evi­ mating.’’ AddlUonal factors cit­ crease. ed are “unanUcipated develop­ testimony in store for the jury Judge Reid Kennedy said: dence of toe village that ceased The biggest overrun, $3 bil­ ment difficulties, faulty plan­ in the afternoon. They deliberat­ “If you are not satisfied be­ to exist after the search-and-de- lion is attributed to the Navy’s stroy sweep of Galley’s First ning, poor management, bad ed four hours in the morning. yond a reasonable doubt that Toll Collectors Encounter Mark 48 torpedo. Next comes Plato L. EDGERLY poplin golf jacket. Water COMPLRE WITH CHICKIRS creases have Induced their previous day. The 84-page study Is entitled Panther headquarters the night Associated Press Writer repellant, no-iron. Sizes 8 sponsors to trim them, back. Seale, 34, and Mrs. Huggins, (See Page EigM) to 18. “Acquisition of Major Weapon Thus the C-5A, reduced from before he was shot to death WEST HAVEMf (A P )—When Systems” and is due to be re­ nearly two years ago. 23, each face two capital toll coUeotors stick out their Jeans: Flare leg style. .95 leased publicly later today. An (See Page Fbur) T e ^ y in g at the kidnap-mur- charges in toe death of Alex hEUids for the toll, they’re never 100% cotton denim, der trial of Black Panther Chair­ Rackley, another party mem­ quite wire what will greet them: button r.y. Reg. and COMPLETELY INSTALLED man Bobby G. Seale and Ericka ber — kidnapping resulting in slims, 8 to 18. a bare foot, a gorilla or even Huggins, l^ rg a re t Hudgins said death and aiding and abetting Living Costs heated coins. she was in the kitchen of the murder—plus con^lracy to kid­ “I remember one guy who Investigators Try to Learn apartment serving as Panther nap and con^iracy to murder, Rate Called drove up and lutd some one in headquarters when Rackley was kb's. Huggins is also charged toe back seat stick his bare foot led out May 20, 1969. with biiuling with criminal in­ out with toe coin between his ArmtliMg OMgUNii tent. How Freight Cars Vanished "Warren (Kimbro) and George ^Good News’ toes,” sEiid a collector on toe Mrs. Hudgins was allowed to Sams were walking behind him <3wmectlcut Turn{dke. plead guilty to aggravated as­ LA SALLE, 111. (AP) — Gov­ said the cars supposedly were and they both had guns,” Mrs. WASHINGTON (A P ) — The “ One time 1 saw this long SHINYL VINYL sault upon Rackley and her Children’s ernment investigators sifted the the property of a mystery com ­ Hudgins said, adding that Rack- government reported today hairy Eirm come out of toe wind­ sentence was reduced to time records of a tiny IlUnols rail­ pany which painted on new ley’s hands were tied. Earlier, what toe White House cEdled ow holding a quarter. I thought she had already spent in pris—MATESIAL ana Sams maintains that he was one per cent. drivers putting toe coins in their M ATCH IN G ^ take.” wire law. He said 27 cars with neys—who contended that the acting under orders from Seale. "This Is good news,’’ Scre- mouths or heating them with a U.S. Atty. Louis C. Bechtle Penn Central markings painted Fifth Amendment includes a BRAIDS PREPARATION EXTRA Mrs. Hudgins, a surprise wit­ tery of Labor Jfimes D. Hodg­ cigarette lighter before handing Philadelphia reported Thursday over had been found in La­ right not to “give testimony ness when she was called Thurs­ son said Ed: toe White House, them to toe collectmrs. Boys’ Oxfords: Leather upper, molded soles that 2T7 Penn Central Railroad Salle’s yards. against others’’—^Mulvey gave ‘"nils Is encouraging news,” for long wear. Black or brown 8^4 to 3. day as toe prosecution’s first Besides being the butt of cairs vanished since early 1970 The Federal Task Force on Mrs. Hudgins immunity. White House press secreteiy some drivers sense of humor, after being diverted onto the La witness in toe Seale-Hugglns She t(dd toe jury of seven (^rlz’ Step-in: Crinkle patent uppers with DISCONTINUED REMNANT Organized Crime has joined the Rmiald L. Ziegler said. toe collectors ore often regard­ Salle tracks. He said the cars case, once faced capital charges whites and five blacks that on simped little heel, large buckle. Black or investigation and a railroad in toe same case wd was a “ We still think we’ve got toe (AP photo) ed as latter-day versions of wUd white, to 3. apparently were stolen in source said, ’’There is more May 18, 1969—three days before economy headed In toe right di­ 9)4 defense witness at toe McLucas Tbll-taker Thomas Leary checks a truck throufi(h west beuidite. s^tching operations. there than meets the eye.” Rackley was shot to death— rection.” Hodgson said, predict­ CARPET SAMPLES trial. West Haven tolls of the Ckinnecticut Turnpike. He ”I get drivers aU toe time CARPET RUNNERS ” I really don’t know what Richard Spriggs of the task entered the apartment serving Attorneys for Seale and Mrs. ing further improvements later most dreads the hot summer days when tnicks who call me a robber,” and SALE THURS. happened,” said Cinotto. ”I force refused to speculate on the as the Panthers’ local head­ in toe year. r u n n in g Huggins objected to questions come through with loads of not-so-fragrant hogs complEiln “about the frequency thru SAT. 2 0 ^ EACH 91 C A really can’t say any more.” possible implication of organ- quarters and found Rackley ar- The two-month incrcEise of l • ^ U YARD Office employes at the little posed Friday tp Mrs. Hudgins, and chickens. When that happens, he says, ‘You of the toU^’’ said a cofiector Manchester, 1145 Tolland Tpke. Open tola Every Night rail line in north-central Illinois (See Page Eight) but Judge Harold M. Mulvey of (See Page Eight) (See Page Four) try awful hard not to breathe too much.’ (See Page Twelve)