The , labrax Pallas, 1814 (Pisces: ) in Romanian Waters

1 1 1 1 * Călin LAȚIU , Daniel COCAN2,3 , Paul UIUIU , Andrada IHUȚ1 , 1 Sabin-Alexandru1 University of Agricultural NICULA Sciences, Radu CONSTANTINESCU and Veterinary Medicine, Vioara Cluj-Napoca, MIREȘAN , , Mănăştur Street 3-5, 400372, Faculty of Science and Biotechnologies, Department I Fundamental Sciences (Romania) 2 Centre for Research on Settlements and Urbanism, Faculty of Geography, “Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj- Napoca, 5-7 Clinicilor St., RO-400006, (Romania) 3 National Institute for Economic Research “Costin C. Kiriţescu”, Romanian Academy, , Casa Academiei Române, 13 Septembrie St., no. 13, RO-05071 (Romania) *corresponding author: vioara.mireș[email protected]

Bulletin UASVM Animal Science and Biotechnologies 77(2)/2020 ISSN-L 1843-5262; Print ISSN 1843-5262; Electronic ISSN 1843-536X DOI:10.15835/buasvmcn-asb: 2020.0017

Abstract Salmo labrax

The review assembles chronological data on Black ( ) from Romanian waters and brings up-to-date information related to the distribution of the . The information used dates from 1909 to 2020 and includes books, articles, digital databases, field observations, and notes from different research fields such as ichthyology, biogeography, genetics, aquaculture, conservation,Salmo labrax and ecology. Global distribution, migration, meristic characters, and aquaculture of the species were analyzed based on the recorded data from the specialty literature. New information related to a possible population of inside the Carpathian Arch was discussed. In Romanian waters the species is found in the Black Sea, , but the current paper proposes a new hypothesis, namely that resident populations can be found in rivers and lakes adjacent to the Carpathian Arch. The highest migration point of the Black Sea trout in the Danube was recorded near locality, County, (43°46′25″N- 24°30′12″E). In the Danube Delta, it was caught in all the three branches (Sulina, Sf. Gheorghe and Chilia), and lagoonary complexes such as Razim-Sinoe. Sexually matured females were caught especially in Spring Season while unmatured specimens were caught in all seasons. Even if the species is protected under Romanian legislation,Keywords: fishermen Salmonidae, and anglers should report its presenceSalmo when caught accidentally.

ichthyology, rare species, , Black Sea.


Fishes from the Salmonidae have economic Coregoninae,Worldwide, Salmoninae species whichThymallinae belong to the (food source),et al., environmental (diversity, aquatic Salmonidae familyProsopium, are grouped , in three Salvethymus, subfamilies ecosystem health) and social (angling) importance Btachymystax,( Parahucho, ,, and Salmo, ,), and (Davidson 2010). In RomaniaHucho hucho are present all ,eleven genera: , the generaSalmo assigned trutta to with the followingSalmo labraxspecies: Danube salmonSalvelinus ( fontinalis); brown (Eschmeyer’s trout ( Salvelinus alpinus), Black Sea ( Catalogue of , 2020). The last six genera are ), ( ), arctic also found in Europe (Kottelat & Freyhof, 2007). charr ( ), European whitefish 10 and al.

LAȚIU Oncorhynchus mykiss ( ), EuropeanThymallus (thymallus ichthyofauna monitoring from Someșul Cald River ), ( ) and Beliș-FântâneleSalmo Reservoir (N 46° 38.825’- E and European grayling ( ) 022° 51.842’, Cluj County, Romania)Salmo were labrax also (Bănărescu, 1964; Cocan & Mireșan, 2018). added, where sp. specimens were found. The distribution and of salmonids We strongly believe they belong to in Europe and in Romanianet al., waters is unclear species. The specimens were captured using and requires increased attention (Kottelat and single-pass electrofishing techniques (using Freyhof, 2007; Ihuț 2014). One of theSalmo less SAMUS 725G apparatus, powered by 12V and labraxfrequent and studiedet salmonid al. fish species is the 24A rechargeable battery)et al., and fly fishing (using or the Black Sea trout ( artificial nymphs), from July 2018 to August 2019 ) (Muhareem , 2011). The species was (Copp,Results 1989; andEllender discussion 2011). first described bySalmo Peter trutta Simon Pallas in 1831. SalmoSince then,trutta the labrax Black Sea trout was considered a of (subspecies name: The presence of the species in the Black Sea and Salmo trutta) by Berg, (1948);et Bănărescu,al rivers that flow into the Black Sea was mentioned (1964); Svetovidov (1984); Lelek, (1987), by many authors (Bușniță & Alexandrescu, 1963; synonymet al to by Kalayci ., (2018) Bănărescu, 1964; Bănărescu, 2005), but data isand Salmo as a stand-alonelabrax species by Kottelat, (1997); regarding the migration and spawning period and Turan ., (2014). The valid name of the species biology of this species is deficient (Oțel, 2007). et al Pallas 1814. The Black Sea trout The Global presence distribution of the species of the could Black not Sea be trout found population is decreasing according to Bănăduc whenSalmo studying labrax the existing literature. ., (2016). It is an anadromous species and its presence is threatenedet al., by damming and ecosystem stress caused by landscapeSalmo degradation species The species is distributed along the coasts and conversion (Kalayci 2018). Genetic of the Black and Azov Seas, and also in the studies show differences among et al rivers emptying into the seas (Bănărescu, 1964; from the Black Sea and Danube lineage, AdriaticSalmo Oțel, 2007). In general, it is referred to as an truttaSea, and vs. Altlantic Salmo labraxlineages (Pustovrh ., 2014). anadromousSalmo species, labrax but there are also isolated Interspecific hybridization is possible ( potamodromous populations. According to IUCN ) and studieset al., show that Redlist, is extant (resident) in Turkey, purebred specimens preserve coloration patterns Georgia, Russia, Ukraine, Moldavia, Belarus, similar to their parents (Kalayci 2018). The Romania, , Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia, aim of this paper was to assemble the existing Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech Republic, Croatia, data from the speciality literature and to add new Montenegro, Macedonia, Poland, Austria, and information that may improve the knowledge Slovenia. Since the species is endemic to the Black relatedMaterials to the Black and Sea methods trout. and Azov Seas it can be assumed that it is present only in Romania, Turkey, Georgia, Russia, Bulgaria, and Ukraine based on the analyzed literature. The In this paper, books, articles, recreational species is more frequent in the rivers draining in tofishing Salmo (angling) labrax materials, and field observations the northern part of the Black Sea: Kuban River, were analyzed to gather information related Don TheRiver, migration Dniester River,of Salmo Dnieper labrax River (Vasilieva, in Romanian waters. Specialty 2003) literature and field observations were used to complement data and information on the is a complex process that occurs species. Chronological data analysis was drafted under specific conditionset al. and circumstances:et al., to facilitate a better understanding of the Black spawning, food availability, season, searching for Sea trout distribution and also how information a new habitat (Tsukamoto , 2009, Guiry et al., related to this species was previously presented. 2020). Fish species from the Salmonidae family are Biology, ecology, conservation status, and anadromous and potamodromous (Quiñones description of the species were compiled based 2014). The adaptation capacity of fish to migrate onBulletin the UASVM specialty Animal Science literature. and Biotechnologies Field 77(2) observations / 2020 of or to reach new habitats is still an unclear subject. Salmo labrax Salmonidae 11

The Black Sea Trout, Pallas, 1814 (Pisces: ) in Romanian Waters Salmo labrax

The Black Sea trout ( ) is usually depths around 50m (anadromous form). Resident migrating for reproduction, food, new habitat, or forms prefer fast-flowing and cold waters with because of hydrographic conditions (Jonsson Bror gravel and stone substrate (Kottelat & Freyhof, & Nina Jonsson, 2011). Post-spawning migration 2007). According to some authors the spawning is possible and also sub-adultSalmo specimens labrax migrate period is during Spring Season (Cărăușu, 1952; from marine to freshwater (Oțel, 2007). The Bușniță & Alexandrescu, 1963; Bănărescu, 1964) anadromous ecotype of is found in while other authors state that spawning occurs the Black Sea coastal waters (Labón-Cerviá,et al 2018) in the Autumn-Winteret. al., Seasons. Males can attain while the potamodromous ecotype (river resident sexual maturity at age 1+ while females mature and lake resident) (Ferguson ., 2019) is found at 2+ (Makhrov 2018). Large specimens in lakes and rivers from mountain areas. It is (larger than 2 kg) caught accidentally by local possible that in Europe, the population of Black Sea fishermen in the Danube and the Danube Delta trout is decreasing because the adults are unable (DDBR-Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve) during to reach the spawning sites represented by rivers the Spring Season have well developed gonads draining into the Black Sea, because of damming, in some cases. Small specimens feed on aquatic ballast exploitation and riverbed substrate and terrestrial invertebrates, while adults feed on Salmoalteration. labrax According to Aurelian Popescu-Gorj invertebrates and fish (Popescu-Gorj and Dimitriu, and Magdalena Dimitriu (1956), the migration of 1956; Bănărescu, 1964; Kottelat and Freyhof, in the lower Danube is annual and 2007). Specimens caught near Sacalin Island had lasts for 2 to 4 months and is stretching for long Gobiidae fish species inside their digestive tract distancesDiagnosis (around 700 km). In some cases, it is while other specimens caught in the Black Sea feed also found in the floodplain lakes of the Danube. on species (Popecu-Gorj & Dimitriu, 1956; Bănărescu, 1964; Oțel,Salmo 2007). trutta SalmoThis trutta species raised interest for ichthyologists Since this species was and in some cases is still for many years. It was considered a subspecies of considered a subspecies of , in Table (Cărăușu, 1952; Bănărescu, 1964; 1 are presented the meristic characters for both Svetovidov, 1984) by some authors and a different species to highlightSalmo the labrax main differences and the species by others (Holcík, 2003; Vasilieva, 2003; overlapping meristic charactersSalmo trutta and counts. The Oțel, 2007; Kottelat & Freyhof, 2007). It has Black Sea trout can be distinguishedSalmo anadromous and potamodromous forms (Cărăușu, labraxfrom the by meristic Sea1952; trout Svetovidov, Salmo labrax 1984; Vasilieva, 2003; Kottelat characters. The dorsal fin (D) ray countsSalmo oftrutta’s & Freyhof, 2007). The coloration of the Black S. trutta shows that theS. numberlabrax of unbranched rays is silverier, the number of is sometimes overlapping with red spots from the body is reducedSalmo (sometimes trutta Salmo( trutta= III-V vs. = III-IV), and a fifth missing) and the black spots have an X shape unbranched ray inS. thetrutta dorsal fin may S. indicate labrax compared to those of brown trout . A similar result can be noticed for (Bănărescu, 1964) which are round. The caudal fin indicatethe branched Salmo rays trutta ( = 9-10(11) vs. is slightly emarginated and has a darker posterior = 9-10). Eleven branchedSalmo labrax rays of overlapthe dorsal to fin Salmo may margin. The adipose fin is less developedSalmo labrax than trutta S. trutta . The AnalS. labrax fin (A) unbranched the other trout speciesSalmo (Popescu-Gorj trutta & Dimitriu, rays number of 1956; Oțel, 2007). The dentition of ( Salmo= II-IV labrax vs. S. trutta= III-IV). TheS. is similar to that of (both species labraxbranched rays of the anal fin are sometimes larger have teeth on the upper jaw, lower Salvelinus jaw, tongue alpinus and in the case of ( = 8-9 vs. andvomer Hucho bone), hucho but when compared to other species = 8(10), but in some specimens the number from the Salmonidae family, like et al. of branched rays is reaching 10. Ventral fin (V) et al the . main difference is that the unbranched ray count is equal for both species, vomer dentition is missing (Constantinescu , Salmomeaning labrax a full overlapping for this meristic 2015; Ihuț ., 2017) The number of pyloric caeca character.Salmo The branchedtrutta rays of the ventral fin of is between 40 and 62, usually 46 to 47 (Popescu- are always equal to 8, while in the Gorj & Dimitriu, 1956). In terms of habitat, the case of the number ranges from 7 Black Sea trout is found along the coastline at to 9. The Bulletin unbranched UASVM Animal raysScience of and the Biotechnologies pectoral 77 (2)fin / 2020(P) 12 and al.

LAȚIU Salmo labrax S. trutta S. labrax overlap for both species. The branchedSalmo ray labrax, count but inAquaculture some cases, has two more rays of the pectoral fin is overlappingSalmo trutta. if the count is ( = 10 vs. Salmo= 10-12) labrax (Table 1). 12. Eleven branched rays indicateSalmo labrax is while 13 or 14 indicate TheSalmo scale The Black Sea trout is not among truttacount on the lateral line (LL) of the species farmed in Romanian aquaculture, between 112 and 135, while in the case of although there is potential in this regard. The is between 110 and 132. TheSalmo number labrax of species is used in aquaculture in Turkey (Eastern scales above the lateralSalmo linetrutta (Sc A)S. truttacan be used as Black Sea Coast and streams), from classical importantS. labrax meristic character for systems to recirculating et. aquaculture al systems diagnosis versus ( = 25-26 et(RAS) al with promisinget al results (Nikandrovet al & Salmo labrax= 25-31). S. trutta The number of scalesS. labrax below = Shindavina, 2007;et al Akhan ., 2010; Ramazan the lateral line (Sc B) is usually larger in the case Can., 2010; Salmo Çakmak labrax inhabit., 2018a; rivers Çakmak from inside ., of ( = 20-23 vs. 2018b;the ÇakmakCarpathian .,Mountains 2019). Arch? 22-30). Another meristic character that may helpS. truttadistinguish the two speciesS. labrax is the number of scales from the dorsal fin to the lateral line (D/LL), ( During August 2018 and July 2019 the = 12-17 vs. = 16-23). The most ichthyofauna from Someșul Cald Salmo River (Figuretrutta, important and eloquent meristic characters are Thymallus1) was inventoried thymallus, from Squalius its springs cephalus, to TarnițaBarbus theS. truttanumber of scales inS. anlabrax oblique row from the carpathicus,Reservoir (Dam).Barbatula Along barbatula, with Rutilus rutilus, base of the adipose fin to theS. truttalateral line (Ad/LL)S. Phoxinus phoxinus, Cobitis elongatoides, Cottus labrax( = 15-17 vs. = 18-19) and the gobio, Perca fluviatilis, and Eudontomyzon danfordi, number S.of trutta gill rakers (GR) (S. labrax = 13-16 vs. Salmo sp. = 16-21). The number of vertebrae (Ver) is similar ( = 56-61 vs. = 57-60). The 5 specimens of were caught. The length Tablebranchiostegal 1. rays (Brs R) show similar countsSalmo trutta Salmo labrax

Meristic characters of brown trout and the Black Sea trout

Species name Salmo trutta Salmo labrax Common name Brown trout Black Sea trout

(a, d) (e) (a, c, e, h, i) Dorsal fin (D) III-V 9-10(11) (III) - IV 9-10 (a) (a, c, e, i) Anal fin (A) II-IV (7) 8-9 III-IV 8 (10) (a, d) (a, c, e, h, i) Ventral fin (V) I 7-9 I-8 (c) (e, h) Pectoral fin (P) I 12-13 (14) I 11-12 (c) (d) (a, h, i) (c) (e) Scales on lateral line (LL) 110-132 118-130 112-122 ; 119-132 116-135 (c) (c) Scales above lateral line (Sc A) 25-26 25-31 (c) (c, e) Scales below lateral line (Sc B) 20-23 22-30 (a) (a) Scales D/LL 12-17 16-23 (d) (c, d) Scales Ad/LL 15 (17) 18 (19) (d) (a, c, h) Vertebrae (Ver) 56-61 57-60 (d) (a, b, c, d, e, h, i) Gill rakers (GR) 13-18 (14-16) (16) 17-18 (19-21) (g) (c) Superscripts: a b c d e fBrachiostegal rays (Brs R) h 10 i 10-12 -Petru Bănărescu (1964); -Kottelat & Freyhof (2007); -Cărăușu (1952); -Svetovidov (1984); -Holčík & Stefanov (2008); -Bușniță &d Alexandrescu (1963); g-Page & Burr (1991); -Oțel (2007); -Popescu-Gorj & Dimitriu (1956)

Legend: D-dorsal fin; A-anal fin; V-ventral fin; P-pectoral fin; LL-lateral line scales; Sc A-scales above the lateral line; Sc B-scales below the lateral line; D/LL-scales from dorsal fin to the lateral line; Ad/LL-scales in oblique row from the base of the adipose fin to the lateral line; Ver-Vertebrae; GR-gill rakers from the first arch; Brs R-branchiostegal rays. Bulletin UASVM Animal Science and Biotechnologies 77(2) / 2020 Salmo labrax Salmonidae 13

The Black Sea Trout, Pallas, 1814 (Pisces: ) in Romanian Waters

Figure 1.

Someș River catchment (original map) et al of specimens ranged from 19.5 to Salmo 24.4 cmlabrax and through karst relief (Marko ., 2019). Karst weighted from 55.2 to 99.9 g. structures may have a similar Austropotamobius geographical role We assumed they belong to torrentiumin some species conservationet al and distribution species (Figure 2-D, E) based on meristic characters such as for the stoneSalmo crayfish labrax such as the number of scales from the dorsal fin to (Pârvulescu ., 2013). This approach the lateral line (D/LL = 19 for Figure 2.D and D/ could be used for distribution.Salmo trutta If the LL = 22 for Figure 2.E) and also based only on a Salmospecimens caught in Someșul Cald River and Beliș- few particularities: silver body, dark spots, lack of Fântânele Reservoir belong to (not red spots, emarginated caudal fin and the darker labrax) or other species, the silver color and released.posterior margin of the caudal fin. The specimens Salmothe lack salar of red spots could be a manifestation of were photographed weighed, measured, and plesiomorphic coloration foundSalmo in Atlantic salar salmon are an Further studies are planned to confirm . Stearley and Smith (1993)Salmo labrax stated the identoty of the species. The superior section that the X shape dark spots of of Someșul Cald River (Apuseni Mountains autapomorphy (unique trait). Clearly, Natural Park) that runs through a karst area is has dark/blackSalmo salar X shape and Salmo spots labraxand it suggests that the main water body that supplies Beliș-Fântânele this character/trait is an apomorphy (a shared Reservoir, built between 1970 and 1974. If karst traitConclusion of and Recommendations). geomorphologySalmo andlabrax geographical fragmentation The anadromous ecotype Salmo labrax like the construction of dams and large reservoirs influenced populations, it is very likely of to find other populations in similar geographic has been found until now on the Romanian Black contexts, such asSalmo Drăgan labrax River and Drăgan-Floroiu Sea coast and on the branches of the Danube Delta: Reservoir, Sebeș River and Oașa Reservoir. In • Sulina Branch: Gorgova Village, Maliuc Village some countries, habitat is located in • Sf. Gheorghe Branch: Sf. Gheorghe Village lakes and the upper courses of the rivers running Bulletin UASVM Animal Science and Biotechnologies 77 (2) / 2020 14 and al.


Figure 2. Salmo labrax

from: A-Black Sea (photo credit: Daniel Cocan), B-Danube Delta, Sf. Gheorghe branch (photo credit: Vasile Oțel), C-Danube, Corabia (photo credit: Vasile Oțel), D-Someșul Cald River (photo credit: Bulletin UASVM Animal Science andCălin Biotechnologies Lațiu), E-Beliș 77(2) / 2020Reservoir (photo credit: Ioan Rotar/Călin Lațiu) Salmo labrax Salmonidae 15

The Black Sea Trout, Pallas, 1814 (Pisces: ) in Romanian Waters Table 2. Salmo labrax

Chronological data mentions of in and near Romanian waters

Year Authors SalmoSynonym salar used fario Romaniann/a habitat Locationn/a Frequencyn/a Observations Salmo labrax the name probably used 1909 Antipa Grigore Salmo trutta n/a n/a for n/a labrax Black Sea, Danube 1948 Berg L.S. Salmo trutta basin rare labrax Black Sea coastal waters, Cărăușu Black Sea, Danube, 1952 Danube and Danube Spawns at the end of April Sergiu Lake Ialpug Delta Salmo trutta Flooding lakes and Popescu-Gorj rare labrax ponds from the Danube Aurelian Black Sea, Danube, Specimens around 27 cm 1956 Delta, Jirlia (Călărași), and Dimitriu Danube Delta were 3 to 4 years old Măgureni, Sf. Gheorghe Magdalena Branch Salmo trutta The Black Sea, Danube rare n/a labrax (upper migration point - Bănărescu Black Sea, Danube, 1964 Călărași), Danube Delta, Petru Danube Delta complex Razim-Sinoe lagoon Salmo trutta n/a n/a n/a labrax Svetovidov, 1984 Black Sea A.N. Salmo trutta n/a n/a labrax Specimens from the Black 1987 Lelek Anton Black Sea Sea may reach 100 cm in Salmo trutta length (totaln/a length) et al. labrax complex Oțel Vasile Razim-Sinoe lagoon 1992 Kottelat Razim Lake Salmo labrax n/a n/a

1997 Black Sea, Danube Black Sea, Danube Maurice Salmo labrax n/a rare Lives in large rivers from Vasilieva 2003 Black Sea northern coast of the Ekaterina Salmo trutta Black Sea n/a rare labrax It is found in the lower Bănărescu Black Sea, Danube, 2005 sectors of rivers emptying Petru Danube Delta in the Black Sea Salmo labrax rare The Danube, South of Sf. Black Sea, Danube, 2007 Oțel Vasile Gheorghe Branch, Razim- Caught in small numbers Danube Delta Salmo labrax Sinoe Lagoon rare et al. Milen Vassilev Caught near Ruse town 2007 Danube Ruse-Giurgiu (Bulgaria) Salmo trutta rare labrax Freshwater Vasilieva Black Sea (all (potamodromous) are 2007 Black Sea Ekaterina coasts) more widespread than Kottelat saltwater (anadromous) Salmo labrax Anadromous, lacustrine 2007 Maurice and Black Sea Black Sea and resident forms Jörg Freyhof Salmo labrax rare n/a Holčík J. and 2008 Danube Bulgarian bank of Danube Stefanov T. Salmo labrax n/a n/a et al. Black Sea, Danube, Dudu Andreea 2010 Danube Delta, and Danube Delta Salmo trutta tributaries n/a rare labrax Sea Muharrem the east coast of the Black 2011 Black Sea Aksungur Salmo trutta n/a rare n/a Georgescu labrax et al. Black Sea, Danube, 2011 Sergiu Emil Danube Delta

Bulletin UASVM Animal Science and Biotechnologies 77 (2) / 2020 16 and al.

LAȚIU Table 2. Salmo labrax

Chronological data mentions of in and near Romanian waters (continuation) Salmo labrax rare n/a Halasi-Kovacs Á. Black Sea, Danube, 2012 B. and Harka Western Black Sea Danube Delta Salmo labrax rare Caught in August 2015/ 2015 Cocan Daniel Danube Delta Sfantu Gheorghe Branch Salmo labrax n/a rare Unpublishedn/a data et al. Simonović 2017 Danube basin Salmo labrax rare n/a et al. Ninua Levan Northern and Western 2018 Black Sea Black Sea Salmo labrax rare Unpublished data/FigS. Labrax 1 (D,E) Someșul Cald River, Doda Pilii, Beliș- 2019 Lațiu Călin First record of Beliș Reservoir Fântânele Dam inside the Carpathian Salmo labrax rare Mountains Arch Anonymous 2019 Danube Delta Gorgova Unpublished data fisherman Salmo labrax n/a n/a et al. Anadromous and Dyldin Y. V. The Black Sea and 2020 potamodromous (rivers Danube Basin Salmo labrax rare and lakes) populations 2020 Oțel Vasile Salmo labrax Danube Delta Maliucn/a rare Unpublished data Rivers draining to Anadromous, lacustrine, 2020 FishBase the Black Sea resident forms

Legend: n/a- information not available

Alosa immaculata, • Chilia Branch: the Romanian bank of Chilia seasons by fishermen using gillnets designed for Branch or other fish species, and using • Lagoon Complex Razim-Sinoe: stray specimens seines while fishing in lagoonary complexes. The • Danube River: Călărași town (Călărași County), potamodromous form is caught by fly fishing Giurgiu town (), Corabia town anglers (dry flies, nymphs) from April to September ()-the highest migration point (legal trout fishing season in Romania)Salmo labraxin Someșul has observed in the Danube River Romanian Cald River and Beliș-Fântânele Reservoir. waters. In some cases, its presence was signaled The Black Sea Salmon near Nedeia Village (), according the endangered species status in Romanian to Popescu Gorj and Dimitriu in 1956. It is legislation and also in all the countries where expected to find sporadic/stray specimens of it is extant but special measures for habitat the anadromous ecotype in lagoonary lakes restoration are necessary. It is also essential to fromThe potamodromous the Danube Delta ecotype (Zmeica, Golovița,Salmo identify the habitat and spawning grounds of the labraxLeahova Mare). species (both anadromous and potamodromous of ecotypes). Brown trout stockings may have a could be found in Someșul Cald River negative impact on Black Sea trout populations catchment (Cluj County, N 46° 38.825’; E 022° in this sense, and it is recommended that special 51.842’), Northwestern of Romania. There is a high attention for the watersSalmo where labrax the two species live. probability to find potamodromous populations in in sympatry like the presented area of Someșul other “river-reservoir” systems from inside and SalmoCald River, labrax where could be present outside the Carpathian Mountains Arch (Drăgan An example for our recommendation could be the River and Drăgan-Floroiu Reservoir; Sebeș population we assume is living in River and Oașa Reservoir). The presence of this Someșul Cald River and Beliș-Fântânele Reservoir species in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (Cluj County, Romania). Genetic studies are also is not related to spawning migration (Bănărescu, required to compare the isolatedSalmo populations labrax needs from 1964), but rather for food or new habitat. It Transylvania to those from the Black Sea coast. The

Bulletinis accidentally UASVM Animal Science caught and Biotechnologies from Spring 77(2) / to2020 Autumn potamodromous ecotype of Salmo labrax Salmonidae 17

The Black Sea Trout, Pallas, 1814 (Pisces: ) in Romanian Waters

Salmo labrax et al., 9. Çakmak E, Ekrem CÇ, Zehra DD, Osman TÖ, Oğuzhan E, further study regarding its reproductive migration Şirin F (2019). Triploid Black Sea Trout ( behaviour (Pavlov 2018). It is not clear yet Pallas, 1814) induced by heat shock and evaluation of if the species reproductive migration behavior triploidy with different techniques. Genetics of Aquatic speciesis fluvial, is fluvial-adfluvial,unclear. Some authors lacustrine-fluvial, mention that or Organisms, 3(1): 01–07. Salmoallacustrine. labrax Also, the spawning period of the 10. Çakmak E, Sirin F, DuyguSalmo DZ,labrax Parlak R (2018b). The age- dependent reproductive performance of 4th generation Black Sea trout ( Pallas, 1814). Turkish spawns in spring (Bănărescu, 1964; Journal of and Aquatic Sciences, 19(6). Oțel, 2007), whileet al other authors mention that it 11. Cărăuşu S (1952). Tratat de ichtiologie. Ed. Acad. R.P.R. spawns in autumn and winter (Kottelat & Freyhof, 802 p. Salmo2007; Cakmaklabrax ., 2018). 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