Coordinate systems in De Sitter spacetime Bachelor thesis A.C. Ripken July 19, 2013 Radboud University Nijmegen Radboud Honours Academy Abstract The De Sitter metric is a solution for the Einstein equation with positive cosmological constant, modelling an expanding universe. The De Sitter metric has a coordinate sin- gularity corresponding to an event horizon. The physical properties of this horizon are studied. The Klein-Gordon equation is generalized for curved spacetime, and solved in various coordinate systems in De Sitter space. Contact Name Chris Ripken Email
[email protected] Student number 4049489 Study Physicsandmathematics Supervisor Name prof.dr.R.H.PKleiss Email
[email protected] Department Theoretical High Energy Physics Adress Heyendaalseweg 135, Nijmegen Cover illustration Projection of two-dimensional De Sitter spacetime embedded in Minkowski space. Three coordinate systems are used: global coordinates, static coordinates, and static coordinates rotated in the (x1,x2)-plane. Contents Preface 3 1 Introduction 4 1.1 TheEinsteinfieldequations . 4 1.2 Thegeodesicequations. 6 1.3 DeSitterspace ................................. 7 1.4 TheKlein-Gordonequation . 10 2 Coordinate transformations 12 2.1 Transformations to non-singular coordinates . ......... 12 2.2 Transformationsofthestaticmetric . ..... 15 2.3 Atranslationoftheorigin . 22 3 Geodesics 25 4 The Klein-Gordon equation 28 4.1 Flatspace.................................... 28 4.2 Staticcoordinates ............................... 30 4.3 Flatslicingcoordinates. 32 5 Conclusion 39 Bibliography 40 A Maple code 41 A.1 Theprocedure‘riemann’. 41 A.2 Flatslicingcoordinates. 50 A.3 Transformationsofthestaticmetric . ..... 50 A.4 Geodesics .................................... 51 A.5 TheKleinGordonequation . 52 1 Preface For ages, people have studied the motion of objects. These objects could be close to home, like marbles on a table, or far away, like planets and stars.