ritOFESSIONAL CAKDS. BLESSED SLfeElf/ "Poor chance there I He's been go-- ' take the trouble to write a check in or- fHti PAUPER. O'FERRALL & PATTERSON, Wake not the child—the ncal of happy sleep ing to call around aud pay these thfeotf der to cancel it, left his store some two An Oftuse Mail. A Sad Case. ATTOUNEVS AT-I.AW, IIahbisonruro, Va.. pnctico months " In the Circuit Conrta of Ro<-klti li«m and a Lie. on his lids, as dew upon a flower ; hours after tbe visit of Andrew, and BT MBS. MART E. KAIL. ourtof A Ml e I Oh, lot him still bin rosy slumbers keep "When did you see Mr. Winton?"' started home to bis late dinner. On _ She was a stylish young lady about Mr. SafnUel A. Shearer who was ac- United Htaleii ?,Courts. at PPdarrisonbnrff.!" Stannton. andPrompt tho I stand upon the grand seaohore. eighteen years old. and to accommo- atteutlou tocoUeoUoue. U. o. Patter.on win con-t Through the soft brightness of the morning hour t asked tbe shoemaker. his way ho passed a wine store, and quitted of murder at Eastville, on E*en ohtldbood hsth Its little cares and woes "Last week." And view tho rocks ftrftydffas of sand; date a friend she took the baby out Wednesday, the 10th of January,- died Sf practice iu tho County Court ol llockiug- Its sudden storms that darken all the sky ; dropped id to order a case of Choice The deep waves plashing o'er aud o'er, for an airing. She was wheeling it np O'Fbrrall, Judge of Rock'm County Court, "What did be say 7" Amontilado, tbe flavor of wbicb be bad at Hadlock, Northampton coantv on ». O. PATTEnsoN, formerly of the firm of Haas & Pat-. Awake, some foretaste of life's Ills It knows ; Seem like a voice from spirit laud; and down the walk, when an oldish teraon. Asleep, It hears tho sngele whispering nigh. "That he would call around.'' tried and approved, And sca-wceds bow their droopiug heads, Tuesday (he21st, "Call around 1 It's only a get-off f 1 And dip thnlr fingers in the sea. man, very deaf, came along and in- There is something 6ad about thia Wake not the youth—behold what dreams of Joy t 'Bend it home within an hoar. I PENDLETON BRYAN~ ' am out of all patience ('' And the per-- wish a bottle for mv dinner," said Mr. While reaching down its golden threldJf/ quired for a certain person, supposed mau s life which teaches ns a lesson. C< II 8I0NER IN Bond tfielr soft light to smiling Hp and brow I The suulight weaves a mown for mo. to live on that street. She nearly yel- ?¥^UIC, HARRisoNnuno,^ CHANCERY Va—Will giveahd NOTARYspoclal atten- PUB- Oh, would you by a word or touch destroy plexed shoemaker grew excited. "Theyr Redwood, as he took out bis pooket- In an unguarded moment and heated tion to the taking of depositions and acknowledg- The beautiful lllusloos round htm now? are all eager enough to get their work, A magic harp of thousand strings led her head off trying to answer him, by liquor, which ronSes all the bantt ments anywhere in tho county of Rockingham. Will , book to pay for the wine. and he looked around, caught sight of also prepere deeds, articles of agreement and other' Full soon must come the day's uuoeaslng strife, and sharp-spoken enough if it isn'tt "It shall be dohe," was the ready Is waked to life by angel hands; passions of the soul, ho aimed the fa- contracts on very moderate terms. 49-Offlco in the, Tho anxious quest for learning, wraith ur fame j A choir seraphio. sweetly sings tbe baby and said: Partlow Building, a couple of doors North of tho ready to the minute. But when itt answer. tal shot wbicb todk away bis friend's Poat-offlce. Full soon, upon the stormy waves of life. comes to paying, the matter is of too The rausioof iiomcrtal lands; "Nice child, that) I suppose yott feel life, impetuous, excitable, yet gener- His course mast tend to glory or to shame. i As tbe merchant replaced bis pook- 9tfneath the azure-tinted sky proud of him ?" STUART F. L1NDSEY, Then let him linger yet a little while little consequence to claim their at-■ et book, and was buttoning bis ooat Old Ocean moans a low refrain. ous, iu a moment bo blasts bis own tention. Ah! here's Mayberry's acj "It isn't mine I" she yelled at him. life—forever destroys bis peaceof mind XTJ0n o!!T^T\VT;.,,ABRIMON,1D'u, Va-. Prtctlrca In Bleep's mysterious realm—a sale retreat. ' over his breast, a poorly-dressed, worn, While white-winged beings from on high "Boy, eh I Well, he looks like yon." n a 1 the Courtrf of Uocklugham. Hljrhland,1 and »d- Whore evil oomee not, and where sin ged g9i(g count,"—be had been running atret and feeble looking woman oame into Re-echo back the sung again. by imbruiug his band in nnotber'a Jolnlng countlea; aliio, In the United Stale, Court, Can have no power to mar hie visions sweet. "It isn't mine 1" she yelled again, at Harnaonburg, Va. Offloe Kant Market Street. tbe bills as he talked. tbe store, and walked back, with an Why comes to mo a dream like this— blood. It has been vears since the sad 0.Tfr„ ?' 0r,'1,u" Efflnger'a Produce Store. "Didn't he promise to settle to-day7" but he nodded his head aud con- and unfortunato affair occurred. Re- Uct. at-ly Wake not the nun—around his dally path ' air ol timid irresolution, to where the To me, a pauper, old and poor? tinued: JoH! 1 Cluster so many thorns which wound bis breast, "I think be did, sir" replied the boy. two men—the wine dealer and bis ous- While life, to some, brings perfect bliss. morse of conscience ever haunted hint) ■ * PAD -. WM. Bhaxd,. ■TIs Joy to know tbat, for a time, be bath "Very well. Hurry round to hisi tomer—were standing, I beg my bread ft'oni door to door; "Twins, eh! Whore's the other one?" rendering his life a burden. Let nft ia PAUL it SHANDS, Most sweet surcease from all life's sad unrest. store, snd catch him before ho goes to Scorned and npftoflctecL cast aside, Despairing of making him under- deep humility throw the robes of obfli'- ATTORN KYS-AT-LAW, H\BnT80NnuBa. Va . will i "Well, what's wanted?" said the No friend to wipe my leare away. stand by word of moutb, she pointed practice in the Court, ol Rockingham and adjoining Msrk how npon his placid brpw Is sot dinner." wine dealer, in a short, imperative ity over the memory of a lifo which Countiea, and In the Onlted State, Court,1 at Harrl* ^ Tbe sacred seal of peace 1 Scarce can wo say The lad started off with bis usual None fear to wound my helpless pride. to the baby, at herself, and then shook has passed to tho Giver.— We know eonburg WOfflce In tbe old Clerk , OfBoo, In 'Tie tho aamo face whlcli showed such wear oud fret- voice. A wanderer by night and day. her head. the Oonrt-Houne yard. doO-tf Such woeful signs of caro but yesterday. alacrity, and Barker sat down again to "My husband is very low, and the not tbe future nor the temptation that Like a bravo ship that's struggled with tho storm, work and wait Oft In the bleeeed book I read "Yes—yes, I see; t'other twin in the await US) therefore we ehould ponder' DR. D. A. BUCHEH, doctor has ordered him some wine." That mercy, hope aud love are free. house. Their /ather is fond of them, And gained at last some safe and sheltered shore, "No money 7" The shoemaker read Tbe woman's sad, pleading tone made over these misfortunes, and with deCp StTROEON DENTIST, would roBimctfuIly Inform tho His spirit, now beyond tho reach of harm, And yet I fear, while here I plead. of course 7" public that, having located permanently at Bridge- disappointment in the boy'a face. it very apparent to tbe dealer tbat she There Is no hope for such as mo; sympathy for those interested take water. be la prepared to fill, extract and Insert teoth Hosts whore wild surges toss and vex no more. "No, Sir." She turned the cab and hurried tbe heed lest we in au unguarded moment oud perform all other operations In hla line. bad come to beg) aud not to bay, Doomed! I am doomed to suffer pain; other way, but he followed and asked; . *jJ~Office, ohe door South of Barbee Hotel. Oh, welcome guest that oometh to us all I "Why "Has he) indeed 1" Tho voice of the Father of all, thhie arm make bare, blight our own Lmpjiiness forever. Tho Hjldgfwater, Va. ' Oh. healing angel, beantiful and pure, "Mr. Mayberry said ho had just de- While here I bow, and call thy name. "Do they kick round much in the crime of one individual, tho remorse wine-dealer was half-insulting. night?" JOHN E. it 0. B. ROLLER, Whoso mystio spells on way-worn mortals fall. posited everything for the day, and "I failed to get money for my work, Remove this witheriug cuji of care. and pain which follow but show tho ATTORNEYS-AT-I.AW, HARnieoNDURa.VA. Practice And bring for each day's Ills a dally cure I that he couldn't draw a check for so "I tell you 'taiu't mine 1" she shout- possibilities of our common humani- In the inferior and appellate Court, of Rockingham So sacred is thy gentle mission hero and I cannot go home withont the If I could sloop beneath the sea, ed, looking very red in tho face. fuid idjoining counties. That when we give, without a doubt or /ear. small an amount Would pay on Mon- wine. Oh, sir, if you will trust me for The sea weed blooming o'er my heart. ty, when wrongly directed We all in- JOf-Offlce, Partlow building, throe doors ebove i bo Our weary darlings to your tender caro. day." Where no false di earns could coaio to mo, "I think you're wrong there, he an- herit these wild passions to some ex- poat offlce, up-atalra. Jiilyll.3m a bottle I will certainly come and pay To mar the sweetness of my rest; To lake them hence too soon wd may not dare. A thin, pale, weary-locking woman jou. The money is earned, and it is swered. "Children brought un on tho tent; and wheu we see them cropping »OHK ». HAItniS, OHANVILLK KASTUAM, As iu the presence of thy brother, Death, opened the shop door at this moment, Even such a fato wore bettor fir bottle are apt to pine and die." out End bearing such terrible results HARRIS it EA8THAM, Wo move with reverent tread aud bated bt'datb. promised this afternoon 1" Than lifo, with all its blessings flown. She started on a run for tbe gate, ATTOUNKYS-AT-LAW, HABniaoKBOBr., Va. On and So. !n thy holy presence, peaceful Fieop, and came in. She carried a basket on The wine-merchant laughed saeer- For then, pcrchauco, some radiant star iu others, we should not feel proad,biit after the first of May wilt practice In all tte Court, her arm, from which she took a bun- Would watch beside tho dead unknown. but before she had ouoned it he oume humbly b-arn the lessons which they held at Harriaounurg. ss-Ofllce, In Expioae Build- Let ns soft watch aud tender slleuoo keep. ingly as he made answer! up and asked. Lest, If thy golden chains bo rudely riven. dle of "uppers" that she had taken to "It won't do) my good woman. The teach. Tiiesa sad chapters in the lives We call a happy soul from dreams of Heaven. close and bind. "Have to spank *em once in while of some people should rather cause aft trick is too stale." The Senate aud the Presidency. O. W. BERLIN, "Here is the work. Mr. Barker," she "But, sir—" I suppose 7" all all to tremble lest we in an unguar- ATTOHNRT-AT-I.AW. HAnniBOMBcno.VA., will prac- said, in a dejected voice. "I hope you She made about twenty gestures in ded moment commit some act which tice In the Courts of Itocklngham and adjoiulng I'LL CALL AROUND AND PAY. The urgency of tho case made Mrs. THE FACTS IN REGARD TO THE ADAMS, JACK- vonntiee ana the Dllitcd States Courts held at this will find it all right. They would have Blythe importunate. a half minute, and he helped the cab we would give the world fo recall.— 111 Slvlt or H Dew SON, VAN RUREN, PIERCE, CLAY AND through the gate and said; KtbUc * ' building on tho been ready two days ago, but my hus- "There—there I fhat will do Go, WEBSTER. Accomac. Eastern Virginian. "What is that P"1 said Mr. Rod wood, band is very sick, and I've had'to bo now!" and the wine-merohant waved "Our children were all twins, and I'll HO. JOHNSON, To the Editor of the Times: send my wife down to give you some ArrORNEY-AT-LAW, ilAnBisosiltfno. Va,, practices as with an indolent, half-indifferent up with him all night for three long his hand toward tbe door, impatiently. In the Court, ol Uocklngbam and SUeliandoah. and air he took a folded paper from the nights." The curious fact that, during the advice. You see—" ilisrtstrous "If/' lu the Circuit and District Courts of the United Mrs. Blythe turned and went away, But she picked up a flower-pot and States held at Harrieonburg. Va., find the Supreme hand of a boy. The day was Satur- The shoemaker did not see the qual- not speaking another word. The eyes history of tbe country, no President John Henry used to go to see a girl CdaH of Appeals Jield atStaunlon. Va. day—rthe hour about one. ity of the work as ho took the "uppers" has ever been taken from actual ser- flung it at him. He jumped back and of Mr. Redwood weft) on her pale, thin as she entered tbe house, he called out: down on Seventh street, but he doesn't J. SAM'L HARNSBEROFlRj "Oh! yes—I see I" he added, a mo- from the woman's basket and made a face, and he saw there an expression vice in the United State Senate, must do so any more since the hired girl ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, HAnnisojiBtmo. Va., will prac- ment afterward. "Very well. Say to show of examining them. He was on- that haunted him, as we are some- cause matter for unpleasant reflection "Hope insanity won't break out on tioe in all the CourtH of Rockingham county, the Su- the twins 1" gave him away. He tells his own preme (lonrt of Appeals of Virginia, and tbe District Barker, I'll call around and pay him. ly thinking of the woman's need and times haunted by a face in a picture,for to the members of that body whose story: "You see," ho said, "she was a and Circuit Courts of tho United Stales holden at Can't attend to it just now." her expectations. She had performed friends now urge them for the Presi- • « i Harrlaonburg. many days afterward, mighty nice girl, and I liked her nfOrfl Mr. Redwood's Are-proof stood only her part, but not a single dollar bad "A Common dodge I" said the wine- dential ofilce. Neither General Wash "Blest fee.the Tie that Blude." intensely than a life insurance agelit JAMES HAY, six feet from the place where he was he in the house, and how was he to merchant, in a vulgar way, as the wo- ingtou nor the elder Adams, Mr. Jtff ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Harbison no no, Va,, will prac- erson nor Mr. Madison, Mr. Polk nor talks up bis business, and I called tice in the Courts of Rockiugbam and adjnitiliig sitting—the door was wide open—the perform his ( art? man passed into the street. "If I had The circumstances of the origin of around on that fatal evening to see counties. OHice over tho late Adams Express ofilce, check ttook iu sight—aud the balance "How is your husband to-day 7" he General Taylor, Mr. Lincoln nor Gen- this beautiful hymn are as follows: west of Court-house Square. given her the bottle of wine, she would her but a minute on a littie matter we in bunk was just four thousand dollars. asked, kindly, showing more than usu- have been as drunk as a beast in half oral Grant, nor the present ineum- Mr. Fawcelt was settled as pastor had been talking about, and when the WM. B. COMPToW, It would have taken only a slight ef- al interest, for he felt that he had lit- an hour!" bent ever was in the Senate, although of an bumble church iu Waiusgate, wooden headed hired girl came to the O atk at IVOODBON t ComptBn,) will Continue tho fort, and consamed but'two minutes' tle more than sympathy to give. Mr. Redwood, in whose memory Mr. Jefferson and the elder Adams, us Yorkshire, England. His meagre sal- Pfactico of Law In tho Courts of Kockingham; tho door, 1 asked for Miss Blank and tho Court of Appcala of Virgiuia, aud Courts of the Uul- tiiue,for him to have drawn a check for "Not so well," replied the woman. I that parting look of Mrs. Blythe had Vice-Presidents, had presided over its ary poorly sufficed for the wants of his girl said she didn't think she was ex- te<1 States. sixty eight dollars—Mr, Barker's bill. have run down for a few minutes, daguerrotyped itself, thought different- deliberations. Mr. Monroe served in family, and wheu, a few years later, he actly ready to see compnny and would W. ,. LUBTY. W. B. I-UIIXT. But he was iu an indolent frame of and left him alone, quite as mucU to ly; but he gave no Uttetucco to his tho Senate from 1790 to 1794, when he was invited to become tbe successor of 1 wait. I told her to see Uic young . LUHTY & LURTY, mind, aud it was so much easier to get the money us to bring it home thoughts. gave up his seat to become Minister to the Rev. Dr. Gill as pastor of a church ATTORNEys-AT-LAW, HAitmsoNnuua, Vx. Ptac- lady and tell her I wanted to see her «co lu tbe State and Federal Conrls of YirKlhla. say i "I'll call around and pay," than The doctor has ordered a little wine, ' That woman's story was a true one," France, but was not again one of its in the city of London, it seemed al just a minute, and she needn't dress Office on East Market street. uovl ly to rise from his quiet position and go and I must get it for him if it takes all hp said to himself as he passed on his members. most a matter of cenrso that he should unless she was undressed. Away the The second Adams was Senator from UR it. S. SWIT7.ER, to all the trouble of writing a check I have earned this week. way homeward. "I wish I had asked accept. He had preached his fare- girl went, and presently she sang out; fcKNTIST. HAnBlsONBtmo. Va. JVB-Offic, (tear H. and taking a receipt. "How much does your work come her residence;" and he looked careful- 1903 to 1800, at wbicb time he resign- well sermon and had actually com 'Miss Blank, Mr. John Henry is iu the ,VI11 The hoy looked disappointed, and to ? ed. The Legislature of Massachusetts menced removal by sendiug foward Mt. Craa-ford,, spendcommencing four days v " bof tbe every third inontli Wednes- in ly all atound biui) up and down the parlor and wants to see you a minute, . any. lingered a moment. "Two dollars," answered the woman. street, with a kind of a vague hope of had failed to re elect him, snd he was his library and a part of his house- and be says you needn't dress if vou * Did you understand me ?" said the The shoemaker went to his dtsk.and seeing her. But, already too long unwilling to serve out bio term when hold goods to London. His poor peo are undressed.' That '?/' fixed ine. HBNBY A. CONVERSE, his State seemed to distrust him. He Attorney and oounskllob at law, rUnnisoN. merchant, speaking rather sharply. opening it, took out his little oash-box, away from hor exhausted husband, she pie were almost broken hearted; men, aud word was sent dowu that Miss puno, Va. Office iu rourt-Huusu Square. Practices "Yes sir; but—" and made a pretense of disappointment had hurried back to him with ulmost was never again in the Senate, but womea and children clinging to him ' Blank was not at home to Mr. John lii tho Courts of Rockiughim county. Reference:— was Mr. Monroe's Secretary of State r irst National Bank, Harrisdnbitrg, Va. jau 30. "But what 7" us ho turned it toward the woman. It flying feet. iu affectionato unreconoiliation. Henry, and Mri John Henry has not "It is Saturday, Bit—and—and—" did not contain a single copper. Then at the date of his election us President, The last wagon was being loaded when baas. a. yahi^^T kh. s, cox bad. " "Oh, Mary," whispered a feeble voice been back since." *'I didn't Inquire of you as to the he drew forth an old pocket-book and as she leaned over his bed, "how long His great reputation as a debater, was the good mau and his wifs sat down YANCEY & CONRAD, day of the week," was testily answered examined every compartment, but with won, years after, iu the House of Rep- on one of the [lacking cases to weep. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW anp INSURANCE AGENTS, you have been away I I feel very faint The boy looked half frightened, and no bettor success. —very faint! Have you got the wine?" resentatives. "O, John," said the kind hearted wife, Repartees by Tuad Stevens.—He WeSke?a0^t ^ was always ready, and bis satire was went off instantly. "You are a little bit too early, Mrs. But only the bitter wine of Sorrow, General Jackson, of the whole lihe, "I can t bear this. 1 don't know how DR. W. 0, HILL, "Saturday, indeed!" muttered Mr. BIythe," he said, smiling, yet regret- comes nearest to making an exception to go." "Nor I either," said Mr. Faw- sharper than bayonets. The People crushed out from an almost breaking to the rdle. He had been elected to of Lancaster never tire of repeating Physician AND SURGEON. Office Re+ere House, Redwood to himself. "A lare piece futly, "a little too early, I havn't re- heart, had she brought for her hus- oett "nor will We go. Unload the wag- in room lately occupied by Virginia Telegraph Com- of information 1 A bright boy, really ! ceived my collections for the day. Shall the Senate in 1823, but in 1825. after on and put everything back in its his sayings. He tried a case before a yny. Residence immediately below Hotel. band, and as a few drops fell upon his judge Dot celebrated for bis great wis- What has Saturday to do with tbe pay- I send you up the money 7" face, she whispered back huskily: bis defeat by Mr. Adams, be resigned. place." Tho affections of ehuich were GEOliUE IS. SIPE, ment of my shoemaker's bill ?" The woman sighed, and looked very The Legislature of Tennessee bad stronger than the attractions of Lon- dom. The judge gave a ruling that ATTORNEY-A.T-LAW, HAiinrsbNiioRO, Va. Office, "Mr. Barker oonld not pay me for disgusted Mr. Stevens, ns bis face west side of Court-yard Square, iu Harris Blilidiug. "Did you get the money from Mr. much disappointed. the work. But he will sand the mon- again presented his name to tbe couu don) and so this noble man buckled on Prompt attcutiou to all legal bueiueBS. JauUO Red wood ?" asked the shoemaker, as "I'm very sorry, Mrs Blythe"—the try for the Presidency, and he proba- the armor for renewed service on a clearly indicated. "Does the Court ey in an hour or two, and then I will understand the Counsel to express Con- F. A. DAINGERFIELOi the boy came in. His face had an anx- shoemaker did not manifest the slight- get the wine." bly saw that to remain in tho Senate salary less than three hundred dollars ATTORNEY-AT-LA.W, HAUUihondubo, VA; ^Office ious look. est impatience, for he understood the would lessen bis ohanoes of election a year. It was then that he wrote tempt lor its ruling?" said the Judge. South side of the Public Square, iu Switxor's now A feeble sigh fluttered tbe breast of "No, pleaSa your Honor,-1 was trying balldlug. "No, sir. He says he will call around case perfectly—"but we find ityery tbe sick man; bis lids drooped wearily, and perhaps impair his usefulness as this beautiful hymu, which has dome and pay." bard, sometimes, to got in our bills. President should he be elected. With to be known almost as widely as the to suppress contempt.'' When the URS. It. H. & It. TATUM, until the lashes lay in two dark lines Confederates burned his iron foundry Physicians and surgeons, office in Rocking- "When ?" I've had Andrew running around all upon his bloodless cheeks, while a his accustomed boldness) upon his language in which it was written. He ham Bank Dullding. tiUU tirdlnptly attended to In "He didn't mention aily time," re- the morning, and he hasn't collected a withdrawal from the Senate he made gave up London. and property at (Jfettj kbnrg—which town or country more death-like hue overspread his a speech to tbe Legislature of Tennes- they did with tt reheb—Mr. Steveua plied tbe boy, single dollar so far. It is strange how doantenanCe. Dll. FRANK L. HARRIS, ~ "Did you tell him it was Saturday, little rich men think of their obliga- see defining his views upon the issues remarked: "Had Lee burnt up all my DENTIST. Habbisobbdho, Va. Office Main atrfcel, "Edward 1 Edvtard I Ob, Edward 1 of tbe day. It is not unworthy of note feottof of Divinity. liabilities at the same time, I would near the KpiHCopal Church. and I bad my workmen and workwo- tions to us poor mechanics, who live, Husband !" i. STEEL 11A HTM AN, Assistant, Jau9 men to payoff?" nearly all the while, from hand to that this was the second time he had have been much oblirp d to him." In Slowly the eyes of tbe elck man The men who do not wear this titlo his lust sickness the doctor said to him "I tried to.sir; but it seemed to make mouth. If I could always get in my opened, but closed again, heavily, with- resigned from the Senate, having ta- insist that it is so cheap as not to be JOHS A. COWAJI, him angry; and as he is a good custo- small bills, I would be very comforta- ken that course in 1798, after a brief one day. "Mr. feftevens) 1 think your ATTOUN EV-AT-I.AW, HanBisoNncno, Va. Office out sendiug forth a beam of intelligence. desirable. Yet almost every clergy- appearance is better to day." "it is in Partlow Building, a few doors North of the Post- mer—" ble. As it is, I am always in trouble term of service. Mr. Van Huron was man who receives the degree aciepts office. The poor woman's strength was all elected to the Senate) in 1821 and re- not inv appearance that troubles me," "Too bad ! too bad 1" ejaculated the about money." gone. Sinking ibto a chair, she lean- it, aud this habit of acceptanoe will be GEO. a. GRATTAN^ shoemaker, breaking in upon tbe boy's Mrs. Blythe stood very still, and an- ! (eleoted in 1827, and in 1828 resigned was the reply, "but mv disappear- ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, HARRicolffinBo, Va. A^-Oilice ed over upon* the bed, and her face to become Governor of New York, and continued until the "D. D." becomes ance." South Side of Cotirt-IIoilste S^Uare. words. "Call around and pay I Why swered not a word. It was hardly agaibst that of her husband. Its cold- as com moo as "Esq " and means about — didn t ho send the money ? That would possible for her to leave her husband tbat office be resigned to become Sec- as much Iu a "character sketch" of ness chilled her to tbe heart. Alieady retary of State under Jackson, wbicb A good-natured looking young man Dll. J. N. GORDON, have been easier." again, and moreover, she had promis- the death-damps were breaking , the Rev. Pomivos Hoarlless Gasbag.D. of twenty five, acoompanie-l by a mod- OFFIOE AT RESIDENCE, Main STaEBi", opposito Rising from his bench, the shoema- ed to bring him home the wine. through tbe relaxing porefi. A mo- ,office he also gave up to become Mm- D., which we find in the Alliance, the tho Episcopal Church. ■sler to England. He was never again est appearing young woman of about ker went to his little unpainted pine "I am very sorry, Mrs. Blythe," re ment she tried to arouse herself to a > Rev. Geo. H. Peeke thus unmercifully the same age, evidently bis wife and TI10 Harrlsoubnrg Iron Foundry. desk, On \Vhich was an old square cork poated the shoemaker j "but what is so, Senator, although, like Jefferson and deals with the DoctotatS: "The title, new effort. But hope had died, and 'the first Adams, he stepped from tho jnst made so, called upon a (iriswold inkstand, and the stump of a quill, can't be helped." the leaden pall of despair was on her as interpreted from tbe past, reads street insurance agent to eee about in- five inches long, which was dignified "True, true. I learned that long ispirit. Vice Presidency to the Presidency it- thus; D. D, historically, is a myth; P. BRADLEY, self. Of the Presidents who followed, suring her life. After sume prelimi- MANUFACTUtlEft of Llvlnars- by the name of a pen, and took there- agoj" said the woman, with a half-de- "Mrs. Blythe!" ] practically, a forgery; intolloctually, a nary conversation the agent inquired ton Plows, Uill-eidc Plows, from a package of bills. He went over spairing sigh. "The lessons of'poverty General Harrison had been Senator humbug; politically, a figure head; a r Cutters, Cane.lUllls, Road-Scm-KaUEEjlM It was the voice of AndreW) the |Irom 1825 to 1828, and iu the latter what sma they had in nsiud. "I want them twice before Selecting one, for sink deeply enough into the memory i" £v tried to speak cheerfullyi tration, and the lightest cause might t tiom an unlimited absence without bitizens,■ and save tbebt long "Mr. Olonn stiys he will call around sipped his delicately-flavored sherry, cdisappointment of Mr, Webster at tbe boon a soup ladle." and cold walks this w-lntol-, I destroy the even baluuco of life just tand remarked upon its quality! Of a c leave. "J know I'm drunk," returned and pay." cowardly ingratitude of the Whigs in the tar, "hut I shall get over that. ,a»y RUN A LINK OF HAORS TO attained, and throw a preponderance iscene like this, which an easy act of (preferring General Scott to himself as A lady entered a shop lately and re- AND FROM ALL TRAINS. Will call Ih atiy part of Tue shoemaker's countenance fell. upon tho wrong side. j As for you," be went on, looking at the town for passengers. BaggsgoWagoli iu attehd- He let his eyes drop to the work in his justice on his part, in tbe simple pay- (their candidate in '52. It shortened quested to see some lavender kid juce. PRICK. TWENTY FIVE CENTS A SEAT. Slowly, at length, she moved toward 'meat of a bill, might have prevented! I his commanding officer pityingly) Orders lolt at my office will receive prompt attontlou. lap, and bent his face downward that his days with sallen sorrow. VV.M. gloves, whereupon she was shown eev- "you're a fool, and you'll never got _ , A. 0. STAPLES. tbe door. (Ouoe, us he looked ot the crystal wine, eral difioreut shades of that color. Be- B December 6. 1878. deia am its exptessioa might be partly conoeal- "You will send up the money, Mr. I over that." ed from the boy. holding his glass to the light, the ing a little overcome with so groat a Barker, right soon," she said) turning «oouateaaooe of the poof woman be had Music may have charms to soothe "Did you say that be would oblige 1 variety she asked: "Which of those 18797 STEW 1879. partly around, and looking back at the fseen at the wine uerohant's seemed the savage; but a double-barreled When a Hartford woman patted her me pavticulurly by settling the bill, as 8 pairs is the laveaderest 7" GABDEN SEEDS troubled shoemaker. fto glare at him, as if reflected through shot gun does tbe busiuess a good friend's seven-year old yunagstef on it was Saturdayj and I had my work- c — ¥ HAVE JUST RECEIVED MY NEW GARDEN "The moment I receive It Andrew «a mirror. But tbe unpleasaut vision deal quicker, and at about half the ex- the head and said; "I should like to J. aoedH for tho koahou of 1H70: men to pay ?" is going out with some bills iuimedi- I pense. "Dipped into a weak solution of ao- have such a little boy as yon are," he 04BBAaK "Yes, sir; but ho turned off, saying faded iu a moment. Between tbat de- I WINNIM08TADT' early CABBAOR,oxukart ately." jspairiog couuteDance and bis failure oomplisbmentfl" is tho term now ap- looked up into her face aud replied: KARLY TOMATOES, &o. UeodMOfali kind 5 ceula he did not want to bear anything more The door opened noiselessly) with ' A Conneotiout man has ohristeued pliod to thoso of our girls prufesaiu» "Well I guess you can; I don't b'.ieva t paper, at the Old EiUbliahod HUnd uf from me." to pay u trifiiug bill he recognized no . L. H. QTT'_ noiseless stepH a drooping figure went 1possible relation of effect and cause. his duughtefGlyoeriue. He says it to be highly educated. God's lost tho pattern of me." A N Barker sighed, and for some mo- out, and uoisfcleasly the door was shut will be easy to prsfix "Nitro," if her ¥■ WiMlxoi "E 1 alulNr roil which F. O. are FIERCE wm runted & GO'S. to coverItRADY eh ments sat very still upon bis bench. Need we give any new shades to our ? luiicb Hiirfaoc, and prove na durublo hh any Ready again. The only sense that took re- 1incture—neod we turn tbe kaleido- temper resembles her uiother's. "This is the weigh I long Lave Kissing the baby may result in do- Mixed Faluta in tho Market. liedpeitrully. Then rising slowly, he referred again cord of the circumstance was that of ^ sought," said tho customer to the coal- L. H. OTT. to his package uf unsettled bills. scope—need we add a word by way of J «"--i .1. — .♦ . . . iuo »-.uat- lusuxiii^forming iujits uuhHnose uuaand uriu^.ugbringing on Dearnear sight. iapplication 7 What good 7 The lesson dealer who ^gave him a full ton — by --sighteduoss. ————www. TheJ. .AVJ auiuavsafest wayVTUjr inis UUbnot toUJ iBw A WH0LB8ALB HOUMK, HUT 0AM KILL "Hupposo you try Mr. Coles again." A western lawyer included in bis auBtiiEe.mistake. j kiss0 a baby uf„r.i., tbu rfeminino persuasion, i^j a urderN lor any ^iiautiiy ot Orm erieu mh low aa Mr. Redwood, the merchant, who 'iu complete enough, and all additional Ibill against bis client: "To waking up any «uULl.i.huieut in the unnvry ItiiMiiieiM* lu town. The boy shook his bead, roiuarkiog, thought his shiieiuaker'n bill of so lit- ( — ueiiJ t». JxAlo, iUNAL HUVV.' with tnjMt fumiliuiity of mauuen groupingu or oolonugs would but wouk- iiu tbe nigbt aud thiukiug about vour _i 'T**i "ndl it attains the age of sixteeu years. tic cuhsoijuoLcu ihut ho would not « the inciiul we seek to enforce. .case, $5." Xheru ia lino dignity in labor, and i Ibe curtilage ol the Lose is much no true diguiiy witiiuut it. ! stronger tbou. 11IE HE-ADJUSTERS' MEETING. EDITOKIAL CORRESPONDENCE. The members of the Bonndary com- Advertiseinont s.| CJO TO PtOHM- PkrtOTHTCrfcS, Old Commonwealth. irission of Virginia and West Virginia ~~ ~ '—— Several weeks ago a call appeared ft* WKATHflll I* TOWN—OROtTHD HOOH AWT} •*•***' DOOR—SATUBOAT KVXKIWO WaTINK**—RAL* O* MA- IDBmet last week in Winchester, and made G. A. MYERS & CO. In I^a-rtlo-w Bnildlne, in one or two of the coonty papers t. K. SMITH ud P. B. BKI4RT. Kdllont. j cniNKRT hall—a pRmnxirriAL cahdidat* map* anpap report of their action. Tbe re- . „ „ . „ Where you will flnrt the i««rgeet Stork of Groceries In town, at the lowest price*. rOHTMASTKR — DHOLE BAMMT TILDE* A*D TH* . . , —- A. MYERS A CO., No. ft East Market Street, calling a meeting of the "Ezeontive r0 w thefri o te.t ou. .11 for mi. by XD©a,l EIVOXjTJSIVSXjV in OHOOEinilElS soming, of course, that the meeting OEO I'KOi.KbSS OF THE SETTLEMENT. eessed of any snch system of snn-dial prognostlca. Jj'jJbill, by Col. Spitler, of Page, introdno- Nt: Beiit MikS'jtrw*. And by carrying tbe Urgeat itock. ud baying from flrat hud,, ou cell u lov. If not lower, thu uy honoo was held, wc made inquiry of a num- lion. The Weether Bureau at Washington should In town. adopt tbe ground-hog system, and give the nation the ed into the Senate, for an additional -T-veakin's salt, * cu lend jn>t reoit.d by We clip (he following from the Rich- ber of recognized *'read j asters" as to Weather six weeks ahead, so that the probablllUos apappropriation to complete the work. gbo. a. wykrs a co. .A.T HOHFL BnOTHEinS, mond XXj-pohA dfTuceday i»8 the lal- what was done, bnt failed to learn a won Id read; "For the Southern and Middle Btatcs— »p. A LARGE SUPPLYP of0 Sugars, roflVes, Syrups, You will find tbe choicest selections of Roasted Java and Lamiayra Coffees, at lowest prices. Also, EIGHT high tail, alight ahadow, wind aouUiweai, with rapid- The former appropriation of $700 was A New Orleansi3. udand Portopo^^ Rico MoImshos, and a POUNDS OF GOOD OR KEN COFFEE FOR ONE DOLLAR eat we can gather upon the progreBS single item of the proceedings. Strange fullf 11 varietyTar,e, or OrrVcries, Woodenware, Ao., &o., ly diftappcaring ground-hog. For the Western and prprobably only intended as a "Btarter,'' Wholosalo" andr retailtfrawi.,. prices low.woodenwM-.. *o.. . noun nnoa?neinfcs making in the sottlomont of the debt as it may seem, roost of those of whom Faoiflo Htatea, altitudinous caudel—fleeting reflection, ^ GEO. A. MYERS k CO., heavy gale, ground hog Inflated ao he can't get into and it will require about $800 more to No. 6 East Market Street. Keep oonsbtntly on hud FRESH LAKE HERRING In [Ulf Rarrola, Quarter Birrola and Small lit,, at lb. qaestion: we made inquiry expressed surprise at his hole. For the Eastern States—no ground-hog— HEfinish the surrey. West Virginia ap- lowoat markut ratoa. Merobauts ud otbor, can always depend on tbe lowont market price. Mr. Chailee M. Fry, president of the learning from ns that there had even no tall—cloudy—no hole—no wind. For Virginia— pj. A Splendid Chance dimlnlahlng readJuatment—inoreaalLg taxes—logisla- propriated $1600 for the work, and it WE BAYS JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER CAR LOAD OF First Kational Bank of New York,who been a meeting. It is a pertinent 'will require an equal amonnt upon tbe FOR PERSONS WISHING TO ■West's CelobrotoA Extra. No. 1 Korosono Oil, is Interested in the Fcheme for the tore' holes in heads—cautionary aignala ordered for W1 question therefore: Have we a "dark- Port Republic. That would be weather from which pfpart of Virginia to complete the run- SECtTRE A HOMESTEAD. WHICH WE OFFER TO MERCHANTS AT REDUCED PRICES. funding of the public debt of Virginia lantern" party in our midst? somebody could derive some comfort; as ii is now, , as proposed by the funding association nobody Is satlsfled. When the weather Is bad, people HIning of this important line. tef We pay at all tlmea tbe HIGHEST PRICE IN CASH for all klnda or Oonntry Prodrtne. A ran in ra of the United States and London, was We subsequently learned, that the stop in the house, bnt when It is pleasant every * Two Splendid Building Lots, apecifully eoholted. HOIIK BIIOT-HERT, I-ortlow Itnllctl npc. "Executive Committee" did meet-some moiber'a eon and daughter comes out to show their JPFiaanoial and Conuueroial- iFronting 90x67 feet, on tho moat prominent thor- 1 in the city Sunday and yesterday. Ho good clothes, furs and finery before they are put away — onghfare in Harrisonburg—running back 700 feet, if ' bad interriews with leading roetnbers fifteen "present or accounted for"— for theeeasen. Cheatuul street, on a pleasant Satur- FINANCIAL.. cdesired. Terms easy. These Lots are, in truth, the of the General Aseemblv and other and that sundry resolutions were adop- best DnUding Lots now in market. For further par- day afternoon, affords a dross parade for ah humanity, Mokdat, FebrtBry 10, 1878. 'ticulars inquire at THIS OFFICK. gentlemen concerning amendments to ted looking to grand reforms in both not equalled in any oitv in America. The ladiea and f P. 8.—The one Lot may contain Acres, the their proposition, but did not submit gentlemen, lads and loaaiea, old dames and old The money market In New York Monday was given other< 1^ or quite. Any one wishing to purchase Invoice Taken and Stock Harked Oowq the orgunio and statnle laws of the ouout aa follows: ••Money continues abundant and ^had better call soon, as they will probably sell quite an amended bill to the Finance Com- ••duffers," fall into line and amble their way back and eaay, with aa8 per cent, the current rate for call loans, 1readily. febl3-lm State, predicated in large part upon fortb between Seventh and Beveufteenth atreeta, until ^ mittee, as was expected. That will, the sidewalk is flUod with a surging ae* of matinee *andu 4a6 per eeut. for prime mercantile paper," boweyer, be done in a few day. the proposed changes in the Stale Con- goers. Saturday afternoon has become a half holU Virginia conools aold at 64^, a decline of >4« The Mr. Fry left the city yesterday even- day. II ia the heel of an evening devoted to delights pepeelers brought 38>4, an advance of 1 per cent. Con- WJJillliimer&Co., stitution, lately effered in the Legisla- 60sol coupons 77. ing. Mr. Lelaud, who has been hero ture, which have been heretofore pub- and diveraiona incidental to city existence. Tbe Sat- You will be astonished when we quote prices to yon over the counter. for some weeks as the representative urday evening matinee at the opera and theatre is a FLOUR AND GRAIN. EAST MARKET ST., lished in full in the Commonwealtii• We popular thing for the men, matrons and maidens. Ha-rrlson.t>-u.rg:, "Va-. GO ODS-MARKFD DOWN WAY BELOW COST of Mr. McCulloob, went with birn. Fscorta are nuuecc ssary and escapades are conse- Bai ttmork, February 10,187®. The prospect of an agreement on a also learned that before the meeting ad. quently immerous. Herein doubtless lies the attrac- Floub.—Market firm with tendency upward for all The attention of the trade is respectfully oalled to basis which will command the approv- journed, a resolution was adopted tion, for lew there are at the matinee who forego the g'grades. owr stock of (< , Wukat.—Market firm and higher. Ponnsylvania al of the General Assembly is reported directing ihe Centrar committeo (now fleeting facinetion of a flirtation, anc* strange as it may rcred $1 07al.07>». March and April options X io X <3-HOO 13 R-I IS S, seem the giddy chits form but a small element in uup in price. Sales later In the day at $1.0®>4 for latter OALXaX^ .ALCTID SHEZIEl FOZL "STOTTmSiEHLiF as favorable. It is conceded that the who can they be?) to call a xntss meet- half of February, No. 2 rod, and at $1.07 for M.rch. oonslsHng of Sugars, Coffees, Teas and Rice, together 8 per cent, term will be extended to these chanvcterlstlca. Old skeletons, who were voner- with everything usually kept In a First class Grocery ing of Re adjusters for Monday next, able in tho walks of life ten, yea fifteen years ago, Store. ten years. stem to have been revamped and become possossed OATTUE MAIXItETS. Also, a VARIETY OF CANNED GOODS, such as Dry Goods of all Descriptions ALL DOWN. County Court day, at which delegates Corn, Peas, Peaches, Tomatoes, Ac., ail of which we of vitality's elixir in some myaterfotto manner, which Daltimorr, February 10. 1879. will sell for Cash or Produce as low as the lowest. NEWS. are to be chosen to the State Conven- has enabled them to cheat mortality. Wbat a hollow Bkkf Cattl*—As there were eomo 500 or 600 of 40^ CASH PAID FOR PRODUCE. foblS 3m mockery It seems to observe an attenuated octagena- tltho rwceipta resbipped East before tbe opening of tbe WOOLEN GOODS. FURS, CLOAKS, &o.9 tion of Re-adjustors to be held in Rich- umarket here, prospects there seeming to Justify tho fogllsh arms bate met with a rfTerse in the na rlan swell, dyked in youthful embellishments, ogling measure, trade here opened active and poutinuod bo ALE WAY BELOW COST. tore of a disaster in the war which is being waged mond on the 25ih of February. We tbe miiBOB through a single barrel quizzing glass of ^tbrougbout, tho market all the time being in favor of with th« savage tribe of Zt^us la South Africa. Capo ^ WOUld kindly remark to OUl' re-adjUB- 90 years lens. It is a pitiful sight, which calls down bsollers, and prices advanced the latter im- JAS. II. CAMPBELL, imprccxtioiis on tbe Lead of tbe alchemist who has Fprovement in a few cases of a small number of select Call and seo for yovirsolt", and "wo will oonvlno© tyon tlftfltti Town ad vice* to tho 27th ult. eUte that a detachment ter. friends that we shoald most cheer- tops, which were somewhat better than the same of the Fourteenth Drltiah regiment, a attiall force of rpreserved them beyond their proper limit in the cclass last week. Tho Chicago shippers having pre- SADDLER, span of life. vviously lost money on their ventures in this market, IS TUlfl OHICAJREST. artillery and 600 native auxiliaries wore utterly annl- fulfully have published the proceedings ») determined, as opportunity seemed to open in the hHated by 20,0C0 Zulus on the 2l8t of January. Ao- ^of their meeting, but we suppose we It may be interesting and perhaps consoling to ^East, to reship some of their best stock thence. We East Market St., cording to accounts from Capo Town tho Drltish lost B|eome of our Rockingham people who are the hapoy cquote at 2 60a $6 76 per 100 lbs. are to be deprived of that pleasnro, for ppossessors of a dozen or more doge, that a canine com- Milch Cowh.—The rooetpts are full and trade dull. Ha-rrlsomo-u.rg, Va,. no less than 60 officers and 600 soldiers, the former ar Wo quote at 16a$60 per head, ns to quality. CLOSING OUT SALE including a colonel, two majors and a surgeon. Far- ^the reason that a germ of the latel pauion^ is tho distingue stylo ai tbe present time. Not ^ Prices this week for Beef Cattle ranged as follows: MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN tlculare of the engagement are wanting, but it soems infrequently may bo soon a handsome setter, or a Bestj Beeves $6 00 a 6 75 "Parlor Committee" now composes in pairp of them, entwining -themselvea in the pedal ex- (Goucrally rated first quallly 4 60 a 6 00 Everj Description ol Articles Per- —on— that tho F.ngliali forces, weakened by a rc«onnoiter- * Medium or good fair quality. 3 60 a «t 00 log detail, were overwhelmed and alaugbtersd i llargea| measure the "Executive" or thej treuiMles^ of pedestrians on tho crowded thoroughfare, Ordinary thin Steers, Oxen and Cows.... 2 50 a 3 00 camp. tripping people up and swiping with mud the pearl- jExtreme range of Prices.. 2 50 a 6 75 taiufng to the Business, "Central" committee, (or whatever coloredc v&utaloous of the antiquated swell. Young[ Most of the sales wore from....,' 4 00 a 6 12 tf5-\vn.l. SELL. AS CHEAP AS ^HE The Senate on Monday passed the nonse bill au Total receipts for tho week 1020 head against 1059 thorizlng the Secretary of tl.e Treasury to convert the Bfname it may bo properly called,) and1 ladles,ii too. essay the agony, If not with a setter per 1 last week, and 1247 head same time last year. Total CHEAPEST. feblSly PALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS baps a bull-dog, baruesscd up in a shawl-strop and |sales for the week 1200 head, against 888 last week, UnlUrd States deposltoiics into Bavings Banks and ^the antipathy of that clement to the^ pulling| like a Kentucky mule, while Irene Oneida^ and1 1209 head same time last year. issue certiflcateR of deposit in sums of $10, convcrti- _ 7 1 Swine.—The receipts have been largely increased ble Into interost-bearing bonds when presented in ^Commonwealth is about the same as it is3 holdsi on for dear life with both bands. The xnos over last week's offerings. Tbe market is only tairly T'Ol* TIIIJBSTY popular "dorg" of the period, however, is the skye active, trade not being as brisk as at tbe time of our S. II. MFFETr & CO., sum of $60. The rate of interest will jba i per cent, ggsaid "the Devil has for Holy water." terrier,J so hidden in hair that when not in motion1 last report. Prices have been Iklrly maintained, quo- Russia is being devastated with plagues, inoluding tations being without change, though the sales at top XD©a-l©i-s in. the Siberian plague, typhus fever, amHll pox and When we first saw the call for the3 you; can't tell which way he is headed. Tbeae axe thed quotations wore not as numerous as they were last ——-A-H?—- meeting of the "Executive Committeea spinsters'' pets and tbe old sports' delight. Tbe akye week. The market may be considered a shade weaker Flour, Grain, Groceries, cattle plague. m wears a ribbon to match the apparel of his two-legged^ than it was last week. Wo quote at6a4^ciB, most The British Privy Council have withdrawn the ex- 0of| 4tie Be adjusters of Rockingham1 companion., It is said y«u might as well be out of,f rales being recorded at and 5j4 cts per lb net. The Tobaccos, Ac., empiion as to the importation ol live cattle from the . arrivals to Saturday were some 3IG5, and since then BRENNAN & SOUTHWICK'S. United States, after March Brd. C(county," we supposed the object to beg the| world as out of tho fashion. Tbe present version 7070 bead. Receipts this week 10,165 head against KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND BEST BRANDS OP - fiobert Heth, Esq., formerly of Richmond, and B is, you might as well be o*l of tho world as out of 6642 last week, and 6837 head same time last year. to appoint or elect delegates to the a] dog, Sheep.—The supply is rather lighter than it was FAMILY AND EXTRA FLOUR. We shall offer the balance of our stock of Fall and Winter Goods at price, that will gnarantee their sals fela'y ranying cn buaiuess at Medium River on the ^ \ Leaving tho subject of hogs, dogs and dandies, forr last week, and trade a little mere active. Tbe quali- C. & O. R. R., committed suicide on Sunday. Heavy bState Convention, be forementioned,p D ty is kardly as good as it was last week, there being OFT'A.X, In A.1V Y QXJA.1NTITY. daring tbe next thirty days. Below wo quote « few of tbe many articlos offered at coefc, and In some luatanoe. losses in Imsiu^ss produced insanity. He was great more serions gossip, I fall back on the well worn fewer top sheep, most of them being ol the middle but we now learn that that will be done® ;thenio of the Centennial. Not to speak of tho exhl-L- grades. Trade has been mostly confined to home OUR GOODS ARE FOR SALE AT WHOLESALE ton to flfteen per cent, below coat. ly rospeoted and beloved by all who knew him. He e butcbers. There has been no Eastern demand, but a AND RETtlL. was a coudn of Gon. Harry Heth, of Confederate fame, 11in mass meeting on Monday next In1 bltion or the visitors, not even of those who came few sales have been made to Washington butchers. There are in the Virginia penitentiary 131 convicts 7view of the fact that the bondholderso from Harrisonburg on a week's excursion ticket and" We quote at faS*^ cts per lb gross. Nearly all tbe 200 Yards Winter Suitings at Oc,, former price 10c. teaflier Aelts -....at tfc., former price 15c. under tho ago of 20. 114 of whom are males and 17 ^ never got of sight of the Brood Street depot. No,t, sheep have been disposed of. Receipts this week febl3 S. H. M0FFETT & CO. of the Slate have agreed to the propo- they are the last I would refer to, but I want to In-Xm 1053 head against 2539 last week, and 1360 head same 800 •• •• •• 8c., " 12>ic. All-wool Double Shawls $3.60 $4.73 females. Eight of the former and three of the latter time last year. Oommlssioner's CTotioo* sition of the sub-committee of thee form those who did get to the grounds, and saw are serving out sentences for murder. The youngest 8! among other buildings cf many acres, the Machinery JOHN 8. LONG, GUARDIAN, &c„ 1000 •• •• •' 10c., •« 15o. Ladies' Cloak J $3i2ff $4'.C0 of the males convicted for that crime was 11 yearn qGeneral Assembly—to extend the time6 BUSINESS NOTICES. vs, and tho oldest 13. The nges of the girls serving out Hall. It cost $634,8«7.48,and sold yesterday for $24, ANNIE L. KYGER, &o. Heavy Shirting Flannels at 10c., •• 15c. 500 Yards Best Dark Calicos, 4>fc., Be. aenteuci s for murder ranged, at the time of convlc- IIfrom five to ten years in which three0 000. How is that fax (.hrinkago in value? It is 1402 In Chancery in tbe Circuit Court of Rockingham Go. 12>aC., " 2dc. 4-4 Laurel D Cotton 7c , 8c. .. feet long, 360 feet wide, with a wing 2o8 by 210 feet in McCkney's Saloon and Restaurant is the Extract from decree of Feb. 11, 1870.—••It la ad- tion, from 15 to 16. pper cent, interest shall bo paid—in all size. It contains 8 '• ttc: All-wool Fringes 15c., 28c# On Monday without a dissenting voice the Houeo mitted to one of the CommiBsiouers of this Court, to dopted the adverse report of the Judiciary Commit- ^candor we ask these, gentlemen, ifif 800,000 pounds of enst iron, 3,000,000 feet of white Liquors and Cigars. Prhnejselected Oysters state nnd settle: 20 Dozen Corsets ...... at 23c., •« 35c. Double-width Block Alpacas, 15c., 22c r t»;G made by Judge Harris on tho Royal bill, and then tithey propose to attempt to obstruct a pine, 700,000 feet of tin roofing, 130,000 square feet served in any style. None but the purest (1) The account of Wm. F. Kyger as Adm'r of Alex. of glass, and 6,0C0,pc»"i!:«« of cut stone, together with Kyger, dee'd. 200 Yards Remnants Mohairs 15c., *• 35c, Trimming Silks 76c. r $1 00 laid the motion to reconsider on the table. rfinal settlement of the debt questionD three lines of railroad track, luimcuue quanUtlcs of liquors of the finest brands. Call at McCk- (2) To ascortairt and report what amount is due said Mrs. Mi.rgarct McKllier, a native of Ireland, died in key's, Spotswood Bar. It. Adm'r from Annie L. Kyger, as heir aud distributee Montreal, Canada, cu Monday, aged 108 years and 16 bby their action ? There are but twoq steam wuior and gas pipes. When Grant, Dora Pedro of Alex. Kyger, dee'd. and CoiUbo the builder, turned tho lever valves of the Notice is hereby given to the parties Interostod In Sale to commence Saturday, February 1st. mouths. She leaves two daughters, aged 78 and 83 ^horns to the dilemma: either accept>fc great Corliss engine on the opening day, eight miles Go to McCeney's. the taking of the lorogolng accounts that I have fixed years, respectively, four grandchildren, twenty three ou Friday, the 21ht day of February, 1879, grettt-grEndchlldrcu, and one great-great grandchild ttho proposition as now made or repu-j. of shaftiug were set in -motion in thlR building, end at my office, in Harrisonburg, as the time aud place of coutinued so daily Uirougbout tbe exhibition, turning taking suid accouuts at which said time and place ■ged ten years. qdiate. Which will you do ? you are reouired to appear. BRENNAN & SOUTHWICK. Q. F. Simmons, of Troy, N. Y., crazed by tho elope- out everything from a ten penny nail to a telephone. Given under my hand as Commissionor in Chan- ment of his wife, ponoited his three children and Rockicgham county people have toojq Every vestige of the structure is to bo removed and cery this 12th day of February, 1879, cut his throat on Monday. Tho childrou will recover ^ the ground leveled off before ti^e flret of Juno next. J. It. SONES, Comm'r Chanfcevyj butSimmons will probably die. much sense we believe to be draggedU Numerous exhibits still remaiuing in the building Geo. E. Slpe, p q febld' 'it In tho Virginia House of Dtlcgides Monday the 1into any party which can have no!() were also sold ai auction. The Jnpancso Bazaar of thousands of dove-ttdlrd pieces without a nail in its OommJHsioner's IVotlco. Senate bill to reorganize the Virginia Agricultural and ^higher aim than repudiation or revo- EORGE W. LUTZ AND WIFE Meclianlcol College was recommitted, lima virtually entire make-up, which cost $2500 and $1130 import JT vs. LOEB & KLINQSTEIN'S defeating all action and allowing the Governor to go Ilution. There is a fair propositionD duty, sold for $160. 80 tin y go. one Ly one—the GEO. F. FUNKHOUSER'S, ADM'R, &0. relics of '70 are being razed. It would.puzzle a fellow In Chancery In the Circuit Court of Rockingham Co. UT-OIO. forward cud make his three new appointments on the ffor settlement now offered, and every COMinSSIONEB'S OmcB, 1 board of visitors. y now to toll whore ho drank beer and afto bologna with HAimrRoitB'URfi:, Va., Fob. 10,1879. f Mr. J. Wiley Honey, of Stafford co., Va was found ^consideration of prudence and patriot-t- his dnlcina, but iben they need neither mourn or go Tho Court doth adjudge, order aud decree that this ^ thirsty for there are still plenty of placed in close cnuse bo referred to a Master Oommissioner of this by his son on Friday night last with bia head jam- iism requires a prompt adoption of it, Ccart. with inetrnctiunB to examine, state and: settlo mcd between the wheel of his market wagon and a ' convenience. the following accountB. to wit: sapling, quite dead. It is supposed bis horse, which &and the stoppage of any farther disoua-B- Hayes has tendered Ex-Gov. Eartranft the Posl- let. An account of the real ami personal estate of was found etandiug near tho wagon, became frighten- g .j-j mdstersbip of Philadelphia, and it is thought he will George F. Funkhotfrter, dee'd. sion of this damaging question, which accept. This is a come down for a man who has been 2d. An account of the debts of eaid decedent, aud Tiey always to a large stock of pods, aufl camiot bo miflorsoliL cy and ran away. * tbe order of their priorities'. The rosignation of U. P. Senator J. P. Cbrlsiiancy, has been magnified by the too ardentat Governor of Pcnnsj-lvania for six years and who re- 3d. Any other account which atty patty may re^ | BEST BROWN SUGAR 8 CENTS BEST ROASTED COFFEE... .ao CENTS PER PAC« of Michigan, has been placed in tho hunds of the C jq ccived more votes fhan Hayes on the first ballot for quire, or tho CoramlsBioner may deem of importance, i BEST WHITE SUGAR 9 CENTS REST GREEN TEA, 60 CENTS PER LB , CANT declamations ol office seekers, who President at tbe Cincinnati Convention. Hartrauft The parties to the above entitled cause,-and all BEST JAVA COFFEE .30 CENTS BE BEA i'. Governor of that State and accepted. | 10 others interested therein, are hereby notified that 1 BEST RIO COFFEE 18 CENTS 6 CAKES OF SOAP 35 CENTS Tobacco men are sanguine of socuring a reduction found it a fiuo hobby to ride intoI wanted to go to Bf rliu in place of Lajard Taylor, but have fixed on FRIDAY, MARCH 7th, 1879, at my of tho tax on snuff and tobacco to sixtecu cents. The \plaoe. Hayoa has sat down ou him with a poatmaHtership, office, lu Harrisonburg, Va^, as tho thue and place of and the man -who hung Mrs. Snrratt and about forty taking the foregoing accounts, when- tfnd where they i FILL LINE OF CONFECTIONAEIES ALWAYS UPON HAND. bill comes up in the Senate on the 13th inst for ac- will atteud and protect their respective interests. tion. It is estimated that if the bill becomes a law The people of Virginia demand 0.a others since, seems glad to get It. Don Cameron will Given under my hand as Commissioner in Chancery C-AJVNED FIIU1TH OF jVX.I, ICliVOS. it will give tho holJors of tax paid tobacco and snuff I g. probably oppose Hartranft's confirmation and per- this 10th day of February. 1879 settlement by the present General As- haps make a fight like Cunkling did over the Mew Scratch 110 More—"Itclilug Piles, " 1'ENDLETON BRYAN, C. 0. a claim for at leaol $1,000,000 in rebate. ^ «fohn E k O. B. Roller, p q febl3-4t OUR CANDIES ARE ALWAYS FRESH AND PURE- It Ih probable that another amputation of the leg- sembly. If obstructionists exist in suf-ii- York appolDtraents. Bymptons of whrcfi are raoifflur«, IfRe pera- OTt-AJVGEe 3» OlEiVTS A. DOZJSIV. bone will be nocoFsary in Senator Wade Hampton's 1ficient numbers in the Legislature toq Grant and-Cameron for 1880. ie prediction Of piratiou, intenne itclnng, particularly When . numcroue poUtiVlaus in these parts, as the Radical nndreaBiDg, or after getting warm in bed, in- COMMISSIONER'S SALE To"fc>£XCOO JEVULCi O, &%3GGld2.tjr, cuso. (defeat the popular will, the holding of creaged by Bcratcbtng, might tbink pin A delluitive treaty of peace has been concluded be ticket. Tllden Is making good campaign capital in OF VALUABLE fl^Try 6ur 6 cent Cigar aud 26 cent Plug Tobacco. You will like tweeu Russia and Turkey, is to ovacuato Turkish tcr 'the February convention will not availxi\ Now York before tho Potter Investigation Committee. worms were crawling In end about tbe rec- 5L.OJEII afc icx^irvo^TErrN", Tho old Until tVf fMr mnjority has the bulge on tum, oftentimes shows itself around the janlG* One door above Shacklett's Hardware store. rltory within thirty-five days. Imuch to save them from onnibilaticn private parts. A pleasant and safe cure i'Q REAL ESTATE Tho Virginia State Grange Patrons of Husbandry hypocritical Rutherford, whose term is half over, BY VIRTDE OF A DECREE RENDERED fN couvened In Norfolk on Tuesday. 1should they again present themselves68 'with everlasting contempt Btsrii-g him in the face lor every case is "Swayne's Ointment." If al- the Chancery cartee of Jacob Blose's Ex'or vs. the bulauce of it and the reuaiuder of his life, while lowed to continne very serious results may Jacob Miilei's Adm'r, efc als, at the Fall Term, 1878, of A bill has been passed permitting female attorneys jfor popular snffernge. follow. It also cures tetter,, barber's itch, the Circuit Court of tho County of Rockingham, Va., to practice in the Supreme Court oi the United States Undo Sammy can "swear before God and his coun- we, the undersigned, Commissioners appointed for AT THE OLD STAND, Tho city of Memphis, Teun , having disiuoorpora- Tbero is nothing higher in anyDJ try" that he was cheated. The investigation com- scald bead, ring worm, blotches, all crusty, that purpose, will proceed to sell at public auction, at scaly, itchy skin eruptions. Sent by mail to the front door of the Court-house, in Harrisonburg, TitaiiEj IEJIEUSO: Tiinzj JSZEJA-JSOHST. led in order to avoid payment of $5,OCO,O0O to ile 1movement made now agaiust a settle-0. pletcly vindicated the old man from any suapicion of any address on receipt of price, 50 cents a box, creditors, the latter have mudo application to Judge kaowledge or oomplicity in the cypher dispatches, Va., at 2 o'clock F. KT., on? ment of the debt question upon tho end filfl prlock is considerably stronger than a few or three boxes for $1 25,by Dr. Swayne & Son SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8TH, XCY®, 4Dc»jnu.<» S Baxter of the U. B. District Court for the appoint- Pblladelpbia. Sold by all leading druggists. tbe following Real Estate, to wit: ment of a Receiver, the isuposilion of special taxes basis proposed than subsorvency to months ago. Tilden's ronomination would not be Oranges from 19 to 30c. a dozen. Lemons fxom 30 to 30c. a dozen, Malaga Grape® acceptable to a great many of tbe Democracy, but In Harrisonburg by L. II. Ott, J.L. Avis, and 13-14;(lx of tbe Home Parm of tbe said upon ail property with in the limits of the loriner selfish ambition, and, as many otherer Irwiu & Son. Jacob ftlliler, dee'd, 30 to 35c. a lb., Layer Figs 35c, a lb., best Frcnob Prunes 11 to 13 l-3c. a lb. city, and the enforcement of the collection ol such once again before tbe people his fate la *77 would bo situated on the Bbenandoah River, Rockingham co., counties have done, we hope to see66 hi> greatest element cf strongtb. D. Va., and assigned in said cause to tho heirs of Jacob DEVer'ytHlngf In iFTnlt and Candy ITreslx and of Uest equality# debio or the paymcut of non-resident creditors. A Profit Dr. S. J. Belt, Ballinioro, Md. Miller, dee'd, subject to tho payment of the debts of Receiver was appointed ou Tuesday. the Conservative element of our coon- I have prescribed Colden's Idebig's Liquid said Jauob Miller, deo'd, or so much thereof as may A three-year old ehtld of a Mrs. Stewart died of Id speaking of the extension of the Extract of Beef and Tonic Invigorator, and be uecossary for tho payment of said debts and the WISE'S FAVORITE TOBACCO, i ty assert itself ou Monday next and costs of these proceedings. Tho said 13th-14th of Btarvutiou in New York ou Sunday. Stewart and his t me in which three per cent. Bhall be ebeerfully state that it has met my most wife belonged in Harrpcr'a Ferry, and arrived lately declare its will agaiust any schemes to sangnine expectations, giving to patients said farm contalua Tlio Clieaposfc In llvo "Vivlley—T-*veiity-ll ve Cents n. I*Iupc. in Now York fmm the West in a state of destitution. perpetuate discord or proloug ugita- paid, from five to ten years, as request- long.enfeebled by obronic diseases, debility, Just received, a lot of the celebrated BrumincII's Cough brc^is. Tho subscriptions to the United States four per ed of the bondholders, conference rep- weakness, lose of aupetite and indigestion, The 63 Acrca assigned to the heirs of Jacob Mil- cent, funding loan for the week ending 8th inst., were, tion on the State debt question. "Let the needed NUTHmON and nerve food. Sold ler, dee'd, will afro be sold, if tho said heirs request A A . resentatives, end the proposition made it, in pursnanee of said decree. C I G A R S ! ■ - - EXCELSIOR. $30,200,000. ns have Peace." by all druggists. jan80 1m TERMS.—Enough cash in hand to pay costs of suit Tha Commercial National Bank of Petersburg, Va., by them as amended, tbe IStaanton and expouses of sale, the residuo in five equal annual Is to be placed in liqaidution, and tho affairs of the payments, with interest from the day of solo, the pur- bonk wound up as soon as practicab'e. Virginian soys: "We believe the bond- chasor to execute bonds with approved security for A telegraphic announcement from the deferred payments,- and tup title retained as ulti- PRIVATE SALE A bill has been introduced in Congress restoring all holders will extend it to ten years, and Fab. 8, 1879, In Brock's Gap, by llov. M. 11. E. mate security. SHOPPING UY MAiL invalid pensioners who have been dropped from tho, Washington inform ns of the serious KUdu, Jobn Beady to Polly A. Lantz, M of Ibis J. S. HARN8BERGER. sells on account of residence in the Confederacy. : with this done, it (,th« proposition as oaaaty. WM. Ii. OOMPTON, OF A VERY PRODUCTIVE FARM. • illness of Senator John W. Johnston JOHN E. ROLLER, This will enable Mexican war-pcr.sionera wb© were made at the eonferenee) would be ac- MARRIAGK INTENCIONS. J. G. NEWMAN. WE desire to sell privately our farm situated on residents of the South during tho war fo receive their' of this Slate. His family bad been Llceuscs isBiivd but not roturned are as follows: janO-ta Commissioners. the east side of the Sbcuaudoab River, about p nsions. ceptable to tbe great mass of tbe peo- throe miles east of MoGahoyitville. containing telegraphed from Abingdon. While Fob. 8—William OUno to Francis Spitxer. THE ABOVE SALE HAS BEEN POSTPONED UNMr Joseph L. Heath, a prominent citizen of Reed City, ple and shoald be adopted by the Leg- ■■ 8—Harvy H. Armcntrout to Mary 0. Chapman. MONDAY. FEBRUARY ITth^ 1879, (Court-day,) S3S AkOJRIdS. Michigan, and married, eloped with a Mies Thayer!■ we all, ol course, indulge in hopes of " 10—David Shank to Francis Powell. at 1 o'clock P. M. The form ia in a high state of cultivatiou, aud has on Tho father of the lady followed, ovortakihg them at islataro." *• It—Ilev. Lafayette Fox to .innle O. Connoll. J. S. HARNSBERGEK. it a good tenant house, largo baru, and a young and t the recovery of our diatingniahed sen- "• It—James It. Unpton to Fannio M, Byerty. WM. B. COMPTON, thrifty orchard. It ir a very deeirable farm—crops Kalamazoo. Upon the approach of tho father Heath1 JOHN E. ROLLER, well add1 is well watered. drew a rovolver to shoot him, but changlug bis miud, atorial representative, jet should his Ih*. Moffett opposed tbe oalliog of TDIE3ID. J. G. NEWMAN, We Wilr sell this farm at a fair price and upon easy placed the pistol to his own breast uud fired, the ballj illness terminate fatally it will at once febl3 Commisttionera. terms. W. 1ft Yancey, who lives abont three miles the re-Adjusters State oonTention; so Died nexr Salem Ohurcb. in Rockingham county, below the farmv will take pleasure in showing tho passing through bis heart. devolve upon the General Assembly a Va., on tbe 18tb of January, Ella Virginia, daughter same to auy oua desiring to purchase. G. A. Yancoy, Joseph M. Landers, of Baltimore, was assassinated ; did Judge Allen, Senator Massey, and of Joseph W. Daugheiv in the 4th year of her age. YTIRGINIA, TO WIT:—IN THE CLERK'S OF^ at his office in Hkrrisonburg, will furnish persons de- ou Saturday night at tho residence of his uncle in most rmporant duty. Senator Johns- a 1^ 0f olberB> composing the brains Though in her Infantile days yet she was remarkably > flee of the Circuit Court of Rockingham County, siring to purchase with all the information- necessary iBterestlng for one of her age. She spoke of the min- ou tho let day of February, A. D. 1879: as to terms. that city. Ben. Douglass, a Uackmau, was arrested tonL was _ last1 l elected.1 L 1 in torrEf1875, andj bis ' ister of the Goapol and of the church lu such ratiouul J. P. Swank and William ti. Saufloy, Adm'rs of Geo. auril 18 1878-tf W. B. & 0. A. YANCEY. and committed ft)r tho crime. Suspected criminal of that political element. They are language as to attract the attention of adults who Sauflcy. dee'd, aud Honry W. Roller Complts term, if not cut short by death, expires vs. intimacy of Landers with Douglass' wile assigned as not obatructioniste. were around her. David Ross, George P. Sherman, Adm'r of Ewmmond the motive. on the 4th of March, 1883. But we A large number of persons attended her funeral', P. flahu, doe'd; Samuel Paul, Adm'r of Samuel- who listened to au Impressive (lleoourse from the Funkbouacr, dee'd; Euos Keezle, Peter 8. Roller NOTICE! Lowis Btallings committed suicide at his homo in trust they will uever be called upon to words of om Lord; ••Suffer little children, and for- aud Mary Ann Sheets Defta fflO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:—NOTICE SAMPLES of all kinds of DRY QOODff, Baltimore on Sunday morning last. He tied a hand- Isn't it easier for old Virginia, espe- bid them not, to- come unto me, for of such is tho X ia hereby given tliat 1, Andrew J. Thompson ol etc., with prices and widths oorreotlp Jtereldof to tho trigger of a gun so as to form a loop, k kingdom of heaven."" IN CUAMCBBY. Richmond, Ray county, in the State of Missouri, ana marked, promptly forwardkd oa appU- fill a vacancy. | eiully in these hard times, to pay 3 per A poet beatifuily represents Christ as having said: Tho object of this suit is to subject tbe estate of the ns guardian of tho person and estaUr of Ruth-A. Boy- oatlon. into which be placed his foot, and placing the muzzle ••I take these little lambs, said Ho, defendant, David Ross, to tho payment of two debts ers, Jacob L. Boyers and Cynthia U. Ooyers, infant of the gun into-his mouth pulled the trigger, scatter- cent, than C per cent ? This is a plain And lay them in My breast; due the ooinplainauts—one for $125.00, with interest ; children and heirs of John Boyers, deceased, late of STRAWBRIDGEd CLOTHIER, ing his brains about tho room. Depression of spirits, If, as is now proposed, the bcndhold- Frotectlon they shall find in Me, from January 28th, 1859, aud $8.10 costs at law, sub- said county and State, will make application and pe- cauacd by want of employment, the cause, question, needing no explanation. In Me be over blest." Ject to a credit of $78.92, as of tho 12th of October, 1 tltlon to the Circuit Court of the County of Rocklng- B.W, dot. Eighth and Market Btfc, crs will accept 3 per cent fur 10 years, Then our hearts, full hopes and Joyful antlcipetion, 1878—the other for $91.66>^, with Interest from Au^ !| ham, lu the State of Virginia, on tbe 24th day of PHILADELPHIA. At a coucue laooUug of the Democratio members of reply; gust 22(1. 1861, and the costs of this suit. February 1870, for authority lo sue for, recover, and Congress held in Woshiugtoo, the following ameud- 4 per cent, for 20 years, and 6 per cent, Wuieh tbe obstruotioniatB; see to it ••Death may the bonds of life unloose, And affidavit being made that tbe defendants, David receive all money or personal property or property of But can't dissolve our love; Ross, Euob Keezle and Mary Ann Sbeefr, are non-re- 1i any kind which may belong to his said wards or el- mouts wore adopted as the sense of tfie party, and for 10 years, thereby giving to Virgin- Millions of inlaut souls compose, sideutB of the State of Virginia, it is ordered that they ther of them, in like manner aa if I was appointed unnMires taken Uxfciie their pnasage. 1st—Itoduoiug that they are not allowed to defeat tbe do appear here within one month after duo publlca- guardian in tho State of Virgiula, aud remove tho FOR SALE. ia $900,000 annually for ten years; The family above." tion of this order, and answer the plaintiff's bill or dto same to the State of Missouri, la pursuance of chap- he per dfom o< tks jnirers of the United States Com ts favorable chances for a settlement of An impression was made upon the minde of the what is necessary to protect their interests, and that for 126 Va. Code (edition) 1873. If said Court should COMFORTABLE TWO STORY FRAME IlilBfl from $3 to $2; 2d—Repealihg the test oath now re- $000,000 annually for twenty years, people, on this iutoresting funeral occasion, which, a copy of this order be published once a week for four not be in sefislou ou said 24th of Feb. 1871); then said DWELLING, containing six rooms; X Acre quired of Jurors thai they have not taken up arms the debt question, now offered. we trust, will result in much good. R. B. Lot; Fruit and Shade Trees; good Cistern; located 800 and $300,000 annaally for the remain- At the residence of bia nephew, Nathan Rives,.ou papersuccessive published weekfe inin theHarrisonburg, Ono CommonWraltii Va., and anothera news- applicationthat eoidCourt will ahalibe made be in on session, the first day thereafter yards north of depot. Price $Kl0. A bargain. against the United States, nor engaged in iusurreo- Mossy Oteok, ou Saturday tbe 1st iuoi., Mr. Reuben copy thereof posted nt the front door of the Court- ANDREW J. THOMPSON, For further information apply at tiuu against the same, nor given aid or comfort to ing ten years, (as a reduction of inter- Judge Hari-ia, we are glad to see Hives, at the advanood age of 86 years. house of this county, on tho first day of tho next term Guardian Aforosuid. nov7.tr THIS OFFICE. tho enemy; 3d—Eepealiug the clauses of the Revised est on the State debt,) don't you think 0 of tho County Court of said county. Teste: Harfisberger of Counsel. jan.2S-4t Htmiutes which provide for the appointment of Fed- voted agaiust tbe Penskm arrearage A i-KNNSXLVANIAN. UiVING HAD EIGHTEEN J. H. 8UUE, 0. C. C. R. 0. Z. FOIl fc-lA-Ls 13*—-House and Lot, well lo* JnL years' experisuoe In every depurtmvnt (espo- J. E. A O. B. Roller, p q rebti-4t m «_>•. ^ cated, couveuleut to businesa, in Harrisoubqrg. eral SuiKtrvisors of Elections. it a pretty liberal donation upon their bill, recently passed by Cbugress. Seu- clally tbe practical) of tho business of MINING AN- Comfortable building—six rooms besides kitchen. Au aged colored woiuun mimed ISlissbath Washing- part? Figure up the sum total of in. THRACITE AND BITUMINOUS COAL AND IRON PIANOS. Water in yard: lot Isrge; fruit plenty. Term* very ton, who had been living alone for forty years at sible. OUR. with a good education, having facilities for no- CHARLES E. HAAS, easy. Price f l.200--long payments. Apply, (if you terest saved in forty years by this pro- gotiatiug the sale of Virginia Mineral Lauds and ATTOIINEY-AT-LAIV, nABmsoNuuno, Va. Office, SEVERAL SECOND-HAND PIANOS, IN THO- mean business,) to tho CoMMOKMrzALTn OmcM. Purtsinouth. N. H. , was found dead In hor house hat- Farms, who is anxious to locate in VUgiuia, would Southwest corner of the Public Square, (up stairs,) rough good order, for sole low for cash. Cull No28-tf. urday, having been clubbed to duatb. Her pet cats position. There are but two ahanceB re- The oouutry tbiuks better of Oov. like to arrauge with a party on tho basis of small opposite tbe Dig Spring. on or address •\7C)U CAN ALWAYS OBTAIN PURE AND RE- were feustiug on her face. I'lundor was tho object, salary aud working iuierost, to either mine or nego- i liable Drugs, Medtcim-H, Ac. aud over; thing but th^ Miurdurtr wes fright, ncd c CT bcfoio securing maining: occopt tl.e propositiou or re- 1 Tildon now tbau it did several weeks tiate the sale of uinoral laud*. Can furnish host ref- A OAR L04D OF LAKE HERRING JUST RE- WM. H. FOLEY, kept lu u well regulnt* d Drug More at its low prices oreuco. Addreas ANTHRACITE COAL. ootvid, and will be sold at lowest rntps. as auy similar cHtabliMl.inmt in tin Valley, by pur- any booty, pudiate. Which do you prefer ? I ago. Ho is coming to the front again. fcbl3-it ruUvvillu I'a. icLj'J HENRY tfllACKLSTT. 3X1. C-ruwiord, Va* chubtug ai the Old bland -of L. U. OTT word, while serving the Company with In- BIIEVITIES. Old Commonwealth flexible fidelity, does not forget the men who Our Schools. THE CIPHER TELEGRAM INVESTIQA- never heard from them but once, and 32 of the Coiie. io reference to lice .»ing are under him, and their welfare and happi. If yon can't sell at cost, go below. TION. tbat was a communication signed by pliJ'BiclHne, eurffeoDK, deutiM*. Ac. ness, as far as he can promote them. These report op the harrisonbura public Mr. Ottendorfer and others, t was , T,,R »'<'i','i'.rr-uK warm wishes and prayers for the welfare sesaion. Clarence H. Vrner, Intermediate. SO 3j tbe Democratic party. None ot them, rllM««H . » i 'fi ' ' 3 i JT?" * - '' Mtoa MollteCcmrSd, 3d Prlmarj... 3? 31 Smith W. Weed, of Plattshurg, N. 'vVith feelinge of unfeigned sorrow we an- and prosperity of yourself and your family I Patching and half soling plank walks is Y., was tbe first witness. He testified 8of.ar M 1 kae^ we°'to tho''e States a motion by Mrlfirtt of Halifax to reduce In order. *' warran, let Primary 40 g( authorized to do anything tbat gentle- tbe apecific licenae tax to $30 was made and Dounce to our readers toiday the death of and may the minutes, hours and days, mark- " 1W 13J he was in North and South Oarolina ed by this watch, tell of the progress and in- The Magnolia opened afresh oh Saturday Ths schools are so graded that each teach- daring tbe election; had a cipher when men might not do. From the 7th of defeated. our late siucere friend. E. J. Sullivan, Eeq., November 1879, to December Gth of - ^r-H"*1Fiteylvania moved (c make it roetmaster at this place. About a fortnight crease of honorable snecess and happlnese to evening. er has but two grades of classes. The First he left here, which be used from both 0 since ho was attacked with pneumonia, ag- you and yours I And as yon look upon it, The public schools wjll close here on Primary includes Chart Class and First North and Sooth Carolina. He de- 8 e r U d r Cir0 I 8t0D 8 did IlZ'/r en.er ?ninto'tn anyo n ^competition " f. ffor 8lbfl aection aoaa to requirern'oved the toCominlHalWi- araofffi the gravated by other diseases, and though at- think of those who gave It and who humbly March 7th. Reader; the Second Primary the Second stroyed both key and copies of dis- pray that God's best blessings may rest upon patcjes, bat said he mnst confess that tllO seeking of certificates by venal in- era of the revenue in coilniioa to inspect tbe tended by skillful and attentive physicians, There are more postponements than sales Reader) the Intermediate the Third and dnooments. There never was an honr, registerg qaarteriV I net odd of monthly, aa he breathed bis last about three o'clock, A. you and your family. now-a days. Fourth Readers; the Grammar School the the dispatches as pnblished in tbe Tri- QO p r l d, d u c(< d bune were pretty correct. At Colom- nor a minnte, that I entertained snch Mrwr fCl,lle8?,yi , ' ' T, ' - „ , M., on Tuesday morning, February 11th. Allow me to add, In conclusion, that It Is pH'lb Reader, and the High School the Sixtli thotiohl - moved to" AiUelid tbe lOth aec- a great pleasure, while losing you, to re cog. Qo to Masonic Hall Monday and Tuesday bia ho woe informed that the State bad a 00 80 Last week every Indication pointed to his nights next. Reader, with Select Reading and Elocution. rp10 tbe.? 'tv.1people whoj, Itun believed J ubad i tof' go to o® tbe to Informer,e'rlko out Ac. the Agreedwords to—ayesone half nlze in your successor, Mr. Fitxgerald, a man Pupils are graded correspondingly in Lan- gone Democratic, bat the canvassing recovery, but from Sunday evening until Go to the Bridgewater Band Concert on board wonld not gave a certificate to elected me President of these United SOinoeg, 14. Monday night be gradually sank, when he commended to our confidence by yourself, goage And Mathematics. States, to tbo foltr millions of citieens f>8u, maved to amend tbe aection af> and who, we believe, from All we have seen Friday night next that effect nnless they were paid for it. r became unconscious, dying several hours af- There is still considerable tardiness and He telegraphed to New York asking who wets defrauded. I owed it as a db.^ tL^Hword^'-And^l r "V terward quietly and peacefully. and heard of him, is a man "after your own The Hartisonburg steam-tannery Is a irregularity of attendance, which might dnty to proclaim I wonld not yield one guilty hnowl^dgc, aesent, parlldjfation "in! heart;" and so, while we say with sad hearts lively and busy place. if money oonld be famished. He re Mr. Sullivan was born in County Kerry, greatly be reduced, If all the patrons fully oeired an answer which be understood jot or tittle of my right. Whatever ahd conntPDancinpr by nucii dealer shall bo Ireland, and was 64 years of age at the time "Good bye" to the old officer, we extend a People don't Want property that is adver- appreciate the importance of having their evils may resnlt from this subversion ("P"" the fom moo wealth." Adopted—ayes, cordial greeting to the new. Capt. Averill, to be an assent to tbe proposition. Fi- DoeK 12 of his death. He came to America in ISSOi tised by written notices. children at school every day, and of havlug nally a definite proposition was hand- of the electoral system and of free gov- ' ' ' IIriITc,_ we bid you an affectionate farewell. them cnltivate habits of punctuality. Atid settled in Virginia, and has resided in Is that confounded ground-hog the cause ed him saying that for $90,000 or |80,- ernment I resolved that I would enter ot. a 1 to 0rd8r al this State ever since. He came to this place CAPT. AVERIM/S KKSPONAE. of (Lis terrible weather ? The amount of Exhibition funds, above 000 the South Carolina canvassing into no anotion for the purchase of the 11 o'c"o£ Capt. Averill responded as follows; expenses, is thirty-two dollars; donation Chief Magistracy. [Cheers: which ths By Mr. Barbottr: Dili to amend and rex !n 1850, and engaged in the business of a The R. R. men gave Capt. Averill a first- board coald make things all right for en grocer. Ho was successful in trade, pleas. Speaking is not my forte; give me a rail- class send-offi Glad of It. flftt cents. the Democrats. Ho left for Baltimore, chairman suppressed.J I was resolv- act the Jst aeeilon of an act entiiled fifi road, with trains enough to keep one watch The present session will close March 7th, ed that I would continue to protest act t" provide for the consolidation of tile Ing all with his accommodating and energetic For once we are as rich as the State. where he met Col. Pelton, who inform- e bt ttIld lhB 6 a ing them day and night, and I feel at home. but private schools will be continued by the ed him tbat the matter bad oome to against the Wrong by which the people , ? . , W" "' "f spirit and urbane manners. During the war ! Nothing in either treasury. tbereu on he disposed of his stock, and discontinued But I must try and say a few words to thsnk Principal and several of the assistants, the knowledge of Mr. Tilden, who re- were defrauded out of their rights. H ISto ' P ' W"™! March you for this testimonial of your regard and A revival Is in active progress In the M which will furnish pupils a chance lo ad- fused to permit any money to be nsed. [Mr. Tilden's voice was husky, and it passed. active pursuits until after hostilities closed. E. Church, South, In this place, As soon as the Federal post routes were re- esteem, and to bid you "good bye." It is vance their grades during vacation ot the No money was paid by him nor by any was difficult to hear him.] When Mr. Senate bill to anihorize the directors of established in 1805 he was appointed post- now over five years since I first came among The cotton trees in the conrt-yard would Public Schools. one to his knowledge to the South Car- Pelton returned from Baltimore I said Virginia Female Institute tc borrow master at this place by President Johnson. you—came to you a stranger. I was wel. like to 1 eave. Trunks not ready. Examinations will be held In all the olina returning board. He read the something to him about bis action. He 1.111 ♦« .e.wi, j . corned by you all | the hand of friendehip Monday next will be County Court-day. grades during the last week of the session, dispatches signed "W,"'published in re, y 1 d eat ,r hiai d Under Grant's administration he was re-ap - anyaTv xinformation? - about b rs5 the ciphers. r or Lunatic Asyinm.- -S pointed, and less thab three months ago he was extended to me on all sides. A railroad Call to see us and pay your bills. beginning March 8rd, to which all are invited the Tribune, and denied sending them I man should always travel with light bag- to attend. A. L. Funk, Principal. in the form published. The dispatch negotiations until I saw them publish- — , canal.railroad rill. was a second time re-appointed by President Circuit Court will adjourn over from Sat- ed. I did not believe that Pelton had . MwMoffettoffered tbe following amend- Itkyes, And promptly confirmed by the U. 8. gage, for he knows not what A day may commencing "Majority of board have bring forth, or how soon he may have to urday until Wednesday morning next. been Seoared,'' &o., was snbstantially Senate. He was serving bis third term as Sales of Valoable Land and Beal Estate, Iflation. Edward Cooperh0 hftd came n0 ftto4ath0r me- 88 "All "the fl^pendOTt properly se"'ioiTof acquired the' or constructedronrtart:'" move to new scenes, and his attachment for Between the sheriffs, constables and pro- correct. Never had anything to do tlle postmaster when stricken down by the hand tracted courts, a fellow stands a slim chance. and aaid thdt be had received a propo- °y INclimond aDd Allegbanj Railroad places and people should never be allowed On Wednesday tbe 6tb instant, Noab Lan" with a plot to bay four members of the nm B of death. Soath Carolina Legislature. sition to get the votes of South Caro- C P °y "hall be aubject to taxatioo by the Ho was a faithful officer, an honest man, a to grow. But my friends that la Impossible Last week gave us the "dullest times" desy auctioneer, sold for B. G. Patterson, to prevent, with one who associates With the we ever saw In this Wwn. Looking op a Mr. Springer asked: "Had yon any Una for money. The substance of our virntTb^^mVa^Tn good citixen, and a warmer heart never beat commissioner, 150 acres of land belonging to conversation was that the votes were Jame Rl^r aud K7niwM\i t,% m men of this Division, and the people of the little now. Geo. G Strayer, it being a part ot the old commnnication on tbe subject with P 0 in an Irish boeom than that of E. J. Sullivan. Mr. Tilden from tbe day before the for sale. I never heard of any attempt tbarter of any other company to wliosa He was a strict Catholic in religion, and re- Valley of Virginia. This parting, I assure " Tat Payer " will please send his name, and well-known Jacob Strayer farm, on to bribe until tbo pablicatioQ of the Jlf11'"' Prl'''egep. or franchise the james you, is harder to me than any move I have or we cannot publish his commnnteation, Shenandoah river, in this county, it was election, either directly or indirectly, r I d 18 ceived the consolallooe of his religion from up to the time the South Carolina can- fact. I first heard of the Florida bri- j ? ], Company has succeed- his devoted Priest, Father John McVerry, ever made. In my connection with you I however ranch wo may desire. sold to George Nicholas, Esq., for $40.10 per bery from Mr. Marble. He simply roitmcted, and the execution and acceptance of t,,ethe have striven to deal justly by all. That vassing board mot, ,or did you have Contract herein authorized sliail operate fts a until he passed from earth. May he rest in Twelve hours cannot bo crowded down acre. This is three tracts of the same firm any after?" mentioned the circnmstance after he release of ail right or claim for exembllou pence. errors have been made I know; but they Into eight minutes. No high-toned clock purchased by Mr. Nicholas, the whole of had returned from Florida, He gave from taxation." ^ were of the head and not of the heart. I Answer. Yes. I met him at the His funeral took place yesterday (Wednes- would be guilty of such a thing. which contained originally about 1,000 acres, Everett honse and he took me to task, me no details, and I made no inguiries. The amendment was atrreed to. most cheerfully say for you all that when- and which was the former home of Jacob After an hoiirftnd a-balf spent in offering day) from his late residence at 1 o'clock. Capt. Ran. D. Cilshefl returned from Win- 1 cannot give yon tbe exact words— I made no inqniries from my nephew amendments the fiirlfior Consideration Of Services were held in the (Catholic church, ever I have called you you were always chester on Saturday, where hs hod been in Strayer, dee'd., and consfdeted one of the about tbe proposition and stated that about these corrupt propositions to the subject waa trOstpnfted tifltil 19 o'clock where a solemn Requiem Mass was celebra ready and willing to respond. You stood by attendance upon the Boundary Commission. finest bodies of land in tbis county. he never authorised any Snoh proceed- buy and sell. Thursday'. ted by the Pastor assisted by HeV. Father me, shoulder to shoulder, through the long Wm. R. CCricflfs, auctioneer, sold on Sat- ing and that while be lived he Would Question; Then yon had no interest and arduous days of the Narrow Passage, Oi.d Commonwealth and American Far- urday last, forQ. F. Compton, commissioner, McKovery for the repose of his soul, assit-t ed mru for $2.80 for one year. Back numbers never become President under snoh in it? T'iiCRanAV, February 6,1879. by the choir of Si Francis Catholic church through the snow and the flood yon were at the Mt. Sidney Hotel property, to Charles circumstances. Answer: Only on interest in stop- SENATE. your posts, and this handsome testimonial supplied at low rates. Try them. Call on Lieiiterinnt Governor Walker presiding; of Staunton. I. Keran for $600. This is a very moderate At the evening session. Mayor - ping it. that I hold in my hand shows me that my la Monday next. price. Mr. Tilden admitted that he bad rrt J,n5 MOFFETTxnKUlBTRli tAX. er testified as follows: Thfe Moffytt-register tax bill was resutried A Pleasant Oooasion. bors have been appreciated by you. The Dr. W, 0. Rill has been appointed by the J. M. Wellman sold a few days ago to Gen: confidential relations with Mafitoh —tho question being on the motion to strike gift marks the fleeting hours of time, and Medical Society of Va., a delegate to the John E. Boiler, one of his dwelling bouses In Edward Cooper, Mayor of ?few York Marble 1 that the latter before going out the proviso in the 10th section. Rejec- Presentation op a pine ooi.d watch to is the most necessary lo a rAIIWAd man, and American Medical Association which con- the Loewenbach addition for $1,100. Gen. testified: I saw Mr. Pelton tbe evening to Florida bad oalled to bid me good- ted—ayes, 10 ; noes, 17. venes in Atlanta Georgia, May Ctb, 1870. before he went to Baltimore, in Gov. bye. There was nothing in their con- Mr. Qrimsley now moved to indefinitely CAPT. J. H. AVKUILL. when in ray new position at the far South Roller subsequently sold the same property postponed the bill, for tho reason that the On Wednesday evening last a very pleas- I shall by this watch mark the flight of time, There are " a few more " marriage licenses to Charles P. Bowman. Tilden'a house. He was about going versation at the meeting bearing on power had been taken out of the bill, and it ant company assembled at the Spotswood it will always bring to my mind the men of left at the County Clerk's office. Any fel- On Monday last, Noah Landes, auctioneer, to the train and said be was going to this question. It was little more than was useiess to waste auv more time on it- Hotel parlor, the occasion being the presen- the Valley Branch—men that I am proud to low wanting one should call at once, as 1sold for Geo. John B. Roller, commissioner, Baltimore lo meet Mr. Weed and oth- a formal leave-taking. He reiterated Several senators took the satiie gfottnfi. 1 Adjourn ed. tation of a beautiful gold watch to Capt. J. call friends, and men whose future, although trade in that line is dull now, and they a tract of six acres, two roods and eighteen ers and said ho might want to tele- in reply to qnoslioDe, that in his inter- graph me and to send him some mon- view with Mr. CoOper ho had no idea HOUSE. 11. Averill, late Rupervieor of Trains on the I be distant from them, I shall watch with might be had at cost, as It is too e»rly(yet perches of land to Mrs. Mary Minnick for 'file Speaker called the House' td Order rtt interest. for the Spring trade. tf-e.Od ey. Next day I received a telegram of accepting a proposition to phrchase Valley Division of the Baltimore & Ohio from Mr. Pelton, asking me for |G0,- 11 o'clock. Railroad, the present being a slight token of Gentlemen, I hid you "good bye," and In i i PUTURfc SALES. the votes, nor was it debated between The Conirhittee for Courts of Justice re- doing so I ask for my successor the same J. S. Harnsberger, Wm. B. Compton, John 000 or $80,000. I was astonished and them or thongbt of for a moment. As ported that in their opinion the Committee the re^Ard of the railroad officers and em- Express Oharges, went at once to Gov Tildon's house, for Col. Pelton, he waff the last man in ployees unuer Capt. A. About twenty.five cordial support you have always given me. E. Roller and J.G. Newman, commissioners, On House Expenses had no right to grant May you on acquaintance give him the eame and be said Pelton must be telegraph- tbe world he (Mr. Tilden) would have extra pay to House officials. Agreed lo. persons were present, and the affair was We see from the "Valley Virginian" of will sell at public auction on Monday, Feb- ed to return at once. 1 never was au- After a lengthy discussion of the AUfgha- friendship you have given me, and I prom- ruary 17ih (court day) 18th 14lhs of the selected if he had intended to enter gotten up and carried through so quietly the 6th inst., that the Adams Express Com- r thorized to send Mr, Pelton any mon- into such transnotions vns purchasing ny Canal iiailroad hill, and the offer of many that, outside of those present, but few were ise for him that he will do all in his power pany has reduced its rates from New York, home farm of Jacob Miller, dee'd, containing amendments, which were rejected, the bill to make your intercourse pleasant and ey, nor did I intend to do go. Mr. the electoral votes. Being asked why was finally ordered lo e'ngrosBment by a vote aware of it, the Watch which was presented PbiladelpIiiA and Baltimore to Staunton, 650 acres, situated on the Shenandoah rivor. Tilden was also surprised at Pelton's it was in his card to tbe pnblio he did 83 ayes to 28 nays. having arrived by the afternoon < xpress. agreeable. Gentlemen again I thank you. from 25 to 50 per cent. We also see in the Also at the eame time and place, 62 acres as dispatch. I cannot say whether Gov. Ffitowell. not refer to the Baltimore transaction,- The watch was bought of W. H. Rltenour, same paper that the B & O. Express has signed to the heirs of Jacob Miller, dee'd, if Tilden knew Pelton bad gone to Bal- Mr. Tilden replied that it was not per- Friday, February 7,1879". Watchmaker and Jeweler, on Main street,' After the exchange of greetings of good, done the same thing. We are glad to note so requested by the heirs. timore. He seemed angry and impa- tinenc, • Senate. who kindly furnished it at cost—which was will all around, and many sad repeatings of this for the sake of Stannton. But what tient when he heard Pelton bad gone #nB RAILROAD RILL. $105. The watch was a One one, was of "good bye," the company dispefsed to their we are most interested in here is: how wi" The passBge of the bill to sell the James Another ''Baby Mine.'' there. ETb impression of Pelton's dis &EKERAL ASSEMBLY^OF YIR&INIA. River and Kanawha canal to the Richmond Waltham movements and came from the respective homes. this effect us ? Do our merchants and bus! patch was the same as mine, namely, and Alieglinny Railroad Company waa com- firm of Appleton, Tracy & Co,, celebrated for ness men and the public generally of this municated to Hie Senate by Mr, Popham. I've a letter from tby sire, n that ho was negotiating to purchase Mnoday, February 8, 1879. superior watches. On the front of the case Engineer Oltmann received ootiflcation on section get the benefit of ike rediictl.ifl? It Baby mine, baby niln ; an electoral vote. I never knew of Mr. SENATE. On motion of Mr. Lee the bill was refer- Monday to be present on Tuesday last at a Hc'e coming homo or he's a liar. red to the committee on Roads, and ordered was handsomely engrave! J. H. A. in mono- is but fair tbat we should have it. The Tilden making any attempt to' pnr- Lieufenant-Governnr Walker, presiding to be printed. gram, and on the inner side was the follow- meeting of the building committee to view, Legislature is now engaged in looking into Baby mine, baby mine; obase electoral votes or of any propo Prayer by Rev. U. M. Jackson, of Grace And, if properly constructed, receive the Ho is now chuck full of wine, church. , RILLS PASSED. ing: "Presented to J. H. Averill, Super- these matters, and will possibly find a prop- He Is coming o'er tbo Bbine, sition directly or indirectly to use mon- The Senate agreed to Hduaa amendcrientfl . Iloiise hill to artthorhSe the Governor to viror of Trains, B. & 0. R. R., by the em- work of the contractors of the Shenandoah er remedy for wrong, if any has been prac. He had bettor Itldtf Iffrf slgii. ey in Florida. I did not know the ci- ito Senate bill imposing certain duties upon borrow money. River bridge At Mill Bank, which we learn Baby mine, baby mluo. ( Senate bill to empower the Board of Sti- ployees of the H. F. & V. Branch, Feb. 1, ticed Whilst we are earnest friends to all pher used between Weed and Pelton; treasurers and otber collectors of public rev- porvisors of Augusta county to levy a tax Ini 1879. The chain, also of gold, was pur— is now comjiiete in every particular and tra- railroads, yet we will severely condemn the He bad better come In aoon, that Mr. Weed sbonld be in Baltimore ]enue, Ac. The law prevents these officers vel passing over it. The contractors for the fmm buying up coupons. aid of the Augusta Memorial Association and chssed of Andrew Lewis, and was a very action of any railroad corporation which may Baby mine, baby mine; at the time with Mr. Pelton made a Mr; Slemp presented a bill to create ft putt othnrs for the Confederate dead. fine one. work, were Peterson & Co., stone work, and allow injustice to be done, by diacrimlnation I've been waiting since high noon. strong impression on my mind. I 1lie administrator in each county of the State. House bill to AmCnd and re-enact setlirfri Maj. Woods for the wood-work. The lum- Baby ktioe; baby mine; think I mentioned that fact to Mr. Til- 1 33 of chapter 8 of the Code. &c., in refer- The presentation was so much Of a sur - agabtst IfidBe who lUtf be so unfortanate as I am waiting with a broom, Referred. ence to tho counting of the vote by the Board prise that Capt. C. A. Sirinkol, depot agent ber was sawed by Jos. H Kite, Esq., on the to live along the line of its road instead ot at I will ohaao him 'round tbe rootaf, den. Z know botbing about money for Massed'. of State Canvassers in special elections, Ac, ground. The work has been put through Houffe bill to pay tho judges' their salaries at this place, was obliged to go out in seach the end. Therefore, we repeat the hope, While bis nose shines thtougb the gltftfto; Oregon, whether it was furnished, 1 ,and itttlekge. fixed by law on the 12th ot Senate bill to authorize the Board of Su- of Capt Averill, who was to be the recipient rapidly, but being in the hands of good that a corresponding reduction may he made Baby z&iue, baby mine. whence it came or where it went to? 1March, 1878, during their then ebversl pervieors of Augusta county to purchase the workmen, a substantial structure is the re terms. Ealdwin-Augualri Fair Grounds, Ac. bt the haudsome and graceful testimonial. , upon both express and regular freight rates, A WHOLESALE DENIAL FROfil MB. TILDEN UN- ' TIIE MOFPP.TT -REGISTER TAX. Upon the arrival of Capt. Averill, Judge suit. As a means of commnnication with such as we learn are now given to Staunton.- A StRAMflLB.-^We did not SncW tifltil DEfi OATH. Uouso bill td ftnJend (he law witfi rofer- East Uockingham this bridge is of the first encti to the compeusation of Common- This bill was taken up, the question being Hugh W. Sheffey, attorney for the B. &O. R. True there is no competing line here, hut Tuesday that there Were sevefal hundred STew York, Febrnary 8.—In the j'ot- 'weaith'a Attorneys. oft tbe motion by Mr. Grimsley to frrdeSnttA- R. Co., of Staunton, arose and with watch importance, and the people of that section that should not prevent honest practice and people in this toWn Who wafited lo be post- A number of Senate bills were advanced Ij postpone. feel and know the value of the bridge to ter committee this morning Governor Mr. Smith of Nelson moved to recommit in hand, delivered the following char- , dealing with our people: We presume we master. Scarcely had the news of Mr. Sul- Tilden entered. Tbe Governor was at to engrossment aud third readimr. the bill to the Finance Committee. themselves. We hail its reconstruction with livan's death become public until petitions . HOUSE, . acterlstic shall get the benefit of the reduced Express once sworn by Mr. Hunton, chairman, Ppeaker Allen io the chair at 11 o'clock. The motion wasdlscusaed ait iengtli. pleasure,- and hope -t may be an enduring charges. If not, why not 1 Were going around for signatures, each as- The Utllbill wes re' cdmiflitlod—ayes,..i- • . ... w " 24• • presentation speech: structure. who said: "Gov. Tilden, wo TOcetved Resolved, That the Committee for Courts noes; 18. ' Captain Aveuim.:—I have been request- ■ — pirafit having A few deHtrtsd frtofids Who yodr note expressing yo'flr Willingness of Justice inquire into tbe expediency ot so ■*«••>. 1 Were Willing to sigh, nti matter whether the 6 modifying the law as to tho guardianship change of noun. 01 to discharge, on this occasion, a pleasant We commend to careful pernsal the Jurors for; FeDruart Term ot the to tostify." and custody of infants in Case of divorce duty, not uniuingied, however, with pain at tstory found upon the outside of this paper. County County.—First Day—Peter W. applicant was S fit person for the place or Mr. Tilden replied; I have read the On motion of Mr. Queaenberry it waa of-' not. All Ih all tbe scramb'e was a pitiful and "habeas corpus" as to give' a iftrgo dis- dered that on and after Monday nest the" the thought that the acenes of this occaaion 'The attentive reader will in it find a reme- Roller, Ashby district; F. M. Stinesprlng, publication and translations in the New cretion to tbe courts Senate meet at 11 o'clock. will soon be to you objects of memory in a cdy for the hard tifaee of which so many Llnville; David B. Wright, Ashby; A. R. exhibition, and we Speak of it with regret, York papers. I did not recognize a , . Ctnom. FUNDS'. Adjourned. distant home. Occasions, in life, there are, < advising that aspirants wait for the dead single one, either in cipher or transla- Houde Mil to provide for the triore effectu- complain. Be honest—pay what you owe— Rhinehart, Linville; W. H. Peterson, Aehby; al application of tbe fundd set apart by the HOUSE. when cares and business and worry and iif you canoot pay all then pay what yon can Jno. W. Blackburn, Stonewall; E. M. Shaef postmaster's shoes to cotol befofe grabbing tion^ which I had evOr seen before. I Crnislitutton for tho operation of the public Speaker Allen in the cha?f. brain work are laid aside, and the heart and for them. Qentinmen nhedgive themselves never entered into any arrangement Mr. GravCs offered tho following : —five cents on the dollar is better than no ter. Linville) J. J. Nicholas. Stonewall) M. schools of the State, making the certificates HEeoT.WJff), That the Committee on Rodds its motives are allowed full play. This la ]pay. Keep the money moving. We hope U. Bowman, Plains; Jno. D. Swank, Linville; no nneasinesS. The authorities at Washing to purchase the votes of South Caroli- of county auperlntendentri receivable for 1 taxea was Reported from the Committee bl and luterral Navigation are hereby instruct- one of those occasions. Around you are valuable lessons may be diawn from this Cliaa. A. Van Lear, Ashby ; Isaac T. Kibler, ton will settle the question as to who shall na or Florida. I had no information ed to rep ort a biil amending the general bo post master without regard to petitions, dor suspicion that any such commnni- Finatice; taany of your old friends, associAtes and om- 1little story, and we send it forth "as bread Linville; David Lineweaver.Central; Michael fjAiLftcfAD BILL; railroad law so aa to prevent the eXcessivft ployees; others are absent; but the em- ,877 S androd RioRt Coffee; ahioalso choicnchoice Uoaatcd.lloeated. M»**Vh . ¥ hereby notify persons indebted to stlllicbious. Mb. It. K. ?VKvF.icn: ' - - - ^ " OEO. A. MVERS A CO. IIIw I I me to come forward and SETTLE THEIR AC- On the question, bow many horses ' ' COUNTS. TLoBe who nmnot pay the money will New crop new OrleansaroAR—ontLoaf, ST- TP- t ■ x > ■ ■ • please call and close their accounts by note. were- needodujj for the icriworking 0 of a•». fni m tinecouldn't from curemt.a Udj who Now wan i aimvo irk for Learioi a lona your tfttao. Veu«- and "TWfKWCrnahrd,CniHhrd, cftor Oraiiu'ftUxl,Qnumlfttod,new Orleans StandigtantUrd f A, Extra C and T—T T R CJ T Hcspoctmiis, ol one huuared and nlty acres, il was bouarocall wrii from your V>KftWe, and 1 wtnt mid I couimou bro\vn*-^ln any quantity, n 1 1 bo,, ,,t OEO. A. MYERS A GO. CALL AND SEE OUR J- ^ i JAS. L. AVIS, Druggist. voted that four was enotlKh." used¥ one bottlo, the naiitHVe«etli»; loR mo, aminud itafter bewail I had to OEO.. A IN TIIE MARKET, AT ——" *—1 heal, and thou I bought ona other bottlu. and eo I (y-vs^UN-POWDER ttv unwrtrn TEA—R0tp a r.n ccftts nper lb. r 8 1 eoys on The farm. «•'» jot. I thank God for thla roracdy and vnur- Vw-JT ' BREAKFASTRREAKFA8T TEA, 40 cpnla per lb; New Stock uf Stoves, ywr y TT T f *^4 BEDBUG POISON, THE FARM AND HOME. e V m,y w U n,10,110 Tlie very bD.t Grixn and liiaok Teat very low. TNOR rXTERMINATINO DED-DHOS AND OTHER m :a 5 fl7 " ' ^ very bo.t Ct^u aud el^Te. ¥ Vermin, applied to cracks and crevices. It la a It is a proud day when the nverape Mia. c. krabB, eta Weat Baltimore street, OEO. A. MYERS A CO. All SIZES AND STYLES. EXPEUIESCES Of FARMEIIS. Lap Robes and Horse Blankets «**•". Fors«i.»i boy gets on his first pair of boots and "ZZT^L. nnoicEChoice fexilusnfcxiimsn cuttinocutting tchef.se, Crackcrn, Macaroni, Dried Corn _AT_ J. L. AVIS' Drug Store. trudges, , " . to, schooltti by the . sido of an XA E!„ G*-E!„ . T"„ UNT 33 and^-<, llumlnyHominyt , „Orltd.Grits. „ Omokcra,OEO. Ma. A.1 MYERS A CO. We iHke ■ « « , rrn i JS WITZ E2K'S, PREPARED PAINTS. longer to take her bond. The lending „ CCHOICE NEW ORLEANS. PORTO RICO MOLAS extracts are tukeo from tba proceedings , . take . hert> hand i , ■ * Thei leading.. M». U. R. Srsvunas y SES, and all gradua of Syrups. Money, time and l^bor saved by using 1 Stringsr,n 8 ufirere cut.cut iiutBut tois ennj aniul- III isT'i your VeRntlno was recommended to mo, 01 tbem. They will cov« r more surface, are inffrO of I he "Fttrmors Convention of Mont- f! R 1 ' f^rly ambi- GEO. A. MYERS A CO. J ** dnraide, make n handsomer finish, and cost less than lion to be a man is entirely eclipsed ^i?y It 'aI ' any other paints in the world. Anyone fan apply goraery county. Maryland," held at when LOLo hasUflS tlikentaken charpocharge of bishis firstdrst gmoral dolllity nnd nerrouM nrotttration, Hiii'.crih UHDW-CHOW. hCPPEB SAtidE. WORCESTER- m m Sandy Snring, iu that couuJy, on the _ _ • -4 of., Lve* tlm ft% \ ■> SltOCd by ovorwork and IrrrRUiar habits. Its wdn- ahlro Sauce, Cracked Wbrat, Preptird Mnntard. Vl7nnATM A UUl^T A Y f 0tbem. ntoyaro used by Painters and Builders all pnifpair OTof steers, anannd staitcdstarted lorfor tbothe mtr.fair. derhil BtreuRthouInland curative properfciaa scotmid OEO. A. MYERS A CO. MaWWXN M MebiivJivX V AlJLil andvcr tothe give country. sntiHfactlon. Tbey Don'tare fnimantfied buy any otherto be untilpure 13th of January, 1879: you have called aud examiuod tbom. For sale at Htl8Has,, be not, raised. i .tbem, «| breken. uthemtbem •! andtonffect Under my Its dobllitatad 4»p.rHi«lent ayatomftora upo I rapidly tbolirhl r< covered, dose; WUAT IS THE MOST ECONOMICAL FARM FENCE to theIbe yoke, taughttanpbt themtbem to null and gaining more Ibnn usual hcoltli and good fooling, LlV*. PENDLETON BUCKWHEAT 8lnce • VF VF Flour on conBignmout. and for Balo Hy. C. Hallowed said n worm fence (qto ..hack,buck, ' to haw andi .11 .to ceo?geeii* ? They / are. most unqualifiedthen 1 have iadorsomeut.not heaitated toas givebring Vrgnllne a safe. Miremy OEO. A. MYERS A CO. , of ordinary pine poles cost about $190 evidence of hisbis skill inID subduingBUbutllDg bruteunite and powerful agent in promoting health and rostor- IMihilfliiis! .JL—££. per mile, and would last, perhaps, ten mnsuln Ho iha ffoinfy011 Utin to10 the eithi- Ibff thb wasted system to now lite and enorgy. Vorb. OLIVE BRANCH FAMILY FLOFR. fcDOM FA- mi.innscle. . He \is goinge ^ upP to the; , .exhi- tine is the only mediciue I use; and as long as I live mily, Hopkiuv' and W. U MaiHltal'H XXY, for salu. ffiOMH"!. HAIR BRUSHES HAIR OILS, TOOTQ years. A substtiuMhl post and rail bitionbltion tolo display the fruits of hisbis tri-tn- 1 never export t(» find a better. JauW OEO. A. MYLI13 A CO. ljU vln DrUBha"lTi WholesaFeGrocers CAMBRjCDGE COOK, on hour and a half of time every an entertaiuer of spectators. There is [IN THE MASONIC BUILDING.] VARNISH. THE HANDSOMEat STOVE OUT. Bavo Just received a fresh stuckt0tk of g00l,,,tljClrgoods iu tbeir llUehue. nAVB spring to keep it iu good order. a difference of native tastes in boys — We namenroi'o Ini'n partMlrt ' ^ " ' T of RECENTLY RECEIVED A LABOE STOCK Charles Abert said there was a dif- Some have a natural aptitude to one look: A-T TKK ALSO, a Large Stock of Hardware, Tin and Wooden n i m . -r* . ■* i Eurrlturo. Coach aud Japan Varnishes of tho Some have a natural aptitude to one ^ n STt.VFSS. cha«l*btowk. Overcoats, Coats, Pauts, Vests, Xs^rme'^Jir'ol'i,,,!atere,tlyred,icod ference in pine pole fences. One he callingGalling and someBotno to another, but most Drsr Htr!—Tliis IB to CBrtJfr tliat I h»vo used your Ware, Saddlery and Carriage Goods, Mecbanics' Tools Shirts,rts. Drawers, Rocks,Sacks, Gloves, SuspeudcrH,Suspcutlcrs, and T »U T 1 — . men Iirva lli«ir onllinrra ilnlnrminntl liv Ulomi Preparation" In my fnrally for sovrral yrars. and Builders* Hardware, Glass and Putty, Pnmps, found on bis place when ho bought it, men bavenave tbeirmeir callings determinedueternoinea byoy ■nn() tt|ink thllt for (lr CHnkcr0U8 Humor, or VxiuorCider milln,Miil6, Brassxjiiten andhuu Copper Kettles,xxuiuun, Tablexuuiu andi GENTS'NTS' FUUNIKHINGFURNISHING GOODS in general. Also JAS. L At IS, DmgglSt. around a field of 7 or 8 acres, lasted early circumstances, sometimes by in- Kiir.nm«tio nirrotioBB it cammt ijo oxciied; mui nn n ¥k « J,-ra ;,, Pocketruckct Cutlery,CntlcrJ', PlaiodPlfllcd Knives atnl Forks, Iron,Irou, Nails,N« BLACKACK CLOTHS AND CASSIMEREB, *■ •j • i i v aiwf.. i, _ u«,.a bhHul purifier and spring metUdne it la the best thing FANCY CASSlMERES, in good condition about 8 years, but cideutsCldents soSO trivial that tbeytbev bavehave bard-bald* £ Uaveever used, and I bavo Iised a most everything, Horse Sboes. Horso Nails, afid cVerytblug iu tbo rA!iCSILKsi^ SANDAS^ EOTHERoRrEHEK VESTINGS.vesting*. DRUGS and MEDICINES^ another be had put up himself lasted ly fta place in memory. It is not diffi I can chorrlulSy recommend It to any one in need ot KMIKUOli 111 rim-S, HHardwarer «r line. s™.:,™ OVERCOATINGS, TWEEDS, Eto. My Htoelt Ih Complete, only three years. cult eenernlly for a father, wbowho loveslovea 8ULb a me<,'uluoyonr« resppctfiiliy. Prepare for "Winter Now. TAILORS' TRIMMINGS IN GREAT VARIETY'.VARIETY. |^ONSI8TINO OF EVERY ARTICLE USUAJLLT Dr. F. Thomas thought the old- the farm, to determine the calling of Mr8- A- A- dxnsmore, id rubsoU eireot. To close out my Winter Sleek, prev*J® Lyopj N{n Our)ur littoline rtf RBADY-MADEBBADY-MADE CLOTHING Is n.nrun large V-' kept In Drug Stores. 1 aim lo butt VcfyVcTy choice, andaud'guai "guaiautocd autocd toid bo as good as tbothe .# .. r. x r. > .a fashioned worm-ft nee was the cheapest bishis children. If hebe makes it a buei- / ~ ___ J. WILTON bestit anywhere. B Keep the Best Quality, and sell for those who make their living by v JiJ until March 1st: Sep2G SnccossorSucconaor to Rolir,Robr, Sprinkol ft Cq.: QEXTS* HATS " $3.00 to $2.25 SEWING MAC1IINES.MACHINES. Sfe {SostSSlr1""11' thelr lu,ere'u by D, l,r •• $1.00 to 75o. a foooe which was 90 years old, nnd he llieytheyMiov willWill nntnot li«bene libulclikelyUKely to mnlramaliemake tillerstilloiMlllltlri .il . 'l.M.hlc Sir:—About condition ooefrom year truneral alnce debility.I found myselfVeuo- •• $1.00 to 76c. has one still oj his farm which is 40 of the soil. One can hardly begin tl.otoo tine w«H .tmiftly recommended to me by airlend •• 75o. to 50o ~ lifcAbQUARTERSHfcAbQUARTERS ' lARif? I Alfl^ yeais old, and moat of the mils are earlyi —-nwith 1hmbis • boysu to, incline■ i• tbemthem,V to, wbothe arllelc, bid been and. inueb after beuentod uslun several by Its uso.bottlea, 1 procured was 10- good yet. A farm of 120 acres divided 0 OR BEWIHCf MACHINES. the calling that isr toAt give- pa them bread,rt *Umdquite confident to hoaltli, that and there dlaoonUnned Is no modiclno tu nan.superior I feel to TRUNKS AT AND BELOW COST. FOR SEWING MACHINES. into twenty-ncro fields, fenced by posts nndftDG the meangbmeans, of tbeirtheir futnuefutnie usefulnsefal it for those oomplninbi for Which it is especially pre- GIBBS, LICKLITER & SHOMO, I KEEPKERF on bandhand a general ahebrthlentahebriUlent of RRWlNG M CT \Ai nDI IO and rails, at 30 cents per panel for □ness.nPBness. 11If iliatheiue bnvboyuo> inis ioto10 bobeoe au farmer,furmftrlarraer, h«beue pared,who fpol and tliat would lhpv choerfnllyne<,(| HO,nothlnj< rocomineiidHt (0 re-tore totbem those to Call aud boo iho great reduction in prioea at MACHINES, aud have arrangrbieuisarrangemeuls with the coin-coxn- I v Ca v W %Jr ^J| KJ I 1% mm material and 30 cents for labor, wouid must begin ioto have fta pepersonal rsonal interest perfect health. Respectfully yours, MANUFACTURERS OF pauies,uies, or other parties, so thattimt I can furnish any Ma- cost $1 200. A worm fence would on- IKCIKi JEWft'Jli chineine in the market,lunrkct, nnd at lower prices than canvass- JOSEPH II SHITE and venture in fitrmingfarmiug while be is yet pirm of's. m, PettT™ 11 ok., FARM AND SPRING WAGONS, ingE( agents generally ask. It will pay the piirchoBerpurchaser to * * ly cost half that. sailII and fleesee before buyiimbnyinu elsewhere. I wont charge (I)n. j. s. iRu jN'S OLD STAND. RIBERT BUILD- a boy. Filial affection,nffection, in a happy No. in state street, nosiou. Hat and SKoe Store. youit for htoking,looking, nor ge/etadgd mad if you dondon't f buy. ING iIAKRlU0^1ltJti(4 VA I James S. Hallowell thought when home, is a very etrongstrong motive to in- . r . .. . T~~. jan30 II hfivchave on band a geueraigeneral sHnortmentofassortment afatUcbmentS. attaclimentii, ^ „ ,7 VA.. needles,edlefe, oil,oil. ntidatid part 1\»Fntf repairs.reimlra. I repair Watcnbk,IVatcnhii, Respectfully4# Informs the public that he baa recently timbor is plentiful and land cheap the dnstrydustry and fidelity, but it docs nt.tnot ZEjCS-EjTXJSTiE]. Clocks.ocks. Jewelry, all ktiMikiillli of SEWING MACAINE8 ptircbKsed dn entirely now stock of worm-fence is the cheapest, requiring shape a hoy's plans for life like an in- All JIare Obtained Relief, andd other difficult jobH.jobs. OEO. O. CONRAD, /-il. • 1 anrllaorll East Market St., Harrisonburg, Va. 1 111 C MC(IIC1]10S9 CllCnilCAlS^ less skillful labor to put it up. Any vestment of his own brains and mus-taus- SoCTB BKawlt;Si Mb- Jin 17j IS7a. AT COST. farm hand can build it- PATENT MEDICINES, OILS, AND LAMP GOODS, clos ic hisbis daily work. He shonWshoum btivehr.ve h. r. Strvenh. E-g ; BUGGIES, t;ENERALL¥l James Stabler recommended wire CiopsannprnnoAnrlcrops and nnimnlnanimals, nofnotnOlODiy nnlvonly fhnfthatTDai babeue nuncnu fortheDoor Sir:—Iiast ten bavo years, bad and dyspepsia Lave taken in its hnudreds worst form of SEWING MACHINES WHITE LEAD. n CARTS, SPOKES, fences. The reason they are not more "call"call" his own,OWD, but that are his own, tolo dollars* worth of racdlcfnos Without oVtaining any HAVING DETERMINED TO CHANGE BUSINESS, of nilall kinds for sale atlit lowest pricet.price*. Machines r LINSLLL OIL, AND a ...all t.:„ . ., relief In September last 1 ccmmfcuced taking the WHEELBARROWS, paireddred on abort notice, an 1I all kiiid ofuf needles, attach-attach* ■ PAINTERS' MATERIAL, popular is they are not erectel prop- keep to8 enjoy, audand to sell for hisbis ownrtOWDT A Vegetlne, since which Umo my tiealth haw sloMdlly I NOW OFFER MY ENTIRE STOCK OlT ments,cuts. oils,oils. &c.,ilii. fbrfur 6al6Sale by ALSO. A . SELECT ASSORTMENT OF CIGARS, erly. Ho uses a spring—nn old car- HUBS, FARMING IM- GEO. O. CONRAD, SMOKING Af!D CHEWING TOBACCOS, PIPES, Ac.. rpleasure tt audanda a* Tprofit. t a a\ Thei trustsiii ranymav»' improvedfifteen pounds My offond fle h.digests Tuoro well are and sjvoral I have othotsiu gained PLEMENTS, WAGON MA- janlGJaulO Harrisonbur,?,Hariisoubnr,?, Ya.Ta, SPIuES, WINDOW GLASS. NOTIONS. AND riage spring—to take up the sla.k in be smallSmall at nrst,first, but they should be ublib tbinplaoe taking Vegetlne, and all have obtHilicd ro* Dry Goods, 1 == FANCY CiOODS GENERALLY. the wire. A si iral spring will also solute,SOIIUO,wnlntn nndanannrf lutletleL bimhimuim havebuvnDave bisihisuis owno\\n ex|ex) e- liof.Qvertcer ioiirs of Curd truly, Room, PortemouthCorsTHOMAS E. MOOKR. Mills. KERS' MATERIAL GENERAL- LY, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, &C. BLACKSM1THING. We invite special attention to our new stock, which suffice. A fence of four thick wiics rience of success nnd failure in man Boots, Shoes, b%H been carefully selected, aud warranted to bo %ir\§j Dl AOI/CMITU CUHD strictly pure and reliable. My son. Mr. FDWIN R. cost the same us one of four boards, aging them. Lot bi.n innnnge poulti ', LUMBER rough Alld dresBed always in stock. NEWraLW BLACKSMITHDLMulVdfealliri onur.SHOP. SHUE, who has been so long and favorably known to and is much more durable. a lamb, n calf, or a colt, and exhibit VEGETINE Hats, Notions, ftc., the people of this section, will bave entire charge of George L. Slnbltr said Osage Piepared by All Wugoua Warranted for One Year# seww-e., „ the buPint'BB. and will give bis strictest attention tot bis own stock nt the fairs. We notice [) PAflMBlS AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY Prescriptions and compounding Family Orange hedges cost $150 a mile, and with great satisfaction the increasing A rw? JGirHorse-Bbooiug and Blacksmitbing promptly at- TO PAflMSlS AND THE" PUBLIC GENERALLY H. R. STEVENS, B08ton/ Mass. tended to.' «Tu%.]Vl>. Pared to IRONING WAGONS. CARRIAGES, MACHINE WORK, Wm. John Thomas said wo must en- the plow and drove his own team, nnd 185(5. established 1^50. rich the soil here to grow hedges to made as good w seed bed as his older All pevBona indebted to tlie Firm EXECUTE ALL WORK PROMPTLY, lerferlion as in the West. A gocd will pleaac call and setllo. janlG and in the best manner, and My prices will be found nti low us GOOD work can competitors. These premiums for boy's «SO 'VIBBATOBVJ? be done for in any part of the world. .Mark that! worm fence, rt sling on stones, eight work are iu the right direction; ht C» iianintoo ®atl«l*aotloi\ Terms:—For Jobbing, Cosh. To regular customers, 1874^^ tbo usual terms. Produce taken for a ork at market LUTHER H.QTT rails lo a pmiel, lasts a lifetime. Tu them be noted iu mukiitg up the lists in style, finish, material aud workmanship. Send for rates, same as cash. 1 1 econtmize land cud make a cheap "CHAMPION I" rates, same as ensh. |k VI IT I d I Q ^ for this1 year. prices and estimates of work. OS- HOaSK-SUOElNG A SPECIALTY. ft nee use a two rail fence, with cl< ets ■ THE ORIGINAL ft ONLY GENUINE Give me a coll, onJ I guaiai.toe satialactiou in bot NEW LARGE DRUG BUILDING, MAIN sf., nailed acrcss, which any farm laborer A Delightfi'l Winter Dessert —One " Vibrator" Threshers, GIBBS, LICKLITER & SHOMO. work uuu prices, can put nil. quart of milk, six eggs, reserving Ibe WITH SMPBOVBD WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE GEO. W. TABB, Agent, Harrisontiirg. Jas Kauxmangli. HAREISONBURG, VA. MOUNTED HORSE POWERS, je27-tf [Register copy.] E. J. Ha'l agreed that the worm is whiles of two, which beat to a stiff Jy25-ly ' TY ESPECTPUliLT informs the public,andespoclally the cbeai cst fence if the rails are solid. And Steam Thresher Englnea, Cliamttion Grain Drill- I "NT "RT T^TT^J P'SiS A n A T N tlie Medical profession, that he has In store, frolb, and when the milk boils drop in Made only by A IN A_) anil lH conatautly reCcivlng large additions to his There is no rollenirg off of posts, and in spoonfnlls; in a minute or two re- This DRILL hnB all of the Intoet ImprovomeutH, and is m. # suporior stock of the fence is easily moved. A 'tunnel" move carefully to a plate; after beating HICHOLS, SHEPARD & GO., THE BEST IN TIIE WORLD I One fourth liudi tiro L fllG XcX Sf ddXU « _ _ «ro rm r-■ ro, ^ L ^ a, fence can Lo put in protected places, and vo'.K'd wrought iron axle. SatiBructiou guurautced. the eggs light pour the boiling milk BAXXU3 CREEK, HIGH. Call aud hoc tbo DRI' L. I would respectfully say to my old friends aud ens- DRUGS,J MEDICINES,■ CHEMICALS,9 aud the short rails thus util.zud. slowly into the egg, stirring the egg toniers that I have commenced business again at the patpvt \rTmTmvva The Convention decided that the old- quickly the while; sweeten it and old stand formerly occupied by ire on Main street, fashioned worm fence is the nmst ccu- ^Si!rwn'pcrUaF8'aBtheR-B-,one8S1,0i*' Mite Lead, Painters' Colors, Oils lor P* place over the tire, sliniiig it all the ITif Wo pay lilgUcst CASH prices for "WHEAT iiomical. lime until it simrneis—it must not boil. ami otLur produce. Blacksmitbing and Horsc-shoeiitg lcbricahsoandtanneih/oils, If if should curdle pour it immedi -telj WHAT 13 THE BEST METHOD OF FATTENING S. II. MOFFETT & CO. OLD, wito1'rry ,'raaeh 07 iie varnishes, dyes, putty, shoes. CATTLE ? into another pan and stir until cool. Wagon and Carriage Work, Farmers' Blacksmitliing, WINDO W GLASS, Place sj ojge cuke, moistened with Horse-shoeing, Ac., Will receive prompt attention nt all times. Motions,Notions, Fancy1' UDcy ArticlesArtioBcs Ac., Ac. James S. Hallowell purchased steeis Madeira wine (nud on which preserved THE nintcbleaa Oraln-Snvlntr, Time- Patronaifo solicited. Work gunranteod to be equal 1 oilerofier for salesale, a largo and well selectedsolcctcd oesortmeniossortmenl in October, 1877; gave them one perk strawberries or other fruit has been baring, ana Monoy-Savlng Tltresbers of tblt dny autl POWDER! POWDER! TEIED, to the best. Will fc ade with fat mere. emhrseHrgembrsotog a variedvdrled stoci,Btocfc, ailallwarranfod warranted of the best feet Cleaning,taneratiun. uud Beyondfor baviuff all Grainlllvalry from for Woatugc.Rapid Work, Fcr- quail ly. per day crushed corn and cob meal, spread,) in (ho bottom or aides of a „ T*X* JfU# XXJbX%/jCXA.'f^TrVR A'KT quality.jI am pprepared^pa ;rt to tnmidhfnrnfDb phyMciatfsphyeiciatrt andaftd others nnd as much clover hay nnd corn fod- glass or china bowl, aud when the cus- BRAINuiionnotifl Raisers wastage of GraintpIII A not lao inferior Submit work ta done the by, Sep2G-tln Al*llil^X, wiihwitham nrtinleHarticleHr iniurc mTmy linnline niat ailaS rr4LHitna.hlMrcaaonable ratesrWtAH asnn anynn* tbo otber macbiuca, when once poated ou tbo Olfforvnce. Wo aro Agents for the Celooratod other establishment \u the Valley. der as thej would eat; kept them clean tard is cool, flavor with vanilla, and Special attention paid to the compounding of Pby and genlle. and they are getting fat. THE ENTIRE ThreBlilnsr Expenaes Dnpont Siiortiug M Blasting Powder. 1NSUBANCE. sicians' Preacriptions. pour into the howl, placing the white thetnnd Extra niton Qruln 3 to 6 SAVRD T linos bythat tbeso amottuu IiuprovuU cstt bellacbloea.^ made by Public pah-ouBge roepCctfully solicited. Samuel Hopkins bought in Soptem balls carefully on top; then surround —ALSO;— TRUE. oct7 L. H. OTT. HO Rcvolvlnit Shafts Inside the Bepa- YOUR ATTENTION ber fifteen steers; put tbem iu a field, the bowl with ice, or stand it iu cold rstur. Entirely froe Iroiu Beocera. Pickera, Ibulilles, THE PATENT SAFETY FUSE. and sold tbem Novetiibcr 1st, at a pro ratlona.and allPerfectly such time-waetlug adapted to all and Kinds graiu-woatlug and Oondltloasof compll- Is called Co the following reliable Insurance Compa- water until required. Grain, Wot or Dry. Long or Sboxt. Headed or Bound. WE DO A WHOLESALE BUSINESS EXCLUSIVE- People aro getting itfc'quainted—and those who hies, for which we are agents: IIAILKOADS. tit of $8 per head. Then bought twen LY—THEREFORE CAN OFFER CITY PRICES. aro not ought to be—with tlie wonderful merits of Fire Assoclnlion of IMiihulclplifa, (61 years old), Asscfs ty head, and fed iu a field from boxes, NOTOata, only Hurley, Vastly ICyu, and Superior llkti Grutns, butfor the Wheat. osly buc- A CORRESPONDENCE WITH MERCHANTS SO- that great American Remedy, the Jan. 1st, IMS, $ :l,778,440.47 Apple Custard.—Take half a dozor Ilka Seeds.coasrulThraaberla Rcqnlrrn no Flax," attacbmeaU Timothy, " Millet, or " robuildbig Clover, and '' LICITED. COHUKUCIAL UNION of LONDON, AssotK Jan. Ist, nnd sold them in two mouths at n tart, mellow apples, pare aud quarter to chunge from Qralu to Seedo. ^ 1878. $20,000,000.00 Chesapeake & Ohio E. R. profit of $7 per head. Would not feed G. W. TABB & SON, PcuiiHjrlvanlii Fire, of Phlludelphlu, (53 years old), them and take out the cores; put tbem MARVEIzOUStiffing Icaa than aoo-halffor 8lnipliclty the iwunl Delta of aud Parts*' Ueaia. NEAR R. ft O. R. R. DEPOT, HARRISON BURG, VA. MEXICAN AmltsJaii. 1st, 1878 $1,701,481.30 Mail Train daily except Sunday. EipteSS TfoUf any m-ro cob meal. Have tried shel in a pan with half a teacup of water; ILdiuB no Litterlusa or bcuttorlaga. ^ jau23-ly Hdnle,- of N5it York, (25 years old), Assets Jnn. Iwt, daily, ter and no shelter. Now gives none. set them on a few coals; when they FOUR Sines of Separators Made, ranic- 1878, $0,100,5^0.75 GOING EAST. Feeds meal and all the corn fodder ing from blx to Twelve Home aixe, and two atylea of Wj»tclto»feIVestchoster,r, of NftwSOW York, (40 yearnyoorn old),old). AhkcIhAm-I. Jan. begin to grow soft turn them into a Mouuted Horse Powers to match. Mustang Liniment, Ut,1st, lo<»,1878, $003,141.97!)!««.!.ni..)< Lei< siauntouCbarlottesvilli!«.!«) " 4.05 •• tbey will eat. pudding diuh and sprinkle sugar ■ n STEAM Power Threshers a Specialty. We are prepared to insure property a£at as low rates « Gordousville. .5.20 •* G.( 0 " Henry Stabler fattens by keeping A fajwdai slzo Ueparator made expresaly for bieam Power. H. C BARER & CO, as cancau bobe accepted by any saje comptuy.companv. Ar. Richmond... 8.50 " 8.50 •• tbem; beat eight eggs with rolled YANCEY ft CONRAD,CONRAD. •• Gordonsville. .9.40 " comfortable, and feeding pure meal (1 OURglues, Unrivaled with Valuablo SteamImprovemeuls Thresher aud DlatlactiTS En- Tanners and Curriers, FOE MAN AND BEAST. brown sugar; mix thom wi h time Features, Car beyond any other make or bind. West MgrketMnrket Street,r .» Junction 7.20 Breakfasft gallon twice a day) nnd bay. pints of milk; grate in half a nutmeg WHOLESALE AND DEALERS IN Oct. 10. Uarrisonbarg, Va.A a. Le •• 9.10 a.m. Fred. Stabler said it is not profitable IN Thoroaah Workmanship. Blepant ThWliniment vcrjr naturally originated in Ameri- — ■ ■ - - ■■ • ■ ■ , Ar. WnAbington... 1.10p.m.44 and turn the whole over the apples; etc.,Ptnlsh, our PerteclTon " VimuTou" of Parts,Thresher Completeneiis OutQta aro orKquliuneut.bMouparaUe. M ■ A XT'fi /t¥Tt3 44** B,»ltnnore.... 11.20 " 3.05 44 to feed too heavy. Prefeia corn meal RED AND OAK SOLE, ca, where Nature provides In licr laboratory such MISCELLANEOUS.MioCJhjIilj AJN 11." IJ 44 Philadelphia.. 8.40 a.44 m. 6.50 44 bake the custard between twenty and FOR Fartlonlan. call on onr Dealer* HARNESS, BRIDLE. AND FAIR LEATHER. surprising antidotes for the maladies of her chil- —— New York.... ^.45 10.05 nnd wheat bran. It is all important thirty minutes. or write tu us for HluatraUd Circular, which wo mail fro*. dren. Its fame has been spreading for 85 years, Sf\ Tt n m T> n T n TY Ifl -OS* Passengers by the Express Train connect at to feed lightly ut first, and increase ■ ALSO, until now it encircles the habitable globe. IB 1111 "["IS I ■ I |l IB !■ II Hunover Junction ior all points North. By Mail the quantity until it reuehes all tbey C-1ELKRY GLASSES AT Foreign and Domestic Calfskins, The Mexican Mustang Liniment Is a matchVess llr%k||||¥ I| Kllllllllllll) r I B H I" K TrainNo. at22 Gorduusvilleleaves Stauntou for pointsdaily, North.Sundays excepted at Red Currant Wine—To eight qunits j LOEWBNBACH'S. remedy for all CXtMrtdaliment- ot man and benat. m y AJ J, J[ Ii JLi ¥ w ¥¥ JJ ¥li 7 45 a. in., connecting at Charloitcsville for Lynch- will eat. of currttots put one quart of water, Morocco fflioeDadings, Sheomaiers' Tools, to,, To stock owners nnd, farmers it Is m valuable. burg, arriving iu Lyuthburg 9.30 p. m., couuectiuff James S. Hallowell ground his cob- rllAYE A GOOD AND WELL SELECTED STOCK HARRISONBURG, VA. A slnglo bottle often saves & human life or ro- with A. M. ft O. K. Road. ftoAnd Trip Tickets on meal very fine. It prevents scours.— press and strain, and put three poundB of all kiuda of jau'J-ly stores the iisefulnoss of an excellent horse, ox, HaajuBt returned from tbo Eaatoro cities, wbero be sale to JackaouvlUo. Florida, good until tbe 16tb d«/ and three quarters of sugar ta one gal- oow, or sheep. purcbaecdpurchased a fftllflill stockBlock ofol goodsgoodu suitedBuitcd to tbethe "'vi^^edmou^ Alr Line, lea+o Blcbmond. going- If there is any ol jecliou to the uso of It cures foot-rot, hoof-ftil# boMcW Rom, grub, oats, ho would like to know it, though lon of juice. Let it set twenty-four HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, scrcw-worin, shoulder-rot, mange, thd Wfes a.id ____ „ ■ , __ ^ , Soulll. 1,.25 P. M. and 11.45 A. M. hours. Bkint and fill the demijohns purebnsed with great care from the Factories ami stings of poisonous reptiles and Insects, nnd every K oMtuae 1on 4.45 with him $1,000 or more, to aseiet mo iu tbo Sewing peciallyf fi iJ'Turkeys.. '' "Bi pruvcub turn* x* i'uwi, es- REVrETUH llOUH-K, STAUNTON LOCAL. 8.00 A. M. and 9.40 A M. in the morning and the meal nnd lieh Calf's Foot Jelly —To five q arte Saddlers' Hardware and Trimmings, Machine Biuduess; or parties who nave capital to Fouts's Powdrrs will InereaM tlie quantity of milk Mns. II. U. LUPTON, PuopniETiiEss. Train 63H daily ; 640 Mondays, Wednesdays and SoL food at night. Otherwise the bulky of jelly put two pouuds of loaf-sugp.r, invest, may find a good chance to take an interest in ami rrcsm twuntor pur couk. uud luuka U10 butter arm st lowest prices, Livsrymon and the public will the business. For further particulars applv to and sweet. UARRISONBURa, VA. urdays. All other trains daily except Sunday. clover forces the meal out of the stom- one quart of Mndcuri wine, one glass- find in my stock Lap Robes, Blunkots, Wlripa, etc , of OEO. O. CONRAD, Pihh&skroute's thatPowder, Homes will and core Catllu orpre-yntolmocbBVEBT aro ticlr to. C. E. & J. B. LorxoM, Mausgors. all qimlltiei at bottom prices.