What is the difference between Biomedical Science and Biomedical ?

The short answer is that Biomedical take and use more math! There is, however, more to it than that. The two fields are very similar in that they are both transdisciplinary and apply scientific principles to healthcare. The chart below will help explain some of the differences:

BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING Looks at ‘What’ ‘Why’ and/or ‘How’ something Looks at ‘So what?’ ‘What can we do?’ ‘How happens. can we make something?’

Investigation-oriented Problem-solving oriented Scientists are generally more interested in the Engineers are generally more about the “Research” of “.” “Development” in “Research and Development,” though there is also an element of research, if you'd like to pursue that. Career Paths include Career paths include: Research at the federal level, in institutions of Research to develop and evaluate systems and higher education, and in the private sector. In products such as artificial organs, prostheses particular, exciting opportunities exist in (artificial devices that replace missing body , pharmaceuticals, medical devices, parts), instrumentation, medical information and other biomedical and related areas to systems, health management, and care delivery include specialties in human and veterinary systems. . Combinations of research and teaching Combinations of research and teaching opportunities. opportunities. Attend Graduate, medical, veterinary school or Further studies in professional and graduate other advanced programs of study. programs such as medicine, , assistant, , , optometry, Design devices used in various medical chiropractic medicine, and physical . procedures (e.g. hip or knee replacements or artificial heart valves), imaging systems such as Become Research Scientists, Chief Scientific magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and devices Officers or other scientists who work with large and for automating insulin injections or controlling small companies, solving scientific problems, body functions. developing and/or manufacturing products. Become Research Engineers, Chief Scientific Officers or other scientists/engineers who work with large and small companies, solving engineering problems, developing and/or manufacturing products.