Biomedical Engineering (BME)

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Biomedical Engineering (BME) COURSE DESCRIPTIONS Fall 2008: updates since Spring 2007 are in red BME 301 Bioelectricity medical engineering, biological signal measurement, Theoretical concepts and experimental approaches conditioning, digitizing, and analysis. Advanced appli- BME used to characterize electric phenomena that arise in cations of LabVIEW, a graphics programming tool for live cells and tissues. Topics include excitable mem- virtual instrumentation. Helps students develop skills Biomedical Engineering branes and action potential generation, cable theory, to build virtual instrumentation for laboratory equivalent dipoles and volume conductor fields, bio- research and prototyping medical devices. Prerequisite: BME 212 BME 100 Introduction to Biomedical electric measurements, electrodes and electric stimu- lation of cells and tissues. 3 credits Engineering Prerequisites: BME 212; ESE 271; ESG 111 (or ESE A rigorous introduction to biomedical engineering 124); BIO 202 or 203 BME 353 Biomaterials: Manufacture, that provides the historical and social context of BME 3 credits Properties, and Applications though contemporary emerging areas within BME. The engineering characteristics of materials, includ- Specific areas covered in depth include: bioelectricity ing metals, ceramics, polymers, composites, coatings, and biosensors (action potentials to signal process- BME 303 Biomechanics and adhesives, that are used in the human body. ing), bioimaging (invasive and non-invasive), genetic Illuminates the principles of mechanics and dynamics Emphasizes the need of materials that are considered engineering (with ethical discussions), and biostatis- that apply to living organisms, from cells to humans to for implants to meet the material requirements speci- tics. Hands-on computational modeling introduces the Sequoia trees. The behavior of organisms is examined fied for the device application (e.g., strength, modu- physiological concept of positive and negative feed- to observe how they are constrained by the physical lus, fatigue and corrosion resistance, conductivity) back loops in the body. Emphasis is placed on ways properties of biological materials. Locomotion strate- and to be compatible with the biological environment engineers view the living system by using design gies (or the lack thereof) are investigated for the forces (e.g., nontoxic, noncarcinogenic, resistant to blood based approaches and computation. and range of motions required and energy expendi- clotting if in the cardiovascular system). This course is Prerequisites: BME Major, BNG Minor or tures. Includes the relationship between form and func- offered as both ESM 353 and BME 353. Departmental Consent tion to illustrate how form dominates behavior. Presents the physiological effects of mechanical stress- Prerequisite: ESG 332 3 credits es on organs, pathologies that develop from abnormal 3 credits stress, and how biological growth and adaptation arise BME 201-H Biomedical Engineering and as a natural response to the mechanics of living. BME 381 Nanofabrication in Biomedical Society Prerequisite: MEC 260; BME 212 Applications How engineers interact with others in the development Pre- or Corequisite: BIO 202 or 203 Theory and applications of nanofabrication. Reviews of solutions to societal problems, with emphasis on 3 credits aspects of nanomachines in nature with special atten- engineering problems arising in the biological realm. tion to the role of self-lubrication, intracellular or inter- In-depth evaluations of both successful and unsuccess- BME 304-H Genetic Engineering stitial viscosity, and protein-guided adhesion. Dis- ful technologies illuminate the role of biomedical engi- An introduction to the realm of molecular bioengineer- cusses current nanofabricated machines to perform neers in supporting the well-being of urban and rural ing with a focus on genetic engineering. Includes the the same tasks and considers the problems of lubrica- populations throughout the world, through develop- structure and function of DNA, the flow of genetic infor- tion, compliance, and adhesion. Self-assembly mecha- ments in medical engineering, biotechnology, environ- mation in a cell, genetic mechanisms, the methodology nisms of nanofabrication with emphasis on cutting- mental engineering, and ergonomic design. Not for involved in recombinant DNA technology and its appli- edge discovery to overcome current challenges asso- credit in addition to BME 100. cation in society in terms of cloning and genetic modifi- ciated with nanofabricated machines. Prerequisite: One D.E.C. category E course cation of plants and animals (transgenics), biotechnolo- Prerequisites: CHE 132; BME 100 3 credits gy (pharmaceutics, genomics), bioprocessing (produc- Pre- or Corequisite: BIO 202 or 203 tion and process engineering focusing on the produc- 3 credits BME 212 Biomedical Engineering tion of genetically engineered products.), and gene Research Fundamentals therapy. Production factors such as time, rate, cost, effi- BME 400 Research and Nanotechnology Introduction to data collection and analysis in the con- ciency, safety, and desired product quality are also cov- This is the capstone course for the minor in text of biophysical measurements commonly used by ered. Considers societal issues involving ethical and Nanotechnology Studies (NTS). Students learn pri- bioengineers. Statistical measures, hypothesis testing, moral considerations, consequences of regulation, as mary aspects of the professional research enterprise linear regression, and analysis of variance are intro- well as risks and benefits of genetic engineering. through writing a journal-quality manuscript and mak- duced in an application-oriented manner. Data collec- Prerequisites: BME 100; BIO 202 or 203 ing professional presentations on their independent tion methods using various instruments, A/D boards, 3 credits research (499) projects in a formal symposium set- and PCs as well as LabView, a powerful data collection ting. Students will also learn how to construct a grant computer package. Not for credit in addition to the BME 305 Biofluids proposal (a typical NSF graduate fellowship proposal), discontinued BME 309. The fundamentals of heat transfer, mass transfer, and methods to search for research/fellowship funding, Prerequisites: BME major, BME 100 fluid mechanics in the context of physiological sys- and key factors in being a research mentor. Pre- or Corequisite: MEC 260; BIO 202 or 203 tems. Techniques for formulating and solving biofluid Prerequisites: BME 213; at least one semester of inde- 3 credits and mass transfer problems with emphasis on the spe- pendent research (499 course) cial features and the different scales encountered in 3 credits BME 213 Studies in Nanotechnology physiological systems, from the organ and the tissue The emerging field of nanotechnology develops solu- level down to the molecular transport level. BME 404 Essentials of Tissue Engineering tions to engineering problems by taking advantage of Prerequisites: AMS 261 (or MAT 203 or MAT 205); Topics covered are: developmental biology (nature’s the unique physical and chemical properties of AMS 361 (or MAT 303 or MAT 305); BME 212; MEC tissue engineering), mechanisms of cel-cell and cell- nanoscale materials. This interdisciplinary, co-taught 260 and MEC 262 matrix interactions, biomaterial formulation, charac- course introduces materials and nano-fabrication Pre- or Corequisite: BIO 202 or 203 terization of biomaterial properties, evaluation of cell methods with applications to electronics, biomedical, 3 credits interactions with biomaterials, principles of designing mechanical and environmental engineering. Guest an engineered tissue. Considers manufacturing para- speakers and a semester project involve ethics, toxi- BME 311 Fundamentals of Macro to meters such as time, rate, cost, efficiency, safety and cology, economic and business implications of nan- Molecular Bioimaging desired product quality as well as regulatory issues. otechnology. Basic concepts in research and design This course will cover the fundamentals of modern Prerequisites: BIO 202 or 203; CHE 132 methodology and characterization techniques will be imaging technologies, including techniques and appli- 3 credits demonstrated. Course is cross-listed as BME 213, cations within medicine and biomedical research. MEC 213, and EST 213 and is required for the Minor The course will also introduce concepts in molecular BME 420 Computational Biomechanics in Nanotechnology Studies (NTS). imaging with the emphasis on the relations between Prerequisites: PHY 131 or PHY 125; CHE 131 or ESG Introduces the concepts of skeletal biology; mechan- imaging technologies and the design of target specific ics of bone, ligament, and tendon; and linear and non- 198 probes as well as unique challenges in the design of 3 credits linear properties of biological tissues. Principles of probes of each modality: specificity, delivery, and finite differences method (FDM) and finite elements BME 300 Writing in Biomedical amplification strategies. The course includes visits to method (FEM) to solve biological problems. Both clinical sites. FDM and FEM are applied to solve equations and Engineering Prerequisites: BME 212 problems in solid and porous media. Requires knowl- See Requirements for the Major in Biomedical 3 credits edge of Fortran or C programming. Engineering, Upper-Division Writing Requirement. Prerequisites: BME 303; BME 305; MEC 363 Prerequisites: WRT 102; U3 or U4 standing; BME major BME 313 Bioinstrumentation 3 credits
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