Understanding Heliothine (: ) Pests: What is a Host Plant? Author(s): John Paul Cunningham and Myron P. Zalucki Source: Journal of Economic Entomology, 107(3):881-896. 2014. Published By: Entomological Society of America URL: http://www.bioone.org/doi/full/10.1603/EC14036

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BioOne sees sustainable scholarly publishing as an inherently collaborative enterprise connecting authors, nonprofit publishers, academic institutions, research libraries, and research funders in the common goal of maximizing access to critical research. REVIEW Understanding Heliothine (Lepidoptera: Heliothinae) Pests: What is a Host Plant?


J. Econ. Entomol. 107(3): 881Ð896 (2014); DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1603/EC14036 ABSTRACT Heliothine (Lepidoptera: Heliothinae) include some of the worldÕs most dev- astating pest species. Whereas the majority of nonpest heliothinae specialize on a single plant family, , or species, pest species are highly polyphagous, with populations often escalating in size as they move from one crop species to another. Here, we examine the current literature on heliothine host-selection behavior with the aim of providing a knowledge base for research scientists and pest managers. We review the host relations of pest heliothines, with a particular focus on armigera (Hu¨ bner), the most economically damaging of all heliothine species. We then consider the important question of what constitutes a host plant in these moths, and some of the problems that arise when trying to determine host plant status from empirical studies on host use. The top six host plant families in the two main Australian pest species (H. armigera and Helicoverpa punctigera Wallengren) are the same and the top three (Asteraceae, Fabaceae, and Malvaceae) are ranked the same (in terms of the number of host species on which eggs or larvae have been identiÞed), suggesting that these species may use similar cues to identify their hosts. In contrast, for the two key pest heliothines in the Americas, the Fabaceae contains Ϸ1/3 of hosts for both. For Helicoverpa zea (Boddie), the remaining hosts are more evenly distributed, with Solanaceae next, followed by Poaceae, Asteraceae, Malvaceae, and Rosaceae. For virescens (F.), the next highest Þve families are Malvaceae, Asteraceae, Solanaceae, Convolvulaceae, and Scrophulariaceae. Again there is considerable overlap in host use at generic and even species level. H. armigera is the most widely distributed and recorded from 68 plant families worldwide, but only 14 families are recorded as a containing a host in all geographic areas. A few crop hosts are used throughout the range as expected, but in some cases there are anomalies, perhaps because host plant relation studies are not comparable. Studies on the attraction of heliothines to plant odors are examined in the context of our current understanding of olfaction, with the aim of better understanding the connection between odor perception and host choice. Finally, we discuss research into sustainable management of pest heliothines using knowledge of heliothine behavior and ecology. A coordinated international research effort is needed to advance our knowledge on host relations in widely distributed polyphagous species instead of the localized, piecemeal approaches to understanding these that has been the norm to date.

KEY WORDS polyphagy, host relation, volatile, pest management

Heliothines are a group of noctuid moths whose larvae AsteraceaeÑ74%; see also Mitter et al. 1993). These feed predominantly on ßowers and plant reproductive Þgures suggest a high degree of host specialization in structures, giving these insects a variety of common most heliothines, as is common in phytophagous in- names, such as bollworm, budworm, earworm, pod sects (Jermy 1984). borer, and ßower caterpillar (Zalucki et al. 1986). Although only a few heliothines are considered to Worldwide there are some 365 species in the subfam- be polyphagous, some of these species are widely ily (Cho et al. 2008). In North America, 148 heliothine known and studied, and are some of the worldÕs most species in 14 genera have been described (Hardwick important agricultural pests. These pest species ap- 1996, Knudson et al. 2003), with host plants recorded pear to be in a single “Heliothis” clade, suggesting the for 92 of these species; based on these records, we trait was inherited from a common ancestor (Cho et estimate 55% have been recorded as having been al. 2008). Heliothis virescens (F.) and Helicoverpa zea found on a single host species, 83% from a single genus, (Boddie) are the main heliothine pests in North and and 96% from a single plant family (predominantly South America (Bergvinson 2005) where these moths have been recorded from 235 plant species in 36 fam- 1 School of Earth, Environmental and Biological Sciences, Queens- ilies, with a large overlap in host plant use for the two land University of Technology, Brisbane 4001, Australia. 2 species (see compilation by Kogan et al. 1989). To- School of Biological Sciences, The University of Queensland, Ͼ Brisbane 4072, Australia. bacco budworm (He. virescens) infests 19 crops, 3 Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected]. while the corn earworm, H. zea, infests at least 30

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(Blanco et al. 2007). These moths are important pests compared with adult traits (host Þnding and recogni- of crops, such as maize, cotton, soybean, tomato, to- tion)? Are there common attributes of host species that bacco, alfalfa; horticultural crops such as beans, sweet serve as deÞnitive host cues? Are there differences in the corn, and tomato; as well as ßoriculture crops such as way host cues are perceived in specialist and generalist chrysanthemum. As the name implies, the tobacco species? Are there particular behavioral traits present in budworm shows a preference for laying eggs on the polyphagous heliothine species that have enabled them Solanaceae (e.g., tobacco and tomato), while H. zea to successfully use agro-ecosystems? (the corn earworm) prefers hosts in the Poaceae Determining the extent and nature of polyphagy is (maize, sorghum; Bergvinson 2005). However, a wide essential for understanding the behavioral- and evo- range of crops can support these pests, as we show in lutionary ecology of heliothines (Cho et al. 2008), and the following analysis of host use. In addition to these in the design and implementation of effective pest major pest species, other heliothines have been recorded management strategies (Jallow et al. 2004). Here, we from more than one plant family in North AmericaÑ use published studies on polyphagous heliothines to Heliothis borealis (Hampson) (four families), Heliothis further our understanding of what constitutes a “host oregonica (Hy. Edwards) (three families), tertia plant.” We begin by carrying out a simple analysis of (Grote) (two families), and Schinia olivacea Smith (two host plant use in the four major pest species, to in- families)Ñbut none are regarded as pests. vestigate whether particular plant species, or families, Helicoverpa armigera (Hu¨ bner) is widespread are favored as hosts. We then review information on throughout Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia, where host preferences, and evidence for innate (genetic) it causes extensive damage to a wide range of crops and acquired (learnt) differences in these preferences (Zalucki et al. 1986, Sharma 2005). More recently the within species, exploring additional physiological de- species has spread to South America (Czepak et al. terminants of host plant use. Focusing on olfaction in H. 2013, Specht et al. 2013, Tay et al. 2013), with devas- armigera, we investigate how current knowledge of sen- tating effects in the broad acre cropping systems in sory biology can help our understanding of host choice Brazil (C. Czepak, personal communication). Cer- and polyphagy. We conclude by considering how an tainly the presence of a diverse indigenous heliothine in-depth knowledge of the nature of polyphagy might be fauna and similar polyphagous pests has not prevented applied to pest management of some of the worldÕs most its establishment and spread. The area in the new economically important species. world at risk of H. armigera invasion extends well beyond Brazil as suggested by Zalucki and Furlong Host Plant Use by Polyphagous Heliothines (2005) using a simple CLIMEX model. The species has the potential to spread into the southern United States, What Constitutes a Host? Before presenting an with seasonal migration much further north (D. J. analysis of host use in polyphagous heliothines, we Kriticos, unpublished data). must Þrst consider how well host plant relations have In Australia, the two important heliothine pests are been deÞned (Ward 1988). A host plant should be one H. armigera and an endemic species, Helicoverpa punc- that supports the development of larvae and contrib- tigera Wallengren. Both H. armigera and H. punctigera utes to the number of reproducing adults in the pop- are highly polyphagous, having been recorded from 35 ulation. For this to occur (in most Lepidoptera), the and 49 families respectively in Australia (Zalucki et al. plant would have to be found and laid upon by adult 1986, 1994). Crop hosts affected by these pest species insects in the Þeld, and a proportion of the immatures include tobacco, cotton, tomato, sunßower, sorghum, would have to successfully complete development to pigeon pea, and chickpea. Of the remaining 37 Aus- become reproductive adults. More selective deÞni- tralian heliothine species, hosts have been recorded tions for a host plant reßect the degree to which the for only 12 (Matthews 1999); eight of these appear plant contributes to the insectsÕ Þtness (e.g., Jaenike restricted to a single plant family (six on Poaceae and 1990). Walter and BenÞeld (1994) suggest that the two on Fabaceae). Australian heliothines other than regularity with which the plant species is used as a host H. armigera and H. punctigera recorded from more in the Þeld, and the relative abundance of eggs or than one plant family are Heliothis punctifera Walker larvae found on it, should also be considered. Attrac- (eight families), Helicoverpa assulta (Guene´e) (Þve tion to a plant (or its odor) in laboratory studies is thus families), and Australothis rubrescens (Walker) (four not necessary an indicator of a host, as the insect may families). Of these polyphagous species, only H. as- use the plants for other purposes, may reject it on sulta is a pest on plants in the Solanaceae (peppers, alighting, or may deposit eggs that do not develop tobacco, tomato) and Alliaceae (onions) in some parts through to adult insects. In heliothines, adult moths of its range (Africa, Asia, and Australasia; Xia et al. are attracted to ßowers for nectar feeding, and these 2009); polyphagy per se is not a prerequisite for being species may not support larvae. Gregg (1993) found considered a pest. that the most common pollen on the proboscis of H. The variation in the breadth of host use in helioth- armigera and H. punctigera was from eucalypts, and ines, in terms of the size and diversity of the host range Del Socorro et al. (2010a) found that these plants were and the individual plant species that are used as hosts, among the most attractive in an olfactometer, even raises a number of important questions regarding what though they do not support larvae. In laboratory limits host range in heliothine species. How important (greenhouse) studies, female H. armigera have been are larval traits (development and survival on hosts), observed laying on ßowering nonhosts such as Cuphea June 2014 CUNNINGHAM AND ZALUCKI:UNDERSTANDING HELIOTHINE PESTS 883 and Lantana species (J.P. Cunningham, unpublished to predation and climate, host plant factors are also data; Manjunath et al. 1989), and in cage studies will indicated (Kyi et al. 1991, Zalucki et al. 2002). lay eggs on netting and plastic-ware. Many studies use insects that have been in labora- Oviposition on nonhosts may also occur in the Þeld. tory cultures for long periods (e.g., Dhandapani and Most records for host plant use by heliothines are Balasubramanian 1980), and such assays must be based on incidental collections of immature stages treated with caution, because of potential inbreeding from plants, followed by subsequent rearing on diet and selection effects (such as the selection for females for identiÞcation (Zalucki et al. 1986). These records that show little discrimination for oviposition sites, assume that adult insects choose only to lay on plants and larvae that develop best on artiÞcial diets). There that will support the development of their larvae and are, however, notable exceptions (e.g., Gu and Walter that the presence of a larva on a plant implies that it 1999). Differences in preference among individuals is capable of using that plant species to complete its may also be important; Jallow and Zalucki (2003) and development to pupation or adulthood, which is not Gu et al. (2001) included between female family ef- necessarily the case. Because few plant species have fects in studies of larval performance on a limited been tested for the presence of eggs and larval survival number of substrates and found some evidence for though to adulthood (in particular for noncrop hosts), differences in performance among families, suggesting a large amount of subjectivity is still inherent in cur- genetic variation in these traits. Finding genetic vari- rent records of host plants. In general, plants on which ations among individuals has of course been the main eggs, but not larvae, have been found in the Þeld stay of tracking down resistance mechanisms to in- should not be considered host plants [e.g., our un- secticides as well as providing pointers to what may published records for H. armigera on milkweed, As- limit host plant use (Heckel 1993; Ahn et al. 2011a,b; clepias curassavica (L.)]. When larval stages are oc- Celorio-Mancera et al. 2012; Joussen et al. 2012). casionally found on a particular species in the Þeld, the How then should host range be determined? What decision to class this species as a host is largely sub- they are capable of eating, where they survive well, or jective, and depends on the frequency with which the where they cause signiÞcant damage? Collecting all event is observed (see Zalucki et al. 1994); larvae are stages of development of an insect species, on a plant known to move between plants, particularly in later species, in the Þeld, on a regular basis, is perhaps the instars (Cunningham et al. 2001, 2011). Such is the most reliable estimate for host plant status (Zalucki et case, for example, with H. armigera on Lantana camara al. 1994). However, even such relatively comprehen- L., for which occasional oviposition and early instar sive studies on host use are limited by geographical presence has been documented (Manjunath et al. and temporal constraints of the study, and by variation 1989). Here we do not consider L. camara under the in host use that may occur as a result of host abun- deÞnition of host plant for H. armigera in Australia, dance (for example lack of oviposition on a lesser and Manjunath et al. (1989) lists it as a doubtful record preferred host when a more preferable host is avail- in India. able; see Blanco et al. 2007). Larval survival to adulthood is undoubtedly a key Analysis of the Published Host Records. With all the criterion in the identiÞcation of a host plant species. above caveats in deÞning a host plant in mind, and In any insect species, suitability of host material for accepting that host lists for polyphagous heliothines immature development and survival has a strong effect may be inßated (assuming the sampling has been ex- on Þtness, and in polyphagous heliothines, such H. tensive), an analysis of the published literature is still armigera, suitability varies considerably among host useful in identifying trends in host use by particular plants (e.g., Hmimina 1988, Firempong and Zalucki heliothine species, which may warrant further, more 1990a, Jallow and Zalucki 2003, Fatma and Pathak detailed study. The top six host plant families in the 2011). Laboratory-based studies assessing juvenile two main Australian pest species (Table 1) are the survival on particular plants are commonly used to same for both species, and the top three (Asteraceae, determine the extent to which different plants may Fabaceae, and Malvaceae) are ranked the same (in serve as hosts in nature, but there are a number of terms of the number of host species on which eggs or problems associated with this technique. In H. armig- larvae have been identiÞed). The Asteraceae, as in most era, leaf material or a combination of leaf and repro- heliothines, Þgure prominently. There is considerable ductive structures is often (e.g., Ruan and Wu 2001, overlap in host use at generic and even species level Liu et al. 2004), but not always, used (e.g., Kakimoto (Table 1), particularly in the Fabaceae, Malvaceae, and et al. 2003) rather than the more relevant ßowers or Solanaceae, suggesting that H. armigera and H. punctigera reproductive structure (see e.g., Liu et al. 2010). Sur- may use similar cues to identify their hosts. vival and development on intact plants tends to be Table 2 displays host use records, at a family level, poorer than on cut leaf material, even in the absence for the two major pest heliothines in the Americas. of predation (e.g., Kyi et al. 1991, Yang et al. 2008). Because the top six families for each of these species Thus, these studies may give little indication of larval differ, eight families are shown. In contrast to their performance in nature. Under Þeld conditions, sur- Australian relatives, the Fabaceae contains Ϸ1/3 of vival on crop hosts (which have been given the most hosts for both, and the remaining rank order of host attention) is generally poor and highly variable (Tit- families differ to some extent. For H. zea, the remain- marsh 1992, Van den Berg and Cock 1993, Fatma and ing hosts are more evenly distributed, with Solanaceae Pathak 2011). Although some of this mortality is owing next, followed by Poaceae, Asteraceae, Malvaceae, 884 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 107, no. 3

Table 1. Number of host plants recorded and % of total species “weeds” (Sonchus oleraceus L., Sphaeranthus indicus L., records for the top six plant families used by H. armigera and H. Aeschynomene indica L., and Ricinus communis L.). Gu punctigera in Australia and Walter (1999) have suggested S. oleraceus or H. sowthistle may be a primary or ancestral host plant based H. armigera Both species % punctigera on oviposition trials of H. armigera collected from dif- Family No. No. ferent hosts within the one locality, and larval feeding % % Genera Species hosts hosts preference and performance assays. They found varia- Asteraceae 33 25 75 28 46 27 tion among females in preference for sowthistle over Fabaceae 27 21 42 16 72 41 cotton, and a positive correlation between adult and Malvaceae 11 8 18 7 88 38 offspring preference for this plant (Gu et al. 2001). Brassicaceae 7 5 16 6 33 15 Host Plant Preferences. Ovipositing polyphagous Solanaceae 10 8 14 5 100 60 Poaceae 9783 5642moths do not respond to all host plants equally, leading to differences in relative preferences for hosts emerg- Percentage genera and species in each of these families used by ing when females are given a choice of plants on which both species are also shown. to lay. In general, preferenceÑdifferential oviposition ϭ ϭ H. armigera 35 families, 130 species; H. punctigera 46 families, on a plant when given a choice (Singer 1986)Ñis 264 species. Sources: Zalucki et al. (1986, 1994); Matthews (1999). assessed on the basis of egg counts on substrates in choice tests using either individuals (Jallow and Za- lucki 1995, 1996; Gu and Walter 1999; Jallow et al. and Rosaceae (Table 2). For He. virescens, the next 2001) or, less satisfactorily, groups of moths (Firem- highest Þve families are Malvaceae, Asteraceae, pong and Zalucki 1990a, Ramnath et al. 1992). Al- Solanaceae, Convolvulaceae, and Scrophulariaceae. though preferences based on observations in the Þeld Again there is considerable overlap in host use at are possible (Walter and BenÞeld 1994, Benda et al., generic and even species level (Table 2), particularly 2011), effects of host abundance and moth experience in the Convolvulaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Fabaceae, on host preferences (e.g., learning effects, below) are Malvaceae, and Solanaceae. hard to disentangle. Host use for H. armigera in countries outside Aus- In H. armigera, it has long been known that host tralia has received less attention, with the exception of preferences are strongly biased toward ßowering India (Manjunath et al. 1989). Published records for H. stages (Parsons 1940). In Australia, relative oviposi- armigera host use in China (Liu 1934, Xu et al. 1958, tion preferences for H. armigera (based on cage trials) Bai et al. 1997), Europe (Torres-Vila et al. 2002, Bue`s show consistency in rank between populations: groups et al. 2005), and Africa (Coaker 1959, Evans 1964, of H. armigera from different populations in eastern Topper 1987), go little beyond cataloguing the species Australia ranked ßowering tobacco, maize, and sun- status as a pest of major crops. In Table 3, we look at ßower as the most preferred host plants for oviposi- trends in worldwide host use in H. armigera (plants for tion, followed by soybean, cotton, and lucerne. The which it is recorded in at least two continents). H. least preferred plants in these trials were cabbage, armigera is recorded from 68 plant families worldwide pigweed, and linseed (Firempong and Zalucki 1990a). (Supp Table 1 [online only]), but only 14 families are In postalighting tests, which use tethered moths to recorded as a containing a host in all geographic areas look more speciÞcally at acceptance of a host plant (Table 3). after alighting, Jallow and Zalucki (1995, 1996) found As expected, host records for H. armigera focus similar results in ranking. Certain females, however, predominantly on agricultural crops (Table 3) and a few demonstrated differences in rank among host species (Jallow and Zalucki 1995, 1996; Gu and Walter 1999). Table 2. Number of host plants recorded and % of total species A common assumption is that relative preferences records in the top eight plant families used by H. zea and He. of ovipositing females should match the suitability of virescens in North America the different host plants for juvenile development and survival. Although this has been shown in some insect He. H. zea Both species % virescens species, it is frequently not the case (Ballabeni et al. Family No. No. 2001, Mayhew 2001, Scheirs and De Bruyn 2002, Grip- % % Genera Species hosts hosts enberg et al. 2010), including in H. armigera (Jallow and Zalucki 2003). Where survival and preference are Fabaceae 41 33 55 31 35 25 Malvaceae 8 6 24 13 45 23 not correlated, other ecological and environmental Asteraceae 8 6 19 11 16 13 determinants may inßuence insect Þtness and the evo- Solanaceae 14 11 19 11 38 21 lution of host choice, such as host plant habitat (West Convolvulaceae 32956727 and Cunningham 2002), predators and parasitoids as- Scrophulariaceae 22634033 Rosaceae 5421 0 0 sociated with host plants (Bjorkman and Larsson 1991, Poaceae 97112011 Ballabeni et al. 2001), and the availability of adult and larval feeding sites (Scheirs and De Bruyn 2002, Liu et Percentage genera and species in each of these families used by al. 2010, 2012). both moth species are also shown. Often ignored is that larval behavior may ameliorate H. zea ϭ 29 families, 123 species; He. virescens ϭ 27 families, 179 species. “poor” adult host selection (Gamberale-Stille et al. Sources: Kogan et al. (1989), Hardwick (1996), Blanco et al. (2007). 2013). Neonate H. armigera larvae show Þne scale June 2014 CUNNINGHAM AND ZALUCKI:UNDERSTANDING HELIOTHINE PESTS 885

Table 3. Host plant families (and Order) used by H. armigera in three or more countries for which host use data have been published (Australia, China, India, Uganda, Sudan, Spain, and France)

No. of Family Order Commonly used species in at least two continents genera Asteraceae Asterales 50 Helianthus annuus, Carthamus tinctorius, Sonchus oleraceus, Sphaeranthus indicus Iridaceae Asterales Gladiolus sp. Caryophyllaceae Asterales Dianthus caryophyllus Fabaceae Leguminales 42 Arachis hypogaea, Phaseolus vulgaris, Glycine max, Medicago sativa, Aeschynomene indica, Cajanus cajan, Cicer arietinum, Lablab purpureus, Lathyrus odoratus, Pisum sativum, Vigna radiata, Vigna unguiculata Poaceae Graminales 14 Sorghum bicolor, Zea mays, Triticum aestivum, Avena sativa, Oryza sativa Cucurbitaceae Cucurbitales 10 Citrullus lanatus, Cucumis sativus, Cucurbita maxima Malvaceae Malvales 10 Gossypium hirsutum, Abelmoschus esculentus Amaranthaceae Caryophyllales 7 Amaranthus sp. Solanaceae Solanales 7 Capsicum annuum, Nicotiana tabacum, Lycopersicon esculentum, Solanum tuberosum Convolvulaceae Solanales Ipomoea batata Euphorbiaceae Malpighiales 6 Ricinus communis Chenopodiaceae Chenopodiales 5 Beta vulgaris, Spinacia oleracea Rosaceae Rosales 5 Fragaria sp. Apiaceae Umbellales 4 No common use species Brassicaceae Brassicales 4 Brassica oleracea Lamiaceae Lamiales 4 Mentha spicata Scrophulariaceae Personales 4 Antirrhinum majus Cannabaceae Urticales 1 Cannabis sativa Pedaliaceae Bignoniales 1 Sesamum indicum Rubiaceae Rubiales 1 Coffea arabica Ruraceae Rutales 1 Citrus limon Alliaceae Liliales 1 Allium cepa

Arranged by the number of host genera recorded by plant Order. Species used in at least two continents also shown (see Supp Table 1 [online only]). Sources: Liu (1934); Xu et al. (1958); Coaker (1959); Evans (1964); Zalucki et al. (1986, 1994); Topper (1987); Manjunath et al. (1989); Bai et al. (1997); Torres-Vila et al. (2002); Bue`s et al. (2005). discrimination within plants, avoiding induced leaves and Behere et al. (2013) suggest local genetic struc- as well as moving between plants (Perkins et al. 2013). ture and signiÞcant differentiation between cotton Large larvae can move extensively among plants growing and other areas in India in some years. (Cunningham et al. 2001, 2011). Both offspringÐparent regression analysis and Ken- Genetic Differences in Oviposition Preference. Ge- dallÕs coefÞcient of concordance (measuring agree- netic variation in H. armigera host use across different ment in plant ranking between parent and offspring) host families has been shown in Australia (Jallow and indicated that differences in observed oviposition Zalucki 1995, 1996; Gu et al. 2001), but not in within preference among females can have a genetic basis host species comparisons (Cotter and Edwards 2006). (Jallow and Zalucki 1996). These heritability esti- Assessing the contribution of genetic differences be- mates are consistent with those reported by Firem- tween populations and among females within a pop- pong (1987), whose estimates were based on the re- ulation in host location, preference, and use is an gression of mean preference for F1 females against important precondition for understanding the nature that of their parents, but they are lower than estimates of polyphagy. recorded by Gu et al. (2001) using S. oleraceus and G. Firempong and Zalucki (1990a) and Jallow and Za- hirsutum. Although only the postalighting compo- lucki (1996) investigated variation in oviposition pref- nents of oviposition behavior of H. armigera were erence between geographic populations of H. armig- addressed by Jallow and Zalucki (1996), it is conceiv- era in eastern Australia. Despite some differences able that genetic variation exists in prealighting com- among individual females within populations, host ponents of host selection (Sheck and Gould 1995). preferences did not differ signiÞcantly between pop- The availability of genetically very closely related ulations, regardless of the differences in host avail- species in the “Heliothis/ Helicoverpa” clade that dif- ability between geographic localities. Similarly Gu and fer markedly in host relations; the highly polyphagous Walter (1999) found no effect of collection source or generalist He. virescens and H. armigera and their (different hosts) within one locality on adult host closely related respective host specialist Heliothis sub- selection. Daly and Gregg (1985) found little genetic flexa (Guene´e) and H. assulta; has led to comparative variation among populations of H. armigera in eastern studies addressing the genetics of oviposition, host Australia. They attributed this to gene ßow between preference, larval feeding, and adaptation (Oppen- populations, which may partly account for the absence heim and Hooper 2009). Comparative studies of adult of major variation in host plant preference at this level. oviposition choice, larval host plant choice, and larval Endersby et al. (2007) also found panmixis. However, performance in H. armigera and H. assulta (Wang et al. Scott et al. (2005) suggested genetic structure at var- 2004; Tang et al. 2006; Liu et al. 2010, 2012) and in He. ious scales in some years (but see Weeks et al. 2010), virescens and He. subflexa (Sheck and Gould 1993, 886 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 107, no. 3

1995; Oppenheim and Hooper 2009) provide means of Learning may be of particular advantage to identifying the genes involved in switching from polyphagous lepidopteran species if neurological con- polyphagy to host specialization. The basis of host straints (that is, the total amount of information on utilization and resistance in larvae has certainly gained suitability of different oviposition sites that can be from recent genetic and molecular approaches. For processed by the insect nervous system) limit the example, the genetic basis of resistance to insecticides amount of information that can be processed for host (Heckel et al. 1998, Gahan et al. 2001, Joussen et al. plant suitability (Bernays 2001, Egan and Funk 2006, 2012) and Bacillus thuringiensis (Gahan et al. 2010), Cunningham 2012). We still know little about the proteomics of the midgut (Pauchet et al. 2008) and precise way in which chemical information on host salivary gland (Celorio-Mancera et al. 2011a), tran- suitability is coded within the insect nervous system scriptional responses to plant secondary compounds (Cunningham 2012), but generalists have been shown such as gossypol (Celorio-Mancera et al. 2011b) and to sacriÞce some information on host suitability as a to different host plants (Celorio-Mancera et al. 2012), result of increased host range (Janz and Nylin 1997, detoxiÞcation of plant secondary compounds such as Janz 2003, Egan and Funk 2006). Such constraints may capsaicin (Ahn et al.2011), and gene families involved lead to a higher relative advantage of learning with in detoxiÞcation and defense (Ahn et al. 2011, Courtiade increasing host range, or with hosts that span many et al. 2011) have been in part elucidated. There is a much plant taxa, as with heliothines such as H. armigera, H. stronger genetic effect on larval weight gain (e.g., Cotter punctigera, H. zea, and He. virescens. and Edwards 2006). Genes for oviposition behavior have If learning were advantageous to polyphagous in- been more elusive, possible because adult behavior is sects, would we expect to Þnd this trait widespread in more phenotypically plastic, including the effects of the oviposition behavior of agricultural pests? Studies learning and other ontogenetic inßuences. on oviposition in Drosophila melanogaster Meigen Learning. Host selection behavior in many polypha- have shown that environments that favor learning, will gous lepidopteran species has been shown to change select for “good learners” (increased effects of behav- with experience (Papaj and Prokopy 1989) and helioth- ioral conditioning), providing evidence that learning ines are no exception. Cunningham et al. (1998a) pre- is a trait under selection by the environment (Mery sented the Þrst detailed evidence of learning in pre- and Kawecki 2002). Learning has been shown in a alighting (host selection) and postalighting (host number of polyphagous and oligophagous Lepidop- acceptance) behavior in H. armigera. Under labora- tera, such as Trichoplusia ni (Hu¨ bner) (cabbage tory and glasshouse conditions, female moths exposed to looper), Plutella xylostella (L.) (diamondback moth), a particular host (tobacco or tomato) accepted that host and Pieris brassicae (L.) (cabbage white butterßy; for oviposition (in pre- and postalighting tests) more Traynier 1984; Landolt and Molina 1996; Cunningham frequently than female moths experienced on other et al. 1998b, 1999; Landolt 2001; Monks and Kelly 2003; hosts, or moths with no experience. Liu et al. 2005; Skiri et al. 2005; Zhang et al. 2007). As If learning is common in polyphagous Lepidoptera, yet, learning has not been studied in nonpest helioth- might this trait enable these insects to use a greater ines. The absence of learning has, however, been sug- host range? Cunningham and West (2008) con- gested in the oviposition behavior of three (nonpest) structed a model to predict which environments might lepidopteran speciesÑthe checkerspot butterßy, Eu- be most favorable to learning. Their results showed phydryas editha (Boisduval) (Parmesan et al. 1995), that the relative advantages of learning are maximized the eastern black swallowtail Papilio polyxenes F. when within-generation variability is minimized (an (Heinz and Feeny 2005), and Heliconius butterßies, ovipositing female is likely to encounter only a single Heliconius erato (L.) (Kerpel and Moreira 2005). Fur- host plant species) and between-generation variabil- ther evidence for the absence of learning may be ity is maximized (different host plant species are most lacking owing to difÞculties in conclusively proving common in different generations). These conditions negative results and in publication biases against neg- are approached in many agro-ecosystems; ovipositing ative results (Jennions and Møller 2002). females frequently encounter abundant patches of a Although there is no direct empirical Þeld evidence single host plant species, as a result of crop monocul- of the inßuence of learning on oviposition behavior in ture and through environmental factors (e.g., climate H. armigera, studies indicate that oviposition prefer- or soil quality), which favor the growth of certain ences may be inßuenced by host abundance (see Pyke crops in particular regions. In general, a particular et al. 1987, Shanower and Romeis 1999). If learning in crop species will be present for longer than the adult oviposition behavior is exhibited by H. armigera in the lifespan (e.g., Wardhaugh et al. 1980, Nyambo 1988, Þeld, then more abundant hosts should receive pro- Sequeira 2001), whereas between insect genera- portionally more eggs than less abundant hosts, irre- tions, ovipositing females will frequently encounter spective of “innate” relative preferences displayed in different crop species through crop rotation and laboratory or glasshouse bioassays (Cunningham et al. seasonal variations in agriculture or long-range 1998a). Recent large-scale landscape studies of Heli- movement of adult insects (migration). Similarly, coverpa populations in Australia assessing the effect of the abundance of wild (noncrop) hosts of this insect surrounding Þelds on eggs in central focal Þelds sug- are patchy in their distribution, forming large stands gest that such plants do receive more eggs for highly of particular species (Walter and BenÞeld 1994, ranked hosts: Sorghum received more eggs the more Zalucki et al. 1994). Bt cotton there was around compared with sorghum June 2014 CUNNINGHAM AND ZALUCKI:UNDERSTANDING HELIOTHINE PESTS 887 surrounded by sorghum. This was not the case for Bt Table 4. Electrophysiological response to plant volatiles in H. cotton (N. Schellhorn, Unpublished data). armigera adult females as demonstrated by electroantennogram (a,b,c,e) and olfactory receptor neuron (d,f) studies Other Physiological Determinants of Host-Plant Use by Adults. The physiological state of an insect can Volatile compound Reference affect host-selection behavior. An insectÕs “motiva- Terpenoids tion” to oviposit is controlled by internal factors that ␣-pinene a b c e increasingly inßuence the expression of certain be- ␤-pinene a e haviors as time elapses since last oviposition (Barton- ␤-myrcene a b d e Browne 1993). Jallow and Zalucki (1998) demon- dihydromyrcene d ␤-ocimene a b d e strated that the number of mature eggs produced by limonene a b c a mature H. armigera female inßuenced host-plant linalool a b d f speciÞcity and the propensity to oviposit. Female ␣-farnesene d moths were less discriminating against cowpea (a low- (ϩ)-3-carene f verbenol f ranked host) relative to maize (a high-ranked host) as borneol f egg load increased. Similarly, increased egg load led to 4,8-dimethyl-1,2-E-7-nonatriene e a greater propensity to oviposit on both cowpea and ␤-caryophyllene a c maize. In the laboratory, Helicoverpa moths will ovi- 1,8-cineol a ␤-phellandrene a posit on unsuitable surfaces such as glass, fabric, or Fatty acid-derived alcohols and esters plastic containers (and if left unmated will lay unfer- z-3-hexen-1-ol a tilized eggs) even if collected directly from the Þeld, e-2-hexen-1-ol a which may reßect a capacity to void eggs under high e-3-hexen-1-ol a 1-hexanol c egg loads, regardless of substrate suitability. hexan-3-ol a In the Þeld, less preferred host species are likely to hexan-1-ol a receive more eggs in the absence of preferred species hexan-2-ol a as egg loads of females increase, as time elapses since z-3-hexenyl acetate b e e-2-hexenyl acetate a eclosion, or both. Consequently, large-scale planting butan-1-ol a of a less attractive host variety might not necessary pentan-1-ol a receive fewer eggs than a susceptible variety. Other heptan-1-ol a factors that determine the actual use of a host by H. octan-1-ol a e-2-hexenal a armigera in the Þeld may include long-distance cues used z-3-hexenyl-2-methylbutyrate b in detecting host patches (Drake 1991), differential pre- Aromatic alcohols, aldehydes, and esters dation rates (Evans 1985), plant height (Firempong and benzaldehyde a c e Zalucki 1990b), presence of larval feeding damage or vinylbenzaldehyde f phenylacetaldehyde a c frass (Firempong and Zalucki 1991), and sources of nec- 2-phenylethanol a tar (Adjei-Maafo and Wilson 1983a,b). vinyl-benzaldehyde f Attraction to Host Odors. As with most phytopha- 2-phenylethanol a gous moth species, adult heliothines are strongly at- benzyl alcohol a methyl-benzoate f tracted to host plant odors. Laboratory experiments, methyl-salicylate a predominantly using ßight tunnels, have established that adult male and female moths show a characteristic References: a, Burguiere et al. (2001); b, Rajapakse et al. (2006); c, upwind ßight response (positive anaemotaxis) in the Cribb et al. (2007); d, Stranden et al. (2003); e, Yan et al. (2004); f, presence of host odors and their individual volatile Rostelien et al. (2005). constituents (Tingle and Mitchell 1992; Hartlieb 1996; Hull et al. 2004; Cunningham et al. 2006; Gregg et al. Electrophysiological studies on H. armigera have 2010a,b). De Moraes et al. (2001) demonstrated that identiÞed plant volatiles that are detected by the in- complex odor blends, based on volatiles released by sectÕs antennae (see Table 4). All of these volatiles are damaged tobacco plants, deterred ovipositing He. vi- common to wide range of plants, terpenes and aro- rescens females when compared with untreated con- matic compounds in particular being ubiquitous ßoral trol plants. Mozuraitis et al. (2002) have demonstrated volatiles (Pichersky and Gershenzon 2002, Dudareva attraction and oviposition preference of He. virescens et al. 2004). Predictable volatile indicators of a host for the sesquiterpene, germacrene-D. In H. armigera, plant species (“key volatiles”) are therefore unlikely in females showed a positive oviposition response to- this and other polyphagous species. Specialist helioth- ward a blend containing 3-nitrobenzyl alcohol and ines might conceivably narrow their olfactory detec- minor amounts of 3-nitrobenzaldehyde, and a nega- tion by the antenna, although a study by Stranden et tive (deterrent) response to a blend containing 3-ni- al. (2003) comparing olfactory neuron responses to trobenzyl alcohol and small amounts of docosane and volatiles in H. armigera and He. virescens with the more trimethyldecane (Srinivasan et al. 2006). A possible specialist H. assulta, showed no decrease in the range complication in many behavioral studies on heliothines of responses in H. assulta when compared with the two is the separation of oviposition responses from nectar- polyphagous species. feeding responses, particularly as male and female moths Recognition of host odors may instead require in- show similar responses to most compounds (Rajapakse formation pertaining to the unique blend of volatiles et al. 2006, Del Socorro et al. 2010a). emitted by each plant species (Bruce et al. 2005). 888 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 107, no. 3

Support for this blend recognition hypothesis has speciÞc (deterrent) role in determining host choice come from both behavioral and neurological studies. (Stensmyr et al. 2012). The insect antennal lobe (AL) receives incoming in- Attraction to Visual Cues. Heliothine moth species formation from the antennae, and is widely recog- show strong preferences for ßowering hosts for both nized as the primary center for odor processing in nectar feeding and oviposition, and yet the role of insects. It is within this structure that combinations of visual cues in host attraction has received little atten- volatiles detected by the antennae are represented as tion. Visual cues have been shown to be important in blend-speciÞc excitation patterns (Joerges et al. 1997; instigating nectar foraging behavior in Manduca sexta Galizia and Menzel 2000; Vosshall et al. 2000; Carlsson (L.) (Raguso and Willis 2005), with moths failing to et al. 2002, 2005; Lofaldli et al. 2010). Outgoing infor- respond to either odor sources or visual cues when mation (from the AL) to the higher centers of the provided in isolation. Moreover, decoupling of these insect brain is not simply a summation of the input two sensory cues revealed that the stimulation with effects (i.e., of independent volatile effects from the odors before foraging enhanced responsiveness to antennae), and host volatiles show synergistic effects odorless visual cues, and that moths were more re- when presented together, both in the AL, and in the sponsive when both cues emanated from a single resultant attraction of the insect in behavioral assays source (Goyret et al. 2007). Interaction between vi- (Tasin et al. 2006, Pin˜ ero et al. 2008, Riffell et al. 2009). sual and olfactory cues may be important in evoking Integrating this knowledge of odor processing into oviposition responses and thus should be borne in our understanding of host-selection behavior in mind when assessing responses to olfactory cues in polyphagous insects brings a crucial question to the isolation. fore: is the AL processing mechanism capable of rec- ognizing multiple host plants, and if so, how is this Application of Host Plant Studies for Management achieved? Cunningham (2012) has suggested a theory of Pest Heliothines for host selection and the evolution of host choice based on the workings of the olfactory mechanism, Large-scale insecticide resistance in H. armigera has rather than solely on what we observe from host led to a number of crop protection strategies that rely choice experiments. This theory has its basis in an on our knowledge of the host-selection process. Such management strategies presently in use or under in- earlier neural contraints theory (Janz and Nylin 1997, vestigation include behavioral manipulation methods Bernays 2001), and predicts that owing to AL pro- e.g., use of trap crops and synthetic analogues of nat- cessing limitations, highly polyphagous insects may ural stimuli (Foster and Harris 1997; Gregg et al. 1998, only be able to generally classify plants into categories 2010a,b; Agelopoulos et al. 1999; Del Socorro et al. such as good, poor, and nonhosts. Under this AL pro- 2010a,b), cultural control and conventional host plant cessing theory, preference heirarchies seen in behav- resistance (Fitt 2000). ioral experiments need not necessarily correlate with Intra-Specific Variation in Relation to Use of Trap offspring Þtness and nonhost species may be “mistak- Crops. Trap crops are host plant species grown in small enly” accepted as hosts (as seen in heliothines), while patches to divert pests away from a major crop where still making evolutionary sense. Furthermore, the the- they can be destroyed (Cook et al. 2007). Trap crop- ory predicts that the complex circuitry of the AL might ping relies on insects displaying relative preferences restrict polyphagous insectÕs adaptation toward (or for oviposition; and assumes that most females in the away from) individual host species. This may help pest population will rank the trap crop higher than the explain the lack of any evidence for evolutionary crop being protected. Chickpeas, maize, and sorghum change in host preference in H. armigera against trans- have been suggested as possible trap crop options for genic Bt cotton, even though this nonhost variety now H. armigera (Murray and Titmarsh 1990). dominates the environment in Australian cotton- To date, trap cropping has not been successfully growing regions (Zalucki et al. 2012). shown to reduce H. armigera infestations in the Þeld Could key volatiles still play a role in host selection (but see Grundy et al. 2006), and a number of factors in polyphagous insects? Theoretically, this would be may be responsible: 1) ovipositing females may not expected if they acted as predictable signals for host remain within the trap crop for long enough, may not quality. Evidence in support of this has been elegantly lay enough of their eggs within these patches to sig- demonstrated in a recent study on D. melanogaster niÞcantly affect egg distribution in Þeld crops, or both; (Stensmyr et al. 2012), where the presence of a volatile 2) ßowering and fruiting stages of the trap crop (the (geosmin) in an odor blend, overrides any attraction most attractive stage to ovipositing moths) may fail to to host odors. Geosmin is produced by molds, fungi, coincide with (or continue for the duration of) sus- and bacteria, and the presence of these microorgan- ceptible stages of the main crop; 3) learning effects isms makes fruit unsuitable for Drosophila oviposition; (experience) are known to evoke positive pre- and thus, the volatile is a good predictor of poor host postalighting discrimination behavior in H. armigera quality across all host fruit species. Antennal lobe (Cunningham et al. 1998a). As insects are likely to studies have shown that, unlike many plant volatiles, experience the most abundant host (the crop) before geosmin forms a functionally segregated pathway to reaching the trap crop, learning effects may reduce the higher centers of the insect brain in D. melano- the relative attractiveness of the trap crop species gaster, offering further support that the volatile has a (Cunningham et al. 1999). June 2014 CUNNINGHAM AND ZALUCKI:UNDERSTANDING HELIOTHINE PESTS 889

Behavioral Manipulation With Host Plant Vola- et al. 2012), and the degree of adaptability of the insect tiles. The use of insect pheromones for controlling sensory system (Cunningham 2012). some insect pests has been successful (Witzgall et al. Current resistance management strategies that 2010), but pheromone technologies may not neces- hope to protect the longevity of crops that express Bt sarily translate to similar strategies using plant vola- toxins at high levels for target pests are based on simple tiles. The success of these olfaction-based control population genetic models (e.g., Tabashnik 1994) and measures depends on the strength of the insect re- more complex models (e.g., Jongsma et al. 2010). sponse to (or away from) the odor used relative to These models predict that “refuges,” effectively analo- other odors that have a similar function within the gous to trap crops and therefore sources of homozygous environment. Plant odors and insect pheromones are Bt susceptible moths, would substantially decrease the both blends of volatiles, but the context in which they rate at which populations evolve physiological resistance appear within the environment differs signiÞcantly: to these transgenic crops. The prediction is based on whereas pheromones are highly speciÞc blends of relative differences in population densities from dif- volatiles released from a point source (the insect), ferent sources, a sink crop expressing toxin at a high plant odors are variable blends of volatiles (Effmert et enough level to kill any individuals that are heterozy- al. 2005, Dudareva et al. 2006) released in relatively gous for resistance genes, extensive movement of large quantities and often over a wide area (especially moths in the landscape with random mating resulting in the cropping environment). Additionally, attraction in very few crosses between rare homozygous resis- to plant volatiles may vary as a result of the insects tant individuals, should these arise from Bt-crops. physiological state (Jallow and Zalucki 1998), or pre- However, these models do not directly incorporate vious experience (Cunningham et al. 1999). information on oviposition behavior and host prefer- Current or tentative pest management strategies ences of the target insects; rather, they assume that using the use of plant odors includeÑ1) “Lure and adults do not shift their oviposition behavior in re- kill” technologies to attract females to poisonous baits sponse to the introduction of Bt-crops into the land- away from valuable crops, thus reducing the number scape, and oviposit randomly with respect to the target of reproductive females (Agelopoulos et al. 1999, Del crop, or maintain their previous preferences. When Socorro et al. 2010b); 2) Using odors to repel or deter shifting host preferences are incorporated into a females from Þnding or using resources (Foster and model (see Jongsma et al. 2010), the resulting predic- Harris 1997, Gregg et al. 1998); 3) Combined “PushÐ tion is a preference shift in favor of alternative hosts. pull” strategies that modify the pattern of egg laying If moths were to avoid laying eggs on sink crops, then using a combination of deterrents and attractant odors physiological resistance should be slower to evolve, as or plants (Pyke et al. 1987, Agelopoulos et al. 1999, a smaller fraction of the population will be subject to Cook et al. 2007); 4) developing cultivars that have selection (Jongsma et al. 2010). reduced attractiveness to ovipositing females (Pickett The strategy of growing nontransgenic (suscepti- et al. 1997, McCallum et al. 2012); and 5) monitor and ble) crops alongside transgenic varieties has been forecasting populations (Witzgall et al. 2010). widely used in the management of resistance toward Use of Resistant Plant Genotypes. The successful novel toxic genes in cotton (Zalucki et al. 2012). In development of insect-resistant cultivars depends Australia, the most commonly used refuge crop is heavily on the nature of host-selection behavior in the pigeon pea, one of the key H. armigera hosts (Table 3). pest insect, and whether (and how quickly) it will The effectiveness of this strategy rests on the assump- adapt to using these new plants (Kennedy et al. 1987). tion that individuals (possible resistant and suscepti- In the management of H. armigera in cotton, resistant ble ones) in an area overlap phenologically, move plant genotypes such as okra leaf, glabrous, and frego around, effectively mix, and mate at random (Dillon et bract rely heavily on behavioral nonpreference for al. 1998). Although effective population size in Heli- oviposition (e.g., Jallow et al. 1999). Resistance to such coverpa is most likely larger than an individual crop varieties may be quickly acquired if they are widely Þeld (Rochester et al. 2002), the propensity of females cultivated and alternative susceptible hosts are not to prefer the more abundant host through learning available. Increased egg load (Jallow and Zalucki effects (Cunningham et al. 1999) may lead to non- 1998) may cause female moths to become less dis- random distribution with respect to natal hosts. The criminating, and learning effects (Cunningham et al. selection effects on behavior of a “host” that is now a 1999) could increase the apparent preference toward sink at a landscape scale have not been fully investi- more “resistant” genotypes. Resistance will be less gated (see below in Evolutionary Change in Host likely if the “nonpreferred” genotype is widely culti- Utilization). vated within a region and carries both antixenosis and Evolutionary Change in Host Utilization. Heritable antibiosis resistant factors (e.g., transgenic Bt cotton; individual variation in host plant oviposition prefer- Fitt and Wilson 2000). How rapidly any adaptation ence provides the basis for host range expansion, “host takes place will depend on many factors, including the shift” (Tabashnik et al. 1981), and host races formation availability of alternative host crops, the proportion of (Jaenike 1981). Host races have obvious implications: the resistant variety planted in the agro-ecosystem, different moth populations will have different host the resistance management strategies put in place preferences. Failure to recognize distinct populations for the transgenic plant, the prevalence and effective can reduce the effectiveness of management strategies gene ßow among Helicoverpa “populations” (Zalucki (Via 1990). 890 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 107, no. 3

Both genetic and nongenetic variation (learning, personal communication). Female moths are unlikely physiological state, or both) contribute to variation in to develop an exclusive preference for the novel plant host preference within Australian H. armigera popu- and lose the response to previously accepted plants, lations (see Host Plant Preferences). This variability but rather will expand their host range and acquire suggests there is the potential for evolutionary change greater polyphagy. There are few, well-documented in host utilization in H. armigera, i.e., host range ex- cases of host-speciÞc individuals or race formation in pansion and host shift leading to race formation. Sev- polyphagous insect species (see Pashley et al. 1987). eral factors preclude or at least make difÞcult the The examples of rapid host shift that have been ex- likelihood of host-speciÞc individuals or race forma- amined in more detail in a polyphagous heliothine tion in this moth species. First, there is behavioral species (He. virescens) show that the genetic potential variation for host plant selection among individual to feed on the new plant already existed in the pop- female moths in host plant preference for oviposition. ulation before the host shift event (Schneider and This in addition to the wide host range of individual Roush 1986). females and larvae permits populations to exploit po- The widespread replacement of conventional cot- tential host plants in both optimal and less optimal ton with plants genetically modiÞed (GM) to express environments. Furthermore, irrespective of the order various Bt toxins has effectively turned one major crop of plant preference ranking, all individual females into a “sink” across whole landscapes where cotton is within a population will accept all host plant species grown. Currently Bt cotton comprises nearly 90% of all at some stage (Jallow and Zalucki 1995, 1996; Gu and cotton crops in Australia (Zalucki et al. 2009), as it Walter 1999). The combined consequences of these does in other parts of the world (Wu et al. 2008). This factors are that similar selective pressures will be act- landscape-level change began in the late 1990s, with ing more or less on all individuals. In insects purported the introduction of one-gene cotton transformations to be showing host race formation (Singer et al. 1988), (INGARD), followed by two-gene Bollgard II in 2004. 1) host plant usage differs among allopatric popula- At a landscape level, cotton has effectively become a tions and 2) there is a signiÞcant genetic divergence sink crop, as virtually no offspring survive from eggs between sympatric populations using different host laid in the crop (Rochester et al. 2002). A priori we plant species. Neither of these factors appear to apply might expect that there would be strong selection to H. armigera in Australia at least (Jallow et al. 2004). pressure on host plant preference with females that do The inherent variability and unpredictability of the not lay on cotton favored. Zalucki et al. (2012) as- host system being exploited may preclude long-term sessed oviposition by female H. armigera collected association between H. armigera and its host plants in from two cotton-growing regions when given a choice one area. Most hosts, whether cultivated or unculti- of tobacco, cotton, and cabbage. Earlier work in the vated, support only one generation (Wardhaugh et al. 1980s and 1990s on populations from the same geo- 1980, Fitt 1989). This short-term association between graphic locations indicated these hosts were on aver- H. armigera and its host plants in combination with the age ranked as high, mid, and low preference plants long-range migration in this genus (Gregg et al. 1995) respectively. There was no change in the relative rank- and lack of genetic variation between populations ing of hosts by females, with most eggs being laid on (Daly and Gregg 1985, Endersby et al. 2007) reduces tobacco, then cotton and least on cabbage as before. the possibility of non interbreeding sympatric or al- Nevertheless there appear to be differences in host lopatric populations, thus minimizing the probability plant usage across the geographic range of H. armigera of host race formation. as well as similarities (Table 3), e.g., pigeon-pea ap- We cannot exclude the potential for genetically pears to attract high numbers of eggs in all regions based evolutionary change in host utilization in H. (Rajapakse et al. 2006), and differences, with cotton armigera. It is generally argued that the evolution of and Okra favored for oviposition in Japan (Jallow et al. more specialist oviposition behavior would be faster in 2001, Kakimoto et al. 2003), whereas in Australia cot- species that are host generalists, and potentially ßip- ton is not generally ranked high in choice assays (Za- ßop between the two extremes (Janz and Nylin 2008), lucki et al. 2012). Sorghum in western China was if host selection is labile and populations become frag- virtually ignored as a host in Þeld experiments (Lu et mented. A population faced with an abundant novel al. 2013) but is highly ranked by moths in Australia plant may contain individual female moths that are (Firempong and Zalucki 1990b) and elsewhere, e.g., genetically preadapted to recognize stimuli from this Africa (Topper 1987). This may reßect opportunity, plant, thus initiating oviposition. The recent introduc- environmental effects on oviposition or differences in tion of H. armigera into South America into a new host oviposition preferences representing “localized” ad- plant environment would be an opportunity to exam- aptations (Jallow et al. 2004). ine evolutionary change in host use. Although the Until comparative studies of host selection and uti- species is using known economically important hosts lization of this polyphagous pest from across its range (cotton, soybean, maize, tomatoes), eggs and larvae are undertaken under standard conditions, using a have been recorded from a number of novel hosts, combination of laboratory and common garden ex- including a new Family record, Caryocar brasiliense periments, any number of interpretations are possible. (Caryocaraceae), as well as new genera and species in The problem we have highlighted above is that to date existing families e.g., Brachiaria ruziziensis (Poaceae) no one has been able to disentangle innate preference and Chamaesyce sp. (Euphorbiaceae) (C. Czepak, versus environmental (host plant experience) effects June 2014 CUNNINGHAM AND ZALUCKI:UNDERSTANDING HELIOTHINE PESTS 891 in host plant use in this insect. This is an important land), Gurion Ang (University of Queensland), and Tom question. Put simply, if host relations are in fact the Walsh (Commonwealth ScientiÞc and Industrial Research “same” throughout the species range then “one size Þts Organization) for comments on the manuscript. all” in terms of managing resistance to GM crops, for example. If in fact host relations (oviposition, larval utilization, or both) are labile then management will References Cited need to be speciÞc to the “local” area. In addition, understanding the basis for these polyphagous insects Adjei-Maafo, I. K., and L. T. Wilson. 1983a. Factors affecting being able to feed on such a wide range of hosts will the relative abundance of on nectaried and enable improved management options, from the de- nectariless cotton. Environ. Entomol. 12: 349Ð352. Adjei-Maafo, I. K., and L. T. Wilson. 1983b. Association of velopment of host plant resistance to managing resis- cotton nectar production with Helicoverpa punctigera tance to insecticides. The biochemistry that enables (Lepidoptera: ) oviposition. Environ. Ento- these insects to handle host toxins is likely related to mol. 12: 1166Ð1170. their ability to develop resistance to insecticides Agelopoulos, N. G., M. A. Birkett, A. J. Hick, A. M. Hopper, (Heckel et al. 1998, Celorio-Mancera et al. 2012). J. A. Pickett, E. M. Pow, L. E. Smart, D.W.M. Smiley, L. J. Wadhams, and C. M. Woodcock. 1999. Exploiting semio- chemicals in insect control. Pestic. Sci. 55: 235Ð255. What is a Heliothine Host? Future Research Needs Ahn, S-J., F. R. Badenes-Pe´rez, and D. G. Heckel. 2011a. A host-plant specialist, Helicoverpa assulta, is more tolerant We have highlighted the difÞculties of deÞning a to capsaicin from Capsicum annuum than other noctuid host in terms of empirical work on larval survival and species. J. Insect Physiol. 57: 1212Ð1219. adult choice, and its role as a host in nature, due in part Ahn, S-J., F. R. Badenes-Pe´rez, M. Reichelt, A. Svatos, B. to plant variability (variety, phenology, location and Schneider, J. Gershenzon, and D. G. Heckel. 2011b. so forth) and the insect variability (physiology, expe- Metabolic detoxiÞcation of capsaicin by UDP-glycosyl- rience, genetic variation). Understanding the genetic transferase in three Helicoverpa species. Arch. Insect and nongenetic determinants of H. armigera, and indeed Biochem. Physiol. 78: 104Ð118. other polyphagous pest heliothine, host use must be Bai, L.-X., H.-W. Sun, Y.-W. Sun, and C.-E. 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