Treatment of Acute Ischemic Stroke
The New England Journal of Medicine Drug Therapy The molecular events initiated by acute focal ische- mia can be summarized as a time-dependent cascade, characterized by decreased energy production; over- A LASTAIR J.J. WOOD, M.D., Editor stimulation of neuronal glutamate receptors (excito- toxicity); excessive intraneuronal accumulation of sodium, chloride, and calcium ions; mitochondrial in- TREATMENT OF ACUTE ISCHEMIC jury; and eventual cell death (Fig. 1).7, 1 4 -1 6 The funda- STROKE mental goals of intervention are to restore normal cer- ebral blood flow as soon as possible and to protect THOMAS BROTT, M.D., AND JULIEN BOGOUSSLAVSKY, M.D. neurons by interrupting or slowing the ischemic cas- cade.7, 1 4 , 1 5 Studies using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron-emission tomography suggest that critical ischemia rapidly produces a core of in- SCHEMIC stroke exacts a heavy toll in death and farcted brain tissue surrounded by hypoxic but po- disability worldwide. In the United States, where tentially salvageable tissue.8,17,18 Iit is the third leading cause of death and the lead- ing cause of serious long-term disability, approxi- EARLY EVALUATION AND SUPPORTIVE mately 750,000 strokes occur annually, with an an- TREATMENT nual mortality rate exceeding 150,000.1-4 Only about one third of patients who are having a In June 1996, the Food and Drug Administration stroke are aware of its symptoms, and most bystand- (FDA) approved tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) ers are not knowledgeable about the signs of stroke. as a safe and effective treatment for stroke if it is giv- When symptoms or signs are recognized, emergency en within three hours after the onset of symptoms of medical services should be notified.19,20 Assessment stroke.5 Subsequently, results of large clinical trials should begin with evaluation of the patient’s airway, testing the efficacy of antiplatelet, antithrombotic, breathing, and circulation — the “ABCs” of resusci- and neuroprotective treatments appeared.
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