Y, SEPTEMBER 11, 1936 ! ...... ,enator Pitt News Shower, Today allu~ to G.O.P IO",A--stw~... In .... ntra.1 and . . • IIOlIlf'whaL tool r 1011 )"; tom.... - row panl, doudt, ~roup Tonight alIu ' ~======~I Senolor M, B. Pitt u/ I 0 "' a Mornin. N e "' • pap e r. gan. a repre.entatlve of Ihe ",. blle •.n nallonllJ committee, 1<111 FIVE CENTS The Assoolate. Pre... IOWA CITY, IOWA SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1936 VOLUME XXXVI NUMBER 90 Flashes :::::s .k tonight at a r~ publlcan Vol, tpers' meellng at the COUrtho~_ 8 o·clock. he meellng. the second repubU. Report Seaplane Down m eellng held here this week ,\flAM I" Fill., Sept. II (API II be for lhe pU"pos. of organ: -All "llIdeur rlJ,(lI., operaLor ng the new members of Ihe ne. rellOl'ted to I he COIl.t Irullrd Illr hlLcan Volunteers organl2atlon. """" tollight he had IntercePted I me"",,,e .tllUng .. co ...t guard ""crptary of the hnson oounly republican Cenlral oeap"ne carrylnl"' five persons lad ~n lo~d down Ilt sell. mltt~e, said to"t night an u. The 'cOast guard boat Pandora Pt will be made to make thl rushed 10 search the 11611. up whal will be "the s tron c~ The pllln6, pi loted by Lieu· IItical Ifroup In Johnson COunty " Conferenc.e Of Itnant (o",mllnder R. L. KIIney, Succeeds Talmadge AS SAN SEBASTIAN AWAITED CAPTURE BY REBELS 'Progressives' Two Unknolm Itli here at 3:00 p.III. to fly to Ihe I1.S. Aluka n ..ftcr tile ship, 1940 Leaders Unite to Back Captor Speed olunteers Will Not ",hlth was 200 ",ltes ea . t of Have Regular Meeting here en route to ChllrleswlI, 8.C., r ...tlloed thll! One of lis Starts Today F.R. Reelection Away in Car rrew W1IS 8ufferln&, froot pto· cause of the two republicaQ Br .... 4~"t... 1'... _ .. alne polsolllll&'. ellngR this week. the regUlar Two-Day Conclave Will , CHI AGO. S pt. 11 - A nailonal kly dinner or Ihe local diviSion conference of " progrellSi ,·eM." tnclud_ Iowan Had topped To tbe R e\lubllcan Volunt.ertl at London Talks Tonight Discuss Problems Ing mAny selt-Iermed liberals In Aid Pair; Ordered wa will pot be gIven tbts Week, Tabulations In Ihe second week's Freshmen Will Face bott. pollllc8 I1J1d labor, today unit d nk Swisher, seeretary of the repon of the Lltp,rary Digesl'~ 10,· In active IIUPl,ort of Prelrid nt To 'Come Along' fal republican oruce, Said laal tOO,O DO.baliot presidential poll ,""velll ROOKev It In hl8 campaign for re­ Pl'ohlf~m.'i fn;-shmen will encountel' cn,. the AMOC" .. ted Prea.) ~h t. lAndon leads Roo8<'velt by 61, IUD election. In thelo- ca''Ccrs at the University ot ('0 NeIL BLUI·'~'R. s Pl. ~he dinner will take Place u u- votes to 33,423. Lemke ga.rnel'ed low," will "" discussed at a two Alter a (au I' hour lOeCret 8I!s.lon al next Saturday noon. tn .. dLwntown hotel. tbe group KlclnRflPf'd In hl~ own c r wh~l1 he 4,169 Ollt of a tolal Of 99,73<1 bo.l . day conference beglnntng this lOts casl, adlJlJ",d a rellOlullon endondng nffprf'd ahl to two men In a ft ll'8nd· morning and continuing thro~gh On I he bllSls of "lectCJI'al college Rooscv~lt'8 candidacy, I,romlsed to PI\ aU lo near Orantl Jun tlon I tf' I tomOl'l'Ow evening.' = division Roosevelt tralis Landon by Aoout 100 leaders of t.he cl ....s of campaign aclh'ely In hill helullf and todal'. II pnr), COdy. 43, Orund Junc. 1&i vot"8 to 34, 1940 will a"semble Cor the untver­ agr ed to r&1se a cRmpl\lgn tund. tlull farm r, Willi fr ed n ar Council The vute, now ente("i ng Into It. slty'S fourth annual conf"'eoce on PrInciple UlutrH tunlght while hi, unln ...rry returns. And pl'ognlm or 18 events. rved tully their right to politic I al~ l ucllon .,.,pr"lIIK'd bl'llet th r It shows PI '~s ldent Roosevelt whit· n Ct:'ep tiona, IUJl('heons a.nd dJu­ freedom of actlon otherwl.n than 80n for tho kldnlllwing a t ) l)al'~nlly lUng his oPPonent·s first return I1tll'R, dl scusalon meetings, recrea­ t~nderln~ support to the prestdent wlUI that the car which 'ooy foulld margin oC more tban 2 to 1 In the tional aetlvltle", and ses810ns with In his cont 8t. .trand~d hlld lJt:en Itolen tn Lln- original four states-New York, faculty members will Ceatu'"6 the The 8uslon wblch adopter! ( .. m· culn. Neb. thr e day. {UfO. al1(l ron­ s New Jersey. Pcnnsylvanla a.nd conference. IlOrarlly the na",e "nallonal pro· .tulned sov.ral s'te of It en. plates, )(olnl>-to sligh tly under 2 to 1." Questions gl'El68lve oonferen" adJournlegMlm to him. Inl( alollg th" rOlld wIth a lii·ye.arold, fOl' governor of U ('0 l' g i a datcs?" "What activities shall I se- Icct·!" "Shall [ Join a fraternity 01' The Tel~grall1 \lllllace of Th t ItgrlUn tt' the Ill"Mtdl'nt pIcked UI) .hortly t)(:~ore whl' n he NEW FORK, Sept. 11 (AP~ read: t.lme Ur){111 u. wrt'cked car and two madge, n('w denl foe. won religion In university life'!" BarricadfJIJ no mateh lor rebel artlUerr '1he Rev. Oharles E. CougiJun by tllt' R8 1r1 P sl1l)stantial mlll'gin Althuugh the meeting Is s pon­ ''Tho I.rogres.lvtl confe.·.. ne. com- men beside IL carried hls CIIIlIPRlgII Into Ihe that W,IS 3('col'df>r! H('n. Hielt· loored by the religiOUS activities of­ RAN 'EBAS'l'lAN CaptUl"e of San eb88tian by ranish rebels seemed neal' as till' loyalist po~ed ot liberals of III I partlC8 me t- .\S hI> uff(·rcd al'I, he 1lllll1, th. east lonlght with lin appeal 10 ard H, Russ!'11 ,J r., victor over flc • 8 nd the student rellgtous or, defense co llaps d. This photo shows n barricade that had been erected in an important slt·ept. Ing In ('hlcogo today hlUl pndOl'sed wo ""'ll rov ' red him \Vlth 1)I"toI8, I Lhroog at Ebbets field not 10 'l'aJmadg-e for the senalol'ia l ganlzutlon_. the question of .. ellglon you tor reelection. We re now o'·,ler d the lx., "ut and rlll1lb<'d "lilt Idly by and .,.. 8IItl.lied by nomination. Ri\,('l'S is s lwaIH'I' 18 only one or t be many to be In­ IIroc-eedlng to organtze In e""I'y Into ·I"ly'. ellr and drove oft. II hllI,doul of th new dcal of tll(' (J(·orgia hOltS!'. Demo­ ful·ma.lly d focussed. 8tat In th union fot· lh purpOll8 One t on eat'h aide of him. he ,Iveu you 118 lUI 11I8UIt." cratic nominlltion is tantamount Itcl'cllUon OlHlll8 Cuncl""e Council Debates Parking Problem of wagln" a vlgOl"OU8 campaign for "aid, 0,11' Mlvlnl' alld the other The Detroit priest asserted to election ill Georgia. 'l'ho conference will 01"''' with a your NolcclIon and the furtherance k~"I)lng him covl're.!. Th y wId hI 1111 e that IJru"'6m3 01 production ----- re«.'rptlon In the JOll llge I'oom ot lho of the (ltrht (or c'lua.llty of 01'_ til liN "" If he W<'lO drunk, he con- had b.tn solved'. Itll" there "e· l.a.w ('ommons at 11 :45 thts mOI"ll- pOI·tunlty." Unued, In.lned the' protMm 01 dJstrlbu· lng, allcl continue lhl"Ough thf" two Fascists Open 1Mother's Plea 5 Suggestion Registerer! deloglite8 to l'o,ly /lIlII I he dIdn't know where 11011. The modern Workmall See~ Greater dl\Ys. dividing Sunduy morning for progrc88lvo conC r nee Ow men dr'lvo to. but ruhlril thM wUh Ihe aid of modern 1Il.1I· .tuden I ~ to a tI.end the church sprv· t .... ank. 1I ood. Creston, Ill.; lIomer tht)' retu ... ·,l hts mOlle),. wblcb he duner)', l,e 8lUU, '1>I'OIfUces WarningAttack Fails as Son Are Presented Use of Power k~ of tlwlr choice, The meetIngs Hush. EA~ex. la.: A. It. Id50. Alden, ottere,1 them. ""yln~ they only ltltJ times" what his llUce8tors Satu"day evelling a nd Sunday la.. J ohn Johnson; J . A. phil. wantert hi. eliI', 1'h y Itol)PPd did. ---- 1110 .... ln" wilt be III the University Governor ees Little Dies in Chair Conuniltee of Merchants lips, I'l e~ldent Order at Rallw y "ome\Vher" 1111(\ ono nwn bought gall. President Sl'eaks At cluh l"Ooms In Iowa Union. Conductors. l' dar Rapids, l L; he oald, while th~ lither ltayed In S Htlld'ent co·chalrmon of the con- Chance to Save City lJy tho A_el.. ..,d "'" Presents Items FOl' J ame. StrndlTUlll , Engle Orove. la.; the car with him IUId mati him Storm in tale World Power Meet; I'<' ... ·nce a l'e MlId"ed Maple thorpe. A2 From Destruction WALLA WALLA. Was h.-A zprO Consideration J ohn Wlrd8, Iowa Faile. 10.: pr"lend to IJe drunk. Cooy said the t ' DES MOINES. StPt. 11 (AP tarts Boulder Dan} u{ Toledo. and Arthul' Rideout. A2 hOlll' plea of a fmnllc mother Smltb W. Br()Okhart. formor pro. 111('n XI",k. to pal'h oll",r 111 a. for­ L oca I thunderstorms contLnued o{ Chu. .. I•• City. P .. ealdent Eugene stayed for a few hours the exccu· ne of loW\!, City'. mo. t Import­ grcsolve repuhllcan 8enato,· of I uwa. rlgn langullgr. and one or t h m throughout Iowa tonight. lowering Ill' II ... ,' .",",'10,1,,1 J...... 1\. Gllmol'e will be prlndpal speak· l" I fly t~I~1 ,\ ....'Io ltel tlon ot hel' 34 ·year·old son, Leo mllM his compw,lon "~IlC<'k" a nd P.... Ilut IlroblemH, that of parkin&,. WaJ! the temperature. whl ~ h at several \I'ASIJlN(:'I'ON, SePt. 1l P"c-I- CI". 'RSC ~t ar ery opened a "Wllrn· Hull. but the fOl'm el' seminary " John!' )lolnts rellched 100 degrees or aboye drnt Roosevelt lol(] tile w"rld POWel' Olher Speakers Ing bomba"d01ent" on bealeged San d~nl WIll! hanged at 1 o'clock bl"Dughl !>e fore the' fowa City coun· DEATH TOLL Thoy t"ld him the~ W'·I·O solng to durin!!" Ihe day. ronrer~nre todllY nddillnnut "",erl. Olher "I'eakel·,.. will be the Rev. S bull an 11I8t nig ht as thr Madrid mOI'nlnl( (I owa City time) fOr cll laHt night I)y a commlttec of Oml1.ha. h ¥ald. bu t wou Id nnt stay Lightning and some wind accom-· lOrious" f~dPl'al powel' projects C. c. GlUTlgues ot the Ch:l'lsl.llln government proclaimed scaltered 8 xtuple hold"l) s layIng. at EI'lands local m~rchanl", m~mb(.r" of t he FROM TRAIN long. Iowa CLty hamher of Commerce, panled the rain. At Dave nport the might hi' usrd lo break 1\ "vlclo,," church. the Rev. P. J . O'Rellly ot new victories. In cludIng the flrlnS' Point, Ma. rch 28. 1934. MISHAP AT 6 Flnl~lIy, 8fl r /loout olx hours of (WInd blew down tr..... I.. te this IIf- clt'olp" he sa"l Willi uddin1\" to th~ :It. J'au'ick'o ChUI'C h, Robert E ..of tbe northern City of Oviedo. .As he r~cl!lved Il death c II vlllit Slrossln!!" that thelrH we,·o mer~ ly ,ll"lvlng. they "rrlered him 10 "get ternoon , causing damage to small co.,t and limiting Ihe usp of ,lp('lri- !{Ienow, dean of men. M.rs. Ade- Within Sun Sebastian anarchists from his mother. Hall lost his usual "HUg!!" stlon@ ." Ihe committee pre­ out" on dirt road near th ody buildings. city, laide L. BU I'ge, dean oC women. were pillaging homes and s tores. calmne" •• showing marked nervous· sented flve Items to the council for II, tho """,,"'ocI P .... ruling 81atlon, h. added. then Illude RT. C HAHLl~S. !\to., 'ept. 11- Hall preceded a hcavy raIn at 1'rof. a lld Mrs. C. J . Lapp. Prof, and rounded up new hostages to n "'" In contl1\st to hl8 former In· considcratlon: hts way to the station and report­ Sept. 17th, in. }J 3 t J h h tt I POlYP" XI)f'l'lR fr'om hair n. hlln- The death toll tram the del'alling ".,. wton at 6: 0 on g t. s a er ng (S"e "ON"'I,,R' ••'N"L' . • L>o"e <) 1hOId tor executlolls In the plnce of dlCfel'cnt attitude. .'I,e Stron, (\, '111(1 pl,rllal deHtruction by flr~ ot a .., 000 panes 0fit g ass a 1.,h 0 Lew IB. dl .... " nallol1~. a..'l8Nl1bled In conRtI- ," ,. ~ "'''' ..... " those s tnt by the Basque nallonal. Plead. tor Dela, "" the XI>RCe fOI' parking car" • I tuthill hall a frw blo('k~ fl'om tho MI880url - Kansas - T exas freight This rate greenhouse. shattering window! III I s t~ to Bilbao. t;xlng an airplane to e xped lt ~ her \,(' cut a.bly wtl! "" he­ La"don Leading He bllggest~d "Iso a po"Slblllly , I ABOARD LANDON TRAIN Steps to E iminnle The Jo're nch ambassador Jeal\ boarded .. plune tor Walla Wlllla. SUI.fillts L'tlmpromllMl ter Bragq of Columbus. Oblo. twe~n 6.300 and 6.500. thot 1I'l'oul\ h electl"l rlty "over­ crawled from th ~ wr<>c kage but Reglatratlon does not begin until ENROUTE TO MAINE. Sept. All Gate.Cra8her, .tiel'belle closed the cons ulale lind. In Spokane, Fedcral Judg J. Answerlnll' the fll'st qu atlon, cenU'all zuUo n" of Indusll'Y c l'~a lNI ,\fayor ThomllH I':. Mal'lIn pointed died enraute to a hospital. ThuMltlay. but the number of ad- 11 (AP)-Oov. Alt M. Landon by the LIse of steam IJOWet· might ordered the French nationals out SlIInloy Wobsto,' refused Attorney the city by afternoon. ' E. O. Butt's !plea Cor a etay. say· out that. aJthQugh the present 11, ~'our charred bodies were found mIssion car(Je returned to the oWce pushed h 10 presldenllal cam· be h"ohen lIl), at palgn In to TndlanB t\Xlay on a Gate·crashers at university pa"· The Madl1d ~overnment I\(\d d to Ing Such dctlon was not In his jur· foot width left for each ca.r U. "too this morntng. They .nd th rtrth or II, C. J)OI'ClUl, registrar, tndlcalM students AI< ,, ~ rln ls " ed. tne I,,'~s ld e " t five-stop schedule ot rear plat­ ties mal' have CL bard LIme this year, Its dally list of vlrtol"les an an- "'diction. mUCh, the old nlne·foot wtdth 18 body were unidentified early to- somo 1.3QO rreehm n will nter 111- fonn aPllearaneee ItS his special pre.""" a bulloll that sent a n ~ I ec­ because Identification CIInlS. Inclu- nouncement 'that thuse Indu.tl'lcs "Thel"e 18 nOW tn the hands of too lIttlo." li e Suggested. a com· Illght. r.ctly frOIll high /!Chaols. trlc Im(lulse H..f'rosa the nation to train ruhed eastward toward £led wUh registration materials, will genutnely owned by for Igners the wlloden II. wllrrant for execution promIse hetween the two widths. M.. lne. musl VII Bou Id I' dam and pu tits be I'eqult'ed as proof of Identity be- which had been oel7.e.d at the outset of your cUent," Judge WebSter eaJd. Alderman Ellrl Kurtz aSllerte.! The republican nomln e -wlIl )Qwerful genul''8.ling lurlJineK in mo. ro .... tick ets can be obtained. at hostllttles had been returned "I have no mOre pight to Inter· lhAt "even If we do cut down tha C 0 U n c i 1 Split on Extending clOBe tbe MaIne atate campaIgn lion. The student's name. classlflca., with apologies made where th!)Y fe"e In the Ilxecutlon of lhat war. spuces, we'lI only be able to get with a speech at Portland at 'I'hl· Illig" 1)lue and ""'('anl ha ll tlon . low .. City nddres8 and phone. were due. I'ant tha.n 8 otate court would have two 0" three mOre ca.1·. In a block." 7 o'clock lI owa City time) 10- 1 wus filled neal'ly Lo capacity and lIumber, home a.ddress, date ot As the ~'rench hurt'led to evacu- to Interefere In the conducl of thl. Mayor Ma~tln declared CQurt""Y Closing Hour of Beer Parlors morrow nlghl In whlc he will the dele"ates rose \lpplaudl ll g M lilt'lll, and the session tor which he ate San Sebastian and tho Spanish cou,·t." cards have "alwOlYs been mlsUlled 00 dleculHI "government and busl­ the Ill'esldont stP PI cd onto the I. I'eglstered will be Included 011 the Icoastal sector contiguous to theh' Wanted to Appeal much that they have never been tending Ihe ctosng hour was neM," The s peech will he b"oad­ IllR[fOrm u.l1d a 11 army uand stl' u ~ k car~. Ifrontle'·. their government In .Paris Butts sought the 8tay to carl")' ~uC(!lls8ful" Bouck Motion Directs CII"~ 'OV r a national (l\l1!C Red) up "Tho Star Silang led Bannor," B rOl'e a stu(\ent may OOrt"DW wrestled with the pl'oblem of how his case betore the United States He

THE DAILY lOW~ address ill Maine, Judginj' from what he P.bl...aa..4 eve..,. mc»tnloa •• eept MODU, b7 .tad.. , told South Dakota fanners 'fhursday be OFFICIAL DAILY BULLETIN How the Relief of Pain ~u.bUC.tlOD. lacorporw.t&d. at lU-llt 10•• av,.a,. 10•• did little haqIl, to and probably even Oily, 10 .... A Items In the tJNIVER.8ITY OALENnAB are 8Ched" helped thl) c;lemoliratie CaL\se. uled In the ofllee of the preeldent, Old (J8pltooL tte .... Board ot Trultee.: Frank L. ),fott. Paul C. Paoker. II ••• In Dentistry Progresses II. :MAcHI" ••, XUI III. Lolb, Elton W. Wltm.r, I'r04 .. In the South Dakota ~peech the colonel tor Ule GENEltAL NOTICES are deposited with Ute MoralDr C~atl" Webb, Amo• .pear_all. RObert D~"'r. it'ied to convince the drougbt-stt'iken far­ New Yorker oampU8 edJUlr or 7'he Dally Iowan, or may be plaoed Ft84 M. Pownall. Publl.ber mers that they would have been better In Ule box provided tor theit depollt In Ule Office, of By M)(JAN CLIllNI)ENINO, M.D. Willi ..... O. 140rrllt, M.lltant 10 tho PublLobOl' at off in the long wi~hol,lt tt.e AAA Tbe DaUy Iowan. (lENERA.L NOTIOES must lie W/HEN, NINE:'rY years ago next whal~vel', 40 per cenl fell nO Polth At Large Tb" Dally Iowan by 4:30 p.m. the day preoedlnlr flr.t .uler8d: a. Hcond 01 ... mall JnaUer ..t tb, po.tottle. at and £edel:al drought. aid because curtail­ Octobel', It wRS th'st prove,l In pub. whal~vcr. Tlw remaining 80 pe~ low. Oily, row&, undor Ih. ""l 01 oonl/ro .. 01 14,,010 J, 1IT1. puhUeatlou. Noticea will NOT be accepted by tele­ cent wcre partially hclpe(l. T ment of pro~uction reduced the 1l13r'ket phone, and must 00 TYPED 8r LEGIDLV WRl'l'T1lN 'l'I,I. ''eslllle~ In conal(lerable ctlt. .-ablJoi'Jptlon ralel-S, mau, Ii per , ..r; br aa.rrlel'. II By JACK S'I."(NNE1'T and SIGNJlD by a re_p4Inlllble perIOD. L MDt...... kly. " per Y"r. .. • for ~uture y~ars. He added that it was lhe law of God that people sboulc;l, be allowed lel.nl al the mOP ling. Bjlt Ilt leU~ 30 per "ent of .. lIet of pain Is some. Tbe A NOClat.4 PreN I. e.xclu.lvely luUUed 10 .,. rOt to produc.e to \.beil' full capacity, especially lIol< ~~tiTlct.t161l of ...11 u .... 4L.p.tcb.. c.reC11tec1 to It' or Deft • thlllS'. I hOPe Wilt d Ih" Interest or enoulm den, Such an OCCllrrence is unusual. P()litical shows his ,socks at halfmast, apparently tlSls 80 that tu I·ther work can be confer'ences of JlatioJls nearly always end innocent. of gaiters. Looks like a direct expected nlong this line. in failure. Tbis cOllfcl'cncc was of a dif­ appea I to the carnpu!\ vote. One ot th p things which caused ( , One·l\tlnute Tt>lt Answers ferent nutul'e, however. Its object was One· Minute 'fest let.down In Int~r sl, r Ihlnk, WU ;lOOe. whOSe sense ot humor Is as 1. James Smithson, all English. merely 10 explore the po~bilities of nat­ • • • l. WllO founded the Smithsonian the extremely Rim Ille nuture or lbl ample 11.8 his trame, has not over_ man. Worry is the price YQU pay for being looked tHat angle. Institution at Washington? wns ai, educated thumb. llew~ In Hollywood hostess gowns I. accidental deaths of Ibi s SO lt result from for peace and intl:'l'uationuJ good will. Forme]' President Hoover Tbe best wily woald be for thE' Jl('W dpalers to end theil' spend· taking ' stl'yclmine, ellting clllharlic arid slackol.. ' tonic pills, and dl'inking 'kerosene, gaso· In thplr plac have come "hostess appointed her as the only American woman delegate to tbe elack sulls," almost as tailored and ]jill', lye and V~ I·ious lIeitls. world conference £01' l'ednction and limitation of armaments at It was leal'lll'd that the loss of life from trim as II- man's business sullo Dolly Geneva. Her accomplishmeuts at Geneva singled her out as ITree designed such Q n outfit to~ washl~gton World one the ot ac()idental pOisoning in the AmeriCAn Jean Harlow to wear In certain By CHARLES P. STEWART most effectlv" h\>n'le accounts for about 1,400 deatbs au­ scenes of "Libeled LAdy." p pac e advo­ nuaUy, Iwd it is 'stimat eel that of this Central Press Staff Writer Tile suit Miss Harlow wears III ca.tes of th Is number onc.third is made up of children fashioned from :fIne, golden yeJ10w generullon. un{Jer five yeal'); of ag-', and one-sixth of gabardine, piped In unnOtlllC ... '~YllUngsters who are just. beginnjng to ASHIN(:tTON, D.C.- It 'is beginning In bl'own. The Ing hel' SUll­ toddle a\>out and will put. in their mouths W to appear teat the Washington ad­ slacks are ex- port Of p"esl­ lI'emely well- d III Roosevelt what.ever comes inlo tlwil' hands." ministration's advert.ising of drought P r: Woolley '1'lle as."e l,tion is tllUt Rrincipal blame conditions Ion the GI'eat Plains ha.~ not tailored, wit h pOil'ltf'

, ' !! roJ : ! SPORTS] ·S P O,R T S II , t II II L\)OdL 8TA". '. J , , WO~LD WIDZ NATIONAL i * IOWA CITY IOWA SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12,1936 * * (lenll'al Prellll A..lIoClsUuo :....--, > Cubs" ff.' Nlpws Bruins NET ACE IN 'ACTION , t But Four Hits ,by 14 , ' ., 1 ~ . , " For 23rd Win ------U' ,.. __• ~oo.rig r.~~es I I LATEST NEWS F.. J{QM ~ rI r Scrimmage Is . Ba1ting Order Changes. BITS , M,eted ,Out InL 4(j~h lIolP~~ In . Advanced as Reas~n about For New York Win A fternoon Drill ~ittiug Spree PO -'-.....:.' -_. ~, ' NEW YORK, ,Sept. 11 (AP)­ Sultry weath ~ an~ rain tailed to 1 Carl Hubbell's long lert arm manu-l Ul\mpen I he ardo" and g usto dl~pl'lY " Pat Ma1one' Go'ei Rhule factured another tou"-hlt ball game bJ' ed ~y thll GO q.splrants to CoIlch OIlsle To . GlalkUp lIth todlLY and tbe Giants hurled back B08 BIG TEN SQUADS IBolem's 1938, " Iev,en. all two group" the 5 to 1 In the HOGAN Victory of Year opener ot a two-game series before !;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;===;;;;;;=:t=;;;;;;=:::::!======:;J1 went through tbeu' paoes during L.:::;======:::=~ /. yesterday morning and y lterday 16,000 fans. of I , McDonald Shi"es j.1t~ noon's practice s_lons. DETR<)IT, Sept. 11 (AP)-Tbe The victory, which Increased tho An Ali-American tackle who Will! Bad G t 2 D gers e , ,rl., .~ 'l'he m o~nlng contingent, 10 whose New York Yankees today uncorked Giants' lead over tlte second-place truly A II-American, !'etUl'ned to tho MADISON, WcIa., Sell~. 11 (AP)- OOLUMBUS, Ohio, Sept. 11 (AP) ranks are len of the 17 "eturnlog Oardlnals to four full games, and Iowa campus anu the Hawkeyo COll-eh liarry Slu~141·eher sent his -Jim McDonald was thp talr haired ~jOI' letter men, got a bit the best the murderous batting power t~at i (lver the tblrd place Cubs to sIX gridiron a gain yestenlay, Duke University of Wl~nsln IlqljM boy today as OhiO Stale lInlverslty'l1 jot lhe bargain aJthougb they ,vere carried them to Lbe Amerlqan tull games, was the lean southpaw's Slater of 1921 Hawkey e fame whell thrQugh a double drill tOda)l d~lllte Buckeyes drilled tor four hours. kept hu~y during the two hour ses­ league pel1nant and pounded out 23rd at the season and his 13th In! he pe,'formed at tackl on the unde_ Intermittent mlns w'hlfll made the McDonald, who moved up to tbel "'011. DumlllY Acrlmlllage ~n whlcn h 14 to 4 victory Over the deth roned Ia. row. Thl. 18 th" best rec()rd fealed 11 Ilf that year Wlls back III field .oggy~ , Speed in running ,plaYs varsity oo,ly last year, callejl 81,,:- plaW$ and th.. 1000va. sysiem were Detroit Tigers. , I turned In by a Giant twirler since his old haunts once more. (wd passing, In which H!l)Vl1-rd "a1S, blocked, cal\&'b. aJJd tllrew 'drllled by tbe coaQhlng slaft took uP ( The 15-hlt aBeault featured II! Burlelstt Grimes, tbe old spitball • • • Weiss, pt'omlsJulr 8'Qphomor~ bal!k, passes, and jump d back tor plenty the major part of LbeperWd. nlne1l'un spree til tbe eighth Innhl8', atar, hung up 13 In a row back IA The famed Iowa. Necro. wbose featured, wet'e ~t\·IlIlBf.d In tbe rapr,.- lIlOre. Coo,cb }o'rtlnclB A. Schmidt Hllii QalI~ Silrl).llis In which Lou Gebrlg walked the first time up and hit bls 46th hOl'ller. 1927. gri(liron rlllnplJ,g~M 81'0 imb'llldec:l Ing session. The afternoon practlc .podded approvingly. TI1~ so.-called "flrlll" team tbat with two on base on his 8/lco"d Prior to today lhe mants bad in every shlilent at hletlcatJ,y was SJ)enL In rudimentary blocklng Frank AntenUCCi, Nick Rulkay, 9a.W a gNat deal ot duty on. the ,. trip to tbe plate In the.same trauw; dropped five out at six to the Bees and tackling. and Dick Buckner went on. the In- ~nlng " minded allending Jown, watched day or practice, was kept ana Reds since coming home trom yesterday afternoon's pl'ocuee jured list for a tew days. lntact again. The team. Included George Selkirk, also up twice, J ~ r singled and doubled; Ja.ke Powell tbe west, and Bill Terry session wilh Ileep inlA'rest. Hack IUlnnon 1U1d HarriS at enHs, Wal~~r Gophers Hunt f'ullbac" hit two Singles, and Tony Laz'lerl Imllde drastic changes In his batting in '21 Dillie sal.l that "squadH and ~eer at taokles, Liggett ane! M1N~APOLIS. Sept, 11 (AP)­ doubled and walked. order In lin effort to change the Purdue Eases Up " Farrah o.t guards, with Tea osma­ were not s() big Ihen. \Vo unly Conch Bernie Bierman tOday tried Sellilrk also hit a homer with qne club'a lu ~k. LAFAYETTE, Ind., Sept, 11 (AP) loskl at the center pOSition. '1/1\8 h (<<1 lu'o,,,,,1 40 out that yea,'. twu hal[lxu:ks, Wilbur Moore, 17. Dick Bartell was moved UP troml -homore and Rudy Qrnllrp, elgbtb to second pOSition, Mel ott' thl! program at Purdue unlverelllY'. \the tall positlo", alternating wltll> has been used mostly for relief rO/es thouch whirh is nOL a dlsM­ 160 pound veteran, al the fullback and Jim RIpple each were advanced football camp today, but the torl'ld Wagler, Schenk, Elcherly and this season. went tbe route for tile vlultage IJe(;lLuse only 11 men pOML I" his ndeavor to find a suc· Yanks, chalking up his 11tb victory a. notch to tblrd and fourth a,)d ~emperatur" forced Coach Noble BlIIa7.s, while Johnny HHd look care cun ,>I ay on 81 team." cessor tu th~ powerhouse Sheldon Terry d"opped himself Into tlrth Kizer's man to "take It easy." ot the signal calling dulles from tbo ot' the year. place. \VblleheaA. moved from • • • Belse. Kizer announced he Intended to Sla tel' will remain here for lwo The Goph I'S als" worked on a quart.erback bel'Ul tor lhe second Score by Innings: s~cond to eighth" use }o'orreat Burmelst"r, a 2~0- weeks and 8fild that he would conseC1Jtlve day, I R.ItE. a, Hubbell was wild ILt the atart, defonse against Washington tol'nta· pounder, I" the regular right guar" watcll the linemen wOI'k and orfe,' The morning session was tlnlshed. New York 082 000 090~14 15 1 bu t after tb second h settled down lions, stresslng the forward pass de· herlh this season. Burmeister advice whel'e he saw fit. Coach t ense to be used aga.inst tbe Husk· pCf wllh Indlvillual work which Detroit 000 002 002- 4 11 0 and permitted. ooly 21 men to facu ~owers six feet, fonr Inches, and f\lund Sol~m a,gain searching fO" II- Malane and Glenn; Sullivan, Sor- Ossle S()I m said last night, "Sla­ ies. 1 I )hIm In tbe last seven Innings, Tbe was ou t with an ankle InjUry last ter ls h all a vacation and has Bierman Ie stili awaiting word as ~teajly klck~r, Homer HaJ'l'la, end, (rell, Lawson and Hayworth, luckless Bruins did n't reach him 1''' sell.son. not been hh'ed tllI a coach. Whether to the ellglbllily stalus of Martin , and Frank Bahlz$, the .opbpmore ., for a hit trom the second unUl the I ~ ' prospect. C~om hlcago, lIVer laking 'nInth when Gene Lillard, a pinch, he will oCre,' advice or nol, I don't hl'lstiaJlson, / husky sophomore full· know,lt b>..ek 1P ,'osppct, who took an exarnln· care ot tbe major portion ot the SeTUlwrs Cva.t To bitter, dumped a single Into "Ight Don Track Suits pulttln, but tbeLT , tforts were far • • • allon. twO d"y,\ ago. FOrtERT rrH~ T, H . N.Y.- Dt'H Jlitp YPill" q !wIth In I'egarlls 10 Ozzip Simmons, ill hralth, Ali('l' Mat'bl!', Clllifo!'nill's Il' mIis stur, lhe f"l'mer Iowa lumilllU'Y ",lid (AP)-lndllL'1fl unlv~l'jllty football ActU8l S4lrimmage itnd It was allover. CLEVELAND. Sept. 11 (AP)­ WOIlH' Il 'S lllini Practice cand~dates sbed footba.1l togs and . In the seeond llerlod of the day, top-notch form durin g' th p nal i(,tlltl sinj!;\ps Score by Innings: that 10w8,'s lamed back was Knocking lRnnls GaJehouse rro'" l-rA.llrPA IO N. lit" Sept. 11 (AP) donMd trllcll s~lt8 bere toda,y as a ItWO teams, after ihe usual IImber­ ment at l" o l'~st H ills, whl'l't' sIll' is pictttl'e( l In action. " IChlcago 010 000 000-1 4 0 .. gret,t defensh ce 1.layer Illld ~t1~e box before he could l'eUre 011 - Three sophomore backs stood. out bllLZlng SUII ~owed both morn In" Ing up exercises a •..:! ta.okllug prac­ r' New Yol'k 100 003 10x-5 8 11 thllt hiR offens-;"6 ability had aI · ibatLer, Ihe Wasblngton Seno.1ors today as the Illinois grid squa,d, Jind II.ftel·,won practjlle ~8slons, I lice, wet'e lossed at one another In C. Davis, Root, HenShaw, Bryant l'c(Hly been IJI·OVOII. "1 10011 101' plied liP a flve-l'un lead lh th Urat '.' now numbering 85, "(ent througll 11 ,Setting Ull exercises werll, on the tb" first actual sCl'lmmage. nesplte Ozzi(' 'f) h:Lve u. gOOd yea)'," he Inning loday and coasted ln to 0. 7 and HaTtnett; Hubbell and Mancu­ Imornlng menu. Coach Bo Mcl\{l1- tbe heat. and the torrt'nts ot water colICluded. strenuous <;trill of klckln8', pa;lslng to 2 vlcl.Qry over tbe Indiana. Grant ~ early Upsets iSo, Zln~; lin tJrlUed pa88er~ · and punters In that pou,'ed down, Solem kept the and Gummy scl'lmmtge. Ken Earl Averill's 26th of merman, Jack. B\'oady ILnd Leo the . second ses910n, and assistant ooys ballling for a iIonsidera.ble ~ the season was one of lhe six hit. StaslclL lInll,'essed Bob Zuppke with mentors concentrated on Ilne possl- jlength of time. The on ly callalt)', 'Earl WhltehlJ( allowe,) the Indllyl3. Perry in Net Tourney th Ir speed. and ball-handling abil­ I Mungo Sinks 25 CheckOut ~llIt!es, and lbat a minor one, was suttet'ed Jlt came In the rourth, wlth the ---, Ity, , I ~ • . 1 ' by Max Myers who twisted Ills ,ba"~s empty, ' .l .. "hI ankle. U. Football Glvln&' vent to th lalk or II. paS8- Score by iDolng1l: . , I IIelcn Jacobs Cards Again Hi Don 11 eap A.b.ent Kipke Seeks Punter , - AN1\\ A~B@R, ,MIQ\l" I Sept. 11 'Ing attack, {)zzle' Simmons Qnd, R. H . E. EVANSTON, 111., ept, 11 {~P)- ~.P)-li';Ilnt for.maUqnS tq~med the J<"rank BalaZll got ln a few licks at Washington ._._ 500 000 011-7 11 1 Equipment NOI'thwe81el'n unlversky's gt'ld team Defends Title ;Wins Nightcap of Twiu ~Is or pracUce a.t lbe I Unlveulty tossing their aerial bombs durin&' OIevmnd ...... , 000 ~OO 01 2 6 1 settled down to rouUna l>t'8.cUCe ,or MlchllU" f.oda¥ as Goa,," Harry the morning maneuvers. Bob LaD< Whit hill and Hogan, Millie... Bill 5 to 4; Card today, Cooeh Lynn W/l'Idort puttlnl;' Klpka sent his Wolv~rlne (OOLblLll Inon was usually on the receiving Galehollse, Lee, Hildebrand and NATIOI> \1. U;,\GlIE Captain Wombacker, 4 his charges through a session of Against Marble Win Opener 12 to 8 :squad thl'(>ugh , Its I Il~co Dd. ul ...... 79 GK FOH E ~T 1I11,LH, N,Y" S ~pt. BROOKLYN, Sept. 11 (AP)-Van Klpke explaln"'ll to hl~ Sql!o.d that allOts. 'C hICllK"() ...... 1 •• 71 61 ,66 1 6 For '36 Season would ,be some lln1e .. before, he ~e\.· (, \P) Bryo n fllIl ~ y) Grnnt Jr., ill Lingle Jll1UlgO and his sll'llleout ,the .Mlcblga'l ofren~ wo~ be b~l:t i Bush Lamb, alternating tll'st Phillie. De/edt Red. Pill bur ~ h ...... 11 ij( .i16 9 \it lies o n a sta"Llng lineup for ~h ,504 H "ltchlng sank lhe St. Louis IL/'(l­ ¥-hl, year 1¥'lrnarlIY UPI/U the punU ,&tl'lng quarterback last season wHh C lncl nnll tl • .•••••••••• &9 \i~ p l n ' ·~ l z l ' d lo'nn lK ,.eb I, al~ Twenty-rive canilJdale~ checkt'd opene,' Oct. 3 al;'aln sL Iowa, I10n B6~ IO" ...... ,~ H " 6 211 .... Inals snothe,' bait game back of the ( rmatlon, roll9~1r tl,e general DIck Bowlin, was not ln uniform By 9 w 6 Margin "anght .In lnolllfprent 'to' red Fell! Hoo.p, triple threat halfb8.ckl ,was Brooklyn .• .. •• ••.• " '7 79 ,419 :61> out their football equipment yest" .. - ul'r gullr,] 'udll)', but finally lost ~ National league lead loday by stop, ~tyJ of MII),I)esIlta's :,play. today and I. not expected to report PHU.ADELPl;I'IA. Sept. 11 (AP) Phll ..~ e l"h l lL ...... 16 9~ .338 U'. day afternoon at the University absent from drill, having become l 'tolljlt"rthlj '", Ie '-liltS ping tllem in the nightcap of a ., :,'H Is Ihe I uWllllmous oplulDn ot until' Monday, A d~ficlency In II! II", EI1 ~II. hm ll l1 , who gained III Illgh 8chool as ConCh JOy Klstier III ,because of the beat In Thur.· -The PI\lllies. ,def.ea.ted Cincinnati V Pill.burr h ,.; Hu lUll " doubleheader With the Dodgers artl'" ~'1r sb'lft thllt tbl; p)lnt formation ,summer correspond nce course will, flnnl u f (Ill' 11.ll. si ngles tenlll p"epared to .opel! his practice se$­ day's Initial wOrkout, but was ex· to 6 tqday h) tlJe tlrst gam(l< of the New YOT k ~: (,11 10' • • 0 I. lhe Gas liouse Gang had WOn tbe ~111 Is tbe most etrectlve way of It Is hoped , Il 5 tie and win, ~t. . l..ou lllJ " t llfol.klrn (2) --,Juhn llJ un A ~ rl'\ld vf 10,OUO, pulling for sion gets In lo full swing. ,-- it,}. ~ III P&B&e8.U, , -who.,( st.anted for the I\-nd Jla-ln cA ,",J, J t.\ (C l'uAl ", n'" J ,~r lu l'k II !tram tll'st place, today as Coach Clark Sbaughnessy day ot foolba.lI practice 'l.t Notre IIl,sf·t ,.. ltllllH1 to thp one Heading the parade of prospects 'Puijs, wall relievoo by Syl Johnson. lIou,~ , 1 Don G ulterldge, rookie thlrd-:tlase­ (' !'u.rk f'd t hl't'f' Y ( 'll "~ ago lhat will gO to make up a represcn, Indicated he would switch pllI • 1"'111 tht 11I,[,' lIdillg champion. talive t am hoping to defend lis constantly In an ettorl. to mak<\ hilt t( . den moved Joe (Red) Ruetz, st8l\ a" triple to drive In five I'uns as r eceived credit for tile vlctOJ~Y. ('hll' a. IJ O III Nt- w Yu r k-Wurllr k e v Wl wf h \ 11'11 ''''. nllliulit g l'Ol1ned laurels In the Ll!tIe Eight con­ Maroons a. f/l.ctor In tbls Sellp,Qn', I I ' .. J sopbomore guard of 1935, to the Smith, tbl) Cards won lhe first ,.ame ] 2 to dl"'lt>lh)lnllll"nr Il. th terence, Is Cal>t.-elecl "Tiny" WornJ Big Ten ralle. Carl Frick, a r ..ngy PH: I C~CO, sePt. 1l I, (A.P)-~ uglll guarlelWCk po~t; Fr:ank , l{opc7,ak, eeor~ by Innings: , 8. MUngo'. males SLaked him to a . t:Outhl"I' nt'I' W('llt c1 0wn to a 6·4, hacheI', fleet-footed midget backfield transfer student trom Arkan'fR'" KJe~e( .7" ten ~ , polder o~ rltrbt laokl~ , Ia.st year, to I ~(t , tackle, R. J-l . El. At\H: 1UCA N t,R \/11 t~ qne,-run lead In the slxtb Inning, ,V. I .• 1)I·t, (:n. 7·6, 6 - ~ tld" llI. "prl'y, l~parenll1 man ot last season. The four other hnp,'Cssell Sbaughne~y and wlU be the ,.,orlhlladelJll1ia, .. _ 400 PH OOx- 9]2 1 hlc"Il'O ...... 7fi 1;4 .6" 0 12 1", and lhe Brooklyns a 5 to 4 d ~ l­ 1I11,t,'h, 11),,1t'ralL." , • f/l'lake a gOQd blocking signal ca.ller. son. 11 .. ~ ) R.lf.E. DORton • • . • • . . • . • •• . . 7 I 611 "'" . III' 1'<·,, 11)' Iwlllll' unde,' & Bill Shebetku, tackle. Sl. Loul. • ...... ;9 HO JIt. Louis 020 002 000--4 9 ~ 11 ..{ ul ur Hlt'arn. Having won the conference foot­ PhlhulelphlLL •.• . , •••• ~ tl 110 I?rooklYn 301 001 00x-6 ]1 0 'httrtltty'M H..'l'ilill ball champlonshill last falf the Uni ­ McGee, Haln~s , Parmelee, Heus1 fbJc.tq(() 17 ; Phlhltlullih ilL I. " versity high team will be a marked. 'IeI' and Ogrodowskl; Mungo and 'Vuahlugtun 7; C It'nItHJI] 2. Clrisox Set Record In opponent In everyone ot the games New York H : Ot't rniL ~. Berres, Pbelps. • making up the tough IlChcd ule this BOIlDn 8: "'t. 1.ou lll :to (:KmHN, l'rol.Nlhln 1·11f'hf'rft Trnlrl.,.. Df·/tJ(JliuR Athletics I I yea.r. :Bo,lon I.t Ht. 1.,,4ml _ t lf ) It'-H'", Ant' (,II\(' \Cill, R'· I't. 11 (A , Kalona will open the l'lver team's , O. l errnut-lI~r or Wl hlOIl """. Cllh.h""II I hp IIlud." ,I III ./Dr I ague schedule Se11t, 26 on the Kalon~ Dr P,,""I. MJCHl«.soN ' land stUlle.nt ·or~. Thlnk~ energy, tor one bit of dust. me. So, wheo we look~d around "nt! ','hOIlll\.1I or 1l ') Kth 1U . Red Sox Down N 'd w YorK lit IhH 1ult- Hur rlllk ' 0, hll IIfr II M III ~ I" "llcht"', the NEW YORK,. ~P~ I It to,\l~. I~ qrolll~\TIs \l-nlj, WIl.kI'R th' ~ .. Almost Ruined J1uilb<'lI , tor n catcbel' J/iter 1 couldn't think. grldh'on. SI. Pat's at Iowa City (AJ"r p Pllllllp8. l)l3.l'." llhh~l l" l.t.., ''''hHe ~ox ~eet ~ls , .H!l's. , ~1I' , of , t~ i!Lr~nt;.ely enoutrh, Ty CobQ nh 'of an'yo~e but Gus. And It Willi olle will be the opposition I n an early Bill Terry and New York "e,*lona. roost, Phlllllh·lphlu.. lIL Chl crt~ ()- lto .. .,.. 1)I)IIn(l ".1 lulill uf 20 hlu. orr mp, t ruined llu~be\l'~ am\lIUon to St. Louis In Inter-clly clash Oct. 2. The nex~ G lant8:-before and 1,0" ~ ~heK Jllak'l!, \10 ~l.ak,e, ,"'II4!IID l,!\\ves 1\\8 of,Rur bI:~t "",qv,es." Whlleh<-.'" 1.1. "n 1,,,,, to ovel'whelm lhree games will be played on for­ lIleet the murder'lu9 'Xanl