Y, SEPTEMBER 11, 1936 ! ...... ,enator Pitt News Shower, Today allu~ to G.O.P IO",A--stw~... In .... ntra.1 and . • IIOlIlf'whaL tool r 1011 )"; tom.... - row panl, doudt, ~roup Tonight alIu ' ~==============~I Senolor M, B. Pitt u/ I 0 "' a Mornin. N e "' • pap e r. gan. a repre.entatlve of Ihe ",. blle •.n nallonllJ committee, 1<111 FIVE CENTS The Assoolate. Pre... IOWA CITY, IOWA SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1936 VOLUME XXXVI NUMBER 90 Flashes :::::s .k tonight at a r~ publlcan Vol, tpers' meellng at the COUrtho~_ 8 o·clock. he meellng. the second repubU. Report Seaplane Down m eellng held here this week ,\flAM I" Fill., Sept. II (API II be for lhe pU"pos. of organ: -All "llIdeur rlJ,(lI., operaLor ng the new members of Ihe ne. rellOl'ted to I he COIl.t Irullrd Illr hlLcan Volunteers organl2atlon. """" tollight he had IntercePted I me"",,,e .tllUng .. co ...t guard ""crptary of the hnson oounly republican Cenlral oeap"ne carrylnl"' five persons lad ~n lo~d down Ilt sell. mltt~e, said to"t night an u. The 'cOast guard boat Pandora Pt will be made to make thl rushed 10 search the 11611. up whal will be "the s tron c~ The pllln6, pi loted by Lieu· IItical Ifroup In Johnson COunty " Conferenc.e Of Itnant (o",mllnder R. L. KIIney, Succeeds Talmadge AS SAN SEBASTIAN AWAITED CAPTURE BY REBELS 'Progressives' Two Unknolm Itli here at 3:00 p.III. to fly to Ihe I1.S. Aluka n ..ftcr tile ship, 1940 Leaders Unite to Back Captor Speed olunteers Will Not ",hlth was 200 ",ltes ea . t of Have Regular Meeting here en route to ChllrleswlI, 8.C., r ...tlloed thll! One of lis Starts Today F.R. Reelection Away in Car rrew W1IS 8ufferln&, froot pto· cause of the two republicaQ Br .... 4~"t... 1'... _ .. alne polsolllll&'. ellngR this week. the regUlar Two-Day Conclave Will , CHI AGO. S pt. 11 - A nailonal kly dinner or Ihe local diviSion conference of " progrellSi ,·eM." tnclud_ Iowan Had topped To tbe R e\lubllcan Volunt.ertl at London Talks Tonight Discuss Problems Ing mAny selt-Iermed liberals In Aid Pair; Ordered wa will pot be gIven tbts Week, Tabulations In Ihe second week's Freshmen Will Face bott. pollllc8 I1J1d labor, today unit d nk Swisher, seeretary of the repon of the Lltp,rary Digesl'~ 10,· In active IIUPl,ort of Prelrid nt To 'Come Along' fal republican oruce, Said laal tOO,O DO.baliot presidential poll ,""velll ROOKev It In hl8 campaign for re­ Pl'ohlf~m.'i fn;-shmen will encountel' cn,. the AMOC" .. ted Prea.) ~h t. lAndon leads Roo8<'velt by 61, IUD election. In thelo- ca''Ccrs at the University ot ('0 NeIL BLUI·'~'R. s Pl. ~he dinner will take Place u u- votes to 33,423. Lemke ga.rnel'ed low," will "" discussed at a two Alter a (au I' hour lOeCret 8I!s.lon al next Saturday noon. tn .. dLwntown hotel. tbe group KlclnRflPf'd In hl~ own c r wh~l1 he 4,169 Ollt of a tolal Of 99,73<1 bo.l . day conference beglnntng this lOts casl, adlJlJ",d a rellOlullon endondng nffprf'd ahl to two men In a ft ll'8nd· morning and continuing thro~gh On I he bllSls of "lectCJI'al college Rooscv~lt'8 candidacy, I,romlsed to PI\ aU lo near Orantl Jun tlon I tf' I tomOl'l'Ow evening.' = division Roosevelt tralis Landon by Aoout 100 leaders of t.he cl ....s of campaign aclh'ely In hill helullf and todal'. II pnr), COdy. 43, Orund Junc. 1&i vot"8 to 34, 1940 will a"semble Cor the untver­ agr ed to r&1se a cRmpl\lgn tund. tlull farm r, Willi fr ed n ar Council The vute, now ente("i ng Into It. slty'S fourth annual conf"'eoce on PrInciple UlutrH tunlght while hi, unl<l nLllled third week, shows " Governo,· Lan­ wld~I' hol"lzons of coll ege lite. Under 1\ d !<' Iurallon or pdnclpl~8 wall caillors drove hi. car away. don lead-I nil' In three midwestern. th guldunco of faculty leaders t hCBo aJ.8() adopted., wllh 11 polnla and I\, Cody and police offl~f'ra hero to farm states-Ohlo. Minh sota and Me l ertc~ frOBhmen will JOin In '" decllll-a.tion that th" membe,.,. reo whom h. gav8 an account of hl~ Indlall8--.>n ...rry returns. And pl'ognlm or 18 events. rved tully their right to politic I al~ l ucllon .,.,pr"lIIK'd bl'llet th r It shows PI '~s ldent Roosevelt whit· n Ct:'ep tiona, IUJl('heons a.nd dJu­ freedom of actlon otherwl.n than 80n for tho kldnlllwing a t ) l)al'~nlly lUng his oPPonent·s first return I1tll'R, dl scusalon meetings, recrea­ t~nderln~ support to the prestdent wlUI that the car which 'ooy foulld margin oC more tban 2 to 1 In the tional aetlvltle", and ses810ns with In his cont 8t. .trand~d hlld lJt:en Itolen tn Lln- original four states-New York, faculty members will Ceatu'"6 the The 8uslon wblch adopter! ( .. m· culn. Neb. thr e day. {UfO. al1(l ron­ s New Jersey. Pcnnsylvanla a.nd conference. IlOrarlly the na",e "nallonal pro· .tulned sov.ral s'te of It en. plates, )(olnl>-to sligh tly under 2 to 1." Questions gl'El68lve oonferen" adJourn<od Co<ly caIlrd Council Blurf. polk. In tho second week's I '~ pOI"t votes A few of the quesllons to 00 con- 1Ltl r notifying Pre81dent ROOBevelt frum the COdy (no relative) rtlllnr: were tallled Crom Indiana. Mlnne­ E, D. RIvera sldered ar: "Wha.t can r expect of ItB action. R epl~ illative ~Iaury .tllllon three mile. llUuth or hor . ..,ta, Oklahoma alld Texas fol' the A'l'LAN'l'A, Ga. E. D. hom unlv er~ lty li fe'!" "How shall Mllve,1ck . T ex .... democrat. headed HI'ought to lh station In a pollee first tlm~. a commIttee charged with draftLnlr car. ho IIll.ht that h~ h fJ IJt'N' drlv- Riv 1'8, new d ~a l ("!tl1did8t~ 1 choose my fl1 ends?" "What about a t<.>legMlm to him. Inl( alollg th" rOlld wIth a lii·ye.arold, fOl' governor of U ('0 l' g i a datcs?" "What activities shall I se- Icct·!" "Shall [ Join a fraternity 01' The Tel~grall1 \llll<lentl!l d hltchhlkH h" had Coughlin in East to succeed Oov. Eugcll(, 'fal- sorority?" "What I. the 1>lace of Th t ItgrlUn tt' the Ill"Mtdl'nt pIcked UI) .hortly t)(:~ore whl' n he NEW FORK, Sept. 11 (AP~ read: t.lme Ur){111 u. wrt'cked car and two madge, n('w denl foe. won religion In university life'!" BarricadfJIJ no mateh lor rebel artlUerr '1he Rev. Oharles E. CougiJun by tllt' R8 1r1 P sl1l)stantial mlll'gin Althuugh the meeting Is s pon­ ''Tho I.rogres.lvtl confe.·.. ne. com- men beside IL carried hls CIIIlIPRlgII Into Ihe that W,IS 3('col'df>r! H('n. Hielt· loored by the religiOUS activities of­ RAN 'EBAS'l'lAN CaptUl"e of San eb88tian by ranish rebels seemed neal' as till' loyalist po~ed ot liberals of III I partlC8 me t- .\S hI> uff(·rcd al'I, he 1lllll1, th. east lonlght with lin appeal 10 ard H, Russ!'11 ,J r., victor over flc • 8 nd the student rellgtous or, defense co llaps d. This photo shows n barricade that had been erected in an important slt·ept. Ing In ('hlcogo today hlUl pndOl'sed wo ""'ll rov ' red him \Vlth 1)I"toI8, I Lhroog at Ebbets field not 10 'l'aJmadg-e for the senalol'ia l ganlzutlon_. the question of .. ellglon you tor reelection. We re now o'·,ler d the lx., "ut and rlll1lb<'d "lilt Idly by and .,.. 8IItl.lied by nomination. Ri\,('l'S is s lwaIH'I' 18 only one or t be many to be In­ IIroc-eedlng to organtze In e""I'y Into ·I"ly'. ellr and drove oft. II hllI,doul of th new dcal of tll(' (J(·orgia hOltS!'. Demo­ ful·ma.lly d focussed. 8tat In th union fot· lh purpOll8 One t on eat'h aide of him. he ,Iveu you 118 lUI 11I8UIt." cratic nominlltion is tantamount Itcl'cllUon OlHlll8 Cuncl""e Council Debates Parking Problem of wagln" a vlgOl"OU8 campaign for "aid, 0,11' Mlvlnl' alld the other The Detroit priest asserted to election ill Georgia. 'l'ho conference will 01"''' with a your NolcclIon and the furtherance k~"I)lng him covl're.!. Th y wId hI 1111 e that IJru"'6m3 01 production ----- re«.'rptlon In the JOll llge I'oom ot lho of the (ltrht (or c'lua.llty of 01'_ til liN "" If he W<'lO drunk, he con- had b.tn solved'. Itll" there "e· l.a.w ('ommons at 11 :45 thts mOI"ll- pOI·tunlty." Unued, In.lned the' protMm 01 dJstrlbu· lng, allcl continue lhl"Ough thf" two Fascists Open 1Mother's Plea 5 Suggestion Registerer! deloglite8 to l'o,ly /lIlII I he dIdn't know where 11011. The modern Workmall See~ Greater dl\Ys. dividing Sunduy morning for progrc88lvo conC r nee Ow men dr'lvo to. but ruhlril thM wUh Ihe aid of modern 1Il.1I· .tuden I ~ to a tI.end the church sprv· t ...
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