
(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,708.371 B2 Kessler et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jul.18, 2017

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- Limacotide 7 5 -e) Cys'-Ketone

5 O

2 5

log (Peptide Concentration, M) U.S. Patent Jul.18, 2017 Sheet 2 of 3 US 9,708,371 B2


150 - Linaclotide 125 -e- Cys-Ketone





-12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 log Peptide Concentration (M) U.S. Patent Jul.18, 2017 Sheet 3 of 3 US 9,708,371 B2


32.3 mAU s Full scale UV chromatogram 200

1000 SO

600 s 00 O 200 s

< 20 3) O So

a nÁU 32.3 Magnified UV chromatogram

Linaclotide 92.82% N 36. Cys-Ketone 3.38%

20 30 40 SO Time (min) US 9,708.371 B2 1. 2 TREATMENTS FOR GASTRONTESTINAL often experience hard and lumpy stools, straining during DISORDERS defecation, a sensation of incomplete evacuation, and fewer than three bowel movements per week. The discomfort and PRIORITY CLAIM bloating of CC significantly affects patients’ quality of life by impairing their ability to work and participate in typical This application is a national phase application of PCT/ daily activities. US2012/051289, filed on Aug. 17, 2012, which claims Half of CC patients are not satisfied with currently priority to U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 61/524,699, available treatments for CC. Thus, there remains a need for filed Aug. 17, 2011. The entire contents of the aforemen new compounds and methods of treating CC. tioned applications are incorporated herein by reference. 10 U.S. Pat. Nos. 7,304,036 and 7,371,727 disclose peptides that act as of the guanylate cyclase C (GC-C) SEQUENCE LISTING receptor for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders. One particular peptide disclosed is linaclotide, which consists of This application incorporates by reference in its entirety the following amino acid sequence: CyS CyS Glu Tyr Cys the Sequence Listing entitled “IW112PCT1US1a ST25”, 15 Cys ASn Pro Ala Cys Thr Gly Cys Tyr (SEQ ID NO: 1). containing 4.52 KB of data and last modified on May 11, These patents also disclose methods for preparing linac 2016, in computer readable-format (CRF) and electronic .txt lotide and related peptides. format, filed electronically herewith. Linaclotide has the amino acid structure of FIELD OF THE INVENTION H-Cys-Cys-Glu-Tyr-Cys-Cys-Asn-Pro-Ala-Cys-Thr-Gly-Cys-Tyr-OH. This invention relates to peptides, compositions and methods for treating gastrointestinal disorders. |- BACKGROUND 25 (SEQ ID NO: 1) Gastrointestinal disorders (GI) include irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) which is a common chronic disorder of the Linaclotide is orally administered and currently in clinical intestine that affects 20 to 60 million individuals in the US trials for treatment of irritable bowel syndrome with con alone (Lehman Brothers, Global Healthcare-Irritable bowel 30 stipation (IBS-c) and chronic constipation (CC), has numer syndrome industry update, September 1999). IBS is the most ous effects on GI physiology including: (1) reduced visceral common disorder diagnosed by gastroenterologists and pain, (2) reduced bloating, and (3) increased GI transit, accounts for 12% of visits to primary care physicians which can lead to increased stool frequency and improved (Camilleri 2001, Gastroenterology 120:652-668). In the US, stool consistency. Orally administered linaclotide acts the economic impact of IBS is estimated at $25 billion 35 locally by activating GC-C at the luminal surface; there are annually, through direct costs of health care use and indirect no detectable levels of linaclotide seen systemically after costs of absenteeism from work (Talley 1995, Gastroenter oral administration at therapeutic dose levels. Thus, the ology 109:1736-1741). Patients with IBS have three times results from clinical trials of linaclotide, as well as preclini more absenteeism from work and report a reduced quality of cal studies that have been done with linaclotide and related life. There is a tremendous unmet medical need for patients 40 peptides, suggest that GC-C peptide agonists may be used suffering for IBS since few prescription options exist to treat therapeutically. IBS. The contents of the U.S. Pat. Nos. 7,304,036 and 7,371, Patients with IBS suffer from abdominal pain and a 727 are incorporated herein by reference in their entirety. disturbed bowel pattern. Three subgroups of IBS patients The present invention feature peptides which may be have been defined based on the predominant bowel habit: 45 modified at their O-amine groups into ketone derivatives that constipation-predominant irritable bowel syndrome (c-IBS), are capable of activating and/or binding the guanylate diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome (d-IBS) or cyclase-C (GC-C) receptors at different affinities. The pres alternating between the two irritable bowel syndromes ent invention also features peptides that may be modified at (a-IBS). Estimates of individuals who suffer from c-IBS their bonds with additional sulfur atoms and that range from 20-50% of the IBS patients with 30% frequently 50 may additionally be modified at their O-amine groups. GC-C cited. In contrast to the other two Subgroups that have a is a key regulator in mammals of intestinal function, similar gender ratio, c-IBS is more common in women (ratio although low levels of GC-C have been detected in other of 3:1) (Talley et al. 1995, Am J Epidemiol 142:76-83). tissues. GC-C responds to the endogenous hormones, gua The definition and diagnostic criteria for IBS have been nylin and uroguanylin, and to enteric bacterial peptides from formalized in the “Rome Criteria' (Drossman et al. 1999, 55 the heat stable family (ST peptide). When ago Gut 45:Suppl II: 1-81), which are well accepted in clinical nists bind to GC-C, there is an elevation of the second practice. Recently, there has been increasing evidence for a messenger, cyclic GMP (c-GMP), and an increase in chlo role of inflammation in etiology of IBS. Reports indicate that ride and bicarbonate Secretion, resulting in an increase in subsets of IBS patients have small but significant increases intestinal fluid secretion. In some examples of the present in colonic inflammatory and mast cells, increased inducible 60 invention, the peptides described herein may produce nitric oxide (NO) and synthase (iNOS) and altered expres increased elevation of c-GMP levels and provide a thera sion of inflammatory cytokines (reviewed by Talley 2000, peutic option for treating gastrointestinal disorders. Medscape Coverage of DDW week). Gastrointestinal disorders can also include constipation SUMMARY wherein as many as 34 million Americans Suffer from 65 symptoms associated with chronic constipation (CC) and 8.5 The present invention features peptides, compositions, million patients have sought treatment. Patients with CC and related methods for treating gastrointestinal disorders US 9,708.371 B2 3 4 and conditions, including but not limited to, irritable bowel lytic domain catalyzes the production of c(GMP from GTP. syndrome (IBS) gastrointestinal motility disorders, consti In vivo, this increase in intracellular cGMP initiates a pation, functional gastrointestinal disorders, gastroesopha cascade of events that leads to increased secretion of chlo geal reflux disease (GERD), duodenogastric reflux, Crohn's ride and bicarbonate into the intestinal lumen, increased, disease, ulcerative colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, luminal pH, decreased luminal sodium absorption, increased functional heartburn, dyspepsia, visceral pain, gastroparesis, fluid secretion, and acceleration of intestinal transit. cQMP chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction (or colonic pseudo is secreted bidirectionally from the epithelium into the obstruction), and other conditions and disorders described mucosa and lumen. The peptides and compositions of the herein using peptides and compositions that activate the present invention bind to the intestinal GC-C receptor which guanylate cyclase C (GC-C) receptor. 10 is a regulator of fluid and electrolyte balance in the intestine. One aspect of the present invention provides a peptide or In some circumstances it can be desirable to treat patients a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof, wherein the with a variant or modified peptide that binds to and activates peptide comprises the amino acid sequence CyS CyS Glu Tyr intestinal GC-C receptors, but is less active or more active Cys Cys Asn Pro Ala Cys Thr Gly Cys Tyr (SEQID NO: 1), 15 than the non-variant form of a peptide. Reduced activity can wherein the C-amine of the Cys' amino acid of the peptide arise from reduced affinity for the receptor or a reduced is deaminated through oxidative or enzymatic reactions (the ability to activate the receptor once bound or reduced “Cys'-O-ketone peptide"). stability of the peptide. Increased activity can arise from In one embodiment, the peptide comprises the amino acid increased affinity for the receptor or an increased ability to structure of: activate the receptor once bound or increased stability of the peptide. Description of Exemplary Peptides: In various embodiments, a peptide comprises the amino O -s-s- Cys-Glu-Tyr-Cys-Cys-Asn-Pro-Ala-Cys-Thr-Gly-Cys-Tyr-OH acid sequence Cys Cys Glu Tyr Cys Cys Asn Pro Ala Cys L-I-S-S- 25 Thr Gly Cys Tyr (SEQ ID NO: 1), wherein the C-amine of the Cys' amino acid of the peptide is deaminated through S-S oxidative reactions or enzymatic catalysis. This peptide may (SEQID NO: 2) be produced, for example, by oxidative deamination of linaclotide involving nucleophilic attack of the C-amine of or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof. 30 the Cys' amino acid which forms a Schiff base product, In another embodiment, the peptide comprises the amino followed by prototropic tautomerization of the Schiff base, acid structure of: and finally hydrolysis in acid to give the C-Cys' ketone and its hydrate in equilibrium. This mixture of the two peptides will be referred as “Cys'-O-Ketone” or “Cys-Ketone”. O 35 These peptides may be tautomeric and the various tauto HO Cys-Glu-Tyr-Cys-Cys-Asn-Pro-Ala-Cys-Thr-Gly-Cys-Tyr-OH meric mixtures of different ratios can be useful and within --S-S- the scope of the present invention. S-S In several embodiments, the peptide comprises the amino (SEQID NO: 2) 40 acid sequence Cys Cys Glu Tyr Cys Cys Asn Pro Ala Cys Thr Gly Cys Tyr (SEQ ID NO: 1), wherein the C-amine of or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof. the Cys' amino acid of the peptide is deaminated. The details of one or more embodiments of the invention In one embodiment, the peptide comprises the amino acid are set forth in the accompanying description. structure of: 45 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE FIGURE FIG. 1 shows specific binding of exemplary peptides of O —s-s— the present invention to cell-surface GC-C receptors on T84 Cys-Glu-Tyr-Cys-Cys-Asn-Pro-Ala-Cys-Thr-Gly-Cys-Tyr-OH cells in a competitive radioligand binding assay. 50 FIG. 2 shows the dose response of exemplary peptides of -- H —s-s— the present invention in a T84 cell coMP assay. (SEQID NO: 2) FIG. 3 demonstrates an example of an analysis of exem plary peptides by RP-HPLC, wherein “Cys'-O-Ketone” refers to the linaclotide ketone derivative modified on its 55 or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof. N-terminal O-amine group. In another embodiment, the peptide comprises the amino The figures are provided by way of example and are not acid structure of: intended to limit the scope of the present invention. O DETAILED DESCRIPTION 60 HO — S-S — HO Cys-Glu-Tyr-Cys-Cys-Asn-Pro-Ala-Cys-Thr-Gly-Cys-Tyr-OH Guanylate cyclase C (GC-C) is a transmembrane receptor that is located on the apical surface of epithelial cells in the S-S L-I-S-S- stomach and intestine. The receptor has an extracellular (SEQ ID NO: 2) ligand-binding domain, a single transmembrane region and 65 a C-terminal guanylyl cyclase domain. When a ligand binds to the extracellular domain of GC-C, the intracellular cata or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof. US 9,708.371 B2 5 6 One skilled in the art would recognize that the peptide -continued comprising the amino acid structure of S-S-S H-Cys-Cys-Glu-Tyr-Cys-Cys-Asn-Pro-Ala-Cys-Thr-Gly-Cys-Tyr-OH O O —s-s— Cys-Glu-Tyr-Cys-Cys-Asn-Pro-Ala-Cys-Thr-Gly-Cys-Tyr-OH s-s— LJ -s-s- (SEQID NO:5) (SEQID NO: 2) 10 In a further embodiment, the peptide consists of the amino acid sequence Cys Cys Glu Tyr Cys Cys Asn Pro Ala Cys Thr Gly Cys Tyr (SEQ ID NO:1), wherein the C-amine of could be in equilibrium with its geminal diol monohydrate the Cys' amino acid of the peptide is deaminated. form comprising the amino acid structure of: In one embodiment, the peptide consists of the amino acid 15 structure of:

HO O —s-s— HO Cys-Glu-Tyr-Cys-Cys-Asn-Pro-Ala-Cys-Thr-Gly-Cys-Tyr-OH. O O —s-s— Cys-Glu-Tyr-Cys-Cys-Asn-Pro-Ala-Cys-Thr-Gly-Cys-Tyr-OH LJ s-s— (SEQ ID NO: 2) (SEQID NO: 2)

As used herein, the term “Cys 1-O-ketone peptide' or the 25 or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof. Structure In one embodiment, the peptide consists of the amino acid structure of:

O O —s-s— Cys-Glu-Tyr-Cys-Cys-Asn-Pro-Ala-Cys-Thr-Gly-Cys-Tyr-OH HO O —s-s— LJ -s-s- HO Cys-Glu-Tyr-Cys-Cys-Asn-Pro-Ala-Cys-Thr-Gly-Cys-Tyr-OH (SEQ ID NO: 2) LJ -s-s- 35 (SEQID NO: 2) is intended to include both the Cys 1-O-ketone structure and the germinal diol monohydrate form. or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof. In another embodiment, the peptide consists of the amino In another embodiment, a peptide comprises the amino acid sequence of Cys Cys Glu Tyr Cys Cys Asn Pro Ala Cys acid sequence of Cys Cys Glu Tyr Cys Cys Asn Pro Ala Cys 40 Thr Gly Cys Tyr (SEQ ID NO: 1) wherein an additional Thr Gly Cys Tyr (SEQ ID NO:1), wherein an additional Sulfur atom may be attached to any one of the six cysteinyl Sulfur atom may be attached to any one of the six cysteinyl sulfurs. sulfurs. In one embodiment, a peptide consists of the amino acid structure selected from: In one embodiment, the peptide comprises a linaclotide 45 trisulfide product which forms with the addition of a single sulfur atom to one of the three cysteinyl bonds in linaclotide (referred herein as the “linaclotide trisulfide product' or “linaclotide trisulfide peptide'). H-Cys-Cys-Glu-Tyr-Cys-Cys-Asn-Pro-Ala-Cys-Thr-Gly-Cys-Tyr-OH, In one embodiment, a peptide comprises the amino acid 50 structure selected from: (SEQ ID NO:3)

55 H-Cys-Cys-Glu-Tyr-Cys-Cys-Asn-Pro-Ala-Cys-Thr-Gly-Cys-Tyr-OH, and H-Cys-Cys-Glu-Tyr-Cys-Cys-Asn-Pro-Ala-Cys-Thr-Gly-Cys-Tyr-OH- S-S L-s-s-s- - (SEQ ID NO:4) (SEQ ID NO:3) 60 S-S H-Cys-Cys-Glu-Tyr-Cys-Cys-Asn-Pro-Ala-Cys-Thr-Gly-Cys-Tyr-OH.—s-s-s- H-Cys-Cys-Glu-Tyr-Cys-Cys-Asn-Pro-Ala-Cys-Thr-Gly-Cys-Tyr-OH Hs-s— s-s-s- , and 65 (SEQ ID NO:5) (SEQID NO:4) US 9,708.371 B2 7 8 In some embodiments, the peptide or pharmaceutically of a vector containing a nucleic acid described herein can be acceptable salt thereof activates the guanylate cyclase C followed by transformation of a host cell such as a bacte receptor. rium. Suitable bacterial hosts include but are not limited to, In other embodiments, the peptide or pharmaceutically E. coli, B. subtilis, Pseudomonas and Salmonella. The acceptable salt thereof comprises 30 or fewer amino acids. genetic construct also includes, in addition to the encoding In further embodiments, the peptide or pharmaceutically nucleic acid molecule, elements that allow expression, Such acceptable salt thereof comprises 20 or fewer amino acids. as a promoter and regulatory sequences. The expression In other embodiments, the peptide or pharmaceutically vectors may contain transcriptional control sequences that acceptable salt thereof comprises a peptide wherein fewer control transcriptional initiation, Such as promoter, than five amino acids precede the first Cys residue of the 10 enhancer, operator, and repressor sequences. A variety of amino acid sequence. transcriptional control sequences are well known to those in In some embodiments, the peptide or pharmaceutically the art. The expression vector can also include a translation acceptable salt thereof is isolated. regulatory sequence (e.g., an untranslated 5' sequence, an In other embodiments, the peptide or pharmaceutically untranslated 3' sequence, or an internal ribosome entry site). acceptable salt thereof is purified. 15 The vector can be capable of autonomous replication or it In some embodiments, a pharmaceutically acceptable salt can integrate into host DNA to ensure stability during of the peptide is provided. In some instances, the pharma peptide production. ceutically acceptable salt is a chloride salt. The protein coding sequence that includes a peptide Variant or Modified Peptides described herein can also be fused to a nucleic acid encoding In various embodiments, the peptide includes two Cys a peptide affinity tag, e.g., glutathione S-transferase (GST), that form one disulfide bond, the peptide includes four Cys maltose E binding protein, protein A, FLAG tag, hexa that form two disulfide bonds, or the peptide includes six histidine, myc tag or the influenza HA tag, in order to Cys that form three disulfide bonds: facilitate purification. The affinity tag or reporter fusion joins In various embodiments, the peptide includes two Cys the reading frame of the peptide of interest to the reading that form one trisulfide bond, the peptide includes four Cys 25 frame of the gene encoding the affinity tag such that a that form two trisulfide bonds, or the peptide includes six translational fusion is generated. Expression of the fusion Cys that form three trisulfide bonds. gene results in translation of a single peptide that includes In some peptides one or both members of one or both both the peptide of interest and the affinity tag. In some pairs of Cys residues which normally form a disulfide bond instances where affinity tags are utilized, DNA sequence can be replaced by homocysteine, penicillamine, 3-mercap 30 encoding a protease recognition site will be fused between toproline (Kolodzie et al. 1996 Int J Pept Protein Res the reading frames for the affinity tag and the peptide of 48:274); B, B dimethylcysteine (Hunt et al. 1993 Int J Pept interest. Protein Res 42:249) or diaminopropionic acid (Smith et al. Genetic constructs and methods suitable for production of 1978 J Med Chem 21:117) to form alternative internal immature and mature forms of the peptides and variants cross-links at the positions of the normal disulfide bonds. In 35 described herein in protein expression systems other than other embodiments, the disulfide bonds may be replaced by bacteria, and well known to those skilled in the art, can also hydrocarbon crosslinking (Schafmeister et al. 2000 J Am be used to produce peptides in a biological system. Chem Soc 122:5891, Patgiri et al. 2008 Acc Chem Res In other embodiments, peptides containing amino acids 41:1289, Henchey et al. 2008 Curr Opin Chem Biol 12:692). not normally incorporated by the translation machinery and Production of Peptides 40 described above may be recombinantly produced by tPNA In one embodiment, peptides or precursor peptides of the modification methods. Methods for modifying tRNA includ invention can be produced recombinantly in any known ing, but not limited to, modifying the anti-codon, the amino protein expression system, including, without limitation, acid attachment site, and/or the accepter stem to allow bacteria (e.g., E. coli or Bacillus subtilis), insect cell systems incorporation of unnatural and/or arbitrary amino acids are (e.g., Drosophila Sf9 cell systems), yeast cell systems (e.g., 45 known in the art (Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. (2008) S. cerevisiae, S. Saccharomyces) or filamentous fungal 372: 480-485; Chem. Biol. (2009) 16:323-36; Nat. Methods expression systems, or animal cell expression systems (e.g., (2007) 4:239-44; Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. (2006) 7:775-82; mammalian cell expression systems). In some embodiments, Methods (2005) 36:227-238; Methods (2005) 36:270-278: recombinantly produced peptides may be chemically modi Annu. Rev. Biochem. (2004) 73:147-176: Nuc. Acids Res. fied after they are expressed to form the peptides of the 50 (2004) 32:6200-6211; Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (2003) invention. 100:6353-6357; Royal Soc. Chem. (2004) 33:422-430). If the peptide or variant peptide is to be produced recom In some embodiments, peptides may be chemically pro binantly, e.g., E. coli, the nucleic acid molecule encoding the duced. Peptides can be synthesized by a number of different peptide may also encode a leader sequence that permits the methods including Solution and solid phase synthesis using secretion of the mature peptide from the cell. Thus, the 55 traditional BOC or FMOC protection. For example, the sequence encoding the peptide can include the pre sequence peptide can be synthesized on 2-Chlorotrity1 or Wang resin and the pro sequence of, for example, a naturally-occurring using consecutive amino acid couplings. The following bacterial ST peptide. The secreted, mature peptide can be protecting groups can be used: Fluorenylmethyloxycarbonyl purified from the culture medium. or tert-butyloxycarbonyl (alpha-amino groups, N-terminus); The sequence encoding a peptide described herein can be 60 trityl or tert-butyl (thiol groups of Cys); tert-butyl (y-car inserted into a vector capable of delivering and maintaining boxyl of glutamic acid and the hydroxyl group of , the nucleic acid molecule in a bacterial cell. The DNA if present); and trityl (3-amid function of the side molecule may be inserted into an autonomously replicating chain and the phenolic group of , if present). Cou vector (suitable vectors include, for example, pGEM37 and pling can be effected with DIC and HOBt in the presence of pcDNA3, and derivatives thereof). The vector nucleic acid 65 a tertiary amine, and the peptide can be deprotected and may be a bacterial or bacteriophage DNA such as bacterio cleaved from the solid support in using cocktail K (trifluo phage lambda or M13 and derivatives thereof. Construction roacetic acid 81%, 5%, thioanisole 5%, 1.2-ethan US 9,708.371 B2 10 edithiol 2.5%, water 3%, dimethylsulphide 2%, ammonium iodide 1.5% w/w). After removal of trifluoroacetic acid and O O —s-s— other volatiles the peptide can be precipitated using an Cys-Glu-Tyr-Cys-Cys-Asn-Pro-Ala-Cys-Thr-Gly-Cys-Tyr-OH: organic solvent. Disulfide bonds between Cys residues can be formed using dimethyl sulfoxide (Tam et al. (1991) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 113:6657-62) or using an air oxidation strategy. The resulting peptide can be purified by reverse (SEQID NO: 2) phase chromatography and lyophilized. In some embodi ments, chemically synthesized peptides may be chemically 10 and the peptide or pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof modified after they are synthesized to form the peptides of comprises less than 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, the invention. 80%, or 90% by weight compared to the weight of linac These peptides can be made, isolated or used either in lotide. form of the base or as pharmaceutically acceptable salts In further embodiments, the pharmaceutical composition thereof. Examples of salts include, without limitation, 15 comprises linaclotide and a peptide or a pharmaceutically acetate, chloride, Sulfate and phosphate salts of the peptide. acceptable salt thereof, wherein the peptide comprises an Compositions of Peptides and GC-C Receptor Agonists amino acid structure of: In another aspect, pharmaceutical compositions are pro vided wherein the peptides, alone or in combination, can be combined with any pharmaceutically acceptable carrier or medium. O O —s-s— In several embodiments, the pharmaceutical composition Cys-Glu-Tyr-Cys-Cys-Asn-Pro-Ala-Cys-Thr-Gly-Cys-Tyr-OH: comprises a peptide or pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof as described herein. The pharmaceutical composi tion may comprise two or more peptides or pharmaceutically 25 (SEQID NO: 2) acceptable salts thereof described herein. In some embodiments, the pharmaceutical composition comprises two or more peptides selected from: and wherein the pharmaceutical composition comprises i. a peptide or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof, less than 9%, 8%, 7%, 6%. 5%, 4%, 3%, 2%, 1% or 0.5% 30 by weight of the peptide or pharmaceutically acceptable salt wherein the peptide comprises the amino acid structure of thereofas compared to the weight of linaclotide. In further embodiments, the pharmaceutical composition O comprises linaclotide and a peptide or a pharmaceutically O acceptable salt thereof, wherein the peptide comprises an rises. seats ross-broit 35 amino acid structure of: S-S T S-S (SEQ ID NO: 2) O O —s-s— Cys-Glu-Tyr-Cys-Cys-Asn-Pro-Ala-Cys-Thr-Gly-Cys-Tyr-OH: ii. a peptide or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof, 40 wherein the peptide comprises an amino acid structure of: (SEQ ID NO: 2) Ho —s-s— 45 HO Cys-Glu-Tyr-Cys-Cys-Asn-Pro-Ala-Cys-Thr-Gly-Cys-Tyr-OH and wherein the pharmaceutical composition comprises about 0.01-9% by weight (e.g., about 0.01-8% by weight, LJ -s-s- about 0.01-7% by weight, about 0.01-6% by weight, about 0.01-5% by weight, about 0.01-4% by weight, about 0.01 (SEQID NO: 2) 3% by weight, about 0.01-2% by weight, about 0.01-2% by 50 weight, about 0.01-1% by weight) of the peptide or phar O maceutically acceptable salt thereof as compared to the iii. a peptide or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof, weight of linaclotide. wherein the peptide comprises the amino acid structure of In other embodiments, the pharmaceutical composition comprises linaclotide and a peptide or a pharmaceutically 55 acceptable salt thereof, wherein the peptide comprises an H-Cys-Cys-Glu-Tyr-Cys-Cys-Asn-Pro-Ala-Cys-Thr-Gly-Cys-Tyr-OH. amino acid structure of: S-S " O S-S S-S 60 HO HO Cys-Glu-Tyr-Cys-Cys-Asn-Pro-Ala-Cys-Thr-Gly-Cys-Tyr-OH: (SEQID NO: 7) LJ - S-S — In other embodiments, the pharmaceutical composition S-S comprises linaclotide and a peptide or a pharmaceutically 65 (SEQ ID NO: 2) acceptable salt thereof, wherein the peptide comprises an amino acid structure of: US 9,708.371 B2 11 12 and the peptide or pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof comprises less than 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, O 80%, or 90% by weight compared to the weight of linac lotide. Cys-Glu-Tyr-Cys-Cys-Asn-Pro-Ala-Cys-Thr-Gly-Cys-Tyr-OH: -s-s- In further embodiments, the pharmaceutical composition S-S- comprises linaclotide and a peptide or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof, wherein the peptide comprises an (SEQ ID NO: 2) amino acid structure of: 10 and the peptide or pharmaceutically acceptable salt O S-S thereof comprises less than 9%, 8%, 7%, 6%. 5%, 4%, 3%, HO 2%, 1%, or 0.5% by weight compared to the weight of HO Cys-Glu-Tyr-Cys-Cys-Asn-Pro-Ala-Cys-Thr-Gly-Cys-Tyr-OH: linaclotide. S-S — 15 In further embodiments, the pharmaceutical composition S-S comprises linaclotide and a peptide or a pharmaceutically (SEQID NO: 2) acceptable salt thereof, wherein the peptide consists of an amino acid structure of: and the peptide or pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof comprises less than 9%, 8%, 7%, 6%. 5%, 4%, 3%, O 2%, 1% or 0.5% by weight compared to the weight of Cys-Glu-Tyr-Cys-Cys-Asn-Pro-Ala-Cys-Thr-Gly-Cys-Tyr-OH: linaclotide. s-s— In further embodiments, the pharmaceutical composition S-S- comprises linaclotide and a peptide or a pharmaceutically 25 acceptable salt thereof, wherein the peptide comprises an (SEQ ID NO: 2) amino acid structure of: and wherein the pharmaceutical composition comprises about 0.01-9% by weight (e.g., about 0.01-8% by weight, O S-S 30 about 0.01-7% by weight, about 0.01-6% by weight, about HO 0.01-5% by weight, about 0.01-4% by weight, about 0.01 HO Cys-Glu-Tyr-Cys-Cys-Asn-Pro-Ala-Cys-Thr-Gly-Cys-Tyr-OH: 3% by weight, about 0.01-2% by weight, about 0.01-2% by weight, about 0.01-1% by weight) of the peptide or phar S LJ -s-s- maceutically acceptable salt thereof as compared to the 35 (SEQ ID NO: 2) weight of linaclotide. In other embodiments, the pharmaceutical composition comprises linaclotide and a peptide or a pharmaceutically and wherein the pharmaceutical composition comprises acceptable salt thereof, wherein the peptide consists of an about 0.01-9% by weight (e.g., about 0.01-8% by weight, amino acid structure of: about 0.01-7% by weight, about 0.01-6% by weight, about 40 0.01-5% by weight, about 0.01-4% by weight, about 0.01 3% by weight, about 0.01-2% by weight, about 0.01-2% by O o weight, about 0.01-1% by weight) of the peptide or phar HO — S-S — maceutically acceptable salt thereof as compared to the HO Cys-Glu-Tyr-Cys-Cys-Asn-Pro-Ala-Cys-Thr-Gly-Cys-Tyr-OH: weight of linaclotide. 45 -s-s- In other embodiments, the pharmaceutical composition S-S - comprises linaclotide and a peptide or a pharmaceutically (SEQID NO: 2) acceptable salt thereof, wherein the peptide consists of the amino acid structure of: 50 and the peptide or pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof comprises less than 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, O 80%, or 90% by weight compared to the weight of linac lotide. Cys-Glu-Tyr-Cys-Cys-Asn-Pro-Ala-Cys-Thr-Gly-Cys-Tyr-OH: In further embodiments, the pharmaceutical composition -s-s- 55 comprises linaclotide and a peptide or a pharmaceutically S-S- acceptable salt thereof, wherein the peptide consists of an amino acid structure of: (SEQ ID NO: 2)

60 O and the peptide or pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof HQ -s-s- comprises less than 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, HO Cys-Glu-Tyr-Cys-Cys-Asn-Pro-Ala-Cys-Thr-Gly-Cys-Tyr-OH: 80%, or by weight compared to the weight of linaclotide. -S-S- In further embodiments, the pharmaceutical composition S-S - comprises linaclotide and a peptide or a pharmaceutically 65 (SEQ ID NO: 2) acceptable salt thereof, wherein the peptide consists of an amino acid structure of: US 9,708.371 B2 13 14 and the peptide or pharmaceutically acceptable salt -continued thereof comprises less than 9%, 8%, 7%, 6%. 5%, 4%, 3%, 2%, 1%, or 0.5% by weight compared to the weight of H-Cys-Cys-Glu-Tyr-Cys-Cys-Asn-Pro-Ala-Cys-Thr-Gly-Cys-Tyr-OH. linaclotide. In further embodiments, the pharmaceutical composition 5 comprises linaclotide and a peptide or a pharmaceutically LHs-s-s- acceptable salt thereof, wherein the peptide consists of an (SEQ ID NO:4) amino acid structure of: 10 H-Cys-Cys-Glu-Tyr-Cys-Cys-Asn-Pro-Ala-Cys-Thr-Gly-Cys-Tyr-OH.

O S-S HO LHs-s— HO Cys-Glu-Tyr-Cys-Cys-Asn-Pro-Ala-Cys-Thr-Gly-Cys-Tyr-OH: (SEQ ID NO:5) -s-s- 15 S-S- (SEQ ID NO: 2) In another embodiment, there may be an addition of more than one sulfur atom to linaclotide, which would increase its and wherein the pharmaceutical composition comprises molecular weight by 32 AU per added sulfur atom. about 0.01-9% by weight (e.g., about 0.01-8% by weight, In some other embodiments, the linaclotide trisulfide about 0.01-7% by weight, about 0.01-6% by weight, about product comprises less than about 15% by weight of the 0.01-5% by weight, about 0.01-4% by weight, about 0.01 composition, less than about 10% by weight of the compo 3% by weight, about 0.01-2% by weight, about 0.01-2% by sition, less than about 7% by weight of the composition, less weight, about 0.01-1% by weight) of the peptide or phar 25 than about 5% by weight of the composition, less than about maceutically acceptable salt thereof as compared to the 4% by weight of the composition, less than about 3% by weight of linaclotide. weight of the composition, less than about 2% by weight of In some embodiments, the Cys'-O-Ketone peptide com the composition, or less than about 1% by weight of the prises less than about 15% by weight of the composition, composition. less than about 10% by weight of the composition, less than 30 about 7% by weight of the composition, less than about 5% In other exemplary embodiments, the linaclotide trisulfide by weight of the composition, less than about 4% by weight product comprises from about 0.01% to about 15% by of the composition, less than about 3% by weight of the weight of the composition, about 0.05% to about 10% by composition, less than about 2% by weight of the compo 35 weight of the composition, about 0.05% to about 7% by sition, or less than about 1% by weight of the composition. weight of the composition or about 0.05% to about 5% by In other exemplary embodiments, the Cys'-O-Ketone pep weight of the composition. In further exemplary embodi tide comprises from about 0.01% to about 15% by weight of ments, the linaclotide trisulfide product comprises from the composition, about 0.05% to about 10% by weight of the about 0.5% to about 2% by weight of the composition. composition, about 0.05% to about 7% by weight of the 40 composition or about 0.05% to about 5% by weight of the In further embodiments, there is provided a method of composition. In further exemplary embodiments, the Cys'- treating a gastrointestinal disorder in a patient in need C.-Ketone peptide comprises from about 0.5% to about 2% thereof comprising administering a pharmaceutical compo by weight of the composition. sition comprising of linaclotide and a linaclotide trisulfide In further embodiments, there is provided a method of 45 product. treating a gastrointestinal disorder in a patient in need thereof comprising administering a pharmaceutical compo In other embodiments, the pharmaceutical composition sition comprising of linaclotide and a Cys'-O-Ketone pep consists essentially of a peptide or pharmaceutically accept tide. able salt thereof, wherein the peptide comprises the amino 50 In some embodiments, there is provided a pharmaceutical acid structure of: composition comprising linaclotide and a linaclotide trisul fide product. In one embodiment, the linaclotide trisulfide product forms as the addition of a single Sulfur atom to one of the three disulfide cysteinyl bonds in linaclotide. Three 55 potential structure of the product is depicted below, although O one of skill in the art will recognize that the sulfur atom may be attached to any one of the six cysteinyl sulfurs: Cys-Glu-Tyr-Cys-Cys-Asn-Pro-Ala-Cys-Thr-Gly-Cys-Tyr-OH. -s-s- 60 S-S- (SEQID NO: 2) H-Cys-Cys-Glu-Tyr-Cys-Cys-Asn-Pro-Ala-Cys-Thr-Gly-Cys-Tyr-OH. In other embodiments, the pharmaceutical composition 65 consists essentially of a peptide or pharmaceutically accept (SEQID NO:3) able salt thereof, wherein the peptide comprises the amino acid structure of: US 9,708.371 B2 15 16 V. a peptide (“Des-Tyr')1499 or a pharmaceutically acceptable O S-S salt thereof, wherein the peptide comprises the amino acid HO structure of: HO Cys-Glu-Tyr-Cys-Cys-Asn-Pro-Ala-Cys-Thr-Gly-Cys-Tyr-OH. | -s-s- 5 s-s- (SEQID NO: 2) LHs-s— The term “consisting essentially of, and variants thereof, 10 when used to refer to the composition, are used herein to (SEQ ID NO:9) mean that the composition includes a sole active peptide and other desired pharmaceutically inactive additives, excipi In some embodiments, the Cys'-O-Ketone peptide com ents, and/or components (e.g., polymers, sterically hindered prises less than about 15% by weight of the composition, primary amines, cations, filling agents, binders, carriers, 15 less than about 10% by weight of the composition, less than excipients, diluents, disintegrating additives, lubricants, Sol about 7% by weight of the composition, less than about 5% vents, dispersants, coating additives, absorption promoting by weight of the composition, less than about 4% by weight additives, controlled release additives, anti-caking additives, of the composition, less than about 3% by weight of the anti-microbial additives, preservatives, Sweetening addi composition, less than about 2% by weight of the compo tives, colorants, flavors, desiccants, plasticizers, dyes, or the sition, less than about 1.5% by weight of the composition, or like), and no other active pharmaceutical ingredient(s). less than about 1% by weight of the composition. In other In some embodiments, there is provided a pharmaceutical composition comprising linaclotide, a Cys'-O-Ketone pep exemplary embodiments, the Cys'-O-Ketone peptide com tide, and one or more peptides selected from: prises from about 0.01% to about 15% by weight of the i.a peptide (“Cys-IMD) or a pharmaceutically acceptable 25 composition, about 0.05% to about 10% by weight of the composition, about 0.05% to about 7% by weight of the salt thereof, wherein the peptide comprises the amino acid composition or about 0.05% to about 5% by weight of the structure of: composition. In some embodiments, the Cys-IMD peptide comprises S-S 30 less than about 15% by weight of the composition, less than O about 10% by weight of the composition, less than about 7% O HN - s-s— by weight of the composition, less than about 5% by weight MN Glu-Tyr-Cys-Cys-Asn-Pro-Ala-Cys-Thr-Gly-Cys-Tyr; of the composition, less than about 4% by weight of the S-S — composition, less than about 3.5% by weight of the com 35 position, less than about 3% by weight of the composition, (SEQID NO: 6) less than about 2% by weight of the composition, or less than about 1% by weight of the composition. In other exemplary ii. a hydrolysis peptide ("Asp") or a pharmaceutically embodiments, the Cys-IMD peptide comprises from about acceptable salt thereof, wherein the peptide comprises the 0.01% to about 15% by weight of the composition, about amino acid structure of: 40 0.05% to about 10% by weight of the composition, about 0.05% to about 7% by weight of the composition or about 0.05% to about 5% by weight of the composition. H-Cys-Cys-Glu-Tyr-Cys-Cys-Asp-Pro-Ala-Cys-Thr-Gly-Cys-Tyr-OH: In some embodiments, the hydrolysis peptide (“Asp'') 45 comprises less than about 15% by weight of the composi --- tion, less than about 10% by weight of the composition, less than about 7% by weight of the composition, less than about (SEQID NO: 7) 5% by weight of the composition, less than about 4% by weight of the composition, less than about 3.5% by weight iii. an acetylation peptide (“Cys-N-Acetyl”) or a pharma of the composition, less than about 3% by weight of the ceutically acceptable salt thereof, wherein the peptide com 50 composition, less than about 2% by weight of the compo prises the amino acid structure of: sition, or less than about 1% by weight of the composition.

CH3CO-Cys-Cys-Glu-Tyr-Cys-Cys-Asn-Pro-Ala-Cys-Thr-Gly-Cys-Tyr-OH: --- (SEQID NO:8) iv. a linaclotide trisulfide peptide or a pharmaceutically In other exemplary embodiments, the hydrolysis peptide acceptable salt thereof, wherein the peptide comprises the (“Asp7) comprises from about 0.01% to about 15% by amino acid sequence of Cys Cys Glu Tyr Cys Cys Asn Pro weight of the composition, about 0.05% to about 10% by Ala Cys Thr Gly Cys Tyr (SEQ ID NO: 1) wherein an 65 weight of the composition, about 0.05% to about 7% by additional Sulfur atom may be attached to any one of the six weight of the composition or about 0.05% to about 5% by cysteinyl Sulfurs; and weight of the composition. US 9,708.371 B2 17 18 In some embodiments, the acetylation peptide (“Cys-N- (which include starches, polyols, granulating agents, micro Acetyl') comprises less than about 15% by weight of the crystalline cellulose (e.g. celphere, Celphere Beads(R), composition, less than about 10% by weight of the compo diluents, lubricants, binders, disintegrating agents, and the sition, less than about 7% by weight of the composition, less like), etc. If desired, tablet dosages of the disclosed com than about 5% by weight of the composition, less than about positions may be coated by standard aqueous or nonaqueous 4% by weight of the composition, less than about 3.5% by techniques. weight of the composition, less than about 3% by weight of Examples of excipients for use as the pharmaceutically the composition, less than about 2% by weight of the acceptable carriers and the pharmaceutically acceptable composition, or less than about 1% by weight of the com inert carriers and the aforementioned additional ingredients position. In other exemplary embodiments, the acetylation 10 include, but are not limited to binders, fillers, disintegrants, peptide (“Cys-N-Acetyl') comprises from about 0.01% to lubricants, anti-microbial agents, and coating agents. about 15% by weight of the composition, about 0.05% to As used herein, the term “binder refers to any pharma about 10% by weight of the composition, about 0.05% to ceutically acceptable binder that may be used in the practice about 7% by weight of the composition or about 0.05% to of the invention. Examples of pharmaceutically acceptable about 5% by weight of the composition. 15 binders include, without limitation, a starch (e.g., corn In some embodiments, the linaclotide trisulfide peptide starch, potato starch and pre-gelatinized starch (e.g., comprises less than about 15% by weight of the composi STARCH 1500R and STARCH 1500 LM(R), sold by Color tion, less than about 10% by weight of the composition, less con, Ltd.) and other starches), maltodextrin, gelatin, natural than about 7% by weight of the composition, less than about and synthetic gums such as acacia, powdered tragacanth, 5% by weight of the composition, less than about 4% by guar gum, cellulose or cellulose ether and its derivatives weight of the composition, less than about 3.5% by weight (e.g., methylcellulose, hydroxyethyl cellulose, hydroxyethyl of the composition, less than about 3% by weight of the methylcellulose, hydroxypropyl cellulose and hydroxypro composition, less than about 2% by weight of the compo pyl methylcellulose (hypromellose), ethyl cellulose, cellu sition, or less than about 1% by weight of the composition. lose acetate, carboxymethyl cellulose calcium, Sodium car In other exemplary embodiments, the linaclotide trisulfide 25 boxymethyl cellulose, carboxymethylcellulose, peptide comprises from about 0.01% to about 15% by microcrystalline cellulose (e.g. AVICELTM, such as, AVI weight of the composition, about 0.05% to about 10% by CEL-PH-101TM, -103TM and -105TM, sold by FMC Corpo weight of the composition, about 0.05% to about 7% by ration, Marcus Hook, Pa., USA)), polyvinyl , poly weight of the composition or about 0.05% to about 5% by vinyl pyrrolidone (e.g., polyvinyl pyrrolidone K30, weight of the composition. 30 povidone), cellulose ether and mixtures thereof. In some embodiments, the Des-Tyr' peptide comprises As used herein, the term “filler” refers to any pharma less than about 15% by weight of the composition, less than ceutically acceptable filler that may be used in the practice about 10% by weight of the composition, less than about 7% of the invention. Examples of pharmaceutically acceptable by weight of the composition, less than about 5% by weight fillers include, without limitation, talc, calcium carbonate of the composition, less than about 4% by weight of the 35 (e.g., granules or powder), dibasic calcium phosphate, triba composition, less than about 3.5% by weight of the com sic calcium phosphate, calcium sulfate (e.g., granules or position, less than about 3% by weight of the composition, powder), microcrystalline cellulose (e.g., Avicel PH101 or less than about 2% by weight of the composition, or less than Celphere CP-305), powdered cellulose, dextrates, kaolin, about 1% by weight of the composition. In other exemplary , silicic acid, , starch (e.g., Starch 1500), embodiments, the Des-Tyr' peptide comprises from about 40 pre-gelatinized Starch, lactose, glucose, fructose, galactose, 0.01% to about 15% by weight of the composition, about trehalose. Sucrose, maltose, isomalt, raffinose, maltitol, 0.05% to about 10% by weight of the composition, about melezitose, stachyose, , palatinite, Xylitol, myoinosi 0.05% to about 7% by weight of the composition or about tol, and mixtures thereof. 0.05% to about 5% by weight of the composition. Examples of pharmaceutically acceptable fillers that may In some embodiments, the pharmaceutical composition 45 be particularly used for coating the peptides include, without comprises linaclotide, a Cys'-O-Ketone peptide, and any limitation, talc, microcrystalline cellulose (e.g., Avicel desired concentration of disulfide bonded multimers. PH101 or Celphere CP-305), micofine cellulose, powdered In some embodiments, the composition comprises less cellulose, dextrates, kaolin, mannitol, silicic acid, Sorbitol, than 10 wt.% of multimer(s). starch, pre-gelatinized starch, lactose, glucose, fructose, In some embodiments, the composition comprises less 50 galactose, trehalose. Sucrose, maltose, isomalt, dibasic cal than 7 wt.% of multimer(s). cium phosphate, raffinose, maltitol, melezitose, stachyose, In some embodiments, the composition comprises less lactitol, palatinite, Xylitol, mannitol, myoinositol, and mix than 6 wt.% of multimer(s). tures thereof. In some embodiments, the composition comprises less As used herein, the term “additives' refers to any phar than 5 wt.% of multimer(s). 55 maceutically acceptable additive. Pharmaceutically accept In some embodiments, the composition comprises less able additives include, without limitation, disintegrants, than 4 wt % of multimer(s). dispersing additives, lubricants, glidants, antioxidants, coat In some embodiments, the composition comprises less ing additives, diluents, Surfactants, flavoring additives, than 3 wt.% of multimer(s). humectants, absorption promoting additives, controlled In some embodiments, the composition comprises less 60 release additives, anti-caking additives, anti-microbial than 2 wt.% of multimer(s). agents (e.g., preservatives), colorants, desiccants, plasticiz In some embodiments, the composition comprises less ers and dyes. As used herein, an “excipient' is any pharma than 1 wt.% of multimer(s). ceutically acceptable additive, filler, binder or agent. The peptides described herein can be combined with any Compositions of the present invention may also option pharmaceutically tolerable carrier or medium, e.g. solvents, 65 ally include other therapeutic ingredients, anti-caking dispersants, coatings, absorption promoting agents, con agents, preservatives, Sweetening agents, colorants, flavors, trolled release agents, and one or more inert excipients desiccants, plasticizers, dyes, glidants, anti-adherents, anti US 9,708.371 B2 19 20 static agents, Surfactants (wetting agents), antioxidants, mixtures thereof. Suitable protective coatings include Aqua film-coating agents, and the like. Any such optional ingre coat (e.g. Aquacoat Ethylcellulose Aquaeous Dispersion, dient must be compatible with the compound described 15% w/w, FMC Biopolymer, ECD-30), Eudragit (e.g. herein to insure the stability of the formulation. The com Eudragit E PO PE-EL, Roehm Pharma Polymers) and position may contain other additives as needed, including Opadry (e.g. Opadry AMB dispersion, 20% w/w, Colorcon). for example lactose, glucose, fructose, galactose, trehalose, In certain embodiments, suitable additives for the pep Sucrose, maltose, raffinose, maltitol, melezitose, stachyose, tides composition include one or more of Sucrose, talc, lactitol, palatinite, starch, Xylitol, mannitol, myoinositol, and magnesium Stearate, crospovidone or BHA. the like, and hydrates thereof, and amino acids, for example The compositions of the present invention can also , and betaine, and peptides and proteins, for 10 include other excipients, agents, and categories thereof example albumen. including but not limited to L-histidine, Pluronic R, Polox The compositions can include, for example, various addi amers (such as Lutrol (R) and Poloxamer 188), ascorbic acid, tional Solvents, dispersants, coatings, absorption promoting glutathione, permeability enhancers (e.g. lipids, sodium additives, controlled release additives, and one or more inert cholate, acylcarnitine, salicylates, mixed bile salts, fatty acid additives (which include, for example, starches, polyols, 15 micelles, chelators, fatty acid, Surfactants, medium chain granulating additives, microcrystalline cellulose, diluents, glycerides), protease inhibitors (e.g. soybean trypsin inhibi lubricants, binders, disintegrating additives, and the like), tor, organic acids), pH lowering agents and absorption etc. If desired, tablet dosages of the disclosed compositions enhancers effective to promote bioavailability (including but may be coated by standard aqueous or nonaqueous tech not limited to those described in U.S. Pat. No. 6,086,918 and niques. Compositions can also include, for example, anti U.S. Pat. No. 5,912,014), materials for chewable tablets caking additives, preservatives, Sweetening additives, colo (like dextrose, fructose, lactose monohydrate, lactose and rants, flavors, desiccants, plasticizers, dyes, and the like. aspartame, lactose and cellulose, maltodextrin, maltose, Suitable disintegrants include, for example, agar-agar, mannitol, microcrystalline cellulose and guar gum, Sorbitol calcium carbonate, microcrystalline cellulose, croScarmel crystalline); parenterals (like mannitol and povidone); plas lose sodium, crospovidone, povidone, polacrilin potassium, 25 ticizers (like dibutyl sebacate, plasticizers for coatings, Sodium starch glycolate, potato or tapioca starch, other polyvinylacetate phthalate); powder lubricants (like glyceryl starches, pre-gelatinized starch, clays, other algins, other behenate); Soft gelatin capsules (like Sorbitol special solu celluloses, gums, and mixtures thereof. tion); spheres for coating (like Sugar spheres); spheroniza Suitable lubricants include, for example, calcium Stearate, tion agents (like glyceryl behenate and microcrystalline magnesium Stearate, , light mineral oil, glycerin, 30 cellulose); Suspending/gelling agents (like carrageenan, Sorbitol, mannitol, , other glycols, gellan gum, mannitol, microcrystalline cellulose, povidone, Stearic acid, sodium lauryl sulfate, talc, hydrogenated veg sodium starch glycolate, xanthan gum); Sweeteners (like etable oil (e.g., peanut oil, cottonseed oil, Sunflower oil, aspartame, aspartame and lactose, dextrose, fructose, honey, sesame oil, olive oil, corn oil and soybean oil), Zinc Stearate, maltodextrin, maltose, mannitol, molasses, Sorbitol crystal ethyl oleate, ethyl laurate, agar, syloid silica gel (AEROSIL 35 line, Sorbitol special Solution, Sucrose); wet granulation 200, W.R. Grace Co., Baltimore, Md. USA), a coagulated agents (like calcium carbonate, lactose anhydrous, lactose aerosol of synthetic silica (Evonik Degussa Co., Plano, Tex. monohydrate, maltodextrin, mannitol, microcrystalline cel USA), a pyrogenic silicon dioxide (CAB-O-SIL, Cabot Co., lulose, povidone, starch), caramel, carboxymethylcellulose Boston, Mass. USA), and mixtures thereof. Sodium, cherry cream flavor and cherry flavor, citric acid Suitable glidants include, for example, leucine, colloidal 40 anhydrous, citric acid, confectioner's sugar, D&C Red No. silicon dioxide, magnesium trisilicate, powdered cellulose, 33, D&C Yellow #10 Aluminum Lake, disodium edetate, starch, talc, and tribasic calcium phosphate. ethyl alcohol 15%, FD&C Yellow No. 6 aluminum lake, Suitable anti-caking additives include, for example, cal FD&C Blue #1 Aluminum Lake, FD&C Blue No. 1, FD&C cium silicate, magnesium silicate, silicon dioxide, colloidal blue no. 2 aluminum lake, FD&C Green No. 3, FD&C Red silicon dioxide, talc, and mixtures thereof. 45 No. 40, FD&C Yellow No. 6 Aluminum Lake, FD&C Suitable anti-microbial additives that may be used, e.g., as Yellow No. 6, FD&C Yellow No. 10, palmitoste a preservative for the peptides compositions, include, for arate, glyceryl monostearate, indigo carmine, lecithin, mani example, benzalkonium chloride, benzethonium chloride, tol, methyl and propyl parabens, mono ammonium glycyr benzoic acid, benzyl alcohol, butyl paraben, cetylpyridinium rhizinate, natural and artificial orange flavor, pharmaceutical chloride, cresol, chlorobutanol, dehydroacetic acid, ethylpa 50 glaze, poloxamer 188, Polydextrose, polysorbate 20, poly raben, methylparaben, phenol, phenylethyl alcohol, phe Sorbate 80, polyvidone, pregelatinized corn starch, pregela noxyethanol, phenylmercuric acetate, phenylmercuric tinized starch, red iron oxide, Saccharin Sodium, sodium nitrate, potassium Sorbate, propylparaben, Sodium benzoate, carboxymethyl ether, sodium chloride, Sodium citrate, Sodium dehydroacetate, Sodium propionate, Sorbic acid, sodium phosphate, strawberry flavor, synthetic black iron thimersol, thymo, and mixtures thereof. 55 oxide, synthetic red iron oxide, titanium dioxide, and white Suitable antioxidants include, for example, BHA (buty Wax. lated hydroxyanisole), BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene), In some embodiments, there is provided a pharmaceutical Vitamin E, propyl gallate, ascorbic acid and salts or esters composition comprising a peptide described herein and one thereof, tocopherol and esters thereof, alpha-lipoic acid and or more agents selected from Mg, Ca", Zn, Mn", K", beta-carotene. 60 Na" or Al", a combination thereof, and/or a sterically Suitable coating additives include, for example, sodium hindered primary amine. carboxymethyl cellulose, cellulose acetate phthalate, ethyl In further embodiments, the agent is Mg", Ca" or Zn" cellulose, gelatin, pharmaceutical glaze, hydroxypropyl cel or a combination thereof. In some embodiments, the cation lulose, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, hydroxypropyl is provided, without limitation, as magnesium acetate, mag phthalate, methylcellulose, polyethylene 65 nesium chloride, magnesium phosphate, , glycol, polyvinyl acetate phthalate, shellac, Sucrose, tita calcium acetate, calcium chloride, calcium phosphate, cal nium dioxide, carnauba wax, microcrystalline wax, and cium sulfate, Zinc acetate, Zinc chloride, Zinc phosphate, US 9,708.371 B2 21 22 Zinc sulfate, manganese acetate, manganese chloride, man In some cases the molar ratio of cation:sterically hindered ganese phosphate, manganese sulfate, potassium acetate, primary amine: peptide in the aqueous Solution applied to potassium chloride, potassium phosphate, potassium sulfate, the carrier is 5-100:5-50:1. In some cases, the molar ratio of Sodium acetate, Sodium chloride, Sodium phosphate, sodium cation:sterically hindered primary amine may be equal to or Sulfate, aluminum acetate, aluminum chloride, aluminum greater than 2:1 (e.g., between 5:1 and 2:1). Thus, in some phosphate or aluminum sulfate. In further embodiments, the cases the molar ratio of cation:sterically hindered primary cation is provided as magnesium chloride, calcium chloride, amine:peptide applied to the carrier is 100:50:1, 100:30:1. calcium phosphate, calcium Sulfate, Zinc acetate, manganese 80:40:1, 80:30:1, 80:20:1, 60:30:1, 60:20:1, 50:30:1, 50:20: chloride, potassium chloride, sodium chloride or aluminum 1, 40:20:1, 20:20:1, 10:10:1, 10:5:1 or 5:10:1. When binder, 10 e.g., methylcellulose, is present in the GC-C peptide chloride. In other embodiments, the cation is provided as solution applied to the carrier it can be present at 0.5%-2.5% calcium chloride, magnesium chloride or Zinc acetate. by weight (e.g., 0.7%-1.7% or 0.7%-1% or 1.5% or 0.7%). In another embodiment, the agent is a sterically hindered In a further embodiment, the pharmaceutical composition primary amine. further comprises a pharmaceutically acceptable binder or In a further embodiment, the sterically hindered primary 15 additive, and/or a pharmaceutically acceptable glidant, amine is an amino acid. lubricant or additive that acts as both a glidant and lubricant In yet a further embodiment, the amino acid is a naturally and/or an antioxidant. occurring amino acid. Suitable pharmaceutical compositions in accordance with In a still further embodiment, the naturally-occurring the invention will generally include an amount of the active amino acid is selected from the group consisting of histi compound(s) with an acceptable pharmaceutical diluent or dine, , alanine, glutamic acid, aspartic acid, excipient, such as a sterile aqueous Solution, to give a range glutamine, leucine, methionine, asparagine, tyrosine, threo of final concentrations, depending on the intended use. The nine, isoleucine, tryptophan, glycine and valine; yet further, techniques of preparation are generally well known in the the naturally-occurring amino acid is leucine, isoleucine, art, as exemplified by Remington's Pharmaceutical Sciences alanine or methionine. 25 (18th Edition, Mack Publishing Company, 1995). In a still further embodiment, the naturally-occurring The compositions described herein may be administered amino acid is leucine. In another embodiment, the sterically systemically or locally, e.g.: orally (e.g. using capsules, hindered primary amine is a non-naturally occurring amino powders, Solutions, Suspensions, tablets, Sublingual tablets acid (e.g., 1-aminocyclohexane carboxylic acid, lanthanine and the like), by inhalation (e.g. with an aerosol, gas, inhaler, or theanine). 30 nebulizer or the like), to the ear (e.g. using ear drops), In a further embodiment, the sterically hindered primary topically (e.g. using creams, gels, liniments, lotions, oint amine is cyclohexylamine, 2-methylbutylamine or a poly ments, pastes, transdermal patches, etc), ophthalmically meric amine (e.g., chitosan). (e.g. with eye drops, ophthalmic gels, ophthalmic oint In another embodiment, one or more sterically hindered ments), rectally (e.g. using or Suppositories), primary amines may be used in a composition. 35 nasally, buccally, vaginally (e.g. using douches, intrauterine In some cases, the sterically hindered primary amine has devices, vaginal Suppositories, vaginal rings or tablets, etc), the formula: via an implanted reservoir or the like, or parenterally depending on the severity and type of the disease being R treated. The term “parenteral as used herein includes, but is 40 not limited to, Subcutaneous, intravenous, intramuscular, intra-articular, intra-synovial, intrasternal, intrathecal, intra hepatic, intralesional and intracranial injection or infusion techniques. Preferably, the compositions are administered orally, intraperitoneally or intravenously. wherein R, R and R are independently selected from: H, 45 For treatment of gastrointestinal disorders, the peptides C(O)OH, C1-C6 alkyl, C1-C6 alkylether, C1-C6 alkylthio described herein are preferably administered orally, e.g., as ether, C1-C6 alkyl carboxylic acid, C1-C6 alkyl carboxyl a tablet, capsule, Sachet containing a predetermined amount amide and alkylaryl, wherein any group can be singly or of the active ingredient pellet, gel, paste, syrup, bolus, multiply Substituted with: halogen or amino, and provided electuary, slurry, powder, lyophilized powder, granules, as a that no more than two of R. R. and R are H. 50 Solution or a Suspension in an aqueous liquid or a nonaque In another embodiment, no more than one of R, R2 and ous liquid; as an oil-in-water liquid emulsion or a water-in R is H. oil liquid emulsion, via a liposomal formulation (see, e.g., In other embodiments, there is provided a pharmaceutical EP 736299) or in some other form. Orally administered composition comprising a pharmaceutically acceptable car compositions can include binders, lubricants, inert diluents, rier, peptide, a cation selected from Mg, Ca", Zn", Mn", 55 lubricating, Surface active or dispersing agents, flavoring K", Na" or Al", or a mixture thereof, and a sterically agents, and humectants. Orally administered formulations hindered primary amine. Such as tablets may optionally be coated or scored and may In one embodiment, the cation is Mg", Ca" or Zn" or be formulated so as to provide Sustained, delayed or con a mixture thereof. trolled release of the active ingredient therein. In a further embodiment, the pharmaceutical composition 60 The peptides can be co-administered with other agents further comprises a pharmaceutically acceptable binder and/ used to treat gastrointestinal disorders including but not or a pharmaceutically acceptable glidant, lubricant or addi limited to the agents described herein. tive that acts as both a glidant and lubricant and/or an In another aspect, Suitable pharmaceutical compositions antioxidant. may comprise one or more other therapeutic agents. Such In some embodiments, the pharmaceutical composition is 65 therapeutic agents include, without limitation, applied to a carrier. agents; anti-secretory agents, including proton pump inhibi In some embodiments, the carrier is a filler. tors, acid pump antagonists, H2 receptor antagonists; PDE5 US 9,708.371 B2 23 24 inhibitors; GABA-B antagonists; bile acid sequestrants; gastrointestinal tract, e.g., inflammation associated with a prokinetic and promotility agents; antidepressants; antibiot gastrointestinal disorder or infection or some other disorder, ics; antiemetics; and mucosal-protecting agents. the method comprising administering to a patient a pharma Methods of Treatment ceutical composition comprising a purified peptide In various embodiments, the peptides and compositions 5 described herein. described herein are useful for the treatment of patient In another embodiment, the invention features a method gastrointestinal disorder. for treating a gastrointestinal disorder comprising adminis In some embodiments, the gastrointestinal disorder is tering an agonist of the intestinal guanylate cyclase (GC-C) selected from the group consisting of irritable bowel syn receptor either orally, by rectal Suppository, or parenterally. drome (IBS), constipation, a functional gastrointestinal dis- 10 In still another embodiment, the invention features a order, gastroesophageal reflux disease, functional heartburn, method for treating a gastrointestinal disorder comprising dyspepsia, visceral pain, gastroparesis, chronic intestinal administering an agonist of the intestinal guanylate cyclase pseudo-obstruction, colonic pseudo-obstruction, Crohn's (GC-C) receptor. disease, ulcerative colitis, and inflammatory bowel disease. In another embodiment, the invention features a method In a further embodiment, the gastrointestinal disorder is 15 of increasing guanylate cyclase C (GC-C) receptor activity constipation. The constipation can be chronic constipation, in a biological sample, tissue (e.g., the intestinal mucosa), or idiopathic constipation, due to post-operative ileus, or cell (e.g., a cell bearing GC-A receptor), or whole organism. caused by use. Clinically accepted criteria that define In another aspect, the invention features a method of constipation include the frequency of bowel movements, the increasing the level of cyclic guanosine 3'-monophosphate consistency of feces and the ease of bowel movement. One 20 (cGMP) in a biological sample, tissue (e.g., the intestinal common definition of constipation is less than three bowel mucosa), or cell (e.g., a cell bearing GC-A receptor), or movements per week. Other definitions include abnormally whole organism by contacting the sample, tissue, or organ hard stools or defecation that requires excessive straining ism to a peptides described herein. (Schiller 2001, Aliment Pharmacol Ther 15:749-763). Con The peptide GC-C receptor agonists described herein can stipation may be idiopathic ( or slow 25 be administered in combination with other agents. For transit constipation) or secondary to other causes including example, the peptides can be administered with an analgesic neurologic, metabolic or endocrine disorders. These disor peptide or compound. The analgesic peptide or compound ders include diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, hyperthy can be covalently attached to a peptide described herein or roidism, hypocalcaemia, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's it can be a separate agent that is administered together with disease, spinal cord lesions, Neurofibromatosis, autonomic 30 or sequentially with a peptide described herein in a combi neuropathy, Chagas disease, Hirschsprung's disease and nation therapy. The peptides described herein may also be Cystic fibrosis. Constipation may also be the result of administered in combination with other agents used to treat Surgery (postoperative ileus) or due to the use of drugs such GI disorders including antidepressants, promotility or pro as (like ), antihypertensives, anticonvul kinetic agents, antiemetics, antibiotics, proton pump inhibi sants, antidepressants, antispasmodics and antipsychotics. 35 tors, acid blockers (e.g., histamine H2 receptor antagonists), In other embodiments, the gastrointestinal disorder is acid pump antagonists, PDE5 inhibitors, GABA-B agonists, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The irritable bowel syn bile acid sequestrants, and mucosal protecting agents. drome can be constipation-predominant irritable bowel syn In some embodiments, useful analgesic agents that may drome (c-IBS), diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syn be used with the peptides described herein include Ca drome (d-IBS) or alternating between the two irritable bowel 40 channel blockers (e.g., Ziconotide), 5HT receptor antago syndromes (a-IBS). nists (e.g., 5HT3, 5HT4 and 5HT1 receptor antagonists), In other embodiments, the gastrointestinal disorder is 5HT4 agonists (e.g., Zelnorm.R. mosapride, dyspepsia. Zacopride, cisapride, renzapride, Resolor R. In other embodiments, the gastrointestinal disorder is benzimidazolone derivatives such as BIMU 1 and BIMU 8, gastroparesis. The gastroparesis can be selected from idio- 45 and lirexapride), 5HT1 agonists (e.g., Sumatriptan and bus pathic, diabetic or post-Surgical gastroparesis. pirone), receptor agonists (e.g., , fedo In still other embodiments, the gastrointestinal disorder is toZine, pentapeptide, , diphenyloxy chronic intestinal pseudo obstruction. late, frakefamide, and ), CCK receptor In other embodiments, the gastrointestinal disorder is agonists (e.g., loxiglumide and dexloxiglumide), NK1 Crohn's disease. 50 receptor antagonists (e.g., aprepitant, Vofopiitant, eZlopitant, In some embodiments, the gastrointestinal disorder is R-673 (Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd), SR-48968 and SR-14033, ulcerative colitis. (Sanofi Synthelabo), CP-122,721 (Pfizer, Inc.), GW679769 In some embodiments, the gastrointestinal disorder is (Glaxo Smith Kline) and TAK-637 (Takeda/Abbot)), NK2 inflammatory bowel disease. receptor antagonists (e.g., nepadutant, saredutant, In another embodiment, the gastrointestinal disorder is 55 GW5975.99 (Glaxo Smith Kline), SR-144190 (Sanofi-Syn visceral pain. thelabo) and UK-290795 (Pfizer Inc)), NK3 receptor antago In a further embodiment, the present invention features a nists (e.g., osanetant (SR-142801; Sanofi-Synthelabo), method for decreasing gastrointestinal pain or visceral pain SR-241586 and talnetant), norepinephrine-serotonin in a patient, the method comprising, administering to the reuptake inhibitors (NSRI) (e.g., milnacipran), mixed and patient a pharmaceutical composition comprising of peptide 60 selective dopamine receptor antagonists (e.g.—metoclopr described herein. The peptide agonists described herein can amide, itopride, domperidone), Vanilloid and cannabanoid be used alone or in combination therapy for the treatment, receptor agonists, sialorphin and Sialorphin-related peptides. prevention or reduction of visceral pain associated with a Analgesics agents in the various classes are described in the gastrointestinal disorder or pain associated with another literature. disorder. 65 In some embodiments, one or more other therapeutic In another embodiment, the invention features a method agents may be used in combination with the peptides for treating inflammation, including inflammation of the described herein. Such agents include antidepressants, pro US 9,708.371 B2 25 26 motility or prokinetic agents, antiemetics, antibiotics, proton longer intervals are possible. While in many cases it is pump inhibitors, acid blockers (e.g., histamine H2 receptor desirable that the two or more agents used in a combination antagonists), acid pump antagonists, PDE5 inhibitors, therapy be present in within the patient’s body at the same GABA-B agonists, bile acid sequestrants, and mucosal time, this need not be so. protecting agents. Dosage Examples of antidepressants include, without limitation, The dose range for adult humans may be generally from tricyclic antidepressants such as (ElavilR), 5ug to 100 mg/day orally of the peptides described herein. (Norpramin(R), (TofranilR), amox Tablets, capsules, or other forms of presentation provided in apine (AsendinR), ; the selective serotonin discrete units may conveniently contain an amount of com reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) such as paroxetine (PaxilR), 10 fluoxetine (ProzacR), sertraline (Zoloft(R), and citralopram pound described herein which is effective at such dosage or (CelexaR); and others such as doxepin (Sinequan R) and as a multiple of the same, for instance, units containing 25 trazodone (Desyrel(R). ug to 2 mg or around 100 ug to 1 mg. The precise amount Examples of promotility and prokinetic agents include, of compound prescribed to a patient will be the responsi without limitation, itopride, , bethanechol, meto 15 bility of the attendant physician. However, the dose clopramide (ReglanR), domperidone (Motilium(R), erythro employed will depend on a number of factors, including the mycin (and derivatives thereof) and cisapride (Propulsider). age and sex of the patient, the precise disorder being treated, An example of antiemetics includes, without limitation, and its severity. prochlorperazine. In other embodiments, the dose is 50 g. 67.5ug. 100 ug, Examples of antibiotics that may be used include those 133 Lig, 145ug. 150 ug. 200g, 266 ug. 290 ug. 300 ug, 400 that may be used to treat Heliobacter pylori infections, such ug, 500 g or 600 ug per day orally. as amoxicillin, tetracycline, metronidazole, or clarithromy In various embodiments, the dosage unit is administered cin. Other antibiotics such as erythromycin and derivatives with food at any time of the day, without food at any time thereof may also be used in combination with the peptides of the day, with food after an overnight fast (e.g. with described herein. 25 breakfast), at bedtime after a low fat snack. Examples of proton pump inhibitors include, without In one particular embodiment, the dosage unit is admin limitation, omeprazole (PrilosecR), esomeprazole istered prior to or Subsequent to food consumption (e.g., a (Nexium(R), lansoprazole (PrevacidR), pantoprazole (Pro meal). tonix(R) and rabeprazole (Aciphex(R). Examples of H2 In a further embodiment, the dosage unit is administered receptor blockers include, without limitation, including 30 approximately 15 minutes to 1 hour prior to food consump cimetidine, ranitidine, famotidine and nizatidine. Examples tion. of acid pump antagonists include, without limitation, In various embodiments, the dosage unit is administered revaprazan, CS-526 (J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. (2007) 323: once a day, twice a day, three times a day, four times a day, 308-317), PF-03716556 (J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. (2009) five times a day or six times a day. In certain embodiments 328(2):671-9), and YH1885 (Drug Metab. Dispos. (2001) 35 the dosage unit and daily dose are equivalent. 29(1):54-9). The precise amount of each of the two or more active Examples of PDE5 inhibitors include, without limitation, ingredients in a dosage unit will depend on the desired avanafil, lodenafil, mirodenafil, sildenafil citrate, tadalafil, dosage of each component. Thus, it can be useful to create Vardenafil and udenafil. GABA-B agonists include, without a dosage unit that will, when administered according to a limitation, baclofen and XP 19986 (CAS Registry No. 40 particular dosage schedule (e.g., a dosage schedule specify 847353-30-4). Examples of bile acid sequestrants include, ing a certain number of units and a particular timing for without limitation, GT102-279, cholestyramine, coleseve administration), deliver the same dosage of each component lam, colesevelam hydrochloride, urSodeoxycholic acid, as would be administered if the patient was being treated colestipol, colestilan, sevelamer, polydiallylamine cross with only a single component. linked with epichlorohydrin, dialkylaminoalkyl derivatives 45 In other circumstances, it might be desirable to create a of a cross-linked dextran, and N-(cycloalkyl)alkylamines. dosage unit that will deliver a dosage of one or more Examples of mucosal protecting agents include, without components that is less than that which would be adminis limitation, Sucralfate (Carafate), teprenone, polaprezinc, tered if the patient was being treated only with a single cetraxate and bismuth Subsalicyclate. component. Combination therapy can be achieved by administering 50 Finally, it might be desirable to create a dosage unit that two or more agents, e.g., a peptide described herein and will deliver a dosage of one or more components that is another therapeutic peptide or compound, each of which is greater than that which would be administered if the patient formulated and administered separately, or by administering was being treated only with a single component. two or more agents in a single formulation. Other combi The pharmaceutical composition can include additional nations are also encompassed by combination therapy. For 55 ingredients including but not limited to the excipients example, two agents can be formulated together and admin described herein. In certain embodiments, one or more istered in conjunction with a separate formulation containing therapeutic agents of the dosage unit may exist in an a third agent. While the two or more agents in the combi extended or control release formulation and additional thera nation therapy can be administered simultaneously, they peutic agents may not exist in extended release formulation. need not be. For example, administration of a first agent (or 60 For example, a peptide or agonist described herein may exist combination of agents) can precede administration of a in a controlled release formulation or extended release second agent (or combination of agents) by minutes, hours, formulation in the same dosage unit with another agent that days, or weeks. Thus, the two or more agents can be may or may not be in either a controlled release or extended administered within minutes of each other or within 1, 2, 3, release formulation. Thus, in certain embodiments, it may be 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, or 24 hours of each other or within 1, 2, 3, 65 desirable to provide for the immediate release of one or more 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14 days of each other or within 2, 3, of the agents described herein, and the controlled release of 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10 weeks of each other. In some cases even one or more other agents. US 9,708.371 B2 27 28 The present invention has been described with reference and centrifuged at 1,000xg for 10 min to remove any cell to certain exemplary embodiments thereof. However, it will debris. The resulting supernatants were transferred in 90 be readily apparent to those skilled in the art that it is aliquots to new 96-well plates and neutralized to pH 7 with possible to embody the invention in specific forms other 90 uL of 1 M ammonium acetate. The centrifuged and neutralized T84 cell lysates were analyzed using liquid than those of the exemplary embodiments described above. chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry detection This may be done without departing from the spirit of the (LC/MS/MS). The method outlined in Table 1 was used to invention. The exemplary embodiments are merely illustra quantify the concentration of guanosine 3',5'-cyclic mono tive and should not be considered restrictive in any way. The phosphate (cGMP) in each cell lysate sample. Cyclic GMP Scope of the invention is defined by the appended claims and purchased from Sigma (P/N G6129) was used to prepare a their equivalents, rather than by the preceding description. 10 standard curve in 0.1 MHC1. Each standard was neutralized with an equal volume of ammonium acetate, resulting in a EXAMPLES cGMP standard curve ranging from 1 to 1,024 nM (final concentration). The GC-C agonist peptides or pharmaceutically accept The cyclic GMP concentrations were determined from able salts thereofas described herein were prepared by solid 15 each sample using the LC/MS conditions (Table 1 below) phase chemical synthesis and natural folding (air oxidation) and calculated Standard curve. Analyte peak areas were used by American Peptide Company (Sunnyvale, Calif.). In some to generate a 1/x2-weighted linear calibration curve, which cases, the peptides were modified after synthesis as was used to extrapolate the coMP concentration in each described herein. The Cys'-O-Ketone peptide was synthe sample. The half maximal effective concentration ( sized, for example, by adding 1.5 L methanol/dimethylfor value for each test article was generated using GraphPad mamide (9:1 V/v) and 28.8 g. 3,5-di-tert-butyl-1,2-benzoqui Prism Version 5.01 (GraphPad Software, San Diego, Calif.). none (10 equivalents) to 20 g (13.1 mmol) of linaclotide and To determine the differences in EC50 values were statisti was stirred for 1 hour at room temperature. Schiff base cally significant, the average activity curve of each drug formation was monitored by HPLC. Once all the linaclotide product degradant was compared to a linaclotide control was consumed, 17 L of 0.1 M HCl were added in and the 25 using the F-test in the GraphPad software. For these com reaction mixture was stirred for 2 days. The reaction mixture parisons, a p-value was determined, with a values 0.05 was filtered, extracted twice with dichloromethane, and the indicating a significant difference in GC-C agonist activity. resulting aqueous solution was applied to a preparative scale reverse-phase HPLC C-18 column to purify the Cys'-O- TABLE 1. Ketone. The HPLC column used in preparative HPLC was 30 a 2-inch-diameter, Cs column equilibrated with mobile LC/MS Parameters for the Quantitation of coMP in T84 Cells phase A (0.05% acetic acid in water). Unbound material was MS: Thermo Quantum washed with mobile phase A at a flow rate of 100 mL/min, Ion Mode: Electrospray, positive mode (ESI) and peptide-related material was eluted with a linear gradi Scan Mulitple reaction monitoring (MRM) ent of mobile phase B (acetonitrile) from 10% to 40% over 35 Type: 60 minutes. Fractions containing CyS1-Ketone were pooled Com- Dwell Collision Retention followed by solvent removal through lyophilization. pound: Time Energy Tube Time LLOQ cGMP Transition (mSec) (V) Lens (min) (nM) Example 1: coMP Accumulation in T84 Cells for Analysis of GC-C Activity 40 346 - 152 100 28 139 O.8 1 HPLC: Waters Acquity UPLC T84 cells, a human colon carcinoma cell line, were Column: Hypersil Gold C18, 2.1 x 50 mm, 1.9 um obtained from ATCC (P/N CCL-248) and cultured in T-150 Guard Hypersil Gold, 2.1 x 10 mm, 1.9 um Column: flasks to 60-70% confluency. The monolayers were lifted Flow 400 L/min with trypsin and used to seed 96-well tissue culture plates 45 Rate: (Costar, P/N 3596) at a cell density of 2.0x10 cells/well, Column RoomTemperature which were grown overnight in a 5% carbon dioxide envi Temp: Auto- 6° C. ronment with 2 mM Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium sampler (DMEM)/F-12 50/50 nutrient mixture supplemented with Temp: 5% fetal bovine serum (FBS) and L-glutamine (Mediatech, 50 Injection 20 IL P/Ns 10-092-CV, 35-0150CV, and 25-005-C1, respectively). Volume: After overnight incubation, 96-well plates seeded with Mobile A = 0.1% formic acid in 982 waterfacetonitrile 2.0x10 cells/well were washed twice with 0.2 mL of Phases: B = 0.1% formic acid in 298 waterfacetonitrile DMEM (Mediatech, P/N 10-013-CV) without added supple Time (min) % A % B ments. To inhibit any phophodiesterase activity, the cells 55 Gradient: O 1OO O were incubated with 0.180 mL of 1 mM 3-isobutyl-1- O.S 60 40 methylxanthine (IBMX: Sigma P/N 15879) in DMEM for 1.1 60 40 10 min at 37° C. Standard curves ranging from 0.1 to 10,000 1.75 5 95 nM (final concentration) were prepared for each test article 2.5 5 9 using a Hamilton Microlab Robot (Model STARlet). The 60 2.6 1OO O GC-C activity assay was conducted by incubating 0.02 mL of each Standard with 0.180 mL of 1 mM IBMX in DMEM in a 96-well plate for 30 minutes at 37° C. After the Example 2: Relative Binding Affinity of Exemplary incubation, the Supernatants were removed and the cells Peptides to the GC-C Receptor of T84 Cells were lysed with cold 0.1 M hydrochloric acid (HCl) for 30 65 min on ice. A volume of 175 uL/well of each lysate was The relative binding affinities of linaclotide and Cys'-O- transferred to new 96-well plates (Waters, P/N 186002481) Ketone to the guanylate cyclase-C receptor (GC-C) were US 9,708.371 B2 29 30 determined using a competitive-binding assay in which the Example 4: Measurement of Content and Purity of peptides competed with a known GC-C agonist, porcine Exemplary Peptides derived heat-stable enterotoxin (pSTa), for binding sites on cell-surface GC-C receptors on human colonic epithelial Cys'-O-Ketone Peptide (T84) cells. The pSTa, i.e. MM 416251, was radiolabeled 5 Linaclotide drug product (as described in US 2010/ with 'I to enable measurement of its receptor binding. The 0048489, incorporated by reference herein) was stressed by competitive-binding assay was performed by adding various incubating 20 g of drug product beads containing 1 mg of concentrations of each peptide (0.1 to 3,000 nM) to 0.20 mL linaclotide sprayed onto 224-mg Avicel beads for two reaction mixtures containing Dulbecco's modified Eagle's months at 40°C. with 75% RH. The peptide-related material 10 was extracted from the beads with 20 mL of 0.1 NHCl and medium (DMEM), 0.5% bovine serum albumin (BSA), gentle agitation in a vortex mixer for one hour at room 2.0x10T84 cells, and 170 pM 'I-pSTa (200,000 cpm). temperature. The resulting Suspension was centrifuged at After incubation at 37° C. for 60 min, the reaction mixtures 1,000xg for five minutes to pellet the beads and the super were applied to glass-fiber filters by vacuum filtration to natent containing extracted peptides was lyophilized. The isolate receptor-bound material. The concentration of bound 15 dried sample was reconstituted in 2.5 mL of 0.1 NHCl and radioligand trapped on the filter was then measured by Cys-C-Ketone was isolated and purified by preparative Scintillation counting. For each peptide, the reaction with the HPLC using method as follows A YMC ProTM C18 column lowest amount of competitor was used to determine the (dimensions: 3.0x150 mm, 3.5 um, 120 A; Waters Corp., maximal specific binding of the radioligand. The non Milford, Mass.) or equivalent is used and is maintained at specific binding of ''Il-pSTa was measured in the reac 40° C. Mobile phase A (MPA) consists of 98:2 water/ tions containing 3,000 nm of each test peptide. The data acetonitrile containing 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid while were used to construct competitive radioligand-binding mobile phase B (MPB) consists of 5:95 waterfacetonitrile curves and determine the relative binding affinities of lina containing 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid. Elution of the peptides clotide and Cys'-O-Ketone, as measured by their ICso and K, is accomplished with a gradient from 82% to 78% MPA and values. 25 18% to 22% MPB in 12 minutes followed by a ramp to 50% Both linaclotide and Cys'-O-Ketone competitively inhib MPA and 50% MPB in 1 minute with a 3 minute hold at 50% MPA and 50% MPB followed by a wash of 82% MPA and ited the specific binding of ''Il-pSTa to cell-surface GC-C 18% MPB for 7 minutes. The flow rate is 0.6 mL/min and receptors on T84 cells. Their relative binding affinities, as detection is accomplished by UV at 220 nm. measured by their inhibition constants (K), were as follows: 30 Fractions were collected manually and those containing Linaclotide K, 3.9-t1.6 nM and Cys'-O-Ketone K-5.2+0.9 Cys'-O-Ketone were pooled and lyophilized to dryness. The nM (FIG. 1). dried residue was reconstituted in 1.6 mL of water to give a final concentration of 0.5 mg/mL and was stored frozen at Example 3: cQMP Response in T84 Cells Induced -20°C. An aliquot of purified Cys'-O-Ketone was tested by by Exemplary Peptides 35 analytical HPLC with the method described below and purity was determined to be 90.7%. Content and purity of the peptides of the present invention Linaclotide and Cys'-O-Ketone were tested for guanylate may be determined by reverse phase gradient liquid chro cyclase-C (GC-C) agonist activity in T84 cells as follows. In matography using an Agilent Series 1100 LC System with each well of a 96-well plate, approximately 200,000 T84 40 Chemistation Rev A.09.03 software or equivalent. A YMC cells/well was first incubated with 1 mM 3-isobutyl-1- ProTM C18 column (dimensions: 3.0x150 mm, 3.5 um, 120 methylxanthine (IBMX) in 0.18 mL of Dulbecco's modified A: Waters Corp., Milford, Mass.) or equivalent is used and is maintained at 40° C. Mobile phase A (MPA) consists of Eagle's medium (DMEM) for 10 minutes at 37° C. Each water with 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid while mobile phase B peptide was diluted to final concentrations ranging from 0.1 45 (MPB) consists of 95% acetonitrile:5% water with 0.1% to 10,000 nM, and 0.02 mL of each dilution was added in trifluoroacetic acid. Elution of the peptides is accomplished duplicate to a 96-well plate containing the T84 cells, for a with a gradient from 0% MPB for 4 minutes followed by final volume of 0.2 mL per well. The peptide reactions were 10% MPB for 5 minutes followed by 23% MPB for 34 incubated for 30 min at 37° C. Following the incubation, the minutes followed by 34% MPB for 6 minutes followed by Supernatants were removed and discarded and the cells were 50 80% MPB for 10 minutes. Re-equilibration of the column is lysed with cold 0.1 M hydrochloric acid (HCl) for 30 min on performed by returning to 0% MPB in 1 minute followed by ice. The cell debris was removed by centrifugation and the a 7 minute hold at 100% MPA. The flow rate is 0.6 mL/min concentration of guanosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cy and detection is accomplished by UV at 220 nm. clic GMP) in each lysate was determined using liquid An example of an analysis of linaclotide and Cys'-O- 55 Ketone product by RP-HPLC is shown in FIG. 3. chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry. The data The contents of the purified peptides were measured by were used to construct dose-response curves and calculate determining the peptide concentration in the prepared half-maximal effective concentration (ECs) values for each sample against a similarly prepared external peptide stan test article. dard. Linaclotide and Cys'-O-Ketone showed GC-C agonist 60 activity in T84 cells, as measured by the increase in intra Other Embodiments cellular cGMP (FIG. 2). The ECso values for linaclotide and All publications and patents referred to in this disclosure Cys'-O-Ketone were 315+105-nM and 352+55 nM, respec are incorporated herein by reference to the same extent as if tively. Comparison of the dose-response curve of linaclotide 65 each individual publication or patent application were spe to that of Cys'-O-Ketone using the F-test indicated that the cifically and individually indicated to be incorporated by ECso values are not statistically different (p=0.8884). reference. Should the meaning of the terms in any of the US 9,708.371 B2 31 32 patents or publications incorporated by reference conflict invention. One skilled in the art will readily recognize from with the meaning of the terms used in this disclosure, the Such discussion and from the accompanying drawings and meaning of the terms in this disclosure are intended to be claims, that various changes, modifications and variations controlling. Furthermore, the foregoing discussion discloses can be made therein without departing from the spirit and and describes merely exemplary embodiments of the present Scope of the invention as defined in the following claims.



<21 Os SEQ ID NO 1 &211s LENGTH: 14 212s. TYPE: PRT <213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence 22 Os. FEATURE: <223> OTHER INFORMATION: Synthetically generated peptide 22 Os. FEATURE: <221s NAME/KEY: DISULFID <222s. LOCATION: (1) . . (6) 22 Os. FEATURE: <221s NAME/KEY: DISULFID <222s. LOCATION: (2) ... (10) 22 Os. FEATURE: <221s NAME/KEY: DISULFID <222s. LOCATION: (5) . . (13)

<4 OOs SEQUENCE: 1 Cys Cys Glu Tyr Cys Cys Asn Pro Ala Cys Thr Gly Cys Tyr 1. 5 1O

<21 Os SEQ ID NO 2 &211s LENGTH: 14 212s. TYPE: PRT <213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence 22 Os. FEATURE: <223> OTHER INFORMATION: Synthetically generated peptide 22 Os. FEATURE: <221s NAME/KEY: MISC FEATURE <222s. LOCATION: (1) . . (1) <223> OTHER INFORMATION: Xaa1 is a Cys, wherein the alpha-amine of the Cys is deaminated. 22 Os. FEATURE: <221s NAME/KEY: DISULFID <222s. LOCATION: (1) . . (6) <223> OTHER INFORMATION: Disulfide bond is between the deaminated alpha-amine of Xaa1 and Cys 6. 22 Os. FEATURE: <221s NAME/KEY: DISULFID <222s. LOCATION: (2) ... (10) 22 Os. FEATURE: <221s NAME/KEY: DISULFID <222s. LOCATION: (5) . . (13)

<4 OOs SEQUENCE: 2 Xaa Cys Glu Tyr Cys Cys Asn Pro Ala Cys Thr Gly Cys Tyr 1. 5 1O

<21 Os SEQ ID NO 3 &211s LENGTH: 14 212s. TYPE: PRT <213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence 22 Os. FEATURE: <223> OTHER INFORMATION: Synthetically generated peptide 22 Os. FEATURE: <221s NAME/KEY: MISC FEATURE <222s. LOCATION: (1) . . (6) <223> OTHER INFORMATION: Trisulfide bond between Cys1 and Cys6. 22 Os. FEATURE: <221s NAME/KEY: DISULFID <222s. LOCATION: (2) ... (10) 22 Os. FEATURE: <221s NAME/KEY: DISULFID <222s. LOCATION: (5) . . (13)

<4 OOs SEQUENCE: 3 US 9,708.371 B2 33 34 - Continued

Cys Cys Glu Tyr Cys Cys Asn Pro Ala Cys Thr Gly Cys Tyr 1.

SEQ ID NO 4 LENGTH: 14 TYPE PRT ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence FEATURE: OTHER INFORMATION: Synthetically generated peptide FEATURE: NAME/KEY: DISULFID LOCATION: (1) . . (6) FEATURE: NAME/KEY: DISULFID LOCATION: (2) ... (10) FEATURE: NAME/KEY: MISC FEATURE LOCATION: (5) . . (13) OTHER INFORMATION: Trisulfide bond between Cys5 and Cys13. SEQUENCE: 4 Cys Cys Glu Tyr Cys Cys Asn Pro Ala Cys Thr Gly Cys Tyr 1.

SEO ID NO 5 LENGTH: 14 TYPE PRT ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence FEATURE: OTHER INFORMATION: Synthetically generated sequence FEATURE: NAME/KEY: DISULFID LOCATION: (1) . . (6) FEATURE: NAME/KEY: MISC FEATURE LOCATION: (2) ... (10) OTHER INFORMATION: Trisulfide bond between Cys2 and Cys10. FEATURE: NAME/KEY: DISULFID LOCATION: (5) . . (13)

< 4 OOs SEQUENCE: 5 Cys Cys Glu Tyr Cys Cys Asn Pro Ala Cys Thr Gly Cys Tyr 1.

SEQ ID NO 6 LENGTH: 14 TYPE PRT ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence FEATURE: OTHER INFORMATION: Synthetically generated peptide FEATURE: NAME/KEY: MISC FEATURE LOCATION: (1) ... (1) OTHER INFORMATION: Xaa1 is a Cys, wherein the alpha-amine of the Cys which is cross-linked to the amine group of Cys2 to form an imidazolidinone 5 membered ring at the N-terminus of the peptide. FEATURE: NAME/KEY: DISULFID LOCATION: (1) . . (6) OTHER INFORMATION: Disulfide bond is between the imidazolidinone 5-membered ring of Xaa1 and Cys6. FEATURE: NAME/KEY: DISULFID LOCATION: (2) ... (10 FEATURE: NAME/KEY: DISULFID LOCATION: (5) . . (13)

< 4 OOs SEQUENCE: 6 Xaa Cys Glu Tyr Cys Cys Asn Pro Ala Cys Thr Gly Cys Tyr 1. US 9,708.371 B2 35 36 - Continued


< 4 OOs SEQUENCE: 7 Cys Cys Glu Tyr Cys Cys Asp Pro Ala Cys Thr Gly Cys Tyr 1.


< 4 OOs SEQUENCE: 8 Cys Cys Glu Tyr Cys Cys Asn Pro Ala Cys Thr Gly Cys Tyr 1.


< 4 OOs SEQUENCE: 9 Cys Cys Glu Tyr Cys Cys Asn Pro Ala Cys Thr Gly Cys 1. US 9,708.371 B2 37 38 What is claimed is: iii. the peptide consisting of the amino acid structure of: 1. A peptide or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof, wherein the peptide comprises the amino acid structure of CH3CO-Cys-Cys-Glu-Tyr-Cys-Cys-Asn-Pro-Ala-Cys-Thr-Gly-Cys S-S- S-S S-S O (SEQ ID NO:8) Cys-Glu-Tyr-Cys-Cys-Asn-Pro-Ala-Cys-Thr-Gly-Cys-Tyr-OH: -Tyr-OH: -s-s- 10 S-S- (SEQID NO: 2) iv. the peptide consisting of the amino acid structure of: and the peptide activates the guanylate cyclase C receptor. 15 - 2. The peptide or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt H-Cys-Cys-Glu-Tyr-Cys-C to is no prol thereof according to claim 1, wherein the peptide consists of the amino acid structure of - S-S "" (SEQID NO:9) 2O O 7. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 4, further comprising Cys-Glu-Tyr-Cys-Cys-Asn-Pro-Ala-Cys-Thr-Gly-Cys-Tyr-OH. -s-s- i. linaclotide; or S-S- 25 ii. the peptide or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt (SEQID NO: 2) thereof consisting of the amino acid structure of

3. The peptide or pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof H-Cys-Cys-Glu-Tyr-Cys-Cys-Asn-Pro-Ala-Cys-Thr-Gly-Cys-Tyr-OH. according to claim 2, wherein said peptide or pharmaceuti 30 cally acceptable salt thereof is isolated or purified. --- 4. A pharmaceutical composition comprising the peptide (SEQID NO: 1) or pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof according to claim 2. 35 8. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 7 5. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 4 further further comprising one or more agents selected from (i) a comprising linaclotide, wherein the peptide or pharmaceu cation selected from Mg, Ca", Zn", Mn, K", Na" or tically acceptable salt thereof comprises between 0.01-5% Al", or (ii) a naturally-occurring amino acid. by weight compared to the weight of linaclotide in the 9. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 8. pharmaceutical composition. 40 wherein said Mg, Cat, Zn, Mn, K", Na" or Al is provided as magnesium acetate, magnesium chloride, mag 6. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 4, further nesium phosphate, magnesium sulfate, calcium acetate, cal comprising linaclotide and one or more peptides selected cium chloride, calcium phosphate, calcium sulfate, Zinc from: acetate, Zinc chloride, Zinc phosphate, Zinc sulfate, manga i. the peptide consisting of the amino acid structure of 45 nese acetate, manganese chloride, manganese phosphate, manganese Sulfate, potassium acetate, potassium chloride, potassium phosphate, potassium sulfate, Sodium acetate, S-S Sodium chloride, Sodium phosphate, , alumi O O num acetate, aluminum chloride, aluminum phosphate or HN 50 aluminum Sulfate. \l- N 10. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 8. wherein the naturally-occurring amino acid is histidine, severS-S uproops phenylalanine, alanine, glutamic acid, aspartic acid, gluta (SEQID NO: 6) mine, leucine, methionine, asparagine, tyrosine, threonine, 55 isoleucine, tryptophan or valine. 11. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 10, wherein said pharmaceutical composition further com ii. the peptide consisting of the amino acid structure of prises Mg, Ca", Zn, Mn, K, Na" or Al". 12. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 60 11, wherein said Mg, Ca", Zn, Mn, K, Na" or Al" is provided as magnesium acetate, magnesium chloride, troops up to prol magnesium phosphate, magnesium Sulfate, calcium acetate, S-S |-s-s calcium chloride, calcium phosphate, calcium Sulfate, Zinc S-S acetate, Zinc chloride, Zinc phosphate, Zinc sulfate, manga (SEQSEOID NO: 7 ) 65 nese acetate, manganese chloride, manganese phosphate, manganese Sulfate, potassium acetate, potassium chloride, potassium phosphate, potassium sulfate, Sodium acetate, US 9,708.371 B2 39 40 Sodium chloride, Sodium phosphate, Sodium sulfate, alumi 22. The dosage unit according to claim 19, wherein each num acetate, aluminum chloride, aluminum phosphate or of said dosage units comprises 290 ug or 145 lug of linac aluminum Sulfate. lotide. 13. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 8 23. A method for increasing intestinal motility in a patient, further comprising an antioxidant, a pharmaceutically the method comprising administering to the patient an acceptable binder or additive, a pharmaceutically acceptable effective amount of the pharmaceutical composition accord filler, or an additional therapeutic agent. ing to claim 7. 14. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 24. A method for treating a gastrointestinal disorder 13, wherein said antioxidant is BHA, vitamin E or propyl comprising administering the pharmaceutical composition gallate. 10 15. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim according to claim 7 or 5. 13, wherein the pharmaceutically acceptable binder or addi 25. The method of claim 24, wherein the gastrointestinal tive is selected from polyvinyl alcohol, polyvinyl pyrroli disorder is selected from the group consisting of irritable done (povidone), a starch, maltodextrin or a cellulose ether. bowel syndrome (IBS), constipation, a functional gastroin 16. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 15, wherein 15 testinal disorder, gastroesophageal reflux disease, functional the cellulose ether is selected from: methylcellulose, ethyl heartburn, dyspepsia, Visceral pain, gastroparesis, chronic cellulose, carboxymethylcellulose, hydroxyethyl cellulose, intestinal pseudo-obstruction, colonic pseudo-obstruction, hydroxyethyl methylcellulose, hydroxypropyl cellulose and Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, and inflammatory bowel hydroxypropyl methylcellulose. disease. 17. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 26. The method of claim 25, wherein the constipation is 13, wherein the pharmaceutically acceptable filler is cellu chronic constipation, idiopathic constipation, due to post lose, isomalt, mannitol or dibasic calcium phosphate. operative ileus, or caused by opiate use. 18. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 17, wherein 27. The method of claim 25, wherein the irritable bowel the cellulose is selected from microfine cellulose and micro syndrome is constipation-predominant irritable bowel syn crystalline cellulose. 25 drome (c-IBS), diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syn 19. A dosage unit comprising a pharmaceutical composi drome (d-IBS) or alternating between the two irritable bowel tion according to claim 7. syndromes (a-IBS). 20. The dosage unit according to claim 19, wherein said 28. The method according to claim 25, wherein said dosage unit is a capsule or tablet. gastroparesis is idiopathic, diabetic or post-Surgical gastro 21. The dosage unit according to claim 19, wherein each paresis. of said dosage units comprises 5 Lig to 1 mg of linaclotide.