Preliminary Results on Environmental Impact of Mining Activity on the Turţ Creek, Satu Mare County, Romania
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BIHAREAN BIOLOGIST 2008 - SUPPLEMENT FLORA ŞI FAUNA REZERVAŢIEI NATURALE „RÂUL TUR” THE FLORA AND FAUNA OF THE TUR RIVER NATURAL RESERVE Redactori / Editors: SIKE Tamás, MÁRK NAGY János Linguistically supervised by: SZODORAY - PARÁDI Abigél, ASZTALOS Ciprian, POPDAN Brăduţ, FETYKÓ Kinga University of Oradea Publishing House -2008- Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naţionale a României SIKE TAMÁS Flora şi fauna rezervaţiei naturale "Râul tur" = The flora and fauna of the Tur River natural reserve : Biharean Biologist 2008, supplement / Sike Tamás, Márk- Nagy János. - Oradea : Editura Universităţii din Oradea, 2008 Bibliogr. ISBN 978-973-759-528-7 I. Márk-Nagy János 581.9(498)"Râul tur" TEHNOREDACTARE: Sike Tamás TIRAJ: 200 ex. ISBN 978-973-759-528-7 Biharean Biologist ISSN: 1843-5637 University of Oradea, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Biology Journal Editors: Marius I. Groza & Noemi (Szeibel) Balint Journal Associate Editors: Sara Ferenti, Anamaria David, Anamaria Toth & Nicoleta R. Radu Journal Reviewers: Sabin Burcă (Oradea, Romania), Cristian Blidar (Oradea, Romania), Severus D. Covaciu-Marcov (Oradea, Romania), Diana Cupsa (Oradea, Romania), Carmen Gache (Iassy, Romania), Iordache Ion (Iassy, Romania), Ilie Telcean (Oradea, Romania), Nicolae Tomescu (Cluj-Napoca, Romania) CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE LEAFHOPPER FAUNA OF THE PROTECTED AREAS ALONG THE RIVER TUR (HOMOPTERA: AUCHENORRHYNCHA). András OROSZ Hungarian Natural History Museum, H-1088 Budapest, Baross u. 13, Hungary Abstract: Based on recently collected materials, 91 species of altogether 69 genera belonging to 5 auchenorrhynchous families are reported from the protected areas along the river Tur; a further species is recorded based only on previous literature data. Rezumat: Contribuţii la studiul faunei de Auchenorrhyncha în „Rezervaţiei Naturale Râul Tur”. 91 specii reprezentând 69 de genuri din 5 familii de Auchenorrhyncha au fost semnalate în Rezervaţia Naturală „Râul Tur” pe baza materialelor recent colectate, iar o altă specie pe baza literaturii publicate despre regiune. Introduction The first and only comprehensive paper on the Hemiptera fauna of the Carpathian Basin was published by Horváth (1897) in the volume Fauna Regni Hungariae. In this work, only a single species is recorded from the areas investigated during the present study: (Cicadellidae) „Deltocephalus Linnéi Fieb. — Túr-Terebes” [currently Arocephalus longiceps (Kirschbaum, 1868)]. However, several common or frequent species were also captured by Horváth in these areas, but in case of these species he only noted that they are frequent all over Hungary or the part of the country etc. („in regione haud frequens” or „per totum regnum frequens”), without presenting exact locality data. Unfortunately, homopterologists after Horváth did not pay attention to the fauna of Satu Mare County. Therefore, the present study is the first detailed contribution to the auchenorrhynchous fauna of the territories along the river Tur, and it can serve as a basis for future investigations of the neighbouring Hungarian areas as well. Material and method The protected areas along the river Tur (Rezervaţia Naturală „Râul Tur”) contain for the most part habitats between and along flood-preventing dikes colonized mainly of pastures and meadows, diversified sporadically by intermixed riparian woods and gallery forests. The woodland communities are composed mostly by oak, alder and poplar trees, frequently with blackthorn (Prunus spinosa L.) at the shrub level. Several 55 FLORA ŞI FAUNA REZERVAŢIEI NATURALE „RÂUL TUR” riverine willow formations occur in the territory, sometimes intermixed with poplars. Poaceans are dominant at the grass level with the occurrence of many species of herbaceous plants. A diverse auchenorrhynchous fauna lives on the diversified vegetation. The investigated material was collected only in the early summer of 2006, therefore these are only preliminary data to the knowledge of the area. Future collectings in other seasons with other methods undoubtedly will increase the number of recorded species considerably. 91 species of altogether 69 genera belonging to 5 auchenorrhynchous families are listed below; the species reported by Horváth was not captured during the present study. The materials were collected primarily by sweep-netting, in a smaller part by beating and at UV light; only very few specimens were captured by pitfall trap. The list of investigated localities is given below. In the list of the species, in order to avoid space-filling repetitions, only the numbers referring to the above collecting data are given except of the very common species frequent in all localities which are marked with „EFR” (= everywhere frequent). In some species which were found only in very small number, the sex of the specimen(s) is also noted (M = male, F = female). Further abbreviations: FK = legit Kinga Fetyko, OA = legit András Orosz, LT = light trap. Voucher specimen(s) are deposited in the Hungarian Natural History Museum and in the Satu Mare County Museum (Muzeul Judeţean Satu Mare). The classification and name of species are given according to the Palaearctic catalogue compiled by Nast (1972), but later taxonomic and/or nomenclatural changes were taken into consideration. The following works were used for the identification first of all: Biedermann et al (2004), Holzinger et al (2003), Ossiannilsson (1978, 1981, 1983) and Ribaut (1936, 1952). List of localities: 1. Micula, (Mikola, Mikolai-erdő), 11. 06. 2006. FK. 2. Gherţa Mica (Kisgérce, pasture near Turulung-Vii), 12. 06. 2006. FK. 3. Micula, (Mikola, Mikolai-legelő), 12. 06. 2006. FK. 4. Halmeu, (Halmi, Kökényesdi-erdő), 13. 06. 2006. FK. 5. Adrian, (Adorján, Adorjáni-erdő), 13. 06. 2006. FK. 6. Turulung-Vii, (Túrterebes-Szőlőhegy), LT, 01. 07. 2006. OA. 7. Turulung, (Túrterebes, Terebesi-legelő), 01. 07. 2006. OA. 8. Turulung-Vii, (Túrterebes-Szőlőhegy, fringing forest, oak wood), 02. 07. 2006. OA. 9. Gherta Mica, (Kisgérce, pasture near Turulung-Vii), 02. 07. 2006. OA. 10. Turulung, (Túrterebes, along Turc, Populus, Salix spp.), 02. 07. 2006. OA. 11. Micula, (Mikola, Mikolai-erdő), LT. 02. 07. 2006. OA. 12. Micula, (Mikolai-legelő), 03. 07. 2006. OA. 56 THE FLORA AND FAUNA OF THE TUR RIVER NATURAL RESERVE 13. Halmeu, (Halmi, Kökényesdi-erdő), LT. 03. 07. 2006. OA. 14. Halmeu, (Halmi, Kökényesdi-erdő), 04. 07. 2006. OA. 15. Porumbeşti, (Kökényesd, Kökényesdi-legelő), 04. 07. 2006. OA. 16. Halmeu, (Halmi, pasture along tide lands), 04. 07. 2006. OA. List of species FULGOROMORPHA Cixiidae Myndus musivus (Germar, 1825) — 10. — Eurasian, monophagous on Salix viminalis. Delphacidae Kelisia praecox Haupt, 1935 — 7, 8, 10, 14, 15. — Eurasian, hygrophilous, feeding on Carex spp. Eurysula lurida (Fieber, 1866) — 15, F. — Euro-Siberian, foodplants are Calamagrostis spp. Conomelus anceps (Germar, 1821) — 8, 9, 12, 15. — In the temperate regions of Europe, preferring humid, cool biotopes, on Juncus spp. Laodelphax striatellus (Fallén, 1826) — EFR. — A species with Trans- Palaearctic and Oriental distribution, eurytopic, it lives in dry and humid grasslands. Acanthodelphax spinosus (Fieber, 1866) — 7, M. — European, polyphagous, feeding on various grasses. Kosswigianella exigua (Boheman, 1847) — 7, 12. — European, xero- thermophilous species, feeds on Poaceae. Xanthodelphax stramineus (Stål, 1858) — 9, 15. — Euro-Siberian, Turanian species, feeds on Carex spp. Javesella dubia (Kirschbaum, 1868) — 8, 15. — Trans-Palaearctic species, living in humid grasslands. Javesella obscurella (Boheman, 1847) — 15. — Holarctic species, distributed in the boreal and meridional area, feeding on various grasses. Ribautodelphax albostriatus (Fieber, 1866) — 8, 9, 15. — Eurasian, xerophilous species, occuring in warm grasslands. Ribautodelphax collinus (Boheman, 1847) — 7, 12, 15. — Trans-Palaearctic species, distributed in the temperate and submeridional regions, feeding on various grasses. Issidae Ommatidiotus dissimilis (Fallén, 1806) — 12, F. — Eurasian species, foodplants are Eriophorum spp. 57 FLORA ŞI FAUNA REZERVAŢIEI NATURALE „RÂUL TUR” CICADOMORPHA Cercopidae Cercopis sanguinolenta (Scopoli, 1763) — 8, F. — European, Ponto-European species, thermophilous, feeding on various herbs. Lepyronia coleoptrata (Linnaeus, 1758) — EFR. — Eurytopic species distributed in the Trans-Palaearctic region, polyphagous. Neophilaenus campestris (Fallén, 1805) — 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 14, 15. — Eurasian, xero- thermophilous species, occurring in dry grasslands. Neophilaenus lineatus (Linnaeus, 1758) — EFR. — Holarctic, hygrophilous species, feeding on various grasses (e.g. Cyperaceae, Juncaceae). Aphrophora alni (Fallén, 1805) — EFR. — Trans-Palaearctic species, eurytopic, polyphagous, very common on diverse deciduous trees (Alnus, Betula, Salix spp.). Aphrophora salicina (Goeze, 1778) — EFR. — Very common Trans-Palaearctic species, living on various Populus and Salix spp. Philaenus spumarius (Linnaeus, 1758) — EFR. — Very common Holarctic, eurytopic species, polyphagous. Cicadellidae Utecha trivia (Germar, 1821) — 7, F. — Eurasian species with Pontian center of distribution, xero-thermophilous, feeding on Echium and Plantago spp. Megophthalmus scanicus (Fallén, 1806) — 8, M. — European species, found both in dry and humid grasslands. Oncopsis alni (Schrank, 1801) — 4, F. — Trans-Palaearctic species, feeding on Alnus spp. Oncopsis flavicollis (Linnaeus, 1761) — 4, F. — Trans-Palaearctic species, occurring on various deciduous trees (e.g. Alnus, Populus and Salix spp.). Macropsis albae Wagner, 1950