Curriculum Vitae Andrzej Ryś

PERSONAL INFORMATION Andrzej Ryś Office B-232 08/135 Rue de Breydel 4 (Brussels, Belgium) Telf: (+32) 229 69667 Emai: [email protected]


2014 - Present Director of Health Systems, Medical Products and Innovation Directorate DG SANTE, European Commission, Brussels ▪ Management of 5 units in the Directorate ▪ Development of health technology assessment legislation ▪ Implementation of EU legislation in the field of blood, tissues and organs transplantation, pharmaceuticals, tobacco products directive and patients' rights in cross border- health care ▪ International collaboration in the field of health and pharmaceuticals ▪ Working with stakeholders, including industry and professional organizations ▪ Member of IMI GB (from the beginning) and alternate member of EMA MB

2010 - 2014 Director of Health Systems and Products Directorate DG SANCO, European Commission, Brussels ▪ Management of 5 units in the Directorate ▪ Development of; tobacco products directive , clinical trials regulation, veterinary regulation ▪ Implantation of; patients' rights in cross border- health care directive and pharmaceutical regulations (including newly adopted pharmacovigilance and falsified medicines directives) ▪ Implementation of EU legislation in the field of blood, tissues and organs transplantation ▪ Development of new dossier in the field of health systems (suitability, health economics, work forces, investment in health, including structure funds) ▪ International collaboration in the field of health and pharmaceuticals ▪ Working with stakeholders, including industry and professional organizations ▪ Member of IMI GB (from the beginning) and alternate member of EMA MB

2006 - 2010 Director of Public Health and Risk Assessment Directorate DG SANCO, European Commission, Luxembourg-Brussels ▪ Ensuring effective planning and management of human (in 4 Brussels-based units and 4 Luxembourg-based units) and financial resources (Public Health Program) ▪ Formulation of policies for the Directorate-General in the area of public health ▪ Development and negotiation of directive patients' rights in cross-border health care directive ▪ Development and negotiation of directive and action plan on organ donation ▪ Development of first EU Health strategy and number of EU policies in public health, including; rare diseases, Alzheimer disease and other dementias, health workforces, smoke free environment, patient safety, nutrition and physical activities, health inequalities ▪ Crisis management, including H1N1 2009 pandemic and business continuity ▪ Development and implementation of new communication in health, including; EU Health portal in 22 languages, newsletter published every 2 weeks, "Europe for patients", "Youth and health" and "Help" anti-tobacco media campaign) ▪ Work with two EU agencies; as a member of the Management Board of EMA and with newly established ECDC and the Executive Agency for Consumers and Health (transfer of files, cooperation, supervision)

2004 - 2005 Director of Development DIAGNOSTYKA Ltd., Krakow ▪ The biggest private medical laboratories network in - with over 1000 employees today.

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2003 - 2006 Founder and Director of the Center for Innovation, Technology Transfer and University Development (CITTRU) CITTRU, ▪ Today CITTRU hires more than 20 employees and takes part in numerous projects worth over 250 million Euros. ▪ The Center developed the first university IPR management system in Poland, as well as entrepreneurship training. The center run annual conference “University for industry” and collaborated with number of innovation center at the European universities; including Uppsala, Oxford and Heidelberg. University employees and students have started number of startup/Spin-offs companies. In 2004 we created a university owned company "Jagiellonian Innovation Center" (JCI), building and running the first Life Science Park in Poland, Krakow Life Science Cluster and entrepreneurship incubator

2002 - 2003 International Heath Consultant for WHO, World Bank and EAR in Serbia

1999 - 2002 Deputy Minister of Health of Poland Ministry of Health, ▪ Development and implementation of new model of Emergency Medical Services in Poland, the reform of education system for health care personnel in Poland and support for development of the Health Science Faculties at universities and medical universities . Creation of research strategy in ; evaluation of strategic research projects in medicine; supervision of health research institutes and university hospitals; ▪ Member of Government Negotiations Team for Poland’s Accession to the European Union In charge of international affairs and harmonization of Polish health care law with acquis communautaire (including new Polish laws e.g.: Pharmaceutical, Medical devices, Infectious disease control, and Food safety).

1998 - 1999 Founder/ First Editor–in–Chief “Zdrowie i Zarzązanie” (“Health and Management”), a magazine for health care managers

1997 - 2002 Director of the Department of Health Krakow Municipality ▪ Introduction of a new model of local health policy; development of new tools for financing and management-based managed care model; development and implementation of privatization model in the area of outpatient’s clinics, running a firs local public relations campaign in health and supporting changes; ▪ Working with the “Harvard-Jagiellonian Consortium for Health”; project, research and implementation in Krakow and number of local communities in Poland. ▪ Representing the Polish Cities Association in the committee (health) working on public administration reform in 1998.

1991 - 1997 Co-Founder, Director and Vice Director of the School of Public Health Collegium Medicum of Jagiellonian University ▪ The first School of Public Health in the CEE Region.Under my directorship the School received a status of Interfaculty Institute of Jagiellonian University and accreditation of Association of Schools of Public Health in European Region (ASPHER). Three types of postgraduate study programs at the School were created: Hospital Management / Health Care Administration, Pharmaceutical Inspection, and Health Promotion; two other postgraduate study programs were prepared to be started in new academic year: Hospital Information Projects and Environmental Health). The School increased the number of postgraduate students (from 40 to ca. 300), started a course on Public Health for ca. 300 students of Faculty of Medicine CM UJ (repeated every year), organized more

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than 50 seminars and conferences (mostly with participation of foreign lecturers) and established permanent cooperation with several foreign academic and non-academic institutions (including Harvard School of Public Health, UNC Chapel Hill - USA, Ecole Nationale de Santè Publique - France, Sheffield University- UK, Maastricht University-NL), Project Hope and ECRI. ▪ In 1997 we participated in development of new Faculty of Health Care (today Heath Sciences) at the JU and opened new Master in public health (3+2 year) program.

1987 - 1997 Medical Doctor Krakow University Hospital, in the Department of Professor Andrzej Szczeklik.

1982 - 1988 Founder and President of Academic Cooperative “Zdrowie” (“Health”) Krakow ▪ The first Polish students' agency (employed 400 students) providing medical services


2004 Diploma – Public Health Specialist

1991 - 1999 Several trainings, among others: Leadership, Communications, Change Management, project management, Public Relation, Pharmacoeconomics,

1991 Diploma in radiology

1987 - 1991 Residency in radiology University Hospital in Krakow, internship in United States

1979 - 1986 Faculty of Medicine Medical Academy, University of Krakow


2004 - 2006 Board member at Jagiellonian Innovation Centre

2003 - 2005 Chair of the hospital board, Regional Hospital in Nowy Sacz

1991 - 1999 Member of Management Board of Public Health Foundation in Krakow

1996 - 1999 Polish director of Polish-American project “Harvard-Jagiellonian Consortium for Health"

1995 - 1998 Regional consultant of public health (nominated by the Minister of Health)

1992 - 1995 Board member of the Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region

1986 - 1989 Founding member of the Krakow's Industry Association

1984 - 1985 Nine-months-long field study/visits in natural medicine centers in India

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1981 - 1983 Representative of students in Senate of Medical Academy in Krakow

1980 - 1981 Board member of Niezależne Zrzeszenie Studentów ("Student Solidarity", NZS)

Lecturer at numerous Polish and International Conferences; several publications in Polish and foreign journals concerning health management, health systems and change management in health care, co-editor of three books: “Public Health” (1996 and 2001), “Public Relations in Health Care” (1999) and “New Emergency Medical System in Poland” (2002).


Mother tongue(s) Polish


Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production English C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 German B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 Russian B2 B2 B2 B2 B1 French B2 B2 B2 B2 B1

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