G-FLOWS Stage 3: Hydrogeological conceptual understanding of the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands groundwater system including the Lindsay East Palaeovalley Andrew Love, Adrian Costar, Carmen Krapf, Yueqing Xie, Ilka Wallis, Tessa Lane, Mark Keppel, Kent Inverarity, Zijiuan Deng, Tim Munday and Neville Robinson Goyder Institute for Water Research Technical Report Series No. 20/06 www.goyderinstitute.org Goyder Institute for Water Research Technical Report Series ISSN: 1839-2725 The Goyder Institute for Water Research is a partnership between the South Australian Government through the Department for Environment and Water, CSIRO, Flinders University, the University of Adelaide, and the University of South Australia. The Institute enhances the South Australian Government’s capacity to develop and deliver science-based policy solutions in water management. It brings together the best scientists and researchers across Australia to provide expert and independent scientific advice to inform good government water policy and identify future threats and opportunities to water security. The following Associate organisations contributed to this report: Enquires should be addressed to: Goyder Institute for Water Research Level 4, Rundle Mall Plaza, 50 Rundle Mall, Adelaide, SA 5000 tel: 08 8313 5020 e-mail:
[email protected] Citation Love A., Costar A., Krapf C., Xie Y., Wallis I., Lane T., Keppel M., Inverarity K., Deng Z., Munday T. and Robinson N. (2020) G-FLOWS Stage 3: Hydrogeological conceptual understanding of the APY Lands groundwater system including the Lindsay East Palaeovalley. Goyder Institute for Water Research Technical Report Series No. 20/06. Copyright © Crown in right of the State of South Australia, Department for Environment and Water.