Single Molecule Biophysics and Biomechanics

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Single Molecule Biophysics and Biomechanics Two PhD Positions (f/m) on Single molecule biophysics and biomechanics PhD Position 1 Supervised by Orestis Andriotis and Philipp Thurner, Insitute of Lightweight Design and Structural Biomechanics, TUWien PhD Position 2 Supervised by Gerhard Schütz, Institute of Applied Physics, TUWien The positions are part of the project “Combined optical single molecule and atomic force microscopy to elucidate enzyme-induced collagen degradation kinetics” funded by the Vienna and Technology Fund (WWTF). Here, we want to observe in real-time the spatiotemporal changes upon collagen fibril degradation by combining single molecule fluorescence microscopy (SMFM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) microscopy. PhD candidate 1 will develop AFM experimental protocols to observe and quantify the enzyme activity on the morphological and mechanical properties of collagen fibrils. PhD candidate 2 will focus on developing SMFM protocols for tracking enzymes on collagen fibril substrates. The two candidates will eventually combine their experimental techniques to simultaneously track and observe the phenomena and changes during collagen fibril degradation. We offer: A 4-years PhD contract. Competitive salary with all social benefits of a regular employment according to the regulations of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) (currently 2,205.00 per month, 14x annual installments). Envisaged starting date: flexible High quality international scientific environment and stimulating/interdisciplinary research Requirements: Masters degree in Biomedical Engineering, Physics, Mechanical Engineering or a related discipline High level of English and good communication skills PhD Position 1 Multidisciplinary qualifications, knowledge of atomic force microscopy (position are desirable. Experience with AFM and/or collagen fibril mechanics are desirable Masters degree in (Bio-)Chemistry, (Bio-)Physics or a related area High level of English and good communication skills PhD Position 2 Multidisciplinary qualifications, knowledge of fluorescence microscopy are desirable. Interested applicants should send their CV (including scientific background, training and expertise, research interest, motivation for joining the project, copies of academic certificates, publication list and two references) to or .
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