
Traveler’s JOHNNIE YATES, M.D., CIWEC Clinic Travel Medicine Center, Kathmandu, Nepal

Acute diarrhea affects millions of persons who travel to developing countries each year. and contaminated with fecal matter are the main sources of . such as enterotoxigenic coli, enteroaggregative E. coli, , , and are common causes of traveler’s diarrhea. Parasites and are less common etiologies. Travel destination is the most significant risk factor for traveler’s diarrhea. The efficacy of pretravel counseling and dietary precautions in reducing the incidence of diarrhea is unproven. Empiric treatment of traveler’s diarrhea with and is effective and often limits symptoms to one day. Rifaximin, a recently approved , can be used for the treatment of traveler’s diarrhea in regions where noninvasive E. coli is the predominant . In areas where invasive organisms such as Campylobacter and Shigella are common, fluoroquinolones remain the drug of choice. is recommended in areas with qui- nolone-resistant Campylobacter and for the treatment of children and pregnant women. (Am Fam Physician 2005;71:2095-100, 2107-8.

Copyright© 2005 American Academy of Family Physicians.) ILLUSTRATION BY SCOTT BODELL ▲ Patient Information: cute diarrhea is the most com- mised and those with lowered gastric acidity A handout on traveler’s mon illness among travelers. Up (e.g., patients taking H block- diarrhea, written by the 2 author of this article, is to 55 percent of persons who ers or proton pump inhibitors) are more provided on page 2107. travel from developed countries susceptible to traveler’s diarrhea. Recently, toA developing countries are affected.1,2 A a genetic susceptibility has been demon- See page 2029 for 3 5 strength-of-recommen- study of Americans visiting developing strated. Younger age and adventurous travel dation labels. countries found that 46 percent acquired increase the risk of developing traveler’s diarrhea. The classic definition of traveler’s diarrhea,3,6 but persons staying at luxury diarrhea is three or more unformed stools resorts or on cruise ships also are at risk.7,8 in 24 hours with at least one of the following Food and water contaminated with fecal symptoms: , , , abdomi- matter are the main reservoirs for the patho- nal cramps, tenesmus, or bloody stools. gens that cause traveler’s diarrhea. Unsafe Milder forms can present with fewer than and beverages include salads, unpeeled three stools (e.g., an abrupt bout of watery fruits, raw or poorly cooked meats and sea- diarrhea with abdominal cramps). Most food, unpasteurized dairy products, and tap cases occur within the first two weeks of water. Eating in restaurants increases the travel and last about four days without treat- probability of contracting traveler’s diar- ment.1,3 Although traveler’s diarrhea rarely rhea6 and food from street vendors is par- is life threatening, it can result in significant ticularly risky.9,10 Cold sauces, salsas, and morbidity; one in five travelers with diar- foods that are cooked and then reheated also rhea is bedridden for a day and more than are risky.6,11 one third have to alter their activities.1,3 In contrast to the largely viral etiology of Destination is the most significant risk in the United States, diarrhea factor for developing traveler’s diarrhea.1-4 acquired in developing countries is caused Regions with the highest risk are , mainly by bacteria1,4,6,12 (Table 1). Entero- South Asia, Latin America, and the Middle toxigenic is the pathogen East. Travelers who are immunocompro- most frequently isolated, but other types of

June 1, 2005 ◆ Volume 71, Number 11 www.aafp.org/afp American Family Physician 2095 Downloaded from the American Family Physician Web site at www.aafp.org/afp. Copyright© 2005 American Academy of Family Physicians. For the private, noncommercial use of one individual user of the Web site. All other rights reserved. Contact [email protected] for copyright questions and/or permission requests. Strength of Recommendations

Key clinical recommendation Label References

Antibiotics (usually a quinolone) A 28 24 hours.18 Seafood syndromes such as diar- should be used to reduce the duration and severity of traveler’s rhetic shellfish poisoning, ciguatera poisoning, and diarrhea. scombroid poisoning also can cause diarrhea in travel- Loperamide (Imodium) can be used A 38, 39 ers. These syndromes can be distinguished from trav- with antibiotics for most adults eler’s diarrhea by symptoms such as perioral numbness with traveler’s diarrhea. and reversal of temperature sensation (ciguatera - Travelers may be advised to avoid B 3, 20, 21 ing) or flushing and warmth (scombroid poisoning).19 high-risk foods and eating behaviors. Prevention Antibiotic prophylaxis should not be C 9, 23 used routinely in persons at risk of Although travelers often are advised to “Boil it, cook it, developing traveler’s diarrhea. peel it, or forget it,” data on the effectiveness of dietary precautions in preventing traveler’s diarrhea are incon- A = consistent, good-quality patient-oriented evidence; B = incon- clusive.3,6,20 Many travelers find it difficult to adhere to sistent or limited-quality patient-oriented evidence; C = consensus, dietary recommendations.21 In a study3 of American -oriented evidence, usual practice, opinion, or case series. See page 2029 for more information. travelers, nearly one half developed diarrhea despite pre- travel advice on avoidance measures; even persons who strictly followed dietary recommendations developed E. coli such as enteroaggregative E. coli have been recog- diarrhea. Avoiding high-risk foods and adventuresome nized as common causes of traveler’s diarrhea.13 Invasive eating behaviors may reduce the inoculum of ingested such as Campylobacter, Shigella, and non- pathogens or prevent the development of other enteric typhoid Salmonella are relatively common depending such as typhoid and A and E. on the region, while Aeromonas and non- Vibrio Boiling is the best way to purify water. Iodination or are encountered less frequently. chlorination is acceptable but does not kill Cryptospo- Protozoal parasites such as lamblia, Ent- ridium or Cyclospora, and increased contact time is amoeba histolytica, and are required to kill Giardia in cold or turbid water.22 Filters uncommon causes of traveler’s diarrhea, but increase with iodine resins generally are effective in purifying in importance when diarrhea lasts for more than two weeks.14 Parasites are diagnosed more frequently in returning travelers because of longer incubation periods TABLE 1 (often one to two weeks) and because bacterial patho- Common Causes of Traveler’s Diarrhea gens may have been treated with antibiotics. and are infrequent causes of traveler’s diar- Bacteria rhea, although noroviruses have been responsible for Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli outbreaks on cruise ships. Other E. coli types (e.g., enteroaggregative E. coli) The prevalence of specific organisms varies with travel Campylobacter destination.1,4,12,13,15 Available data suggest that E. coli is Salmonella (non-typhoid) the predominant cause of traveler’s diarrhea in Latin Shigella America, the Caribbean, and Africa, while invasive Aeromonas pathogens are relatively uncommon. Enterotoxigenic Vibrio (non-cholera) E. coli and enteroaggregative E. coli may be responsible Parasites for up to 71 percent of cases of traveler’s diarrhea in Giardia lamblia Mexico.13 In contrast, Campylobacter is a leading cause of traveler’s diarrhea in Thailand15-17 and also is common Cyclospora cayetanensis in Nepal.6 Regional variation also exists with parasitic parvum causes of traveler’s diarrhea (Table 2).12,13 For example, Viruses Cyclospora is endemic in Nepal, Peru, and . Rotavirus Food poisoning is part of the Noroviruses of traveler’s diarrhea. Gastroenteritis from preformed NOTE: Organisms in each category are sorted by the most common toxins (e.g., Staphylococcus aureus, ) is causes; however, the prevalence of specific pathogens may vary sig- characterized by a short incubation period (one to nificantly based on travel destination. six hours), and symptoms typically resolve within

2096 American Family Physician www.aafp.org/afp Volume 71, Number 11 ◆ June 1, 2005 Traveler’s Diarrhea

ers who are at high risk of developing traveler’s diarrhea TABLE 2 and related complications (e.g., immunocompromised Isolation Rates of Enteric Pathogens Among persons). Prophylaxis with fluoroquinolones is up to Travelers with Diarrhea in Three Regions 90 percent effective.23 Rifaximin (Xifaxan) may prove to be the preferred antibiotic because it is not absorbed Kenya India Jamaica and is well tolerated, although data on its effectiveness Pathogen (%) (%) (%) for prophylaxis have not yet been published. Enterotoxigenic 35 24 to 25 12 to 30 subsalicylate (Pepto-Bismol) provides a rate Escherichia coli of protection of about 60 percent against traveler’s diar- Enteroaggregative NR 19 26 rhea.24 However, it is not recommended for persons tak- E. coli ing anticoagulants or other salicylates. Because bismuth Campylobacter 5 3 5 subsalicylate interferes with the absorption of doxycy- Shigella 9 10 0.3 cline (Vibramycin), it should not be taken by travelers Salmonella 3 10 8 using for prophylaxis. Travelers Aeromonas 2 3 0 should be warned about possible reversible side effects Vibrio 3 5 0.3 of , such as a black tongue, dark Giardia 0 2 0.6 stools, and tinnitus. Entamoeba histolytica 0 5 0.6 are a more natural approach to prophylaxis Cryptosporidium 0 2 0.3 of traveler’s diarrhea. Probiotics colonize the gastrointes- Rotavirus 6 5 8 tinal tract and theoretically prevent pathogenic organ- Mixed infection 6 11 to 27 5 to 6 isms from infecting the gut. Studies25,26 of No pathogen identified 47 37 to 45 42 to 68 GG (Culturelle) have suggested protection rates of up to 47 percent. More studies are needed to confirm the effi- NR = not reported. cacy of prophylaxis. Agents for the prophylaxis Information from references 12 and 13. of traveler’s diarrhea are summarized in Table 3.

Empiric Treatment water, although it is uncertain whether the contact time Counseling travelers about food precautions does not with the resin is sufficient to kill viruses. Bottled water eliminate the risk of traveler’s diarrhea, and nonantibio- generally is safe if the cap and seal are intact. tic prophylaxis requires frequent dosing to achieve only a modest reduction in risk. In addition, the traveler with DRUG PROPHYLAXIS diarrhea may have difficulty accessing medical care, the Antibiotic prophylaxis is not recommended by the quality of care may be poor, and the quality of medica- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) tions purchased abroad may be substandard.27 However, even for high-risk travelers because it can lead to drug- because antibiotics reduce the duration and severity of resistant organisms and may give travelers a false traveler’s diarrhea and generally are well tolerated,28 pro- of security. Although antibiotic prophylaxis does not viding the traveler with the means for empiric self-treat- prevent viral or parasitic infection, some health care ment can effectively reduce morbidity from traveler’s professionals believe that it may be an option for travel- diarrhea.

TABLE 3 Agents for the Prophylaxis of Traveler’s Diarrhea

Agent Dosage Comments

Bismuth subsalicylate Two 262-mg tablets or 2 fluid oz Avoid if allergic to , pregnant, or on anticoagulants, (Pepto-Bismol) (60 mL) four times daily for up to probenecid (Benemid), or methotrexate (Rheumatrex). three weeks Avoid in patients taking doxycycline (Vibramycin) for malaria prophylaxis. Lactobacillus GG (Culturelle) Optimal dosing not yet determined Safe; more studies needed to confirm efficacy

June 1, 2005 ◆ Volume 71, Number 11 www.aafp.org/afp American Family Physician 2097 Approach to the Treatment of Traveler’s Diarrhea

Acute diarrhea in a traveler is moderate to severe or “distressing” (i.e., forces a change in itinerary)? invasive organism is present and on antibiotic resistance patterns. These factors are determined largely by travel destination. Although in the stool suggests inva- Yes No sive disease, fever is not a sensitive indicator of dysen-

Has patient No therapy, or loperamide tery. Fluoroquinolones have been the drug of choice for been traveling (Imodium) or bismuth traveler’s diarrhea in most parts of the world because of in Thailand? subsalicylate (Pepto-Bismol) their efficacy against most enteropathogens. Rifaximin recently became available for the treatment of noninva- sive diarrhea caused by E. coli. For persons traveling to Yes No destinations where noninvasive E. coli is the predominant 35,36 Azithromycin pathogen (e.g., Mexico), rifaximin is a good choice. (Zithromax) for (bloody stool)? In regions where invasive pathogens are responsible one to three days*† for a significant proportion of traveler’s diarrhea, qui- nolones should be used. Azithromycin (Zithromax) Yes No is recommended in places where quinolone-resistant 15,16 Treat with Fail to respond? Fluoroquinolone Campylobacter is prevalent (e.g., Thailand). Anti- fluoroquinolone for one to three biotics used for the treatment of traveler’s diarrhea are for three days days or rifaximin listed in Table 4.16,32,37 Trimethoprim- (Xifaxan) for Use azithromycin three days (Bactrim, Septra) and doxycycline are no longer rec- † for three days ommended because of the development of widespread *—Children, older adults, and pregnant women also should con- resistance.12 sume oral rehydration solutions. Therapy that involves an antibiotic with loperamide †—If diarrhea fails to respond to azithromycin, stool examination 38,39 and culture should be sought. (Imodium) often limits symptoms to one day. Lopera- mide has antimotility and antisecretory effects and Figure 1. Algorithmic approach to the treatment of travel- is taken as two 2-mg tablets after the first loose stool, er’s diarrhea. followed by one after each subsequent loose stool

Information from references 33 and 34. (maximum of 8 mg in 24 hours for two days). The use of loperamide in dysentery has been controversial because Waiting 24 hours to confirm the diagnosis of traveler’s of concerns about prolonging illness, but it is now con- diarrhea results in unnecessary discomfort and time sidered safe when combined with an antibiotic.29,34,38 away from activities. Therapy can be initiated after the A conservative approach would be to use loperamide for first episode of “distressing” diarrhea (i.e., diarrhea dysentery only if combined with an antibiotic and if the that is uncomfortable or interferes with activities).29,30 traveler has a long trip or will have no access. If symptoms resolve within 24 hours, no further treat- Oral rehydration solutions generally are unnecessary ment is necessary.31,32 If diarrhea persists after one day, in adults younger than 65 years.40 However, all travelers treatment should be continued for one or two more days. with diarrhea should be encouraged to plenty of An algorithm for the treatment of traveler’s diarrhea is fluids and to replace lost using foods such as presented in Figure 1.33,34 crackers or broth. Antibiotic selection is based on the likelihood that an Traveler’s Diarrhea in Infants, Children, and Pregnant Women The Author Traveler’s diarrhea is more common in young children JOHNNIE YATES, M.D., is on staff at the CIWEC Clinic Travel than in adults, and they have a higher risk of dehydra- Medicine Center in Kathmandu, Nepal. He received his medi- tion and severe illness.41 Parents should seek immediate cal degree from Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Conn., completed an internship in family medicine at Ventura (Calif.) medical attention if their child shows signs of moderate County Medical Center, and served a residency in family medicine at to severe , bloody diarrhea, a temperature Middlesex Hospital, Middletown, Conn. Dr. Yates has a diploma in higher than 39°C (102°F), or persistent vomiting. Few tropical medicine and and a certificate in travel health. data exist on the treatment of diarrhea in children. The Address correspondence to Johnnie Yates, M.D., CIWEC Clinic use of oral rehydration solutions is essential, and parents Travel Medicine Center, P.O. Box 12895, Kathmandu, Nepal. should include prepackaged packets (to be mixed with Reprints are not available from the author. safe water) in their travel kits. These packets are available

2098 American Family Physician www.aafp.org/afp Volume 71, Number 11 ◆ June 1, 2005 Traveler’s Diarrhea

in camping stores in the United States or in pharmacies Complications in other countries. Dehydration is the main of traveler’s diar- Because infants and toddlers normally can have three rhea, especially in children and older adults. Because E. or more loose stools, an alternate definition of diarrhea coli O157:H7 is a rare cause of traveler’s diarrhea, there in this age group is a twofold increase in the frequency is little risk of hemolytic-uremic syndrome. Other com- of unformed stool.37 Nursing infants should continue to plications include Guillain-Barré syndrome after Cam- breastfeed on demand, and infants and older children pylobacter , Reiter’s syndrome (especially in should be offered their usual food. persons who are HLA-B27 positive), Clostridium difficile Fluoroquinolones are not approved by the U.S. Food after antibiotic use, and postinfectious irritable and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in children, bowel. These conditions may appear after the traveler and rifaximin is approved only for children 12 years and has returned home. older. Therefore, azithromycin is the drug of choice for If diarrhea persists despite antibiotic treatment, medi- most children with traveler’s diarrhea.37 Another option cal attention should be sought. Parasitic causes should is nalidixic acid (Neggram) in a dosage of 55 mg per be suspected in travelers who return with prolonged kg per day divided into four doses, not to exceed 1 g in diarrhea or who do not respond to antibiotics. For those 24 hours.37 Loperamide is approved for children older traveling to remote areas for extended periods, it is rea- than two years, but should not be used in children with sonable to discuss empiric treatment of protozoal infec- dysentery. Bismuth subsalicylate should be avoided for tions (e.g., [Flagyl] 250 mg three times prophylaxis in children because of the possible risk of a day for five days or tinidazole [Fasigyn] in a single Reye’s syndrome. 2-g dose for Giardia).43 Pregnant women may be at higher risk of traveler’s Resources such as the Travelers’ Health section of diarrhea than nonpregnant women because of low- the CDC Web site (http://www.cdc.gov/travel/diarrhea. ered gastric acidity and increased gastrointestinal tran- htm) or commercial sites such as Travel Health Online sit time.42 Quinolones (FDA category C) (http://www.tripprep.com) can keep physicians up to generally are not advised during pregnancy, but azithro- date on the epidemiology and resistance patterns of mycin (FDA pregnancy category B) is safe. Oral rehy- traveler’s diarrhea. Better preventive and prophylactic dration should be emphasized. Although rifaximin is strategies will be needed until newer antibiotics become not absorbed, the safety of this in preg- available and the and hygiene in developing nant women has not been established. Loperamide countries improve. (FDA pregnancy category B) may be used, but bismuth subsalicylate (FDA pregnancy category D) should be The author thanks Prativa Pandey, M.D., for reviewing the manuscript. avoided. Being careful with food and water is particu- This article reflects the views of the author and does not represent those larly important during pregnancy because of the CIWEC Clinic Travel Medicine Center. such as can cause miscarriage, and The author indicates that he does not have any conflicts of interest. can result in maternal mortality. Sources of funding: none reported.

TABLE 4 Antibiotics Used for the Treatment of Traveler’s Diarrhea

Antibiotic Dosage Comments

Ciprofloxacin (Cipro) 500 mg twice daily for one to three days Other quinolones (e.g., ofloxacin [Floxin], norfloxacin [Noroxin], and [Levaquin]) are presumed to be effective as well. Rifaximin (Xifaxan) 200 mg three times daily for three days Not effective in persons with dysentery Azithromycin In adults: 500 mg daily for one to three days Antibiotic of choice in children and pregnant women, (Zithromax) or 1,000 mg in a single dose32 and for quinolone-resistant Campylobacter16 In children: 10 mg per kg daily for three days37

Information from references 16, 32, and 37.

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2100 American Family Physician www.aafp.org/afp Volume 71, Number 11 ◆ June 1, 2005