"A Merry Heart Maketha Cheerful Countenance T the Summerland

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'S VOL. 7VII.—No. 21. THE SUMMERLAND REVIEW, THURSDAY, DECEMBER' 24, 1925. -v V tfc-At^ Tver "A Merry Heart Maketha 7s Cheerful Countenance9 9 hu$, it is written in the Old Testament. T And' so it is written on the faces of young and old todayr 1 In those twinkling eyes and happy smiles of folks about us, we read fulfilment of the. Christmas Message— "PEACE ON EARTH, GOOD WILL TOWARD MEN!" Not only read it--but understand. Yes, realize that it comes from merry hearts that, with-every heat, §&nt forth^Happin^^andzth^ Warmth of Love and Best Wishes to all Mankind! Everybody seems young again! Glad to live and let live. Finding untold joys in giving wi^^ a generous heart-minding not the cost but feeling ivell repaid if only with a smile. Finding happiness in making others happy. Ah—verily---'tis the spirit of Christmas! Andjrom cottage window and palace hall beams further evidence of this Joyous Season! Welcome holly wreaths here and there. Gayly trimmed firs and pines looking ever so stately with their scores of sparkling ornaments, strands of golden tinsel, multi-colored lights or humble candles. E'en the stars of the Silent Night add their brilliance to the scene. Truly, what could be more enchanting? Fascinating? Sacred? Entering into the spirit of this great occasion, we extend "A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!" And in further appreciation and good will, we'll add- , "MAY YOUR GIFTS BE MANY AND YOUR JOYS KNOW NO BOUNDS" •STcd?1 The Summerland Review THE SUMMERLAND REVIEW, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1925. ALPINE CLUB OF CANADA ENJOYS RECORD MEET OLD TIMES IN SUMMERLAND . • •'"••Bxtr.aCts from the files of the Summerland Review of 1910 will prove of interest to present day readers, reprinted in The Review each week. •Nominations for the /vacancies in Mr. and, Mrs. Hancock of Naramata Stories of Famous Buildings and Historic Sites in the Mother- the council and the school hoard and were at home this week to a large for reeve will .be called for during the number of their friends on the occas• land, in Which Are Enshrined Glorious Memories of coming year. •.-•'!.•• ion of the opening of their new resi• Illustrious Men and Notable Events dence. All things considered this was The officers of the Summerland one of the brightest social events of lodge of the .A. F. '&,: A. M. were in• the season.' A series of twenty-four stalled this week, Messrs. J. C. Rob- hands of whist of an ever-changing son and C. M, Smith,' P. M.'s perform• variety were played and provided a ing the ceremony. After the installa-J great change from the regular routine tion ceremonies the members and a games at .the local card clubs. ' number, of visitors enjoyed an.'Oyster ,,••'—o—• supper. Mr. "WVKuttall has purchased a fivo- —o- aore lot south of Naramata, also a A score of Okanagan College stud small block in,town. These and other ents returning to their homes by boat transactions that could be mentioned drew the fire of the editor of the Kel- are .evidences of solidity as regards owna paper when they used, as blie the real estate situation. It is the boat entered Kelowna, what he terms men who are living here, who are an American "yell." They were made acquainted with all the conditions that the subject of an editorial of consid• are doing so much to build up the erable length. community. During last week* the Balcomo Skat• ing Club held their annual meeting, at Messrs. Eyre & iCutbill- of Peach- which there was a very good attend land have just finished improving the ance. The meeting was enthusiastic exterior of their store by a complete over the coming season's prospects for painting. The new large warehouse a period of good outdoor sport. Mr. they, are building on Beach avenue is P." G. Dodwell was appointed secretary rapidly nearing completion and plans treasurer and subscriptions should be are being laid for- a grand opening forwarded to him. ••<< Season tickets are ball and, whist party to be held in the $2.00 each. new building early in January. FAINT HEART AND FAIR LADY Christmas," she said. CHELSEA Estelle called me up on the phone This was where I lost my- courage c and stammered in my embarrassment Chelsea, a riverside suburb of Lon- J son, on « ca^on^ yesterday afternoon and asked me to geniuses sat; in front of the kitchen "I-er, that; is I didn't-er think that don, which is generally believed to call round last evening. Of course I fire? for a 'considerable:'time .without did not hesitate ;and said I would be you came in on this stunt." derive its name from the Anglo-Saxon exchanging a word, but gravely puff ing there withoutf ail but was rather sur• "Well, if you won't ask me, I'll tell "Chesel-sey," meaning "gravel isle," at ••their long clay pipes, and;each af• prised when she said that I was to you. I,want something nice, please." has been closely connected with some terwards declared-the - other to have I regained my composure and of the greatest figures in British his-, be very, quiet and: not let anyone know been a most congenial, companion. when I arrived. She would be on the thought that I might take advantage tory during the past four centuries. ! : In Chelsea is preserved: -another (Upper) AbbotU Pa»e Hut. and Glacier F«k. (Lower) Director Wheel- nadinx report at; tta ainal •eeW ttniert> lookout out let me in,to the house. of my opportunity. Its most famous resident was the grand old relic, with "a glorious past, .Mr. Wh^el'r. rUht, ©Mwrr«t«l«tl»« Capt. MaeCarthy. who jnet returned front eapturint- Mount Lo«an. I'was* indeed pleased to think that "Of course you do, but 'something ,i chancellor and one-time bosom friend namely Crosby Hall. - It' was erected ""T^he camp this year was one of the best climbing of the party, were present. The business of the Club nice' covers a lot of things. Now I . of Henry VIII., Sir Thomas More, who Was transacted in the morning at ten o'clock, under she had asked me to spend the eve• in the city of London in 1470 by Sir camps we ever had," said T. B. Moffatt, regard• ning with her for I had been trying to know a young man who wants to give ' built'a mansion at Chelsea, which was Thomas Crosgy, á.merchant 'prince, ing the outing of the Alpine Club of Canada, at Lake the lar<e gly on the shores of Lake O'Hara. No you a nice piece of jewellery." his home from 1524 until his removal setting for the occasion-r'-that of welcoming Capt. get her alone for the past three weeks and it afterwards became the'home óf O'Hara,' this summer. The; weather was ideal and and ask her a very important ques• "Who is he and what is he like?" - to the Tower of London, where he was MacCarthy and his party—could have been more 1 Sir' Thomas More before he. went to there was work for all classes to do, hikings to Lakes tion but'it seemed that every time "Well I can't tell you who he is executed in 1535 for the crime of re• Chelsea. After being in turn a pal• appropriate than amid the superb peaks that surround as I have so many, young men sending McArthur and Oesa, and to the Opabin Pass. Then O'Hara. Flags of various nations were strung be• I chose to visit her, with this intention fusing to acknowledge .that the royal ace, a prison, a warehouse and a res• shorter climbs were, available for the graduates, such me similar ' requests but he is a fine -tyrant was the head of the church.' taurant it was demolished at the com- tween the trees of this primeval forest in which the found that impossible fellow, Al- as Shafer and Odaray. < The more . seasoned climbers looking young chap, stands about five ft Erasmus, the Dutch writer, and Hol• menceriiént of the' present, century, camp was pitched, this being the Club's own property, phonse - -Montmorency hanging had Huber, Victoria, Lefroy and Hunabee. which Mr. Wheeler, its director, secured as far back around. feet ten, dark curly hair and thinks a bein; the painter, lived with More at and its splendid banquetting hall'with lot about you." Chelsea for some years, and the'..King its fine oriel window ..and hammer- The high mountains were in a better condition this as 1907.. .The scene was a festive; one, the whole What a nice girl like, Estelle. could atmosphere, despite' the serenity of 'these majestio "Oh, isn't that nice," she murmur• was, his constant,visitor. • Soon after beam roof, was: re^erected;at Chelsea year than they have ever been before: owing-to the see in a chap with a name like that ed,, her eyes twinkling like stars, "I : he had sent More to the scaffold, on part of the site'of 'More's old resi• scarcity of ice. From 50 to 60 members were out every peaks and lake, was one of joviality and every one was beyond me and the insolence of : wondered what Alphonse has been so Henry built a manor house,at Chelsea was in particularly good spirits! f : dence there.'. •, ' day climbing, the two days' trip over the passes being the man was appaling.
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