Images & Text © Beryl L Pratt


Blog - 2016 - March

Blue Bell Hill

PDF Date: 5 June 2020

Blue Bell Hill Blue Bell Hill

All of my childhood was spent living in At the picnic site there is a large upright To the west, long walks lead off along the the suburbs of , with few memorial stone, erected in memory of Way with more magnificent opportunities to see the countryside three members of Air Ambulance views of the "Garden of ”. The around us, other than a rare day out to Service who lost their lives in a helicopter south west side of Blue Bell Hill has been the seaside, or in later years the annual crash near the village of . The designated a Site of Special Scientific holiday. If we wanted to be surrounded men's dedicated service with that Interest in order to provide protection for by greenery, then a trip to the nearest organisation saved the lives of many several rare chalkland plants. I have park would provide that experience, and people. Sitting in front of the view, I feel never seen bluebells here, but the name we were fortunate enough to live close to I could be looking out from an airplane probably refers to a blue bell which was Greenwich Park in South London. Once window or about to take off and fly out used to summon horses to draw vehicles we were all at work and able to afford a over the fields. Seeing the birds gliding up the hill between and car, that all changed and most Sundays to and fro on the rising air currents that Chatham, hence the name being two would bring trips out to the countryside, such hills produce makes me wish I could words rather than one. This is a very visiting everything that was within an see it all from their point of view. They quiet and peaceful place and on a hour or so driving range. My favourites are of course interested only in hunting summer’s day I could sit on the wooden have always been high places with their next meal hidden in the long grass plank bench without any desire to move panoramic views. Blue Bell Hill, situated below. It is more interesting when the on to the next location. I imagine the between Maidstone and Rochester in bird is a hawk or kestrel, hovering almost scene in other weather conditions, rain Kent, is just such a place, a south-facing motionless with just a slight quivering of and mist, a pink dawn or red sunset, or a chalk hill overlooking the upper part of the wings, followed by a high speed dive sunny day of thick snow, but realise we the River . into the vegetation beneath. are not going to be here at such times. Only the desire to avoid rush hour traffic The viewing location is a picnic area with To the east, behind a small promontory, encourages us to leave and head for a small car park just off Common Road. is the busy going into home. (804 words) One can sit in total silence and look out Rochester, and behind the hill is southwards over the fields and villages of Rochester Airport. In addition the North the Medway Valley and over to the small Downs Tunnel for the high speed trains town of on the far side of the runs underneath the hill. None of these meandering river. The grassy slope can be either seen or heard from here beneath the picnic area leads down to a and you have to look at the map to know metal paling fence, behind which grow they are there. There is one little noise numerous shrubby trees, and below that, that cannot be ignored and that is the just visible at certain angles, is the voice of the camera saying “Take another chalky cliff face of a disused quarry. More picture of it, you’ll be glad you did,” and quarries can be seen in the near so of course I always obey. Photos of foreground, overgrown and providing an panoramic views can sometimes be undisturbed home to wildlife. With disappointing when seen later on at binoculars you may get a glimpse of home and I find that including something rabbits. The chalk quarries were worked in the foreground, such as leaves or in the 18th and 19th centuries, and the bushes, provides depth and distance, as scene then would have been brilliant well as a contrast of colour between the white and noisy, unlike now, almost nearby greens and the blue distance. As entirely shades of green and perfectly there is no limit to taking photos silent. nowadays, unlike the days of real film, I just end up taking snaps from all angles and viewpoints, in order to avoid a possibly disappointing single picture and the regret that I didn’t take a few more.