Shells and Shell Scripting
Shells and Shell scripting What is a Shell? • A shell is a command line interpreter that is the interface between the user and the OS. • A “program launcher” of sorts. • The shell: o analyzes each command o determines what actions are to be performed o performs the actions • Example: wc –l file1 > file2 Which shell? • sh – Bourne shell o Most common, other shells are a superset o Good for programming • csh or tcsh – default for command line on CDF o C-like syntax o Best for interactive use. Not good for programming. • bash – default on Linux (Bourne again shell) o Based on sh, with some csh features. • korn – written by David Korn o Based on sh – Some claim best for programming. o Commercial product. Common shell facilities Shell startup When a shell is invoked, it does the following: 1. Read a special startup file (usually in home directory) 2. display prompt and wait for command 3. Ctrl-D on its own line terminates shell, otherwise, goto step 2. Shell startup files used to set shell options, set up environment variables, alias sh – executes .profile if it’s there. ksh – executes .profile if in interactive mode. Executes $ENV (usually $HOME/.kshrc) csh – executes .cshrc if it exists. If a login shell, executes .login bash – executes .bashrc, if a login shell, executes .bash_profile instead Executables vs. built-in commands Most commands you run are other compiled programs. Found in /bin Example: ls – shell locates ls binary in /bin directory and launches it Some are not compiled programs, but built into the shell: cd, echo Input-output redirection prog < infile > outfile ls > outfile 2>&1 # sh stdout and stderr Pipelining commands send the output from one command to the input of the next: ls -l | wc ps –aux | grep reid | sort Before a program is executed, the shell recognizes the special characters such as <, >, |, and rewires the standard input, output, or error file descriptors of the program about to be executed to point to the right files (or the standard input of another program).
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