Investment Reporting Package ______
NEW JERSEY DIVISION OF INVESTMENT INVESTMENT REPORTING PACKAGE _____________________________________________________________________ Period Ending May 31, 2021 "The mission of the New Jersey Division of Investment is to achieve the best possible return at an acceptable level of risk using the highest fiduciary standards" 1 of 25 Limited Access 06/28/2021 01:58:12 PM NJ Division of Investment Actual Allocation vs Target Allocation As of May 31, 2021 Actual Allocation % Target % Difference % Allocation (in millions $) U.S. Equity 27.49 27.00 0.49 25,473.63 Non U.S. Developed Mkt Equity 13.84 13.50 0.34 12,826.80 Emerging Market Equity 5.98 5.50 0.48 5,543.88 Equity Oriented Hedge Funds 0.03 0.00 0.03 27.39 Private Equity 11.11 13.00 (1.89) 10,292.73 Global Growth 58.44 59.00 (0.56) 54,164.43 Real Estate 5.48 8.00 (2.52) 5,077.59 Real Assets 2.22 3.00 (0.78) 2,054.69 Real Return 7.70 11.00 (3.30) 7,132.28 High Yield 2.23 2.00 0.23 2,065.11 Private Credit 6.33 8.00 (1.67) 5,870.40 Investment Grade Credit 8.05 8.00 0.05 7,459.62 Income 16.61 18.00 (1.39) 15,395.12 Cash Equivalants 1 6.10 4.00 2.10 5,649.76 U.S. Treasuries 6.26 5.00 1.26 5,804.37 Risk Mitigation Strategies 2.91 3.00 (0.09) 2,695.41 Defensive 15.27 12.00 3.27 14,149.55 Opportunistic Private Equity 0.59 0.00 0.59 551.18 Other 0.04 0.00 0.04 40.75 Police & Fire Retire Sys Mort Program 1.34 1,244.89 Total Pension Fund 100.00 100.00 0.00 92,678.20 Current Asset Allocation Target Asset Allocation Police + Fire Mtg Program Income Income 1.34% 16.61% 18.00% Opp Priv Equity 0.59% Real Return 7.70% Real Other Return 0.04% 11.00% Global Global Growth Growth Defensive 59.00% 15.27% 58.45% Defensive 12.00% 2 of 25 Limited Access 06/28/2021 01:58:12 PM Sum of component allocation may not equal total due to rounding 1 The cash aggregate comprises the two Common Pension Fund cash accounts, in addition to the seven plan cash accounts.
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