For Love of Country?

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For Love of Country? Democracy Forum operates at a level ofliteracy and respon­ sibility which is all too rare in our time." -John Kenneth Galbraith Other books in the NEW DEMOCRACY FORUM series: The New Inequality: Creating Solutionsfor PoorAmerica, by Richard B. Freeman A Community ofEquals: The Constitutional Protection ofNew Americans, by Owen Fiss For Love Metro Futures: Economic Solutionsfor Cities and Their Suburbs, by Daniel D. Luria andJoel Rogers of Country? Urg~nt Times: Policing andRights in Inner-City Communities, by Tracey L. Meares and Dan M. Kahan Will Standards Save Public Education?by Deborah Meier Do Americans Shop Too Much? byJuliet Schor Beyond Bachyard Environmentalism, by Charles Sabel, Archon Fung, and Bradley Karkkainen Is Inequality Bad.for Our Health? by Norman Daniels, Bruce Kennedy, and Ichiro Kawachi Martha C. Nussbaum l'Vhat's Wrong with a Free Lunch?by Philippe Van Parijs Edited by Josh"a eonen for Sosto" Review Are Electionsfor Sale? by David Donnelly,Janice Fine, and Ellen S. Miller Whose Vote Counts?by Robert Richie and Steven Hill Contents Editor's Preface byJoshua Cohen • VII Beacon Press 25 Beacon Street Introduction byMartha C. Nussbaum IX Boston, Massachusetts 02108-.28g2 I. Martha C. Nussbaum Beacon Press books PATRIOTISM AND COSMOPOLITANISM are published under the auspices of 3 the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations. Il. Kwame Anthony Appiah © 1996,200.2 by Martha C. Nussbaum andjoshua Cohen COSMOPOLITAN PATRIOTS 21 All rights reserved Benjamin R. Barber CONSTITUTIONAL FAITH 0 30 Printed in the United States of America 05 04°3 Sissela Bok TIllS bookis printed on acid-free paper that meets the uncoated paper ANSljNISO specifications for FROM PART TO WHOLE • 38 permanence as revised in 1992. Judith Butler Library ofCong;ress Cataloging-in-Publication Data UNIVERSALITY IN CULTURE 45 Nussbaum, Martha Craven. For love ofcountryl' / Martha C. Nussbaum; edited by Joshua Cohen for Boston review. Richard Falk p. cm~ ~ (New democracy forum) Originallypublished. POI' love ofcountry : debating the limits of patriotism. c1996. REVISIONING COSMOPOLITANISM • 53 new editor's pref. and new inrrorl. by the author. Nathan Glazer LIMITS OF LOYALTY 61 ~",no';"n 2: Nationalism. 3. Internationalism. I. Cohen, Joshua. II. Title. III. Series. Amy Gutman 2002066453 DEMOCRATIC CITIZENSHIP 66 Gertnlde Himmelfarb THE ILLUSIONS OP COSMOPOLITANISM • 72 Michael W. McConnell DON T NEGLECT THE LITTLE PLATOONS • 78 Joshua Cohen Robert Pinsky EROS AGAINST ESPERANTO • 85 Editor's Preface Hilary Putnam MUST WE CHOOSE BETWEEN PATRIOTISM AND UNIVERSAL REASON? • 91 Elaine Scarry THE DIFFICULTY OF IMAGINING / IN HIS GREAT RIVERSIDE CHURCH SPEECH OF OTHER PEOPLE • 98 April '967, Martin Luther King.jr., declared his reasons for opposing the Vietnam War. The war was, he said, a AmartyaSen disaster for Black Americans, poisonous for the country, HUMANITY AND CITIZENSHIP • 111 and above all a nightmare "for victims ofour nation and Charles Taylor for those it calls enemy." Responding to moral demands WHY DEMOCRACY NEEDS PATRIOTISM • 119 that lie "beyond the calling ofrace or nation or creed," Immanuel Wallerstein King said that he had come to speakfor these "enemies." NEITHER PATRIOTISM NOR Speaking out was the "privilege and the burden of all of COSMOPOLITANISM • 122 us who deem ourselves bound by allegiances and loyal­ Michael Walzer ties which are broader and deeper than nationalism and which go beyond our nation's self-defined goals and SPHERES OF AFFECTION • 125 positions." m. Martha C. Nussbaum In her essay "Patriotism and Cosmopolitanism"­ REPLY • 131 which provoked the debate recorded in this book­ Martha Nussbaum defends the moral position to which Notes . 145 King gave such powerful expression. According to this Contributors • 153 cosmopolitan outlook, our highest allegiance must be to the community of humankind, and the first principles of our practical thought must respect the equal worth of all members ofthat community. Cosmopolitanism is a con­ troversial view,one tendency of moral thought opposed R'S PREFACE hiio!t"Of outlooks that resist its ideal ofworld citizenship in the name sellsibiliti,,, and attachments rooted in group affiliation or na­ tradition. The responses to Nussbaum's essay reflect these once the complexity of these issues Martha C. Nussbaum and the importance oftheir resolution. This book, then, presents competing philosophies-first princi­ Introduction: ples connected to conduct through complex links of historical cir­ cumstance, social location, and individual judgment. But as King's Cosmopolitan Emotions? condemnation of the war demonstrates, those connections are no less real for being indirect. The disagreement about cosmopoli­ tanism is practical as well as theoretical,with important implications for contemporary debate about protectionism, immigration, human IN THE AFTERMATH OF SEPTEMBER i i , WE HAVE rights, foreign intervention, development assistance, and what we all experienced strong .emotions for our country: fear, should teach in our schools. In exploring the merits of cosmopoli­ ()utrage, g!!~f, astonishment. Our media portray the dis­ tanism as moral theory and personal conviction, Martha Nussbaum aster as a tragedy that has happened to our nation, and and her respondentsjoinphilosophical debate to public discussion, that is how we very naturally see it. So too the ensuing enrichingeach. war: it is called "America's New War," and most news re­ ports focus on the meaning ofevents for us and our na­ NUSSBAUM'S LEAD ESSAY FIRST APPEARED IN BOSTON tion. We think these events are important because they Review (OctoberjNovember 1994), along with twenty-nine replies. concern us. Notjust human lives, but American lives. In Eleven of those replies are included here, some substantially ex­ one way, the crisis has expanded our imaginations. We panded, along with five additional contributions. The issues ad­ find ourselves feeling sympathy for many peoplewho did dressed-about the place oflove of country in a morally decent life, not even cross our minds before: New York firefighters, and the tensions between local emotional attachments and cosmo­ that gay rugby player who helped bring down the fourth politan moral principles-took on new and compelling urgency af­ plane, bereaved families of so many national and ethnic ter the horrible slaughter ofinnocents on September II. Nussbaum's origins. vVe even sometimes notice with a new attention response to those awful events, provided in a new introduction to the lives ofArab-Americans among us, or feela sympathy the book, reminds us that moral thought is most importantwhen the with a Sikh taxi driver who complains about customers dangers we face are greatest. who tell him to go home to "his country," even though he came to the United States as a political refugee from per­ secution in the Punjab. Sometimes our compassion even crosses that biggest line of all, the national boundary. Events have led many Americans to sympathize with the ---_.. ----- ON Introduction . Xl and girls of Afghanistan, for example, in a way that many chant left over from the Olympic hockey match in which the United [endinlsts had been trying to get people to do for a long time, without States defeated Russia. This chant seemed to express a wish for America to defeat, abase, hurniliate its enemies. Indeed, it soon be­ All too often, however, OUf imaginations remain oriented to the came a general way ofexpressing the desire to crush one's enemies, local; indeed, this orientation is implicit in the unusual level ofour whoever they were. When the umpire made a bad call that went alarm. The world has come to a stop-in a way that it never has for against the White Sox, the same gronp in the stands tnrned to him, Americans, when disaster befalls human beings in other places. chanting (,(,U-S-A." In otherwords, anyone who crosses us is evil and Floods, earthquakes, cyclones-and the daily deaths of thousands shonld be crnshed. It's not surprising that Stoic philosopher and from preventable malnutrition and disease-none ofthese typically Roman emperor Marclls Aurelius, trying to educate himselfto have makes the American world come to a standstill, none elicits a an equal respect for all hnman beings, reports that his first lesson tremendous outpouring ofgriefand compassion. The plight of in­ was "not to be a fan ofthe Greens or Blues at the races, or the light­ nocent civilians in the current war evokes a similarly uneven and armed or heavy-armed gladiators at the Circus." flickering response. Compassion is an emotion rooted, probably, in our biological And worse: our sense that the "us" is all that matters can easily flip heritage. (Although biologists once portrayed animal behavior as over into a demonizing ofan imagined "them," a group ofoutsiders eg?~~,~i~, primatologists bynow recognize the existence of~~~,~is~ic who are imagined as enemies ofthe invulnerability and the pride of ~-~~ti~n in apes, and it may well exist in other species as ~ell. rBlit the all-important "us." Compassion for ourfellow Americans can all this history does not mean that compassion is devoid of thought. In too easily slide over into an attitude that wants America to come out • fact, as Aristotle argued long ago, human compassion standardly re­ on top, defeating or subordinating other peoples or nations. Anger quires three thoughts: that a serious bad thing has happened to at the terrorists themselves is perfectlyappropriate; so is the attempt someone else; that this had event was not (or not entirely) the per­ to bring them tojustice. But "us-them" thinking doesn't always stay son's own fault; and that we ourselves are vulnerable in similar ways. focused on the original issue; it too easily becomes a general call for Thus compassion forms a psychological link between our own self­ American supremacy, the humiliation of"the other." interest and the reality of another person's good or ill. For that rea­ One vivid example of this slide took place at a baseball game I son it is a morally valuable emotion-when it gets things right.
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