Presorted Standard U.S. Postage Paid Austin, Texas Permit No. 01949 This paper can be recycled Vol. 37 No. 1 Website: Email:
[email protected] Phone: 512-476-0082 Fax: 512-476-0179 June 5, 2009 Community meeting produced many questions, few answers By T. L. Wyatt, Editor The City of Austin hosted a community meeting Monday, June 1, to provide information about the officer- involved shooting that oc- curred Monday, May 11, 2009 RAPPIN’ at 6409 Springdale Road. The Tommy Wyatt meeting was scheduled for two hours but lasted about three hours at the Delco Cen- What are ter. The purpose of the Green Jobs? meeting was to provide up- All you hear today is dates on the investigation that that the country must be- is now going on. At the be- come more green. We also ginning of the meeting Police hear that the jobs of the Chief Art Acevedo told the future will be “Green group that there were two in- Jobs.” But it is very diffi- vestigations in progress that cult to find information on would not be completed for at just what a “green job” is. least three months. In this Former Vice Presi- kind of situation, there is a dent Al Gore seems to be Grand Jury investigation to the biggest proponent of determine whether there were any criminal activity that took this new green technol- APD Chief Art Acevedo speaks to large crowd that gathered at the Delco center to ask qustions about how our police department ogy. He has come up with place that could lead to an operates.