Thriving in Geilenkirchen and Niederheid

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Thriving in Geilenkirchen and Niederheid Thriving In Geilenkirchen and Niederheid 1 Table of Contents Welcome .................................................................................................................................... 5 Contact Us ............................................................................................................................. 5 Staff Directory ........................................................................................................................ 6 Using the Phone ........................................................................................................................ 7 Emergency Numbers ............................................................................................................. 7 Frequently Called Numbers .................................................................................................... 8 Base Details ............................................................................................................................... 9 CFSU(E) Niederheid .............................................................................................................. 9 NATO Air Base Geilenkirchen ...............................................................................................11 JFC Brunssum ......................................................................................................................13 Languages ................................................................................................................................15 Holidays in Germany and the Netherlands ................................................................................16 Local Transportation .................................................................................................................18 Germany ...............................................................................................................................18 Health Services .........................................................................................................................19 Introduction ...........................................................................................................................19 Emergency Medical ...............................................................................................................21 Canadian Medical Clinic ........................................................................................................21 Local Hospitals ......................................................................................................................22 Pharmacy Services ...............................................................................................................22 Immunizations .......................................................................................................................23 Dental Care ...........................................................................................................................23 Dental Emergencies ..............................................................................................................23 Religious Information ................................................................................................................24 Padre ....................................................................................................................................24 Services ................................................................................................................................24 A.A.Meetings .........................................................................................................................25 Social Services .........................................................................................................................25 Pets ..........................................................................................................................................26 Veterinary Services ...............................................................................................................27 Pet Care ................................................................................................................................28 Taking Your Pet Back to Canada ..........................................................................................28 2 Education & Employment ..........................................................................................................28 Primary and Secondary Education ........................................................................................28 Scholarship and Bursary Information .....................................................................................29 Post Secondary Education ....................................................................................................29 Local Employment .................................................................................................................31 Postal Services .........................................................................................................................31 Driving ......................................................................................................................................33 Introduction ...........................................................................................................................33 Items in Your Car ..................................................................................................................33 Cell Phones and Driving in Europe ........................................................................................34 Drinking and Driving ..............................................................................................................34 Speeding ...............................................................................................................................34 Current Speed Limits ............................................................................................................35 Slow Down in School Zones! .................................................................................................35 Detours .................................................................................................................................35 Car Accidents ........................................................................................................................35 Car Accidents in Other European countries ...........................................................................36 Parking ..................................................................................................................................36 Car Seats ..............................................................................................................................37 Selling a Car .........................................................................................................................37 Car Rental .............................................................................................................................38 Entertainment, Leisure and Restaurants ...................................................................................39 Theatres ................................................................................................................................39 Entertainment ........................................................................................................................39 Clubs .....................................................................................................................................40 Gymnasiums .........................................................................................................................40 Bowling ................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Skiing ....................................................................................................................................41 Swimming .............................................................................................................................41 Animal Parks .........................................................................................................................42 Amusement Parks .................................................................................................................42 Restaurants ...........................................................................................................................43 Travel ........................................................................................................................................45 3 Subsidized Travel ..................................................................................................................45 Discount Airlines ...................................................................................................................45 Nearby Airports .....................................................................................................................46 Hotels ....................................................................................................................................46 Trains ....................................................................................................................................48 Household Administration .........................................................................................................48
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