A History of Astronomy, 139 Adhafera
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-72170-7 - Stephen James O’Meara’s Observing the Night Sky with Binoculars: A Simple Guide to the Heavens Stephen James O’Meara Index More information Index A History of Astronomy, 139 Big Dipper, ix, 1, 18, 32, 40, 115, 119 stars in:Almach (␥ Andromedae), Adhafera ( Leonis), 22 how to find, 2–3 102; Alpheratz (␣ Aesculapius, 57 mythology of, 1 Andromedae), 99; Mirach ( Agenor, King, 110 Pointer Stars, 3 Andromedae), 101;Nu() Albireo ( Cygni), 9 sky measures and, 4, 7 Andromedae, 102;R Alcock, George, 139, 140 binoculars, ix Andromedae, 102;S Alcor (80 Ursae Majoris), 6–7 black holes, Andromedae (extragalactic Alessi, Bruno, 83, 84, 99 Cygnus X-1, 74–75 supernova), 101, 102 Algedi (␣ Capricorni), 82 Book of Fixed Stars, The, 80, 101 Aquarius (the Water Bearer), 84–86 Algieba (␥ Leonis), 21 Book of the Dead, 59 mythology of, 84 Alkaid ( Ursae Majoris), 6, 8 Brahe, Tycho, 94 stars in: 14 Aquarii, 85: Henry Allegheny Observatory, 40 Brocchi, Dalmiro, 80 Draper (HD) 210277 Aquarii, Almach (␥ Andromedae), 102 Bryant, William Cullen, 47 planet orbiting, 86; Sadalmelik Alphard (␣ Hydrae), 24–25 Burnham, Robert, 95 (␣ Aquarii), 85; Sadalsuud ( Alpheratz (␣ Andromedae), 99 Aquarii), 85; Water Jar in, 85 Al-Sufi, 80, 101 caduceus, 57–58 Aquila (the Eagle) American Association of Variable Star Callisto, 1, 40 mythology of, 73, 78, 84 Observers (AAVSO), 11, 140 Calvary, 27 stars in:Altair (␣ Aquilae), 68; Ancient Egypt, 91, 92 Capella (␣ Aurigae), 115, 126, 127 Gamma (␥ Aquilae), 78 Antares (␣ Scorpii), 48,
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