0631 Sceloporus Occidentalis.Pdf (1.790Mb)
REPTILIA: SQUAMATA: SAURIA: PHRYNOSOMATIDAE SCELOPORUSOCCIDENTALIS n Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles. Bell, E.L. and A.H. Price. 1996. Sceloporus occidenralis. Sceloporus occidentalis Baird and Girard Western Fence Lizard Sceloporus occidenralis Baird and Girard, 1852: 175. Qpe-lo- cality, "Inhabits California, and probably Oregon," re- stricted to Benicia. [Solano County,] California by Grinnell and Camp (1917). Syntypes, National Museum of Natural History (USNM) 2838, an adult male, and 2866, a sub- adult female and a hatchling, collected by Dr. J.S. Newberry during the U.S. Exploring Expedition under the command of Charles Wilkes in 1838-1842 (Girard, 1858; Baird, 1859) (see Comment). Sceloporus frontalis Baird and Girard, 1852: 175. Type-local- ity, "... Puget Sound [Washington]". Holotype, National Museum of Natural History (USNM) 3072, now lost, col- lected during the U.S. Exploring Expedition under thecom- mand of Charles Wilkes in 1838- 1842, collector unknown. Sceloporus undularus rhayerii: Cope, 1875:49 (part). Sceloporus consobrinus: Cope, 1875:49 (part). Sceloporus stnuragdinus Cope, in Yarrow, 1875572. Type, type- locality, collector and date of collection not specified. Cochran (1961) listed four specimens in the National Mu- seum of Natural History (USNM 8612) as syntypes, from Beaver [Beaver County], Utah, Dome Canyon, Utah, Ne- vada, and an unknown locality, collected by H.C. Yarrow in 1872 (see Comment). Sceloporus undularus undularus: Cope, in Yarrow, 1875:573 (part). Sceloporus undulatus occidenralis: Yarrow. 1882 ( 1883):6 1. Sceloporus undulatus: Cope, 1885:398 (part). Sceloporus undulatus consobrinus: Cope, 1900:377 (part). Content. Six subspecies are currently recognized: occiden- ,\ ralis, becki, biseriarus, bocourrii, longipes, and taylori. See Re- 0 100 200 300 400 km marks.
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